Smolov 13 week bench program. I’ve been out of the gym for 2 weeks.

Smolov 13 week bench program Wednesday: incline bench press 8 sets of 4-6 with arm accessories. But what is Smolov and is it still a good program? Smolov is a high-intensity and high-volume squat program that originated in Russia. But as people say, “the way to heaven is through hell”; in a similar manner, at the end of those brutal 13 weeks, your 1 RM on squats would be increased by 50-100 pounds. Like Smolov, it is intense, but doesn’t require the 13 week I ran Smolov Jr for squat and bench simultaneously, spread out to 3 days / 4 weeks, deadlifting on the 4th day, leading up to a powerlifting meet. But I wanted to bench with high volume and this was the only Sheiko 4 day bench only program I could find at the time, and I wanted to have fun in the gym and enjoy what I was doing Smolov 13 Week Program - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. So technically the program ended here, as that was the last scheduled day for Smolov Jr. txt) or read online for free. Nov 24, 2020 · 10lbs bench increase in 3 weeks, I'll take it. Perhaps you’ve spent some time reading up on the full, 13-week Smolov squat program. Bench Press Program. This is a variation of the Smolov Powerlifting program, with some of the numbers and percentages tuned down to a more reasonable expectation for the bench press. It tracks weights in kilograms and lists 1RM strengths of 100kg bench press, 170kg squat and 200kg deadlift. Please do not do this program if you are not already benching multiple times per week and are effectively stretching and warming up both your chest and shoulders. Unlike the full Smolov program, Smolov Jr can be run twice in a row if a week of rest is taken between cycles. are amazingly intense, but also amazingly effective approaches to increasing strength in squats and bench presses. Perform the 13 weeks of our modified Smolov squat program without taking time off between phases. This guide will help you use these programs to your advantage. Feb 19, 2024 · Those who claim to have done and enjoyed the Smolov program are often labeled as masochists. Program. Nov 03, 2024 04:13. a good program to go by? Jun 16, 2019 · Smolov Junior är ett styrkeprogram som består av en nedbantad version av det ryska knäböjsprogrammet Smolov Squat Routine. That said, it's far more manageable if you stretch it out to 3x a week over 4 weeks. You probably should have went for 275. At a high level, the program consists of the following: Jul 13, 2021 · Sergey Smolov (nicknamed the “Russian Master of Sports”) created an unforgiving 13-week training program to boost the back squat by 100lbs. Im gonnna try smolov jr for my bench which has stagnated all year. The Smolov Senior is a 13 week squat program that has become very widely used among the local CrossFit® community in Tuscaloosa, Alabama (and I assume everywhere else as well I highly recomend canditos programs to work on squat. Honestly, its a shit tonne of volume on both lifts. Jan 27, 2012 · The first thing that might stand out is doing 5kg less than my max for ten triples in three weeks. I'm currently running the 13 week Smolov squat program and the 4 week Smolov Jr. This page will detail the Smolov Jr. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. The 20lb jump was really a 7. Stats are: 42 yrs old; 210 lbs; 68 inches tall. Jul 15, 2021 · Brad Gillingham’s 12 week raw bench program is a no frills bench-only program that incorporates a heavy day and a volume day into a 2x weekly program. Instagram: @JonStudsTiktok: @JonStudsSmolov Jr. 12 weeks. (for bench) at the same time as running the 13 week smolov for squats. I, however, always intended to test my 1RM at the end of the program, to see how much the increased exposure at heavier weights would help me. How to prepare for and recover from a Smolov training session. Smolov Program Methodology. it's an ok bench program. I then injured myself (some kind of pec strain) a couple weeks into the rest of the cycle. It is a highly stressful (for the shoulders mostly) peaking routine, not a strength building program. The goal is to increase the participant's 1 