N9 tolerance for keyway Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 S1=Tolerance of b× 2 Slope Key (Code T) 1 S2=Tolerance of h× 2 Section of Key Gib Head Key Section of Key (A-A) h2=h, f=h, e≈b Section of Key Groove h2=h, f≈h, e=b 1 S2=Tolerance of h× 2 1 S1=Tolerance of b× 2 2. maximum 45 deg chamfer or radius r_1. Related: Link to this Webpage. 8 +0. to DIN 7157, 1. com Supersedes 04-17 Page 45 N9 tolerances . The advantage of the Js9 tolerance is that the key can be inserted and the Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 This document provides specifications for keyway tolerances according to AGMA 9002-A86 and ANSI B17. 1 12 4 4 4 13. Albero - Foro N9) UNI ISO 286-2 (ex UNI 6388 ISO R. 1 1. 025: h9: 0. 1 10 121 4 4 R0150 0150 1 8 1. 1 mm Increment F / S 1 mm Increment Keyway (1) Keyway (2) KB, B Keyway (3) KC, C Retaining Ring No. One of the internal bores has a M6. 1mm Increment Keyway (1) Keyway (2) Keyway (3) Retaining Ring No. 001 −0 Key stock t Hub keyway s Shaft keyseat r = d-s Reference depth 5/16 3/32 3/32 Metric Standard Parallel Keyway and Key Sizes Shaft Diameter (mm) Keyway (mm) Key (mm)* From To Width (W) Depth (h) Width (W) Depth (T) 6 8 2 1. Apr 29, 2018 · Keys are solid pieces of various shapes used in combination with mating, similarly shaped slots called keyways, to fasten two parts (usually to prevent relative circumferential or rotational motion to transmit torque). 08 0. Dimensions of parallel keys and taper keys. 2-1967. keyways /keys dimension in accordance with BS 4235-1:1972: Specification for metric keys and keyways - Parallel and taper keys Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 DIN 6885-2 Extract Keyways Low Hub Keyway Positioning of the keyway: d d h b b t 4 t 3 t 2 t 1 DIN 6885 Keyway, key details Extract Page 1 heavy type d b P9 / JS9 Hub keyway b P9 / N9 Shaft keyway h t 1 = d Hub keyway b P9/N9 Shaft-keyway h t2 t4 from 6 to 8 2 2 2 1 +0. Keyway dimensions and tolerances listed in Table 5 were specified according to ISO/R773 (Normal Fit). Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 As noted above, when selecting a keyway tolerance, there are two common selections in the metric system. For each bore diameter size, the keyway width and height dimensions are given along with the reference dimension. 1 0 0. 25: 2 Tolerance (N9) Tolerance 6 2 - 0. 2 Keyway (3) KC / C Type D g6 Tolerance 1 mm Increment NSFGKR SFGKR PSFGKR SSFGKR D13, 16, 18 and 22 are not Straight with Keyway QNumber of keyways can be specified up to 3. 16 12 4 0 Straight with Keyway QNumber of keyways can be specified up to 3. 002 −0 Hub keyway w −0 Shaft keyseat h +0. (N9) Reference Dimension Tolerance 6 2 - 0. 0 1. 03 Ordering Code LKC 200≤L<500 CL±0. 08~ 8,10 3 1. Shaft tolerance for diameters not defined by ISO 286-2. Nominal Bore Diameter Clearance Bore Interference Bore Keyway “T”-DIM +0. The keyway width and height tolerances are given in fractions of an inch and reference dimensions are also provided. Length of Cut: Max. minimum 45 deg chamfer or radius r_1. of Shims: Min. Recommendations for key size, length and keyway depth as a function of shaft diameter are provided in ASME Standards B17. You are strongly advised validate any information Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 TECHNICAL DATA 11/2024 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Page 2078 | Techical formation DIN 6885 Keyway, Key Details Extract Page 1 High Type d b P9 / JS9 Hub keyway b P9 / N9 Shaft keyway h t 1 = d + t 2 t 2 t 3 = d – t 4 t 4 6 2 2 2 7 1 +0,1 4,8 1,2 +0,1 Straight with Keyway QNumber of keyways can be specified up to 3. Metric Keyway Dimensions Per ISO/R773 – P9 Width Tolerance H and Metric Key & Keyway Dimensions Per ISO/R773 – D10 Width Tolerance. 002/-. For a 1/8" square key, for a class 1 fit, the width and height need to be . 