9dp5dt bfp success stories

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Jan 24, 2015 · Subject: 9dp5dt very faint bfp. The only bad scenario I think is a very light second line which could indicate a chemical pregnancy - or not. 9dp5dt BFP 129 BETA, 13dp5dt 944 BETA, 20dp5dpt 8776 BETA, 8/19/2016-1 beautiful heartbeat of 100 BPM at 6 weeks 1 day! Growing baby grow!! 8/25/2016-another ultrasound at 7 weeks and baby has a heart beat of 129 BPM and is 10mm/1cm! Grow baby grow some more!! Jan 27, 2019 · Wow I didn’t get a positive until my period would have been over for 3-4 days had it arrived. please could the ladies with BFP's from IVF or ICSI please give details. 9cm egg on day 17 of cycle and that day I was injected with IVF 5000 so it can be assumed well that I ovulated that day. Nov 1, 2014 · ccam member. TTC since Oct 2010. Jan 27, 2015 at 8:08 AM. h. Hi, I'm new here but I've been driving myself mad the last few days and just wanted to hear some stories of anyone's success after a BFN at 14dpo. August 2010. Then we decided to try with my wife's eggs, my uterus. I did my 3rd FET. I was VERY cautious even though my care team was optimistic. Wondering if anyone had this and still went on to get a positive beta test. If you could include days past ovulation, any symptoms or lack of, that would be helpful too. Anyone get a bfn 12 dpo and end up getting a bfp that cycle?Been trying to conceive for a year and a half. Mar 5, 2014 · Very faint positive 9dp5dt. I don't miss them! False hope is the worst, I'm sorry PP. My first ivf cycle I started testing from 4dp5dt and I was made of utter regret. See original post. It defnintely isn't over. She's 38, but had a solid response with 10 eggs, 7 fertilized, and 4 made it to blast. IVF#1 July 2016-Transferred 2 fair blasts. Yes, I have had this exact same situation. Average is just average, reality is a bell curve. I went in for my second beta this morning, and the result was 374 (11dp5dt), so not quite double. I tested 9dp5dt (today) with One Step HCG test strips (one in the AM with FMU and one in the evening) - BFN. I’m on my 3rd frozen embryo transfer trying for a sibling. Pretty sure we're out. Technically I was 8 3/4dp5dt when I took this test with fmu. I'd say, wait until 11dp; if it's a bfn, I'm thinking you're out this cycle. I had two embryos transferred, double donor and no frozens Maisie234 • 4 years ago. Hey everyone. l. 9dp5dt my first beta was only 8. Also please see HPT below, the line at day 10 looks much stronger than day 9, so im hoping HCG is increasing! update: 9dp5dt hcg 20. Well, I’ve gone ahead and done something silly. A little cramps. Posted 31-01-17. YDS beta was 41@9dp5dt. Very tired. Jan 27, 2015 · HCG levels at 10dp5dt. 8dp5dt BFN. Anecdotally, things have gone well for me- follow up beta on 12dp5dt was 238, and I’m now 19w. we were so devasted as financially we know we don't have anymore Mar 4, 2013 · 9dp5dt and BFN. So I want to hear some success stories to keep my spirits lifted this cycle. ). No faint lines or anything. John Paul DeJoria. We have had an ultrasound every week since at my clinic as I have a history of loss and it helps my anxiety. Oct 7, 2017 · My OTD is scheduled for 11dpt, currently getting a bfn using FRER on FMU. Oct 21, 2020 · Hang in please; low beta rollercoaster is awful waiting for next test. Apologies for anyone who isn't in a good place at the moment. i had to have the beta a day early because of a work trip. I would guard your heart, though. quote. Sep 29, 2021 · I know chances are slim, but has anyone else had lower HCG on 9dp5dt and made it full term? Looking for any success stories. Feb 9, 2017 · 9dp5dt BFP (9 days past 5 day transfer) IVF ICSI. I had a BFP on 6dp5dt, but it ended up being a chemical pregnancy. I know this is an older thread, but I wanted to add my story. Apr 29, 2013 at 7:31 AM. I was certain it was going to be a chemical, but my beta at 11dp5dt was 117, so there was more than a 100% increase in 48 hours. I had seen so many negative tests and I came undone basically every time. Kurzz10. cjcwomyn3. All the symptoms I had prior to my BFP was the same I had for all my other BFN cycles while I was on progesterone. Just wanted to hear some success stories. My ovulation was confirmed on ultrasound on Nov 27 as my GP saw 2. Posted 09-29-15. May 11, 2021 · Pink/brown spotting 8/9 days after day 5 transfer. My first beta at 11 or 12 days after a 5 day transfer was 119, about where you were at 12 days. Oprah Winfrey. Oct 8, 2022 · Advertisement. Tried twice, both times cancelled for poor response. 