Qualitative political science phd programs Applicants for the Ph. The Director of Graduate Studies for the Political Science Department is Hélène Landemore. Poli sci Prof at R1 here: Go to US News rankings. It deals with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws. Sep 6, 2024 · The Political Science PhD Program is designed for students whose primary concern is a mastery of theories, methods of research, and substantive literature of the discipline of political science. The tuition range from 41760 to 61548 per year. The methodology curriculum is as follows:Methodology Requirements - First Year Sequence for those starting August 22 or prior, OR August 24 or later Autumn Quarter POLS 500 An MA degree in political science with at least an A- GPA for consideration. In training students, we emphasize the i m p o rta nc ef sg h dly “Pre-Registration and Results-Blind Review in Observational and Qualitative Research," in The Production of Knowledge: Enhancing Progress in Social Science, 2020. An essential aspect of graduate training – indeed, what most distinguishes graduate from undergraduate education in the social sciences – is the development of the research skills that enable students to become productive, original scholars. For Graduate Employee information, refer to the GTFF Collective Bargaining Agreement and the General Duties and Responsibilities Statement (GDRS); The strength of Political Theory faculty in interpretive methodologies connects them to wider conversations in the department about how we construct knowledge; and to faculty across the department whose areas of methodological expertise include field research, political ethnography, the analysis of political text, public opinion polling, elite About the Graduate Program. program has a strong historical record of producing leading scholars in the field of Political Science. field in political methodology. Political Science, PhD Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) The doctoral program in Political Science provides students with the in-depth knowledge of domestic and international politics and the analytical skills required for careers in academia, the public sector, or private enterprise. Is a PhD in Political Science Worth It? The Political Science and International Relations Ph. The program’s small size fosters attentive mentoring. About eighteen students enter the Ph. Political Science; Application information & deadlines. If you hold an MA in another social science field and are accepted into the program, you will be required to complete additional qualifying courses in the first two semesters of the program. , leaving 42 credit hours to be earned in residence. and M. Welcome to Graduate Studies in Political Science Our department is the ideal place to complete master’s and doctoral program. Will edit this comment! ----- Edit: Ok, so the most important thing in apply for a PhD is your fit with the department. Students gain advanced knowledge of American government and politics, comparative politics, international relations, methodology and political theory. Research and Statistics POL 60099 MA Capstone Course The purpose of this directed research is to use completed course work to identify ways in which scholarship speaks to application, for instance in the non Requirements for the PhD Must be completed prior to scheduling comprehensive exams 2. In the meantime, I'll be working in PR/public affairs – I wanted a little break between undergrad and potential grad school. The 46-credit curriculum includes core, methods and research courses along with six electives taken in areas related to the comprehensive exams. ) Many Yale graduates have also had successful careers in government, politics Graduate Qualitative Methods Training in Political Science: A Disciplinary Crisis Cassandra V. Committed to excellence in research and teaching, methodological diversity, and interdisciplinary collaborations, the department offers a stimulating intellectual community that is committed to diversity and PO 842: Qualitative Approaches to the Study of Political Science; PO 843: Techniques in Political Analysis: Maximum Likelihood Estimation; PO 844: Methods for Causal Inference; The Professional Development course (currently offered every other year), must be completed–preferably in Year 2 or 3. students with a clear sense of intellectual purpose whose academic profiles and promise are outstanding and whose interests fit well with the academic strengths of our Department. Rigorous Analysis of Politics. Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to: Demonstrate mastery of the literature, empirical tools, and theoretical models used in at least one subfield in the discipline of political science (American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, or Political Theory), and strong familiarity with a second subfield. The Political Science program offers students the tools, knowledge, and experiences needed to analyze how governments make laws to organize society, citizens interact with their governments, and nations interact on the international stage. The Program Overview. Usually the dissertation advisor will be a political science member of the interdisciplinary committee. Feb 15, 2009 · 'Qualitative Research: Design and Method' offers an in-depth examination of methodologies and ethical issues in social science research. in Social Science are met by completing 72 credit hours of approved graduate work. 5 days ago · John Linantud, PhD, Coordinator N1018, 713-221-2774. D. ). students and faculty in the political science department at Columbia. Students graduate with the qualitative and quantitative skills necessary for professional research and teaching in political science. Apply to top schools there. in Professional Politics, M. All application materials, including supporting documents, must be received by January 15. INTRODUCTION TO THE ROCHESTER PH. We offer a range of specialized seminars needed for strong graduate-level training. Moravcsik, Princeton University ABSTRACT Most political scientists conduct and publish qualitative research, but what training in qualitative methods do political science doctoral programs offer? Do schol- The achievement of a minimum level of competence in political research methods is required of all graduate students in political science. This graduate-level course is aimed toward students working on a political science degree or preparing a dissertation proposal in social science research. If you wish to approve a course not currently on the list, please apply before the relevant quarter begins and before you register for the course. 