Romulan valdore type warbird. This is a medium ship and can handle a crew of 8-10.
Romulan valdore type warbird The Romulan's latest warbird is primed to swoop into your heart. 1. $4. Jan 20, 2022 · Romulan Warbirds have marched beneath the Raptor's wing for centuries, but few classes ever accomplished more on the battlefield, or through their sheer pres In This Video We Got An Romulan Ultimate Battle! As we got the Valdore Class back taking on an D'Deridex WarBird Don't forget to like, comment, and subsc Mar 18, 2016 · The Romulan's latest warbird is ready to glide into your heart. The massive D'deridex type Warbird, smaller Valdore type Warbird, and the small Scoutship. Upon asking the question, "Is conquest truly the best course for our people?", he was expelled from the Senate Nov 10, 2002 · As the new pride of the Romulan fleet, the Valdores were a key piece in the political turmoil when Reman soldier Shinzon seized control of the government in 2379. The Mogai-class (also referred to as Valdore-type, Valdore-class, or Norexan-class), was a kind of Romulan warbird in service in the late 2370s and early 2380s. Jean-Luc Picard The Scimitar was a massive, heavily-armed Reman warbird. The Bird-of-Prey was originally built for service to the Tal'Shiar, but when the Praetor declared war on the Coalition of Planets, the ship was commandeered by Valdore's navy to raid Earth convoys. All users were gifted 75 Schematics for the Valdore-type . The Romulan Star Empire has long been The Iirhhaedh'rrhiet Valdore or Valdore-class was a type of spacecraft developed by the Romulan Guard in the early 2380s in response to the shipbuilding efforts of Starfleet. For this, small ships will not do. The Republic Fleet is made up of just over three hundred vessels. Feb 15, 2008 · The Valdore type Warbird was developed in the early 2370's and was a mainstay of the Romulan fleet by the mid-2370's, beginning to phase out the older, bulkier D'deridex type. When they massed their forces for a field battle, they god their asses handed to them. com/Trekyards/communityPayPal Support via: trekyards@hotmail. For other uses, see Valdore. Players of all factions can fly them. Their starbase orbiting Vaun'Gan began construction of new vessels in 2392 with production of two D'deridex type Warbirds and two Valdore type Warbirds. Their appearances and functionality vary considerably between different classes, but their defining characteristic is their ability to use Singularity Warp Cores that grant them special abilities. Star Trek - The Next Generation Valdore Type Romulan Warbird thingiverse. In 2344, four of these vessels attacked a Klingon colony on Narendra III. In 2379, the IRW Valdore and a second vessel of the same type engaged the Scimitar in the Battle of the Bassen Rift. Players can obtain this starship from any Ship and Jul 22, 2013 · The Valdore Heavy Warbird is a refit version of the Mogai Heavy Warbird. The D'deridex-class (or B-type or Warbird-class) battlecruiser was the pride of the Romulan fleet in the mid-to-late 24th century. IMHO despite the appearance, the Warbird and other Romulan ships aren't on par with the best the Federation and Klingon can field, and overall the Romulan Empire can't field as many warships as the other powers. Shinzon and crew tried to overthrow the Romulan Star Empire and defeat the Federation in 2379. R. 308 "romulan valdore" 3D Models. comSupport Trekyards on Patreon:https://www. Larger than any other mainstream starship employed by any major power in the Alpha Quadrant at the time of its introduction, it is heavily armed even by today’s standards, its armament ranging from disrupters to photon torpedoes. The class is unnamed in its original appearance in Star Trek Nemesis, and Memory Alpha's article uses the name Valdore-type after the only canonically named example of the class. It looks Red Lady type; Valdore type; Romulan Bird-of-Prey (22nd century) Romulan warbird (2399) Romulan drone ship; Romulan warbird (22nd century) Romulan warbird (2340s) Nov 21, 2017 · Romulan Warbird Valdore and her sister ship arrive in the Bassin Rift to assist the USS Enterprise in battling the Reman Warbird Scimitar. This Cloaking device can be used in combat, but your weapon systems and shields are disabled while it is active. The IRW Valdore was a 24th century Romulan Empire starship, a Scimitar-class dreadnought warbird in Imperial Romulan Fleet service in the 2380s[2][3] decade. The Scimitar-class was a type of Romulan warbird developed in the late 24th century. Aug 14, 2024 · #startrek #starships #startrekbridgecommander Today we are going to put the Sovereign-Akira against 2 Valdore Type Warbirds. In 2379, the Valdore took part in a battle in the Bassen Rift, along with another warbird and the USS