9dp5dt we tested hcg for a value of 20, clinic wanted to see… IVF success stories! c. I even tested early in order to ‘prepare myself’ for the disappointment I was going to feel on official test day. My fairly in depth research after my first beta showed that it really could go either way. Plus all the stuff you Surprise BFP October 2012 m/c (7w), Surprise BFP April 2013 m/c (6w4d) IVF #2: July 2013, ET 1 embryo 7/18, beta 1 @ 14dp3dt - 757, beta 2 @ 16dp3dt - 1762 U/S 1 @ 6w4d = 1 little frogger with HB of 118, U/S 2 @ 7w3d measuring right on track with HB of 160 I need help calming my anxiety!! My first beta on Wednesday morning was 195 (9dp5dt), which we were thrilled about. Tab! That's fantastic - congratulations sweetie Praying for your little miracle! TTC #1 since August 2007, 3 failed IUI's, first IVF Jan 2010-bfp 1st beta on 01/29/2010 - 871 2nd beta on 2/1/10 -2,651 Twins! Mar 27, 2023 · BFP 9dp5dt but more faint line next evening. This cycle I've had symptoms I've never had before and was convinced it was my month but so far just bfn's. I’m 9 days out now and my line progression seems stalled. 15dp5dt 128. My second gave me our amazing son. We had a fun trip, but I kept on getting SO carsick. Chelsea825. 01/24/2015 19:55. But so far, no bleeding. Best wishes. I'm currently in my TWW and it's driving me insane. I did have menstrual like cramps most days Yesterday I started spotting, was a light pink and so light could barely notice it I only knew it was there because I was wearing a liner and it had some pink/brown on it, as the day went on the Jul 5, 2022 · Watch these celeb stories to see how they went from rags to riches! 1. Feb 3, 2018 · BFP stories!!!! So, I would love to hear some BFP stories from you ladies here. We are unexplained though, not MFI. For many years during and after his college years, he worked odd jobs to pay the bills. I scoured the Internet and could only find one story. I followed my Ovidrel trigger negativize, and today 6dp5dt (I guess almost, transfer was at 10 am, I tested today at 7:45 am) I'm still negative on a freaking FRER. I wasn't surprised. All came back normal. My first beta was 9dp5dt, but was only 55. I've used a FRER, a super drug 4 day early one and a cheap one from tesco and they Apr 29, 2013 · littlesttiger. I go back Tuesday for my next draw. I already know I’m out so I’m confused what’s happening. May 17, 2022 at 3:01 PM. 1. I’m still getting a BFN. They are obviously there without needing to squint however, it hasn't changed (gotten lighter or darker) from 6dp to 7dp. I’m spotting today and it’s brownish. I was pretty depressed and when an opportunity to go to San Francisco with my mom for a few days came up I was elated. 1 month ago • 1 Reply. But like you said - they were quite rare. Below are both FMU, but when I took the test again in the afternoon on 6dp it was a BFN, and now took it again IVF w/ICSI/AH & acu = BFP!, unexplained spontaneous m/c @ 8w2d (our little girl), FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w, twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first Thankful for every day Oct 24, 2015 · Yup- never test before you go for your blood beta and HCG!!! Like. This Dec 12, 2017 · Any success stories will help at this stage. We had 7 frozen embryos from that cycle which we used 2 of for FETs last year - the first resulting in a cp and the 2nd in a BFN. Hnklrp12. Once I stopped taking the progesterone at 8 weeks pregnant, all symptoms vanished and I didn't have any symt [oms at all until exhaustion set in at about 10 weeks. Every pregnancy is different and just because you got a BFP at a certain point in the past doesn't mean it will be the same this time round. But our clinic does have just as high success rates for a FET as a fresh cycle. Jan 23, 2018 · 9DP5DT Fresh Cycle IVF ICSI -Pink Spotting. Try and hold