Pyinstaller hidden imports. specファイルのhidden_importに追加する.

Pyinstaller hidden imports. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago.

  • Pyinstaller hidden imports py --log-level=DEBUG --debug=imports but when running the exe I get: A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). py 这将会将your_module添加为脚本的依赖库。 As mentioned before, this can happen if you’re using __import__(), imports inside functions, or other types of hidden imports. Jul 10, 2023 · Hi, I'm trying to pack an application for visualization using pyinstaller. Oct 8, 2020 · PyInstaller finishes compiling without any errors, but the excecutable fails to load due to: ImportError: DLL load failed while importing win32clipboard: The specified module could not be found. base myScript. plyer. 命令行模式: --add-data file 可以多次使用,注意格式为引号里面有一个文件名,有一个分号,一个点。 Nov 14, 2018 · Some interesting issues while Pyinstaller builds one-folder: 62573 INFO: Found 4 sqlalchemy hidden imports 62577 WARNING: Hidden import "pysqlite2" not found! 62580 WARNING: Hidden import "MySQLdb" not found! 67597 WARNING: Hidden import "sqlalchemy. _pyinstaller hidden-import Oct 19, 2015 · Once you know what modules are needed, you add the needed modules to the bundle using the --hidden-import= command option, or by editing the spec file, or with a hook file (see Understanding PyInstaller Hooks below). import psutil print( psutil. dom,则读取挂钩脚本的内容以包括任何隐藏的特定于xml. Many of these types of problems can be resolved by using the --hidden-import PyInstaller CLI option. The problem is that there is a lot of these modules. When I run pyinstaller main. eg Your code may create the name of a module to import using Python A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). 如果您创建自己的模块并且它需要隐藏导入,则可以使用适当的隐藏导入设置创建一个钩子脚本并存储在 PyInstaller 钩子目录中。 May 21, 2018 · It could not import tkinter. For example: Mar 5, 2013 · 如果您的代码是这样import xml. run_tests --include_only myLibrary. 1 Jul 13, 2018 · I also tried to add --hidden-import=sip,pyqt5-sip. py into the C:\Python\Scripts folder where pyInstaller is. py , where full. Sometimes, PyInstaller might miss certain dependencies, especially if you use libraries like pandas or matplotlib. 3 How to set up hidden imports in pyinstaller Nov 8, 2024 · Hidden imports: If some modules aren’t detected, specify them manually using --hidden-import. py内で相対インポートを使おうにも、どこからの相対なのかという基準がわからずエラーとなったのです。 A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). 4) can't detect imports like importlib. submodule2 and so on. Jul 7, 2015 · I want to compile my python code to binary by using pyinstaller, but the hidden import block me. py, this creates a prog. Multiple paths are allowed, separated by ':', or use this option multiple times. hooks import collect_submodules hiddenimports_tensorflow = collect_submodules('tensorflow_core') hidden_imports_h5py = collect_submodules('h5py') all_hidden_imports = hiddenimports_tensorflow + hidden_imports_h5py a = Analysis(['smile. Mar 30, 2018 · from PyInstaller. I have a fully working Python program that Nov 30, 2024 · PyInstaller automatically detects and includes these hidden imports in the dependent modules during the creation of the executable. This file is used to customize the build process and can include options for hidden imports. __file__ ) # Take a look at where its absolute path resides. --additional-hooks-dir HOOKSPATH The problem came from the hidden-imports line of the Analysis: hiddenimports=[stuff] As you can see and as I'd have seen if I were less focused on the warnings, I put the list stuff between two square brackets, hence making the entire list but one element of the hidden imports. For many uses of PyInstaller you do not need to examine or modify the spec file. submodule1 --hiden-import module. cell. PyInstallerのビルドでは、原則的にコードでimportしているモジュールを自動で解析します。 しかし自動でモジュールが認識されずにNo module named…エラーが発生することも。 そんなときはHidden Importsを追加して解消します。 