Roblox teleport gui script robux. Contains Scripts Yes.
Roblox teleport gui script robux On a server script, receive the event and use the player instance that was sent and find it’s HumanoidRootPart in the workspace. Anyways thank you for helping. Again May 3, 2022 · Hey! I’ve trying to make a custom teleporting screen, but when I do the function TeleportService:GetArrivingTeleportGui() it returns nil in the other place. local Player = game:GetService("Players"). I Hope you enjoyed the video, Have a lovely rest of your day! If you are a bit confused 7. billboardGui local timer local teleporting = false local spawnTeleport = script. For example am working on a fnaf game. rbxl (79. Reviews 0 review(s) Type Model. What is the issue? The Issue is I haven’t found any tutorials on how to do this What solutions have you tried so far? I searched youtube, scriptinghelpers. You’ll see a small GUI with a text box and a “Teleport” button. Frame. CFrame. 27. CFrame end local function Bring Jun 18, 2023 · Hi, I need help making a teleport to a different game/places that does not show the default teleport but instead shows gui. Sep 9, 2021 · Create a RemoteEvent that the client will fire when it is clicked on. Dec 24, 2021 · What do you want to achieve? I am trying to make a GUI button that puts players who press it into a queue and teleports them to a different place. What are my scripts and, where are they located? There are 2 scripts Jul 13, 2020 · I am making a game and I want to make custom teleport GUI. I keep thinking that it will work when i test it on actual Roblox, but Teleport Gui (No scripts) 66% (30+ votes) By @polarisprog. Position) Make sure you use your part to rename it! (this is a scirpting gui to teleport u ALSO this is a tutorial) Dec 28, 2021 · Okay so in your case all you have to do in your script is: local button = script. and, if my friend clicked the button, all players in the game would teleport to my friend. p means getting the position. So please don’t just reply with a link to the wiki posts. TeleportGUI. I was wondering if any of you knew how to fix this script. MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() game. 65. This may happen before your game’s code can finish initializing and activate your loading screen, causing the 1 frame flash. -- client -- local TeleportService = game:GetService Jul 31, 2023 · Hello fellow devs, in this post I am asking for some help from you. When I closed the GUI. May 9, 2021 · Hi, I want to create a script that when a player presses a button, they get teleported to a certain position. INSTUCTIONS!: #### teleport to the game/place you wanna go to click "PlaceId" and change the value to the game id (there's ### inside the local script also. Here is my code local plr = script. Doesn't work I have been a game developer since 2018 and never seen this bad of scripts in a while Dec 18, 2020 · If you do not reparent the custom teleport GUI to the player’s PlayerGui upon arrival, then Roblox will destroy the GUI when it thinks the game has loaded. if they dont meet that first arg run an else and have the “dont meet requirements” gui show up. I would really Teleport Gui (No scripts) 66% (30+ votes) By @polarisprog. local function removeFromList(character) for i=1,# list do Jan 8, 2022 · Trying to use SetTeleportGui to avoid the ROBLOX loading screen in the game. Both places are published. Mar 24, 2024 · Hey developers, So basically I’m trying to make a gui where if someone owns a badge, a imagebutton will appear and they can press it to teleport. A teleport GUI script for roblox that creates a GUI button to enter a player's name and teleport to them by clicking on teleport button. I’m aiming to create a button that, when clicked, will prompt players to purchase a developer product. teleportlift. Natural Disasters Survival - Auto Win 3. And am making a lobby. Position (ex: game. <details><summary>Current Script</summary>function Click() script. You signed out in another tab or window. Players:FindFirstChild(click Mar 6, 2023 · Hey, so I have a part then when you touch it should pull up a gui screen, while it’s up for a few seconds you teleport. In the parameters, be sure to include the player. For example: you are in game A, and if you click this button it teleports you into game B. MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() print Jun 27, 2024 · What do you want to achieve? I want my screen gui to be brought to the other experience I’m teleporting to and to play the animation and everything inside it. I need any suggestions I can get really. I want to know how I can create a TextButton (screen GUI) what if clicked, will teleport you into another game. The creator Aug 13, 2022 · Hey guys, i’m trying to make it so that when one player clicks the play button, both players are tp’d to a separate part, It’s confusing to explain so i’ll attach a video, i want them both to be teleported when either pr… Jul 18, 2021 · I’m trying to make it so when a gui button is clicked, the screen will flash for a bit and behind the flash will be your avatar teleporting to a brick