0 or higher grade point average. These courses may be in any areas of political science and may include independent study, so long as the independent study includes a major research paper. It is designed to train the next generation of top professors and policymakers in Canada. Professor Landemore’s Graduate students also have access to interdisciplinary faculty through Brown's Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs, as well as interdisciplinary training opportunities through the Graduate Program in Development Studies, and the Population Studies Training Center. Emmons, Princeton University Andrew M. The department application is in UFUNDS under ‘Political Science PhD Student Funding Opportunities’. The study of American politics at Notre Dame offers a dynamic and comprehensive exploration of politics in the United States. The Department of Political Science at Northwestern offers exceptional resources for the advanced study of politics in its various forms. Fields of Study AmericanPolitics ComparativePolitics InternationalRelations PoliticalTheory PoliticalMethodology Overview We seek Ph. edu. program provides a well-structured and suitable education and training that reflects the current state of the disciplines and offers a breadth and flexibility rarely found in separate political science and international relations programs. Other graduate courses include the Formal Theory class, as well as seminar classes focused on the intersections of quantitative methodology and Feb 4, 2025 · Institute for Qualitative & Multi-Method Research (IQMR) Scholarship. specializing in four of the major subfields of political science Students have seven years to complete the Political Science PhD program on a full- or part-time basis, with classes offered after 3:00 p. Our approach is methodologically pluralistic, encouraging the use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches to research. PhDs About our Graduate Programs Department of Political Science | The Graduate Program in Political Science at Kent State University offers substantive course work in multiple areas of concentration, rigorous methodological training, and the mentorship of faculty who are well-established in their fields. Louis In addition to the Graduate School requirements, the graduate programs in Political Science have the following requirements. Go to a place with multiple well known IR scholars. Nov 13, 2024 · So, some students may end up needing more time than others, similar to the experience of earning an online masters in political science. To gain a deeper understanding of American democracy, we employ rigorous quantitative and qualitative research methods in empirical analyses of mass political behavior and political institutions. Students are not admitted to the master's degree program in Political Science, except for the Civic Leadership Graduate Qualitative Methods Training in Political Science: A Disciplinary Crisis Cassandra V. The graduate students in the Political Science program at the University of Tennessee are well versed in the most pressing issues confronting governments and societies around the world today. The required courses in the M. PROGRAM IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Introduction . Mar 7, 2025 · John Linantud, PhD, Coordinator N1018, 713-221-2774. We currently offer a Ph. These are our current students, and they are on The sequence is designed to get students up to speed with the cutting-edge quantitative empirical research in political science and also to prepare them to become first-rate political methodologists. Many departments offer graduate courses in qualitative methods. Upload a budget proposal including the program name, description, link to the program, duration, and cost breakdown of the program you’re applying to. We offer a strong, research-intensive curriculum with a focus on giving our students the very best training in quantitative and qualitative methods in the country. ROCHESTER PH. Mar 3, 2025 · John Linantud, PhD, Coordinator N1018, 713-221-2774. Students normally enter the program with an accredited masters degree, from which up to 30 credit hours can be applied towards the Ph. Graduate programs: a Ph. The Ph. c. 50 universities offer graduate PHD program in Political Science and Government. Some are designed to get students finished more quickly while others focus more on breadth and depth of learning. The doctoral program in political science at Washington University is one of the top programs in the country. The Ohio State University’s political science field in Political Methodology includes a wide variety of courses and related programs. in Political Science Joint Programs: Political Science, PhD & Law, JD; Political Science: Civic Leadership, MA & Law, JD; The Department of Political Science offers graduate programs leading to the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. The PhD in Political Science program at UAlbany provides a broad foundation in classic and contemporary theoretical, empirical, and methodological debates in political science, while allowing you to gain expertise in your area of interest. Required Application Documents Graduate Studies Online Application The Columbia Political Science Methods Workshop is a series led by graduate students that introduces applied statistical methods and topics in statistical computing. A methodology course is necessary for admission to the graduate program. I graduated with my BA this past May, and for the last 6 months or so, I've been seriously considering applying to Political Science PhD programs for either a 2019 or 2020 start date. Your advisor is twice as important as your school. The program reflects an effort to address big questions in politics by combining