015/-0. 3 searchable steel databases (free) RoyMech was created by Roy Beardmore: Use this information at your own risk. 250 for key but 0. 125 +. This should mean that the object to be controlled is the centerplane of the slot (and not the with of the slot). It lists minimum and maximum tolerances for keyway width, height, and bore diameter size for various inch measurements ranging from 3/8 to 1 13/16 inches. The advantage of the Js9 tolerance is that the key can be This document provides information on key and keyway dimensions according to BS 4235-1:1972. The first is Js9. Once the key is inserted into the keyway, it is not going to move. 66 edition; DIN ISO 286 Part 2, 11. Js9 width Tolerance T2 Key & Keyway Dimensions Millimeters Keyway Keyway Keyway width Depth Radius "D" Nominal Hub w Hub "T2 "R" width Height Nominal Min Max Min Max Min Max Over Thru 8 2 2 2 0125 . 029 1. 08~ 0. Rotary Shafts D Tolerance h7 g6 Ground Rotary Shafts. 1 9 3 +0. The advantage of the Js9 tolerance is that the key can be inserted and the gear manipulated without much difficulty. 1 Application Notes See each product page for details. They are also useful for determining how much interference is required to lock or position two parts together. Whereas the P9 tolerance is a press fit tolerance. 1 over 10 to 12 4 4 4 1. see also • Keys DIN 6885 → Page 638 Green = "Prefered" tolerance classes per ISO 286 Find your data faster with our Fits and Tolerance Calculator The Inch values shown in the table are conversion from the mertic values per ISO 286. com hone: 1-800-877-8351 Optional Services | 2041 Keys and Keyways Low Type DIN 6885* Metric, Page 2 d b* * P9 / JS9 / D10 Hub keyway b P9 / N9 / H9 Shaft keyseat Straight with Keyway QNumber of keyways can be specified up to 3. 000 +0. One of the external shafts has a f9 while most of the other shafts have a h9 or h6. Draft angle a (for shapes G, H, J) Tolleranza dimensionale N9 per accoppiamenti meccanici. The key seat dimensions need to be . 1) The tolerance zone for hub keyway width b for parallel keys with normal fit is ISO JS9 and with close fit ISO P9. ISO Bore Tolerance Chart For bore tolerance system, Nominal sizes from 1 - 160mm DIN 7160 (8. English Standard Keyway and Key Sizes Shaft Diameter (in) Keyway (in)* Key (in) From To Width (W) Jun 18, 2015 · Keyway dimension Reference; b h C l Basic dimen sion of b 1 and b 2 Sliding type Normal type Fastening type r 1 and r 2 Basic dimen sion of t 1 Basic dimen sion of t 2 Allow ance t 1 and t 2 Compliant shaft diameter d; Basic Dimen sion Allow ance (h9) Basic Dimen sion Allowance b 1 b 2 b 1 b 2 b 1 and b 2; Allow ance (H9) Allow ance (D10) Allow Tolerance class Standard size classification; Symbol Description 0. keyways /keys dimension in accordance with BS 4235-1:1972: Specification for metric keys and keyways - Parallel and taper keys Metric Key Keyway Dimensions Per ISO/R773 - Js9 Width Tolerance. The second is a P9 tolerance. 0 +0. 1 8 3 +0. D Base dimension Width of keyway Depth of track Tolerances Base dimension Boundary Normal keyways 3 Narrow keyways 3 dimension Shaft N9 Limit S1=Tolerance of b× 2 Slope Key (Code T) 1 S2=Tolerance of h× 2 Section of Key Gib Head Key Section of Key(A-A) h2=h, f=h, e≈b Section of Key Groove h2=h,2 f≈h, e=b 1 S =Tolerance of h× 2 1 S1=Tolerance of b× 2 [Technical Data] Machine Keys and Key Grooves Excerpts from JIS B 1301(1996) 2. This is a ± band clearance where the value of the tolerance is equally oversized or undersized. 2) Sep 11, 2017 · cobra46, The most common method I've seen is a combination of size (width) and position. 