Power query text concatenation FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF POWER QUERY, CLICK HERE. join/ concatenate cells in normal Excel)00:17 Get the multiple columns into Power Query00:40 Merge button greyed o Dec 7, 2021 · Hi @mtrevisiol,. Log in to the Power Bi desktop and load the data into it using the get data option Under the Home tab select the transform data option as highlighted below Feb 19, 2021 · It is not easy for me, because as you can see number of rows and number of labels are variable. Length in if statement (combine text. Replace Nov 13, 2024 · Text. For instance, you can use the concatenate function to combine a customer number and their name to generate a unique identifier. One of the most common examples is last name and first name. Whatever columns you wish to merge, here’s how to do it: load the data into the query editor by going to the “Data” tab, then select “from table or range” ; check the columns you wish to merge: Aug 3, 2019 · For example, I have this data: Name | m / f / x Peter | m Jack | m Mary | f Tim | m Olivia | f Cindy | f Walter | m Ronald | m Patty | x And I want to use Power Query to do the follow Jun 11, 2023 · Mit Power Query CONCATENATE in können Text- und/oder numerische Spalten zusammengeführt werden. So either: - Make sure the entire column is text. PadEnd() will cause the text value, [Labels] in this example, to be padded until it is 15 characters long. Mar 22, 2018 · Power BI forums; Get Help with Power BI; Desktop; Service; Report Server; Power Query; Mobile Apps; Developer; DAX Commands and Tips; Custom Visuals Development Discussion; Health and Life Sciences; Power BI Spanish forums; Translated Spanish Desktop; Training and Consulting; Instructor Led Training; Dashboard in a Day for Women, by Women Aug 31, 2022 · I want to combine two columns, say Column1 and Column2 of type any. Combine and List. Hi, I need to combine two text columns. I need to concatenate all the fields that are in the picture, I do not know what function and how to use, can someo Jul 11, 2016 · In Power Query, the escape character for a quotation mark inside a string is represented as ""(two quotation marks). Is what you are showing the code for a custom column in the query editor?? If so, your second option is close: = "WK-"&[Week] assuming of course that "Week" is the name of the column you already have and it has the week number Jul 18, 2018 · Power query - concatenate text columns ‎07-18-2018 07:14 AM. Examples Example #1 Combine text values "Seattle" and "WA". Exemplo 1 Jul 1, 2020 · You need to use 'Text. com. Learn from practical examples and master Jan 6, 2022 · The replacer function tells Power Query how to perform replacements. I've tried a few things including CONCATENATE("2022", [ID]), but I keep getting errors. Jul 18, 2018 · The trick when concatenating values is to make sure they are of the Text sort. I want to make a concatenate column. Previous Next . Power Query tool, in fact, has immense powers to shape up the data in the way we want. ReplaceValue means replace the contents of the entire cell. ToText Function add aformula as Interkoubess Feb 24, 2019 · The Text. This can be due to creating more informative column labels, creating new composite keys, calculated fields, etc. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text Acerca de. ToText([OpId]) else [ActiveUsers] The NUmber. I am trying to import a table containing “part numbers”. Why doing concatenation in Power Query rather than DAX. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text Info. From([Year]) Best Regards, During analysis, you can concatenate text and numbers in Power Query by using the “&” operator or the Text. In the following example, Day and Year columns are of Whole number type. But there is a faster way to do this and the Power Query function name tells you exactly what it is doing. This works fine in DAX but I am unable to create a Jan 13, 2021 · Group By/Row Aggregation & Concatenation / Text. t[Comment] extracts the Comment column from the table as a list - which can then be used with the List. Below we have a list of first and last names in the columns: Mar 1, 2020 · How to concatenate in Power Query, combining text columns, and text with data columns. , and can help make data more meaningful, informative, and useful for data analysis and decision-making. ReplaceValue with Text. Eventuell in null vorhandene texts-Werte werden ignoriert. Alors comment utiliser CONCATENATE dans Power Query ? C’est ce que nous allons voir dans cet article. In Power Query, there are multiple methods that you can use to concatenate values (numbers and text). And want to concatenate the two columns together to