onto a little bit of hope, stay on your meds and see what Monday’s test brings xxx Can't wait to hear about all of your BFP's! TTC Since 6/12 regular periods with annovulation DH S/A healthy Hormones normal-all unexplained IF currently 10/12 50mg of clomid-no response-BFN 11/12 100mg of clomid-1 mature follicle-IUI #1=BFN 12/8/12 clear HSG 12/12 100mg of clomid-2 mature follicles-IUI #2=BFN 1/13 5mg femara un-monitored TI Feb 7, 2018 · Jan 15 2014 - BFP!!!! Jan 18 - Beta #1 @ 9dp5dt = 210, Jan 20 - Beta #2 @ 11dp5dt = 534!!! A baby is on the way!! EDD Sept 27 2014 Sept 22nd 2014 - Myles David was born @ 3:27 am We are so in love with this little boy! Sept 2015 - Surprise BFP = early miscarriage at about 5 weeks Aug 16, 2013 · I just had my beta today at 9 days past a 5 day embryo transfer for IVF#3 (so 14dpo) and it was only 21. BFN on FRER 6dp5dt. k. Plenty of success stories. Friday 9/30 seeking low beta success stories. VeronicaFH. 19dp5dt 470. The result was 72, but he was still not satiesfied so I went again 2 days after and the result was 188. We have already failed 4 IUIS. I started testing 3dpt and got my Feb 7, 2020 · FrancyItaly 4 years ago. ODS beta was 20@9dp5dt. I knew I was out. I am 31 married 10years now with no kids yet. Diagnosed PCOS & MFI-Success with IUI. my RE wants to see it above 50 at 8dp5dt (he expects 66% increase over 48 hrs. Nothing. hi ladies, I know I shouldn’t have but I decided to test yesterday morning, as had a good feeling I would get a positive, following what I believe was implantation bleeding last Wednesday. Dec 10, 2015 · Wake up later and think better had - burst into tears, bfp!!! Beta comes in soon after as 122 as 16dpo. Every person and every pregnancy is different. Sep 24, 2021 · I had a low beta with my current pregnancy and when I posted about it, lots of lovely ladies came and told me their stories so it is possible that it’s just a late implanter. LeeHarper5 · 08/10/2022 18:44. I won't lie, looking forward and searching for flights to Europe feels better than dealing with more of SG's scheming. Then, you would be stressing and waiting for beta to get the actual #. December 2009. Fx-ed! However, it looks like you are asking for honesty, so that is what I will give you. Hello ladies! (CC) No symptoms BFP at 5dp5dt First beta 186 at 9dp5dt Delivered a healthy little boy on 8/14/12 Aug 15, 2020 · Beta HCG of 75 at 10dp5dt FET. I've changed my profile pic to the picture of the tests. She got her bfp then but her hcg was low. Images are hidden by default on this community. Jan 5, 2017 · When I got my BFP with first, we had been trying for two years. May 2017. Today is my OTD and this morning the pink dye got fainter and was slower to appear. The frozen DE success stories give me some hope. Anyone have any success stories with a late bfp/late implanter? Jul 5, 2021 · Second FET success stories. I also had IB at 14 DPO with BFP #1 so that's 2 late implanting babies. I tested at 2dp5dt and it is a stark negative, not even a hint. as far as my symptoms, i've had ALL MY PMS symptoms for several days, including exteme bloating, moodiness, etc. Would love to hear any stories people have of late bfps! I know it’s possible that I could be pregnant and just have a late imposter but starting to lose hope : May 4, 2016 · I'm 9dp5dt got a BFN on a FRER this morning. Hi. KLake42 member. I pray for a miracle for us all. Since then I’ve had on and off cramping, really feels like af is coming. I know it’s early (less than 48 hours) but I feel like I’m already out as it’s 7 days before period would be due and all these tests say they have like 99% accuracy 6 days before and all this. dx'd with severe endo and poor egg quality 3 IUIs were all BFN IVF #1 = c/p IVF #2 = BFN IVF #3 = beautiful baby girl born 2/2011; 8/2011 Surprise BFP - natural m/c at 8w; TTC #2 2011-2012; 2 IUIs = BFN; IVF #1 = BFP 9dp5dt beta = 328; 11dp5dt = 650; 13dp5dt = 1114; 18dp5dt = 4747. I do not know if I would’ve gotten a different result if I tested earlier. Hey everyone! So today 9dp5dt I was so so convinced I was out, I was sobbing before I did my pregnancy test, as I didn’t want to confirm my worse night mare! To my shock, there was a second line. I had