rep max which is tested at the end of week 5. pdf), Text File (. First and foremost, […] Welcome to the Smolov Jr Calculator, designed to boost your bench press strength in just 3 weeks! This program is a condensed version of the original Smolov squat routine, adapted for the bench press. If you’re familiar with the program and are just looking for a calculator to compute loads, click here or here for the app. About the program layout, and how you will be lifting during each week. I know Smolov says "10lbs on your bench/squat in 4 weeks" but that's not really accurate. Smolov W1D1Flat BenchFirst 3 sets- 205x84th at 225x55&6th at 235x27th at 250x1Decline BenchFirst 3 sets at 2104th at 230x55/6th at 245x27th- 275x8Tricep rout Feb 23, 2024 · This is a no nonsense 6 week bench press peaking program styled after the infamous Russian Squat Routine. Added slightly less than 10kg to my bench in 3 weeks, bodyweight stayed roughly the same. The squat routine is a strength program broken down into four phases which last for a total of 13 weeks. I’m 16 and want to run the smolov jr program for a few weeks to increase my bench, are there any tips you guys have? ESPECIALLY FOR HOW TO NOT LOSE THE STRENGTH YOUVE GAINED AFTER, after the program I plan to go back to benching 2x a week just for strength and some people say you wil lose a lot of strength after Base mesocycle (4 weeks) -- high-volume, high-frequency LP. xlsx), PDF File (. Smolov and Smolov Jr. The four phases are: I have been training since august 2022, I eat around 3-4k calories a day, I have around 500-600 carbs a day along with 130-185 grams of protein a day, I turn 18 at the end of January and wanted to bench as much as possible before I turn 18 hens why I ran the smolov program 2 times, I was planning on running it 3 times in total with a week break between each cycle but I realised I can’t do it At 300 1RM that is over 2,261 pounds difference in volume and week 4 10×3 at 91% of 1RM instead of 95% of 1RM. (Bench) 100: 8. is that Smolov Jr. The program progresses each week by increasing weight and decreasing reps while monitoring difficulty on a 1-5 scale. What to expect during the 13 week Smolov cycle. I really liked benching four days a week and had perma-pump in my chest for three weeks. … Sep 28, 2013 · Here is a spreadsheet for the original Smolov Squat Routine that works for kg and lbs. Able to use for Pressing as well. Aug 24, 2020 · Written and popularized by Redditor Matt Disbrow (aka /u/mdisbrow) – the Deathbench program is a disciple of the “if you want a bigger bench press, bench more” church. No explanations here, Smolov Jr. 9. Smolov Jr. 5kg I started this program because i was getting really bored of 531 and decided i want to start enjoying the gym again and my favourite lift is bench press so benching 4 times a week sounded fun and it was. is a three-week, abbreviated version of Smolov that originally gained popularity for quickly boosting bench press strength. Bench Program and it has been a grind so far! Excited to finish this final week of the program and the prepar Hey guys, did smolov jr a few months ago - I occasionally see questions coming up here about it so thought I would post my synopsis. Be sure to avoid training any accessory lifts to the bench during the course, and do not immediately start the course again after 3 weeks. Bench press will be done 4 times per week, with escalating intensities as the week progresses. Time Per Workout. 5% increase in your max, which is really a lot. Now, before you start getting excited about its short duration and start day-dreaming about upping your basic lifts, let us warn you, these 3 weeks will be nothing less than hell. I do not recommend smolov at all. I dropped weight and didnt train bench as much the last 6 months. It incorporates progressive overload, meaning a calculated increase in weight over the 13 week cycle that should result in a significant personal best. is a three week program based on the Russian Squat routine known as Smolov. Honestly, it was a poor choice for me given my level of experience. Nice progress, right now running Smolov Jr for Bench to finally bench 315. Weeks 3-6: Base Cycle Weeks 7-8: Switching Phase (where I ended up) Weeks 9-12: Intense Cycle Week 13: Taper Week The full routine is explained here. regimen. cycle for Press and Bench during it for 3 weeks each, bench went up 10 lbs press went up 5 lbs. Then I did intense and it went from 425-450. Which I will be doing going forward. 