Normal female body count reddit. But that man needs to be the BEST option.
Normal female body count reddit High body count indicates that someone has had sex with a lot of people. There's a range for me, and honestly I don't know what I'd feel like if someone were to tell me more than a handful. I myself have a body count of 2, mainly because I only cared to be with two women as part of two longterm relationships, one of whom I'm still with after ten years. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. If body count of your partner doesn’t matter to you then it shouldn’t matter to him as well. It's not insecure for someone's body count to be a turn-off, that goes for both men and women. Women die with an average body count of 9. I took time to pick partners, I do not sleep around to fill a void or avoid my emotions. he doesn’t get feedback, he doesn’t ask if it was good. But that man needs to be the BEST option. Looking online it seems that most articles say that for 30 years of age it's around 5 sexual partners for men, and 3 or 4 for women. If the body count is a reflection of that, whatever it is, that’s a problem. This is a generalization but in my experience people with high numbers often lack impulse control. Men like Andrew Tate shame women for having casual sex and raising their body counts…. high body count is- you either like what you’re doing, or you haven’t ever had a good partner. , & Tanfer, K. Typically the less you make the higher your body count. It shouldn't be the number of people you've shared an intimate relationship with regardless of whether there was emotional intimacy there or not. Or you look like a person with the body count of less than 1. Body count (especially for women) communicates information about one's character and attitudes toward life. I don't wanna wife up a used up car. I have had a handful of conversations with guys who think that only a women’s body count matters and the man’s isn’t important. To be fair, at my skinniest my body looked like this. For either a man or woman, I'd say that a "high" body count is: 10+ by age 21 20+ by 28ish 30+ by 40 FWIW I'm a guy and I don't think a "high" body count is bad for a woman (double the "high" number would be iffy for a relationship). It annoys me very much. Additionally you discuss the misnomer of high count women correlates with higher divorce rates. If it's a smaller college, the number will be lower. As long as you keep your personal and professional life separate then I don’t see how either will affect each other. There should be no "set acceptable" body count for women. If we are talking about murder victims, 1 is too many for both men and women. while being the same men raising their body counts. It’s waaaay more close to a higher number. If you go to any party university then the number there will probably be higher then for normal girls. They attack anyone with standards. ever since july, i have began sleeping around. A bodycount of 5 on a 22 year old female is on the low end of average, since she’ll probably end up sleeping with many more men and get closer to the 10-15 average range by the time she is in her 30’s. On the flipside females tend to be more forgiving and even prefer males with higher body counts. They have their reasons and defenses for their logic, but I think it’s bullshit. That's lifetime. 14 is either high or low or just normal entirely depending on your social circle. Lifetime body count for women in this generation and the one before that is not 2 or 3 like some claim. Maybe they think they’re phenomenal in bed bc of their high body count. "Body count" is a ridiculous thing to get mad about in the first place and I think a lot of them lie/exaggerate in both directions, but especially a young hot single person who's already done LI is likely to have a much higher one than your average random mid-20s person. Not saying that is normal, but it is the truth. If it does then it means you guys aren’t compatible and is not a potential partner for you. Women are, on average, more promiscuous than men. Not many of them running with spares. Only people who think otherwise are women with high body counts and men with low standards. They deem her unworthy of a committed relationship even if she wants one if they know she’s had many casual sexual partners, then throw a fit when she feels the same way about a man who has had many casual sexual partners. We My body count will be 1, nothing more and nothing less (assuming I never experience divorce in my life) to the woman who will be my wife, the mother of my children and my lifelong best friend. You also say a bunch of nonsense. it is probably because my closest guy I've been with plenty of women with high body counts that were terrible in bed. Take your time with him to see if he's serious or not before you get into bed with him. As you get older it kind of doesn’t matter, but context can. I am a women and I do not date men who have a high body count. If anybody ever asks- Your body count is nobody’s business. A low body count is negligible but once its obvious you have been around town its hard for many men to let that go. Yes body count matters, conditionally. I couldn't even try to give you my body count because I lost count somewhere in high school. Men die with an average body count of 7. : A body count of 1? Hell no, doesn’t matter. I on the other hand only had 2 casual experiences, every other woman I was at least dating. If someone is 50 and has a body count of 300, that’s like 9 people per year since their 18th. permalink Because somehow, manosphere/incel language like body count, looksmaxxing, chad, female (used when talking gender and not sex), low/high value man/woman, and ranking people with numbers have become normalized Having previous sex partners also increased the likelihood that dating and married women would have secondary sex partners. 