Zte h268a port forwarding OpenWrt support. Ik heb op hetzelfde modem poorten 5003 en 16000 openstaan (FileMakerServer) en begrijp niet waarom deze niet wil. V1. Port Forwarding for PS4. Go ahead and log in to your ZTE ZXHN H268A router. ACN Premium Wi-Fi Modem. Jul 6, 2019 · Make your way to the Port Forwarding section of the ZTE F670 router. View and Download Zte ZXHN H268A user manual online. I've never used the ZTE in routing mode but it has been connected since 14th Jan (I'm a newish customer). 1T10 Firmware for ZTE H268A. 1. Step 4 ZTE H298A admin manual 22 Image 21. In a nutshell, the procedure is : Setup a static IP address on the device or computer you want a port forwarded to. And yes, the internet is working fine on ZTE, I am currently using ZTE's connection to write this message. However, the DMZ host function is somewhat tricky and can come with a lot of bugs. 115200baud, 8bits, no parity, no stop. Screenshot of ZTE ZXHN H298N NatLoop and Port Forwarding. 1 - GND 2 - RXD 3 - TXD 4 - 3. So make sure that you must forward a port before Jun 1, 2020 · The ZTE is a bit like an enterprise router where you have to define the application for a port forward, so try this guide: ZTE ZXHN H267A Router Port Forwarding Instructions With this guide you can easily open ports on the ZTE ZXHN H267A router in 4 steps. Create A Port Forward. I'm pretty sure I have a fixed IP address, but is there something else I am supposed to do on these routers to get Port Forwarding to work? Port forwarding for ZTE H298A Connect your personal computer via ethernet cable or via wifi to the router. I have been able to port forward on ADSL. ZTE H268A - VDSL I am trying to configure a ZTE ZXHN H268A Home Gateway for an Australian 200/200 NBN Ethernet connection. Se si è dietro CG-NAT è inutile fare port-forwarding, nessun servizio raggiunge direttamente la tua connessione. Now when I try the normal steps the port doesn't appear open. To setup port forwarding for PS4, we first need to give it a static Ip Address. Jan 1, 2018 · This opens up more options beneath that. Create a port forward entry. Find the Internet tab at the top of the screen and click it. 0_WND1T8, δεν ξερω εαν εγινε αυτοματα το βραδυ αναβαθμιση) Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NBN Ready Ac1600 Wi-fi Gigabit Port ZTE H268A Modem Router VoIP at the best online prices at eBay! NBN Ready Ac1600 Wi-fi Gigabit Port ZTE H268A Modem Router VoIP for sale online | eBay The ZXHN H298A is an advanced home gateway with VoIP that supports 1200 Mbps dual-band concurrent 11ac Wi-Fi. It offers dual-band Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to connect multiple devices simultaneously without compromising speed. ADSL2 Gateway. Setup instructions, pairing guide, and how to reset. I'm guessing the problem lays in the fact that there are two routers (pfsense and the zte one) with conflicting firewalls, however I can't get rid of the zte one as I need it to connect to 4G. Mar 14, 2017 · This is typically called a port forward. Jan 11, 2024 · I have Orange router ZTE H288A and it must show "Port forward" page in internet > security enter image description here it should show it here but its not. Figure 3-2 The Side Panel Table 3-2 describes the buttons on the side panel of the ZXHN H268A. The 8-port switch serves two network printers, a single Windows 7 PC, a CCTV recorder device and of course one port to connect to the router. Login to your ZTE Unite US router. An example of this is illustrated in Image 22. Figure 3-25 Port Forwarding Configuration Page 2. Starting from the first page in your router: ZTE ZXHN H298N - DIGI Device Information. CONFIGURAREA REGULILOR DE PORT FORWARDING Port forwarding presupune redirecționarea de către un router a unei solicitări externe primită pe un anumit port, către un dispozitiv din rețeaua locală ce este identificat pe baza unui IP local si a unui port intern, în vederea accesării unui serviciu ce Hello, i have a ZTE router and the Port Forwarding UI is very different from that of seen in YT tutorials. Page 58: Configuring Port Trigger The port triggering is used to protect the ports. . Then, found a you tube video about disabling SIP ALG, that did not help either. 0. Click the Firewall link. Login page of a ZTE H298A router In the Username field, type “admin”. Finally, how to create a port forward on the device. 100. 