251 for keyway. A list of standard keyway and corresponding key sizes for English shafts are listed below in Table 1. , Milwaukee, WI 53208-4200 USA January 2019 Telephone: 414-342-3131 Fax: 414-937-4359 www. Metric Key & Keyway Dimensions per ISO/R773 - Js9 Width Tolerance Key & Keyway Dimensions - Millimeters Shaft Diameter "D" Key Size Nominal Keyway Width Hub "W" Keyway Depth Hub "T2" Keyway Radius "R" † Over Thru Width "W" Height "H" Nominal Min Max Min Max Min Max 6 8 2 2 2 -0. TABLE 6-25 TOLERANCE ZONES - EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS (SHAFTS) (n9 n4, p9 p4) (ANSI B4. Series 1 Series 2 P7 N7 N9 M7 K7 J6 J7 H7 H8 Bore and Keyway dimensions comply with ANSI/AGMA 9002-B04 Standard. Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 TECHNICAL DATA 11/2024 Tolerance. 125+. Table 5, Keyway dimension and tolerance (mm) Bore Diameter, D Key Size Hub Keyway Dimensions Width Height Width Depth Over Through W H W W ± tol t2 t2 ± tol 6 8 2 2 2 0. The common specification dimension, Keyway Size, is highlighted. 1 Page 2078 | Techical formation DIN 6885 Keyway, Key Details Extract Page 1 High Type d b P9 / JS9 Hub keyway b P9 / N9 Shaft keyway h t 1 = d + t 2 t 2 t 3 = d – t 4 t 4 6 2 2 2 7 1 +0,1 4,8 1,2 +0,1 Nov 29, 2016 · Both tolerances are indicated as the extension of slot width dimension. d w +0. To confirm the status of any standard, identify the replacement standard if it is obsolete and/or purchase the standard please use. Tolerance (N9) Tolerance 6-2 0. Robotics. Parallel Metric Keys and Keyway Dimensions - Roy Mech Result KeyWay: b x h width x thck: Width b: Depth: Radius r: Nom: Tolerance Class: Shaft t 1: Hub t 2: Over: Incl: Free: Normal: Close/Int----Shaft H9: Hub D10: Shaft N9:. 1/4. DIN 6885/2 Keyways d b P9/JS9 Hub keyway b P9/N9 Shaft keyway h t1 = d + t2 t2 t3 = d - t4 t4 11 4 4 4 12. 25: 2 Tolerance Change L Dimension Tolerance Changes (Precision) LKC Changes "L Tolerance" to a higher precision level. 1 Question: Metric Key Keyway Dimensions Per ISO/R773. It directs readers to BSI for authenticated standards Aug 31, 2010 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 25: 2 Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 TECHNICAL DATA 11/2024 As noted above, when selecting a keyway tolerance, there are two common selections in the metric system. 8 0. Aluminum. 0 2 2 9 10 3 1. 00 Keyway width P9 tight fit (standard design) JS9 or N9 loose fit (standard design) Other tolerances / tolerance ranges must be specified separately and require a written agreement. Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 Bore tolerances dictate the permissible deviation in the diameter of a machined hole, while keyway tolerances define the acceptable variation in the dimensions of the keyway slot, crucial for transmitting torque between shafts and components. Another name for a Keyway is a Keyseat, since the Key is seated in the Keyseat. For example, clearances fits ranging from loose to precision sliding fits. 002+0. When a specialized cutter is used to cut the Keyseat, it's a Keyseat Cutter. 2! Keyway (1) Keyway (2) Keyway (3) KA - A KB - B KC - C 1 Keyway 2 Keyways 3 Keyways SFMKRR10 SFHKRR30 SFHKRR25---325 300 350--F10 F10 F10--S10 S10 S10--KA20 KA20 KA10--A50 A20 A10 - KB120 KB90 - B20 B30 - KC210 - C30 Part Number L 0. Dec 29, 2002 · Hello, I have a question about keyway tolerances as specified by ANSI B17. 010”, - . 9 008 016 12 17 5 5 5 -0150 0150 213 24 0. Tolerance value = four times the tolerance range of B. 0015/ KeyWay / Key Dimensions. 1 standards. The advantage of the Js9 tolerance is that the key can be Feb 8, 2010 · The width of the keyway is usually a P9 tolerance: the key needs to be pressed in (small rubber hammer will do), and cannot fall out. Rotary Shafts – D Tolerance h9 (Cold-Drawn) / h7 & g6 (Ground) Both Ends Tapped with Tolerances: KM/KML Metric thread, 5H: ISO 965-3 General product specifications for lock nuts requiring a keyway, previous title was Product data ISO Tolerance Calculator (Explained) Our tool is a fit/tolerance calculator that is addressed to students, employees, and apprentices (trainees) in all technical sectors. 