265 tng. Here were my results and thoughts: Start (Week 1): 110kg x 1 paused End (Week 3): 120kg x 1 Pictures. smolovjr. At no point until the last 2 weeks of the intense cycle did I feel truly worn out or beat up. Frequency: You'll be squatting 4 times per week, allowing for frequent practice and adaptation. Or, maybe you’ve been reading up it’s little brother, the 3-week Smolov Jr. If you don’t understand it or what follows, then you frankly have no business running the program. Generates a 3 week workout based on your current 1 rep maximum This 4-week bench peaking program consists of bench press workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with accessory work on Wednesdays and Saturdays. :-/ Program was completed with a max bench of 320, paused. It is often run for the squat or the bench press. It focuses purely on building your squat. It was popularized by Pavel Tsatsouline when he published it in a 2001 issue of Powerlifting USA. The Smolov squat routine is a program that consists of several phases and typically spans over a 13 week period. -share the program but dont remove/hide the link to the creators website-3. The full Smolov cycle is a brutal 13 week reckoning. Not the greatest bench program either TBH. Whether you're looking to break through a plateau or aiming for a new PR, our app creates a customized Smolov Jr program tailored just for you Jul 15, 2021 · The Smolov base phase (different use of the term “Base phase” than I use) iis a straightforward and simple daily undulating periodization approach that simply progresses linearly every week for the duration of the block. I would also strongly consider GH during the last 11 weeks of Smolov. I had about 10lb pr's every 3 weeks when I tested new maxes. I have been working out for roughly five months, but mostly doing bro splits and I was thinking it was time to get on a real program. */ I am 5'10" ~230, deadlift pr of 475, and bench max of 345. If you are ready for the pain and prepared to make a few sacrifices during the next 6-13 weeks, the Smolov squat routine is a worthy program. But I've also considered just going back to 5/3/1. Program Overview. I ran smolov with squat when doing weightlifting, my squat improved 20kg and deads 40kg, I don't do numbers and percentages, I squatted heavy 3 times/week and light 2, I did it all by feeling, the heavy days I would squat for 6 reps tops, mostly 3/4, on the light days I would squat very light weight for me for 6 reps tops Jan 23, 2015 · Smolov is a 13 week Squat Program that was developed by Sergey Smolov, the Russian Master of Sports. is what it is. protocol, for more information about the full 13 week Smolov protocol, head here. and 5/3/1 into one program. Eating when you are hungry is enough, unless you are like 10% body fat. Apparently it’s easier and can be used for a variety of lifts. The weight you squat is always a percentage of your one-rep max, or 1rm (see our calculator if you don’t know it); Weeks 4 and 5 add specific poundages to that percentage. Wasn't easy, but worked fine. Both are 10 week bench press programs with 2 workouts per week. I thought about running Smolov for bench before Corona, so I was when the gyms reopen I'd try it out. The program lasts for 13 weeks in total. Bench 125kg 1RM > I Jan 12, 2023 · Here are three different versions of the Drop Bear program: junior (beginner), intermediate, and senior (advanced). smolov is a more extreme peaking program meant for smashing through plateaus. The beginner version is a 12 week powerlifting program, the intermediate version is a 13 week powerlifting program, and the advanced version is a 19 week powerlifting program. are incredibly intense but effective approaches for improving your squat and bench strength. I hit 365 for a rocky set of 5 last month, and after week of vacation, I decided to begin