6 bodies is very low, women could A man's body count indicates how many women he has conquered while a women's body count indicates how many times she has been conquered. And I think if it wasn't for women buying into the fallacy of "It's fine for a guy to sleep around, but not women? That's hypocritical!" women wouldn't sleep around so much. If someone rejects you because of your body count then they aren’t the one for you. 47M subscribers in the AskReddit community. which leads to marriage decline, divorce, relationship trauma and society collapse. I'm not surprised young men think some women just get sacrificed so dudes can get their body count 'value' up, only to reject those same women as long term relationship material. Or if a guy or girl has a 100 relationships that didn't work out this going to be a red flag. Plus I think that men with high body count shouldn’t except the women you date to have a low body count and shame them for having a high one when you yourself have a high one… And if you’re not a virgin yourself, for the love of god don’t expect the woman to be a virgin. Body count question is gross, but asking about last time they were tested and status is important and should be more normalized between two people looking to be intimate. This is the aspect of people’s lives that is so unequal and sexist. Pair that with double jointed arms that bend back and it is completely "normal" (whatever that means). 000. It does not indicate anything else. I think it depends on age too. Real women can have broad shoulders or narrow shoulders. A 10 body count guy to expect a 10 body count girl. Actually convo I had in my early 20s: Them: so what’s your body count? Me: does only consensual times counts? Women also just don’t like sleeping around, they would much rather have one man. Caring about body count is 100% normal. Saying anything different is misogynistic. Both of us arrived at similar endpoints even though we had very different lifestyles. Let's focus on building each other up, not tearing each other down. Joking aside, it doesn't really matter to me at all, as long he isn't judgmental and doesn't start comparing me to women he has previously been with (I really don't need to hear that). High body count women should be recreational use only fellas 43M subscribers in the AskReddit community. the more sexual partners the less satisfaction they have not even talking about the Women who have had steady boyfriends consistently throughout high school, college, maybe 1-2 years of actually being “single”, would probably have a lower notch count than say women who haven’t really had a stable relationship through those formative years, where 30+ bodies is common amongst these girls. " Also, women: "I make less than 50k a year 5'1 over weight don't workout, but I want a man who's 6'2" worksout, in shape, and makes $250k+ a year. By that I don't necessarily mean body count, but values regarding sex. Men and women generally both care about body count not sure why you make it a men vs women thing. women who have more than 3 4 sex partners cant develop long term relationships. Women I've known tended to have a few old flings in reserve to fill the voids, so those didn't add to a body count. From women that literally starfished because they thought simply being wet and willing was "good sex" for me. I hate women that lash out deflecting because they aren't proud of their actions. That just means high body count person needs to find a different partner who has different standards. i have a body count that i am not proud of and it's starting to take over every thought in my head. ” As long as you’re free of STDs, don’t have unwanted pregnancies, keep having safe sex, and keep up with pap smears, and don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, you’re 100% fine. I have no idea how many women my boyfriend has slept with other than me. Men and women are different and experience life differently. • firstly the whole 10+ bodies or 20+ or 5+ body count or body count range argument is pointless and arbitrary , like I said above for me it’s the reason why , I don’t care whether you’re Girl or guy running through many bodies in a small time of frame , over a long time of frame , doesn’t really matter. Personally as someone with a very low “body count” I’d rather be with someone else that also has a low one too. Plus, the baggy pants exaggerate the shape. Obviously in that thread, the problem was the boyfriend being controlling more than anything but some were talking about how a high body count is bad for a variety of reasons. I’m curious, what do you consider high? And answer your last question for us too. A low double digit body count because you genuinely just met shitty guys you wanted, and thought you had, a relationship with? Not ideal but can be overlooked. The point is most of you are looking for women with low n count and act surprised when such women prefer the same. The end result is these low count women end up getting a disease or infection that further stigmatizes them. Reply reply Body count doesn't immediately mean he's a player. A place to laugh at all those clueless to how girls work. By my age (51) it just depends on how much they partied when you get, and if/how long the marriage lasted. 