Rust mutex timeout 5 U pthread_attr_getguardsize@GLIBC_2. Mutex Implementation: Rust provides several mutex implementations, such as std::sync::Mutex and std::sync::RwLock. std文档; 源码; Copy trait. The consumer is only ever interested in the latest message. lock(); r } } 互斥原语可用于保护共享数据. 在访问受保护的数据之前不可能忘记获取互斥量。 你可以通过获取锁,从 &Mutex<T> 中获取 &mut T。 Jan 6, 2025 · Understanding Arc and Mutex. An async mutex. await and writer. Jan 27, 2023 · I cannot find a Mutex::lock_with_timeout(). Create a new Timeout set to expire in 10 milliseconds. 5 U pthread_attr_setstacksize@GLIBC_2. \param[in] mutex_id mutex ID obtained by \ref osMutexNew. Upon returning, the thread is the only thread with the mutex held. Create a shared mpsc::channel whose tx's are cloned for each thread and a single thread listens to rx channel and aggregates all IDs in a thread-local vector. This method is identical to Mutex::lock, except that the returned guard references the Mutex with an Arc rather than by borrowing it. This makes the async mutex more expensive than the blocking mutex, so the blocking mutex should be preferred in the cases where it can be used. I could clone the struct, but I'd like to avoid that. They match the lock using the ref keyword, which, if I understand this answer correctly, means that a reference to the lock is made. an incredibly simple crate that allows you to create mutexes with timeouts. But if the system clock is changed while it is blocking (e. rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski. The two differences I spot are: They create the Condvar and Mutex in a pair. Oct 17, 2023 · Unfortunately, I'm well aware that some questions don't include a MRE. The locking mechanism uses eventual fairness to ensure locking will be fair on average without sacrificing performance. futex. Allow recursively calling a function needing synchronization from within a callback (this is how StdoutLock is currently implemented): Dec 27, 2024 · If you read the documentation of schedule_with_delay you'll find it says:. mutex. When you try to lock a mutex that's already locked by someone else, your thread automatically blocks until the mutex becomes available. Marker type which determines whether a lock guard should be Send. Mutex Guard Arc An owned guard that releases the mutex when dropped. The feature that the async mutex offers over the blocking mutex is the ability to keep it locked across an . 34 U pthread_attr_init@GLIBC_2. 条件变量是一种用于等待特定条件的线程同步机制。在Rust语言中,条件变量由Condvar类型表示。 Feb 17, 2025 · The thread which has already locked the mutex can lock it multiple times without blocking, preventing a common source of deadlocks. Introduction. 此互斥锁将阻止等待锁可用的线程。互斥锁可以通过 new 构造函数创建。 每个互斥锁都有一个类型参数,表示它正在保护的数据。 Feb 20, 2025 · If a thread holding a mutex is preempted, other threads waiting for that mutex will be delayed. On some condition I need to override reader and writer by calling connect again, but seems like reader. If a panic occurs in any reader, then the lock will not be poisoned. Jun 24, 2023 · continue to work after the timeout and let the timed out task linger in the background (this likely will lead to a resource leak) muck around with low-level APIs like interruptible IO or socket timeouts; modify the API to take a timeout or a cancellation token; I'd recommend the last one most of the time when designing synchronous, blocking APIs. Create new Mutex with default timeout of 30 seconds. Jun 19, 2022 · In my TCP client I have multiple threads to handle response, for non-blocking I use TcpStream splitted into separate reader and writer. In Rust Mutex behaves more like a wrapper. 4. If the mutex is already held by the current thread then this function will increment the lock reference count and return immediately. await never unlocked, since I locked it previously from another thread (handle_read and handle_write methods). 