pyinstaller深入使用,打包指定模块,打包静态文件 --hidden-import Modulename 可以多次使用 例:--hidden-import docx --hidden-import Pillow It can also import helper methods from PyInstaller. 9 Platform: Windows 11 How you installed Python: conda Did you also try this on another platform? PyInstaller builds the app by executing the contents of the spec file. path value at run time Jul 14, 2021 · Since jinja2 is optionally imported by pandas, pyinstaller does not collect it. --add-data SOURCE:DEST 要添加到应用程序中的附加数据文件或包含数据文件的目录。 参数值的形式应为 "source:dest_dir",其中 source 是要收集的文件(或目录)的路径,dest_dir 是相对于应用程序顶层目录的目标目录,两个路径之间用冒号(:)分隔。 Sep 14, 2021 · pyinstaller hidden-imports for spacy deployment (windows) Hey, I&#39;m having a difficult time finding information for making pyinstaller deploy spacy dependencies for windows. py –hidden-import=pkg_resources 不太清楚什么意思 –add-data resourc Sep 25, 2024 · 这是因为 Pyinstaller 在分析代码时并不能准确地识别所有模块的依赖关系。为了解决这个问题,可以通过在命令行中添加参数 --hidden-import 来手动指定缺少的模块。 pyinstaller --hidden-import module_name your_script. pyinstaller --noconfirm --log-level=WARN ^ --onefile --nowindow ^ --hidden-import=secret1 ^ --hidden-import=secret2 ^ --icon=. This tells PyInstaller to include a module or package even if it doesn’t automatically detect it. 5. For example, the following code import psutil and print the CPU count: # example. sql. win. I edited the hidden-imports in the spec file to. metrics. 0' pyinstaller --hidden-import='pkg_resources. (NEW FEATURES) (NEW FEATURES) Additional Files and Directories : Include extra files and directories in your executable. How do I use PyInstaller spec? Jul 9, 2020 · About hidden imports the doc says: Some Python scripts import modules in ways that PyInstaller cannot detect: for example, by using the __import__() function with variable data, using imp. ico main. urllib3 myscript. pyplot as plt I paste a copy of my prog. py import psutil print psutil. spec way: a = Analysis( hiddenimports=['openpyxl. PyInstaller Hidden Imports. (tkinter is the first module which is imported in the script) So I know that I have to use --hidden-import for the pyinstaller. Learn how to use hooks to customize PyInstaller's analysis and collection of files for your app. How to set up hidden imports in pyinstaller. Is it possible to set PyInstaller to preimport all modules? Apr 3, 2022 · I have Python script that is compressed (I will not explain why) and the problem is that PyInstaller don't see import I am using, so I used --hidden-import=&quot;Some Libraly&quot; and it works with The spec file is actually executable Python code. Masoud Rahimi Jul 4, 2022 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly The spec file is actually executable Python code. _libs. cell The spec file is actually executable Python code. Find out how to write and add hooks for your package or use existing hooks from the community. See the syntax, examples and other options for bundling Python applications with PyInstaller. exe in the dist folder. Mar 31, 2024 · PyInstaller支持跨平台,可以在Windows、Linux和MacOS上生成可执行文件。PyInstaller会分析Python程序,并将程序打包成一个完整的可执行文件,包括所有依赖项。此外,PyInstaller可以自动检测Python依赖库,并将其打包到可执行文件中。 Dec 25, 2024 · pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import=module_name your_script. 4, installed pyqt5 and pyinstaller (pip) and it still gives me error Nov 1, 2022 · I am trying to compile a python program which imports configargparse, but pyinstaller doesn't find it, even if I specify it with hidden imports. g. --hidden-import MODULENAME,--hiddenimport MODULENAME ¶ Name an import not visible in the code of the script(s). py ``` 其中,`module_name` 是要打包的模块或包的名称。 Feb 12, 2020 · pyinstaller --clean --hidden-import pywin32-ctypes --hidden-import pywin32 --hidden-import pypiwin32 --onefile --debug=all --noupx MRTFiles/attack_controller. The spec file is actually executable Python code. 使用--additional-hooks-dir选项 Nov 22, 2024 · **使用`hiddenimports`选项**:在 `spec` 文件中,对 `pyinstaller` 命令行提供 `--hidden-imports` 参数,如: ``` pyinstaller --hidden-import=mylibrary. ext. Try: pyinstaller --hidden-import toml --onefile --clean --name myApp main. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 1 month ago. It can also import helper methods from PyInstaller. app、Linux用の実行ファイルを作成でき、特にスタンドアロンのファイルにまとめられる点で便利です。 Sep 12, 2020 · これで、Pythonの実行環境や関連ライブラリもまとめて1つのexeファイルにまとめてくれる。 ただし、PyInstallerが解決できない依存関係があったりすると、作ったexeファイルがエラーを吐く。 I've noticed that I have to say PyInstaller what scrapy modules it has to load. From the pyinstaller documentation. Note: The module name does not need to be wrapped in quotes. , pyinstaller --hidden-import jinja2 ) or explicitly import jinja2 somewhere in your program. The relationship between hidden imports and the main script in PyInstaller is that the hidden imports are required for the main script to function properly when it is converted into an executable. Understanding the Problem Mar 13, 2022 · 1. hooks import collect_submodules from PyInstaller. There are four cases where it is useful to modify the spec Oct 9, 2023 · To fix this issue, you can use the hidden imports param by passing the --hidden-import=utils option to the PyInstaller command: $ pyinstaller --hidden-import=utils main. Modified 5 years, 7 months ago. Example: Feb 7, 2012 · missing hidden import for skimage #2195. See examples of hook scripts for pandas, matplotlib, and numpy modules. exe文件得借助Python的第三方包,pyinstaller pyinstaller 安装 pip install pyinstaller pyinstaller通用参数 参数名 描述 说明 -h 显示帮助 无 -v 显示版本号 无 –distpath 生成文件放在哪里 默认:当前目录的dist文件夹内 –workpath 生成过程中的中间 A hook file is a Python script, and can use all Python features. dl Mar 15, 2017 · PyInstaller Hidden Imports. py2_warn as hidden import : pip uninstalled setuptools pip install --upgrade 'setuptools<45. py --noconsole and run that everything in my app w Mar 1, 2017 · Adding --hidden-import cache_handler to the build command. py'], pathex=['D:\\myfolder\\myfile'], binaries=[], datas=[], hiddenimports=all_hidden Nov 30, 2024 · To set up hidden imports in PyInstaller, you will need to create a spec file for your project. py file and modify it to look like this: Jul 26, 2019 · Even if you have toml installed, pyinstaller will not find the hidden import because you are passing the config flags after your script name, instead of before, so the command executes up until your script name and disregards the rest. Find out how to use build-time messages, dependency graph, debug options, and recipes for specific issues. 1 Version of Python: 3. py 其中module_name是你希望PyInstaller包含但未能自动检测到的模块名。如果有多个这样的模块,可以多次使用--hidden-import选项,或者用逗号分隔模块名。 2. py Reference links: Jan 12, 2020 · 在使用pyinstaller进行python项目打包过程中遇到的问题及解决方法 1. Legorooj closed this as completed in #5128 Sep 19, 2020 A boolean flag indicating whether missing hidden imports from the hook (set via hiddenimports) should generate warnings or not. Dec 24, 2019 · from PyInstaller. Hidden imports can occur when the code is using __import__() , importlib. py Handling Dependencies and Hidden Imports. specファイルのhidden_importに追加する. Is there a way to import all the submodules in a single statement? # Example 2: Troubleshooting "No module named" with PyInstaller # Another approach is to use the hidden-import flag when running PyInstaller to explicitly include the missing module. Mar 23, 2018 · But you are listing more modules. from math import* from pylab import* import numpy as np import matplotlib import numpy as np import matplotlib. py if you are using linux. Example: Jul 25, 2021 · pyinstaller --onedir --onefile --hidden-import pandas. 原因. py -p mineblock. **将库文件放入应用目录**:你可以把库文件直接放在应用的同级目录下,然后在代码里使用绝对路径导入。 Spec 文件告知 PyInstaller 如何处理你的脚本。它编码了脚本名称和大部分传递给 pyinstaller 命令的选项。Spec 文件实际上是可执行的 Python 代码,PyInstaller 通过执行其内容来构建应用程序。 对于 PyInstaller 的大部分使用情况,并不需要检查或修改规格文件。 The spec file is actually executable Python code. Nov 26, 2024 · PyInstallerとは? PyInstallerはPythonスクリプトを配布用の実行可能ファイルに変換するツールです。Windows用のEXE、macOS用の. 2, Windows 7 64 bit, Python 2. 10. py. py ``` 其中,`module_name` 是要打包的模块或包的名称。 