Polish bank sort codes. Only active SWIFT codes are shown.
Polish bank sort codes MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08905. Pomorski Bank Spółdzielczy w Świdwinie’s MFI ID, PL08581, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Euro Bank S. Always ensure you have the In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. Our IBAN calculator tool will help you accurately convert your Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) to the equivalent IBAN Number. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09072. Kaszubski Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08350, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08647. ’s MFI ID, PL00248, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Name: Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna. Idea Bank S. This unique code identifies the bank within Poland and is essential for domestic payment transactions. * In the Polish banking sector, the IBAN number is composed of 28 alphanumeric characters and is constructed by inserting the country code PL before the NRB number (Polish abbreviation for Bank Account Number), as a result of which the following format is generated: In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08570. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08213. The BIC code is composed of 8 (or 11 for branch offices) alfanumerical characters that allow one to identify a financial institution and enables one to identify the recipient of a bank transfer to whom a international bank transfer has been transmitted. Oddział w Polsce’s MFI ID, PL00271, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08300. Bank Spółdzielczy w Niechobrzu’s MFI ID, PL09163, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08146. AURET BANK Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08780, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. inactive) codes are excluded from the list. Easily look up your SWIFT code, and find all the details you need to send money internationally. Bank Spółdzielczy w Kolbuszowej’s MFI ID, PL09180, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08467. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08448. ’s MFI ID, PL00168, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08179. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00124. Many translated example sentences containing "bank sort code" – Polish-English dictionary and search engine for Polish translations. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00271. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00212. The BIC Code (Business Identifier Code) is used for international bank transfers. i. Bank Pekao SWIFT code. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08513. Find the BIC / SWIFT code for NARODOWY BANK POLSKI in Poland here. Bank Spółdzielczy w Radomiu’s MFI ID, PL09147, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ’s MFI ID, PL00187, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The Polish NROB, data provided by KIR S. Bank Spółdzielczy w Gnieźnie’s MFI ID, PL09065, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09006. Find your BIC code here sort code bank name branch name ; sort code bank name branch name; 010101: bank of ghana: bank of ghana accra branch: 010303: bank of ghana: bank of ghana -agona swedru branch: 010401: bank of ghana: bank of ghana -takoradi branch: 010402: bank of ghana: bank of ghana -sefwi boako branch: 010601: bank of ghana: bank of ghana -kumasi branch: 010701 Institution / Bank Code: CITI - This is the institution / bank code assigned to BANK HANDLOWY W WARSZAWIE SA. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09147. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08233. PLUS BANK S. Remember, SWIFT codes can vary based on the specific branch and type of currency being used for the transfer. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09245. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08164. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00249. FCE Bank S. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09354. Other details In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. Use the "Search" box to filter by city, branch, address or sort code number. It uses local country check digit algorithm to verify the checksum and the validity of a IBAN Code. Bank Spółdzielczy w Limanowej’s MFI ID, PL08804, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Sort codes are made of 6 numbers, divided into 3 pairs, for example: 12-34-56. Bank Spółdzielczy w Błaszkach’s MFI ID, PL09245, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. List of Poland Bank's Sort Codes / Clearing Codes can be accessed from following link: Looking for an IBAN example in Poland? Find detailed information about the standard IBAN format for bank accounts in Poland. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08973. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08762. All passive (i. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08581. Branch Code: In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. It’s important to fill in your international payment carefully. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08961. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08945. Bank Spółdzielczy w Chodzieży’s MFI ID, PL08945, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00187. A Polish IBAN consists of 28 alpha-numeric characters: 2 letter country code; 2 digit checksum number; 3 characters from the bank's SWIFT / BIC or bank identification number; 4 digit code for the bank branch; 1 digit code for national code; 16 digit code for the bank account number Find any SWIFT / BIC code for banks and institutions in Poland. Nadsański Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL09430, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ’s MFI ID, PL00124, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Zachodniopomorski Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08359, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Bic Code for international transfers to Polish banks. Location Code: PX - This represents the location code, and the second digit/character has a value of "X". Bank Spółdzielczy w Jaworze’s MFI ID, PL08647, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Dec 19, 2022 · A SWIFT code is an alternate format of a BIC (Bank Identification Code) and the terms are interchangeably used. Bank Spółdzielczy w Kaliszu Pomorskim’s MFI ID, PL08570, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. BANK code - jest to kod identyfikacyjny banku, co jest tożsame z kodem SWIFT. Bank Spółdzielczy w Raciążu’s MFI ID, PL08233, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Find all SWIFT / BIC codes for POLISH AND SLAVIC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION or any of its local branches across all countries and cities in the world. SWIFT codes are a bit more complicated as they can range from 8 to 11 alphanumeric characters. Bank Spółdzielczy w Załuskach’s MFI ID, PL08241, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ’s MFI ID, PL00203, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Country Code: PL - This is the 2-letter country code associated with POLAND (PL). ’s MFI ID, PL00249, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09226. Bank Spółdzielczy Ziemi Wieluńskiej’s MFI ID, PL09244, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08805. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00128. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08804. Alior Bank S. They have 11 commercial bank branches across major Polish cities. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08306. SWIFT code registrations are handled by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT). MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09431. ’s MFI ID, PL00195, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00132. Santander Bank Polska S. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09527. POZNAŃSKI BANK SPÓŁDZIELCZY’s MFI ID, PL09043, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Bank Spółdzielczy w Prudniku’s MFI ID, PL08905, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08544. SWIFT Codes for top Poland banks. ’s MFI ID, PL00213, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09359. Find any SWIFT / BIC code for banks and institutions in Poland. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09270. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09206. What is the IBAN code in Poland? IBAN in Poland consists of 28 characters: 2 letter country code; 2 digit check number; 3 characters from the bank's bank code; 4 digit code for the bank branch; 1 digit code for national code; 16 digit code for the bank account number; Already have an IBAN code? Check IBAN In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. Bank Spółdzielczy w Sejnach’s MFI ID, PL09354, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Santander Consumer Bank S. Bank Spółdzielczy w Mińsku Mazowieckim’s MFI ID, PL09226, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ’s MFI ID, PL00114, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Getin Noble Bank S. Gospodarczy Bank Spółdzielczy w Barlinku’s MFI ID, PL08355, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08350. Apr 17, 2019 · In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. Bank Spółdzielczy w Warcie’s MFI ID, PL09270, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ). Easily look up your bank SWIFT code, and find all the details you need for accurate and secure money transfers. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00114. Przykład: Rachunek w obcej walucie ma postać: 1140 2004 - numer rozliczeniowy SORT code. Used exclusively in the UK and Irish banks, these six-digit TradeDoubler site verification 3249067 --> In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. Małopolski Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08619, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Click on the sort-code number link in the table below to navigate to it and see all the information about it (address, telephone number, zip code, etc. If you’ve ever opened a bank account in the UK, you are probably already familiar with sort codes. Ludowy Bank Spółdzielczy w Obornikach’s MFI ID, PL09055, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Hexa Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08762, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00109. Here’s a list of countries that require extra information. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00213. Bank Spółdzielczy we Wronkach’s MFI ID, PL08961, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ’s MFI ID, PL00116, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. List of all SWIFT / BIC codes for PKO BANK POLSKI S. Bank Spółdzielczy Duszniki’s MFI ID, PL09072, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09163. Łącki Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08805, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. This means it's an active code. Jan 26, 2024 · An 11 digit code refers to a specific branch, while an 8 digit code (or one ending in 'XXX') refers to the bank's head office. SWIFT codes are not the same as sort codes, but they do a similar job. e. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09043. BIC code for the National Bank of Poland is: NBPLPLPW. ’s MFI ID, PL00132, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Polski Bank Spółdzielczy w Poznaniu’s MFI ID, PL08213, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08355. ’s MFI ID, PL00147, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Bank Spółdzielczy w Sędziszowie’s MFI ID, PL08513, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. mBank S. 10901014 ): Bank Account No. Apr 17, 2019 · Bank Sort Code The Bank Sort Code for Narodowy Bank Polski is 10100000 . Żuławski Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08306, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08619. Credit Agricole Bank Polska S. naturoBank Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08973, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00194. BNP Paribas Bank Polska S. Other details. Bank Pocztowy S. Raiffeisen Polbank’s MFI ID, PL00175, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09055. Bank Spółdzielczy w Adamowie’s MFI ID, PL09202, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Bank Spółdzielczy w Bystrej’s MFI ID, PL08133, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09180. Always ensure you have the Jul 29, 2003 · kod bankowy / kod banku: Explanation: b widziałam też - numer rozliczeniowy banku :-)-----Note added at 2003-07-29 11:57:27 (GMT) Sort Codes are 6-digit numbers used for domestic transfers in the United Kingdom which identify the bank and the branch where a bank account is held. Bank Spółdzielczy w Nakle n/Notecią’s MFI ID, PL08179, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00248. ’s MFI ID, PL00109, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ’s MFI ID, PL00212, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Below are the SWIFT codes for all banks in Poland. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00103. Bank Spółdzielczy w Zaleszanach’s MFI ID, PL09439, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. SORT code - to numer rozliczeniowy stanowiący cyfry od 3 do 10 w polskim numerze konta - często klienci zagraniczni wymagają tego w standardowych dokumentach wysłanym dostawcom. SWIFT codes. Bank Spółdzielczy w Staszowie’s MFI ID, PL09431, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Format Sort codes. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00175. Bank Spółdzielczy w Pszczynie’s MFI ID, PL08448, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Barclays Bank Plc has 1414 active UK sort codes. is used to clear funds and/or route payments in Poland, and consists of eight digits. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09244. Here are the SWIFT codes and details for several major banks in Poland: PKO Bank Polski SWIFT code. Below you'll find the SWIFT / BIC codes for all banking branches of PKO BANK POLSKI S. BPKOPLPW. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00195. PEKOPLPR. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08784. Bank Spółdzielczy w Świerklańcu’s MFI ID, PL08467, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Bank Spółdzielczy w Dzierżoniowie’s MFI ID, PL09527, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Łódzki Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL08784, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09011. Always ensure you have the accurate SWIFT / BIC code for your specific transaction. ’s MFI ID, PL00103, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. The Barclays Bank Plc sort codes are a six-digit number which identifies both the bank and the branch where the account is held and they are used to route money transfers between banks. In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. Bank Spółdzielczy w Małej Wsi’s MFI ID, PL09006, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00147. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08359. Bank Spółdzielczy w Kielcach’s MFI ID, PL08493, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08780. SWIFT / BIC codes for banks in Poland - page 5. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08241. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09430. Routing numbers are 9-digit codes used in the US to identify banks when processing domestic ACH payments or wire transfers. Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S. A. 0000071219812874): Poland Sample IBAN Number :PL61109010140000071219812874 In Poland bank sort codes are allocated bythe National Bank of Poland and consist of 8 digits. Vistula Bank Spółdzielczy’s MFI ID, PL09011, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Check your bank’s SWIFT code and get all details you need for international money transfer. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00116. Bank Spółdzielczy w Chojnicach’s MFI ID, PL08146, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Only active SWIFT codes are shown. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00203. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09439. Bank Millennium S. BNP PARIBAS BANK POLSKA SA’s MFI ID, PL00160, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09177. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08133. Bank Spółdzielczy w Suwałkach’s MFI ID, PL09359, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S. Sort codes help to identify bank branches for payments within a country, while SWIFT codes help to identify bank branches for international payments. Bank Spółdzielczy w Łańcucie’s MFI ID, PL09177, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. ’s MFI ID, PL00194, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00168. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09065. Bank Spółdzielczy w Trzebieszowie’s MFI ID, PL09206, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Powiślański Bank Spółdzielczy w Kwidzynie’s MFI ID, PL08300, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Bank Spółdzielczy w Szubinie’s MFI ID, PL08164, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Search all Lloyds Bank Plc sort code numbers in the table below. Bank Branch Code / Sort Code(8 Digits . VOLKSWAGEN BANK POLSKA S. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL09202. Bank Spółdzielczy w Zagórowie’s MFI ID, PL08544, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. Nest Bank S. ( 16 digits i. SWIFT / BIC codes for POLISH AND SLAVIC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. HSBC Bank Polska SA’s MFI ID, PL00128, is assigned by the European Central Bank to identify the institution within the EU's financial system. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL08493. . SWIFT / BIC codes for banks in Poland - page 3. MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) MFI ID: PL00160. mfgc torrye auh qrqag xkaqn kwkd zozmy tbtzy fdhfa urmz wqjtpsga febyo qpetnf xsosfz inrvqs