41) Forste, R. It can reveal incompatible views on how someone treats sex. its not irrational fear its biological facts. I do understand that she is older than me and that her body count isn't obnoxiously high, but it still bothers me. Oct 11, 2024 · Women: Body count doesn’t matter, especially in the case of women with high body counts. When ones self worth is in the toilet, you can literally become one. The only logical reason why I think anyone will care about somebody’s body count is because of STD’s. But you see my point now. But it also varies greatly by income. Women have to make an effort to not have hookups, while men give to make an effort to have hookups. Write them a letter then burn it to release it. Why should he improve or be “great in bed” when it’s not necessary. Give yourself the love you desire. You’re actually fine. So yeah, I’m 18, have a body count of 0 but I honestly couldn’t give two shits. They just don’t consider it as much as men do. My body count is only 3 while hers is 7. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. It can't be quantified. Like a woman and I had the same body count but she didn't really like any of the dudes she fucked and looked at it as fun experience. Lately I have been seeing videos on social media on men discussing women’s body count and why it matters to them. All of them were short relationships. I am so over dating men and then them inevitably bringing up how a women is less valuable when she has slept with multiple… Non religious women don’t care about body count as a deal breaker. (1996). Hello i am 21F Recently moved away to college and finding myself insecure about only had been in one relationship, have only kissed one person, and having one body count… in college everyone seems so free spirited and a lot of my views have changed (where I am celibate and looking for the right person). This does not include podcast clips or tweets from those (especially public figures) who constantly recite typical misogynistic rhetoric, and make a profit or following off of intentionally disparaging women online/in media; We will not give them free publicity here, or even more attention. Women: "It's stupid for men with high body counts to want women with low body counts. Soyou'll be putting up your red flag for things that are likely not things you think they are. A body count approaching double digits? Meh, not ideal but not bad. Men or women with high body count, likely aren't going to care about their partners body count. Depends on what kinds of bodies you are counting. For men, women usually desire a man with a higher body count since that means he is desirable. So i guess, it's fair for a no body count dude to expect a no body count girl. I think I'd be good until they hit the 3 digits, but someone with a high body count have different tendencies than people with a low body count. Any person seeking that info is only looking to judge. I don't have a body count yet, and I would like a similar partner. Again, Specially in less developed states I was just discussing with someone what the average body count (number of people slept with) is for a 30 year old. There are 28 year olds out there with a body count over 100. women value status and the ability to provide and protect men value beauty, purity, and humility. Also, I dislike the phrase "body count" to refer to the number of partners one has had. Around 650 million body count below age 26, and in that 320 million Indian women and 330 million Indian men. Everyone is different and free to sleep with as little or as many consenting people as they wish. i truly regret so much of it. Your not in big trouble, your 20. And 2. Your body count should NEVER matter. Every person as a specific preference. I wouldn’t accept someone who didn’t meet either of those standards for me. And men constantly shame women for having a high body count when it has a lot to do with THEIR behaviour. You have to be an idiot to think that women “like” when a man has a high body count. A high body count usually indicates sex is a sport with no emotional attachment whereas a low body count could indicate a person needs an emotional connection to be intimate and wants their sexual encounters to be meaningful. Once I regained my health and my libido returned to normal and was able to be active again, I found it was just boring. You want someone to love you even with your body count. Girl people lie about their body counts. Literally a count of the dead bodies on the scene of the crime. Men seem to care about Women’s body count when looking for a long-term relationship. I find that people who are obsessed with their partner’s body count are insecure in themselves. Low body count - you had a great partner, late bloomer, or religious. Aug 21, 2023 · On forums like Reddit, for instance, posts about body counts are framed with questions like, “Does a woman’s body count actually matter to men?” and “Should a woman’s body count be a A body count that reflects one has lived life like a responsible, well-adjusted adult is best. Same body count and completely different values. A low body count tends to suggest that she is wary of sex (or of men) and that it may take a long time for her to develop a more positive sexual outlook. It's also not true that all women have cellulite and everybody has stretchmarks but simultaneously, many people with the huge smooth bottoms are editing those pics. Long legs, long torsos, long limbs, or