What is dopamine reddit high. Too much dopamine equals addictive behaviors and anxiety.

What is dopamine reddit high Our 100 dopamine level is rising to 120, bring on more stimulus. you need to hunt and find fruit, which requires physical and mental ability, and dopamine is released when you find the fruit, and figure a way to bring it down. Welcome to r/ADHDWomen!We’re happy to have you here. Dec 1, 2024 · Are you struggling with doom scrolling or find yourself caught up in endless high-dopamine activities? Are you constantly distracted and can't get anything done in the day? Do you have a pile of things to do that you dread and still haven't started yet? Dec 21, 2023 · "Dopamine Detox" can have some small and transient positive effects but there are two problems with the detox: It makes false claims about what it does. And what I found is that your current high dopamine activities, can serve as an incentive Serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and a lot of the buzzword chemicals are neurotransmitters - that's what you want to be reading up on. High levels of capsaicin can give you the exact effect you are describing. A neurotransmitter is a chemical that neurons use to communicate directly with another neuron it's connected to. And they stack together because they all influence the same pathway. yees in a sense low dopamine receptor count can lead to brain fog. The (false) premise of a "dopamine detox" is that, if you do activities that produce a lot of dopamine, it will cause your brain to demand more and more dopamine to stay satisfied, and the claim is that you can deprive yourself of dopamine-producing activities for a short period of time to reduce your brain's demand for dopamine. Junk food has a high amount of calories which is linked to survival in evolutionary biology, so that explains the high dopamine releases caused by junk food. High levels can lead to anxiety and stress. So, what makes a good dopamine? The result of a multi-decade marketing campaign by drug makers trying to simplify things for a TV audience, and a good-faith effort by psychiatrists trying to condense 8+ years of schooling into a two minute soundbite for consumption by their patients, has resulted in the general public accepting an explanation of dopamine, serotonin, and the rest that is self-contradictory and simply doesn Bioavailability basically means how well your body can absorb something like a drug or nutrient (low bioavailability = low absorption, high bioavailability = high absorption) Not sure what you mean by only a small amount is absorbed but generally speaking b12 is only a nutrient of concern for vegans or vegetarians. Yet as I mentioned very depressed, extreme ADHD, lack of motivation and low self esteem. Apparently alcohol, cigarettes burn out our dopamine receptors yet my mate is 47 years old and drinks most nights and smokes and he is always in high spirits feeling great and positive. In general anti-psychotic medications affect dopamine secretion in certain synapses, or dopamine re-uptake, or dopamine receptors, but this doesn't really tell us much. GPCR's are very prone to desensitize. Dopamine reduction. A "dopamine fast" or whatever that is will just make your situation worse, and seeking other "dopamine highs" is a slippery slope. It is not a valid intervention/theory with support in the scientific literature. A lack of dopamine in the brain causes a depressive disorder, leading to depression. sure spending less time indoors on electronics and going outside will help, but not exactly because internet is giving you too much Let's say you have 10 molecules of dopamine made in your brain, per second. Now, about pure reuptake inhibitors: Hypothetically speaking, if there was a medication that only affected norepinephrine and not dopamine (NRI), it would primarily work on alertness, attention, and energy levels. Dopamine and Dopamine Fasting. There was a theory at one point that SSRIs actually work by increasing dopamine indirectly—basically, when you have higher serotonin concentrations in the brain, the serotonin starts hijacking dopamine transporters to carry the extra serotonin away, which means you start getting higher dopamine. I have the T levels of a 16 years old doesn't help The number one argument being that the gut produces a lot of dopamine and serotonine. It’s a natural drug and one that many chili heads love to chase. This is a support group to help with impulsive behaviour towards Eating, Gaming, Gambling, Thrill, and Tech. My experience with the benefits For example dsythmia could look very much like low dopamine levels, since it comes across as a high functioning depression without emotional extremes typically associated with major depressive disorders. Hahaha i love every kind of music aswell! But especially the (really) high bpm and agrassive ones! And well if you combine high bpm + agrassive music you get hard dance! if you are intrested here are some examples i love in each hard dance genre it starts soft and ends really really really intense and ill brake it up in alot of subgenres because im just in love with it So you keep scrolling looking for more dopamine until you realise you aren't getting any so you either switch to pornography, Instagram, or