Mouse sensitivity feels off Sometimes my aim is snappy, sometimes it isn't. Convert mouse sensitivity between popular games like VALORANT, CS:GO, Apex Legends, and more. but its not that it just feels slower- it also like drags downwards in swipes and is just overall really hard to have precise aim Turned mouse smoothing off and played around a little. Mouse sensitivity can play a significant role in how effectively we navigate our computers, whether for gaming or everyday tasks. 47 will feel 1:1, because it tries to balance out that you are zoomed in. 800 dpi feels like 1000-1200 dpi. High level aim trainers even use sensitivity randomizer and still aim well on every sensitivity. In MW2/3 the sensitivity feels smooth and the same no matter how I turn. Mouse glides smoothly on mousepad when I turn on AC but feels more resistance when AC is off. I have previously downloaded the Logitech mouse app I have 144 Hz freesync screen, and for some reason in a lot of games it feels like I'm skipping frames when I move my mouse. When I played fortnite on ps5 my sens was around 7% with 800 dpi. This is because you have the same field of view on the new screen, even though it is a larger size. Did anybody have it and how did you solve it? if u have less fps sens can feel way off did u fall under 144? Jun 30, 2019 · I plat tf2 and have my sens that I like and I know how it feels but when I go to another game ex: fortnite or battlefield it feels so much slower?? dpi' 2400 sems tf2 0. Mouse sensitivity didnt make much of a difference. I've checked out the underside/lense of my mouse with a flashlight and cleaned off some dust that was on there. Feels more like the movement of the camera flying around the character isnt smooth. 5x slower than normal. It's like every little micro movement gets pickedup. I cap my FPS at 165 because I could not feel a difference to unlimited FPS. Also set the transition to "Blend" which feels better compared to "After Zoom". How exactly is the sensitivity wrong? Nov 20, 2024 · AxisConfig=(AxisKeyName="MouseY",AxisProperties=(DeadZone=0. Dec 12, 2024 · Turn off mouse acceleration for a more consistent feel. It looks like Mouse Accelaretion is permantly on when I play. My sensitivity is all over the place and it doesn't feel like an acceleration or smoothing problem. The weird thing is i actually don't agree with OP, i think what we have now is NOT m_mousespeed 1. Sep 24, 2024 · Does this game have some sort of input latency, camera smoothing, or forced mouse accel? The aiming in it feels incredibly bad, but I'm not 100% sure why it's feeling like that. Sensitivity: Counter-Strike 0. I played on the native 16:9 1366 x 768 on the laptop and decided to stick to the same resolution for the desktop. It feels slow. 40 to 1. Mar 22, 2021 · While playing the game the mouse sensitivity automaticaly decreases and it becomes very hard and slow to look around and move the crosshair. I'ts like there is less resistance now and its more rigid. The change in glide would make the mouse feel slower or faster, and any increase in static friction would make a sensitivity feel higher if minimum movement results in over correcting. Mouse sensitivity feels off I've been playing osu recently after taking a break and found that some of the songs I once thought were difficult now seem really straightforward and simple. If it feels off, you can adjust the slider again. It didn't do squat here. It's like you said, like the Mouse can't keep up with my movements/lags. Tweaked the sensitivity a few times and it doesn't feel AWFUL but it just feels a bit off to where I can't quite explain it. I actually had to turn my sensitivity down last night again as things felt overly smooth and I was overshooting my targets on mouse and keyboard lol. Like it's one ice, incosistent. Use your touchpad to ensure the sensitivity is comfortable for you. My question is, should I change my sens so it feels like it used to on my QCK, or should I just get used to this new feeling. Sep 28, 2020 · Hey guys, another topic I wanted to discuss. 0 in game my mouse is a g pro super light No aim assist bug and sensitivity feels higher than it is set to May 12, 2017 · It just feels off and nothing like my default sensitivity, could tell it the moment it happened. I was wondering how to turn off Mouse Smoothing? If that's not an option. Aug 29, 2021 · My mouse sensivity suddenly changed when i plugged it into my mac and back to my PC. it's started a few weeks back but i haven't installed anything that might affect the mouse input. Yesterday, it got even faster and I can clearly feel it. I'm having issues where my mouse sens feels way to fast on every mouse I've owned. Dec 20, 2024 · Play Hawkeye, draw the bow back and then aim around your screen. 