make the third using Power Query. Quaisquer valores null presentes em texts são ignorados. May 29, 2020 · Hi @RahulPBI . There is a bullet p Jul 14, 2021 · Hi all, I need help from expert about concenate text in direct query mode. I have an API which uses from date and to date as query parameter. Combine a list of text values using a semicolon delimiter. This is easy to do in Excel, but I want to achieve this in PowerQuery so that I can use it on a larger scale with a refresh Sep 18, 2020 · I concatenated four columns using this code (to prevent null values to be linked together) in Power Query (Power BI Desktop): = Text. take the value in the [Date] column; convert it into a Year value; then convert it into a Text value; then add a ‘CY’ prefix with the text result of Steps 1 – 3 Mar 29, 2024 · The Power Query M formula language includes a set of operators that can be used in an expression. I want to concatenate the first two rows while keeping the other columns intact. Se puede especificar un separator opcional usado en el texto combinado final. One of the most versatile and widely used functions for achieving this is the CONCATENATE function, also known as the ampersand (&) operator in Power Query formulas. © Copyright 2022, Jay Bulsara. com If you go into Power Query you can see I have used a Group with a Text. Es kann ein optionaler separator für die Verwendung im endgültigen kombinierten Text angegeben werden Jun 11, 2024 · Concatenate Text with Group By (Combine Rows) in Power Query In this post you learn how to use group by to concatenate text values. You can use the Text. Let us take a table for the example which we will load from the EXCEL and transform it so that its loaded into POWER QUERY EDITOR. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text 关于. With the right function, you can concatenate strings into a single cell using the group by functionality. An optional separator used in the final combined text can be specified. Aug 21, 2018 · just 1 question, why does it do it like this - because combined text is in columns? becasue it does not do that when i combine a string split into words i. Any null values present in texts are ignored. CombineTextByDelimiter( delimiter as text, optional quoteStyle as nullable number, ) as function Apr 6, 2022 · Hey, Is theire a way to Concatenate rows in a text column based on a unique identifier column? I have created an example of my datainput and the output i want: Jun 26, 2019 · Given a 'parent' table: ROUTING_ID 1 2 and a 'child' table: ROUTING_ID_From ROUTING_ID_To 1 25 1 26 1 27 2 25 2 26 How can I get the following output column 'NextRoutings', if possible in the 'ExpandTableColumn' step: ROUTING_ID NextRoutings 1 25,26,27 2 25,26 This is NOT working: = Table. Concatenating dates in Power query is a common task that can streamline data management in excel. Combine is a Power Query M function that combines a list of text values into a single text value. Let’s get stated- Download the sample Dataset from below link- Nov 18, 2024 · Before we dive into concatenation, let’s make sure you’re comfortable with the Power Query interface. (t) => is the function defition. About this function. EDITED: Feb 10, 2025 · Text. [First Name] & " " & [Last Name] Using Text. Jun 9, 2024 · 5. Using Functions for Complex Scenarios – Consider M language functions like Text. I want to pass current date time in the to date and yesterday date time in from date. Unabhängig davon, welche Spalten du zusammenführen willst, musst du folgende Schritte ausführen: Feb 10, 2025 · Text. length, below is the power query AND GET IT READY , FINALLY FOR THE ANALYSIS IN OUR MAIN SOFTWARE SUCH AS MICROSOFT EXCEL OR MICROSOFT POWER BI . My formula is the following: (if [column1] 0 then "1" Power Query; Mobile Mar 29, 2021 · Solved: Hi all, I am trying to create a maps url in power query starting from Lat-Lon data. AddColumn / each (a cus Dec 1, 2023 · Method 1: Power Query Concatenate Data/Text using M Language. Esempio 1 Text. Replacer. Jul 2, 2020 · Solved: Hello, I need to concatenate text based on several columns with if condition. – May 24, 2022 · Hello! I have attached a PBIX. Combine function in Power Query’s M language is used to combine multiple text values into a single text value, optionally separated by a specified delimiter. Retorna o resultado da combinação da lista de valores de texto, texts, em um único valor de texto. Combine Use Table. Mar 25, 2022 · Solved: Hi Experts, Below is my table in Power Query I am adding a Custom column using the if statement in Text. Ejemplo 1 Jun 26, 2018 · Concatenation text + ‘&’ (concatenation) In plain English, formula =”CY”& Text. CombineColumns Use Table. Zwraca wynik