Toz 18 scope Russian Rimfires & Biathlon The TOZ Simonov SKS 7. [4] Mar 20, 2010 · TOZ 122 got least points of the 10 tested rifles and while all other rifles got total points within range of 30 - 45 points, TOZ got just 18. 5 scope. 6g led bullet, and equipped with the 2X optical sight. PU scope and mount are repro. I'd originally purchased it with the idea that i was going to cut and recrown the barrel to 18. Used for firing the target or sporting and hunting 5. for Olin Corp, sold as Winchester Model: Wildcat Sporter Model Serial Number: 255MP 00106 Year of The most widely produced models are single-shot TOZ-7, TOZ-8 (more than one million produced), TOZ-12, and magazine-fed TOZ-17 and TOZ-18. Mar 12, 2008 · Sticky: TOZ 78 - Tula, Winchester Wildcat 22 (aka TOZ 78-12), Optical Sights, USA Peep Sights. Mar 24, 2008 · A similar modernization were also pyatizaryadnye TOZ-17 rifles and TOZ-18, respectively, marking received TOZ-17-1 and TOZ-18-1. I bought a set of B-square AirGun high rings that are convertable 9. As they asigned the numbers to the constuktions without any system. 7-inch) from distance of 100 meters with any kind of ammo tested - that would be double to four Mar 17, 2001 · Variety Carbine TOZ-17 is carbines TOZ-18, which is, except sector sight, optical sight. E. Why are yall saying 8. Both are same caliber and can mount scopes. Nice little rifle that I would like to scope and have more than one mag. This should be a good use as I can shorten it and still use a normal size PU Scope. Oct 30, 2009 · I am looking for a base, mount, & scope, and magazines of a TOZ-18. The TOZ . Jun 7, 2010 · TOZ 18 I picked this one up on a tread for some stock work. just the TAPCO SKS stock itselfthat will lead you to Futher options. M. According article the 10 rifle test article TOZ 122 failed producing groups better than 95-mm (3. Les meilleures offres pour RARE WITH FACTORY ADAPTER MOUNT SSSR TOZ 18 TOZ 78 RIFLE SCOPE . I currently only own one, a TOZ-17. Those air rifle scopes are built tough to live on an air rifle with the backwards recoil. I got my TOZ-17 for $175. It took me a year and a half to find one, 50$ for one plus shipping from Poland. You may recall these coming in a couple of years ago they are pretty much un-findable unless for sale used, like this one! It has an excellent condition, free floated barrel with adjustable trigger Jul 20, 2008 · Other Rimfire Guns. Just search for Cz527 rings. When I was a young fella I built a Winchester 52 B (five shot clip) target rifle into a squirrel rifle. Congrads. 18 scope mount · HK MP5 B&T tri-rail receiver mount · AKS-74U Zenit B-18 Mount · Kiba Arms SPRM rail mount for pump-action shotguns · Mosin Rifle Kochetov mount · LaRue LT101 QD Tactical Picatinny Riser mount · M14 SAGE International DCSB mount · M14 Leapers UTG 4-Point Locking Deluxe Aug 10, 2007 · Scope mount for the TOZ-78 #18 · Aug 18, 2007. nice thing about the pop cans is they usually don't loose any weight when you take the ones shot full of holes to the recycler. 18 scope mount · HK MP5 B&T tri-rail receiver mount · AKS-74U Zenit B-18 Mount · Kiba Arms SPRM rail mount for pump-action shotguns · Mosin Rifle Kochetov mount · LaRue LT101 QD Tactical Picatinny Riser mount · M14 SAGE International DCSB mount · M14 Leapers UTG 4-Point Locking Deluxe Oct 11, 2010 · Sighted in with silver bear 145gr fmj and got 2 1/2" groups with irons and 1" groups with the scope at 100yds. Is there a difference between the two or would it be the same sight, so I could purchase either and it would still fit? The only marking on the barrel is “r Dec 6, 2011 · Scope for TOZ 17/18 If your TOZ 17 has the proper side mount the optic depicted in the following thread may be what you're looking for. not the gun. I haven't shot it much, but I really like this little rifle. rare example with factory adapter. I really like this little rifle. The magnification is 2. 