Pinion angle vibration symptoms 9 Degrees |\| Driveshaft: 1 Degree |/| Pinion 0. Apr 21, 2021 · A ladder-bar suspension normally requires degree of pinion angle, a four-link requires 1-2 degrees, and a leaf-spring suspension requires up to 6 to 7 degrees. Jun 11, 2017 · The interwebs suggest that the likely culprit is pinion angle, relative to the tranny/driveshaft. Is there a way I can determine if it is based upon the driveshaft/driveshaft pinion angle or something else going on with the axle? Feb 21, 2024 · Here are some common symptoms of rack and pinion failure to look out for: Steering Wheel Vibration. Pinion gear noise is noticeable when you start your car or increase your speed. Jim Clark, Hot Rod M. The DSS DriveShaft has CV joints so it shouldn't be as sensitive to pinion angle, and that all checks out as it should. Suspension lifts alter pinion angles, causing vibrations and requiring correction through adjustable control arms, traction bars, shims, or spacers for optimal performance. Feb 14, 2014 · Pinion Angle really doesn't matter on the rear axle. BTW, the stock rear arms have enough play in them to create +/- 1* of pinion angle Sep 16, 2013 · 1949 Mercury coupe Nosed, Decked, Frenched 58 T-Bird interior 472 w/toploader 4 speed OD Performer RPM w/Holley 3 barrel Isky 304 degree solid cam Mar 10, 2007 · I checked pinion runout at the shaft behind the yoke and that measured . Alignment was done by Custom Alignment and is spot on. Try to get the driveshaft angles as straight as possible,without being Worn out pinion bearings create more whirring noise rather than rumbling because it rotates several times faster than the carrier assembly of the vehicle. 050, . FAQ Dec 7, 2011 · At first I thought it was just the pinion angle, so I got some 4° shims and put those in. Jul 5, 2009 · Yes the pinion angle can cause a vibration, could also be one of the u-joints. Oct 26, 2020 · I'm thinking it's a pinion angle problem. See page 3 post. I would say the vibration has softened but is not gone. Had the trans rebuilt and stopped 99% of the vibration. D. We learned about mismatched pinion angles while building the chassis for our 1960 Corvette. This can Sep 22, 2018 · At this point we are still questioning pinion angle. Put it on your rear pinion flange and zero it out/ then put it pn your driveshaft. Last night I pulled the driveshaft and ran it and it was smooth, so I know the vibration is in the driveline or rear end. With a single cardan driveshaft, both ends must be at the same angle. Jul 5, 2009 · anyone with 2 piece driveshaft can easily fix their pinion angle without shim. An ideal angle aligns closely with the driveshaft, while caster angle adjustments may be necessary for Sep 20, 2024 · Pinion angle is the angle of the differential pinion in relation to the driveshaft. The rest of us, have no idea the positive and negative affects pinion angle has on your drive line until it strikes and we have to blindly chase a vibration, rub or bind in the drive train. The vibration may be more noticeable at certain speeds, such as when accelerating or driving on the highway. Furthermore, when there is too much clearance or backlash between the ring and pinion, you will hear a clunking noise when shifting from park to Oct 9, 2022 · My angle finder is now showing the pinion angle to be about 5-6 degrees lower than the DS, to but please let me know if I could be measuring this in a better place. Oct 13, 2009 · Hi all, :wavey I've been driving my Mustang for a while now and notice a vibration at 45-50MPH. Symptoms : Shudder of vibration around 50-60 mph, past 60 would even out a bit, but still there. Aug 25, 2021 · For 4wd pinion angle you want the rear diff pointing slightly below the transfer case output. Before making any changes, the following measurements were taken: Transmission yoke/crankshaft angle = 2. This also made a very slight change if any to the vibration. 19" / 1. Took it for a ride and regretfully I report vibrations are still evident above 68 mph. The 4runner is equipped with a double cardan joint so the change in pinion angle, especially on a couple of degrees, will be adjusted by the joint itself. Generally, plus or minus 1 degree is enough to cure the problem. Jun 8, 2021 · i bought the truck lowered, when it had the stock 3. Make sure to Jun 1, 2005 · Pinion angle is important due to the forces at work in the rearend and rear suspension of a rear-wheel-drive vehicle. If the rear pinion twists upward enough on acceleration, it can cause an angle change and vibrate. 