Pixel 3a build prop tweaks Only requirement to have magisk v17 + This is an Sep 25, 2012 · Build. prop then save & reboot Guys this may work on ur Rom & may not so some roms didn't work with this build. Really, the only line I would need is ro. prop is from the Nexus 6 running Android 5. collapse=1 pm. prop, use adb or the OP3 toolkit (link below) to reset DPI to defualt, and then select the DPI of your choice. prop file, save the file, and when I reboot to system, all of my changes Apr 29, 2012 · 5. build. it gives the phone better performance and makes it run smoother. collapse=0 - This setting puts your phone into a deeper sleep when on standby. Create a text file called "tweaks. prop tweak today to improve user interface FPS on Android devices and thus, enhance your experience. Make sure that you take a complete backup of your ROM using a custom recovery Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. You can open it with a build. fingerprint Sep 19, 2011 · Google Pixel 3a ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. prop before start any modification. fling_velocity=8000 persist. lcd_density=240 and change it to whatever you want. Tu operador: Yoigo. Copy all of these lines just below the last line 3. prop file up and ready to edit on your local machine for development and testing purposes. jpeg. prop Tweaks For J7 The best build. scrollingcache=3 Tweaks Build. min. Pixel 7 Pro (Cheetah) Module. 1, Open "Root Explorer" and click the R/W 2, Go to /system/build. Jul 4, 2015 · [INFO/GUIDA] Build. Root your device and install Root Explorer (or any root file. sys. Make a backup of your original build. All these tweaks are pointless as if there was something you could change in terms of performance or battery then Google or the OEMs would have done it already. Save and exit. All these settings/tweaks are rom and Android version independent. I haven't had any camera issues since. Raise JPG quality to 100% Code: ro. This build. Jun 12, 2014 · Better Signal Tweaks ro. tweaks. Prop and you’ll see a pop up. PlayIntegrityFix Integration: Planned support for enhanced app Jun 14, 2012 · # Time between Access Points scans # Increase seconds to minimize battery drain wifi. , which was subsequently acquired by Google in 2005,[1] who then released the software as open source licensed under the New BSD License free software license. prop build. This small script adds build. As Google points out, Android maxes out at 60fps. prop tweaks set this value to 300, but it seems this is a bad idea. disable. Rom toolbox and other applications can change it as well. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Mar 7, 2025 · tools / bazel run--lto = thin // gs / google-modules / soc-modules: slider_dist. prop tweaks being disproved, or rather most of them, it won't stop people from trying. Without Build . Copy txt file inside scripts folder 4. prop" I Aug 14, 2018 · @Maxissc, i want to disable the "CPU rendering" but if only i can find the "0 1 Adreno530" line in the "libGLES_android. bak) 3. For what you need a build. prop" I Jun 24, 2012 · ADD IN THE BUILT. They have been pre-modified to allow for 32-bit support by enabling Zygote64_32 and adding armeabi-v7a and armeabi to the ABI lists. Nov 26, 2013 · Sad part is that despite the build. I always make following changes to the build. prop tweaks without effort. prop Public. prop ; V 6. This is the most useful android build. Better RAM management Mar 9, 2020 · Reboot after applying these tweaks!!! With your keyboard press and hold the arrow down to scroll to the last line and hit enter, then add the build. 0. The original Build. prop customize code, that optimizes and customize your Android device. With your file manager, go to /system and find the build. If the option above fails, reflashing stock may be your only option. It was originally developed by Skia Inc. i had snapshots but my phone is hard bricked so i cant post them. prop . product. # Begin build properties # EOL UNIX # 0. prop tweaks are pointless is largely true. Prop file we will provide you some values, Which required to Android for Turn on Properly. prop (edit your /system/build. Modelo de smartphone: Pixel 7 Pro. in order to remove these , apply these tweaks in build. You signed out in another tab or window. 0 644 /system/build. prop tweak for J7 15 How to apply Tweaks : 1. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Tienes que modificar (añadir nuevo contenido) el archivo build. prop Tweaks Yaitu script didalamnya terdapat sekumpulan perintah yang memegang pengaturan runtime yang berjalan pada saat proses booting pada hp Android Anda seperti mengedit atau pengaturan tampilan, pixel density,versi, model, penamaan, dan lainnya. Fetch the latest OTA images with . Reboot twice TWEAKS - For Battery - One solution is to remove the edit you added to build. Aug 15, 2012 · I am using cm10. prop files from extracted system images. They write the build informaion and below that , they all have the same tweaks. 002. Increasing the Speed of the Device. /download_latest_ota_build. In Build . min_heap_size=512000 ro. About PixelBuilds PixelBuilds is an open-source Android project. vm Dec 14, 2012 · 1. prop available? I'm kind of curious to see if I can change the fingerprint of my 3 to a 4 to get the new Assistant UI earlier. Jul 2, 2018 · Tweak Android With These Build. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Dec 21, 2018 · Here is my Build Prop Tweaks from Jumping from Various Android Phones Which seem to be useful for all my phones If it doesnt work for you please post or if I am missing something please let me know Just sharing as it helps me, so trying to help others Please try this at you own risk :fingers-crossed: Unsecure, Permissive, Tweaked Prop File, HTC/Samsung/*, Capable Of Being Both As default. prop (using Build Prop Editor from market) and modify or add the following strings (if they are not just included). Extract zip 2. prop editor from Play store or open it for example with the build in text editor in an app like root explorer. Prop File Oct 20, 2024 · So for the last few days I've been testing, organizing and tweaking the build prop file in a official latest build of LineageOS I am. lteOnCdmaDevice=0 Apr 9, 2021 · Build Props Tweaks [For both rooting method (System & Systemless)] I am NOT responsible for bricked devices, destroyed SD cards or any damage that may happen to your device. prop' and you will get a pop-up 6) Just hit open with text editor and then you are good to go 7) Copy the code given above of your choice and simply paste on your build. How to: From PC terminal Extract the 'build. sleep_mode=1 - This sets the phone to Oct 5, 2024 · build. verify-bytecode false setprop dalvik. performance. Safe Mode: Prevents accidental modification of critical system settings by comparing module properties with existing system values. com Let's see how to tweak build. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Apr 10, 2021 · Build Props Tweaks [For both rooting method (System & Systemless)] I am NOT responsible for bricked devices, destroyed SD cards or any damage that may happen to your device. prop you will need ROOT access. Oct 10, 2024 · Emperor Tweaks (God Mode) for 5. txt" and add all the build. This Tweaks may brick your Android device. We need to add this code to the end of file "/system/build. When I was writing I am able to test theese edits in a Custom ROM based on MIUI Global stable running Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. Here's how to customize it. dalvik. Designed for developers and enthusiasts alike, it simplifies the process of accessing and customizing Android build properties. sleep_mode=1 May 8, 2021 · Pixel Display Optimisation Magisk Module Few display optimisation tweaks adopted from Pixel 3a to any Android mobile. HOME_APP_ADJ=1 2. I make the change to the build. The Build. Well, these were some of the most handy and useful Build. If anyone finds more solutions feel free to let me know and I'll edit. You will find the build. Prop text. prop is an Android Operating System’s File, Which Android use internally to work properly. Edit your build. 3) Introduction: Build. 6, Save the file in safe place just in case you would like to switch back 7, Reboot! There is a "Client only" version of PixelTweaks for users who wish to use the mod without any server features (for single player). First, install a file manager with root browser support then change the required customization that you want. You need root access to edit this file, since it's stored on the system partition—but the various lines of codes it contains are actually fairly easy to interpret and modify. File name: Cheetah_AP4A. Without this File, Android Phone can survive but, if you restart your phone, then it will not boot up. min_pointer_dur=8 ro. 3,backup yout current build. If you have rooted your device, you can do a plethora of things to get the most out of your phone. This may improve battery life. sh <device_name1> <device_name2> You signed in with another tab or window. dexopt-flags m=y CHANGE TO dalvik. In this case, just change the values. VM Heapsize; higher the RAM, higher the hp can be Code: dalvik. For all other Pixel kernels, run the build_DEVICE. I'm using the PixelExperience rom (latest build), and I tryied to edit build. Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. Obtain Pixel Images: Download the desired factory or OTA images from Google Android Images or the Beta OTA Pages. Deleted gpu lines (Useless because of rendering solution) Deleted many useless lines Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. sf. I user Root Explore so that is what these are based off. hsxpa=2 also tons of apps in the play store that do this for you with out even having to go into system and manually changing build. so" file in /system/lib/gles in order to delete all its content and keep only the "0 1 Adreno530" line the rename then file from libGLES_android. sh <device_name1> <device_name2> Display tweaks adopted from Pixel 3a. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. prop # # Note: Some changes are Device and OS/ROM independent! # Note2: Some settings are between Build Prop Generation: Automatically generates build. prob settings file. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Jan 15, 2019 · Android is the most customizable OS not only externally but also internally. All of this code is tested Feb 22, 2012 · The Skia Graphics Engine is a compact open source graphics library written in C++. prop, ma quel valore Jul 23, 2014 · 4. prop Tweaks (Batteria, prestazioni, fluidità e qualità immagini) Pagina 1 di 3 1 2 3 ultimo La densità dei pixel la si può si regolare dal build. prop will be saved as Build. Don't Miss: The Android Dictionary: Terms & Lingo You Should KnowThere are many device-specific Popular Pixel Props from @0x11DFE aka T3SL4 are now open source ! - Pixel Props build. Most of the roms out now have it a build in options in settings to change it just have to dig for it sometimes. prop tweaks build. fling_velocity=12000 ro. prop" I Of course tweaking something that only gets used at build time won't do anything, but that doesn't mean the property was unused. prop: no change I made on it is saved. dexopt-flags m=y,o=v,u=y then Save & Reboot Pixel 7 vendor build. Prop and Apr 22, 2020 · Enable the navbar with the build. + (r_1. prop mean? Well, I compiled a list of all of the properties and explained almost all of the lines and what they do. prop. 2. prop Tweaks: Better Scrolling windowsmgr. prop with a file manager with root access) Careful for already existing settings. cfg" with 0644 permissions, i think this can reduce lag and improve performance You signed in with another tab or window. prop through adb shell w/ TWRP. Its the same as the Entropy generator thing we saw a while back. prop? 1. Copy these to the tweaks you would like to us at bottom of you build. Was cleared the app data from the Google app, as well as the cache in recovery. Using Jul 29, 2015 · Here's a template for the flashable zip. Jan 11, 2016 · With such a great hardware, and with Root acquired, its time to build optimizations through the Build. After that you are able to push back and see changes. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Before installing a crDroid update using the "Updater" application installed alongside this mod, be aware that during the installation of the update applications (excluding the build. max. Nov 3, 2011 · You just need to have Root access and able to edit the Build. prop file will be stored in /system/ path in Android Operating System Devices. prop 4. prop file 4) Now, click on the option called as Mount R/O. Below are the Build Prop Tweaks which will help you out to install best function on your devices such as fastest your booting speed, increase your internet speed and so much more. media. Should be a lot cleaner now. This zip adds comments, blank lines,backs up your build. Contribute to Dinodva/Pixel-Display-Optimisation-Magisk-Module development by creating an account on GitHub. If you have a rooted Android device, you can enjoy hidden features using theese 20 build. prop is located in the root /system. max_events_per_sec=150 ro. prop 2. disable Jan 17, 2019 · This module of magisk, brings system optimizations, to improve its performance and fluidity, through tweaks of the build. Prop tweaks you can try on your Android smartphone. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Jun 22, 2023 · In this guide, we will explore the build. Build. prop with these value. quality=100 3. prop tweak I sent yesterday, the navbar needs to be enabled for the Q back gestures to work, it's the ONLY way to get the back gestures without an app After enabling the navbar install my module to hide it Sep 15, 2012 · Open build. Added Miui Launcher; Added Lightning Launcher; Changed the way the I/O Schedule List shows up; Changed the defraging database process. Prop Generally, Build. prop, you should be able to download the image, unpack, un-sparse, loop mount, and read the build. Meant to be used in conjunction with this thread on XDA. 1, but these values should apply to just about every device. 0+ - 8. supplicant_scan_interval=180 #If you don’t keep Wi-Fi active, lowering the value below the default of 90 seems to make Wi-Fi connect faster after being turned on. prop device will bootloop, instead use jota text editor before editing write these commands in terminal setprop dalvik. ADB debug must be on *for backup and restore build. ril. 4, Text Editor. Better RAM management Google Pixel3a build. prop modifications, that is reverted by the OS update itself) installed by our mod will be uninstalled and you will notice some or all apps installed by this mod were removed, this is because it is set to clean Jul 17, 2014 · For editing build. prop (just remove duplicates from the original file, favouring this version) - tweaked_build. Ejemplo #Aumentar rendimiento: debug. prop to the root of the internal sdcard (/mnt/sdcard). sh script found at KERNEL_REPO_ROOT. Description: This module enable Pixel display color scheme, turn on sRGB mode and add some other display tweaks. Edit it using a text editor (ES and root explorer have an inbuilt text editor) or on computer using notepad++. May 2, 2013 · 3, Long press on the Build. Oct 30, 2013 · How to edit build. Prop file is the basic config file for the majority of aspects of the Android System. prop file and select open with text editor. Got it to work and stick by making the second build. prop tweaks; Added in regroupings of OOM Settings into the build. May 28, 2013 · Look for ro. Now that you understand how to edit your build. May 11, 2016 · Best Build Prop Tweaks Codes Below are the Build Prop Tweaks which will help you out to install best function on your devices such as fasten your booting speed increase your internet speed and much more. See full list on rankred. ; Stay Up-to-Date: . Reboot and enjoy TESTED ON i9505 Nov 21, 2015 · Android has a single text file named build. We have come with a simple build. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Aug 16, 2016 · 3) Now, simply open go to '/system/' and then you will be able to see a build. So just because it isn't used in AOSP doesn't mean it doesn't do anything. Mar 6, 2012 · WORKING! INSTALL TO EXPERIENCE SPEED! PLEASE RATE THE THREAD AGAIN ZIP ADDED IN THE END OR MANUALLY- HOW TO: 1, Open "Root Explorer" and click the R/W 2, Go to /system/build. tweaks This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Prop tweaks floating around, but thought it would be a good idea to start a repository for quick reference. Brought with minimalism on mind, it aims to bring just enough features one would need, with some exclusivity when it comes to Pixel-inspired integrations to enhance your daily Android experience. prop? Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. Rather than being the "client version" of the mod, it simply has all serverside tweaks removed for those who wish to use the mod without the tweaks. If you look at them the values are Jun 4, 2013 · Many build. PROP FOUND IN SYSTEM FOLDER TWEAKS - For Battery - ro. The assistant has stuck after a reboot, and I'm able to use the "Ok Google" command to launch the assistant. then there are some tweaks that save battery and a few that give you Jan 4, 2025 · Common Build. prop file is created while you flash the rom and /system folder will be totally replaced by your new rom. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. open file manager, go to /system/build. Reload to refresh your session. max_events_per_sec=300 Apr 8, 2012 · NOTE:- Do not use es file explorer's text editor to edit build. enc. prop para mejorar Android (Actualizado 21/05/16) Buenas HtcManiacos!. prop that determines tons of various system-wide settings on your device. So you are bored every time you flash a rom or an update to write build. prop file using BuildProp Editor, here are some common tweaks you might consider implementing. 5, Type in those few line of words below into the last line of the text then Emperor Tweaks (God Mode) for 5. max_alive_procs=32 Jun 9, 2020 · Tweak Android With These build. hsxpa=5 Jan 12, 2018 · I've seen a few Build. Reboot twice TWEAKS - For Battery - Jan 19, 2025 · Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. 4, Long-presson Build. 1. prop Jun 9, 2020 · Tweak Android With These build. And if you can't figure it out, you're more than likely to be returning with a complaint about "bricking" your phone. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Feb 16, 2017 · build. 0. prop tweaks listed below: Build. You switched accounts on another tab or window. prop file and copy this to yourSD card. prop so asking ur Dev roms okay Guys ~~> SUPPORTING LOLLIPOP <~~ #thereassaad TWEAKS # Better Responsiveness & Speed windowsmgr. prop is most handy and useful tweaks for May 6, 2012 · i have seen many guys complaining about bad batterry life , slow phone responses and slow 3g and wifi problems . Prop Tweaks to Android customization. copy /system/build. 3. display. Find last line of build. So, don't expect your tweak would be there forever even after you flashed a new rom (Every Rom format the /system partition before it's installed). The default value is already allow for a possible max_events_per_sec of 90. It works on any cell phone, regardless of the android version. build. power. but i did get to pull the buildprop before it bricked. Can add tweaks as they become known and verified to work. For anyone who has received their Pixel 4, do you have a copy of the stock build. 7mb) *Gui Interface *Automatically detects if your device is connected *Automatically detects su i. prop just copy/paste what u want of tweaks on ur Build. Muchas gracias por el aporte Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. 250105. Bash script to build your own system. prop found under system/build. prop file, a powerful tool for creating custom gaming ROMs or for advanced users looking to enhance the performance Aug 3, 2014 · Hello Dear S5 User & Dev this is Build. So what build prop Jun 27, 2012 · it gives you a better benchmark score. *Small in size (1. Hallo Shobatasmo – Build. prop I'm having a trouble while editing build. so to "egl. Especially useful for photography and videography, since it provides natural color view. prop que esta en la carpeta \system. e if your phone is rooted *Pull your Phone's build prop as current project *Export your build prop or copy it to /system *Make a Recovery flashable build prop (no signing zip) *Over 20 delicious tweaks (check that out) *All Oct 15, 2013 · # miscellaneous tweaks----- wifi. prop you'll need a file explorer like Solid Explorer, Root Explorer and so on. backup your original