5 power scope. . In the last few months, the transport is very slow. com : ohhunt Picatinny Ventilated Rib Rail Scope Mount for The IZH-27 MR-153/155 MP-233 TOZ-120 MTs21-12 TOZ-84 (3. 22 Caliber Rifles and variants can be seen in the following films, television series, video games, and anime used by the following actors: Oct 31, 2024 · Picatinny Ventilated Rib Rail Scope Mount for The IZH-27 MR-153/155 MP-233 TOZ-120 MTs21-12 TOZ-84 CNC machined from aluminium alloy with matte oxide finish. K. I have a original TOZ 78, and the model of scope mounts that work with it are standard Leupold Mosin Rifle AIM Sports MNG rail mount · M14 A. 35inch) : Sports & Outdoors Dec 11, 2008 · TOZ-18 - same as TOZ-17, but with additional PU type scope and mount (1956-1957) TOZ-17-01 - upgrade of TOZ-17 (1970s) "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" The TOZ-17 is a 5-shot . Add to cart BUSHNELL 6-24X50 SFP NITRO BLACK The Bushnell Nitro Rifle Scope, 6-24x50mm, Second Focal Plane Apr 4, 2024 · Those TOZ-9 are realy rare birds! Differs quite a bid from later TOZ-17 contruction. Fairly accurate, but not as good as TOZ single shot . fingertip, resettable windage and elevation adjustment Fast-focus eyepiece. I sighted in the irons and by that time a 20 mph gusty crosswind ended that session. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for RARE WITH FACTORY ADAPTER MOUNT SSSR TOZ 18 TOZ 78 RIFLE SCOPE . TOZ-17-01 is a 1970th follow up. Just thought I'd post in case anyone else wants one. Get a little Dovetail clip so you can attach a PSO Scope on the dovetail mountget a stock by R-C LINKED SEARCH on the TAPCO-SKS mod but. Jul 3, 2019 · TOZ 18. 62x39 carbine - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters Jun 18, 2010 · We may earn a commission for products purchased through links on this page in this video i will be covering how to mod the sks whats the difference between the sks and the op-sks and how to attach a scope onto the sksIf you enjoyed LSB#: 170223DL01 Make: TOZ, in Russia, Imported by Saco Inc. A. As the pictures show, it's set up to be used as a Mosin PU sniper training rifle. Slapped a cheapo 3x9 Bushnell Sportsman on it So I want to attach a scope to toz 34 but i don’t know which scope it uses does anyone have a clue of which scope I can attach it just a list of scopes that toz 34 uses will be helpful (GUNSLINGER MOD) (Edit: I found it out there are two scopes that toz 34 can attach but I forget the name) This post is already solved! The most widely produced models are single-shot TOZ-7, TOZ-8 (more than one million produced), TOZ-12, and magazine-fed TOZ-17 and TOZ-18. Mosin Rifle AIM Sports MNG rail mount · M14 A. SOLD Mar 22, 2009 · Advanced Search Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join Toz-18/78 for ultimate rat runs . dobry. Magazine: GunBroker is the largest seller of Rifle Magazines & Rifle Clips Rifle Parts Gun Parts All: 1081959593 Oct 6, 2024 · PO1 scope made in ZOMZ. Great gift ! See photos for further details, clarification, and condition. If anyone has an original scope and mount fot the TOZ 18 PLease disregard the above and PM right AWAY Jun 8, 2022 · Amazon. 5mm. set in a special bracket to the receiver box. aom22 said: EST Scope Mount from Kalinka Optics Warehouse® #18 · Feb 2, 2007. An excellent item for collectors and lovers of USSR scope. Be sure to read the entire thread for more relevent information. Weight of carbines [TOZ]-17 and [TOZ]-18 (without the optical sight) 2,5 - 2,7 kg. Some optics have a built-in attachment that fits a scope base, these are usually Weaver-style. Do any of you know anything about this type of scope or mount? And am I completely wrong with my identification of the gun? toz 18 toz 78 cal. The eyepiece diameter is 23 mm, the angle of the field of view is 6 degrees, the length of the sight is 155 mm, and the weight is 150 g. PO-1 (daytime optical scope) produced in 1977 in the USSR (ZOMZ plant). 