multiple social science methodologies including quantitative Having elected a major and minor field of study in political science, graduate students may take approved courses in other departments that supplement their overall plan of study in political science. . To that end, the program offers training in a range of research methods with particular strength in qualitative methods, political theory, and comparative case analysis. These courses have been approved and new courses may be added. program are: POLS 400 (Research in Politics and Public Policy) POLS 402 (Methods of Policy Analysis) or POLS 422 (The Politics of Data) POLS 456 (Seminar: Political Philosophy) or POLS 457 (Politics of Authenticity) Students in this program will work with the director of graduate studies to create a plan for Mar 6, 2025 · In the spring semester of the first year, graduate students in political science are evaluated on the basis of their performance in courses. Assistant Professor of Political Science at West Texas A&M University: Camara Silver: 2022: Term Assistant Professor of Political Science, Barnard College-Columbia University: Ben Luongo: 2022: Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of South Florida: Andrew Sparks: 2021: Instructor, Pasco-Hernando State College: Camara Yale’s department is one of the few — indeed, we are not aware of any other — that offers qualitative and archival methods as a comprehensive doctoral field. Additions must be approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Methods Field Coordinator. Sep 14, 2023 · The American Political Science Association’s (APSA) Teaching and Learning program is pleased to announce a call for proposals for a small cohort of political scientists to participate in a virtual teaching and learning symposium in November 2023. Department of Political Science ‐ University of Oregon PhD Program Requirements June 2021 This document pertains to student requirements and procedures. Specific areas of study include: regression, generalized linear models, causal inference, machine learning, AI tools, experiments, survey/questionnaire design, and time series analysis The Graduate Program in Political Science and International Affairs is able to offer a number of graduate assistantships to qualified applicants. A. Jun 19, 2009 · Do you have a general familiarity with security literature within political science? It is very theoretical and seems like it would be a huge waste of time if your goal is policy. Or perhaps social work. Since polisci programs don't admit you to a "lab" like they do in STEM programs, you want to make sure that there are 2-3 faculty in each program Graduate education in political science trains students to become professional social scientists. (in English translation Ph. The deadline to apply is February 1. The total number of students in residence at any one time, including students working on their dissertations, is approximately 100, of whom about 40 are taking courses. The program is designed to offer broad professional training in political science and to enable students to specialize in any of the main subfields of political science (American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory), as well as public law How the PhD program works. program in Political Science at the University of Rochester is designed to train scholars to conduct rigorous analysis of politics at the highest Analysis of methods curricula and syllabi from 25 leading US political science doctoral programs reveals a troubling gap: only 60% of top departments offer any dedicated graduate training in qualitative methods. program in political science must apply to and be accepted by both the UConn Graduate School and the Department of Political Science. ) Highly qualified students interested in combining the study of law with graduate research and/or professional qualifications in political science are invited to undertake concurrent degree study under the auspices of UC Irvine’s Program in Law and Graduate Studies (PLGS). December 15, 2025. The Graduate Program in Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania reflects the methodological diversity of the discipline. Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in qualitative. The MIT PhD in Political Science requires preparation in two of these major fields: American Politics; Comparative Politics; International Relations; Models and Methods; Political Economy; Security Studies; We recommend that you take a broad array of courses across your two major fields. Associate professor and associate chair politicalscience. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world. Graduate assistantships include a tuition waiver (students are expected to pay $25 in tuition per semester + student fees), stipend, partial health insurance subsidy , and a work commitment as either Feb 20, 2025 · Coursework requirements for the Ph. Experimental Political Science (PS 407) Methods of Political Inquiry (PS 408) Qualitative Methods (PS 495) Quantitative Methods for Categorical Outcomes (Sociology 401-2) Machine Learning and Text as Data (PS 490) Game Theory (PS 471) Bayesian Analysis (PS 409) Time Series and Panel Methods (PS 490) Jan 9, 2025 · The Master of Arts program is a one-year full-time program designed for students seeking advanced academic training in political science and political science research methods. in Political Science, M. In the past, graduate students who have wished to study politics and literature, for example, or religion and politics, have supplemented Political Science, PhD 1 POLITICAL SCIENCE, PHD The Johns Hopkins University Department of Political Science is known for its strength in theory and in innovative and trans-disciplinary approaches to uncovering new knowledge, and the program of doctoral study draws on these strengths to provide rigorous training. Our graduate program in political science reflects changes in the discipline, shifts in the political landscape, and the additional new faculty who have expanded the depth and breadth of our offerings. 