0782" - . 16 Shape and dimensions of parallel key and keyway Shape and dimensions of taper key, headed taper key and keyway Excerpt from JIS B 1301:1996 S1 = b's tolerance× 1 2 S2 = h's tolerance× 1 2 h2 = h, f = h, e ≒ b S1 = b's tolerance× 1 2 S2 = h's tolerance× 1 2 Key body Cross section of keyway Key body When selecting a keyway tolerance, there are two common selec-tions in the metric system. UDC 621. 378-206 (PN-212395) Rexnord 3001 W. 16 8, 10 Based on standard tolerances and limit deviations in accordance with ISO 286. That would give you a line fit in the worst case, but this Hub Keyway Tolerance . Standard Metric Keys & Keyways for Metric Bores Keyway size; b h c or r Standard size of b1 and b2 Tightening type Normal type r1 and r2 t1 t2; Standard size Tolerance (h9) Standard size Tolerance b1/b2 tolerance(P9) b1 tolerance(N9) b2 tolerance(Js9) Standard size Tolerance Standard size Tolerance; 2×2: 6~8: 2: 0 -0. 25: 2 www. Where: T = D + T2. 0125 1. Keyway size; b h c or r Standard size of b1 and b2 Tightening type Normal type r1 and r2 t1 t2; Standard size Tolerance (h9) Standard size Tolerance b1/b2 tolerance(P9) b1 tolerance(N9) b2 tolerance(Js9) Standard size Tolerance Standard size Tolerance; 2×2: 6~8: 2: 0 -0. 0792 Jun 13, 2024 · Along with keyway size tolerances and keyway depth sizes, some standards also provide information on the recommended key size and keyway depth as a function of shaft diameter. This is an undersized clearance. A keyway has a N9 and the internal keyway has a j59. EQUIVALENT SURFACE FINISH N5 N6 N7 N8 N9. 1 0. The calculator has been tested, but no guarantee can be given for the accuracy of the results. 1-1967, ASME standard B17. The system of limits and fits is useful for determining tolerances of components that need to have a relationship or function with one another. 1 increment L≥500CL±0. Feb 25, 2009 · His claiming that if his going with the standard dimensions and tolerances (0. Accessory: Retaining Ring 2 pcs. 004 - 0. 000 on the keyway) at the max key and min keyway you have a problem and the components are not going to fit and that is why his proposing 0. Explore how Rototip brought ss 304 axle with keyway on n9 tolerance to life for the robotics industry. 000” . 4 3 3 Keyway width P9 tight fit (standard design) JS9 or N9 loose fit (standard design) Other tolerances / tolerance ranges must be specified separately and require a written agreement. 2. 025: 2: 0 -0. 000/-. Unless otherwise specified, the shaft keyway is assumed to be standard. Material name. 1 Oct 18, 2024 · N9 M7 K7 J6 J7 H7 H8 H11 G7 F8 E9 D9 D10''Standard Bore and Keyway Tolerances Inch and mm April 30th, 2018 - Square Keyway Tolerances 3 8 3750 7 16 4375 Page 1 of 6 PFEIFER INDUSTRIES LLC 2180 Corporate Lane Suite 104 Metric Key & Keyway Dimensions Per ISO/R773 – Js9 Width Tolerance « + Keyways will be furnished per ISO/R773 and Js9 width tolerance unless otherwise specified. Length of Cut: HAS. Part Number L Tolerance (N9) Reference Tolerance 6-2 0. The page provides inch and metric keyway dimensions with corresponding common values and width tolerance information. rexnord. Could anyone offer a simpler explaination of what I am seeing. 4. A Key goes into the Keyway to lock things up. Woodruff keys and keyway dimensions. Understanding and applying standard bore and keyway tolerances is essential for achieving optimal fits. (Dimensions comply with DIN 6885/1) Jun 18, 2015 · Keyway dimension Reference; b h C l Basic dimen sion of b 1 and b 2 Sliding type Normal type Fastening type r 1 and r 2 Basic dimen sion of t 1 Basic dimen sion of t 2 Allow ance t 1 and t 2 Compliant shaft diameter d; Basic Dimen sion Allow ance (h9) Basic Dimen sion Allowance b 1 b 2 b 1 b 2 b 1 and b 2; Allow ance (H9) Allow ance (D10) Allow For surfaces less than 100 mm, the tolerance is reduced by 0,04 mm in direct proportion to the actual extension, but not to less than 0,02 mm. jwwinco. 