Dec 11, 2023 · 本节详细阐述PyInstaller的基本用法与所有命令行选项含义。 翻译自 PyInstaller 文档 v6. I attempted to compile the program again using the hidden-import flag: pyinstaller myscript. mymodule main. py ``` Q2: 如何处理 “missing module” 错误? 原因: 某些模块未正确导入。 解决: 手动指定依赖模块。 ```bash pyinstaller --hidden-import= hello. So you either need to add jinja2 to hiddenimports (e. Feb 24, 2023 · We are using Pyinstaller and we have a module that has several hidden "submodules". You would help the project most if you'd analyze the pandas source, provide a full list of dependencies here, and submit a pull-request for some new hooks :-) May 22, 2023 · Description of the issue Context information (for bug reports) Output of pyinstaller --version: 5. Have you ever encountered a problem where your pyd files, packed into an executable using PyInstaller, cannot find imports? If so, you are not alone. 1 Missing modules Pyinstaller. Then, I've imported pkg_resources. I've tried using the default Pyinstaller settings and pointing it at my 'main' python script. Learn how to use the hidden-import option to name an import not visible in the code of the script. 2. Thus I assume it depends on which modules your project is using which Cython-modules needs to be added as hidden import. I just want to know if it is related to the system, I would reinstall windows to fix it. __path__ ) print( psutil. _writer. compat. So, currently, we need to use --hiden-import module. statscollectors --hidden-import scrapy. #6008 Jul 8, 2013 · PyInstaller Hidden Imports. Modify the . Now, add this path to your PyInstaller's command using the --add-data option Apr 23, 2024 · 一、pyInstaller使用简介. Learn how to troubleshoot common problems with PyInstaller, such as missing modules, import errors, and hidden imports. 基本命令 pyinstaller--hidden-import=pkg_resources --add-data resources;resources --add-data zx;zx -F -w -i D:/woailuo. hooks import collect_submodules hiddenimports_tensorflow = collect_submodules('tensorflow_core') hidden_imports_h5py = collect_submodules('h5py') just had to append two lists. Such options can also be specified the spec files for pyinstaller. By default, missing hidden imports generate warnings, but individual hooks can opt out of this behavior by setting this variable to False. Command line mode: pyinstaller main. cluster. baked" to the hidden imports list of sqlalchemy hook file hook-sqlalchemy. Under the hood VTK is used for rendering. Mar 21, 2014 · Ideally I would like to have a Python package that I can make a Pyinstaller exe with for Windows and have a 'regular' pip-installable Python package in Linux/OS X. But such suggestions seem only dealing with simple import statements like. 0 - Using PyInstaller 完整 PyInstaller 文档简体中文译文,见下方卡片链接中的GitHub仓库,勘误与更新也只会在该仓库中… A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). Name an import not visible in the code of the script(s). Modified 4 years, 6 months ago. I have some hidden imports which only exist for specific hardware + os combinations like windows x64. py ``` A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). 2 A path to search for imports (like using PYTHONPATH). Jan 28, 2016 · How to use pyinstaller with hidden imports for scipy. The name of a hook file is hook-full-import-name. Python程序打包成独立的. A list of modules names (relative or absolute) the module imports in some untrackable way. PyInstaller does not include imports. py --hidden-import=psutil When I run the output under dist: Feb 8, 2025 · --hidden-import MODULENAME 自動検出されないモジュールを明示的に指定して含めます。 → 複数回指定可能 例: pyinstaller --hidden-import=requests. . These helpers are documented below. Viewed 16k times 4 . py instead of your current: Dec 24, 2019 · from PyInstaller. Jul 5, 2024 · Even if I list a hidden import which doesn't exist this isn't reported when running the hook unit tests using python -m PyInstaller. --hidden-import MODULENAME,--hiddenimport MODULENAME Name an import not visible in the code of the script(s). ICO ^ myscript. The name of a hook file is hook- full. Jul 26, 2024 · Learn how to use PyInstaller hooks to package Python applications with hidden imports into standalone executables. pyinstaller --onefile main. 7. I use following command: pyinstaller. Sep 26, 2022 · Explicitly importing the module does the trick. Definitely not what you want. tslibs. cpu_count() And I compile the code: $ pyinstaller -F example. Jun 26, 2021 · First I've uninstalled Setuptools and reinstalled it with specific version. Also I am using the current development version (4. py file. I compute the command line pyinstaller -F eulersolver. 其中,module_name为需要手动指定的缺少的模块名。 Mar 31, 2023 · PyInstaller has no way of knowing that your create_engine() call implies that pyodbc needs to be collected - the import analysis works only on direct module imports. This option can be used multiple times. spec and to add to the hidden-imports what I need. A boolean flag indicating whether missing hidden imports from the hook (set via hiddenimports) should generate warnings or not. dom. name is the fully-qualified name of an imported script or module. # Command to compile the script with PyInstaller pyinstaller --hidden-import=missing_module script. print( zipfile. answered Jul 5, 2019 at 16:06. Equivalent to supplying the pathex argument in the spec file. I've tried --hiden-import module, but it didn't work. spec Using UPX ¶ UPX is a free utility available for most operating systems. It can be imported from the command line, or by modifying the . 处理依赖:有些情况下,PyInstaller可能无法自动识别脚本的所有依赖库,或者依赖库的路径不正确。这时,可以使用--hidden-import选项手动添加缺失的依赖库。例如: pyinstaller --hidden-import your_module your_script. Multiple paths are allowed, separated by ‘:’, or use this option multiple times--hidden-import MODULENAME, --hiddenimport MODULENAME Name an import not visible in the code of the script(s). optimize leastsq. 6. dev0+a1f92c6a08) of pyinstaller from within a clean venv with Nov 3, 2019 · What is hidden import? Listing Hidden Imports If Analysis thinks it has found all the imports, but the app fails with an import error, the problem is a hidden import; that is, an import that is not visible to the analysis phase. PyInstaller builds the app by executing the contents of the spec file. --hidden-import MODULENAME, --hiddenimport MODULENAME. import_module(). Use either --hidden-import pyodbc or even --collect-submodules pyodbc to do so. func" not found! 67623 INFO: Import to be excluded not found: 'sqlalchemy. py --hidden-import openpyxl. It is usually enough to give all the needed information (such as hidden imports) as options to the pyinstaller command and let it run. Note, that the --hidden-import´s are already tries to fix the issue. numbers" test. So you need to ensure it is collected by adding it to hidden imports. __file__ ) # This will return the package's __init__. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. This article will guide you through solving missing import issues with PyInstaller hidden imports. packages. py --specpath=test Nov 1, 2020 · 不过如果是命令行程序的话那就把这个选项删除吧! -p 表示你自己自定义需要加载的类路径,一般情况下用不到 -i <图标地址>表示可执行文件的图标 生成无调试窗口、隐藏扩展文件、指定图标单个exe文件:pyinstaller--hidden-import=. Follow edited Nov 3, 2022 at 5:51. PyInstallerの仕様として、exe化を指示したファイルはパッケージに属さないものとして扱われます。 そのため、パッケージに属さないmain. In such cases: Oct 24, 2023 · hidden-import是pyinstaller的一个参数,用于指定需要隐藏导入的模块。 当使用pyinstaller打包一个Python程序时,它会自动检测程序所依赖的模块,并将这些模块一起打包到可执行文件中。 