异步编程; Thread. ) // and the mutex stays locked until the end of scope of `c`. Nov 21, 2023 · I needed to change my cache to use tokio::sync::Mutex instead of std::sync::Mutex: The lock guard for the standard library Mutex is not Send. sync::{Arc, Mutex, The returned boolean is false only if the timeout is known to have elapsed. pthread_mutex_timedlock. load(Relaxed); // Unlock the mutex before going to sleep. if someone runs date --set during the timeout) it can wait for years after (currently up to 44) the timeout should have Apr 2, 2024 · Mutexes in many languages are treated like semaphores. I found a good and intuitive explanation in reddit: Linux futex-based implementations of `Mutex`, `RwLock`, `Condvar`, `Once`, and `OnceLock`, as well as `RawMutex`, `RawRwLock`, and `RawCondvar`, derived from the futex code in std, factored out to a standalone `no_std` crate using `rustix` to do the futex and `lock_api` to provide most of the public `Mutex` and `RwLock` API. The way you use a mutex in Rust is that it wraps the data it locks. Feb 17, 2025 · Mutex: Mutual Exclusion mechanism, which ensures that at most one thread at a time is able to access some data. This slide should take about 14 minutes. Use one of the GuardSend or GuardNoSend helper types here. Boxed介绍; 借用(borrow) 借用介绍; cell. 阻塞当前线程,直到此条件变量收到通知为止。 该函数将自动解锁指定的互斥锁 (由 guard 表示) 并阻塞当前线程。 这意味着在互斥锁解锁后逻辑上发生的任何对 notify_one 或 notify_all 的调用都可以唤醒该线程。 Apr 23, 2023 · See also: async-lock, lock_api, async-mutex, safe-lock, futures-timer, hyper-timeout, embassy-time, gloo-timers, wait-timeout, wasm-timer, guardian Lib. Create a shared Arc<Mutex<Vec>> which is cloned in each thread and writes the ID to the vec. API documentation for the Rust `WaitTimeoutResult` struct in crate `std`. This function will block the local thread until it is available to acquire the mutex. Mar 23, 2023 · 本教程将介绍Rust中的Mutex,包括其含义、常用业务场景和用法、进阶用法以及最佳实践。 Mutex (互斥锁) 在Rust中,Mutex是一种同步原语(synchronization primitive),它是用于保护共享资源的关键部分不被同时访问的一种机制。Mutex分为两种类型:Mutex和RwLock(读写锁 请注意我们如何设置 impl<T: Send> Sync for Mutex<T> 通用 实现。 Mutex in Rust looks like a collection with just one element — the protected data. 另一个值的注意的是在使用Mutex<T>时,Rust Mutex用于解决资源安全访问的问题,但是我们还需要一个手段来解决资源访问顺序 Cancelling a timeout is done by dropping the future. Locks this mutex, causing the current task to yield until the lock has been acquired. Because I acquire the lock to the mutex inside my helper function it gets dropped before I can use the returned reference to the struct. Create new Mutex with given timeout. Most of the times (like, 95%) they should. 在此条件变量上等待通知,在指定的持续时间后超时。 这个函数的语义等价于 wait ,只是线程将被阻塞大约不超过ms毫秒。 由于抢占或平台差异等异常情况可能不会导致最大等待时间精确为 ms ,因此不应将此方法用于精确计时。 Acquires the mutex and clones a reference to it using the blocking strategy. This example spawns a thread which will sleep 20 milliseconds before updating a boolean value and then notifying the condvar. EDIT: I thought RawMutex::lock returns a scoped lock, but you need manually RawMutex::unlock it. Since you don't assign the guard object to any variable it is immediately dropped and execution of the callback is cancelled. The Condvar (Condition Variable) class in Rust provides a way for threads to synchronize the execution of certain actions. 0 use std This mutex will block threads waiting for the lock to become available. 在 Rust 中,避免死锁的关键是确保在同一时间只有一个线程可以访问共享资源。Mutex(互斥锁)是一种同步原语,用于实现这一点。为了避免死锁,请遵循以下准则:1. See also: Mar 8, 2024 · 是很多编程语言避不开的一块主要内容,主打一个无畏并发的Rust自然也面临这样的挑战。Rust中的Mutex提供了强大的同步原语,确保共享数据的线程安全,这篇文章中,我们会探讨Mutex的使用,从基础的用法到一些高阶内容。 Feb 17, 2025 · An RwLock, like Mutex, will become poisoned on a panic. Mutex Guard A guard that releases the mutex when dropped. In other words, Mutex is the only wrapper that can make a T syncable. Tokio's Mutex does not have this problem. Secondly, the hold locks the mutex, which mean when another thread check for mutex, it has a high chance being locked, and will backoff and sleep. Feb 17, 2025 · Condition variables are typically associated with a boolean predicate (a condition) and a mutex. Once Cell A memory location that can be written to at most once. It is not possible to forget to acquire the mutex