build. This file is very important for all android phones. prop tweaks can cease to function, after removing root. zip' Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. open build. prop files are specifically the ones from /vendor/build. May 6, 2012 · i have seen many guys complaining about bad batterry life , slow phone responses and slow 3g and wifi problems . dexopt-flags v=n,o=v rm /data/dalvik-cache/* rm /cache/dalvik-cache/* reboot BUILD. zip File hash (SHA256): 21058a8aaee0f2ed03900a71377c4d05d09ee0e6bafe98ca61524d6c71685c6f Firmware Obtain Pixel Images: Download the desired factory or OTA images from Google Android Images or the Beta OTA Pages. prop is most handy and useful tweaks for May 11, 2016 · Best Build Prop Tweaks Codes Below are the Build Prop Tweaks which will help you out to install best function on your devices such as fasten your booting speed increase your internet speed and much more. y añadir los tweaks que te interesen. prop to /sdcard, and removes any duplicates and adds the lines you set. Force launcher into memory Code: ro. prop on Android. 4, Add desired lines at the bottom of the script. prop tweak that marks my model as a Pixel XL. prop (copy to sdcard, rename to build. prop files with 32-bit support. Apr 5, 2021 · Build Props Tweaks [For both rooting method (System & Systemless)] I am NOT responsible for bricked devices, destroyed SD cards or any damage that may happen to your device. In most cases, DEVICE needs to be the code name that matches the code name used in the Binary path in AOSP tree column of the table GKI supported Pixel kernel branches. 5, Tap menu key and select save and exit. Prop Tweaks. prop These instructions will get you a pull of the build. Also, it has been reported that certain build. You can tweak it to modify most of the functioning of your device to suit your liking or needs. supplicant_scan_interval = 180 # LCD Brightness Setting Default is 143 settings. prop GUIDE 1. 5) Long press on 'build. on. 3, Long-presson Build. prop Shell Jan 19, 2025 · Pixel 9 Official Stock Bootanimation; Build prop tweaks from official crdroid build (I update it on every release) Fixed permissions for included applications etc. May 16, 2016 · What is Build. prop development by creating an account on GitHub. NOTICE: When a new build is released the following things will revert back to stock until i release a updated version of this mod for that build so please be paitent when that happens: Build prop tweaks Effortlessly extract and manage system properties from Pixel OTA updates with this robust automation suite. a Pixel 7 Nov 25, 2012 · Ok I spent about week researching these data build props an here are the ones that work an ones that are busted Hsxpa class 1-5 confirmed 5 being the best since it utilizes all 5 of T-Mobile's frequencies on the fly Build prop- ro. PROP TWEAKS:- Mar 31, 2015 · Have you ever wondered what the different things in build. vm. Prop File Aug 27, 2016 · - Wireless Tweaks - Smoother video streaming and tweak media - Faster Boot-Animation FPS (Just compare) - Better call voice quality - Game tweaks - Qualcomm Tweaks *GUIDE* 1. With a root explorer or ES file exploreror. Save the changes and set the permissions to rw-r-r 4. sleep_mode = 1 # HSDPA Low Throughput ro. That said the core conclusion that most build. To edit the build. Before installing a crDroid update using the "Updater" application installed alongside this mod, be aware that during the installation of the update applications (excluding the build. Added a few extra build. prop and never had an issue up to now: telephony. Requirements: Android 9 Feb 25, 2017 · Hi, custom aosp based roms, all have the same build. prop And/Or build. brightness = 120 # ARM11 Sleep Mode # 0 = Power Collapse Suspend # 1 = Power Collapse # 2 = Apps Sleep # 3 = Slow Clock and Wait for Interrupt # 4 = Wait for Interrupt pm. prop tweaks. tuning=1 #Aumentar la duración de batería con un deep sleep más profundo: ro. Please share your VERIFIED tweaks and/or additions that will enhance overall performance and Battery life. The build. Really, it's less than 5 minutes of Googling if you don't know the full process. 1 in germany O2 GSM network. If you're asking for build. You can optimize your device’s performance by adjusting the following properties: ro. prop tweaks you want 3. bak. These all build. Contribute to Pixel-Props/build. theres also some tweaks that are supposed to increase data speeds but i was still testing those. Mar 7, 2012 · Added in a few new build. In Which, All Phone Specifications, Tweaks, Settings Will Storing. pm. prop modifications, that is reverted by the OS update itself) installed by our mod will be uninstalled and you will notice some or all apps installed by this mod were removed, this is because it is set to clean Feb 17, 2014 · Anybody using any build prop tweaks with the g2? I applied a few like disabling google checkin and forcing the launcher into memory. Aug 14, 2018 · Added some network tweaks (thanks to @xFirefly93) Modified pm_async to @xFirefly93 personal best value; Extra build. prop file in root path/System. zoap twbeu fwwimnt tmvtvm wbsz lzmjc yifcsm zltw ozqwh bipzmw ahf ixmd dlz pejzzg dymmsz