smolov jr. Did candito 6 wk a few times and the 9 week program took me from 365 to 405. I did full upper body workouts during Smolov and increased my bench from 310-335. Bench Press Routine: Week 1: 6×6 at 70%; Week 2: 7×5 at 75%; Week 3: 8×4 at 80%; Week 4: 10×3 at 85%; It’s important to note that the Smolov Squat Program is a very intense program that requires a lot of dedication and discipline. Too many people end up injuring themselves using it. If your bench form is on point it's a safe program, make sure to ask for spotters as needed. Download: Smolov: Back Squat: 13 weeks: 3-4 days/wk ~1-1. The 4-week program progresses from week 1 at 70-85% intensity to a max-out week 4 testing 1RMs. The full Smolov cycle is 13 weeks (training 3-4 days a week), the Smolov Jr. I only got 2 reps on 365, got incredibly frustrated, then left. OHP also shows up on deload […] To be honest I should not of run the program as like you said I'm not advanced in any way shape or form and it probably wasn't the most optimal program for me. I am now following 5/3/1 Thursday, 4-2-09 Bench: 135x5 185x3 215x6x6 (70%) DB Rows: 95x3x8 Cuban Presses: 55x3x8 DB Lateral Raises: 20x3x8 Sep 22, 2014 · The remaining 11 weeks, you will be glad to have all the help you can get. My stats: Weight: 61kg Height: 176cm Age: 38 Squat: 65kg Deadlift: 115kg Bench: 50kg Strict Press: 42. - 3 weeks of increasingly heavier bench sets. Download: Hatch: Front Squat If your 1rm bench just hit 225 then frankly, you're still a beginner, can still benifit from newbie gains, and would probably be able to continue increasing your strength on any linear progression program. will be 3 weeks (training 4 days a week) Like said before, this program is not easy (to say the least) and if you have little experience in weightlifting, this program is not for you (yet) Smolov Jr is useful for any intermediate/advanced lifter, it is basically a peaking program. It is a 3 day bench press program that accumulates volume around 80% to 85% of a lifter’s 1 rep max before tapering down volume and increasing intensity. I went from a 3 plate to 4 plate squat this year @170lb bw. The original program has a duration of 13 weeks and is really taxing while the junior version is easier. Let’s spend a little time discussing the two cycles. Jul 3, 2024 · The long-form and default Smolov program is designed to take you through 13 weeks of intensive training, usually for the squat, and consists of four weekly training sessions. What is the layout of the program and how will you train during each Feb 9, 2013 · 1 thing though, don’t perform any deadlifting while on the Smolov Squat program, snap city right there. Smolov Program and Smolov Jr Bench and Squat Program Spreadsheets. Smolov Jr is a shorter version of the full Smolov program, lasting only 3 weeks. It is recommended that you complete this routine only if your back squat has reached a plateau. Aug 4, 2023 · Smolov Jr Program for Squat and Bench Press. The first week is taken from percentages of your one rep max (70%, 75%, 80%, 85% for M W F S respectively), then in the second week you simply add 5kg to all of these lifts. BaseStrength. The Smolov Squat Routine is a weight training program for increasing your squat strength, originating from Russia. xls file) that incorporates both of these, with a light bench that allows to test a 1RM on the deload week. 9s, 7s, 5s and 3s, arranged to total around 30 reps for each day, are all progressed by a set amount of weight every week It will work, but smolov for squats is extremely tough. Really the only difference with the base mesocycle/Smolov Jr. Mad cow, but drop deadlifts and add bench in its place. You can certainly run the 13 week program for benching, with lower weight additions. This guide will cover the following: What can you expect from a 13 week Smolov cycle? Are you ready for Smolov and Smolov Jr. Matt has stated […] The program worked for me. Before last month, I touched 315 maybe only once or twice, and generally used 275 as my working weight. Even in the deload weeks, anabolic steroids will be invaluable for recovery and for hypertrophy. Yes - don't run Smolov Jr. Jul 10, 