99, Shoots & operates great. Just think it would cool at level one to have the choice of the VPO with 4 rounds of EKO at 30 pen vs the MP-18 with 1 shot of LPS at 42 pen - both capable of mounting the 4x Pilad. 18 ft. rar Category Weapon Model. See less See more 2 Save Share Feb 18, 2008 · Scope Rail: TC Icon VS TOZ 122 Spoon bolt handles are are common place on European rifles. Aug 23, 2009 · Singly rifle TOZ-12 is a modification of the rifle TOZ-8M and is designed for shooting at distances up to 100 m. Nov 11, 2008 · TOZ 17-01 Questions Use higher rings for your scope. NP6195 Jan 29, 2007 · Scope mount for the TOZ-78: 8. The TOZ-18 is a version of the TOZ-17, fitted with a sniper scope. Looks to be standard Mosin sniper. 18 scope mount · HK MP5 B&T tri-rail receiver mount · AKS-74U Zenit B-18 Mount · Kiba Arms SPRM rail mount for pump-action shotguns · Mosin Rifle Kochetov mount · LaRue LT101 QD Tactical Picatinny Riser mount · M14 SAGE International DCSB mount · M14 Leapers UTG 4-Point Locking Deluxe Ayrıca her şalter merkezi bir RGB LED'e sahiptir, böylece her tuşu çepeçevre aydınlatır. 22lr. 366ktm vpo's (cuz they where hard to get, sold out), I stopped using the mp-18. If you want a cheap hatchet run gun that you'll always get back, run the VPO 215 with AP-M. Ako na njuskalu nema drugo, sa modela 18 je neko skinuo optiku. It can show better result than I am - that is for sure. I see that you have been down this path before me. Its receiver has a standard dovetail rail for allowing a scope, but requires high rings to allow the scope to clear the rear sight. Each target has a 5 rounds in it. Oct 9, 2006 · The variety of carbine [TOZ]-17 is carbine [TOZ]-18, which has, besides curve-slide sight, optical sight. 0 uyum sağlar. Mainly designed for target shooting and small game hunting. In the modern day, TOZ produces the TOZ-78 model. 22, or as perfectly made as an Anschutz, they are JUST as reliable (if not more-so), almost indestructable, and usually VERY accurate (my TOZ-17 will outshoot the TOZ-8m Target rifle I used to own). 5X. OK finally shot the TOZ this weekend. s/n P524 So, be careful when trying to shoot enemies at range with these weapons! Also note that scope zeroing is accurate for a specific bullet only, and all other bullets of that caliber will not necessarily have the same ballistic properties, so they might hit higher or lower even if the range is dialed-in right. Stan techniczny karabinka b. Any more questions don't hesitate. For installation on hunting and sporting weapons (for example, TOZ-18 or smooth-bore guns). TRI955 Is May 16, 2014 · TOZ 18 I got this one from ENM Sports a while back. Toz34 with Scope. Immensely popular both in CIS countries and in the West, this weapon is still in active service in some countries in form of various copies and modifications. 22 Ruger 10/22 Stainless Synthetic 18" with Scope & Silencer. 366tkm in almost every way. 9mm,These rails attach as low as possible on the ribs for a slim profile that provides minimal interference. appx. Special for the TOZ 18 or will a centerfire rifle sniper mount fit? Does anybody sell these? TIA, Allan Schisel Jun 7, 2010 · TOZ 18 I picked this one up on a tread for some stock work. 5 mm scope rail, EST mount, BKL mount aom22 said: Just inherited a TOZ 17 or 18, and can’t tell them apart. "Red Dot" is a bit of a generic term, if the tube is 1" diameter then it will need 1" rings, a 30mm tube needs 30mm rings. Filename TOZ-34_Ohotnik. Intended use is for hunting small fur bearing animals and birds. It was imported woth a PU scope base. Jul 3, 2019 · I was given a Toz 17-01(same mag as a Toz 18) that came with no magazine. Stan widoczny na zdjęciach, przewód lufy – bardzo ładny. Jan 9, 2011 · TOZ 18 and WA 48 Report Jump to Latest Follow 898 views 1 reply 2 participants last post by mkgr22 Jan 10, 2011 Jul 22, 2009 · For sale is a Tula TOZ-78-01 with Belarus 4x scope and special mount designed for this rifle. 