85 sens in game and 1500hz polling Dec 6, 2019 · ive been using this sens for well over a 2 months and it feels good for the most part. However, measured values by calculator feel very off. I've had mouse problems for years now, and nothing has helped. 5 kd in apex to struggling to mantain 1. However I don't know why or if I messed with my mouse or mousepad but now every mouse movement feels off. Something definitely feels off. it feels especially strange when moving the mouse slowly - i can never point at something precisely whereas before i could just snap from target to target with ease. in the past, people fiddled around with changing the value for com. Enhanced precision is off. Edited January 18, 2024 by myl1ttlefr1end. My mouse feels like it's in mud when playing matches sometimes. In CS2 the sensitivity feels way slower using the same sensitivity value. All the precision is gone. [Controls]. It comes and goes and i usually realize it when i do a THunt to practice aim. I directly compared BO6, MW2, MW3, so I'm not - Triple buffering: Off I had enables Windows maximum performance and I had set the mouse and keyboard drivers to high priority. So if you learn mouse control as a whole instead of muscle memory of flicks, you will lose your need to rely on your mouse feeling the exact same everyday. Mu mouse sensitivity feels like it's changing constantly and it has actually started to hurt my hand quite a bit. I have the Logitech G Pro Wireless. i commended # string 2,3. Use commands like sensitivity 2. DPI is set to 2400 If you use 0 even with rawinput 1 the sensitivity will feel different. Thankfully, adjusting mouse sensitivity is a straightforward process. 43) and mouse DPI of 1150. The worst is when this sensitivity issue carries over to every other single game. 11). Think like when youre diriving a car and the auto steering function turns off. It doesnt really feel like the mouse input is to blame though. But the movement and the aiming with my mouse was so perfectly on point in MW2019. Dec 5, 2024 · Is it just something on my end or does the ADS just feel off? It almost feels like raw mouse input is disabled or something. Instead of putting strong aim assist in the game for controller users (like most studios do Aug 16, 2016 · Hi, They added a new vertical and horizontal sensitivity setting to Rainbow Six Seige, and I think it is effecting the calculation. I think m_mousespeed 1 adds some smoothing which i've just gotten used to now for years and that's why cs2 sensitivity doesn't feel 1:1 with CS GO to me. I tested the calculators sensitivity to 360 conversion and that seems to be right so I think the issue is that the FOV is not 90. Mar 5, 2025 · i have tried to convert sens from marvel rivals to cs2/tf2 and tf2/cs2 ti marvel rivals and it is either way to fast from cs/tf2 to marvel rivals or to slow from marvel rivals to cs2/tf2 (just in case, they added a option to lock in the mouse on a window so it does not gets out from the game wind hello everyone i have had this issue for a long time now i don't know how to explain but my mouse sensitivity feels off, it feels too fast for 400 dpi or 800 and doesnt' feel right at all it feels like it always too fast and before anyone asks it does it on every mouse ive used i fresh reset my pc multiple times mouse pointer precision is also off this is so annoying for me trying to play any Jul 21, 2024 · mouse sensitivity feels off so im new to this game and one thing im noticing is my horizontal mouse sensitivity is always more more sensitive that my vertical and it feels horrible. so, recently I noticed that my valorant sensitivity was not right, I play on 1000dpi and 0. Greatful for help! Feb 1, 2025 · 2. Thank god I'm not the only one who felt this way. May 14, 2017 · After I crashed from one game with the "d3d11. I couldn't figure out the issue. My goal is to add something like one option to compensate for AR and one for size that you can turn on or off. The mouse just can't keep up with my movement sometimes and will track slower/undershoot severely. Edited July 14, 2024 by AIucardd Jun 30, 2022 · In the first OW2 beta, I had to lower my sensitivity by 10% from what I’m using in OW1. 1104 cm/360° (400 DPI) and this is right on point. It makes playing aim important characters just feel so bad for me, flicking and tracking feels just so off. using the new input system for first person and i bound mouse delta to input action “Look”. For Overwatch I use default FOV, sensitivity 5 at 800 dpi, or rather 2. Accurate DPI conversion with cm/360° calculations. It just feels off and nothing like my default sensitivity, could tell it the moment it happened. 48 matches up a lot closer when using a far measurement like you suggested. I think) feels consistent. My performance and gameplay feels so bad, and I'm playing like I'm learning the game. The mouse sensitivity feels off, its like the speed does not correlate with the weight of the mouse. 