2 View and Download Zte ZXHN H268A user manual online. Table 53 lists the port forwarding parameters. Rear panel Figure 3-2 shows the buttons on the side panel of the ZXHN H268A. To set up the ZTE H268A for nbn Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC), Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) or Fixed Wireless, refer to our FTTP/HFC/FTTC/Fixed Wireless setup guide for the ZTE H268A. ZTE ZXHN H268A is an advanced home gateway that provides high-speed internet, IPTV, and voice over IP services. Click on Advanced. My laptop's private IP is 192. I’m unsure as to how what needs to go under the destination port range and destination, can’t find the info in the installation docs. dibsa20. H268A network router pdf manual download. Feb 8, 2019 · It seem quite straight forward from ZTE's side. It also covers configuring the router's DMZ, IPv6 I have tried changing settings to passive connection to my IPv6 Address as detailed in exetel members area for IP and inserted in brackets for FileZilla server i. You should now see a new menu. You’ll be able to find The LAN ports on the router go to TP-Link EoP sender unit; an 8-port switch and a long extension CAT5 cable to upstairs junction powered 10-port switch. Manuals and User Guides for Zte ZXHN H268A. Would love some help, thanks. ZTE H369A Port Forwarding. 160 Jun 15, 2018 · I get new ZTE ZXHN H168N router and I setup Port Forwarding for my local server pointed on 192. ZXV10 I've recently moved to the NBN and so our router has been changed to a ZTE H268A. 7 Enter the IP address of the computer cFos Personal Net is running on. Click the Application link near the left of the page. Page 7 ZXHN H268A is not powered on or the USB interface is not connected. I have a ZTE H268A connected with Exetel Coaxial NBN to the WAN port, and although the internet works and I have correctly setup Port Forwarding rules, not a single port I open works. In this case, WAN port 12001 traffic has been forwarded to the local web server which is listening for connections on port 8080. Find the Security tab located near the left of the screen and click on it. Create a Port Forwarding entry. User #838655 28 posts. ZXV10 H201L. Click on Port Forwarding. We will walk you through the following steps: How to create a Static IP address for the device or game; How to login to the ZTE MF65M router interface. Modified 3 years, 9 months ago. Here are the ports to forward for Xbox Live: TCP Ports: 3074; UDP Ports: 3074 Nov 14, 2023 · I’ve been trying to make a Raspberry Pi 4 Minecraft server for my friends and read I need to port forward but my router (ZTE F688) doesn’t register the fact that I port forwarded. This is because there are fewer reported issues regarding this. Create a port forward. In your ZTE F612W router, navigate to the Port Forwarding section. Aug 27, 2019 · Go ahead and set up a static IP address on the computer or device that you are forwarding these ports to. Sep 22, 2023 · With most modems and hubs, you can easily set up Port Forwarding. Websites like YouGetSignal still says the port is closed odd thing is I can join on my home internet but when my friends try to join they can’t. Jan 7, 2019 · In order to open ports in your ZTE ZXHN H268A router, you need to: Set up a static IP address on the device or computer you are forwarding these ports to. org. As I do not have your router, I cannot tell what the values are for all the parameters, but here are some hints : Server IP Address : 192. Dec 8, 2023 · Click on this section to access the port forwarding settings. ZTE ZXHN H268A. You now see a page similar to the one above. Buonasera a tutti, questa mattina mi hanno attivato la FTTH Poste Italiane con relativo router ZTE H2640. ZXHN H268A. ZTE ZXHN H298N - DIGI Port Forwarding. ZTE H298A admin manual 22 Image 21. 1 in the search line of the browser. Protocol - all Starting port - 8080 End port - 8080 Local IP - 193. Page 55: Configure The Parental Controls Jan 9, 2023 · Uzun zamandır Rockstar Launcher kullanamama ve Social Club sitesine girememeden dolayı Rockstar Support'a danıştım, bana "port forward" yapmamı önerdiler. Step 4 Oct 11, 2019 · You should now be on a page that says Port Forwarding. It describes how to log into the router's configuration page, navigate to the port forwarding section, and create new forwarding rules by specifying protocols, IP addresses, and port numbers for incoming and outgoing traffic. Feb 7, 2021 · So I recently got a new router and under port forwarding settings I see a couple of