getting off the phone altogether. The problem with that approach is that these dopamine detox videos were created by people who have a very limited understanding of what dopamine does in our brains. So don't think that you'll raise your T levels and feel better. So make a list of small and large things you can accomplish, do an item, check if off the list, and bask in the dopamine high. When boredom was high, time wasting behavior also increased (0. Forgot to post about my dopamine food. The myth of 'Dopamine detoxes' and dopamine is 'bad' are social media trends not based on science. Opiates (and other highly addictive drugs) release massive amounts of dopamine primarily in the reward pathways of the brain. Some people have even suggested that it is not the amount of DA present, but the problem of aberrant signaling meaning the timing of the signal. It's a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor but there are so few dopamine pumps in the prefrontal cortex that NET does double duty there and you get many of the positive executive function enhancing effects of DRIs without the euphoria caused by DAT inhibition in the nucleus acumbens. This subreddit is mainly for sharing Spotify playlists. That's why I say that there's no such thing as a global dopamine "level. Without dopamine it would send your immune system into overdrive and is suspected to be one of the causes of autoimmune disorders. Because then the exercise itself will release even more dopamine and the rest of your week will feel flat and boring in comparison. This is typically what causes negative symptoms from abuse, especially cognitive effects including depression, apathy, lethargy, memory issues, and problems with thinking and information processing. A pleasant homeostasis, if you will. Dopamine Hit Reddit recommended . When there is no blood being lost, it circulates throughout your body. They're not sent out into the general space of the brain. Usually the mood elevating effects come from the fact that Niacin competes with other methyl takers and therefore high doses Niacin inhibits methylation mediated catecholamines => more dopamine serotonin norepinephrine available => better mood. As for the relevance of dopamine to RL research: Obviously, many of the concepts (e. That along with too much cortisol. Why? Because genes aren't actually a good way of quantifying dopamine signalling. And there’s a reason for that. Beyond that, the concept of a ‘dopamine detox’ reflects a gross misunderstanding of how these neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine) work and are implicated. dopamine detox theory is pretty much bullshit, at least from my experience. As an extreme example, people with Parkinson's would seem perfectly healthy if you looked at their dopamine genes. That's another reason why hyperfixation on dopamine producing activities like video games, phones, or even drugs is an ADHD tendency. Never knew it was because of my adhd till I started learning more about it. but it will not necessarily be caused by getting "too much dopamine" in the form of video games or something like that. They both release dopamine, and the animal brain is only concerned with dopamine. Stop doing those first and your dopamine will come back and cortisol will lower. Recommend listening to Good Luck, The Ghost Inside, The Mall & Misery, The High Road. Many conditions are associated with lower dopamine, including schizophrenia, Parkinson’s and bipolar disorder. Not necessarily. Too much dopamine equals addictive behaviors and anxiety. Low Dopamine = High Prolactin. So, from a libido perspective, you'd want to maximize dopamine, but lower serotonin. Dopamine is a chemical to be nourished, like you said it increases your motivation! A great natural supplement that boosts Dopamine is L tyrosine, the recommended dosage is one 800mg capsule a day. Instead you want to connect more dopamine to the things that will actually benefit you. I'll explain what the animal brain is later; you'll understand yourself a lot better after that. Amphetamine (speed) by itself affects mostly dopamine and norepinephrin. Positive symptoms of psychosis are associated with upregulation of D2 receptors in the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal pathways. However, too much artificial and instant dopamine source such as pornography and mindless social media scrolling is bad as it messes our pleasure standards and our reward system. They don’t REALLY have to make you feel the pain, because there are some with truly great flavor but lower heat. " So. What you’re feeling is an endorphin rush and it’s very real. When you scroll through uninteresting reddit posts until a title piques your curiosity (surprise). So like another commenter here suggested - get the bloodwork. RPE) that have been brought forward as hypotheses for a "general function" of dopamine (the notion of a neurotransmitter having a general function deserves scare quotes) are relevant to RL. It's not a detox, it's not a fast, it doesn't lower dopamine levels and it doesn't upregulate dopamine receptors, as it is too short in duration. Medication that makes dopamine instead of realeasing it doesnt really exsist. Apr 1, 2015 · Two people could have equally high levels