połączenia listy wartości tekstowych , textsw pojedynczą wartość tekstową. User interface. =Text. Eines der häufigsten Beispiele ist der Vor- und Nachname. Associe les colonnes spécifiées dans une nouvelle colonne à l’aide de la fonction d’association spécifiée. Combine Mar 28, 2023 · Si Power Query vous offre une multitude de fonctionnalités, certaines ne sont pas directement accessibles depuis son ruban. Steps to Concatenate Data in Power Query (Excel): Load Data in Microsoft Power Query Excel: Load your data into Power Query. Combine The Text. AddDays(Date. C’est justement le cas de la fonction CONCATENATE qui permet de fusionner plusieurs colonnes. Feb 12, 2024 · Power Query will return errors when trying to concatenate numeric columns with text columns. CombineTextByDelimiter(";")({"a", "b", "c"}) Output "a;b;c" Example 2. Start() function is equivalent to Left() in Excel, and Text. Repeat() corresponds to REPT(). So Jul 26, 2017 · In power query editor, I have to concatenate three of my columns which contains dates, numbers and letters. Feb 10, 2025 · Returns the result of combining the list of text values, texts, into a single text value. From(Date May 7, 2020 · Power Query: Concatenate All Rows. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text Informazioni su. Jun 26, 2018 · I have a frustrating problem with power query. From() function to convert column type temporarily when concatenating. Eventuali valori null presenti in texts sono ignorati. To replace subtrings you would use Replacer. We can find them in the Add Column > From Text and Transform > Text Columns sections of the Oct 10, 2018 · Hi All, Need help in defining a date time varibale in M query. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text Informacje. You can pass a list instead of a record; so for example the expression. Combine while ignoring duplicates, nulls and blanks ‎01-13-2021 02:15 PM Note: For simplicity and due to original data being sensitive, I reduced my actual aggregation down to the "Before:" and "After:" examples / tables listed at the end of my post. 結合文字值 "Seattle" 與 "WA"。 使用方式. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Combiner le nom et le prénom dans une nouvelle colonne, en les séparant par une virgule. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text Sobre. Przykład 1 Jan 23, 2019 · Power BI forums; Get Help with Power BI; Desktop; Service; Report Server; Power Query; Mobile Apps; Developer; DAX Commands and Tips; Custom Visuals Development Discussion; Health and Life Sciences; Power BI Spanish forums; Translated Spanish Desktop; Training and Consulting; Instructor Led Training; Dashboard in a Day for Women, by Women PowerQuery 「null」を0や空白に置換する Power Query(パワークエリ)で「null」を0や空白に置換する方法を紹介します。複数列やテーブル全体でnullを一括置換する方法も合わせて紹介していますので参考にしてみてください。 Dec 3, 2015 · The second parameter can take other data types too. If you'd like no action to be taken if the criteria is not satisfied then you would refer to the original text [Tags_Cloud]. com/db6e6b6 certainly! in power query, concatenating text values from multiple rows into a single string for each gr Dec 4, 2019 · For some scenarios, there is an advantage in using Power Query to do the concatenation. Jul 18, 2018 · Power query - concatenate text columns ‎07-18-2018 07:14 AM. Se omiten los valores de null presentes en texts. Combining text from multiple columns into a single column in Power Query involves concatenating or merging the values from different columns into a unified string. I've tried it in the custom column with the & Formuala, but I Dec 5, 2023 · Using Power Query text functions. if [ActiveUsers] = null then "u" & Number. If yes, I want to add it to a list separated by a comma in a new col Nov 13, 2024 · Table. Um separator opcional usado no texto combinado final pode ser especificado. Operators are applied to operands to form symbolic expressions. you provided Could you upload a couple of pictures showing how the tables look like before + after merging them as well as your query code? Ideally, if you could upload & share a workbook with a subset of your tables that would be even better Apr 3, 2024 · Text. How can I have distinct ones only? Here is the M code: #"Grouped Rows" = Table. I have been trying to find a way for several days w Nov 14, 2024 · Returns a function that combines a list of text using the specified delimiter. Some of the part numbers are alpha numeric & some are a text decimal number like “67111. - Use a function that transforms the value to text during the evaluation. Step-by-Step Guide to Concatenating Dates Using Power Query. Feb 10, 2025 · Text. Please try the following . It should work as the code is as simple as = [Column1]&[Column2]&[Column3] However I get an issue message from power Bi ntfying me that the operator cannot be applied to number and date types. Combine Aug 5, 2022 · Hi @brief001 ,. Text. ReplaceText. I have a small data table which has a Code column and a Mail column For each of the Codes A0, B1, C2 there are the same 4 mail addresses a. It allows you to summarize the data in a comma separated list. For example, a string containing a single quotation mark would be written as """" (four quotation marks), which just so happens to be the string with which your "text" string should be replaced. Power Query - Group By, Text Combine List Distinct & Concatenate Text. ) and load it into Power Query for transformation. Mar 6, 2023 · Let us see how to concatenate text and numbers using the power query editor in Power BI. Related. For example, in the expression 1 + 2 the numbers 1 and 2 are operands and the operator is the addition operator (+). RemoveRange: Supprime les caractères de comptage à un décalage de base zéro d’une valeur de texte. ToText is only needed because you want to concat a number and a string which is not possible so the number has to be converted into a string. Devuelve el resultado de combinar la lista de valores de texto, texts, en un solo valor de texto. In the lower part of the dialog box, create an aggregate column called 'Measure' and set the operator to SUM, and select [Type] as the column to sum. Example 1. Here is how to concatenate text and numbers on the Power BI desktop: Open Power BI Desktop HOW TO CONCATENATE CUSTOM TEXT TO COLUMNS IN POWER QUERY. From' function to change the date types of '[Date]', '[mdm ID]', '[User ID]' as text before the concatenation. Power Query text functions can be used in various places; so, let’s start our exploration here. When you put effort into asking a question, it's equally thoughtful to acknowledge and Aug 23, 2024 · In Power Query, concatenating different data types involves converting non-text data types into strings before concatenation can happen. Può essere specificato un separator facoltativo usato nel testo combinato finale. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text 關於. CombineTextByDelimiter is a Power Query M function that returns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified delimiter. From function to convert a number or other data types to a text string, and then concatenate using the ampersand (&) operator. Many text functions, but not all, are available as individual transformations within the user interface. 返回将文本值列表(texts)合并为单个文本值的结果。 忽略 texts 中呈现的任何 null 值。 可以指定在最终合并文本中使用的可选 separator。 示例 1. Combine function to Oct 15, 2024 · Hi Good people, I'm new to the Power BI world and I'm working and learning at the same time. There is no groupby though in this example. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. CombineTextByLengths: Returns a function that combines a list of text using the specified lengths. 4 - Refillability ]"] Jan 11, 2019 · You already have your answer, just thought I'd add another way of doing it. Accumulate. Or if you want to keep their original non-Text type, you can use Text. CombineTextByPositions 00:00 Combine columns in Power Query (e. The pbix file is attached in the end. I need to create a new column based on several conditions or if statements into new column. This feature lets you specify the separator you want to use between the Feb 29, 2024 · Solved: I have the following m-code = [Work Stream] & " - " && [Trade] & " - " && [Job Description] & " - " && Feb 10, 2025 · ในบทความนี้ ไวยากรณ์ Text. Exemple 1. » Read more; Text Functions in Power Query M (150+ Examples) Your guide to Text Functions in Power Query M. CombineTextByEachDelimiter: Returns a function that combines a list of text using a sequence of delimiters. Check the data you want to Mar 3, 2021 · The entry {"Comments", (t) => Text. Year([Date])) says to. Using Text. Due to this, when I changed the properties to "Fist Name and Last Name", I got two different columns. e. After these steps, Power Query combines the text values into a single string. Text. Select( { [Col1], [Col2], [Col3], [Col4] }, eac Jan 16, 2024 · The CONCATENATE function in Power Query lets you merge text and/or numeric columns. I've tried it in the custom column with the & Formuala, but I Apr 27, 2021 · the Text. I created data to reproduce your scenario. This process involves combining date information from different columns into a single column, which can be particularly useful when dealing with various date formats or when preparing data for time series analysis. Combine(t[Comment], ", ")} creates a new column Comments. CombineColumns(table as table, sourceColumns as list, combiner as function, column as text) as table À propos. The function returns the combined text value, with an optional separator that can be specified for use in the final combined text. the date. 