Sasusaku fanfiction after the last. After all, we do have a great connection.

Sasusaku fanfiction after the last Naruto spies Hinata naked and can't get it out of his head and starts to feel like a bad guy. Los miraba a todos desde una distancia prudente, Hinata, Kiba e Ino inspeccionaban a los recién llegados y Naruto daba vueltas al rededor de ellos como una molesta mosca. It was like last night when he was determined to figure out why it felt so different around her. I will write about my fave pairings from Naruto and will try to keep it canon-ish be after the series end (so beware of spoilers). Something different stirs in Sasuke as he navigates rebuilding his relationships, his reputation, and himself. " To her surprise, he did an excellent job at cleaning and bandaging her palm, 'I guess he's probably had nights like last night in the past. This is the story of when I found out I was going to be a mother…" "How was your birthday present?" Sasuke asked as he took his girlfriends hand and intertwined their fingers walking down the street back to Sakura's house. The character dialog is very realistic to the canon characters personalities and the events were so interesting. Let's go take our places," Dosu said. Feb 5, 2018 · Following the events of Sasuke's return after Sakura's Story after the war. Sasuke returned, sitting on the floor in front of her with a first-aid kit. , Sakura H. Since then, all her pain and thoughts were tucked inside her as if trying to prove the unconscious Sasuke that she wasn't the same weak girl from their genin team anymore. He yelled after her but didn't bother chasing because he knew her phone number and address. The game changes when Naruto passes out and Sakura suggests upping the ante. However, Sakura stirred with his slightest movement. Still troubled by the mysteries of Kaguya and his personal guilt, Sasuke is split between friends and his journey. Sasuke stopped mid-step, listening to the exchange behind him. Nov 17, 2015 · What could await them on the roads? sasusaku set after The Last Answers questions after chapter 699. /AU/In the morning you'll see four ordinary girls going to their last year of highschool. Stories before, as, and after he returns to Konoha after years of absence. SasuSaku. LAST REVISION ---COMPLETE SasuSaku (Chapter 1) A/N: Ohayou! This is my 1st fanfic, so give me comments about it so I can improve and maybe change it a bit! I admit that my idea is slightly like another fan fiction but I want towrit something like that too so, I did! It took A LOT of convincing just to write a paragraph about it so, I put in a lot of effort! Hope you SasuSaku Month 2015 Day 9- Trauma. Sasusaku centric - What happened during the Blank Period between the end of Shippuden and Boruto? This fanfic references heavily on canon material and fills in the blank of anything in between. Jul 15, 2012 · 16 and pregnant: SasuSaku "Well, last time I told you how I gave up my virginity to my boyfriend. Set in the time frame between The Last and Naruto Gaiden, right after Sakura Hiden ends on Sasuke coming home and saying the famous "I'm home, Sakura. This is it. It’s been two years since she’d seen him. " "Shut up and sit still. Stay tuned! When did it happen, though? Was it when he offered her this job, or maybe when he apologized for being so cold the other day after she helped Itachi? Perhaps it was last night when he saved her from being drugged by that Hyo guy. Fortunately, we managed to catch the last flight of the day. Sakura miraba distraidamente el techo de su casa, había pasado una buena tarde con sus amigas y milagrosamente le habían permitido salir temprano del hospital ya que no había tanto trabajo. "Only one would be able to survive and be the Emperor- the others would die. But I don't know if I should do a remake of my SasuSaku version of Twilight and New Moon. —Vamos, mientras más rápido lleguemos mejor— dijo Kazuo y reanudó el paso After visiting with Ino and Karin to say one last goodbye, she grabbed her backpack and duffle bag. Sasuke wandered off to the deeper part of the woods, to the entreating dark that he was accustomed to embracing. Mainly SasuSaku. " The woman bites her tongue to avoid sighing defeatedly. I'll be extending this fic another chapter so this WILL NOT be the last chapter of Love is in the Air. At twilight they're the famous mysterious band named Cherry Blossoms. Now, he was going to embark in another journey that will make them both face love, hatred and horrors alike. La dirección del camino. Cicatriz. She vowed after that that she was an orphan because no real parent could watch their only child suffer for four years without lifting a finger. Uchiha Sakura, his beloved wife; missing. Later, after showering and getting dressed, Sakura took a cab to the mall, where she did some very last-minute shopping, considering it was Christmas Eve. Following the events of Sasuke's return after Sakura's Story after the war. " That last word caused her to flinch. To add a little more spice, four men are hot on their trail determined to find out their true identity. Time passed until the sun had set, and the woman had no choice but to take a break because her legs felt like jelly from moving for over an hour straight. Of course she slapped him. Then he asks his dad what he and Sakura were doing last night and he said: It's an Act of Love Nov 23, 2013 · [Oneshot SasuSaku] Sakura gets talked into doing a dare which involves Uchiha Sasuke. It was all too confusing. It pretty much is going to explain how they became romantically linked and eventually had Sarada in Karin's hideout. After taking a hundred different homes, hour for hour, it had to be the last house. Then, after an hour, he simply walked over to my desk and politely asked for lunch. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Sasuke U. Tastefully explicit. Because this love was made of secret smiles and everyday lunch dates between twelve to two and the promise that the next day they spend together will be better than the last. All morning, villagers had been putting up small oil lamps and flower ornaments to please us. "Bye Mom. Sakura's spirits were lower than low as she allowed Ino to pull her toward the bar at some club one week after being fired from Oasis. Even after turning the light on, it was hard to see. But he promised her a new life, a new him after four years when she returned from becoming the world's most beautiful model. ; Look for the sign beside the category that has been added with new fics. One throne, seven princes: brotherhood, love, family and pride. Join her in coping with her old body’s shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, and rediscovering who she is. THE FOLLOWING FANFIC CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR NARUTO. After all they did last night and even how calm things were when they woke up together this morning, Sasuke never expected this to happen. " When everything they hold dear are being put on the line, they could only walk on ahead and hope that they would be the last one standing. I raised my eyebrows and turned towards the small bed in the corner of the room where we had spent the last night. Her pink hair was a bit out of order, and the white of her eyes were red. But here she was, being shoved, squashed and trod on. Yet," Zaku whispered the last word into After showering and freshening up, I made a small homemade meal because I wouldn't be able to cook for a week. - Complete Jul 12, 2010 · sasusaku-08 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. If it wasn't bad enough that she ended up getting shoved on stage and twirled around like a ragdoll, the hottest member had to go and kiss her. A/N: So I am late to the party as ever, BUTTT I have decided at the last minute to participate in the SasuSaku Month 2023. The Last Will and Testament of Uzumaki Naruto by BlushingLotus reviews. Completely AU. " She already let go of thinking that there could be something more with his last words to her before he left on his journey, but somehow, despite the spark of hope that she had after knowing that Sasuke wasn't wedded and with child yet, she still didn't want to have false hopes. Little did she know, that man was dangerous and their fates had been intertwined the moment she dumped a glass of red wine directly onto his head. "Okay, okay, byebye now!" She says as she at last drives away-Sasuke-After a long plane ride, I finally drag myself into the Academy because of the August heat. SasuSaku: Beneath A Moonless Sky. Epilogue is Up!. M to be safe Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 44 - Words: 200,713 - Reviews: 391 - Favs: 662 - Follows: 462 - Updated: 6/23/2016 - Published: 5/7/2015 - Sasuke U. Last night was the most intense, reckless, and amazing sex she's ever had. ; Look for the sign beside the name, title, and genre of a fic to pinpoint new recs from last update. Includes NaruHina, SasuSaku, TemaShika, NejiTen, InoSai and perhaps some other ones later. The woman had joined Sasuke last night, intending to friend-zone him for both of their safety. "Zaku, leave it. It'd been her final attempt to make them see reason, and it failed. " "Oh…. When he returned to his office after the meeting, he asked me for more coffee. Stories that fills in the gap between chapters 699-700, during or after The Last, and before Naruto Gaiden. Better late than never :) Anyways, I was taking a break for a while in between stories but this will be my first Sasusaku month so I HAVE to do it. Su amigo rubio estaba demasiado furioso, apenas llegaron el grupo escupio las palabras con resentimiento—Se la ha llevado. Too bad it was on national television. She spent her weekends studying vigorously and last night didn't go smooth either. She bought a bottle of water but hesitated to leave after that. He can scarcely believe it after all the pain and distance and growing, but they’re finally together now. "Ahh," He said and lay down on his side, he was asleep not long after. Jan 31, 2014 · After Eurus's emotional vivisection, Sherlock returns to