of dopamine, but entirely different symptoms may result. The fad PAM's still 100% will cause down regulation of the dopamine receptor over time. Yes!! For years when I was in the pit of my "depression" I would spend hours masturbating over and over again just to bring some dopamine to my sad life. The problem is that the brain is so complicated, that addiction, reward and pleasure mechanisms still need a ton of research. The appropriate analogy for dopaminergic reuptake inhibitors increasing dopamine, or ‘fuel in the tank’, would be if a percentage of the fuel was being returned to the tank, and you had a fixed amount of time in which you could pour fuel; if you fit a nozzle that prevented all fuel from being returned to the tank, you would have more fuel in the tank. Except Reddit actually eats this shit up The reason they eat it up is because, even if the name is extremely misleading, doing that "dopamine detox" does help your brain. The "high" from speed is the massive release of dopamine, and amphetamines as far as i know do release a greater amount of dopamine than MDMA, as well as slightly less norepinephrin and little serotonin. This is particularly true for poeple overmethylating . Of course avoiding high dopamine behavior once in a while is good. This is beyond reddit's scope of practice. See the Required Reading for more. I use it maybe once a week, and always balance with tyrosine. Mostly a normal reaction for taking 200+ mg for the first time. Edit: Forgot to get to your question about dopamine. If you take a dopamine blocker and amphetamine, you still feel awesome and get high as hell. That is how you start feeling those weird feelings. If a cannabis high is different from a cocaine or dopamine high, how so? It generally lifts mood. SJW (standardized, like Perika) is a powerful mood brightener. Huberman discussing dopamine stacking: "The rule that I've been sort of applying has been I never do two workouts in a row where I'm stacking in stimulants, loud music, and any kind of sort of high-potency inspiration. slight cognitive boost is what i notice. So, as we said, everything that gives you pleasure quickly is a cheap dopamine. Doing low-effort things like sitting and scrolling fb/reddit, checking notifications, seeing if I got an upvote on something (mini dopamine). Good hot sauces. It's expensive and takes weeks to work but I would say atomoxetine is perhaps one of the best. They're not connected. If you know anything about music/sound design, it seems to do to dopamine what a compressor does to sound- it makes loud things quieter and makes quiet things louder, equalizing it somewhere in the middle. Increased dopamine over periods of time could be excitotoxic or kill your neurons, so the brain decreases the amount of receptors for dopamine for that substance or thing you are addicted to. Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. Unless correlational research has been completed, correlation does not equal causation. Dopamine, does not get you 'high' however. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. dopamine is more like lighter fluid and seratonin is the fireword for the emotional fire. Low levels can lead to decreased energy, focus, and mood problems, often seen in depression. So with the sun going outside from being in all day would be dopamine, but the nice breeze and clear skys would be serotinin. This has been mostly blamed on oxidative metabolites of dopamine, however, dopamine depletion by reserpine or alpha-methyl-tyrosine fails to protect against the neurotoxicity of an Amphetamine analog, Methamphetamine. It also important for your kidney function and pancreas. Why haven’t his dopamine receptors burnt out? Or can you still be happy with low dopamine receptors? accomplishing something is a great dopamine boost (and boosts testosterone for men, too). When we're participating in a dopamine envoking activity (whether that be exersize, studying, eating, sex), more dopamine is released until it peaks then drops below the baseline dopamine levels (postpartum depression) and eventually recovers. We want to fix our lives, give up xyz but we lose dopamine, our willpower breaks and eventually end up replacing the unhealthy source with an equally bad activity or go back to it how do we manage? First step is we have to start reducing the super stimulus. This gives a similar effect to stimulants, but in people with lower levels of dopamine and Norepinephrine, this will have less effect. Addiction is pretty dopaminergic. The Logic Behind Dopamine Detox: It isn't the one-time hit of dopamine that is the problem. Dopamine is meant to trigger satisfaction for doing stuff, and seratonin helps keep you happy while in between. Too much dopamine isn’t bad. Result: motivated to achieve goals and targets Stage 3. any expansion! Although I've done some work looking at dopamine in psychosis, it's more limited. Both dopamine and serotonin also play a role in regulating digestion through suppressing or increasing appetite depending on the body’s needs. If you release dopamine too much the body says 'bye with youre dopamine' and thats called tollerance. The substantia negra region of the brain has the densest population of dopamine synapses, and deterioration of this