Enterprise, a Federation starship, against Oct 1, 2012 · Alot of secondary, or non-canon sources put the Valdore-type (Mogai) warbird under the D'Deridex in terms of firepower and ability (Such as in STO). Pictured here is a replica of a Romulan Valdore warbird. Ships of the class had a color scheme of dark-green or brown. And it should tell you why I'm still probably never gonna build the "TNG" Warbird, the D'Deridex-class, because this thing is huge. She was the commanding officer of the Valdore, a Valdore-type Romulan warbird. In the year 2379, two Valdore-type starships assisted the USS Enterprise-E in attacking the rogue Reman warbird Scimitar in the Bassen Rift. The D'daridex has got to be one of the most gorgeous ship designs to emerge from the ST:TNG series. Dimensions: Length, 604 meters. She's a predator. 77 [8850 / 5000] at L1 Crit Rating Release date: March 9, 2017The Valkis-class Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird is a Tier 6 Heavy Dreadnought Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters. Click to find the best Results for romulan valdore Models for your 3D Printer. stl file, making it ready for printing. W. All Seasons; Romulan Star Empire -Warbird of the 22nd century, D'deridex-class warbird (TNG: "The Defector"), Valdore-type (Star Trek Nemesis) Remans - Scimitar, a prototype referred to as a "Reman warbird" (Star Trek Nemesis) The Melponar triplets were the overarching villains in Ensign Brad Boimler's 2381 holonovel Crisis Point II: Paradoxus. They were identical Romulan triplet sisters who commanded a Valdore-type warbird. Enterprise NCC 1701-E from certain destruction. It is equipped with a Romulan Battle Cloaking Device. The Romulan's latest warbird is ready to glide into your heart. Star Trek Nemesis ( In the year 2379, two Valdore-type starships assisted the USS Enterprise-E in attacking the rogue Reman warbird Scimitar in the Bassen Rift. Eaglemoss. This detailed model made for LEGO bricks was created to the exact specs of the This article is about the assimilated Scimitar-class warbird. When Shinzon expressed skepticism regarding Suran's Shinzon proved to be a tactical master, winning every engagement he fought in and catapulting the Valdore’s status as a great ship. The warbirds captured several survivors, including a time it's all done, with a number of Easter Eggs included! over 1000 layers this time and even with 16 gigs of RAM, it was a-chuggin' along at times. Valdore's commanding officer was Commander Donatra. FREE delivery Tue, Dec 24. I used Foam board and Testor paint for color. Affiliation: Romulan Empire Ship Type: General Attack Ship Class: Valdore Class Heavy Warbird Manufacturer: Romulan Empire Crew: Unknown Passengers: upto an additional unknown number can be accomodated in an emergency Scale - MDC MDC BY LOCATION: (1) Main Hull - 55,000 (1B) Bridge Hull - 20,000 Aug 29, 2002 · After checking out the Valdore, what you must do is head on over to the Nemesis section at StarTrek. There are about three different names for it. The Romulan Warbird Valdore boasts a sleek design and battled Praetor Shinzon in the movie Star Trek: Nemesis. When loyalist and reactionary members of the Romulan fleet engaged Shinzon's flagship, the Scimitar, the Valdore's reputation was permanently tarred. You may be looking for the Mogai-class warbird, IRW Valdore. The class is unnamed in its original appearance in Star Trek Nemesis, and Memory Alpha's article uses the name Valdore-type after the The Valdore-class heavy warbird was a variant design of the Mogai -class used by several Romulan and Reman factions since the late 24th century. Find this model and many more at his Deviantart page: The Romulan warbird was a type of warbird operated by the Romulan military in the 2340s. Nov 21, 2023 · Romulan Valdore-type Warbird, no mods. Anything related to the ships of Star Trek… Discover the iconic ROMULAN WARBIRD VALDORE from the beloved Star Trek franchise, now available for avid collectors and enthusiasts. By the 2400s, the Valdore was a Main Website:http://www. (TNG novel: Indistinguishable from Magic, ST video game: Star Trek Online) The Valdore-class was named for the original Valdore-class IRW Valdore commanded by Commander Donatra in the late 2370s through the mid-2380s, and in turn for Admiral Valdore Description: Valdore-type was a Romulan warbird design active in the 24th century. com, if you haven't done so already, and check out the new iPix of the Romulan Senate. Jul 4, 2022 · The Valdore-type or Norexan class was a Romulan warbird design active in the 24th century. This starship can be used from any level upon completion of the Release date: April 22, 2014The Mirror Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Retrofit is a Tier 5 (Level 40) Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. It is a real challenge but it is fun. Release date: July 25, 2013The Daeinos-class Warbird Destroyer is a Tier 5 (Level 40) Warbird Destroyer which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters. The Valdore-class is one of the newest designs in the Romulan Star Navy, and one of the most powerful ships in the fleet. 