and after a period of time they get teleported back to the exact spot… Oct 5, 2024 · Hello, I have made an OS (Open Source) Teleportation menu system. I’ve been so desperate I even thought of teleporting a part to the player and then using . new(workspace. new(248, 10, 90)) end script. CFrame = CFrame. Updated Dec 28, 2021 · Trying to teleport a player to a tutorial level through a menu screen GUI button, but the teleport isn’t working. No errors are appearing in the output or developer console, so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Place #1 | Local script located in StarterPlayerScripts --!strict --// SERVICES local PS = game:GetService("Players") local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService") --// VARIABLES Mar 23, 2024 · OP Blox Fruits script pastebin. - Minarpr0/Roblox-teleport-GUI Nov 5, 2023 · Pastebin. Dec 4, 2021 · What do you want to achieve? A teleport system for admins What is the issue? My script does not work. ImageLabel. Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit. May 16, 2022 · How to make a teleport GUI system? So I’m at the moment trying to make a join game system like all the popular story games though I want to make it GUI. Oct 8, 2022 · local gui = script. You switched accounts on another tab or window. KeyCode Feb 24, 2023 · Hey guys, I need help making a button that teleports all players in the game. OK, I Understand Oct 12, 2020 · hey guys, i’m making a difficulty chart obby and i want to add a working gui like this: it’s just a simple gui that allows you to revert to previous stages (but doesn’t let you skip your current stage) it also allows you to revert 10 stages at a time with the double arrow button. I just have no idea were I should start with the teleport bit. (the arrow thing. if you don’t know Read this. All Feb 20, 2022 · Hello, I am trying to make a script where you click a button and it will teleport you to a specific area. Status. But if the player is at the highest level, he must go to 1 by pressing the forward arrow. What do I need? I want to make a button that teleports all players in the game to the activator. Parent Jul 26, 2022 · I’m trying to get a custom GUI to load when teleporting to another place however it only pops up before teleporting, and then the regular roblox loading screen shows up. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. This script is easy to set up and can be customized to fit your game's needs. Apr 8, 2024 · Pastebin. Players,v. Thank you, and have a nice day. I have a teleportation system, which teleports you to a different game and there is a queue system which works perfectly. TeleportGUI local Tele1 = gui. spawn. What is the issue? The UI isn’t showing up in the other experience. All Sep 17, 2022 · I’m hoping someone can help me create a smooth fade transition from one place to another when teleporting. Works on mobile: Fluxus, Arceus X, Delta X Oct 1, 2021 · What do you want to achieve? I would like to create a GUI that whenever you click it, it would take you to another place in my game. All The Hunt: Mega Edition - A script that allows you to quickly complete challenges in games for The Hunt event Working games: 1. new(Vector3. So I have the gui all ready here is the link: teleporting - Roblox I made the GUI it is name “teleporting”. The teleport GUI did function correctly, but I wanted to move. This is the script: local UIS = game:GetService(“UserInputService”) local gui = script. localValue. 11 minutes ago. Parent. That’s all, enjoy using the Royale High script GUI. ScreenGui:Clone()) I also have tried not cloneing it, just refrencing it; same result. Torso. --Variables local tele1 = script. Get Model. The Roblox Criminality Script enhances your gameplay experience with numerous powerful features such as auto-farming, teleportation, combat enhancements, and more. I have tried this so far: if #list > 0 then billboard. new(0, 5, 0) end end) Feb 1, 2025 · As you see, i wanna make a gui teleport you to a part. ) ## open the script you see. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. This function sets the custom teleport GUI that will be shown to the local user during teleportation, prior to the teleport being invoked. ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(“DoFancyTeleport”) if not Universal Script 📌 - Works On Every Game :) Jerk 0ff FE roblox gui Universal Script UPDATED Script Collection ESP Teleport God Mode and more. MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(GameID, Player) end) Jul 25, 2023 · have the button send a remoteevent to a server script inside an if loop that checks if the player has the badge, and in that serverscript use teleport service to send em in. 56% (10+ votes) By @AsadrithIsntHere. I have tried over 10 different things that could work, but nothing seems to be happening. 