23 gears and factory diff it was fine. So, is my vibration problem cause by the difference in trans and pinion angle. Sometimes hitting bump would make it worse, engaging the 4x4 would not have any effect on it. Incorrect pinion angles can lead to various issues, including: Excessive Vibration: If the pinion angle is too far off, it can cause the driveshaft to vibrate, especially at high speeds. Now you need to lessen the angles as much as possible. Noises, vibrations and other irregular driving characteristics can often help diagnose a differential or driveline problem. Driveline geometry incorrect (wrong engine/pinion angle). May 29, 2013 · Join us now! Menu. Sep 14, 2019 · I measured the pinion angle and the shaft angle and both are dead on 16. A few degrees down will help to compensate for axle wrap up under load so that the pinion angle is equal to, or parallel to, the output shaft when it is under a load. Dialing In The Angle Dec 9, 2023 · From front to back with a reference rocker angle of 1. Sent from my iPhone Apr 9, 2021 · You can buy 1* shims. 2-piece shafts are a pain to get right unless it has a CV in one spot. Apr 3, 2018 · I guess that test would eliminate driveshaft rearward if the vibration was still there. Ignoring it can lead to nasty vibrations, premature wear on your drivetrain, and even broken U-joints. At Deviate Dezigns, we know that getting your truck dialed in the right Dec 13, 2017 · A common source of vibs is the front driveshaft's u-join pinion angle, at the axle. I was told it could be the pinion angle of the rear end. I went to a double cardan drive shaft due to the 3. What about the "launch shudder" (driveline vibration between 5-15 MPH). Transmission: 87. The pinion needs to be down a little because it tries to climb the ring gearmaking it rise under power. When swapping in a different axle, or lifting your truck, you have to make sure you set it up with the proper pinion angle. The wheels have been balanced numerous times, the tires have been replaced and the vibration will not go away. Mine was a whacky control arm setup by the po but seemed to be solved when I installed the new arms and ever so slightly set the pinion more inline with the t-case yoke. When I adjusted my diff to have the same angle as the trans, my pinion angle between the driveshaft and pinion measured at 4°; the recommended angle is no more than 2°. Nov 13, 2018 · What doesn't make sense to me is how the vibration is significantly changed when you make tiny changes to the rear pinion angle, but at the same time the vibration remained when you drove it in FWD (eliminating anything to do with the rear pinion angle). Now my pinion is 1. May 17, 2010 · Your angles looks good to me you want the Pinion faceing directely at the driveshaft which it looks like it is. 3/23/18 - I think it’s the CVs, driveshaft, and pinion angle. Most of the Pinion angle issue I had was the Trans Mount was perished, and allowed the end of the trans to drop about 1/4". In the end I bought SYE from Tom Woods (I also got adjustable control arms) and I had the guys in Bellingham build my drive shaft. When it makes a whining or howling noise, it is usually caused by a damaged or worn-out ring and pinion gears. , the pinion is nose-down in relation to the driveshaft. I am not super confident in my ability to set up the alignment, but followed directions on a couple different threads. 3-5. Troubleshooting Driveshaft Vibrations Diagnosing and identifying the cause of drive shaft vibrations and noises can be quite frustrating. Better look closer. Like the others, I have never heard of a bad R&P causing vibs. It seems to be speed realted than rpm. With adjustable links ,you can experiment easily. Driveshaft angle problems will usually cause premature bearing failures in diffs, and heard at different rpm ranges depending on the specific problem. I checked the angle of my transmission, drive shaft and pinion and concluded that the pinion is of by 2* degrees. 540" lift hyd flat tappet * 2. 5" lift a month or so back. Make sure sure the u-joints are good even the CV center ball can wear and cause vibrations. I'm having some trouble finding the spec on alldata. I guess pinion angle would be the only other thing I need to check. You should have something close to 90 degrees. I am a complete noob at this so please help me understand what I need to do. FAQ: Members List Pinion angle possibly a little off from saggy leaf springs, however they don't appear to be too saggy Possibly cheap pitman arm, idler, and tie rods ends that are already sloppy, however they look brand new and braking doesn't seem to affect the vibration, specifically acceleration and engine braking does Jun 12, 2015 · I did a 6" Zone lift and have an annoying vibration that I cant get rid off. When going up a steep incline the vibration gets a lot worse and the u-joints will start snapping. 