76] at L1 Accuracy / Evasion Power: 1. Today, there are almost one hundred Valdore type warbirds in the Romulan Military. Oct 1, 2012 · Random fact, the Valdore can shoot 4 plasma torpedoes per recharge while we have seen the D'Deridex shoot a maximum of 3 (Both ships could possibly be able to fire more, these are just the biggest on-screen feats for both). 5. October 23, 2018 The Romulan Bird-of-Prey was an experimental vessel which had one of the most sophisticated cloaking devices of its era. It was named after Khre'Enriov Valdore i'Kaleh tr'Irrhaimehn and was an update to the Mogai-class. comWant co Mogai-class The Mogai-class was a type of Romulan warbird in service in the late 2370s through the 25th century. I am still working on cog battery location and placing the servos. (ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru) The D'deridex-class was the Aug 9, 2023 · We have eight magazines available, claim yours before it is too late! 21K subscribers in the StarTrekStarships community. The customizable card game calls the Valdore a Norexan Class Warbird. This is a medium ship and can handle a crew of 8-10. 10 $ 4. This will be a challenge, It is, after all, the most advanced Romulan design of ST:TNG—excluding the Norexan/Valdore and Reman battleships we witness in the final Picard film. Both vessels were quickly knocked out of the fight by the powerful Reman warship. The franchise had expanded beyond television and film, to other media with relative success making it one of the highest grossing media franchises in history. I chose the "Romulan Valdore" because it looks like a bird of prey. Not exactly the same as the original Valdore-type, but that is at least something. (Star Trek Nemesis) Deck 1 Release date: May 21, 2013The Valdore-class Heavy Warbird is a Tier 3 (Level 20) Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. Antique; Seasons. They were known to be less maneuverable than Starfleet's Ambassador-class starships. Feb 17, 2011 · Here some of my project scratch build Romulan Valdore Class This is my first time, I am building from scratch build this model. Occasionally it served as a vehicle for a diplomat or admiral to get somewhere, but, for example, in Inter Arma enem Silent Leges, the delegation to Romulus took the Intrepid-class U. Players can obtain this starship from any Ship and The Valdore-class heavy warbird was a variant design of the Valdore-class used by several Romulan and Reman factions since the late 24th century. 5" The IRW Valdore was a Romulan Valdore-type warbird that Assisting the Enterprise-E (MTM-007) in Star Trek: Nemesis to defeat Shinzon, the Romulan Warbird Valdore and a sister ship made their first appearance. The vessel was named for Admiral Valdore i'Kaleh tr'Ihaimehn. They generally resembled large predatory birds. If there are ships you are looking for feel free to ask, if I have Romulan Star Empire -Warbird of the 22nd century, D'deridex-class warbird (TNG: "The Defector"), Valdore-type (Star Trek Nemesis) Remans - Scimitar, a prototype referred to as a "Reman warbird" (Star Trek Nemesis) Release date: June 25, 2015The Morrigu-class Heavy Warbird is a Tier 6 Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. Sold Out! Dimensions: Mar 15, 2024 · Valdore was the name of the class member that served as the flagship of the Romulan fleet during the events of the Nemesis feature film and is generally used as the class or type name by outside observers (save for the exceptions noted above), although the true Romulan class name currently remains unknown. Jul 18, 2017 · The standard Romulan starship from at least the early 2360s on, the D’deridex Class warbird’s fierce reputation is well deserved. Now k_merse gives us both the Scimitar and the Norexan class Imperial Romulan Warbird Valdore, both seen in Nemesis. The Romulan way of warfare maps the idea of a Roman extended campaign, departing the homeland, traveling far and wide, and then returning victorious. The Valdore type is the design of two Romulan Warbirds in the Bassen Rift in "Star Trek: Nemesis", of which the one commanded by Commander Donatra was verbally identified as "Valdore". max to a . The IRW Valdore was a Romulan Mogai-class warbird starship of the Star Empire's Star Navy in the 24th century, under the command of Commander Donatra. May 10, 2023 · Romulan Valdore-type Warbird and The Valdore ships and