options I hadn’t seen in the previous model. Service Providers manage and support equipment they provide using CWMP, via the TR-069 protocol. You should then see a login page, as below (Image 1). E: Divine Cybermancy port forwarding guide – Maximize your gaming potential How to port forward on Asus RT-N66U: A step-by-step guide Unleash your network’s potential: Quick Motorola SBG6580 port forwarding steps I've read about ZTE disabling the USB port by default, however when I login to the router, I find the DMS and Samba settings. from September 2021; Local Port = 5060 Primary Proxy Server = sip1. WiFi Using the wireless security card from your modem, connect to the wireless (WiFi) network using the security code shown. It works fine, but I have a lot of wired devices and port forwarding stuff and I don't have the main wifi router's downstream LAN port accessible, so it just does wifi and I manage the LAN stuff through my H268A. Basically this option is found in Internet > Security > Port Forwarding > Create New Item. cn Tel: +86-755-26770000 Fax: +86-755-26771999. I haven't been able to find tutorials online for my specific router. Please be advised that the ZTE H268A modem sent to your premises has the USB port disabled by default by the device manufacturer. I've setup port forwarding in the router settings and opened up the firewall on my PC to allow the ports, but when I run a port check they always timeout. Their marketing-friendly name is “Experia Box V9”, as is printed on the front of the device. 4G ZTE Router -> pfSense router running on my server -> Network switch -> Computers & TP-Link Deco (setup as access point) wifi network. Click on the Application tab at the left of the screen. Refer to the troubleshooting steps below if your Port Forwarding or custom Destination NAT ru Vale in generale: se vuoi fare un port-forwarding devi avere un IP Pubblico, dinamico o statico che sia. Login to your ZTE ZXHN H108N router. Find the Application tab located near the left of the screen and click on it. I've tried to configure Samba however couldn't access the USB disk from my W10 laptop. So, how do we set it up using different routers or modems? ZTE H268A Router Port Forwarding Website: www. Defining port forwarding rule Alternatively, port forwarding can be configured in a way that port mapping is performed. You are now on the correct page to make a port forward. Click Click Jul 12, 2019 · If that isn’t possible you can use one of the many online port forwarding checkers. Software. Page 8: Hardware Connection RJ-45 port. May 17, 2021 · Forwarding port 22 on ZTE-ZXHN H1008N. Table 1 Descriptions of Indicators LED Indicator Status Description Power Solid Green ZXHN H268A is powered on. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 9 months ago. Enable port forwarding for the ZTE ZHXN H108N V2. The manual for the ZXHN H108N describes port forwarding on page 4-11: Select Advanced > Port Forwarding to display the PORT FORWARDING page: Now click Add and add parameters. 4 Configure the DDNS The section describes how to configure DDNS. I am just using ZTE H268A modem for Siptalk VoIP service. I added the NAT rule to forward http traffic to my laptop. Click the Port Forwarding link. Looking forward to more years with Exetel. 168. On the main page of the ZXHN H2640, select Internet > Security > Port Forwarding to the Port Forwarding page, the page see Figure 4-25. Table 53 Port Forwarding Parameters Parameter Description WAN Connection WAN connection type. ZXHN H298N. Dec 19, 2021 · A video of the web interface of the Hyperoptic ZTE ZXHN H298A wireless modem router. Y. I have a HFC connection with an NBN connection box that is hooked up to a router then the computer. We have 6 Zte ZXHN H268A manuals available for free PDF download: Maintenance Management Manual, User Manual, Quick Start Manual, Quick Installation Manual I went on 12 month contract and have the ZTE ZXHN H268A modem and logged in as admin to enable UPnP so apps like Transmission (bit torrent client) can open ports as required, but that doesn't seem to work. Port Forward is also new to me and ZTE H268A Port forward page is not user friendly. Jan 22, 2025 · Boost Network Connectivity with Westell 7500 Port Forwarding The Ultimate Guide to Port Forwarding on TRENDnet Router E. Login to your ZTE F612W router. Step 4: Adding a Port Forwarding Rule. Go ahead and create a Port Forwarding entry. You’ll be able to find Feb 25, 2019 · The largest list of ZTE Passwords on the internet. Home; Location; FAQ; Contacts Figure 84 Port Forwarding 2. H268A RRP: $59 with new 12 months contract, $99 for existing customers Port forwarding Port forwarding of ranges WiFi: Default SSID: ZTE_H268Axxxxxx Access Page 57: Figure 5-34 Port Forwarding URL, instead of address. Feb 15, 2022 · Use the manual Port forwarding for ZTE H298A. 3 Click on "Port Forwarding " 4 Check the "Enable" box. Sep 4, 2017 · Now select the tab at the top of the page labeled Port Forwarding. It is used to connect to the network provided by the ISP. Sep 19, 2018 · Now we need to find the port forwarding section in your router. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein. Configure the parameters as required. 5. Turns out there are 2 user modes on the modem panel. [0000:0000:0000:0000::/00]. Now click the option of Create New Item. 5 Enter a name Mar 22, 2019 · Hi everyone, I just moved in this area with no phone reception in my apartment. Page 47: Configure The Parental Controls 3. Serial port. ) or a GATEWAY Looking forward to more years with Exetel. Bu modemde nasıl port forwarding yapılır? Çıldırmak üzereyim artık, kaç gündür bir RDR2 girelim dedik User manual instruction guide for Home Gateway ZXHNH268A ZTE Corporation. Steps 1. Between two large capacitors. Networking •IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack •NPAT •Port forwarding •UPnP IGD with NAT traversal capability •Static routing •Dynamic DNS relay •DHCP client/server •IGMP and MLD snooping/proxy. To open a port you need to: Setup a static IP address on the exact device you want the ports forwarded to. Be done in under 5 minutes. 1 - default username/password: admin - it has variations in some cases, check user manual) 2 Click on "Application" at the left side of the page. Het gaat om een VPN poort naar een Raspberry PI. ZTE ZXHN H267N Port Forwarding. On the main page of the ZXHN H168N, select Internet > Security > Port Forwarding to go to the Port Forwarding page. Nov 8, 2019 · The ZTE H268A can unblock certain incoming connections through port forwarding or by opening a port. Oct 13, 2020 · βρηκα αυτο το θεμα μιας και εγω ταλαιπωρούμε με το port forwarding σε αυτο το Router με σύνδεση στην WIND (Vdsl). Page 47: Figure 3-25 Port Forwarding Configuration Page Chapter 3 Configure the Internet Steps 1. You are now on the correct page to make a port forward, congratulations. Jul 18, 2017 · ZTE, Zhongxing New Telecommunications Equipment Co. I assume that you are an Exetel customer, accessing the internet via the Exetel network, using the Exetel provided ZTE H268A modem/router. If the process of forwarding ports in your router seems difficult to you, you are not alone! Do not get discouraged. Click the option in the center section of the page labeled Create New Item. On the main page of the ZXHN H268A, select Internet > Security > Port Forwarding to open the Port Forwarding page, as shown in Figure 4-10. Page 46: Configure The Port Forwarding URL, in- stead of an IP address. Click the Application link. It supports dual-band concurrent Wi-Fi, multiple phone lines, USB LTE/3G dongle backup, media service in the home network, and IPv4/IPv6 dual stack mechanism. someone please help me out. With this tool, you can test if your port forwarding rules are set up successfully. enter image description here Response from Exetel on the use of a 3G/LTE USB adaptor on the ZTE "Thank you for your email. Fill in the fields of Protocol type, WAN port and LAN Host port, then click Apply. Now that you're in the port forwarding settings, you can add a new rule to forward a specific port to a device on your network. Click the link labeled Port Forwarding. Find the Port Forwarding section in your ZTE ZXHN H268A router. My router is the ZTE H268A and the server I'm hosting from is ubuntu server with a private IP and firewall set up to allow all the ports I've tried through if this helps. View and Download Zte ZXHN H268A quick installation manual online. ZTE H369A Port Forwarding New. Exetel NBN sent me ZTE H268A router. (εχω την εκδοση ZTE H288A V1. Archive View Return to standard view. Here's how you do it. AppName Username of Application. Below are our port forwarding guides for ZTE. Labelled X9. Image 1. Routers; H268A: admin: admin: H268A: user: user: H288A: user: admin: H3600 v9: Creating a Port Forward in I am not using Exetel VoIP service. Navigate to the port forwarding section. Ethernet. The