210 likes, 11 comments - swiss_gun_grabberFebruary 18, 2024 on : "Russian Toz-17 . Generally, both models are the same rifle. 5-2. I did a little shooting For Sale: Russian TOZ 18 . T. 6-mm cartridges side lamp. 3K views 5 replies 3 participants last post by JeepnPA Jul 27, 2010 The mp-18's ammo cannot 1-tap the chest, meaning your enemy will be at 10-15 health it you hit him with your mp-18. 18 scope mount · HK MP5 B&T tri-rail receiver mount · AKS-74U Zenit B-18 Mount · Kiba Arms SPRM rail mount for pump-action shotguns · Mosin Rifle Kochetov mount · LaRue LT101 QD Tactical Picatinny Riser mount · M14 SAGE International DCSB mount · M14 Leapers UTG 4-Point Locking Deluxe Feb 1, 2010 · Russian TOZ-122 Bolt Action Rifle. 5 mm scope rail, EST mount, BKL mount . Some might need a simple modification to remove the tab that fits in the 527 rail recess, but otherwise fit fine. And careful, the normal SKS (non OP-SKS), doesn't have any dovetail mount options. Maybe not vodkas, but some sort of low level barter. I was not sure about, what was behind model numbers 2 to 7 from TOZ. Made in USSR. FYI - TOZ = Tula Arsenal. A standard PU base and mount bolt right up. Licence VonLichstein - Feb 18 2016 - 400 comments Mosin Rifle AIM Sports MNG rail mount · M14 A. Set Triple K Toz 17 / 18 22LR 5 Rd. 18 scope mount · HK MP5 B&T tri-rail receiver mount · AKS-74U Zenit B-18 Mount · Kiba Arms SPRM rail mount for pump-action shotguns · Mosin Rifle Kochetov mount · LaRue LT101 QD Tactical Picatinny Riser mount · M14 SAGE International DCSB mount · M14 Leapers UTG 4-Point Locking Deluxe Feb 14, 2025 · TOZ Simonov SKS 7. 22 1970s sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Dec 8, 2006 · The scope will be mounted on a TOZ 78-06 . We will continue the searches and report back. Magazine quantity. 22lr bolt action in its original Russian setup. $299 plus $200 for the scope & mount. both adjust wheels work as it should. I find that Aguila standard velocity ammo to be the best so far and closely behind CCI standard velocity again. I may also try another scope since I was using a cheap fixed power 6x42 norinco. S. The TOZ-17 has the bolt with a rear safety similar to BSA rifle as the BSA Sportsman. 75 points. Those will actually go through level 4 armor, the rifle is only 18k AND it comes with a scope mount by default from trader. 62x39 cartridge and known abroad as SKS-45. It is machined as an element of the receiver. The community has spoken! This listing been flagged as a scam. The TOZ-18 is the same rifle redesigned to accept a 2. Strix Scope RX ayrıca IP57 su geçirmez ve toz tutmaz, alaşım üst kapak ve USB 2. 22lr rimfire. 18 scope mount · HK MP5 B&T tri-rail receiver mount · AKS-74U Zenit B-18 Mount · Kiba Arms SPRM rail mount for pump-action shotguns · Mosin Rifle Kochetov mount · LaRue LT101 QD Tactical Picatinny Riser mount · M14 SAGE International DCSB mount · M14 Leapers UTG 4-Point Locking Deluxe Apr 15, 2012 · Need info on the the scope base/mount. GAU Index 56-A-231. It has a fancy hardwood checkered stock, blackened forearm tip, black rubber buttpad, 1" steel see-thru quick detachable rings, Jun 29, 2015 · Today spent some time on the range with TOZ 17-01 to see what it capable. O. R. 5mm? Jan 29, 2025 · Scope mounts are pretty much universal between scope and red dot, you do need to use a style of ring that is for that design tho. 62x39 carbine (SKS) is an assault carbine in Escape from Tarkov. Kinda worried that the scope won't be good past 100yds so I'll attempt to shim the rings so that I have some windage adjustment left. It's drilled & tapped on the side for a scope so I'll need a mount but I like the sights & the trigger pull is 2# 1oz Apr 5, 2021 · I did some detective work and found out it is an old Tula made TOZ-18 with a serial number of A355 so presumably it was of the first series made in 1969 which matches its metal stock plate. Location Addons. 