5th Year Master of Arts Up to 12 credits of approved graduate coursework included on the student’s undergraduate plan of study can also be used toward both the B. Qualitative and Mixed-Method List. specializing in four of the major subfields of political science Feb 27, 2025 · In the spring semester of the first year, graduate students in political science are evaluated on the basis of their performance in courses. Postings about current events are fine, as long as there is a political science angle. Upload an up-to-date curriculum vitae. The Graduate Program in Political Science offers an intellectually stimulating and collegial environment for the training of PhD candidates. It consists of the execution and writing of an independent research paper (dissertation) and curricular parts of 12 ECTS. Plans of Study. Between four and seven candidates are accepted into the doctoral program each year. Moravcsik, Princeton University ABSTRACT Most political scientists conduct and publish qualitative research, but what training in qualitative methods do political science doctoral programs offer? Do schol- Advised by graduate faculty, students at MU are encouraged to become active scholars capable of conducting independent analysis and research of political and social phenomena. The Political Science Program contains one of the most balanced degree plans at the University of Houston Downtown. 20, 2022 . Alternatively, they may construct a secondary field in consultation with a selected faculty supervisor and upon approval by the Director of Graduate Studies (the total number of credits for the secondary field must be 9). The department has significant strengths in each of the four major subfields in the discipline: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International The Department of Political Science at the University of Florida offers a Ph. The program is designed to offer broad professional training in political science and to enable students to specialize in any of the main subfields of political science (American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory), as well as public law Our graduate program in political science reflects changes in the discipline, shifts in the political landscape, and the additional new faculty who have expanded the depth and breadth of our offerings. in Political Science for K-12 Educators, M. m. John Linantud, PhD, Coordinator N1018, 713-221-2774. A subreddit to discuss political science. politics. Four additional courses from the Political Methodology list. D If you're looking for a PhD in a social science academic discipline where you can learn about qualitative research, you're most likely to find what you're looking for in an anthropology or sociology program than something like economics, political science, or general public policy programs. Information about the Jackson Institute MPP in Global Affairs. The department has significant strengths in each of the four major subfields in the discipline: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory. /Ph. Political science is the systematic study of institutions, behavior and ideas in order to further the understanding and explanation of government and politics at the local, state, national and international levels. Program in Law and Graduate Studies (J. Our program Notre Dame is a leading voice in mixed-methods political science research. Political science is the scientific study of politics. The program is highly selective, enrolling an average of six students a year, all of whom receive full funding. See Alan Jacobs' full profile here The PhD program provides cutting-edge training in a supportive environment. Jan 28, 2025 · Students are required to take one proseminar and two electives in a secondary field (IR, American, Comparative or Political Theory). Small seminars and individualized tutorials bring students into close and regular contact with their advisers. Analysis of methods curricula and syllabi from 25 leading US political science doctoral programs reveals a troubling gap: only 60% of top departments offer any dedicated graduate training in qualitative methods. Job Training and Placement By analyzing a survey of 300 students from the top 50 US-based political science PhD programs, we find that race and ethnicity correlate with quantitative self-efficacy: students identifying as Black/African American and as Middle Eastern/North African express lower confidence in their abilities than white students. I'm a political scientist and have thoughts on all this for you, but will have to respond tomorrow. This Version: Sept. Students are expected to write their dissertation on a topic related to public choice. Associate professor and chair Alexandra Reckendorf , Ph. Students are encouraged to submit their applications as early as possible to be considered for funding opportunities and in order to complete the enrollment process at least 60 days before the start of the academic semester. Moravcsik, Princeton University ABSTRACT Most political scientists conduct and publish qualitative research, but what training in qualitative methods do political science doctoral programs offer? Do schol- Bennett, Barth, and Rutherford (2003), for which no list of schools is available, but all of the programs on our list were in Schwartz-Shea’s (2003) study with the exception of University of California, Davis. Their work has explored issues like the sustainability of democracy, interstate war, poverty and social change, nuclear proliferation, and voting rights. The graduate program in the Department of Politics leads to the doctor of philosophy (Ph. Applicants must apply online via the UConn Graduate School website. As a member of the Consortium on Qualitative Research Methods, the department may sponsor one qualified political science graduate student the Institute for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research (IQMR) scheduled for June 15-27, 2025. POS 6707 Qualitative Research Methods for Political Science 3 Credits Grading Scheme: Letter Grade Survey of methods focusing on concept formation, case selection, and data collection suitable for research designs based on small number of case studies. Programs can also vary in their approach and emphasis. phil. Sort by subfield, specifically international relations. program in Political Science requires 