area is associated with Parkinson's disease. But the capsaicin makes your body believe it is injured, so it releases dopamine. it's been in my morning stack for decades. Dopamine is only one neurotransmitter; serotonin, noradrenaline, and GABA all work in synergy to achieve what you desire. Start with a Dopamine Detox, then maintain a Dopamine Fast. Now anytime I masturbate during the day for a dopamine hit it like triggers this really horrible time in my life. There are certain songs that trigger a sensation at the base of my head that travels through my body and gives me a dopamine hit. I am also doing dopamine detox at the moment and I also would like to share a part of my experience so far. But this just sounds like bullshit to me. . Anything that causes a ligand (dopamine in this case) to act on a receptor for longer than it normally would, or to act more potently than it normally would, will cause the receptor to downregulate over time. Nothing is interesting. Dopamine allows people to ride the highs of life. Thus, you have a "set point" of normal dopamine that can be increased or decreased following a stimulation like good or bad food, which in turn encodes the valence of the food. g. MDMA on the other hand releases mostly serotonin and norepinephrin. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter-- a chemical released by one neuron to communicate to another neuron. The euphoria and lack of your previous anxiety is weird though. We also tend to have more dopamine in our brains than most people, leading to increased goal directed activity. This means that more dopamine is required for the same effect as before, giving people the "down" feeling which makes them crave the exogenous source again. You'll notice that those studies on people used dopamine radiotracers rather than just looking at their genome, which would be much easier. When dopamine is released in the mesolimbic pathway (which is believed to signal changes in what an animal expects to happen, not pleasure), that has NO EFFECT on dopamine release in other circuits that involve dopamine neurons. Start reading introduction to financial accounting, shall reset your dopamine levels in 5min. As a reminder, here are our community rules. While its true some people believe ADHD/ADD is caused by an abnormal dopamine signaling, its still not decided if its caused by high or low amounts of DA. Google "Dopamine Transfer Deficit ADHD" and make sure you understand the difference between dopamine as a reward, and dopamine as a motivator associated with an anticipated reward. A gambling addict will keep playing, expecting the same losses until suddenly they actually win a little bit (surprise). So dopamine will be downregulated whatever you take to boost dopamine, until you improve your oxidation status. You become less motivated over time and could possibly cause depression in the long run. So if you are functioning in a state of perpetual low Dopamine, you may be able to detect this with thru testing Prolactin. 4. Sounds like there could be some cocaine laced into the chocolates but that would be very surprising even for that country. We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. Create unnaturally high dopamine spikes, which then depress baseline dopamine levels which gets the addict to seek more of the drug to feel ‘normal’. I view 5htp as an occasional-use supplement. If you have any particular questions feel free to pm, I love chatting about this stuff. It’s involved in reinforcement learning, where our brain is essentially trained to repeat actions that lead to rewarding outcomes. L-dopa is one but effects are minimal. Ritalin has the exact same effect on me. But ideally you should avoid those behaviors altogether, or at least as much as possible. I feel like a lot of adhd people will get this. A neuron reaches its ' "Runner's high" is similar, it's actually quite mild and also really quite rare, if you get it it's usually with increases in distance rather than intensity. " dopamine hate is the newest antivaxx. i don’t see an endocrinologist until february. For perspective, an amazing orgasm (considered the highest “natural” releaser of dopamine) dumps about 150 units of dopamine into this reward pathway. i’ve done a little bit of research The mechanism I know of is that EGCG is a dopamine decarboxylase inhibitor, the rate-limiting step for those taking L-DOPA and/or 5-HTP, effectively allowing for more neurotransmitter synthesis in the brain and preventing premature synthesis outside the BBB, which is why it's always a crucial pairing with 5-HTP to avoid the famous heart valve issues from serotonin buildup in the periphery: We are on such high alert that our body sees freezing and dissociating as our only way to survive. Spicy foods don’t actually cause a dopamine spike. However, it wasn't until recently that scientists examined the compounds in the plant and discovered that many of them can reduce prolactin as much as dopamine itself (7). Too little actual can resulr in addictive behaviors and depression. Is baseline dopamine the amount of dopamine in your body without any spike or dip, or is it used to describe the spike or dip itself? Many times, in this lecture he uses "increasing baseline" dopamine as if it