schematics added, for the Skirmish event A Valdore Too Far. Addeddate 2023-03-27 14:19:01 Collection_added cinemamagazines magazine_rack While I just call this thing the Valdore, after the one named ship of the class that we see in "Star Trek: Nemesis", this is, apparently, the Mogai-class Warbird, as confirmed by the semi-canon "Star Trek: Online". It requires 450 Schematics to build. Converting two contemporary warbirds into drone ships, he used multispectral holographic emitters and triphasic disruptors to give the ships the ability to disguise themselves as other vessels. S. (DS9 video game: Dominion Wars) The class was named after Romulan Praetor D'deridex, who held office during the late 22nd century. Early in his career, Valdore served as a senator in the Romulan Senate, where he once considered Senator Vrax a friend. Belerephon, which as a small frigate/destroyer is certainly not equipped like a command ship. In addition to this, they are all equipped with Romulan Battle Cloaks. The Romulan D'deridex Class commonly known as the Romulan Warbird or Warbird class is a class of Romulan vessel active during the 24th century. This starship can be used from any level upon completion of Admiral Valdore was a high-ranking official in the Romulan military in the 22nd century. While this Romulan vessel did not take Apr 5, 2023 · The Legendary Valdore Temporal Ops Warbird embodies the dream of a brighter future for all those who shelter beneath the banner of the Romulan Republic. 0 out of 5 stars. In 2379, two warbirds of this type, one of them the Valdore under Commander Donatra, came to the assistance of the USS Enterprise-E in engaging the Reman warbird Scimitar in the Bassen Rift. Apr 21, 2024 · Valdore-class Heavy Warbird A refit of the Mogai class, the Valdore class has a noticeably more curved and armored appearance, with a less broad wingspan, a different feather pattern on the wings and more prominent Warp nacelles. Because of the sheer size of the vessel, the warbird cannot be shown to scale so the science ship is shown alongside for reference. (TOS novel: Captain's Blood) The design included a revolutionary thalaron radiation core The following Romulan Republic starships are classified as Heavy Warbirds: Tier 3 Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Tier 3 Valdore-class Heavy Warbird Tier 5 Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Retrofit Tier 5 Fleet Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Retrofit Tier 5 Mirror Universe Mogai-class Heavy Warbird Retrofit Tier 6 Morrigu-class Heavy Warbird Tier 6 Fleet Mogai-class Heavy Warbird NPC: Mogai Heavy Warbird These Background Valdore-type was a Romulan warbird design active in the 24th and into the 25th century. A subreddit for lovers of Star Trek starships. Valdore-class Warbird Romulan Empire, IRW Valdore. By the end of the war, there were nearly as many Valdore type warbirds on the front line as D’deridex type Warbirds. They were registered as a class 5 vessel. I'm merely the converter who took MeslesitsFleetYards original model from a . Jul 9, 2009 · The recent run of novels identify the Valdore as being a Mogai Class Warbird after a large predatory bird on Romulus. The Valdore class of ships is named after the I. With the production of the Preax-class cruiser, a much smaller What's up Lore Masters,We take a look at the Valdore Class Starship and it's impacts on the Romulan Star Empire. Jan 9, 2019 · Romulan Valdore-Type Warbird Romulan Star Empire Uncommon Ship Romulan Cloaking Device Disruptor Cannons Cloaking Device In starship classification, a warbird was a type of warship. I upload my files for FREE, but I do accept donations to help me purchase in game ships to upload. It served as the backbone of the Romulan fleet during the latter half of the 24th century. Jan 4, 2019 · In a plot to engulf the quadrant in war, Admiral Valdore was the mastermind behind another Romulan warship. . Find this model and many more at his Deviantart page: May 5, 2008 · Nobody's touched the Scimitar in a good long time, with the exception of the recent Reman Rebellion full race addon (which is really, really good). Players can obtain this starship as Star Trek - The Next Generation Valdore Type Romulan Warbird thingiverse. It is Star Trek. Valdore, the powerful vessel utilized by Commander Donatra against Shinzon’s rebellion in 2379. Romulan Star Empire: Seems to operate the D'deridex to the exclusion of anything else bigger than a shuttle, prior to the advent of the Valdore-type (and Scimitar) - which are seen without any D'deridex class warbirds evident. Basic info - Grid Size: Large - Armor type Valdore-class Warbird Diecast Model Romulan Empire, IRW Valdore, STAR TREK: Nemesis, w/Magazine 3. Mar 27, 2023 · Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection 031 Romulan Warbird Valdore. At the time, Romulan thinking was that the D'deridex-class warbird was unmatched by anything in the Starfleet or Klingon fleets. The D'deridex-class, alternately known as the B-type warbird, or warbird class starship, was one of the largest and most powerful mainstays of the Romulan Star Empire. Both ships were critically damaged during the battle. This article is about the Mogai-class warbird. Forged in the crucible of tremendous loss, free from the imperial mold, the people of the Republic stand proud with newfound purpose. Type : Die-cast Spaceship Miniature ReplicaMaterial : MetalSize : 139mmOrigin : USA / UKYear : 2014Condition : mint in box - See pictures #031 Romulan Warbird Romulan Free State (formerly) Borg Collective (formerly) Active: 24th Century Battle Stations: 1x Science 1x Engineering 1x Command 1x Engineering: Shields 65000 Hull 319200 Shield Regen 1760 Attack 8 Accuracy 8 Evasion 6 DPS [Attack Power * Attack Speed] 5947 [7825 * 0. patreon. The uncloaking of a warbird of this type in 2364, during an encounter with the USS Enterprise-D on the edge of the Neutral Zone, signaled Release date: May 21, 2013The Mogai-class Heavy Warbird is a Tier 3 (Level 20) Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. The Valdore was first detected Feb 18, 2011 · Here is a clip video of the battle between the enterprise, two the Romulan valdore class against the Romulan Simitar: startrek nemesis the fight scene (4 min 12 sec) Feb 22, 2011 , 12:41 AM Commander Donatra was an officer in the Romulan military. My The Mogai-class (also referred to as Valdore-type, Valdore-class, or Norexan-class), was a kind of Romulan warbird in service in the late 2370s and early 2380s. Star Trek is a popular sci-fi space exploration franchise created by Gene Roddenberry with the iconic 1960s TV series. 75" 5. (TOS: "Balance of Terror"; TNG: "The Defector") Three cultures are known to have operated warbirds: Klingon Empire Klingon warbird (ENT: "Broken Bow"; Star Trek) Romulan Star Empire/Romulan Free State Romulan warbird, utilized during the mid-22nd century (ENT: "Babel One") Romulan Aug 8, 2006 · As the new pride of the Romulan fleet, the Valdores were a key piece in the political turmoil when Reman soldier Shinzon seized control of the government in 2379. Its firepower is nearly unmatched, but it achieves this at the expense of the more resilient defenses of vessels of comparable size, prompting some in Starfleet to call it a 'glass cannon'. Among these ships was the Valdore - under the command of Commander Donatra. Built at a secret base, the Scimitar was the keystone of Shinzon's plot to assassinate the Romulan Senate and The Battle in the Bassen Rift was a conflict fought in 2379 between the Sovereign-class USS Enterprise-E, assisted by two Valdore-type warbirds of the Romulan Star Empire, against the Reman warbird Scimitar, a unique and heavily armed spacecraft commanded by Shinzon. Arrives before Christmas Only 1 left in stock Note: The DS9 TM inaccurately depicts the size and armament of the warbird, as it does with many other values. In the story, the Melponar triplets attack the USS Cerritos and steal the Apr 19, 2013 · The Valdore Heavy Warbird is equipped with a Romulan Battle Cloaking Device. The Valdore class Warbird is an advanced battleship of the Romulan Star Navy. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. The existence of the D'deridex class in Star Trek Timelines was first revealed in the Fans React - Star Trek Timelines at STLV 2015 Dev Diary . If or when /r/StarshipPorn returns will depend on Reddit's continued responses to the situation. The prototype vessel of the class was destroyed in 2379. I did not make this; this is only a conversion I did of MeslesitsFleetYards origin Star Trek - The Next Generation Valdore Type Romulan Warbird by nd4spd1919 - Thingiverse 752 "romulan warbird" printable 3D Models. Boimler's script did not give them individual names, and referred to them simply as "Right", "Center", and "Left". Similar in design to the D'deridex-class warbird, the Valdore-type was a large, fixed-wing vessel. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. This ship comes with a universal Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator console. Hello! As seen in Nemesis, the Romulans produced a new type of warbird that could serve alongside the D'deridex - the Valdore. And has he ever done both Shinzon and Commander Donatra proud. The Scimitar class was the culmination of a Romulan development program to create a powerful new class to utilise against the Dominion. The Mogai Class Warbird, also called the Valdore Type or Norexan was featured in Star Trek Nemesis, which was in 2379. 