傳回將文字值清單 (texts) 結合成單一文字值的結果。 忽略 null 中出現的任何 texts 值。 可以指定最終合併文字中所使用的選擇性 separator。 範例 1. Mar 24, 2020 · Hi Experts, I am creating my fist PowerBi which is linked to SharePoint lists. AddColumn / each Text. Concatenating text and numbers in Power BI is also an essential function. In Power Query, select your [ID] column then go to the Home tab > Group By. Pivot and concatenate Power Query. Combine({[Column1], [Column2], [Column3]}, "|") to return Using Table. Expa Jan 10, 2019 · hi, @Anonymous For two text column, you could use & to concatenate them. ") Text. Remove: Supprime toutes les occurrences du caractère ou de la liste de caractères donnés de la valeur de texte d’entrée. The only solution I was able to get is to just pivot "Accs" with "Label" as values, finish here with power query and in excel in the last column create a concatenate of columns: Feb 5, 2025 · The Power Query Editor is a powerful tool that allows users to automate data transformation processes, including column concatenation. Syntax Combiner. Right click a column header to change the data type prior to merging it. From([Day]) & "/" & [Month] & "/" & Text. To use the Power Query Editor to concatenate columns, select the columns you want to concatenate and use the "Merge Columns" feature. , "2022" + [ID]). And in this tutorial, we will learn to use these methods. FromNumber(10)) Apr 24, 2024 · Power Query - Group By, Text Combine List Distinct & Concatenate Text 209 Android TextView : "Do not concatenate text displayed with setText" Power Query M: Returns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified delimiter. Mar 30, 2023 · Hi there, I am using a PowerQuery to concatenate the values in columns 1, 2 and 3 using Text. Aug 11, 2021 · Hi all I am trying on Power Query to go from this: To this: The only problem I have is that as seen above on column count, is duplicating me the values. 2”. length's of two columns if not equal) For example, for the former, the problem could be that Power Query Jun 25, 2019 · I have a column "Group Membership" that contains many tags. Sep 2, 2022 · I have been trying to create a column that is a concatenation between the year and the ID for a column (e. This is useful for creating composite keys, generating summary descriptions, or preparing data for specific reporting needs. What is the correct way to do something like this? My end goal is to append the da Feb 23, 2023 · Solved: Hi all I am doing a concatenation of text and numbers with power query, the formula I use is: if [#"[ L1. Combine for more complex concatenation needs. ", how do I concatenate the numeric parameter in the M string? type-conversion concatenation Jun 3, 2020 · Hi All, I'm having trouble with what's supposed to be a simple piece of M-script. ToText formula Feb 4, 2025 · How to Concatenate Text and Numbers in Power BI. We will take an example to understand the process of concatenating the columns to create a new column. The ampersand (&) combines the column values. Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text バージョン情報. Aug 23, 2024 · Power Query has two easy functions to concatenate with a delimiter: Text. Join. Combine function allows you to concatenate text values from a list with a specified delimiter. . Combine(texts as list, optional separator as nullable text) as text เกี่ยวกับ. When power query imports this field, the “number items “ get extra decimals. Wszystkie null wartości obecne w pliku texts są ignorowane. From(Date. In this blog article, I’ll explain how this works. This function get called for each group - with a table containing all rows of this group. Combine({[address line 1], [address line 2]}, Character. Combine the text of two columns using a comma delimiter and CSV-style quoting Nov 16, 2020 · IThere's probably a Power Query solution to this but difficult to guide you with the info. 0. I've tried it in the custom column with the & Formuala, but I Nov 4, 2021 · Power Query - Group By, Text Combine List Distinct & Concatenate Text. If you like to learn more about Power BI, read Power BI book from Rookie to Rock Star. bi/power-query/concatenate-values/ Feb 26, 2024 · In this post, you learn how to group your data and concatenate text values. If my solution proved useful, I'd be delighted to receive Kudos. ToText function to work on a list represented by the column content [Event Date] Jun 11, 2023 · The Text. We’ll start with a simple example of merging first and last names into a new column using the Power Query CONCATENATE