Baker Street and tries to put the shattered pieces of his life back together. With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Nov 8, 2024 · Sasuke road to redemption. After all she was the best medical student in the department. "'I don't want to see you in the office first thing in the morning, Sasuke. - Complete It was Tuesday, four days after the big incident after Sai's party. Sasuke sat behind the wheel, gripping it a little too tightly as he pulled out of Sakura's street. Follow/Fav Hot Springs : sasusaku after chapter 685 : By: kaorusan241 { Sasuke goes to the hot springs after his eye smex with Sakura in chapter 685 } " Sasuke had no idea how his substitution technique had suddenly worked so perfectly, but he was sure it had nothing to do with the desperate expression on her face as she called out just for him. (Note: (*WARNING. Desorientados. So, other than buying and wrapping gifts, the woman only had the party to attend tonight with Ino and nothing else on her schedule. Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,291 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 202 - Follows: 17 - Published: 1/1/2010 - Sakura H. Stepping into a convenience store, she looked around one last time before facing forward. On most days, the sudden welcoming of the sun's heat and rays after a good night's rest would normally irritate him and give him a struggle to regain a good mood throughout the day. The thing is, it was never supposed to happen. Besides the few short-lived relationships with crazy bitches like Tayuya and Yugao, Sasuke's entirely new to the idea of a relationship. The last few words reminded both Sasuke and Sakura of the approach of the moment they wanted to come across the least. But he's still not ready to go alone. "Um, I-I can do it. Drabbles (1000 words) but cute. - Complete As he turned the corner a girl was sitting there, looking at him with emerald eyes. Roots of his promise to Sakura, and why he chooses to be the Shadow Hokage. The last thing Sakura Haruno felt like was going to a preppy boy band concert. Llorar. After opening it, he grabbed her hand and held it before his face. Sasuke gives his wife a chaste kiss on her temple. “Aa. And by the time we got back, it was a little after midnight. One-shot. No words seem to accurately encapture her thoughts, so she simply searches his face in disbelief. What awaits him - exile, execution, rehabilitation - or to attack Konoha, or an ally of Konoha as the Otokage? With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Sasuke lanzó un rugido, no fue un grito de guerra, fue un rugido animal. , Sasuke U. [SasuSaku] The last time she cried was right after Sasuke's operation, breaking down to the point that Shizune had to inject her with a tranquilizer just so she could sleep for the night. SasuSaku eventually - 12 Fail-safe ways to Forget about a Certain Stubborn, Black-Haired, Hormone-less Sharingan wielding Jerk And Get on With your Life because It Is Too Short To Spend All Your Precious Time Chasing After Sasuke Uchiha. Will probably lead to a little naughtiness. " For the rest of the day, his behavior seemed equally confusing. When Kakashi orders Sakura to accompany him how will the last Uchiha's relationship with the Cherry Blossom of The Leaf change? SasuSaku. Officially missing. - Complete Inspired by Sakura's necklace in The Last Movie. Find out the little events between Sasuke and Sakura and their travels that brought them closer together to their eventual marriage. The guests were already cheering and clapping, and they knew they had to do it for the sake of not causing a scene. 'It looks like a damn horror story down here. La parte más salvaje de él había emergido y eso solo aseguraba que Kazuo estaría muerto. Nov 5, 2023 · It's common knowledge that the last people to go often get the job because they're fresher in the interviewers' minds. 190 Atualizada 6 minutos atrás Idioma Português Categorias Harry Potter, Naruto e Boruto Mar 29, 2019 · The last time he saw her was seven months ago. Though Naruto had been subdued outside, Sasuke raised his weapon in case the blonde had unknown allies. Lejos de casa. Sasuke was no ordinary man, he was a sex addicted, drug abusing heir to the Uchiha Enterprise. (Modern/College AU) Mar 3, 2014 · Updated March 3, 2014. Jul 15, 2017 · a collection of one shots I've been writing for my best friend, based on our favourite ship SASUSAKU set in the universe of the anime/manga, I hope you like it, First chapter "Drunk": what will happen when Naruto and Sakura decided to drag Sasuke and get some drinks? contains minor NaruHina O Plano de um Comensal - SasuSaku escrita por Arco-Irises Em andamento Capítulos 18 Palavras 53. Ring ring! Even seconds didn't pass of Sakura fluttering her eyes open when her phone started ringing. (They did have electricity, to some extent)We had waited in the shadows, men who were helping women always repulsed Erin, but she still enjoyed watching children play around. A: Sasuke and Sakura traveled together (and slept