before accessing the protected data. c++ mutex guarded variable similar to RUST's. This method returns a Guard object. Jan 6, 2025 · Rust's Arc and Mutex provide a robust way to share mutable data safely across threads, leveraging the language’s guarantees about memory safety. cell介绍; 克隆(clone) 克隆介绍; 结果(result) 结果(result)介绍; 标记(Marker) Sized trait. Returns an owned guard that releases the mutex when dropped. Most usage of a mutex will simply unwrap() these results, propagating panics among threads to ensure that a possibly invalid invariant is not witnessed. When the lock has been acquired, this returns an OwnedMutexGuard. lock(). This consumes the Timeout. It consumes the underlying value and let's you access it only after locking the Feb 4, 2022 · The issue is that timeout_add() requires the passed callback to be Send, which is nice, because with this function you can pass values from one working thread to the GUI thread, to be processed and update the interface accordingly. RwLock Read Guard Arc 社区文档首页 《Rust 编程语言》 《Rust 高级编程》 《Cargo 教程》 《Rust 异步编程》 《Diesel 中文文档》 《Rust语言实战》 《Tokio 中文文档》 《Rust 编译错误索引》 《Rust Web App 入门》 《用 Rust 写命令行应用》 《Rust 翻译术语对照》 《rustc 手册》 《async-std 中文文档》 《Rust 编程实例》 Acquire a Mutex or timeout if it is locked. Before diving into the implementation, let's grasp the basics of these two key components: Mutex (Mutual Exclusion): This is a mechanism that ensures that only one thread accesses the data at a time. I got result from queue in another task. You can get an &mut T from an &Mutex<T> by taking Aug 14, 2020 · Hello! In my application I need a static Mutex<Vec<Struct>>. When the guard goes out of scope, the mutex will be unlocked. The returned WaitTimeoutResult value indicates if the timeout is known to have elapsed. Mostly useful for implementing other types like OnceLock . Notice how we have a impl<T: Send> Sync for Mutex<T> blanket implementation. input_queue, but it is already locked by handle_queue() waiting for the data to be written there by handle_read(). How can I implement this properly, using a Mutex<()> or similar? Dec 15, 2020 · You should watch out for storing values borrowed from a mutex, as this can easily lead to an unexpected deadlock: // then the mutex unlocks immediately. In other words, a mutex is a way to prevent multiple threads from accessing a certain resource at the same time. 11 but since I upgrade to hyper 0. このミューテックスは、ロックが使用可能になるまで待機しているスレッドをブロックします。 Dec 12, 2019 · The idiomatic Rust API for a mutext is to have a lock method which, given a &Mutex<T>, returns an &mut T (apropriately wrapped into a guard object). With the correct use and understanding of these constructs, writing concurrent programs in Rust becomes more intuitive and less error-prone. This shouldn't matter, right? I want to create them separately. . From setting up a TCP listener, adding a thread pool to reuse threads, and setting timeouts to manage connections, each step contributes to a server capable of handling multiple clients effectively. 按顺序获取锁:确保所有线程以相 Jul 16, 2022 · What is a mutex? A mutex, or simply a lock, is a mechanism by which a single thread of a multi-threaded program can gain exclusive access to a resource. name”。编译器也贴心地给我们指出问题出现的代码位置。在第 11 行(对应于上面代码第 4 行)代码中,我们把值移动到第一个线程中,接着在第 15 行(对应于上面代码第 8 行)代码,我们有尝试对第二个线程做同样的事情。 Mutex An async mutex. Feb 17, 2025 · For a mutex, this means that the lock and try_lock methods return a Result which indicates whether a mutex has been poisoned or not. unlock(); // Wait, but only if there hasn't been any // notification since we unlocked the mutex. §Examples. This is my tasks (where I faced with deadlock): async fn handle_queue(&mut self) -> JoinHandle<()> { let input_queue = Arc::clone(&self. 也提到了如果不互斥的情况下推荐用std::sync::Mutex,但也是有前提的,就是在设计系统的时候不能出现持有锁时发生异步等待,所有我觉得终极解决方案还是得挖掘出性能更好的异步锁。 中提到Mutex<()> 的使用场景,就是ffi. _input_queue); let output_queue Blocks the current task until this condition variable receives a notification. 5 milliseconds. 此互斥锁将阻止等待锁可用的线程。可以通过 new 构造函数创建互斥锁。 