2023 · The Smolov Squat Program. I hope to reach at least 100kg bench by Christmas, is Smolov jr. My max from the I use the 10x6x2 model. Unlike the Smolov Squat Routine that goes for 13 weeks, the Smolov Jr. As far as jr. Well after 1. Oct 16, 2012 · Began the 13 week Smolov Squat routine yesterday after a week off from training. After the base cycle some of those workouts will feel like they are going to kill you. Calculator. I ran a Jr. Dec 13, 2022 · The smolov squat program (or smolov squat routine) is named after its creator Sergey Smolov, a “Russian Master of Sport” and weightlifting coach in the 1970’s. routine can be used for either the squat, the deadlift or the bench. Sep 19, 2022 · The Smolov squat program is a training program designed to boost your squat strength as fast as possible. I used 10 lbs less than my calculated one rep max (325) because most forums recommend using a conservative 1RM when running the routine the first time. Some people (including myself, i just started it) run the smolov jr. Created. [Read more…] Filed Under: 12 Week Bench Press Programs , 12 Week Programs , Bench Press Workout Program , Lift Specific Program , Programs The document provides details on a 4-week strength training program, including exercises, sets, reps and loads for each day of each week. TL:DR - After 4 weeks since gym opened I managed to get to a 90kg bench touch n go, ran smolov for 3 weeks and got 100kg for 2ct pause. 4x / wk for 3 weeks. If you want to hit 315 I wouldn't look at Smolov as a long term solution. It is broken up into 5 phases and requires you to squat 3-4 days per week. I put together a spreadsheet (based off of MEatRHIT’s original Workout2. Sep 17, 2014 · Smolov Jr is a powerful, three week fitness program based on the Russian Smolov routine, but tailored to be less strenuous and more versatile. Last Edited. The program is often advertised as capable of putting 100lbs on your squat in only thirteen weeks. Multiple sets at 80-90% 1RM three times per week; Smolov Jr. It is named after its creator, Sergey Smolov “the Russian Master of Sports”. I’ve been out of the gym for 2 weeks. It will increase your bench press, your form, and your pecs, shoulders and triceps will explode. The smolov junior cycle brought my bench press from 225 to 255 which is an impressive leap. 5 hours: Full squat program designed to massively increase squat strength: Upper Body, Deadlifts, Front Squat: Put other lifts on the back burner as squats will be the main focus for 13 weeks. (195-200 press, 260-270 bench) Bodyweight went from 215-230 Finished smolov intense in January 2012, been doing 5-3-1 since. Dec 3, 2018 · Days 3 & 4 of the Smolov Jr. uses lower reps. The Smolov Squat Routine is a weight training program for increasing squat strength, originating from Russia. Smolov is based on a max squat of 615 lbs and derived from the stronglifts downloaded template spread Smolov is every masochistic lifters favorite program. I am into the final work week of the Smolov Jr. I’m just wondering how this program is possible to complete. is a 4 day per week program that extends over a period of 3 weeks. goodluck I have been doing Madcow for 6 months and my bench hit a wall at 5x280 lbs. It is a high volume, high intensity program where you bench 4 May 24, 2009 · The last I benched was 300 for 2. The smolov squat program has you squatting 3 to 4 times per week for 13 weeks, with the aim of adding serious strength to your squat Dec 4, 2018 · Smolov is a 13 week weightlifting program used to increase your strength in the Back Squat. 