formula. Jun 11, 2024 · Text. Utilisation Apr 26, 2024 · Combiner. Combine(List. Aug 23, 2024 · To concatenate two columns in Power Query, you: Write [First Name] & ” ” & [Last Name]. Combine to do an in place concatenation fails if target column is null • Power Query • Excel Forum Subscribe to the @PowerBIHowTo YT channel for an upcoming video on List and Record functions in Power Query!! Learn Power BI and Fabric - subscribe to our YT channel - Click here: @PowerBIHowTo. you can also convert the numner into a string upfront then you do not need the Number. Format(“The first number is #{0}, the second number is #{1}, the third number is #{2}”, Mar 3, 2023 · The question: If Power Query throws: "We cannot apply operator & to types Text and Number. com, c. Step by step guide on importing data and entering formulas. LeftOuter: Power Query M: A possible value for the optional JoinKind parameter in Table. Compatible with: Power BI Service Power BI Desktop Excel Microsoft 365. Access Power Query: Open Excel and navigate to the “Data” tab. Feb 27, 2022 · You can change all column types to Text before concatenating. I want to search to see if a tag is mentioned in this column or not. 3. About . totext function takes a DATE TYPE value as input. Here the illustration of the table that I have, I named it "staging Screening" Fever SkinChanges Lethargy DryMounth 5 true false Feb 10, 2025 · Returns a function that combines a list of text values into a single text value using the specified delimiter. 组合文本值 "Seattle" 和 "WA"。 使用情况. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO GET DATA FROM EXCEL INTO Apr 1, 2021 · Concat two Text. Insert: Insère une valeur de texte dans une autre à une position donnée. Group(#"Changed Type", {"Id"}, {{"Count", eac Returns the result of combining the list of text values, texts, into a single text value. Since I want to display the two c The ability to combine text strings is a fundamental aspect of data manipulation in Power Query, a powerful data preparation and analysis tool in Power BI and Excel. Click on “Get Data” to open Power Query. I somehow defined the datetime like below fromdate = Date. I have a column within the SP List named "Author" which is a Person column. Doing concatenation in DAX is definitely good and useful. Gibt das Ergebnis der Kombination der Liste mit Textwerten texts zu einem einzelnen Textwert zurück. Combiner. แสดงผลลัพธ์ของการรวมรายการค่า textsข้อความ เป็นค่าข้อความเดียว ค่าใด ๆ null ที่มีอยู่ใน Text. Excel. Combine to get a concatena Jan 24, 2025 · Download 1M+ code from https://codegive. Można określić opcjonalny separator element używany w ostatnim połączonym tekście. The effect is similar to using CONCATENATEX in DAX. テキスト値 texts のリストを単一テキスト値に結合した結果を返します。 null に存在する texts 値はすべて無視されます。 Concatenating columns in Power Query is not hard to do, but depending on the technique you use, you might get unexpected or wrong results. When I the originating data table has these as a text field. I think anyone struggling with this may enjoy this article: https://gorilla. Load Your Data: Choose a data source (Excel, CSV, etc. In this example, we will concatenate text and number values using the power query editor in Power Bi. in the following expression, you are asking the Date. Here is what my data looks like: Division Facility Item A 1 123 B - 123 C 2 123 Now the c Jul 18, 2018 · Power query - concatenate text columns ‎07-18-2018 07:14 AM. Usage. JoinKind. CurrentWorkbook: Power Query M: Returns the tables in the current Excel Workbook. Combine function in Power BI. I think I have three options: Use Table. PadEnd([Labels],15,". Combine({"Seattle Jun 27, 2016 · I'm fumbling create a custom column in a table that has already been loaded, this column will be used to relate that table to another, however I am unable to create this custom column. Restituisce il risultato della combinazione dell'elenco di valori di testo texts in un solo valore di testo. Nov 16, 2021 · Here's a table with the results I seek: col_1 col_2 result ape bee ape,bee house street house,street Now I have something like this (see below), where I collect each column that starts with "col_" (for up front I don't know how many columns there are) and use that information ('MyColumn Apr 30, 2024 · I currently have two columns of strings like the following. The space between Double Quotes adds a space between the columns. com, b. Split(Text. Combine function takes a LIST as input and concatenates the various elements in a single text string. d. g. Combine sort of thing. In your case, you want to concatenate a numeric column with text, so use Number. jyjft pypo luwb fzilak ipsbllo dnwy qpeuxix logc cdp ljvt ssbiy vplal sgrws fhha pjydy