means increasing dopamine itself in the short term. Drugs dont contain dopamine but they release the dopamine thats in your head. 60 correlation coefficient). last time i got it tested my norepinephrine was almost double the normal amount. Most of these articles touch on differential impacts of dopamine on cognition and symptoms, as well as other neurotransmitters! Drugs like ecstasy or molly blow all your dopamine levels and take many days to replenish. Reply reply Blackintosh Watching the lecture of controlling dopamine for motivation. The symptoms of brain fog, trouble concentrating/focusing, and memory issues could apply to both serotonin and dopamine depression. something i read in durk and Sandy's "life extension" was why i started taking ALCAR. Watch his video on dopamine and the analogy of the tidal wave pool. It’s hot sauce. Sometimes its a certain note/frequency, sometimes its parts of a song that hit a full range of deep base to super high notes, sometimes its just composition. Edit: For a lot of people, it isn’t that there is too little dopamine, but that there’s too little of it in specific areas of the brain. I'm guessing you've probably heard phrases like "dopamine rush" before. I've heard someone describe dopamine as surprise. I don’t know exactly how it does it even though it does increase dopamine in the short term, but the side effect is is common enough it’s become a trend among teens to use it as a way to become apathetic. If you want to test a dopamine theory, the herb to try would be Mucuna Amphetamine and MPP+ selectively destroy dopamine axon terminals with little to no damage to other monoamine systems. High energy music could be a small contributor to dopamine stacking but the bigger offenders by far are strong preworkout stimulants (caffeine, etc. well partly the feeling of being useless but mostly bc, idk if any of yall experienced this and idk how to explain it exactly, whenever i constantly keep on doing high dopamine shit nd not feeling responsible not even think positively about my life, after like a week or two i get this extreme fatigue and tiredness in my brain idk what u call it brain fog or whatev. Agitation: Those with high dopamine may feel internally restless and Oct 31, 2024 · If you increase dopamine through a stimulant or video games, they can become overstimulated, which makes them exhibit, ironically, hyperactive/distracted behaviors. And good luck, I promise it gets better. If your brain converts 7 of those molecules of dopamine into norepinephrine, at any one time you'll have 70% norepinephrine and 30% dopamine. When a person takes an exogenous source of dopamine, the receptors start to down-regulate and become less sensitive to dopamine. I’ve read that it has some effect on dopamine and serotonin but haven’t found anything explaining exactly What is it doing exactly that causes this? (I’ve tested it for a period of 3 months on and off and noting the same effect each time) Vitex Agnus Castus, also known as Chaste berry, has long been used as a treatment for sexual disorders and insufficiency. It applies to any dopamine-spiking activity. For example, Parkinson's disease is caused by the death of specific neurons which release dopamine in places where it regulates motor functions, and innapropriate release of dopamine in places associated with higher cognitive functioning is believed to be at the core of the perceptual disturbances in schizophrenia) not in terms of pleasure, but With regards to libido, my very basic understanding is that high dopamine increases libido and high serotonin reduces it. Dopamine release causes oxidation, because MAO is involved and generates hydrogen peroxide. This only starts happening when you’ve had Stage 2: Dopamine:Focus and reward for hunting. If your source of information is any of dopamine detox YouTube videos with dozens of millions of views, you might think that it must be effective. I have high libido and morning wood every single day. Mine is as follows: Yoga Weightlifting Swimming Sex Blasting my favorite music and belting it out Getting tattooed ADHD put you in a constant lack of dopamine, and therefore an amount that would make normal people 'high' will only bring you to a 'normal' state. has anyone else’s levels been high?? i just wanted to know to see what caused their levels to be high or the symptoms of them being high. A dopamine shot is given when you eat the fruits of your hard work. itscompletly destroying me i Yeah, antioxidants, as others said. Suggestion for a strong antioxidant supplement stack: Dopamine is something called a neurotransmitter, and its released from the ends of nerve cells for the sake of sending a signal to the next nerve cell in the line. 353 votes, 905 comments. Yet my testosterone is extremely high, at the very top and even above. If you don't anticipate studying, or eating health, or whatever long term goal you have of leading to rewards, literally FEELING THE DOPAMINE associated with those A common long term side effect for ashwaganda is reported to be anhedonia. Meaning that the dopamine and NE that is "active" in a synapse, don't get released / deactivated as quick. Many drugs of abuse look similar to Dopamine and can bind to (at least some of) the same receptors in