3 (pointing up - from 90 deg) Nov 7, 2011 · Those later low pinion D30s can get too much angle on that joint and make a vibration. Trans: 3-4 degrees down Driveshaft: 2. Jan 22, 2016 · A howling differential is one of the worst sounds any car guy (or girl) can hear. With this style CV shaft, should the pinion and the shaft be in line pointing directly at the transfer case? I know with regular ujoint style driveshaft you want the transfer case and pinion to be at the same angle but I believe inreas somewhere the with CV style the pinion May 7, 2010 · The trans and rear pinion flange can be pointed way down and way up (think “lifted truck”) on a one piece, as long as the driveshaft angle is close to matching, and those down/up angles are close. If you feel a vibration in the steering wheel while driving, it could be a sign of rack and pinion failure. 5* on my T5 and an upward angle of about 2. 5°. Here are some pictures. Anyway, So im now in the opposite situation than original post. 4 degrees down Driveline 3. — The process that can be used to address a condition called driveshaft/universal joint cancellation, often referred to as adjusting pinion angle. The bottom of the tailshaft housing on the T5 is not parallel to the output shaft. Either way, its obvious the driveshaft has an issue and needs to be addressed. MML or TC drop. If the pinion angle is the problem do you usually get a loud low hum and just a small vibration? Jul 6, 2009 · To Check Your Pinion Angle Skill Level: Easy Make: Chevrolet Model: Colorado 2WD Year: 2006 When you lift / lower your truck, the angle that the drive-shaft meets the pinion can go beyond what is considered a safe angle. Jan 14, 2016 · I have a question for all you smart Jeepers. That was enough to throw off the pinon angles. The pinion yoke pointed down toward the front 3 degrees meaning the pinion would have to be elevated 6 degrees to be parallel to driveshaft. 5° down. This can cause vibrations and eventually lead to U-joint failure or damage to your drive-shaft or other suspension parts. I am going to measure and see where its at, but thought I would ask here during my lunch. Aug 13, 2002 · To be exactly precise, the angle of the pinion should be relative to the angle of the output shaft of the transmission. 5* angle down. Sep 27, 2017 · Today's voodoo/black magic topic is pinion angle. 80s - 255/40r17 Square Oct 27, 2012 · Jim, it might also be associated with Pinion Angle. Not to mention the u-joints. I have not put the control arms in yet--no excuse other than life--but the SYE fixed the vibration. I did a lot of measurements so I will do my best to explain. The 348 big-block W-motor and 700R4 combination was mounted on Dec 1, 2013 · I had a similar oscillation vibration that actually wound up being the front pinion angle. but like i said mine has not changed from stock to 5" drop with different sets of wheels/tires, so its not tire balance/bent wheels, or pinion angle. 1 degrees down Pinion: 4 degrees up I have tried adding 2 degree shims under the rear end to give me 2 degrees up. 230 hp 4. I don't do 6000 RPM launches so a downward angle of about 3. Mar 26, 2009 · I have an interesting issue with the pinion angle. If the vibration goes away that tells me pinion angle or something driveshaft back is the culprit and driveshaft is brand new. I've used the Tremec App on my iPhone to measure the angles and according to that, they are "within acceptable limits". I feel a slight vibration in first gear and slightly into 2nd gear. Nov 14, 2024 · Pinion bearings noise often indicates a problem with the bearings. Its only present while on the throttle, if i coast or cruise the vib is gone. I have read that you don't need to worry about the pinion angle on the front shaft unless its over a 4 inch lift. Right? May 7, 2013 · Just changing tire size will NOT change the u-joint angle. It's angle should be less than 1 degree. (Don’t include a CV angle) I find it hard to put in words. This is an example of an analogue angle measure that can be used, but only when a digital meter is not available. . too much. May 23, 2020 · The rear axle pinion being down 6° could well be the problem. The reason adding weight with a passenger affects the vibration is that the intersecting angle has improved, but not eliminated, the problem. Apr 19, 2006 · I haven't changed the trans mount, but it might not be a bad idea. Do Aug 22, 2024 · The ideal pinion angle ensures that the U-joints at both ends of the driveshaft operate within their designed range, minimizing stress and preventing vibrations. x:1 * 228/238 @ . Oct 25, 2002 · I said OK. Apr 1, 2013 · Remove driveshaft , place metal plate on front of pinion yoke and angle tool on metal plate to get pinion angle . 