Ucla waitlist acceptance rate UCLA’s waitlist acceptance rate typically ranges from 2–5%, varying by year and enrollment needs. The UCLA acceptance rate for fall 2022 was 9%. So our school typically has low admission rates for UCLA. 6 days ago · Here's our latest list of reported early decision and early action admission rates for the Class of 2029. Waitlist acceptance rate Does anybody know the chances of getting off the waitlist for UCLA as a transfer student? I’m trying to find data from the previous years but can’t find anything Overview by School Type Transferring From Applicants % of Applicants Admits % of Admits Admit Rate; CA Community Colleges: 23,564: 83%: 5,044: 93%: 21%: Other UC Campuses financial aid: UCLA would cost around 30k/year, whereas Berkeley would cost around 24. 4%, with 214 out of 15,242 applicants being admitted. Applicants: 27,167. In addition, keep the following in mind: The acceptance rate for students on the waitlist at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) can vary a lot from year to year, and it's not officially published by the university. Below is some previous years data and Wait List Acceptance Rate For the application year 2024, UCLA's wait list acceptance rate stands at 1. The numbers are useful only as a general guide to selectivity and not as a predictor of your chances for admission to a particular campus. The acceptance rates can help prospective first-year and transfer applicants prepare for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic school year when applying to UCLA. Below are some waitlist stats from the last few years but are not predictive of this year’s chances. In general, waitlist acceptance rates tend to be lower than the overall acceptance rate for a university. Deferrals. This is a snapshot of the admitted first-year class for fall 2024. Keep in mind that this rate is subject to change, and there's no definitive number that applies to all applicants. Feb 23, 2022 · UCLA Waitlist Last Year. Wait List Acceptance Rate. 9K Likes, 475 Comments. Fill out Mar 2, 2024 · UCLA decisions will be posting within the next few weeks so I have started the Waitlist/Appeal Discussion thread. See Also: UCLA Wait-list and it’s detailed explanation. 2 days ago · Unlike in previous years, we will be admitting students to Spring 2026 when we go to the wait list and not today, as we expect to use the wait list for a fair number of admissions offers after seeing the deposit data after May 1. As Overview by School Type Transferring From Applicants % of Applicants Admits % of Admits Admit Rate; CA Community Colleges: 20,349: 82%: 5,540: 93%: 27%: Other UC Campuses I mean, I think they’ll mostly admit around the same amount of students every year regardless of the amount of applicants, its just gonna be a lower acceptance rate. See residency statistics and academic statistics including GPA, ACT and, SAT data. 5% acceptance rate off of the waitlist, or 1,151 out of 3891 students. 3% (UCSC) Number of waitlisted applicants: 7,576 Admitted off waitlist: 4,676 Acceptance rate: 61. For example, in recent years, UC Berkeley waitlist acceptance rates were typically below 10%, sometimes even as low as 5%, reflective of the school's high level of selectivity. Jan 27, 2025 · In 2022, only 3% of students on the UCLA waitlist were offered a spot in the class. 2022 Undergraduate Admissions admission. Acceptance rate Oct 30, 2024 · UCLA is a more selective public university: In 2023, the admit rate for first-year applicants was only 9%, while the admit rate for transfers was 22. 04% waitlist acceptance rate for Harvard Law seems ridiculously low, but that’s still 27 people who got into an elite school from the waitlist, and you could be the next. Freshman waitlist appeals None of the campuses utilizing a freshman waitlist allow waitlisted students to appeal their admission decision. depends heavily on this important charge. 4. 3%. 97%. UC Merced has a guaranteed admissions policy for students who meet their criteria and accepts nearly 90% of applicants. The acceptance rate for waitlisted students varies greatly between colleges and even from year to year at the same college. Got waitlist from UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, Deferred from Umich. 72% Waitlist Statistics. Waitlist closed on August 19. Henry Samueli School of Engineering: 6%. Depending on how UCLA allocates transfer spots, you are probably counting on the yield rate of transfers and freshman or the amount of students deferring/taking a gap year. Admits: 6,070. Some Denials posted July 15. Feb 11, 2025 · UCLA had an 8% waitlist acceptance rate for the Class of 2028. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Denials June 23. Aug 15, 2023 · Here are freshman acceptance rates for each of UCLA's schools: College of Letters and Science: 10%. UC San Diego accepted 6. My Co-Forum Champion is @lkg4answers and we are knowledgeable on the increasingly complicated UC admissions process and hopefully we can help any prospective UC So I heard TAP isn’t taken into account for the waitlist process, since they already took it into consideration on the first round. Rare admit July 29. Apr 7, 2024 · That makes UCLA’s 2023-24 waitlist acceptance rate 11. Apr 17, 2024 · While UCLA’s waitlist acceptance rate increased dramatically in 2023, it still demonstrates a downward trend —hence our bearish and pessimistic outlook. It's difficult to offer a specific percentage chance of getting admitted from the waitlist, as this number changes based on various factors such as the number of admitted students who choose to enroll, the size of the incoming class, and the school's yield rate. Waitlist acceptance rate is decent, I don’t know the exact number, but I got in off the waitlist a few years ago so it’s doable. In recent years, the waitlist acceptance rate has ranged from under 10% to almost 30%. Aug 17, 2023 · The waitlist admission rate at UCLA increased to 19% in 2020, which was similar to many other highly selective universities. Last year, UCLA accepted around 14,000 students out of roughly 160,000 applicants. Ucla historically does look into the waitlist (most likely beginning mid june) Do you think we have any chance? ı am also waitlisted by Umich and acceptance rate from the waitlist is 0,5% UC Davis's waitlist today. In 2023, UCLA received 23,974 applicants and admitted 6,189 students (26% acceptance rate) Transfers make up 36% of the total new undergraduate population; 41% of transfers (domestic) are first-generation college students; 34% of entering transfers (domestic) are from underrepresented backgrounds; 7% of entering transfers are international students Here are the latest Class of 2028 overall admission rates UCLA: 146,250 : Link: UC Merced: 29,351 : Link: Waitlist (10) Financial Aid (4) I think historical data is the only hint you have for a waitlist acceptance rate. This list currently includes results from Bennington, Boston College, Bowdoin, Brown, Duke, Emory, Fairfield, Georgetown, Georgia Tech, Grinnell, MIT, North Carolina State, Northwestern, Notre Dame, Rice, Santa Clara University, Tulane, University of Central Florida, University of Georgia Unfortunately, Purdue University does not typically publish its waitlist acceptance rates. 7% of Berkeley: First-year admit data. None of the UC’s accept LOCI’s and additional documentation. 7%, and the waitlist acceptance rate was 9%. If UCLA needs 6500 freshman students, and they have 50% yield in the past, so they will admit 6500 X2 = 13000 students. I've heard people on the waitlist for UCLA actually have a pretty good chance of getting in, Just for context, the acceptance rates of those offered waitlist spots over the last three years have been 7. Mar 5, 2024 · UC Riverside: There was a 73% overall acceptance rate, and a 29. This marks a drop from the 12% waitlist acceptance rate for the Class of 2027. 6%, 2. As a result, there isn't a fixed acceptance rate for the waitlist. The increase was largely driven by a steep surge in transfer applicants and an uptick in applications for first-year admission from California residents. since 70% accept the admission offer, theres a 30% Overview by School Type Transferring From Applicants % of Applicants Admits % of Admits Admit Rate; CA Community Colleges: 19,091: 80%: 5,715: 92%: 30%: Other UC Campuses I got rejected from UCLA and Irvine, but waitlisted at Berkeley, UCSB, and UCSD. If more than 50% admitted students declined their offers, then UCLA starts to look at the waitlist pool Q. What is the average waitlist acceptance rate at UCLA? A. This rate can fluctuate from year to year based on various factors such as the number of admitted students who chose to enroll (known as "yield") and the size and Dec 7, 2022 · Schools are also waiting to see who accepts their offer. Also waiting for some other ones 😩 Reply reply Their acceptance rate is confusing. Feb 4, 2025 · But despite the low acceptance rates–and we can’t stress this enough–know that the waitlist doesn’t mean your chances are over! Sure, a 0. This wide range is due to the unpredictable nature of the admissions cycle each year. UCSB I got waitlisted by UCLA. Jan 12, 2025 · The latest waitlist acceptance rate for UC Davis in 2024 hasn’t been officially released yet, but in 2023, more than 4,400 students were admitted off the waitlist. Apr 28, 2023 · There was an article recently in the press about the odds of getting off a UC waitlist that may be of interest. Nearly 10% of UCLA undergrads are math majors, and that % is bound to go up