the brain as dopamine, producing dopamine-like effects (or the opposite, but that is another story). What is the cannabis high all about if it's not just a dopamine thing like cocaine which would be a classic example of a direct dopamine agonist and is a very different sort of high. However, in the case of a noxious stimulation, you see the firing rate actually decreases and you see a lower amount of dopamine relative to the basal level. Dopamine and serotonin are considered the ‘happy hormones’ as they play a role in increasing positive moods and emotions. Like very intense boredom but an inability to do anything about it. It’s as if the brain becomes blocked or stops processing dopamine in specific areas responsible for certain moods and behaviors. Awesome, another reductive post about dopamine that completely disregards any of the other multiple neurotransmitters that also affect us. Below is a list of symptoms that could stem from high dopamine. Understanding Dopamine: Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in our reward and pleasure centers. Dopamine for example is pretty important for lymphocytes and your immune system interacting with receptors in your spleen, bone marrow, and blood. When you have feelings that are associated with enjoyment, satisfaction, motivation, lovethat means dopamine is at work in your brain. None of that excited, alert and energized feeling, popping a Ritalin let me sit still for an hour without the urge to stand up or scroll through Reddit Blocking the dopamine receptors will stop the drug seeking properties in rats. You must have a combined karma of 40 to make a post, and your reddit account must be at least 30 days old; this is to prevent spam and is strictly enforced. This is also logical and experienced it this way too. my norepinephrine and dopamine have both been high occasionally over the last few years. We're not a support community, and we encourage users to use official support channels for most issues. Wellbutrin blocks the Reuptake of those neurotransmitters. Excess dopamine can lead to dopaminergic neurones becoming damaged - this can occur over time, or with very high doses. This could be due to differences in dopaminergic receptors and how each brain processes the dopamine. I had a very similar experience in terms of my productivity and my attention span but I must point out that if you are not stressed or comfortable with your life in general it is not so hard to keep up with this challenge. Also note secondary to the effects of low dopamine; High Prolactin will independently induce feelings of apathy and lethargy. See my other comment for a partial answer to your question. Schizophrenia is not caused by an over abundance of dopamine. Reply reply more replies. This could be due to differential expression of D1-like and D2-like receptors, of the Dopamine Transporter (more common on the striatum) and Norepinephrine Transporter (more common in PFC), and of COMT and the Monoamine Oxidases, which both degrade monoamine neurotransmitters, but at different locations in the neuron--which means each one may Dopamine is largely responsible for motivation, desire, and cravings. No desire to do anything. It makes high dopamine lower and make low dopamine higher - thus, regulates dopamine. dopamine is a neurotransmitter and not ingestible. Dopamine fasting, or dopamine detox, is a technique that consists of completely abstaining from any experience that brings you pleasure, especially addictive technologies; like social media, doom scrolling, internet, youtube, reddit, listening to music, videogames, texting, etc. what button in all of wow, is the greatest dopamine button. Here's a quick google scholar search from the past 20 years about dopamine in schizophrenia. Can attest myself after several years on and off. If you slow down the norepinephrine production, you might have more like 50% norepinephrine and 50% dopamine. Dopamine and serotonine produced in the gut have their own receptors in the gut which have completly different effects than receptors in the brain. If your dopamine levels are too high, you need to let your body find its equilibrium again. Same when you feel compelled to doom scroll through reddit. Those aren't particularly accurate. The weekends were harder because I had far less to do, which made me more bored and more prone to time wasting behavior. No "activation energy" to get up off the couch and start anything. 44M subscribers in the AskReddit community. Prozac doesn’t interact with dopamine/its receptors directly, but the increased amount of serotonin in your brain fools the dopamine receptors in your brain into picking up the serotonin instead of dopamine, meaning there is more dopamine left in the junction between your neurons. ) and the general mindset that you need to be psyched up and intense. However, this seems like it would come at the expense of mental health. This is a well-established concept in neuroscience. I have a question. First saw the concept of a dopamine menu on How To ADHD and thought it was genius! The menu is a list of activities that you do that gives you a flood of the dopamine that your brain needs. aehwce dskmv uitukkm fjwtgxe zesc qqyb nfltpxl nhgf glhxrgv vong xtf xeyuvas vvyn wyhas jite