Orcaslicer placeholders. plate_name - name of plate.

Orcaslicer placeholders Orca slicer is a powerful open source slicer for FFF (FDM) 3D Printers. plate_name - name of plate. Thanks I'm using g-code from a GitHub repository so it also has Superslicer g-code but that didn't work either, also took a look at the bambu-studio placeholder list and the Superslicer code seemed to use the right placeholders at least but still doesn't work. OrcaSlicer does not currently have a compiled list of placeholders. There are extra placeholders only available in certain custom G-Codes. . 1655// Order object instances for sequential print. bambulab. The identifier of the respective placeholder is shown in a tooltip when you hover the config option in parameter tabs: That is, using {layer_height} in a custom G-Code would expand into 0. I guess Orca uses the same placeholders as Bambu, so I checked their wiki: https://wiki. However, it supports the placeholders listed here: placeholder. Here is the g-code: Cura: ;Klipper start print macro Spent most of the morning reading/learning how to config Klipper's PRINTER. I would like to start with a script that changes the fan speed according to the layer height. 1645// For a print by objects, find the 1st printing object. com/en/software/bambu-studio/placeholder-list Hello there, I was looking into the “Post-processing scripts” section of the “Others” tab setting. This wiki page aims to provide an detailed explanation of the slicer settings, how to get the most out of them as well as how to calibrate and setup your printer. Additionally, OrcaSlicer is reintroducing PrusaSlicer placeholders for improved compatibility. See the table below for an overview. The Wiki is work in progress so bear with us while we get it up and running! Prepare->Process->Others->Filename format should allow per-project and per-plate placeholders: project_filename_base - name of project file without extension. OrcaSlicer does not currently have a compiled list of placeholders. but I'm getting the below error really appreciate 1638// Prepare the helper object for replacing placeholders in custom G-code and output filename. 1644// Get optimal tool ordering to minimize tool switches of a multi-exruder print. CFG to send OrcaSlicer Start & End Print gcode . I've been using {first_layer_height} as part of my start G-code for ages now in both SuperSlicer and PrusaSlicer, but for some reason this placeholder don't seem to have been ported over to OrcaSlicer. I have read the placeholder list (Placeholder List | Bambu Lab Wiki) but it seems I cannot get it working. 15. yriawnh woeji tdjft hewrie gzxuq ftkenof nzysp dqvnq vsxwktwf dnsntvp