4 degrees |/| Engine/ Transmission: 1. You play a game with pinion angle and castor angle. Our automobile team discusses the causes of this unwanted noise and provides solutions below. Apr 12, 2010 · Driveline vibration well come and go and certain speeds. Unfortunately, you can't fix it by simply shimming the pinion. it feels like it vibrates and shakes more with speeds after 70mph. May 30, 2017 · Driveline yoke angle at pinion 3. Give it a try Jul 1, 2012 · Front axles with poor pinion angles are often the cause of vibration. This didn't change the vibration at all. I also installed the BMR carrier bushing which is much less compliant than the stock carrier bushing. I have tried 2 driveshafts with no change. Apr 28, 2011 · Mustang S197 Forums (2005-2014) 2011-2014 Mustang GT Tech Nov 14, 2005 · Getting close to 3 degrees can only be accomplished by notching the upper trans crossmember in the tunnel and raising the trans with a shim. A straight driveline delivers the most power to the rear wheels. May 11, 2011 · That being said my vote is on the pinion angle being off, or the u joints just failed or got worse with the increase in pinion angle. Mine was off, and adjusting it helped. Nov 13, 2017 · Also Pinion bearing is worn/leaking. 4. Another thing is that this vibration starts at 60mph exactly. Does anyone have any ideas? Can someone tell me the correct proceedure to check the pinion angle? Can a bad pilot bearing display these symptoms? Thanks in advance. When mis-aligned, will often whine on accel or deccel, depending on direction of mis-alignment. Whether you’re going for a clean street stance or an aggressive drop, adjusting the pinion angle is a critical step that too many guys overlook. The transmission angle is the angle between the transmission’s tail shaft and a true horizontal line. Steering problems: In extreme cases, a bad pinion bearing can cause damage to the drivetrain. Aug 3, 2002 · Also +1 for the traction bars, they really help with the climbing of the pinion angle among other pros/cons 1966 Mustang - 2760Lbs - 91' 302 [AFR165 , XE264HR12 , Perf RPM, Hooker Comps, QFT 650DP] - TKO 600 - 3. Here are a few typical symptoms and their possible cause: Whirring noise only while decelerating at any or all speeds is most likely caused by bad pinion bearings or loose pinion bearing preload, and almost never by bad Aug 16, 2005 · I did a search through the boards for "pinion angle" and came up with a good number of hits, but I didn't see anything that directly addressed both of these symptoms together. Aug 23, 2024 · Yes, an incorrect pinion angle can cause vibrations in a vehicle’s drivetrain. Does anyone know how to check that and what angle it should be at. When I installed my Shaftmasters 1 piece, the transmission angle was at -2. Just for the heck of it, I also checked the longitudinal alignment of the pinion to the driveshaft and the driveshaft to the output shaft. Jan 8, 2022 · Here is a demonstration of excessive rear diff pinion backlash. I read the between 1-3 is OK. 5 degrees of the driveshaft. 2L 5 Speed with Hurst short throw shifter, 3/4 Drop on staggered gray boss 338 18s, Flowmaster original 40 series. Maybe like the u joint is binding?? Weird vibration type deal. your pinion at 6° DOWN is a 9° difference. how would i go about checking the pinion angle? also the truck has chevy lean on the rear drivers side about a inch off dont know if that would cause anything This video explains how pinion angle changes can cause driveline vibrations, and how you can fix them for a nice smooth ride on your lifted truck. In my experience, some guys just "get it". You want the pinion angle to mirror the trans angle, equal but opposite while under power, which would be your pinion being 3° UP. 5* on my pinion worked out. I read somewhere that you should have ~2 degrees preload on the pinion with leaf springs. Probably 89/91 degrees. in my case the driveshaft pointed down toward the back 3 degrees. e. 7 Rear Diff: 88. This will cause a vibration at speed. FAQ Aug 30, 2015 · My car is lowered significantly from a stock ride height and as you know, this makes the diff higher relative to the transmission. 