1 -0. 2 + 0. 65) Nominal dimension Tolerance Zones over to U7 S7 R7 P7 P9 N7 N9 M7 K7 J7 JS9 H7 H8 H11 G7 F7 F8 E8 E9 D10 deviations in µm 1 3 -18 -14 -10 -6 -6 -4 -4 -2 0 +4 +12. 4 +0. 2! May 5, 2009 · DIN 6885-1 :- Key, Hub Keyway, Shaft Keyway Details and Dimensions DIN 6885/1 :- Definition Drive Type Fastenings without Taper Action; Parallel Keys, Keyways, Deep Pattern Keyway (1) Keyway (2) Keyway (3) KA - A KB - B KC - C 1 Keyway 2 Keyways 3 Keyways SFMKRW10 SFHKRW30 SFGKRW25---325 300 350 - M4 M10 M8 - N4 N10 N8--KA20 KA20 KA10 - A50 A50 A60 - KB120 KB90 - B20 B30 - KC210 - C30 Number of keyways can be specified up to 3. 286) Size classification [mm] d e f g h; Over Equal to or lower than d8 d9 e7 e8 e9 f6 f7 f8 g5 g6 h5 h6 h7 h8 h9; 3 6-30-48-30-60-20-32-20-38-20-50 The table above shows the dimension of the keyway / keyseat for each available hub bore diameter. (Retaining Nov 2, 2022 · Iso 2768 hole tolerances full# H7/h6 is a very common standard tolerance which gives a tight fit. Canal St. The tolerance zone for shaft keyway width b with normal fit is ISO N9 and with close fit ISO P9. 16 8, 10 Mar 17, 2024 · 2 iso-keyway-tolerances-p9 principle. The original drawing has a separate dimension tolerance for the width -> N9 (not showed on the hereby attachment). 05 When using LKC, L dimensions can be specified in 0. 002/-0. 2! Straight with Keyway QNumber of keyways can be specified up to 3. The document also notes that the information has not been independently verified and should be used at the user's own risk. The keyways are dimensioned for use with a stock key class 2 in order to get a tight fit combination. Scope- Covers the dimensions and tolerances for parallel keys and keyways. Slope Key, Gib Head Key and Key Groove Key Nominal Dimension b×h Dimension of Key Groove Reference Reference Dimension of b1, b2 Dec 15, 2018 · The second is a P9 tolerance. 16 0. 002. 25 J-9 Keyway Width Tolerance: For Standard Millimeter Keys: Dimensions of Broach: No. EL<200 CL±0. 5 +10 +14 +60 +12 +16 +20 +28 +39 +60 Green = "Prefered" tolerance classes per ISO 286 Find your data faster with our Fits and Tolerance Calculator The Inch values shown in the table are conversion from the mertic values per ISO 286. The width tolerance controls the size and form of the keyway, and the position tolerance controls the location and orientation of the centerplane (usually with the axis of the shaft OD as the datum feature). 5 thous errors wehn comparing with ANSI B4. 0125 +0. KeyWay /Key Dimensions. 1 2. This is a +/- band clearance; the value of the tolerance is equally oversized or undersized. This document provides specifications for square keyway tolerances according to AGMA 9002-A86 and ANSI B17. 1-1967 (R1998). 5or more 3 or below Over 3 6 or below Over 6 30 or below Over 30 120 or below Over 120 400 or below Jan 17, 2024 · Tolerance Chart N9 Keyway Tolerance Chart PDF documents docucu archive com. Practical Application (47) – Automatic calculation of dust seal specifications. 25: 2 KeyWay /Key Dimensions. 90 edition Tolerance zones shown forTolerance zones shown for nominal dimension 60 mm ISO abbrev. BASIS OF SELECTION FOR FITS Excerpts from ?Product Manual. Practical use (47) – Wrench bolt specifications and drawing dwg Industries Iso Keyway Tolerances P9 Downloaded from. keyways /keys dimension in accordance with BS 4235-1:1972: Specification for metric keys and keyways - Parallel and taper keys ISO Tolerance Zones, Allowances, Fit Tolerances Inside Dimensions (Holes) ISO tolerance zones, allowances, fit tolerances; Inside dimensions (holes) acc. Refer to ISO 773 or DIN 6885 sheet 1 for metric keyway depth tolerances . 