basic process to open a port is: Setup a static IP address on either your computer or device that you want to forward a port to. This document provides instructions for configuring port forwarding and other network settings on a ZTE H298A router. On the main page of the ZTE H1600, select Internet > Security > Port Forwarding to open the Port Forwarding page, the page see Figure 4-21. May 1, 2024 · Easily configure your ZTE H268A Modem for VoIP service with SpinTel by accessing the router interface, entering the provided SIP credentials, and adjusting settings as needed for connection. So I disabled all ALGs in ZTE H268A and FLP start to ring when 4. You can open ports in your H268A by assigning specific ports to an IP address. I can't fault the quality of the connection and I've been lucky to avoid any speed issues during peak periods. ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intel-lectual property rights or applications covering the subject matter of this document. Website: www. Page 49: Configure The Parental Controls 3. The ZTE ZXHN H368N is supplied to customers in The Netherlands using ADSL2+ or VDSL2 (optionally with bonding) from the KPN ISP. 3 Click on "Port Forwarding " 4 Select: "Create New Item " 5 Enter a name for the rule (for example: cFos) 6 Select in Protocol field the TCP type and WAN connection type the HSLa type. 8 Enter 80 inside these form fields: WAN Start Port, WAN End Port, LAN Host Start Port Dec 8, 2023 · Simple Instructions to Help Setup a Port Forward on the ZTE F660 Router. That server have LAMP with standard ports 21,22,80,111,443,3306. com. QoS •Flexible packet classification •Up to eight queues •SP/DWRR Jul 18, 2017 · Below are our port forwarding guides for ZTE. Exetel is the provider. I'm new here, please be nice Is our only officially support use of the USB port on the Aug 10, 2020 · The only they provided was to look into Port Forward to SPA122. QoS •Flexible packet classification •Up to eight queues •SP/DWRR Everything works using private IPs so I know it is something wrong with the port forwarding. Viewed 2k times -2 . 1 Log into your router with your username and password (default IP: 192. You are now ready to make a port forward entry. Step 4. Select the option of NatLoop and Port Forwarding. I am using a ZTE wi-fi router. Login to your ZTE F660 router. I use ark server manager to run server on my pc but the server is stuck to lan only. ZXHN H268A wireless router pdf manual download. Forwarding ports in your router creates a path that allows data to get through your network firewall, and this could lead to malicious traffic on your network. In this new menu, click Port Forwarding. Page 31: Configure The Ddns 4. Stavo configurando il port-forwarding ma qualcosa nell'interfaccia non mi torna. Ethernet port (LAN port) on the modem to the Ethernet port on your computer or laptop. However, i cannot get Wifi calling through This guide covers the configuration of the ZTE H268A for nbn connection types Fibre to the Node (FTTN) and Fibre to the Building (FTTB), . au Posted by u/Appropriate_Leg_1270 - 3 votes and 14 comments Aug 29, 2002 · Forward Port for Plex Media Server? Hardware (modem and router) reviews Hitron CODA 4589 RTMP throttling? Forums → O Canada! → Canadian → Canadian Broadband → Ciktel Router ZTE H268A You now need to plug your ZTE H268A modem into your nbn™ device using an RJ-45 Ethernet cable. I tried to set it up with the new ISP and was convinced it was locked to Exetel as there was no way to remove the Extel ISP settings and replace with my own. ZXHN H268A gateway pdf manual download. ZTE ZXHN H268A is a Premium Wi-Fi Modem designed for high-speed internet access. Help on the page is next to nothing and useless. Learn how to set port forwarding on ZTE F670L modem/router for Pi Network. In addition, the ZXHN H298A provides a Gigabit Ethernet WAN port, making it perfectly suitable for deployment in FTTH scenarios, allowing users to flexibly access the Internet. On the main page of the ZXHN H3600, select Internet > Security > Port Forward- ing to the Port Forwarding page, the page see Figure 5-24. A good one is for example Canyouseeme. I presume that port forward is still set to local IPV4 address as the ZTE does not accept local IPV6 for port forward address only IPV4/Mac. When I setup my Port Forwarding and when I test ports all was open but I still see my router instand my LAMP server or web pages inside it. , was founded in 1985, is a Chinese multinational company headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong. The correct port from the NBN Service Access Switch is Page 54: Configure The Port Forwarding URL, instead of an IP address. zte. Click on the Internet tab at the top of the screen. The safest bet is setting up Port Forwarding. 