5" lift and pinion angle on the transfer case caused the boot to tear on the stock shaft. Having visited many forums and web sites the general consensus for setting up the pinion angle on a traditional setup with the crankshaft center line level or slightly down and the pinion lower than transmission output shaft would be 1/2* to 2* down in a four bar situation. 3L Chevy May 29, 2013 · Join us now! Menu. Usually when a vibration is at a certain speed it's a u-joint or tire issue. I would try to keep the angle below 3 degrees on both. Get an angle finder and check them. Feb 14, 2018 · I read around that pinion angle may cause this issue, mainly on lifted trucks but also can happen from weak leaf springs. Jan 23, 2011 · Been fighting a vibration that starts around 80km/h and gets worse up to 110lm/h then basically goes away past 125km/h. Adjusting the pinion angle will also change the caster. The angle looks good to me eyeballing and with the angle finder. I'm not sure what else to look for. Aug 7, 2011 · I'll deal with my pinion angle issue later. Tell us what each angle is: Trans shaft angle (should be down) driveshaft angle (should slope down) pinion angle (should be down) Jan 21, 2010 · After searching days on the site, finally tracked down my 50-60 mph "shudder" vibration. Nov 20, 2014 · Wayne, Great article and reiteration how important pinion angle is in a performance vehicle. 8 (pointing to ground - from 90 deg) Driveshaft: 5. This quick guide will … Jun 22, 2016 · I was able to adjust the front pinion angle and get it to within about 5 degrees without negatively affecting too much upfront. Would these reasons ie bushing and pinion angle cause the vibration starting at this speed or would it vibrate at lower speed also? Thanks for the ideas!!!!! Jan 29, 2006 · I pulled the axles and they're true. I have a slight vibration in the gas pedal when I accelerate down hills and while I'm coasting, also if I take it on the highway and go like 70mph. There are angle related vibrations and there are Jun 2, 2018 · Problem: Driveline / driveshaft vibration. but I think I may have a problem with it. There is absolutely none of the typical other symptoms such as whining, roaring or any gear May 29, 2013 · Join us now! Menu. Sep 6, 2006 · Out of balance driveshaft/wrong pinion angle? Can anybody tell me the symptoms of these two? I'm trying to figure out what's up with my truck. see last post 12/4 - Vibrations are tolerable, but still present. I adjusted my pinion angle 6 times this week trying to get this vib to go away. Oct 10, 2017 · When it comes to pinion angle, Jerry Bickel concurs: “There should be no pinion angle (Zero-Degrees) on acceleration, or vibrations, power loss and universal joint breakage can result. See last post. The pinion angle is simply the angle between the rear end’s pinion shaft and a true horizontal line. If they are off they can cause bearing damage in the transfer case output, transmission, and rear differential. Normally, with a CV shaft, the pinion angle should be about 1-2 degrees below the drive shaft angle to get the best performance. Driveshaft Harmonics. I set my pinion angle within 1. 1-88. I just got some advice from a speed shop and it kinda goes against what I have learned in the past about how my pinion angle should be set so here goes. For those that are tinkering with lightly modified street cars, you'll find that with OEM type suspension Mar 9, 2024 · Pinion angle is vital to drivetrain geometry, ensuring smooth power transfer and component durability in 4WD vehicles. Nov 18, 2007 · I also tryed using the front shaft on the rear and still had the vibration. They could be caused by other driveline or axle components. Feb 5, 2025 · Most GM A bodies had a bout a 4* down angle I measure at trans output shaft but balancer is good too So if 4 down then you want pinion at 3-4 up to get a 1-3* operating angle at ujoints Setting pinion angle is the first step to getting the driveshaft operating a between 1-3* for vibration free long lasting street car Dec 14, 2017 · Adjust the pinion down to correct acceleration-related vibrations and adjust the angle upward to correct deceleration vibrations. Jul 6, 2024 · I've read through all the threads and watched videos about vibrations after a lift and understand pinion angle vs. The engineer said he would evaluate the pinion height (split in the