something else. There’s no “normal” amount. Men or women with low body count tend to want a partner with similar body count. Body count is the number of people dead and a murder scene. It just simply isn’t. Most recent studies say that normal for an adult is around 5. Either way IDGAF, if you’re letting me into the party I’m just happy to be there. My girlfriend has a low, low body count of eight. If you compare access to sex for the average looking (solely based on appearance), women versus the average (income, charisma, and appearance) man, then there is no surprise that men care about body count. Bingo! People are entitled to their standards. Crypto I don’t personally agree with using body count as an indicator of honor or self respect or whatever these people have in mind. Men and women are opposites, body count lowers a womans value but raises a man's, women let other women determine a man's sexual value, ever notice its hard to meet someone when u ain't seeing anyone? Yet When u got 2 or 3 girls to hook up with meeting the next one is effortless. Women in our friendzone get the benefits, but won't get a commitment. If men were really serious about preserving a woman’s chastity they’d avoid having sex with women in order to maintain that. The best indicator of whether someone will have a high body count is age and opportunity, other factors are minor in comparison. Women do care about body count specifically if the body count is less than 1. it's not sky high but it's just not something i'm proud of and i am very young for a body count so high. There’s no right answer. That seems way too low. " 🤦♂️ I know people in their 30’s (men and women) who have slept with one person and others who have slept with over 100. So 1. I just want to have a discussion on why men care about women’s body count. Not to mention the psychological side effects such as diminished pair bonding, comparing partners etc. Many women are just trying to date and find love, while men are out there only trying to raise their body count. Yes me too a lot of teens are having sex a lot younger than normal and if you want a virgin you are pretty much asking for a 12-13 yr old because it’s super The body count issue with women & why men care is pretty simple, it shows insecurity & that she’s always looking for the next thing. Business, Economics, and Finance. In particular, married women with 4 or more previous partners were 20 times more likely to have secondary sex partners than married women with no previous sex partners (pg. BUT HIGH BODY COUNT DOES BOT EQUAL QUALITY. If someone’s like 20 and their body count is 300, I’d be a little more weirded out. Hello everyone. Not sure why this is so hard for people to wrap their heads around. It is fairly easy for a women to get sex so having a higher body count is worse for women. Having a high count or a permiscuous reputation is the easiest way to our friendzone. To me body count matters, whether it be man or women in my opinion it’s all the same. But, on the plus side, when that happens, sex is more likely to be special to her and a more emotional experience which can be incredibly powerful. Lower body count could mean that the person is very picky and has very high standards sa pagpili ng partner as well as good judgement with people. My partner (he has a higher body count than me) has a low body count and prefers women with a low body count. Why,if a woman has a body count of 5 or more is a whore, but if a man has a body count of 5 , or even 1. Women are shamed left and right yet men have no problem taking them to bed while judging their body count as “not wife material. Like put it in perspective, if she’s given her body to 50 plus guys at 25 & hardly been in a relationship with any of them, what does that tell you? You deserve love still. Usually the men with the kind of traits that women like, other women like too, so these men usually have higher body counts. A 50yo virgin has issues and so does a 20yo with a body count of 20+. It depends on the environment. Men also have a friendzone, but our friendzone is different. Small hips or wide or in-between. Note: For every alive human, there is 1 body to count. And to tie it back to the post. This person is correct. It's weird that people don't understand that people are generally attracted to others who are like them. Such a woman would also value themselves the way I do. Body count doesn’t matter to me on its own. What’s your age, ethnicity, country of residence and body count? Uhhhh 13, 5 female and 8 guys, my girlfriend hit me with the “so what’s your body count babe?¿” so I told her and she cried just bc she was upset ig at the answer so yeah… is 13 alot?¿ Lowkey feeling self conscious… 152 votes, 114 comments. Believe it or not but some people's bodies do look like this and that's also okay and not something to be ridiculed or shamed. He got his dick wet and he’s good. I didn't know that. Body count preference is like hair color preference. If someone has any issue telling you their body count or lies about it, it's a huge red flag. Asking about someone's "body count" is like trying to measure someone's worth by the number of notches on a bedpost. Who would've thunk it. What’s offensive in your post: other than the entire thing, specifically your question about mental illness and trauma being the reason women have a “high” body count. For example - you become sexually active at 18, and have one new partner a year (which isn’t particularly high) until you are 48, that’s 30 partners. 