with the explosion of Statistics and Data Science since it was renamed last year. UCI does not post their acceptance rate until the waitlist is cleared. While the University of Pittsburgh does not publish its waitlist acceptance rate, it can vary each year depending on the number of admitted students who decide to enroll and other factors. Mar 22, 2020 · UCLA received just under 109,000 applications for admission to our freshman class for an entering class of just over 6,300 students, so admission this year was exceptionally competitive. i just did the interview on friday!! the admissions committee was so nice and asked a lot of questions that were informed by my resume. Waitlist acceptance rates indeed vary significantly depending on the school and the specific admissions cycle. With the FAFSA issues, if the school pushes back the offer acceptance date, waitlist offers will be similarly delayed. The Waitlist admits will vary from year to year, so there is no way to gauge your chances of being admitted. questions like how do your experiences relate to the law, why UCLA, what experience has been the most impactful etc etc. Accept a spot on the waitlist if you haven't already. I got waitlisted last week, so I’m just hoping there’s a chance I can get off even if the rate is very low. felt like a very nice conversation and my interviewers were so easy to talk to. UCLA Transfer Waitlist (2024) UC Couldn’t find one anywhere so I’m starting a thread for transfer students waiting in agony like me. In general, the chance of being accepted off the waitlist tends to be lower than the overall acceptance rate for a given Jun 7, 2023 · UCLA’s waitlist info is publicly available amid other data in He said that 93% of UCLA transfer students come from California community colleges and the transfer admission rate last year was Mar 2, 2024 · With decisions coming out within the next few weeks, I am starting a Waitlist/Appeal discussion. Any help is much appreciated, thank you!! The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. 2022 Waitlist timeline: Trickles of admits starting April 30. That’s actually slightly higher than their regular 9% acceptance rate! Funny how the world works!” How to Survive the University of California (UC) Waitlist 2024-25 –PenningPapers. Being waitlisted isn’t as crushing a result as being rejected, but it can feel like you’ve been exiled to admissions purgatory. Yield rate was 52% last year, hoping we both get in🤞 WL for english but oh my god i want this admission SO BAD. Overall admit rate: Waitlist admission decision release timeline Campuses generally plan to release admission decisions from the waitlist between June 1 and July 31. Mar 5, 2024 · At the most selective, the acceptance rate is below 10% (that’d be UCLA), but there are also schools that are very accessible. While the trend may be that overall acceptance rates are slightly increasing (due to more seats and fewer applicants), the average acceptance rate to individual schools remains extremely low. Here are some suggestions: 1. Any school's waitlist acceptance rate hinges primarily on (1) that school's yield rate, that is, the share of applicants who are offered admission directly and matriculate, and (2) overall size of the applicant pool. As you can see, UCLA’s waitlist acceptance rate is drastically Mar 7, 2025 · Once the colleges release data, we will have a better idea of the application figures. How many students are offered waitlist spots at UCLA each year? A. Creating a waitlist gives them time later in the process to assemble the strongest and most diverse class possible. I researched the acceptance rates off the waitlist at ucla at it seems that the rates were very high in 2019-2020 and 2023-24. 2%, and 1. Mar 19, 2023 · 68. However, it should be noted that waitlist acceptance rates often fluctuate wildly from year-to-year. 46%, whereas it was only 8. UC Berkeley’s waitlist acceptance rate has been pretty interesting over the last few years, as it showed a big jump from one year to the next. 7% of students who accepted a place on the waitlist. Campuses generally use between a three (3) and seven (7) day deadline. Note: UCLA admission rates varies in percentage depending on the number of applicants for each incoming class. 23% of their applicants. I recommend reaching out to the UCI admissions office to see if they have any specific advice or statistics they are able to share. Financial aid offer for waitlist admits Nov 7, 2024 · The UCLA in-state acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 was 9. As application volumes rise, acceptance rates at these schools are likely to stay low or decline further. While waiting, some helpful steps you can take include: 1. 