Acquires a mutex, blocking the current thread until it is able to do so. Once it has, it gives you a MutexGuard which you can think of Nov 14, 2024 · Rust 并发编程 安全高效的处理并发是 Rust 诞生的目的之一,主要解决的是服务器高负载承受能力。并发(concurrent)的概念是只程序不同的部分独立执行,这与并行(parallel)的概念容易混淆,并行强调的是"同时执行"。 Jul 27, 2024 · 在 Rust 中,避免资源调用冲突的常用方法是使用std::sync模块中的互斥锁Mutex和读写锁RwLock。这些锁提供了一种安全的机制来保护共享资源,确保在并发环境中不会发生数据竞争。在 Rust 中,可以通过Mutex和RwLock来保护共享资源,避免资源调用冲突。 Nov 8, 2024 · Wrapping Up. The predicate is always verified inside of the mutex before determining that a thread must block. futex, futex_value, timeout); // Lock the mutex again. source pub fn new_with_timeout(value: T, timeout: Duration) -> Self. Mutexes work by using atomic operations to maintain a lock on a resource. Acquires a reentrant mutex, blocking the current thread until it is able to do so. use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; Jun 24, 2023 · use tokio::time::{timeout, Duration}; async fn long_future() { // do work here } let res = timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), long_future()). g. 34 U pthread_cre Dec 15, 2022 · I'm successfully using a mpsc::channel() to send messages from a producer thread to a consumer. let futex_value = self. Cancelling a timeout is done by dropping the future. For reentrant mutex, this API doesn't work: you can't return &mut T because reentrancy allows one to get the second &mut T, violating aliasing guarantees. You create a mutex object and you can guard a certain piece (or pieces) of the code with the mutex in a way that only one thread at a time can access the guarded place. stream in handle_read() is acquired, and when new data arrives, you try to lock self. If the mutex is held by another thread then this function will block the local thread until it is available to acquire the mutex. I know what you are thinking. Returns true if the wait was known to have timed out. The mutex can also be statically initialized or created via a new constructor. Mutexes Oct 11, 2023 · 在 Rust 中,互斥器(Mutex)是一种用于在多个线程之间共享数据的并发原语。互斥器提供了一种安全的方式,允许多个线程访问共享数据,但每次只允许一个线程进行写操作。本篇博客将详细介绍 Rust 中互斥器的使用方法,包含代码示例和对定义的详细解释。 Acquires a mutex, blocking the current thread until it is able to do so. And we as the answerers should decide that, not you as the asker (which by definition, don't know what the answer will be). Aug 28, 2018 · Hi, I have use hyper-timeout crate to have custom timeout with hyper 0. this is the guessing game from the book – make sure to enter your guesses with the input field at the very bottom of the execution tab; and FYI, there’s also a “Kill process” option in the ⋮-menu in the corner). This is my code Jul 27, 2022 · I have TCP client which use bunch of tokio tasks. A place for all things related to the Rust programming language—an open-source systems language that emphasizes performance, reliability, and productivity Mar 19, 2022 · The issue is the mutex you created stays locked during connection_manager. 一种类型,指示对条件变量的定时等待是否由于超时而返回。 它由 wait_timeout 方法返回。 This mutex will block threads waiting for the lock to become available. // (Value inside the mutex is not changed. The following actions have the following overhead. should be a nearly drop-in replacement for std::sync::Mutex, or tokio::sync::Mutex; however, you will need to specify a timeout duration when creating the mutex. May 9, 2014 · WaitForSingleObject et al lock the mutex (or time out). std文档; 源码 [Rust编程之道笔记] Unsized trait. Note, however, that an RwLock may only be poisoned if a panic occurs while it is locked exclusively (write mode). Mar 6, 2023 · I am trying to instrument a rust binary to measure the hold and wait times for locks. The choice of mutex can affect performance. The 2 main options I know of are spin and lock_api. await point. lock_api isn't seen as often in no_std, but it's used as the basis of parking_lot, so it sees a lot of use in std projects. When you lock the mutex, it blocks the current thread until it can obtain the mutex. I would love to know how could you add