5 +0. It includes tables with specifications for nominal key diameters and widths, tolerances, depths, radii and ranges of lengths. you should expect about 0. Feb 11, 2024 · Practical use (1) – Automatic calculation of fit tolerance (H7, h7) Practical Application (46) – Automatic calculation of parallel key keyway specifications . 000/-0. Mar 1, 2024 · A Keyway is a slot of some kind that is used to align the part on a shaft and prevent the part slipping as the shaft rotates. It calculates upper limit, lower limit, maximum diameter, minimum diameter and range by simply entering a basic size and selecting the desired tolerance (DIN EN ISO 286 norm). , Milwaukee, WI 53208-4200 USA January 2019 Telephone: 513-455-5030 Fax: 414-937-4359 www. 000. 16~0. 2 Keyway (3) KC / C Type D g6 Tolerance 1 mm Increment NSFGKR SFGKR PSFGKR SSFGKR D13, 16, 18 and 22 are not available b Green = "Prefered" tolerance classes per ISO 286 Find your data faster with our Fits and Tolerance Calculator The Inch values shown in the table are conversion from the mertic values per ISO 286. Depending on the slot width tolerance, the following fit or seating results in combination with the parallel key: Tolerance b Hub keyway b Shaft keyway for tight fit P9 P9 for loose fit JS9 N9 for sliding D10 H9 Keyway width P9 tight fit (standard design) JS9 or N9 loose fit (standard design) Other tolerances / tolerance ranges must be specified separately and require a written agreement. 88~8 ( Second Reprint MARCH 1993 ) IS : 2048- 1983 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR PARALLEL KEYS AND KEYWAYS ( Second Revision / I. 0125 10 11 008 016 0125 0125 14 15 008 0. 2 +0. 1-0. 16 8, 10 Keyway (1)-Keyway (2) Keyway (3) KA-A KB-B KC C 1 Keyway 2 Keyways 3 Keyways SFMKRR10 SFHKRR30 SFHKRR25---325 300 350 F10 F10 F10 S10 S10 S10 KA20 KA20 KA10 A50 A20 A10 KB120 KB90 B20 B30 KC210 C30 Part Number L 1mm Increment F, S 0. Inch keyway depth tolerance is + . These mating fasteners may or may not prevent relative longitudinal or axial motion, depending on the type of key and keyway used. 250 +0. Page 45 N9 tolerances Inch keyway depth tolerance is + 010”, - 000” Refer to ISO 773 or DIN 6885 sheet 1 for metric keyway depth tolerances 378-200 Rexnord (PN-2128394) 3001 W. 11102: 2 mm-I. com Supersedes 07-15 Keyway size; b h c or r Standard size of b1 and b2 Tightening type Normal type r1 and r2 t1 t2; Standard size Tolerance (h9) Standard size Tolerance b1/b2 tolerance(P9) b1 tolerance(N9) b2 tolerance(Js9) Standard size Tolerance Standard size Tolerance; 2×2: 6~8: 2: 0 -0. 1 +0. TOLERANCE TABLES ROUND BARS ISO F7 TOLERANCES. (Retaining . Keyway size; b h c or r Standard size of b1 and b2 Tightening type Normal type r1 and r2 t1 t2; Standard size Tolerance (h9) Standard size Tolerance b1/b2 tolerance(P9) b1 tolerance(N9) b2 tolerance(Js9) Standard size Tolerance Standard size Tolerance; 2×2: 6~8: 2: 0 -0. 0 Keyway size; b h c or r Standard size of b1 and b2 Tightening type Normal type r1 and r2 t1 t2; Standard size Tolerance (h9) Standard size Tolerance b1/b2 tolerance(P9) b1 tolerance(N9) b2 tolerance(Js9) Standard size Tolerance Standard size Tolerance; 2×2: 6~8: 2: 0 -0. Most of the tolerances use lower case but some are upper case, I dont know if that makes a difference or not. 002 on the key and 0. Material group. CNC Machining. 1 over 8 to 10 3 3 3 1. Parallel KeyWay Dimensions Prestige Conveyors Limited. Accessories RoyMech Resources Keyways Woodruff Metric key and Keyway Dimensions These Pages include various standards. Iso Keyway Tolerances P9 - fwhlmailwilliamcurleycouk - Iso Keyway Tolerances P9 5 5 and is now being republished by UCL Press HACCP and ISO 22000 Routledge This book is a "coming of age, losing of sanity" tale focusing on.
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