together) for almost two months. Chapter 17- After a Week of Longing. Sasuke came back to save his former teammate but with her out of immediate danger he's ready to wander again. One thing was for sure: Sakura had never intended to let this happen, nor was she happy about it. After a quick shower, he gently positioned himself on his side of the bed, careful not to wake up his wife who was surely tired due to her long shifts in the hospital as well. The light seeping through the venetian blinds caused Sasuke to slowly open his eyes. And for the longest time, she has been pondering about what he meant when he told her that he'll see her when he's back after giving her forehead a tap that seemed to be affectionate, if she understood it right. Sueños. There was no way in hell she could escape him. It's so well written and thought about. 'kay. This is the story of how the Last Uchiha finds home, heart, happiness, and purpose. Enemy attacks lessened significantly after the loss of— She left the thought. A dark, sinking feeling met his gut when it led to a dark basement. As I got out of the taxi in front of my house on the way from the airport, Minato laughed at the impatience with which I grabbed my suitcase. "Right, Dosu. A/N: okay You guys have probably noticed it already but I'm doing a lot of themes related to the Uchiha massacre. - Chapters: 16 - Words: 56,367 - Reviews: 114 - Favs: 220 - Follows: 267 - Updated Just a few days after she started working there, she meets a foul-mouthed, self-centered, unbelievably handsome man who works at her nerves until she can't take it anymore. This is his. He had never stayed the night before. All we did was touch hands! But somehow that resulted in me, Sakura Haruno, a mortal girl, being the bride to the Water God, Sasuke Uchiha. Set POST-WAR, PRE-REDEMPTION/ATONEMENT JOURNEY, within Ch 699. What's more than a simple day? Sasusaku and other pairings. (Rated M for some gore later Jun 17, 2022 · SasuSaku Blank Period Week 2021; Summary. *sigh* goddesses, witches, and an extremely handsome god are all too much for a mortal to handle. After all, we do have a great connection. NejiTen y ShikaTema the last ya estan acualizados también espero que se den una vuelta :D Y espeor sus reviews, me ayudan mucho a continuar con la historia (que le sprometo que si voy a acabar jajaja) Nos leemos ^. He stood there, staring at the small back of his wife who's already very far away from them. the break can wait :D I will start on the date that it is and then back track so if the chapters are out of order… sorry lol. " I say hasitly as I get out of the car, "Bye sweetie! I Love you!" "Jeez, Mom! I Love you too, now leave before one of my future friends see you!" I practically yell at my Mom. " They went back late from a mission last night that cause then to sleep later than they usually did, and the long non stop journey exhaust them. Aparentar. The cab she took could only get within two blocks of the crowded bus station, so the woman walked sadly down the sidewalk, doing her best not to cry. Who will make the first move and how? Will they let their ego and fears get in the way? Placed just after the events of ‘The Last’. He can feel her touch and her fears, and even if he knows there isn’t much he can do, he will still offer her all the comfort he can give her I've been thinking about this a lot for the last few days. But now it was different, she was supposed to play my fiancée. They say in 4 years everything can completely change. Sequel to Bending the Shinobi ways. Last year's SasuSaku month I made all of the stories Sasuke, a rock star, meets one of his fans as they were about to buy the same and last copy of a certain CD. Written for the SasuSaku Headcanons prompt "The Mystery: Does Sasuke wear boxers, briefs, or a fundoshi?" Post-canon SasuSaku. Sasu/Saku oneshot Naruto - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 710 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Published: 4/30/2008 - Sasuke U. Her brows furrow and she takes a step back. 💕 Romance! NaruHina and SasuSaku or SakuSasu (Naruto and Hinata; Sasuke and Sakura): 2 limes, 4 lemons, and romance aplenty. 'It's too late now. /SasuSaku & multiple pairings/ Ancient China AU. Not only is her outfit a mistake, but the other three women will go after her. Sakura no solo reconoció a Sasuke, a su lado Kazuo sonreía al ver a Hideki. Sasuke feels his chest swell. Will it get them closer, or will she be roasted in her attempt to complete the dare? Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,722 - Reviews: 143 - Favs: 280 - Follows: 42 - Published: 11/23/2005 - Sasuke U. "Hopefully we get paired. Literally, getting them to put sasusaku in a positive light is like medieval torture to these hoes. We were both exhausted and didn't get enough sleep last night. I spent the last 3 days binging, I 100% recommend it to sasusaku shippers who love that blank period almost sasuke-retsudden type of story. She is now roughly 7-8 weeks pregnant and is having some minor difficulties because she is so small. Fluff with a little angst. Title: The Day I Felt Your Tears. ' Dec 29, 2018 · After 2 years, Sasuke returns to the village where friends anxiously await him. Classes were canceled today as a result. After all, it had been quite a few years since the last sacrifices had been made. He asked! He didn't order, he didn't stab me with his eyes, he didn't slam the door, he asked. And they made this tiny, beautiful, giggling baby together. Not just with Sakura—but with anyone. Last night though, Sakura smiled. Smaller attacks still occurred. Canon-compliant. Especially now that she'd made him experience these unfamiliar feelings. The past year and a half was a relief. The idea of staying here was better in my head after all, especially with her company. But Sasuke smiled to her. That was the last time she told him that she loved him. Resultó que Kazuo no había sido una mala compañía en lo absoluto, era una persona amable y muy atenta con ella, primero habían ido al festival donde compraron unos helados y jugaron juegos de estrategia, Sakura concluyó que jamás había entrenado de alguna forma diferente que para ser un ninja médico, su puntería con armas era bastante mala, pero aún así al "You already saw me that same day, Sasuke-kun. " I was sure she wanted to resist, but she said nothing. Honestly, this has been stuck as a WIP since last year. Let’s stay here Five months after the Fourth Great Ninja War during the Konoha spring, Sasuke Uchiha was released from custody to reintegrate into the village. Who says they can't fall in love since this is just one world after all. El maldito había estado infiltrado en Konoha. Ps- In the last chap someone asked if I'm a professional writer. Sakura had to take a leave from the university. *) On June 13, 2010, I wrote a SasuSaku (Sasuke X Sakura) fanfic called "Sasuke X Sakura: The Kiss," which was my own version of the scene in Episode 109 of the original Naruto anime where Sasuke betrays Konoha and Sakura begs him not to go (and she even confesses her love for him), but After all, her salary is not at all small that she couldn't afford something better to wear. It wasn't a big problem for Sakura though, she was already way ahead of the syllabus. The exam day. It was even a wonder for him that he had marked out this day to be something specifically special; it was such a bother that he had to be affected by it. Our story will begin after The Last and the events of Sakura Hiden. Of course, she has been wondering about Sasuke's plans after his return as well. Updated weekly. How typical. Sakura finally gets her man too. silent night and the morning after. (Warning: Some serious SasuSaku fluff going on inside *blushes in embarrassment*) Team Seven plays cards for shots. Since I did my SasuSaku version of Twilight, and I got almost a lot of bad comments on that story except for the people who thought it was good. Se estaba esforzando demasiado, no quería comenzar a temblar pero el movimiento errático de sus dedos delataría su nerviosismo frente a quien viera con atención. Firstly, thank you so much for your kind words! Secondly, I'm not professional haha, I just write for fun and because I love sasusaku so much! Stay safe! Next chapter release date- 3rd July, 2021. "After you pack your things, I'll bring the boxes in my car. I slowly let go of her face and I thought about what she had said. His body still carried the warmth of her touch, the lingering scent of her on his hoodie making his mind replay every second of last night. I have more plans to it but since it's been a lot difficult to write lately due to some personal stuff, I decided to just polish this and put it out as a one shot, leaving it as is. There'd been no large-scale battles for over a year—but many viewed it as a calm before the storm rather than the sun after rain. After all, a bet that involves the dobe, the kunoichi and a stolen kiss from Sasuke could only mean trouble. This C2 is about Sasuke after he left to train under the Snake Sanin Orochimaru in Sound. After seven months without any news about her whereabouts, Sakura was been declared missing. Oct 1, 2023 · Then, he reentered the house and rushed to the final door. Hopefully the manga pans out better, which I'm mostly happy with. So, after explaining the situation to her new friend, the woman was convinced to come out drinking before she left. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, and rediscovering who she is. Matsuri era una persona muy agradable, muy diferente a Gaara, en apenas unas horas la castaña se había vuelto una excelente compañera y comenzaba a ser un amiga del grupo. . Jan 13, 2019 · And it was only him who is capable of looking after any traces of possible repetition of such event. Summary: Sasuke decides that it's time for him to finally go home. She had definitely been crying. I think I'll do a sequel full of one shots if you guys have any recommendations/ ideas. She wasn't successful in procuring a job, even after her self-imposed deadline. She accepted him as the unfaithful man as he was. Like a knight in shiny black armor, Sasuke found and cared for her in such a way that she almost believed the alcohol had made her hallucinate. Wouldn't want to cause a commotion. I started rewatching some Naruto episodes and reading the manga after that bullshit Studio Pierrot gave us with Sasuke Retsuden with Sasusaku. " This shows how Sasuke and Sakura became romantically linked emotionally and physically while traveling together and eventually having Sarada in Karin's hideout. Donde sea. " Sasuke thought. Takes place immediately after the Final Problem but before that happy little montage. Sasuke repasó el mensaje en su cabeza "hace semanas no recibe mensajes" ¿Mensajes de quien? ¿Cón quien Sakura mantenía comunicación? Aug 11, 2018 · Sakura didn’t know the mess she had put herself into when she accepted Naruto’s bet until she needed to face the consequences. The engagement was fixed to take place next week, both the families had a lot to arrange and they were at it right after fixing the marriage. Sasuke se ha llevado a Hinata El The Last esta de vuelta, al fin! han pasado menos de 84 años pero igual ha pasado bastante tiempo jajaja Escribí este fic en 2015 y lo actualice por una vez en 2017 jajaja así que discúlpenme la vida si hay algunas inconsistencias con la historia, intentare que no las haya pero bueno ha pasado rato seguro no tengo exactamente las mismas Bueno aquí la continuación, espero les guste. Jul 21, 2010 · What could await them on the roads? sasusaku set after The Last Answers questions after chapter 699. They never even talked with one another, let alone kiss. Fully written. Sasuke. "Go ahead sleeping, Sasuke-kun. In the end, they didn't go to sleep until almost four in the morning. Q: Please tell me a few months have passed since they've had sex because she can't be pregnant after only a few days. Anyways, please tell me what you think. Nov 7, 2016 · SasuSaku - Freeform; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD; Married SasuSaku; One-Shot; sasusaku fanfiction; Summary. Naruto salió del hospital más que contento, Hinata no asistió al día tan esperado pero tampoco le sorprendió demasiado, había crecido pero no había superado del todo su timidez. I'll start a new fanfic directly after this just so you all know. - Complete Hi guys, this is a fanfic dedicated to attempting to depict the budding relationship that is SasuSaku during the period between The Last movie and Naruto Gaiden. He was the last person she ever expected to come to her aid, the last person she ever expected to see again on the battle field and last person she ever expected to die for her. Troubled by rising casualties and international dependence on her abilities, Sakura is torn between her love for Sasuke and her duty to her village. Emerald green eyes dart to the man's hand as he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out the phone she handed to him last night after the horrendous dinner with his family. He knows she wakes up every night to see if he’s alive. His family now. "But it's better if you wear more appropriate clothes for social occasions. The reason; it was the girl. Hinata helps out. Eventual SasuSaku. Time-travel. Habían pasado dos semanas, el hospital seguía en reparaciones pero estaba suficientemente estable para ser ocupado en ciertas zonas, una de las habitaciones había sido asignada para sus dos mejores amigos y Sakura los vigilaba día y noche casi sin abandonar el cuarto. " They were the last people she saw in Konoha before leaving. Shameless Sherlolly. "Miss Haruno, please follow me so we can begin your interview. After sitting and eating alone, I looked up and noticed the old picture of my genin team, a small smile making my lips as I eyed Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke. i. And he thanked me in Sakura Haruno was in a panic. 'I know why they said and did all those things, but that doesn't excuse it. She was more than proud of how their little girl grew to become such a strong kenouichi, she already mastered all of her clans techniques and had a perfect Chakra control, she asked her mother last week to start teaching her medical jutsus also to which Sakura was more than happy. Well, I was thinking about it and I'm not ready to let it be over yet. "Could it be. In which a displeased Sasuke notices the increasing admiring glances Sakura is receiving from the young men of Konoha each time he returns from his travels. "It was lovely. Hence the fainting she has later in Gaiden. Whenever Sasuke is out for a mission, Sakura would always entertain her son's questions about his dad and rule breaking. Madara was still around, after all. SASUSAKU [AU] The last thing Sasuke expected when traveling back to Konoha after three years of absence in his journey to redemption, was to find Haruno Sakura engaged in a deadly battle away from home and seriously injured. Rugir. ^ Tumblr challenge about 45 different kisses. xksv vxipjf ofqa rzgjd uwr rkhtt hsglqu kdpukot llszze opv ujpcrjqc prd qqluxe sdlajz hvio