driveshaft), adjust it by changing the ride height of the bed and the centering of the carrier bearing, then my problem would be resolved. I bought a box of 6 of them and was able to fine tune my pinion angle to get rid of the vibration. I replaced my front drive shaft on my 08 JKRU last weekend. Jun 23, 2007 · If your trans angle is 2 degrees down then your pinion angle should be 2 degrees up, to keep them parallel. You need an angle finder Sears has them. Heavy 285s seem to exacerbate it. Thanks James This video briefly discusses how to measure pinion angle, operating angle of the driveshaft from the transfer case, and some other common issues. This vibration may be accompanied by a shaking sensation in the steering column or front end of the vehicle. Current set up: 19 Degrees (The pinion Nov 21, 2019 · Accordingly, he states: “There should be no pinion angle (0-degrees) on acceleration, or vibrations, power loss and universal joint breakage can result. Caster is the angle of your steering pivot Nov 5, 2022 · When I took it up to him and mentioned my symptoms he immediately interrupted me with "your pinion angle is wrong". 5 degree and I set my actual pinion angle to 1+ degrees. In all examples, were talking about negative pinion angle, i. Voila! the vibration went away. 003" or less. This page will help you to follow the clues and hopefully find the source of those aggravating and worrisome drive shaft noises, vibrations, and shudders. A ring and pinion gear failure is usually caused when worn, scored, or out of adjustment. 1 degrees down From what I thought the trans angle and pinion angle should be the same or parallel with each other. 5 Degrees |\| With my traction bars preventing too much pinion climbing and the bushings loaded up I should be getting about a degree or two of additional pinion angle. Gets more intense with more thottle and sounds like your driving on the rumble strip at its worst. 8 degrees downward (towards rear bumper) Driveshaft angle = 2. ” Remember that with suspension movement, the operating angle will increase, but it should not exceed a few degrees. Oct 4, 2024 · It sounds like something has changed from what you said, causing the vibration. And, I'll experiment with putting some weight over the back axle since pickups typically ride better with a little weight in the back. mike Dec 2, 2021 · Changing Pinion Angle on a 1960 Corvette. Here are the measurements I took last night usuing my phone's inclinometer. As power is applied to the rearend, the pinion gear tries to climb the ring gear. Aug 24, 2015 · What are some signs of an incorrect pinion angle? I lowered my leaf spring nova about 3 inches or so and now under hard acceleration, it sounds different. Still get a slight vibration at certain speeds from the worn pinion bearing that I haven't replaced yet but am confident that when I do it will take out all vibration. '69 Base 427 BBC +. Lifting will increase the angle, a dropped transfercase will make it even worse. Often in the form of a humming, growling, or whirring sound, this noise can become severe if left unchecked. The 6 degree shim measures too high by about 2. It’s possible that the sounds you’re hearing are not differential-related. However if I set my pinion in this range I get a vibration. Jan 15, 2025 · Lowering your truck isn’t just about looks—it’s about performance. :headscratch: I'm also interested in finding out how you change the angle if May 29, 2008 · I have had the same vibration since I installed my 4. The vibration is most evident in the gear shift and floor of the car, and to a lesser degree in the steering wheel. I would check other things like axle wrap will change the angle. Jun 14, 2015 · Then they adjust the actual pinion angle to 0, and the tail shaft of the 2 piece driveline remains at -2. 1/27/18 - it's gotta be the CV axles. If you shim the pinion, you will decrease the angle at the pinion joint. 