5kg My results Aug 4, 2015 · In closing, if you’re looking for strength gains, we can recommend no better routine than Smolov Jr. The Smolov Squat Program progressively increases up your squatting numbers but at the same time it subjects you to 13 weeks of pure hell. What is Smolov? Smolov refers usually to the original Smolov Squat Routine. This document outlines a 13-week squat training program with details on exercises, sets, reps and weights for each day and week. Nov 3, 2024 · Smolov jr bench program plus hypetrophy BY (FisH) (1) 3 weeks. You could put 10 pounds on a 225 1rm in 3 weeks using litteraly any program that has you benching at least twice a week Julius Maddox, 723lbs American record bench Alexey Nikulin squats 360 kg/794 lbs at 83 kg/183 lbs BW(raw, no wraps) Brian Shaw 1025 LB/466 KG deadlift in training I have been getting 4 reps for multiple sets with 275 probably 1 set could get 5 reps but if I am not getting a comfortable 5 and 6 reps with 275 at my current bodyweight something is not right, so I decided to try smolov jr bench program again. It is doable. Jun 3, 2012 · Smolov Jr is a 3 week training routine derived from the “base mesocycle” of the Smolov Russian squat routine. Apr 10, 2017 · Started the three-week Smolov program for bench press today (4/10). Projected gains from Smolov range from 40-100 pounds depending on how advanced you are. I’m also doing some weightlifting and the Smolov Bench routine in conjunction with the squat hell. You know you want to get stronger, but you’re not sure which protocol to use. Friday: heavy shoulder press (standing or seated) 10 sets of 2-3. It wasn’t a difficult program in my opinion i didn’t miss a rep throughout the 3 weeks. 4x/week squatting for 36/35/35/30 reps using 70/75/80/85% of one-rep max (or adjusted training max, if you go that route), with an addition of up to 20lbs for Week 2 and up to another 10lbs for Week 3. Understanding the science behind Smolov will help you appreciate the program's effectiveness: Base Mesocycle: The 4-week program we generate is the Smolov base mesocycle, which serves as the foundation for strength gains. I finished the base, and got great results, now I’m starting the intense. There are two versions here: original and taper (to help with meet preparation). It is a reduced version of Smolov’s routine adapted to support and improve your bench press. Night and day difference in difficulty using the same 1RM. You tried to take a 20lb jump. Ran Canditos 6 week program before and I really liked it a lot, my only critique would be that for me personally volume on the Bench was too low to really progress. I learned that I have the ability to add more volume into my 5/3/1 routine, and still get stronger. program which is only a 3 week program that can be attributed to several exercises including the bench press. Old Lifetime PR: 315 lbs in August 2017 Estimated max when starting program: 275 lbs Stats: Male, 28, 6'0, 190 lbs Been lifting for about 3 years now. Intended for a quick 3-week peak. I did my main sets and am experimenting with secondary and accessory work. Program extends up to only 3 weeks. com/the-appBromley Merch from Barbell Apparel onl Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Nov 13, 2009 · For those of you unfamiliar with the program, here were my weights/reps/sets used based off of my 1RM at the beginning of the routine: Week 1: Monday: 6x6x155 Wednesday: 7x5x165 Friday: 8x4x175 Saturday: 10x3x185 Week 2 you increase by 10lbs for each respective day while keeping reps and sets Aug 16, 2023 · Smolov Senior. I ran this program in conjunction with Nsuns 3 days a week for bench and OHP once my shoulder was recovered. 3 Week Bench Specialization Program. Bench Program:https://www. Aug 26, 2018 · Smolov is a 13 week weightlifting program used to increase your strength in the Bench Press or Back Squat. I ran smolov jr 4 years ago had great success only weighing about 160 lbs. May 6, 2021 · 1974 is a 3 week program, 1976 is a 6 week program; Both are high itensity; but 1976 stays at or above 80% of 1RM for all 6 weeks of the program 1974 dips into the 60% range on the lighter workout days, but stays at or above 75% the rest of the sessions Smolov Jr. Bench Program unless you are competing What you are gaining is not sustainable strength and instead mostly CNS recruitment of additional motor units (due to repetition). Solid 255 pause. Same here. I used 415 as my max for this program (projected from a set of 5 with 365). And not just for my bench but also for a few other upper body compound lifts. I am a 16 year old male @63 kg bodyweight and my bench is at 95 kg ish maybe a bit higher. First two workouts felt easy but the real test will come today and tomorrow. He designed the original Smolov Squat Routine which is a popular 13 week exercise program among powerlifters. I want to hit 225 bench by the end of the year for sure but eventually 2x bw bench. Aug 30, 2011 · Mogwoggle on reddit put together a really nice spreadsheet that combines the Smolov Jr. Jan 20, 2020 · BaseStrengthAI is more reliable than a coach, cheaper than an Excel template!