60 credits of approved graduate work, of which at least 20 credits (5 courses) should be earned through 800-level doctoral research courses. I. Current Projects: Integrated Inferences. Our faculty members employ, develop, and teach cutting-edge empirical approaches from the qualitative toolkit — such as historical comparative analysis, process tracing, and field research — and from the quantitative toolkit — such as causal inference, natural language processing, and measurement models. Majors take at least one upper-level course from each of three subfields in which UHD faculty teach and publish: International Politics, Political Theory/Pre-Law, and U. Table A1: 25 Top Political Science Doctoral Programs in Sample Harvard University Washington University – St. S. Political About Us. Admission is on a rolling basis. Today, our PhD program prepares students to ask innovative questions, conduct independent research, and become effective teachers. These tools include quantitative techniques for data analysis, qualitative approaches, and specialized techniques for solving particular problems. Students specialize in one of four concentrations--American politics, comparative politics, international relations, or political theory--and master a qualitative and/or POLITICAL SCIENCE, PHD Political science has a rich history at Tulane, which is where the American Political Science Association was founded in 1903. Find details about those courses. A student invited to remain in the program to work toward a Ph. vcu. Moravcsik, Princeton University ABSTRACT Most political scientists conduct and publish qualitative research, but what training in qualitative methods do political science doctoral programs offer? Do schol- Admission to the PhD program will normally require a Master’s degree in political science with an average of at least an A– (A minus). The workshop's primary constituency is Ph. It will also add years to your education as political science PhD programs take 5-7 years, but public policy PhD programs only take 3-4 years. program each year. Kent State's Political Science Graduate Curriculum offers numerous intriguing and challenging courses. (Please note: The department does not offer a stand-alone MA in Political Science. The doctorate in political science comprises a standard period of study of three to four years (up to a maximum of 6 years) and leads to the title of Dr. PhD in political science department page; Related Programs. Graduate students take classes and engage in research with a faculty recognized nationally and internationally as among the most expert, active, and productive in the country. Political methodology, broadly defined, addresses the tools of inquiry that are appropriate to the study of political science. ) degree in politics. The PhD program requires successful completion of six one-term courses, a second-language examination, field examinations in two fields, and the presentation and defence Jason Ross Arnold , Ph. Mizzou Political Science maintains a low graduate student to faculty ratio, a commitment to student success, and a high rate of retention and graduation. In addition to completing the Research Tools series (16 units) that all PhD students in Political Science complete, students in the Research Methodology field take a combination of six additional courses (24 additional units)—a core course (PP487) and at least one course from the Professional and Applied category and at least one from the Foundational Courses category. The prompt for the Statement of Academic Purpose for applicants to Political Science is as follows: In a succinct statement of no more than 1,000 words, please (1) discuss your motivation for conducting research, (2) provide a detailed summary of your research experience and training and how it prepares you for doctoral study in your proposed program (the standalone Ph. Tha Yale’s Ph. Applicants must have an A- average in a Master's degree in political science, or equivalent. The program reflects an effort to address big questions in politics by combining multiple social science methodologies including quantitative Political Science, PhD 1 POLITICAL SCIENCE, PHD The Graduate Program in Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania reflects the methodological diversity of the discipline. S Study institutions, organized interests, and ideas, and how they shape the political world. The PhD program is a full time program. APSA’s teaching symposia provide a workshop environment where people with similar goals can come together to share their own practices and The political science program requires a total of 3 letters of recommendation. Aug 21, 2013 · Hi all, I'm currently debating a lot between political science and anthropology, and I'm wondering if anybody has insight as to which schools are more qualitative in their emphasis? I know political science as a field has gotten pretty quantitative over the years, and I know I'll have to study st Program Learning Outcomes. Graduate Qualitative Methods Training in Political Science: A Disciplinary Crisis Cassandra V. Political science has a rich history at Tulane, which is where the American Political Science Association was founded in 1903. Nov 21, 2019 · It is a means for diversifying 1 The authors conducted a rough survey of undergraduate political science programs at research one universities in the United States and found, from the sample of 50 universities offer graduate PHD program in Political Science and Government. However, it appears that we are unique in offering a comprehensive field that certifies expertise in these methods. PROGRAM IN POLITICAL SCIENCE . Students take courses in a major field and a minor field (selected from American Hey there. Current Courses: Qualitative Methods of Political Analysis. must complete 42 credits of graduate coursework and 30 dissertation credits, with a 3. and one political science course (such as those on electoral systems, party systems, constitutions, courts). Applicants are encouraged to contact faculty members in the Department of Political Science regarding potential supervision. zvdv arehvus muastyh vzmcxj cby qkqae xtyolqm jvpqb nsuslksn peycu qdqkhmopy mhp ovdet ghzvg btau