2 KB) Leave a review if you like this product! Give me a DM or post in this thread if you have any issues. ©2025 Roblox Corporation. I would like some help or information about how to create this script. Chained - Instant Checkpoints 2. Parent local TELEPORT_DESTINATION = Vector3. I understand Mar 15, 2023 · As seen in many games which teleport you to another place, they have a seamless transition between servers. ) then there's a local script click that also (the arrow. I made it for myself for my games that are still WIP! But I released this for public because I want to help people make their games better looking with animations. 11. Aug 11, 2020 · How would i incorporate that into the menu? With this you can do the teleportation with a menu GUI. InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input. Once you teleport it comes off the screen. Players. Metro Life - Teleport to Points 4. *Sorry If I Jul 25, 2023 · I’m trying to make a custom set teleport gui for players to see when they all get teleported at onces in between in-game places in the universe. I haven’t found anything about it on the devforum. Dec 3, 2021 · local Player = game. does anyone have or know of a system like this? Aug 20, 2023 · So I’m trying to make the player teleport in and out a box as I’m working on a queue system, this and that system are seperate though. LocalPlayer local char = player. As shown in the video it only worked once. lua at main · AgungHari/Universal-Teleport-for-Roblox Sep 10, 2022 · How would I get a player to teleport to another place. p) Which CFrame. I’d like to ensure that the button functions as intended, teleporting a player only once per purchase What can this do? You can teleport to your mouse location by pressing a keyboard button (default button is G). roblox. Character local mouse = game. Not a part like place. - AgungHari/Universal-Teleport-for-Roblox Sep 21, 2022 · First of all you said: CFrame. Passengers like other players near you will join your teleportation if it is toggled on in the Jul 14, 2018 · I’m trying to create a GUI that you can use to teleport to different locations, and I have a script that works in Roblox Studio, but doesn’t work when the game is published. Did you search? I looked on YouTube and the Roblox Mar 22, 2021 · You can use the Touched Event’s parameter to detect if a player who touched the part is valid. So if I clicked the button, all the players in the game would teleport to me. I can’t find that anywhere on the forums only ones that can teleport you to another game/place. Oct 22, 2021 · In this video i showcase the Teleport Gui exploit scriptFeel free to comment below letting me know what you are interested in seeing in the next showcases! I You signed in with another tab or window. 30. Drive World - Complete the Obby The script will continue to be updated, adding support for more games Mar 3, 2025 · If i just use :SetTeleportGui() normally without putting it in a remote event, it will work, but I will need more than one teleport gui SeargentAUS (Seargent) March 3, 2025, 9:26pm Jun 20, 2020 · Hi, I need help, how do you make a script in which all the players teleport to a place ? Feb 24, 2022 · So I’m making admin command gui and I just need to make a remote event that teleports a localplayer to a part. Sep 19, 2016 · if RecursiveSearch(game. Text = "TELEPORTING" billboard. local function updateGui() gui. local localValue = script. All In this tutorial, I show how I make a basic Teleport Gui for allowing players to navigate from two or more different areas in my game! It's very simple and u Teleport Gui (No scripts) 63% (30+ votes) By @polarisprog. local Part = script. Apr 26, 2021 · Hello, so I was wondering how to make a VIP teleporter only. Even when using the Roblox provided scripts it doesn’t appear to work. Contains Scripts Yes. CFrame = playerValue. Name) and RecursiveSearch(game. I did not use any destroy function. LocalPlayer Jul 1, 2021 · heres the main menu script, how would I modify it so that it teleports the player? i just don’t know how to define the player --variables local plr = game. parent. A video demonstrating the issue even with the script will be below You signed in with another tab or window. Free. Pretty sure that I messed up on lines 9 and 10 but not sure how to fix it. Parent local The Reason I Made This Is Because No One Made A Working Teleporter GUI before. Mar 23, 2020 · I am not a very good scripter at all. And from 1 he should return to the highest by pressing the back arrow. ) then Jan 6, 2020 · I’ve created a script that is meant to teleport a player to another game but when I run the code it says “Invalid Player to Teleport. localValue and playerValue are player objects. Jun 5, 2020 · Maybe make a local script that fires an event with a ‘playerinvited’ argument and then make a script in starterplayerscripts that listens for the event and if ‘playerinvited’ equals the players name, make a UI pop up and when the button is clicked use teleportservice? create. May 4, 2020 · Hello ! I want to make gui that apears and when you thouch button “Yes” It’ll teleport player to a random point from telepats list (It’s something like battle royale) . For some reason, my script is supposed to activate every time I touch the neon purple part. I would love to get some help from some of you. This script is able to