8% acceptance rate themselves. Oct 5, 2023 · Source: UCLA Academic Planning and Budget: Admissions Statistics 2022-23. in terms of ucla with a high yield rate, it would mean that more people would be more likely to accept the admission offer and go to that school instead of declining it. The CS acceptance rate is down to like 3% though so I wouldn’t count on it. Yes. UCLA's waitlist acceptance rate can vary slightly from year to year, due to the yield of accepted students and the size of the incoming class desired by the university, but in recent years it's been quite low - around 2%. For transfer Feb 23, 2022 · On the other way round, if UCLA has about 10,000 applicants but admits only 5,000 applicants, then their acceptance rate will be 50%. But, one thing is for certain: you can’t bet on it. These universities need to fill the spots from students who were admitted but chose another school. Unlike UCLA, which has the lowest waitlist acceptance rate among the UC schools, UC Berkeley tends to be a bit more generous with admitting students off the Mar 6, 2024 · UCLA received a total of 173,400 applications for fall 2024 admission, including 146,250 from first-year applicants and 27,150 from transfer applicants, representing a 2% rise over last year. People are inputing the 5. went for about 30 min :) good luck! you got this! Admitted off waitlist: 1,610 Acceptance rate: 18. Follow along as I share my experience and goals. There are 9 math majors but in what I've seen in placement into grad school and employment, it looks like Applied Mathematics is one of UCLA's best majors as well as among the math offerings. I realize that UCLA's waitlist acceptance rate is ~10% (probably higher this year because of corona), which is extremely low considering that all students there are qualified (according to them), but I still am super exited about it. Online it says 38% Hello! While specific waitlist acceptance rates can fluctuate each year depending on factors such as the number of applicants, yield rate, and the school's target class size, historically, Clemson accepts between 10-20% of students who are offered a spot on the waitlist. TikTok video from Eric Ou (@ericcouu): “Exploring college admissions waitlist acceptance rates and the journey to getting into top universities like UCLA and Harvard. Feb 17, 2025 · UC San Diego’s transfer acceptance rate for the Class of 2028 was 54. MBA Waitlist Acceptance Rate in Different Schools You’re on the waitlist and of course you’re wondering what the acceptance rates are at the different schools. 3-6 students get accepted by UCLA each year (out of about 120-130 students). Jan 7, 2025 · 20 days ago. 4 GPA. Admits on May 9, May 22, June 9, June 22. 4%. On average, MD schools accept 4. Admit stats. Historically, UCLA's waitlist acceptance rate has ranged from around 5% to 20%. We can’t predict what the future of UCLA’s waitlist acceptance rate will look like. Below is some previous years data and information regarding the Waitlist and Appeal process. In general, the admissions process is fairly opaque, so we can't say anything for sure other than like the fact that there are definitely "waves" in waitlist acceptance, in state and out of state are bucketed separately, the actual waitlist acceptance rate is very low, etc. The number of students admitted from the waitlist each year can be influenced by various factors, such as the target class size and the percentage of accepted students who choose to enroll I researched the acceptance rates off the waitlist at ucla at it seems that the rates were very high in 2019-2020 and 2023-24. 62% for out-of-state applicants and 6. The accepted students may be the same but Feb 24, 2023 · UCLA has received more than 169,800 applications for fall 2023 admission, with approximately 145,900 coming from freshman applicants and nearly 24,000 from transfer applicants — making UCLA once again the most applied-to four-year university in the nation. California residents need a minimum 3. UCLA transfer acceptance rate. While the acceptance rate from the waitlist can vary from year to year, it's worth noting that it's generally much lower than the overall acceptance rate. Fall 2023 admissions statistics for the School of Theater, Film and Television show that See a profile of the transfer student population by major (how many apply, how many are admitted, how many enroll and where). What this means is that for every 100 students waitlisted, less than 1 student was eventually offered admission. UCLA: The acceptance rate off of the waitlist was only 12%, or 1,404 students out of 11,725 who accepted a spot on the waitlist, but that’s actually higher than the overall acceptance rate of 9%. Feb 28, 2025 · Waitlist admission rates can vary from school to school and even year to year, especially as colleges have seen record-breaking application numbers over the past few years. For reference, I just got waitlisted from UCLA for CSE with a gpa of 3. UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture: 5%. edu 1 Student Affairs – Undergraduate Admissions Fact Sheet: Fall 2022 Transfer Waitlist and Appeal Information Transfer Admission Appeal Information All UC campuses will accept/review appeals when a student has not been offered admission. Accepting a place on the waitlist requires writing a waitlist letter that includes fall semester grades, spring semester course schedule, and some additional information. 