22 Tula With Original Scope 1974. 22 Apr 15, 2012 · I have a TOZ-18 with the scope mount. 00. My TOZ 99 rocks!!. A Soviet semi-automatic carbine designed by Sergei Simonov for 7. I have mounted a scope with KWIK site rings and have absolutely no issues. Apr 24, 2008 · TOZ-17 was originally introduced in 1956-1957. 22 caliber rifle, designed in the late 1950s and based on the single shot TOZ-16. L. The triggers is Oct 11, 2014 · Hi folks. I saw like 8. Nov 18, 2010 · This is a TOZ 18 trainer in . com : ohhunt Picatinny Ventilated Rib Rail Scope Mount for IZH-27 MR-153/155 MP-233 TOZ-120 MTs21-12 TOZ-84 (2. The rifle shoots excellent with the factory iron sights, despite my poor eyesight. No wider than 7. established in the special bracket on the receiver group. Aug 24, 2006 · Nice groups. I wish I could find the correct scope for it That ia a wild looking muzzle. 16inch) : Sports & Outdoors Jul 26, 2010 · Winchester Wildcat/TOZ-78 Scope Mount Jump to Latest 1. 22 cal. </p><p>Dodge Pentastar VVT Jan 30, 2016 · Add addon S. On the Icon, the picatinny rail is an integral part of the receiver. Dec 27, 2022 · As far as scope mounts for there are a few readily available options. I have personally never seen one Sep 15, 2020 · Ultimately I did a search and found a Wikipedia page that included the history of all the TOZ models. Mp18 outclassed by vpo . This page separates the rifles into the TOZ-8 (included are the Models 8, 8M, 8OPF, 9, 11, 12, 12OPF, and 16), The TOZ-17 Included are the models 17, 17-01, 18, and 78. I did a little shooting at 25 yards, prone, unsupported. Jump to Latest Should be a fun plinker with the PU 3. So the minimal distance for clear, parallax free Discussion starter · #55 · Mar 18 Thor Motor Coach Scope 18M RVs For Sale: 73 RVs Near Me - Find New and Used Thor Motor Coach Scope 18M RVs on RV Trader. #3 · Nov 18, 2008. 22 1970s at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Backyard plinking with my TOZ 18 sniper clone. This particular Feb 25, 2008 · TOZ 78 Range Report I finally got the Toz out for some trigger time Saturday. Feb 19, 2010 · Saw a TOZ 18 with scope in the side mount today. Features Multi-coated optics One-piece tube 100% waterproof/fogproof construction Dry-nitrogen filled 1/4 M. It was imported with a PU scope base. Apr 30, 2007 · I recently acquired a TOZ 78 rifle. [4] However, even in December 1988 TOZ-55 was the most common hunting firearm in 9×53mmR caliber in the Soviet Union. Nov 30, 2007 · Russian scope for the TOZ model 18? Jump to Latest 863 views 3 replies 2 participants last post by alb87 Dec 2, 2007 In April 1987, it was announced that Tula Arms Plant would begin mass production of new TOZ-84 shotgun and this gun will replace in production TOZ-34, TOZ-55 and TOZ-57. Magazynek mieści 5 naboi . Reasonable? Jun 30, 2009 · TOZ-18 - five round hunting carbine, chambered for the 5. Scope mount for the TOZ-78: 8. 6mm rimfire cartridge with 2. Suggestion Either one would work the same. The TOZ-17 has a free-floating barrel for increased accuracy. It is a 308 with a 22" barrel. [5] After this, production of TOZ-55 was discontinued. The modernization has increased the performance of the rifles, shooting accuracy and repeatability, improved security breech casing from contamination and allowed to abandon still uncomfortable fuse, replacing it with The TOZ-17 has a free-floating barrel for increased accuracy. The receiver is CNC machined from a billet of round stock. 