teleport the user to the point the user touches on the screen. playerValue. Parent local telparts = { telepart1 = game Universal Script 📌 - A GUI to be able to teleport players. LocalPlayer local character = Player. By using the SetTeleportGui(), I managed to get rid of the ROBLOX splash screen, but when I connect to the end server that I was sent to, prior to spawning, I see the world below me instead. Created Apr 18, 2023. Value local function TeleportTo() localValue. It comes with a decent ui, tweens/animations, names, anything you need for a teleportation menu Here is the game link: Download Link: Teleportation System Updated. SurfaceGui local billboard = script. Nov 9, 2020 · Hello everyone! So on my game I need it so that when a part is touched you get telported to somewere else in the game. My teleport screen features numerous images and moving parts in it, and i’d like to carry that into it instead of using static images for the teleport UI Is this possible to do? So far I haven’t gotten really any results at Nov 9, 2019 · Hi! I wanna make Teleport Gui (not the custom loading screen) So I’d like to make when the player clicked tp button, with some text on the textbox, the player gets teleported to a given place, but with a GUI with that text, the player wrote. Character script. ” I do not understand what I did wrong in the script. -- Client local teleportGui Dec 1, 2020 · So, I’ve been having an issue with teleporting a player with a GUI. Basically I have a VIP gamepass, and I want people to be able to teleport if they have the gamepass, and if they don’t then it will prompt them to purchase it. wait(1 Jun 7, 2020 · can you put the both teleport and menu gui in the script? idk how to script and my friend is off limits to edit the script Jul 23, 2024 · Hello everyone, I’m currently developing a guessing game and I’ve been working on incorporating a UI/GUI. Contribute to alexlostorto/ROBLOX development by creating an account on GitHub. Reviews 1 review(s) Type Model. HumanoidRootPart. I have it working where when you touch the part the gui pops up, but the bug is that the gui gets stuck on my screen and it does not teleport me. By using this project, you agree that you are solely responsible for your actions. But they only get teleported if you press a gui button. Type in a player’s name, click the button, and if that player exists in the game, you’ll teleport to them. humanoidrootpart. Parent local char = plr. - Universal-Teleport-for-Roblox/ver1. It will also not persist across multiple teleports and will need to be set prior to each one. Thanks for reading! Aug 16, 2022 · Hey guys, I’m trying to make a script… just for some info, there are two parts, when two players stand on one each, a ‘playButton’ Gui pops up and I want it so that when this ‘PlayButton’ is clicked, it teleports one player to ‘Team1’ part and the other player to ‘Team2’ part. GammaB2:Play() game Aug 6, 2024 · Hello! I have a problem. Idk RNG. LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local PlayButton = script. I have tried taking apart soft shutdown scripts and it did not work at all, I look at tutorials but never never found one that worked for me. Name) then Jan 24, 2023 · -- Here's the code that im currently using local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") Plr = game. It would just stay still and not activate any scripts at all! Is there a way where teleport GUI can move? Because the default loading screen Roblox uses has a spinning Roblox icon and it fades out once the In todays video I show you how to make a teleporter in Roblox Studio. But the thing that doesn’t work is the GUI (Leave Queue button), after the teleportation happens the GUI is still visible which shouldn’t be, even if you press it, it will still teleport you into the Jan 10, 2023 · I’ve changed the script to this: local teleportButton local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") function onTeleportButtonClicked() local placeId = 578872909 -- Replace with the actual place ID of the destination game TeleportService:Teleport(placeId, game. I did some programming and I got it to work, well, most of it. The GUI doesn’t appear when the player has teleported and instead it is just the default roblox loading screen. Character local teleport = function () local hrp = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") hrp. About The Royale High Script. LocalPlayer local fuf = script. Character local Apr 16, 2023 · Hi, I’m trying to make a Teleportation GUI for my Clicker Game, but the script doesn’t work, here’s my script, (Note, I used ChatGPT for this script. org, and devforum. Thanks!. com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Touched to teleport the player lol. Can someone help me? This is my code: local BadgeService = game:GetService Aug 16, 2021 · Hello everyone, I wanted to see if or how this could be done at all, I’m trying to use an advanced loading screen for teleporting between places in one of my games. Created ©2025 Roblox Corporation. Make sure to search the forum before creating a new topic, many beginner / learning resources have already been created, or maybe your problem has already been solved by someone else. Apr 8, 2024 · We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. I have tried finding a solution online but couldn’t find one. I really have no clue what I should do about this, I just don’t understand scripting. Mar 8, 2019 · This is a support category for help on everything related to scripting on the Roblox platform, from extremely basic to even the most technical of issues. LocalPlayer script. Pretty straight forward, however I have noticed that there is a rescaling process that occurs in between leaving the place and the second between places as seen below. Ive tried multiple scripts with a lot of them saying you cant teleport in the studio. ScreenGui. ) -- Set the buy price and click requirement local buyPrice = 100 -- Change this to the desired buy price local clickRequirement = 100 -- Change this to the desired click requirement -- Variable to keep track of whether button has been Only reviews from users who have used this asset are shown A simple teleportation script for Roblox Studio that teleports players to a designated destination when they touch a pad. Exit local TeleGui = gui. GammaB:Play() game. Note, the teleport GUI will not be used if the destination place is in a different game. Functions: ESP, Teleports, Bring Fruits, Buy items, AutoStats. Tele1 gui. PlayButton local UpdateLogButton = script. My code changed multiple times but same concept tried from both client and server produces same results. It did not work again. 19. How It Works. Text = # list billboard. I’m trying to do the same thing, but the default loading screen always pops up for a second, no matter what. Though the teleporting inside works, the button is not working to have the player teleport out. So I’m just trying to make a custom loading GUI when you’re teleporting to a different game in the same universe via TeleportService. Presenting SetTeleportGui: This feature allows you to set a custom GUI shown to players while teleporting, before invoking the teleport. Position) local function onButtonActivated() local player = game. Created Dec 7, 2021. Activated:Connect(teleport) Dec 7, 2021 · TELEPORT + GUI [FREE MODEL] 75% (10+ votes) By Skudya Games. Parent local Debounce = false local TPS = game:GetService("TeleportService") local PlaceID = 00000 Part. CFrame = part. Then when you click on it it will disable the camera manipulation and tp you to the map. RFirst: local service = game:GetService("TeleportService") local tp_gui = service:GetArrivingTeleportGui() if tp_gui then local playerGui = game. Character. 2 hours ago. Workspace. MouseButton1Click:connect(function() TeleportService:Teleport(12213643771, Plr) end) Jul 27, 2018 · Hey Developers! We’ve been working on some awesome new features over summer to simplify some common workflows! Here is the first of more to come. I think it is to do with the Cframe but have been unable to find what else I would need to put there to fix it. What is the issue? The script I use just wont work and I dont get why What solutions have you tried so far? I spent around an hour looking for solutions but couldnt find any local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") Plr = game. I’ve looked at various posts and the wiki as well and nothing is properly documented; how do I make the SetTeleportGui Mar 12, 2022 · So I want to make a teleport to spawn GUI that has a spawn image on it and when I click it, it teleports you to spawn (Not exactly to spawn, I want it to teleport to a part near spawn that I place), how do I make such thing? I also heard that when making such a thing, the script should be specific for R6 or R15, I want the script to work for both R6 and R15 if that’s possible. Create a gui Add local script It look like this: script. The Roblox Royale High Script is a set of unique codes that allows the user to have auto-farm features to earn tons of diamond resources by attending several classes and fashion contest in the game. So when you walk through a door, a GUI May 11, 2020 · I trying to make it so that if the player touches a Gui it teleports them to the place but the code isn’t working I am not getting any errors. Please help me out Dec 25, 2019 · Hello, I’m a medium experienced builder and a miserable scripter. All Welcome to the Roblox Criminality Script repository! This project is dedicated to providing advanced and efficient scripts for the popular Roblox game, Criminality. I am not sure how to set a teleport gui for a list of players correctly. I’ve outline the steps for this effect here: Essentially if a player is transitioning from one place to another, the following will happen from their perspective: Player screen shows Place A Player screen fades out to black Player screen will remain black while player teleports from Jan 29, 2019 · I’ve tried looking all over the wiki posts about custom loading screens and they don’t really make sense to me when I tried to use all these methods. Which you don’t need just say: if humanoidrootpart then . fromRGB(255, 0, 0) local playersToTeleport May 28, 2024 · When the player teleports its just a white screen Code: local c = game:GetService("ContentProvider") c:PreloadAsync({script. players. And my problem is that , it isn’t working ! Can you help me please with it ? Here is script from the button local plz = game. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve looked all over everywhere I could find but I This project is intended for educational purposes only. Actually, my problem is that this system only works on the numbers, while the player himself does not teleport to the end or the beginning. Visible = false UIS. I have been trying to fix this script however I dosn’t seem to work anymore when it used to. Any ideas how I can do this? Heres my current script thats not working, ik its probably really bad Teleport Gui (No scripts) 64% (30+ votes) By @polarisprog. LocalPlayer local char = plr. The thing is that I don’t know how to teleport the player through a remote event since I’m using a localscript for the admin. Here’s an example of how you can use this feature in conjunction with the server. This script creates a simple teleportation GUI in Roblox, letting you enter a player’s name and teleport to them. Make sure to surround your teleport in a pcall(). But if they don’t own the badge, then the imagebutton will not be visible and they cannot click it. new(10, 10, 10) -- Or if you want to teleport to a parts position use game. Part (Or the path to your part). UpdateLogButton local MainFrame = script. local TPService = game:GetService("TeleportService") local placeID = 8286551734 local canTP = true local function TP(click) local player = game. Hell Gen a Server that u can Gen Roblox Accounts and more. It currently does not work but there’s no errors in the output. CFrame + Vector3. script Aug 22, 2024 · I’m trying to make a GUI that displays itself when a player teleports from one game to another The issue is that it does the opposite of what I want to achieve. Text = # list end. The provided code and instructions are meant to demonstrate certain functionalities and should not be used for any illegal or unethical activities. Tele1 local debounce = false --Func… Jun 27, 2024 · This module script is a resource for making animations for your GUI easier. Parent In this Roblox Scripting Tutorial, you'll learn how to create a Teleport GUI to move the player around the map in your Roblox game!Join the Discord: https:// Scripts for ROBLOX. Sep 17, 2021 · We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. new(part. Image}) game["Teleport Service"]:SetTeleportGui(script. I’ve looked all over and tried 3 different methods: premade loading screen parented to the localscript SetTeleportGui & GetArrivingTeleportGui create the loading screen from Teleport Gui V1. I’m trying to teleport from place 1 to place 2 Place 1 script: local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService") local teleportGui = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"). i’m not a scripter, so i couldn’t figure it out by myself. Before using the module please make sure to read the tips and the debugs for an idea how to use the script. Players Sep 14, 2022 · I am currently creating a project to teleport users from place a to b. Parent local Back = gui. You can teleport to spawn location after you selected a spawn location in the Gui. LocalPlayer) end -- This function is called when the button is clicked -- Create the button and add it to the Sep 23, 2021 · I’m trying to make a game teleport GUI that teleports you to a different game using a scrolling frame (for the teleport button placement) and the button is made out of a frame (for the backround) and an image button as the actual button. UPD 1: Switched This script is optimized and built for mobile devices. When you tap on “Official maps” it will show the gui for all of the official maps. billboardPart. Touched:Connect(function(Hit) --The first parameter of the touched function will always be the part that it hit local Player = game. Can anyone help me with the script? Thanks in advance! -ItsKoolPlayz Teleporter Script: local event = game. LocalPlayer. Part. Reload to refresh your session. TeleportGui TeleportService:SetTeleportGui Sep 24, 2020 · So I am making this main menu gui with camera manipulation in it. GuiPart. Thankyou for reading. Here’s the script: local GameID = 4019852350 local Player = game. Upon successful purchase, the player will be teleported to the game’s end. Value local playerValue = script. com May 12, 2021 · Hello Robloxians, 👋 I have encountered a scripting problem that has been stuck with me for a while now. You can teleport to a player by selecting him in the Gui. OK, I Understand This script is optimized and built for mobile devices. TextColor3 = Color3. I want to teleport through the levels using the arrows. I’ve tried fixing the paths and trying to search for any fixes, although it could be the facts that it is seperate from the script that handles queueing. Workspace,v. wbqqmxoe sfgm dct uoo manxfv jqho shzjisu xig akqwd oftj xkgap dtic kqf xtgvbea gfhwk