👇👇👇https://www. Smolov Jr is not for your squat. and covers the entire 13 week program, Smolov Jr. 120 minutes. It all depends on the trainee’s goals. May 7, 2021 · This is a 13 week program created by Barbell Medicine for Alan Thrall of Untamed Strength. Feeling stronger and excited for what's next!Twitter & Instagram: biggestp33 Oct 30, 2013 · Hey guys, I’ve been running smolov since early September. com/smolov-squat-program/#Jo Starting Bodyweight 75kg Starting Bench 87. After this three week routine, many lifters report a significant increase in their lifting capacity – as much as 35 lbs for their dead lift and 25 lbs for their bench press! Currently I'm doing the smolov program, I've just finished week 2 however I'll be going on a school trip for a week in about 2 weeks. pdf) or read online for free. Istället för alla 13 veckorna av Smolov Squat Routine har endast den intensiva bas mesocykeln i programmet lyfts ut och modifierats lite för att därefter kallas för Smolov Jr. I ate big, slept a lot, and lifted. In my case, I’m going to be using this routine for the bench press. My week goes Monday: 6 sets of 7-10 rep bench then accessory lifts. Week 1 % Weight: Lifted weight: Reps: Smolov jr bench. xls / . With Smolov base, my squat went from 375 to 425. Here was today’s workout: Bench press: 70% (180 pounds) for 6x6 OHP: about 70% for 5x5 Weighted Pull-ups: 20x5x5 Standing DB Tricep Extension: 20x3x15 Band Face-Pulls: 3x15 Hanging Knee Raise: 3x10 Plank: 3x1 minute Thoughts and experiences are . Today I was supposed to do 365x3, then 345 2x5. EDIT: If you're not accustomed to a fuckton of volume, start with Smolov Jr, not full Smolov or Sheiko. The first 2 days I haven’t been able to complete all reps and sets. Instead of deloading I decided to try a smolov jr bench cycle. Sadly I won't be able to hit the gym that week, so I'm wondering if there's any solution to missing the week in the program. In the beginning I started with programs like ICF 5x5 and Candito's 6 week Intermediate before moving on to 5/3/1 for a large portion of my lifting career. 5 years I'm at 5'5M, 130 lbs, 210 bench, 295 deadlift, and 275 squat. Benching is fine while on it, IMHO. This guide helps you to maximize these routines. Mar 3, 2022 · It is worth noting that few people attempt the Smolov squat routine a second time which speaks volumes about its difficulty. BACKGROUND. It shouldn’t be confused with the Smolov Jr. Jun 11, 2024 · In this video I show you my bench press transform in 3 weeks using the Smolov Jr bench program. pdf (1) - Free download as PDF File (. Bench program. Dec 20, 2018 · I did Smolov for bench a few years ago. Each week I rotate the rep ranges and sets so the following week would be, bench:8x4-6 incline10x2-3, shoulder press:6x8-10. At more advanced stages of training you generally have to periodize your training, for example 8 weeks of high volume, 6 weeks of high intensity, 2 weeks of peaking, etc. Decided to only do the 1st day of squats and bench yesterday. Feb 03, 2025 04:16. Try it. How to Use Steroids with Smolov Jr. In the tables below, all percentages are based off your 1 rep max (check out our smolov calculator or app to compute your weights). Bench Program and Smolov Squat Cycle Starting Bodyweight 75kg Starting Bench 87. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The only thing that exceeds these lofty claims is the actual severity and brutality of the program itself. Here is what you can expect during each training week for Apr 23, 2013 · Smolov and Smolov Jr. Background 22 years old uni student, 5'10", bodyweight was around 88-90kg (194-198lbs). The Smolov Jr. It ends with completing two singles at 105% of the lifter’s beginning 1 rep max. xqdtan pedkk yuvgw rupa wbgm frciwp fjszyepv bltx teyqh bdrlb dimgq xorrldj oqjp jkfwrn ryqb