no implantation or early pregnancy symptoms at all. My first ended in a chemical by 12dp5dt. Galliana. Thanks for sharing your stories. This is my first ivf / fet and I did a 5 day blast transfer. p. With this FET I've had a mixture of defeat from the start, but with a clear hidden hope that it had to work. Day 4 and 5 post I was feeling tightness in lower abdomen and am pretty tired but it’s hard to tell if that is symptoms or related to progesterone in oil and progesterone suppository I am taking. I'm pregnant! Beta - 146! Very strong painful cramps around midnight, had me on my knees in crazy pain. im 8dp5dt and I tested bfn today on a first response I am gutted this is my second round of Ivf first fet any success stories of a bfp after 8dpt? 7dp5dt Spotting - Success stories. aabburton. Feb 18, 2016 at 6:08 AM. Mar 4, 2013 at 4:44 AM. Dec 12, 2019 · I had a chemical and it's like you were never pregnant. FET. Jan 23, 2020 · BFP 9DP5DT??? Images are hidden by default on this community. I was convinced it was a BFN (and had BFNs until 7dp5dt). One of America’s most powerful women, Oprah Winfrey had to overcome a myriad of obstacles throughout her life. Hang in there, you’re not For extra info, my beta was 116 at 9dp5dt, 516. Sylvester Stallone has one of the most inspiring success stories. I’m starting to worry because my last 2 failed transfers I also got positives when testing at home and a positive first beta but my beta would not double. The last time was a chemical so I’m terrified it’s going to happen again. In Fertility Treatments. Dr said it's a "low positive" wanted me to comeback 4 days later. Lay down as much as you can and do not lift heavy objects. On my fresh cycle, I had two transfered on day 5. Our first beta was 35 HCG, and we will be 21 weeks pregnant tomorrow (I got so nervous after the first test I broke out in hives during the weekend wait) Some of these frozen embryo’s need a hot minute to get settled in. Not sure if I’m 3dp5dt or 4dp5dt ( had it on Friday and today is Monday) I think I’m 3 days post. Anonymous. Posted 11-05-21. Everyone either had their bfp by now or didn't test until this point. 🤞 ️ But I’d be cautious myself, as well. Hi Everyone, Just thought I'd post this, as I know I personally love seeing posts like this. I know sometimes this means nothing but it just looks so much like the first May 22, 2024 · 9dp5dt any joy after this? CBartonB •. The line indicating a positive result came up pretty much straight away and was Apr 12, 2023 · Ah I’m sorry 😔 I did some mad googling when I got my squinter and I DID find some success stories of later BFPs. I’ve read success stories in the past though with low betas. 😔 sending hugs and crossing my fingers for you! Oct 20, 2014 · Total: 1 (members: 0, guests: 1) Chickybaby. Fertility Dr- May 2012. No appetite. With FET #1, I had a few twinges and some light nausea. Feb 3, 2024 · I tested on 9dp5dt on a medicated FET on having very light spotting and cramping, the line was lighter than the control line but "positive". I know it's not over until the OTD this Sunday, but I feel like it is. May 5, 2020 at 1:31 PM. Jan 27, 2024 · 16. 31 Replies. x Wednesday 9/28 - 9DP5DT BETA TEST DAY! Woke up feeling cramps like af is coming. Before he made it big he was essentially a starving artist. Anyone have any success stories of getting a BFP after day 6? Aug 13, 2022 · 2. I'm really sorry but I wouldn't assume you're out til your second test. Kira2016 in reply to FrancyItaly 4 years ago. I'm sure this happened to GGems too, but i'm not 100%. my last pg ended in miscarriage and had an initial beta of 51 at 8dp5dt. Lots of B/W, HSG, Laporoscopy. HOping for some positivity. 10p5dt - 6am - Line a little darker again, still not as strong as i would like but Clear Blue digital no says 'Pregnant'. . This came back 'Not Pregnant'. That being said, I would definitely pee on that stick. 23dp5dt 1467 Oct 2, 2019 · Just trying to make sense of my BFP. At this point I took a Clear Blue digital. I had even started googling adoption as I felt so negative that both our nhs ivf goes would fail. v. Still getting a bfn! At this point I know of no one who's gotten a later positive. Highheels23. I had my one and only round of IVF at age 40 and it was successful. I tested again at 9dp5dt and 10dp5dt and got bfn's. Then my last pregnancy I had a BFP the day after af was due but it ended in a loss. For many years I have used these group threads for support but have never posted. c. Haha, pee pusher! 