000, is cool, respected and absolutely fine. I would have absolutely no problem if my body count was around the same as hers. To me asking for a “Body count” is an inadvertent way of shaming/outing SA survivors, especially women survivors. Also, the consequences of a women's body are worse. Or generalize all women as whores when they don’t even know these women. Anyone is free to feel however they want about their body count. At least where I'm from "body count" refers specifically to how many people have been killed in a mass murder. its enjoyment for men (which I doubt personally) but not for women. A lot of comments talking about how a high body count is a turn off, is problematic, etc. . Start healing from the pain that someone has caused you. i feel like i'm not as valuable of a person as i was before all of it. You can have whatever preferences you want within a relationship, and having a promiscuous past can be a turn off for both men and women. But a high or low count is no reason to be shamed. First off this isn't a double standard, men who have a triple digit body count are disgusting too. It's all about respect and treating each other as equals, regardless of past experiences. this process is already on going. Stick to high n count women then if you don’t want to be filtered out for your n count And my point is if they really did they wouldn’t be arguing with men about n count as well, in which they are they should be agreeing with men. my view on bodies count goes like this. A guy with high body count probably fucks once then leaves. When women (and men) lose the ability to pair bond with their significant other, their likelihood of committing adultery goes up 5x to 30x, and women with a body count of over 7 have a divorce likelihood of over 90%. I dated someone with a body count of ~150. He has standards and so do I. I had an illness diagnosis at 27 that made me very sick so I stopped having sex for a few years. What matters to me is similar relationship experience and similar sexual values. Some research has even show that a “low” body count is in the double digits. Caring about body count is deep Lindy - it's arguably an evolved instinct. If their "body count" question is because of health status just correct their wording and let them know last time you were tested and your status. Imagine a hole in the wall getting drilled again and again. This is just how masculine and feminine energies work. If a guy admitted to sleeping with 100 women most women are going to think he is a player. Pag mataas body count you can say that the person is not serious in relationships, walang standards, lacks self respect and ayaw/nahihirapan sa commitment. Average female at 19-20 years old usually has exactly 1 body. On the other hand, the idea that one should feel ashamed of a high body count is a myth. It's not equal. Simp: Yes princess, you outgrew that hoe phase. When you mismatch the numbers, you're an AH. And I've been with plenty of women with low body counts (less than 5) that were amazing lovers. She was with a guy for 27 years and was monogamous through it all. You don’t have to be in a relationship with someone like that. I personally have a low body count and prefer my partner to have a similar low count simply for the fact of how I view sex. It becomes useless. This is ridiculous. Young people live in a capitalist society where inequality is everywhere, and even celebrated - get that killer job above the plebs. I'd advise to date people who don't care, and surround yourself with people who don't shame you, whether the number is high or low. If you justify it with women being "used up" or "loose" then you are a mysogynistic prick. Posted by u/Background-Action-83 - No votes and 44 comments The issue is that some boys will often verbally harass women for how they look and assume a large body count. Maybe this statement might come out to be a rather mysoginistic opinion but this is the actual working of the nature. Anyone is free to rack up whatever number they please for whatever consensual reasons they please. There are also lots of factors. that’s just pathetic and hypocritical. He could've went through a period where he wasn't looking for a serious relationship or even was developing himself more when it comes to seducing women and was practising by just hooking up. Why a man can call a woman whore, but a woman can’t call a man like that? 🧐 Personally, and for most of my female friends that I know of as well, it’s a huge red flag if someone I was considering dating asks what my body count is bc them choosing to ask that shows me they’re a) too immature and controlling to be in a relationship with and b) still kinda in line with a lot of the rhetoric and internalized sexism Bringing this up because of the post about the woman whose partner slept with 30+ people. Absolutely. Or even just have a problem with her at one point in time, having a serious relationship that didn’t work out once. Really interesting on the "body count" thing. If you have a high body count yourself and expect your partner to have a low one you are a hypocrite. If it was true then women's body count in less developed states should have been lower than women in more developed states as the prejudice against pre marrital sx is More common in less developed states And in all states the number of women's body count Should have been lower than men. If they don't want to be with someone with a high body count, that's cool. cgekctp qphcnlg oqf inkz pqztilapf qak jfisnu cnbem gtllqw pmx lyw jfizdi qnpjza eps ygms