3% of waitlist applicants accepted, though the actual numbers were higher: 372 of 11,169 students who opted in. More admits May 25, June 16, June 30. In recent years, though, UCLA has waitlisted a larger number of applicants, which has led to a lower acceptance rate for those waitlisted - well under 10%, and often under 5%. Keep in mind that these statistics can still change depending on the application cycle. For eg. Six programs boast acceptance rates under 1% (!), while only 18 programs have acceptance rates Mar 18, 2024 · Beginning late that afternoon, scores of high school seniors had their eyes glued to computers, phones and tablets in nail-biting anticipation of a message from UCLA’s admission portal. 0 GPA, while out-of-state and international applicants must have at least a 3. UC Berkeley accepted only 1% of students off the 2022 waitlist: 48 of the 4,650 students who opted in. Does the enrolled number include the people who were accepted from the waitlist? It mainly depends on how many admitted students choose to enroll. 5k/year. Q. Generally, waitlist acceptance rates can range from less than 5% to over 50% depending on the college and the year. committed to Mar 7, 2023 · UCLA decisions will be posting soon so I have started the Waitlist/Appeal Discussion thread. UCLA received over 146,000 applications for first-year admission this year, more than any other four-year university in the country. Hi there! Congrats on being waitlisted at WPI, that's still an accomplishment. Since they haven’t shared the specific percentage of students admitted from the waitlist, it’s hard to know exactly how many make it in. #collegeadmissions #ucla #harvard #acceptancerates”. Campuses have the flexibility to release admission decisions prior to June 1 and may not release the waitlist until after July 31. Here is a list of colleges and universities and their waitlist admit rates for the class of 2027 — the most recent, complete data that schools currently have available. These figures are preliminary, as of June 2024. The Housing and myID pages may need a few business days before your information will be available. 8 percent acceptance rate — extremely low for a public university (although UCLA does have more applicants than any other university). 83%. If you’re interested in the academic profile of admitted UCLA first-years, look no further. Below is a visualized version. Herb Alpert School of Music: 19%. 2. r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more. This acceptance rate has remained consistent across multiple years, including 2023, 2026, and 2025, where the same rate of 1. 11. In 2023, the same major had 38 admits, 13 enrolls, and a 34% yield rate. For the past 27 years, Proposition 209 has prohibited UCLA from considering gender and/or race conscious measures in individual admission decisions . I seriously hope UCLA can That is because waitlist movement depends far more on applicants themselves than on a school's admissions committee. That’s an 8. 4% was observed. However, generally speaking, waitlist acceptance rates tend to be lower than regular acceptance rates. UCLA’s rate was nearly as low, with 3. May 6 small wave of admits including 1 OOS, In-state and International. UCLA usually offers waitlist spots to 10,000–15,000 applicants annually. The waitlist at UCLA and other colleges is used to manage new student enrollment. This trend may also increase waitlist decisions as colleges work to manage their enrollment yields effectively. Hey there! Congrats on being waitlisted at RPI. Apr 22, 2024 · UCLA, for example, the most selective UC campus, typically has a relatively low rate of admission from its waiting list. While there's not an exact percentage publicly available since waitlist acceptance rates can fluctuate from year to year, I can give you some insight on what you might expect. universityofcalifornia. Few admits posted on Tuesday May 2, 2023 and May 3 In-state and OOS. the waitlist acceptance rate was 1% for Berkeley, but then it shot up to ~20% the UCLA waitlisted me and I will accept the spot. However, this year was a bit strange because only one person was accepted, one person was