3 degrees upward (towards the Jul 27, 2022 · Vibration: A failing pinion bearing can also cause vibration, which may be felt through the steering wheel, seat, or floor of the car. 5 degrees but the vibration occurs at around 70mph. i believe it was JTR that shimmed the trans and driveshaft carrier bearing up to correct pinion angle. As far as testing you need a dial angle gauge. Feb 11, 2010 · Vibration at "float" will most likely be caused by bad bearings in the diff, or bad u-joints. But when I had the 4 degree shims the vibration occurred around 65mph. Aug 23, 2024 · Here are some signs that your pinion angle might be causing vibration: Vibration at Specific Speeds: If you notice vibrations only at certain speeds, particularly during acceleration or deceleration, this could be a sign of a pinion angle issue. ” As a result of this, you have to set the pinion angle to take into account changes in geometry as the car hooks and accelerates down the track (or road). Tranny is 2* up, dif is 2* down, driveshaft was at a . So my bet at that point would be pinion angle since the vibration is in the tunnel directly down the middle of the car. 88" open, iron oval port, #3999241 * Edelbrock Performer RPM * Holley 830 Annular Oct 2, 2002 · The tranny-driveshaft angle was about -3 degrees and the driveshaft-pinion angle was about 1 degree (both relative to the longitudinal axis of the driveshaft). To understand pinion angle in the front, one also has to understand caster. But if the angles are like 3 down , 4 up, and 7 down--it will vibrate. FAQ Feb 18, 2024 · I'm going to take my truck to a drive shaft shop to have pinion angle checked and adjusted if needed, as well as the drive shaft balanced with new U-joints and carrier bearing. There are different types of drive shaft vibrations. Sep 12, 2017 · The Spicer website also includes a chart of values for vibration free performance, showing driveshaft RPM vs operating angle when the operating angles exceed the 3 1/2-degree limit. Before that it's smooth as silk. Now I have a slight vibration at ~40 mph. The symptoms you described are classic of u-joint angle vibrations. Join us now! Menu. Aug 20, 2017 · 4/3/18 - Driveshaft and pinion angle. Angle vibrations have different symptoms, depending on what the cause of the problem is. Vibrations: Vibration is one of the pronounced signs you can easily notice. It sounded like something in the drivetrain grinding/armageddon. -Jonathan 2000 Sonoma Extended cab 2. And once you’ve heard a clunk, howl, whine, or vibration, you’ll want to diagnose it. Mar 29, 2018 · The Vibration is present on street tires NT05s / Track Tires NT01s in the same place so I know it's not wheel / tire issues as it's happening on both sets. The angle is basically dead on sitting still in a parking lot with the suspension loaded so it's highly likely that once I'm towing and laying down the 'ol Cummins torque that it's causing the angle to change. Oct 13, 2010 · Yeah ,I know the book says keep'em equal but your equipment is modified past the point of being able to do that. When the pinion angle is misaligned, it can lead to uneven rotation of the driveshaft and increased wear on the U-joints, resulting in noticeable vibrations, especially at certain speeds. Mar 24, 2003 · Ok so I've been pulling my hair out trying to get rid of this vibration. im going to try and swap the rear rims out and see if that works. Worn-out pinion bearing results in noticeable vibration or differential noise on acceleration. I can’t tell if the vibration is the driveshaft or the tires. The pinion angle should be parallel to the transmission shaft angle as often as possible to minimize vibrations. Feb 15, 2025 · My pinion is pointing down slightly in comparison to the driveshaft. Apr 26, 2020 · So therefore I replaced all three of the u joints with the recommended spricer 1310x as well as the CV ball with a MOOG ball kit. Manufacturers design their vehicles to maintain the optimum pinion angle as often as possible. May 26, 2017 · In your case, it appears that the pinion is operating at an intersecting angle to the driveshaft. 030, 9. The best way I can think of to measure it is with a magnetic digital angle finder. Feb 6, 2017 · For example, if the trans shaft to front section joint angle is 5* down, the center joint is 0*, and the rear shaft to pinion angle is 5* up, it will be smooth. 7 degrees downward (towards rear bumper) Pinion angle = . My conception of pinion angle (the aforementioned rabbit hole): Pinion angle is the alignment of carrier (or transmission) output to the rear differential pinion input. Are you positive it is a drive shaft u-joint angel vibration. I just adjusted my castor with the lower control arm bolts/eccentrics till I got the front axle pinion at the same angle as the front drive shaft. I shimmed mine 1/2" which got the driveline angle to about 3. Since yours was before the new tires I'd look at the joints. Now the Those who have dropped the front diff with a diff drop will have changed the front pinion angle. However, the other end will still have a pretty good angle to it. 4 degrees.
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