10dp5dt is definitely safe to go for it. All was good until last night I noticed spotting as I went to bed. And try not to obsess about the lines-- those tests aren't really accurate enough to justify it. i got a bfp for ivf#2, but it was only 40 at 7dp5dt. So gave in and tested and its a BFN. I tested this morning and it's negative. I'm sure there are some ladies with a positive story, but it is getting late. 9dp5dt is still early. BFP- Nov 2010, ended in MC Dec 2010. @Mandm24, I was in your shoes in Feb. 17. IUI was done CD 15. No symptoms at all. woke up and saw pink spotting I hope this is normal. Otherwise it can be thrown off by how much water you've been drinking. Daisy's mom. Tony Robbins. First ended in MMC but I got my BFP 6dp5dt with 2 4AA blasts. I’m 10 DPO today, and got a BFN this Apr 25, 2021 · Thanks Liz, many of us know how terrifying bleeding in early pregnancy can be and it seems to be very common unfortunately :(. IUI#1- Sept May 5, 2020 · H. I doubled normally until they stopped measuring HCG. Aug 1, 2014 · September 2014. Baby dust to all! Feb 16, 2016 · G. Early test, 9dp5dt, BFN. Jun 29, 2010 · First, I want to say that my nurse told me bleeding in early pregnancy is much more common with IVF. Hi ladies, I caved and bought a Clear Blue early detection test yesterday with plans to try it this morning, 9dp5dt, and it's a BFN (single early blast). I know some people will say it could still be too early, but I'm concerned because it was a fully hatched blast and I kind of thought it would be implanted by now. Pregnancy Week 42. A tiny bit of brown watery discharge at night. I’m extra paranoid as many of you are I’m sure on this emotional rollercoaster of a journey. Started 1st IVF cycle In June, 29 eggs were retrieved and only 1 made it to freeeze since DH sperms has really low morphology. Growing up in a broken home, Winfrey lived in poverty and endured sexual abuse from male family members for many years. So, things could be just fine. I've been super light headed/ dizzy for a few days now and May 29, 2022 · we’ve all done it. I wanted to share this in case it provides hope for some. I see sooo many posts on here of people getting BFP at 7,8,9 DPO. We did our fet on sept 23, 2020. October 2014. I’ve had period type cramps since Jun 20, 2019 · Hi all. Aug 17, 2018 at 7:15 AM. Still cautiously optimistic as I have had a bleed already 😩. As the title said I'm 7dp5dt with my first Fresh transfer (1aa), taking crinone twice a day. actually called me stating my level at 10dp5dt was 285! He stated that it could possibly indicate that there is more May 4, 2023 · 10dpt BFP with cramps. 27,141,963. I feel gutted because I have lost 4 pg naturally that started off low hcg. Apr 2, 2013 · scaredy cat got a BFN all the way up to her OTD when she got her BFP. I am 9dp5dt and had light spot when I wiped but have positive Sep 20, 2017 · FET:- 2 frosties - BFP 7dp5dt - Then BFN 9dp5dt -chemical preg Thyroxine, intraplids, ivig, prednisolne, clexane, metroformin. i. Hi Everyone, just wondered if anyone had had a BFP any later than 9dp5dt? I tested this morning (2 days early - ooops!!) but it was negative, my clinic have said to continue with meds as my OTD is Friday in 2 days and today could be too soon. First Beta draw is due tomorrow (11DP5DT), I’m so scared it’s going to be again a CP, looking for positive success stories 💕. The clinic did dummy transfers at both my egg collections to make sure they could get the eggs back in after the failed HSG- and were successful- so luckily I didn't have to be sedated for those. Posted 05-03-14. Married 11/28/01. Hubby said we can roll into one last donor cycle and then we are done. I just tested with morning urine and line is darker than previous one. Jan 22, 2022 · Anyone have any success stories with a low hCG so many days post transfer?The pictures are from today. But, I know there’s got to be a big group of people that don’t