May 23, 2019 · pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import plyer. hiddenimports=['tkinter','pyautogui','pyAesCrypt'], I retried the installation with pyinstaller: pyinstaller Sub. hooks import collect_submodules hiddenimports_tensorflow = collect_submodules('tensorflow_core') hidden_imports_h5py = collect_submodules('h5py Oct 29, 2024 · Solving Missing Import Issues with PyInstaller Hidden Imports. pyinstaller Hidden import not found. py --hidden-import scrapy. testing' Hidden Imports: 🚀 Automatically detect and add missing modules during the conversion process 🚀. This is because it was missing. py This tells PyInstaller to include the utils module as a hidden import, ensuring it is properly included in the final executable. name . I even ran a clear windows 7 on virtual machine, installed python 3. hooks and useful variables from PyInstaller. import XXX There is nowhere that I could find suggestions when more complex imports are used in python scripts. When I run this code I have Oct 29, 2024 · Then I found some suggestions of using --hidden-import option of pyinstaller. py --onefile --hidden-import win32clipboard 为了解决这个问题,PyInstaller 提供了一个 `--hidden-import` 选项,用于手动指定需要打包的隐式导入的模块或包。 该选项的语法如下: ```bash pyinstaller --hidden-import=module_name app. 3. Closed dhyams opened this issue Sep 15, 2016 · 0 comments PyInstaller 3. Aug 21, 2018 · PyInstaller Hidden Imports. utils. 2:打包指定文件. Oct 3, 2015 · My application works fine from PyCharm, after I create exe with Pyinstaller I get that error, I was doing research for adding imports that Pyinstaller did not caught and all I could find is to change . There some missing imports that I was able to provide via hidden imports, but one of the imports is not being processed, even though is in the cmd/spec file: 最近用pycharm结合python+qt5写了个GUI程序, 打包时碰到一堆问题,我头发都要掉光了快。 先是安装了pyinstaller , pip install pyinstaller然后直接用命令生成,生成成功后却无法运行。 pyinstaller --hidden-im… 2. exe --onefile --hidden-import=configargparse some_folder\viewer. py It worked for me. py オプションについて なぜ--ondirを付けたのか自分でもわからず調べたがぱっとわからなかったので、 Jul 5, 2019 · pyinstaller -F --hidden-import "babel. linux. 12, Anaconda 4. py2_warn' tk_app. spiderloader --hidden-import scrapy. py -p pic_lunbo. 3 PyInstaller: cannot exclude a module. \MLNMFLCN. 0. Aug 27, 2020 · For issue pyinstaller#5106, added "sqlalchemy. notification filename. py ``` 3. 8. py Share. Improve this answer. hooks import collect_data_files hiddenimports = collect_submodules('scipy') datas = collect_data_files('scipy') then go into the hook-sklearn. I was thinking of maybe using hidden imports or something to achieve this. Some Python imports are untrackable during static analysis of your program. Dec 30, 2024 · 原因: PyInstaller 将所有依赖打包进了可执行文件。 解决: 使用 UPX 压缩工具。 ```bash pyinstaller --onefile --upx-dir=/path/to/upx hello. find_module(), or manipulating the sys. exe执行文件可以使用PyInstaller。打包对象包含依赖库、图像等资源文件,可以在没有安装python环境的电脑上运行(目前测试,只在win10系统上有效,win7以下系统会有报错提示)。 PyQt5打包成exe文件时,出现 failed to execute script main的解决办法:pyinstaller--hidden-import=queue失败,新的方法 在打包pyqt5写的GUI界面程序时一直失败,有: WARNING: was placed previously at 14831 WARNING: ('PyQt5\\Qt\\bin\\libGLESv2. 40 pyinstaller No module named pyinstaller. hiddenimports. import. notification if you are using win There are also ios, macos, android platforms available so if you are using that, you may want to use those. platforms. The issue and solutions are detailed in Pyinstaller's documentation, which I pasted below as an entry point. spec file to import. Sep 25, 2017 · Pyinstaller (currently v 3. py--additional-hooks-dir HOOKSPATH 独自の hook ファイルが格納されているディレクトリを追加で指定します。 Nov 26, 2023 · 为了解决这个问题,PyInstaller 提供了一个 `--hidden-import` 选项,用于手动指定需要打包的隐式导入的模块或包。 该选项的语法如下: ```bash pyinstaller --hidden-import=module_name app. Within the spec file, you can add a hiddenimports key that specifies any modules or packages that are not automatically detected by PyInstaller but are Jan 16, 2020 · Python作为脚本语言是没有自带的编译方法,想编译成Windows可直接运行. py, where full-import-name is the Aug 6, 2021 · import zipfile # Use any of the import rules. functions. pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import pandas my_script. all_hidden_imports = hiddenimports_tensorflow + hidden_imports_h5py Jan 31, 2019 · --hidden-import Modulename 可以多次使用 例:--hidden-import docx --hidden-import Pillow 修改spec模式: hiddenimports=['docx'], 例:hiddenimports=['docx', 'Pillow'], 2. qwtixc vdtz egc czlvd khjw rxt nfjm iih aesp xunyer yizvs aynmmv listi rhrwfy oyyj