5-power fixed focus scope. After correction to the right: It is not the best groups and better eyes might do better. Air Rifle Scopes Items similar to a 22 Toz 17 21" 22 Toz 17 Threaded. The main thing I’m after is to put some original sights on it, as the previous owner took them off in favour of a new scope. Apr 2, 2011 · recently acquired this gun and was wondering if anyone knows anything about it. That ia a wild looking muzzle. Scopes. It was set at 100 m. The receiver diameter is different, so I couldn't be certain, of course. Here is a cool thing about this rifle. 18 scope mount · HK MP5 B&T tri-rail receiver mount · AKS-74U Zenit B-18 Mount · Kiba Arms SPRM rail mount for pump-action shotguns · Mosin Rifle Kochetov mount · LaRue LT101 QD Tactical Picatinny Riser mount · M14 SAGE International DCSB mount · M14 Leapers UTG 4-Point Locking Deluxe You're also using slugs in a gun with 18 MOA, which means it's all but useless at any distance over 20 meters. Weight carbines TOZ-17 and TOZ-18 (no optical sight) 2. The rail on the TOZ 122 is a separate component that happens TOZ 18 I picked this one up on a tread for some stock work. 5mm- 11. Old stock Federal 711b (1080 fps) Amazon. Got it from Preachere. I have a friend that is friends with an importer in IL and he hand picked some of these. I am looking for a base, mount, & scope, and magazines of a TOZ-18. Its bore is anodized to reduce wear and increase barrel life. 5 inches and cut the stock down to fit my son, with a scope and a bipod. 7 kg. Would be the cheapest rifle in the game Apr 5, 2008 · I have owned quite a few TOZ rifles over the years. 22 Caliber Rifles and variants can be seen in the following films, television series, video games, and anime used by the following actors:. Fajny zestaw do rekreacji i treningu sportowego. You also have to know the measurement of your holes to know which of the three mounts to buy. Scope I put on this mount and Toz-8M: Banner® Dusk & Dawn 4-12 x 40. PU-like setup, with X2. There is also a scoped version of this rifle: TOZ-18. Jun 9, 2008 · He said the mount holes in the receiver are 6mm coarse and Accumounts sends a 5mm drill bit and a 6mm fine tap. Got kills with it, but as soon as I was able to buy some . rare with factory adapter mount sssr toz 18 toz 78 rifle scope . Strix Scope serisinin tüm oyun klavyeleri gibi daha geniş bir Ctrl tuşuna ve FPS oyuncuları için bir Stealth tuşuna sahiptir. 10 prewar TOZ-8 over the years here, many modified badly(one in a current auction with welded(!) on scope mount. Luneta - wersja wcześniejsza, zamontowana na bocznym oryginalnym montażu - całość to tzw "MINI ZAJCEW". Shutter rolling. 22. Karabinek sportowy bocznego zapłonu TOZ-18 z lunetą P01. Buy Toz 17 / 18 22LR 5Rd. Buy USED TULA TOZ-18 USSR SNIPER TRAINER: GunBroker is the largest seller of Bolt Action Rifles Rifles Guns & Firearms All: 1084814499 Scopes, Sights & Optics toz-18小口径运动步枪射击实测, 枪小威力大 Dec 17, 2009 · #9 · Dec 18, 2009. USSR period. White house on the new rifle. 22s (TOZ-8, TOZ-10, TOZ-12, TOZ-16). As was said might happen, the shimmed scope mounts started to slip and put paid any effort atarget with optics. Shoots like a laser despite the chin weld. Whilst not as aesthetically pleasing as say a Brno / CZ . It has a 5rd detachable magazine. It feels fun to use and reload, shoot with. I did a little shooting Jan 1, 2023 · got a new gun, a Tula Arms TOZ / TO3-18 with P01 scope Feb 6, 2009 · Mount from Toz-99 fits on Toz-17 and Toz-8M. Good luck! Sportowy rosyjski karabinek TOZ 18 z oryginalną lunetą x2 – popularny w ZSRR (zwany potocznie Mini Zajcew). I would like to mount a scope on the rifle and wondered if I could get some help with the following questions:-Is it necessary to remove the rear sight to mount a scope? If the rear sight does need to be removed, how is this done? adi-000 Zarejestrowany użytkownik Reactions: Posty: 740 Rejestracja: 2008-09-15, 10:09 2008-09-15, 10:09 May 23, 2012 · I need one of those not so popular Aluminum PU mounts for a temporary set up on a TOZ-18 . Dec 3, 2016 · Just picked up a TOZ-18 in excellent condition for $100.
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