actually get positives until closer to their missed period. So here's my experience: 1 st pregnancy was a missed mc - I didn't do May 9, 2013 · And we got our BFP at 9dp5dt!!! I am 17 weeks and 5 days pregnant!! So our first IVF with PGD was a success! And it's really good to know that bub doesn't have a translocation and is chromosomally perfect! So I wish you all the very best of luck with your cycle! IVF success stories! c. I’ve also been experiencing a lot of cramping since about 5dp5dt which My beta was 48 on 9dp5dt. I know it’s early but my last transfer which resulted in a chemical but had strong FRER lines throughout the whole TWW I had “flutters” and “twinges” the whole way through and this time May 22, 2017 · I got my positive beta at 9dp5dt. Apr 20, 2021 · BFP but it was ectopic **Took a 2 month break** Injectable IUI #4: Did 112IUs of Menopur CD 5-12, had one follicle size 20mm and Triggered CD 13. I got my BFP 6dp5dt (frozen). one miscarriage and one cp. Your uterus is changing and making space for your embryo. Try testing with first morning urine, that's the most concentrated. t tests to try tomorrow and/or Tuesday. Jul 11, 2022 · Now I’m 10DP5DT, we transferred an untested 2BB blastocyst, tested yesterday morning at 9DP5DT and had a positive frer (not too dark tho, same like last pregnancy), now having horrible lower back pain. Sadly it was a BFN but it took out the excitement of that TWW, it eliminated that glimmer of hope that I had held onto and created an immense amount of anxiety. collsgould. Congratulations on your BFP, I see the line is progressing which is great! Try to enjoy this magical moment. I need to hear some success stories of people getting their BFP after 10 DPO. report. I had the same low hCG with my first IVF cycle last year, started low and not doubling (16 on 12 dpo, 22 on 16 dpo), then doubled correctly, then slowed again, and finally I ended up m/c'ing in my 10th week. Determined it was a male factor. I truly cannot believe it, I felt all the odds were against us what with the 1/3 success rate and only having one egg to put back. I had my transfer on the 31/01/2017, I have been testing since 5dp5dt (Woops) I got my first With BFP #2, I got a BFN at 12 DPO, had IB at 14 DPO and got a BFP at 18 DPO. TTC again since March 2011- no success. Nov 18, 2021 · As the title says, we are 9 days post a 5 day FET (our first FET but third transfer) and have been testing since Day 4 (we got our BFP at this point last time on our second transfer but unfortunately ended in a miscarriage). Hi y'all. I finally got my BFP on my second round of IVF!! Yay!! I had my Beta yesterday and waited ALL day long till 4:15pm (torture, yes even though I had + hpt's) and my Dr. I wouldn’t completely give up hope - it’s definitely possible. 255,683. . May 24, 2018 · praying for you! I had my first draw today and it came back at 42. once you stop taking progesterone, your period will come shortly. Aug 17, 2018 · FET with no Symptoms with BFP. I do not understand why this keeps happening. 1 at 12dp5dt, and 9580 at 19dp5dt. I’ve had consistently light lines and just had a feeling this won’t work. Jun 9, 2019 · With IVF #1, I had nothing until about a week post transfer when I had some cramping. Looking for some success stories We transferred 2 blasts grace 3ca day 5. Hi, I’m pretty new to this posting online stuff so bear with me! I had a fresh transfer of 2 embryos 9 days ago. Anyone else have this and go onto have a good beta number? I'm very very doubtful this cycle will work but my beta isn't until monday (14dp5dt). Progesterone was good day after transfer. Thursday 9/28 - 10dp5dt. Mar 21, 2018 · I’m 7dp5dt testing positive since 5dp5dt. Brownish spotting 9dp5dt - BFN on HPT. First, I had some unsuccessful IVFs. I am 6dp6dt and have had BFN tests. My first fresh IVF back in 2011 brought us DS. Our first ultrasound was at 6+3 where we had a heartbeat of 121bpm. I don't know how you add a picture to a post! It's my OTD today at 9dp5dt and I have a very very faint second line, but it is definitely there. It turned into a BFP on day 8. With my daughter, my first draw was 256, so I can’t help but compare. Cramping is normal in early pregnancy, even when you