timeout to sync function without creating much mess . Like wait, the lock specified will be re-acquired when this function returns, regardless of whether the timeout elapsed or not. Mutex with Jun 27, 2021 · The mutex is acquired, the state is examined, and if there's a need to wait for a notification, you call the wait function which ensures that the mutex isn't released until it is certain that the caller will receive any future notifications issued by a thread that would acquire the same mutex, change state, and issue the notification. await; so I gave up in this one as well. Apr 13, 2014 · I want to lock a mutex but fail if a timeout expires. No additional cleanup or other work is required. This can lead to increased latency in your application. ) Mar 13, 2024 · 在 Rust 中,Arc<Mutex<T>> 是一种组合类型,它结合了 Arc(原子引用计数)和 Mutex(互斥锁)。Arc 用于在多个所有者之间共享数据,而 Mutex 用于确保在任意时刻只有一个线程可以访问被保护的数据。 Available on crate feature unstable only. Jan 10, 2023 · 也不算太详细,只是说了tokio::sync::Mutex内部也是互斥锁,性能不太好。. Contribute to ma0001/MutexGuard development by creating an account on GitHub. §Blocking Rather than using asynchronous waiting, like the lock_arc method, this method will block the current thread until the lock is acquired. 把Mutex<()> 放在struct中,形成一个struct级别的大锁。 本质上说,Rust中的Mutex的使用方法和golang中的Mutex使用起来是很不一样的。在Rust中,你搞不清楚需不需要Mutex的时候,可以先不加,等到编译报错的时候再补上也来得及。 API documentation for the Rust `Condvar` struct in crate `std`. I have a simple example with a single lock, but when I run the nm test-rs | grep pthread, I get the following output: U pthread_attr_destroy@GLIBC_2. What else could be used in Tracing a mutex adds overhead to certain mutex operations in order to do the required bookkeeping. std Alternatively, use the wait_timeout_while method to wait with a timeout while a predicate is true. Each mutex has a type parameter which represents the data that it is protecting. CloseHandle destroys it. The main thread will wait with a 10 millisecond timeout on the condvar and will leave the loop upon timeout. And after certain packet I got deadlock (not sure why I got it only after certain packet). This is done by forcing a fair lock whenever a lock operation is starved for longer than 0. §Examples 错误信息显示“use of moved value: user. The technical reason is that you have a deadlock: after the lock for self. 在该章节,我们将实现一个相对简单的 channel,不仅可以探索更多的原子应用,同时也可以了解如何在 Rust 类型系统中捕获我们的需求和假设。 一个简单的以 mutex 为基础的 Channel (英文版本) 一个基础的 channel 实现并不需要任何关于原子的知识。 Struct Mutex pub struct Mutex <T: ? Sized > { /* private フィールド */}. The original future may be obtained by calling Timeout::into_inner. 2. Thread介绍; Boxed. If that Guard is dropped, execution is cancelled. Unlike the std equivalent, this does not check that a single mutex is used at runtime. Jul 8, 2019 · I have looked at the example in the Rust documentation. Jan 3, 2025 · Two common synchronization tools in many programming languages are Mutex and RwLock, which help manage access to shared data within structures like structs in Rust. Also I don't want to wait much more after the timeout. Nov 18, 2024 · Also note that for a little while now, the playground does support streaming the output (e. Once : Used for a thread-safe, one-time global initialization routine. 共有データの保護に役立つ相互排他プリミティブ. When the mutex guard goes out of scope, your reference will point to freed memory, so rust is preventing that from happening. use lazy_static::lazy_static; // 1. §Examples Struct Mutex pub struct Mutex <T: ? Sized > { /* private 字段 */}. let r = futex_wait(& self. \param[in] timeout \ref CMSIS_RTOS_TimeOutValue or 0 in case of no time-out. Do not ask me to make another or better bench, you can do it yourself. An RAII guard is returned to allow scoped unlock of the lock. It is typically used in conjunction with a Mutex to allow threads to wait for some condition to be met before proceeding. spin is seen a bit more commonly among no_std projects. here’s a countdown), and live interactions (e. RwLock An async reader-writer lock. 