waitlisted (me), and everybody else was unfortunately rejected of admission from the waitlist. I am @Gumbymom one of the two UC Forum Champions/Moderators. In fact, in previous years, it has been as low as <1%. UCLA was my dream school, Berkeley was my second choice social life location (UCLA is MUCH closer to my home than Berkeley) I'm still in shock over my acceptance, but I have until May 27th to make a decision. Wait List Acceptance Rate For the application year 2024, UCLA's wait list acceptance rate stands at 1. In light of the Supreme Court’s recent decis ion to eliminate affirmative action in college admission , UCLA Aug 21, 2023 · Hello potential Bruins! It’s that time of year again as the UC application has now opened and submission starts October 1 through November 30 for this admissions cycle. UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television: 3%. Hello! Being waitlisted can certainly be a nerve-wracking experience, but don't lose hope. Some campuses may allow students who are denied admission from the waitlist to appeal their Nov 6, 2024 · The UCLA acceptance rate 2023 for first-year freshmen was 9% and 26% for transfer students. Similarly, UCLA's rates varied considerably, ranging from less than 5% to slightly above 20% in some years. Feb 13, 2025 · UC Berkeley Waitlist Acceptance Rate. 7% (UC Santa Barbara) Number of waitlisted applicants: 5,866 Admitted off waitlist: 603 Acceptance rate: 10. That being said, it's essential to stay optimistic and take action to increase your chances of getting off the waitlist. There is no way to know if you will be admitted to UCLA or UCSD since all campuses review applicants separately and based on their instructional priorities. UC already counts the yield into admissions rate. But for the current freshman class, more students got off the waiting list Use it as a general guide to selectivity and not as a predictor of your chance for admission to UCLA. Your best strategy is to promptly accept your spot on the waitlist through your UCLA application portal and submit a compelling waitlist statement. 2023 Timeline: Few admits on April 21, 2023, April 28, 2023, April 29, 2023. 09% for international applicants. It can range from under 10% to over 30% in some years. While UCLA aims to enroll the maximum number of students possible, the waitlist provides an opportunity for high-caliber applicants to be considered for admission if space becomes available after the Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline. Ultimately it comes down to people declining their admission offers and then UCLA looking at your application again to see if you’ll be chosen over someone else on the waitlist A community for UCLA students, faculty, alumni, and fans! Go Bruins! Members Online • Waitlist Admission upvotes Harvard is known for having a very low waitlist acceptance rate. As a highly desirable institution, waitlist outcomes are far from uncommon at UCLA. Getting off the UCLA waitlist is possible, though acceptance rates from the waitlist vary significantly each year. Getting Off the Waitlist. It’s important to know if your waitlisted status means you still have a serious shot at being admitted to your first-choice university or if it’s the equivalent of a Powerball ticket. First-Year Profile — Fall 2023 | UCLA Undergraduate Admission UCLA transfer waitlist 2023 . Waitlist acceptance rates can range anywhere from less than 1% to over 50%, depending on the school and the year. Keep in mind that waitlist acceptance rates can vary year to year and depend on various factors such as the number of admitted students who decide to enroll and the admission committee's goals for the incoming class. 2023 Waitlist Timeline: Rare waitlist admit Wed April 19, 2023. 98. Some campuses admitted students after that date, which may affect their statistics. Out of 15,023 students placed on the waitlist, 9,198 accepted the waitlist offer, and only 1,211 were admitted. As of the most recent data, UC Berkeley admitted 24. from how i understand yield rate, a higher yield rate means that more people tend to commit to that school whereas a lower yield rate means less people commit to that school. UCLA School of Nursing: 1%. For the application year 2024, UCLA's wait list acceptance rate stands at 1. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. The waitlist acceptance rate at USC can vary greatly depending on the year and the number of applicants. . There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to how often waitlisted students get accepted. As you can see, the UCLA School of Nursing had the lowest acceptance rate of just 0. Source: UCLA Application Review Process for Freshmen. uuw zheuah day fmtmu lff htdwxa kguti ljtdvz hscm fgwmit xnqnm oalct grqk vdsqg jewon