get pregnant naturally. Frosties and 1 on board got our first ever BFP 9dp5dt. I’m on progesterone suppositories and have heard it could irritate the cervix. and begining today, that type of tiredness that makes you May 21, 2021 · I went in this morning 9dp5dt & got my beta result of 20 HCG. 17dp5dt 282. A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to May 24, 2017 · 9dp5dt - 6am - Line was a little darker, still very faint. Got my beta hcg level today at 9dp5dt and it's 27. This is our 2nd FET with 2 3AB blasts. Feb 14, 2020 · There are success stories with late BFPs but I know that I always get early BFPs so I knew I was out long before that with my last FET that failed. Hi Everyone, Normally stick to the IVF page, but thought I'd ask here as well. Horrible headache - slept it off. Last clinic ultrasound was at 10+3 and baby was measuring on track with a 175bpm heartbeat. And today and yesterday I’ve had pinkish/brownish discharge when I wipe. I’m currently 5dp5dt and I’m refusing to test until beta because I drove myself crazy last time. I have also read that there might be a chance of a false positive if you test early because of all the meds. Hi there! I’m not sure if I’m looking for reassurance or place to process. Laporoscopy for possbile ectopic/D&C. My OTD is Wednesday (29th). 75% FET 2 Dec - BFN FET 31st Jan - BFP Dec 20, 2017 · I tested 9dp5dt and had a very light positive. 9dp5dt my hcg level was 76 - ended in ectopic. I'm out, and I'm in shock. Me: 31- Elevated FSH 9. Hi ladies, so I got my BFP from this round (FET) but my HCG levels are really low at 75 😔. I just bought a 2-pack of e. Clinic seem pleased with them as above 25, I’m retesting on Monday to check for doubling 🤞🏻But I’m just so disappointed with the number. I'm feeling defeated. I am just looking for any women who have positive stories to share that started low Feb 28, 2020 · Pregnancy Week 41. 1,650,212. Are there any success stories with this low of a beta? Or am I looking at a possible chemical? Prior to this we did IUI and I ended up with an ectopic (13dpiui - beta was 32 and 15dpiui - beta was 67). littlesttiger. Lower than "Average" for each test but well within the range. 10 fertilised eggs -IVF - BFN 5 frosties? Next FET - July Cancelled High unk cells 40% Retest in October results 2. oh wow. TTC#1: DX with PCOS 3 IUIs all = BFN injections + IUI = BFP twins lost twin B at 8 weeks Our mircale arrived 09/30/08 TTC#2: since January 2009 2 IUIs + injections in 2010 = BFN Feb 2012: injection with Bravelle/Menopur=BFN April 2012: Letrozole+injection with Menopur= failed cycle May 2012: Letrozole+injection with Menopur=BFP June 5, 2012 Beta #1 = 2023 knew something was wrong with that Aug 7, 2019 · I'm not sure why your clinic would say you wouldn't get a BFP until Friday - at 9dp5dt your technically 14DPO and in a "normal" situation you would expect to get a BFP by then - my clinic expects a hcg level of 100 or more 9dp5dt for the best chance of a successful pregnancy. I had a short pregnancy last Aug/Sep so feel I know what it Apr 17, 2018 · 7dp5dt - BFN and worried! Hi all- I am 7dp5dt (FET) today and am still getting BFN on FRER. Were only on our second month ttc #2, so I know I'm getting worked up early but I really wanted it to happen this month because my due date would be my brother's Sorry for the rambling. my next beta won't be until monday. May 17, 2022 · 8dp5dt and BFP after BFN! c. Jun 4, 2015 · OP here. 12dp5dt 68. Report Reply to Post. Anyways, relax and take it easy. a. Nov 15, 2017 · 8dp5dt, 1st donor round and BFN. With FET #2, I was 100% convinced it was a Apr 19, 2012 · Please share with me if you got a BFP later that 5dp5dt? I know I need to stay positive, i know how important that is for these little embies, but right now I feel devastated. Beta is Friday 4/20 (day 10). ineedamiracle5. Sylvester Stallone. Posted 10-18-12. Seriously was 10-11 days past missed af with a leak the pregnancy. The nurse who called congratulated me and said they look for anything over 50. 0cm by 1. 1 Hubby: 35- Low sperm count/mobility/ RA meds. Apr 9, 2020 · Pregnancy Week 42. A woman got a neg hpt at 8dp5dt and with until her beta 2 days later. zf ox nu yb bl hu qn xc hw ba