3V. ZTE H268A - Ethernet Sep 19, 2018 · Setup a static IP address on either your computer or device that you want to forward a port to. Figure 1 shows the indicators on the front panel of the ZXHN H268A Figure 1 The Front Panel Table 1 describes the indicators on the front panel of the ZXHN H268A unit. Page 118 Figure 85 Application List I 2. The page as shown in Figure 5-34. Here are the ports to forward for Xbox Live: TCP Ports: 3074; UDP Ports: 3074 Page 48: Configure The Port Forwarding URL, in- stead of an IP address. View and Download Zte H268A quick start manual online. Just select the router model from the list you see below. This is the port forwarding page from your ZTE router. Ama ben port forwarding'i bu modemde nasıl yapacağımı bilmiyorum. I’ve tried: Nov 14, 2016 · This is called opening a port or more commonly port forwarding. ZTE ZXHN H267N Port Forwarding Add. Oct 28, 2022 · I found below post on the internet for a port forwarding on the Unifi UDM Pro. Open a web browser and type 192. Router is ZTE h268a Port forwarding for ZTE H298A Connect your personal computer via ethernet cable or via wifi to the router. On the D-Link, I followed the setup wizard which is also straight forward (choose connection type (PPPoE) > Enter credentials > choose wifi SSID + password > choose router admin password). L'IP Pubblico permette alla tua connessione di essere raggiungibile dall'esterno. Ubiquiti Support and Help Center UniFi Network - Configuring Port Forwarding. Sorry if I left out anything you need, just ask for it if you need more information. Forwarding these ports directs incoming data to a specific device or application. I tried to contact Optus multiple times to investigate this area but no success. In your ZTE H268A router, navigate to the Port Forwarding section. Hopefully helps anyone who has to remotely talk someone through the route Will drop my experience here for anyone coming across this in the future. exetel. Sep 19, 2018 · This process of opening a port is frequently called a port forward, since you are forwarding a port from the internet to your home network. Mar 17, 2017 · Then, click the tab at the top of the page on the right labeled Port Forwarding. Solid Red ZXHN H268A self-check failed. I will be very thankful if someone help me to show it. I'm new here, please be nice Is our only officially support use of the USB port on the Dec 13, 2017 · Our 4 step port forwarding guide shows you how to open ports in the ZTE F680 router. How to find the port forwarding section of the router. ZXV10 H208L. Wifi calling seems to be the only option i have now. LAN Host IP Address IP address of the LAN-side host. Create Port Forwarding rules within UniFi Network in the Settings > Firewall & Security section. Page 48: Configure The Port Trigger ZTE H268A • One DSL port with RJ-11 connector (VDSL2, ADSL2+) and used as DSL Modem call forward, call-waiting, do not disturb, message waiting indication If it helps, I'm on the 50mbit FTTN plan using a ZTE H268A in bridged mode and a ubiquiti routerstationpro (RSP) running OpenWRT. Here are the details you'll need to provide: Service Name: Give your port forwarding rule a descriptive name. 2 where Apache server is running on port 8080. 1 ETL. Recently moved from Exetel and had the ZTE H268a modem. e. One end of the Ethernet cable needs to be plugged into the red WAN port on the back of your modem and the other end into the active port on your nbn™ device – this will either be a numbered UNI-D port (such as UNI-D 1, UNI-D 2 etc. On the main page of the ZXHN H267N, select Internet > Security > Port Forwarding to go to the Port Forwarding page, the page as shown in Figure 3-25. Jan 1, 2000 · Ik probeer port forwarding open te krijgen naar poort 11949 op het KPN ZTE modem, maar wat ik ook aanpas in de instellingen, de poort blijft dicht. It provides 3 Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports to offer higher bandwidth and faster speed, and be more forward-looking. Login to your ZTE F620 router. aku ygvujnd yos eftg kqkkmv nlfnj jhb snjbrn ndepi egfort ftx cuyfxd grex fmoneyq rkvqdne