互斥(Mutex) 一次性(Once) 读写锁(RwLock) 异步. I need to read packet and put them into queue. 在此条件变量上等待通知,在指定的持续时间后超时。 这个函数的语义等价于 wait_while ,除了线程将被阻塞大约不超过dur。 由于抢占或平台差异等异常情况可能不会导致最大等待时间精确为 dur ,因此不应将此方法用于精确计时。 Aug 26, 2017 · Looking again at park_timeout's implementation, it really looks like the deadlock was coming from the fact that this method uses the thread’s inner mutex and condvar, the former being also used by sync::Once to gate the execution of its closure. Functions in this module will block the current thread of execution. 12 I struggle to have this function implemented in my project. ReleaseMutex unlocks it. Feb 12, 2025 · First, scope spawns OS thread, so the OS will handle scheduling, and they will execute a chunk of code before interleaving task thread. (Remember that the mutex lock will be released once the mutex guard goes out of scope!!!) Struct WaitTimeoutResult pub struct WaitTimeoutResult (/* private 字段 */);. You create/destroy the mutex once and in between lock/unlock it as many times as you want. Apr 24, 2024 · 这个例子中,FileManager 类使用了 Rust 的标准库中的 Mutex 和 RwLock 来实现对文件的并发读写控制。 使用的方法. 34 U pthread_attr_getstack@GLIBC_2. RwLock Read Guard A guard that releases the read lock when dropped. Acquiring a lock locks the global dependency graph temporarily to check if the new lock would introduce a cyclic dependency. Expand description. Jun 14, 2022 · You're misusing mutexes. When held over an . When a thread locks the Mutex, other threads attempting to acquire the lock will get blocked until the mutex is unlocked. To simplify the usage of this mutex I wanted to add helper methods for getting a specific struct. Mar 23, 2023 · 在使用wait_timeout方法时,必须将剩余时间传递给wait_timeout方法,否则可能会等待超时。 结论. (It uses the message from the previous check if there is no new message. 这个模块中的 mutex 实现了一种叫做 " poisoning “的策略,每当持有 mutex 的线程恐慌时,就会认为 mutex 中毒。 一旦 mutex 被毒化,所有其他线程都无法默认访问该数据,因为它很可能被污染了(某些不变性没有被维护)。 Struct Mutex pub struct Mutex <T: ? Sized > { /* private フィールド */}. API documentation for the Rust `Condvar` struct in crate `std`. We’ve built a foundational TCP server in Rust, designed for efficiency and reliability. Mutex: Mutex::new(): 初始化一个新的互斥锁。 lock(): 对互斥锁进行加锁,返回一个包含锁定资源的 MutexGuard。 Raw mutex type backed by the parking lot. Jun 6, 2018 · Sometimes it is better to use a Mutex over an RwLock in Rust: RwLock<T> needs more bounds for T to be thread-safe: Mutex requires T: Send to be Sync, RwLock requires T to be Send and Sync to be itself Sync. Nov 27, 2019 · You can access the value stored inside because it implements Deref and DerefMut, but still you are referencing the mutex guard. await point, that prevents the Future generated by the async function from implementing Send, which is required by axum. 用于保护共享数据的互斥原语. Mutex in Rust looks like a collection with just one element — the protected data. I am sorry for misinfo. template <typename T> class Mutex { private: T value; std::mutex mutex; public: // Fill out some constructors, probably some kind of emplacement constructor too. Oct 14, 2015 · An extremely common pattern in Rust is Arc<Mutex<T>>, where Arc provides the memory management, and Mutex provides safe multi-threaded access to the resource. \return status code that indicates the execution status of the function. Jun 15, 2021 · One way to do it is have your Mutex<T> only allow access to the contained T via a lambda:. Sep 24, 2024 · Rust全局变量,两年过去了本文是一篇关于Rust全局变量的翻译文章。2021 年 11 月,我写了一篇博文,研究了 Rust 与全局变量的奇怪关系。它旨在解释为什么这种无处不在的语言特性需要外部 crates,并以关于在新代码中使用全局变量的个人建议结束。 Nov 11, 2022 · Related: spawn_interval See also: futures-timer, hierarchical_hash_wheel_timer, oxidd, embassy-time, gloo-timers, oxipng, may, gzp, triple_buffer, rocketfetch, wasm Sep 30, 2023 · (前段)複数スレッドから1つの変数を編集するRustでマルチスレッドのプログラムを書く場合ArcとMutexを組み合わせることで、1つの変数を複数のスレッドから参照・変更することができる// … Conclusion: cpp's std::mutex and rust's std::sync::Mutex have similar performances; parking_lot is pretty fast compared to standard one. ozxh wjih ivhncv wlatfy ghqr eoxvawq bmybaud plfojx xaqxt jjmrb bdnu ivetx ytae yph sxbh