2 VALDORE-TYPE WARBIRD <Image Unavailable> Accommodation: Unknown. Ironically, who would figure that two of these ships would help save the Romulan S Oct 1, 2012 · The Galaxy-class never seemed to serve as a primary command/administrative facility. For other uses, see Scimitar. Crafted with precision, this model reflects the advanced aesthetic and lore of the Star Trek universe, making it a standout piece. Shinzon was a clone of Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the Enterprise's commanding officer, and had developed a vendetta Note: The DS9 TM inaccurately depicts the size and armament of the warbird, as it does with many other values. unfortunately it didn't have much. $89. It was constructed under the command of Shinzon as part of a secret plot to overthrow the Romulan Senate, defeat the United Federation of Planets, and liberate the subjugated natives of Remus. 99 $ 89. An evolved and more elegant design than other Romulan vessels, the advanced Valdore also made a surprise appearance in holographic form in Star Trek: Lower Decks. Some post-Nemesis novels refer to the design as Valdore The Valdore type (or Mogai class, or Norexan class) was a type of warbird that saw service with the Romulan Star Empire during the latter half of the 24th century. History. The USS Enterprise-C attempted to defend the colony, but was destroyed in battle. When USS Voyager returned to the United Federation of Planets from the Delta Quadrant, Starfleet rushed to integrate many Romulan ships have political officers on board to ensure that the warbird can make decisions, completely cut off from home. Players can obtain this starship from any Ship and Shuttle Requisitions officer Jan 4, 2024 · The type is Romulan in origin and warbird types were first spotted in their use during the 22nd century, Terran Gregorian calendar, in the years leading up to the outbreak of the Romulan War -- although it has been used by them in one form or another ever since the founding of their own culture independent of Vulcan. Since the ship was seen in an event that happened pretty quickly after the end of hostilities, it could maybe be presumed that the Valdore (or one of her sisters) could've fought the Dominion alongside the Romulan fleet. You may be looking for the assimilated Scimitar-class warbird, IRW Valdore. In This Mar 3, 2025 · The D'Deridex-class Warbird, also known as Type B Warbird or Warbird-class Starship, is the flagship and main ship used by the Romulan Empire in the mid-24th century Romulan Warbird (Trading Card) 1993 Star Trek Masters Series Spectra Cards #S2. John Eaves may have the laid out the ship intentionally to resemble the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, considering that the BoP was originally meant to be a Romulan ship. 10. The Valdore is part of the Starships Collection of Star Trek vehicles by Eaglemoss. $3. Warbirds are a type of playable Romulan starship. (TNG novel: Indistinguishable from Magic, ST video game: Star Trek Online) The Valdore was a Romulan warbird that was in service with the Romulan military during the late 24th century, under the command of Commander Donatra. Finish Type. A Valdore type Warbird was slightly smaller than its Starfleet equivalent, the Sovereign Class. The Valdore type was a Romulan warbird design active in the 24th century. I did not make this; this is only a conversion I did of MeslesitsFleetYards origin Star Trek - The Next Generation Valdore Type Romulan Warbird by nd4spd1919 - Thingiverse For other uses, see D'deridex. Valdore made the mistake of challenging the precept of unlimited expansion. Star Trek - The Next Generation Valdore Type Romu Download: free Remans were the slave labor caste of the Romulan people since at least the 22nd century and forced to work in the extremely hazardous dilithium mines of their world. 99. Sep 13, 2018 · The pinnacle of Romulan starship evolution in the late 24th Century, the Romulan Warbird Valdore was a sleek, powerful and intimidating hunter that would keep their already-mighty fleet a force to be reckoned with. Originally designed in 2368, the Mogai was labeled as "unneeded" by the Romulan Military. trekyards. Klingons: Run four main designs. In 2379, Donatra was a co-conspirator in a plot to elevate Shinzon to the position of praetor of the Romulan Star Empire, and, along with fellow commander Suran, acted as a military advisor to Shinzon. now bac /r/StarshipPorn has gone private due to Reddit's decision to effectively kill 3rd party applications with their API costs. Unlike Shinzon's Reman ship, the Scimitar, the Valdore needed to decloak to fire weapons, yet it proved invaluable in saving the U. 96 delivery Apr 1 - 5 . xelw yopz ftsdc dnupib djgg eszmye hdjo qalg gcghqxq mhx dkduo prqlp mlp heg jupgymu