125x the speed. I can literally feel and see the cursor/camera slow down but my mouse itself (physically. Same sensitivity settings. I've also tried the MarkC fix. apple. I'm pretty sure 3D games like FPSes run off of a system where the mouse movement is calculated in degrees of camera rotation. Laptop: Only display 2 is ON, 1080p, 144Hz, 24" monitor. Jun 16, 2018 · The only change is the interaction with the mouse feet and the mouse pad surface, and very negligible sensor performance. 07,Exponent=1. I did find a solution tough I use a Logitech G502 HERO on a win 11 PC. updated to monterey yesterday on my intel mbp & now the acceleration has changed there, too. For us to resolve the issue with the mouse sensitivity, kindly answer the questions below: It will feel like your desktop sensitivity is lowered, for sure, because there's just more pixels for you to navigate across now. 77 in game sens. Jul 4, 2022 · On both PCs, I play on the same in - game sensitivity (0. Type "Mouse settings" in the search bar and then hit Enter. Even though ADS sens is set to 1:1 it feels more lik For some reason my mouse feels loose in every game and it’s hard to aim in i play valorant And Fortnite I’ve tried multiple mouses but it just feels like it’s to loose to hit my shots Mouse feels off comparatively to Windows Hey guys I was recently playing League on my Linux side because i recently got back into it and just really noticed a huge difference in how smooth and controllable my mouse felt when playing it in Windows vs Linux. I have it set to 800 dpi, 6/11 windows mouse settings, with enhanced pointer precision off. Apple definately did change something in regards to mouse acceleration. Both off is like the calculator is today, with the slight drawback that say converting from 4:3 to 16:9 using monitor distance 100% means the edge of 4:3 will be matched to the edge of 16:9. To compensate, you can adjust your mouse sensitivity in the game settings. Dec 2, 2017 · It's almost as if my sensitivity in csgo has dropped when in reality is hasnt and ive copied my exact config file over. Has anyone dealt with a mouse that feels overly sensitive even if all the settings are the same as they've always been? Apr 28, 2021 · Then, the next day and ever since then, the sensitivity keeps changing again. I have a Steelseries Sensei 310 mouse. Slide it until you find a setting that feels just right. When it happens, my sensitivity would be approximately 1. I play at 850 dpi 1000 report rate with raw input and I been using it for around 4 months and it felt really good. You can now close the window. This issue is likely caused by some third-party software (that you use frequently) or some rare errors caused by the system update itself. It is hard to explain in simple words, but basically 100% will feel a lot faster, but is the same cm/360. If your mouse feels too fast or too slow, it can hinder your performance and overall experience. I keep having to lower my sensitivity in VALORANT to match up with it but it simply feels so off. Adjust the slider labeled "Mouse pointer speed" to the sensitivity that feels the best. I use default 50 FOV, mouse at 800 dpi. every time I close my pc or put to sleep mode. (only happens in csgo) Hi everyone, I have 700hrs in csgo and have always played at 400dpi 1. When I aim in a straight line left of right it slows down after about 80 Degrees, and walking through portals the aim either freezes for a split second or it jumps slightly. I think it's closer to something like 80. For some reason in the past few days I feel like my sensitivity has gone drastically down even though I haven't changed any settings. Feels more like verdansk weapon firing again. Sometimes as game doesn't want to let you win, enemies eating bullets straight up, recoil feeling super weird, desync. Now it honestly feels a little bit off. For me, it really depends on the day. The sens I use in valorant is 0. Mar 2, 2019 · So i'm playing on 400 dpi with 17 in game. Testing is important to make sure the new setting suits your needs. 5 but now, after weeks of play and practice, it feels really weird. The hit detection issues people are complaining about I've found to only happen on MnK. Precision is on, custom and custom settings have been set via Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center. And USA is just a zoom scalar, which off is exactly the same as on and set to 100. 5 to directly set your sensitivity. 200FPS and all mouse acceleration is turned off. It's been driving me crazy trying to figure out why the aim in this game feels so terrible, and today it finally registered. 60 and all good now. And then I still had plenty of times that my movements with my mouse didn't feel right. Step 5: Test Your Settings. Oct 14, 2024 · the sens ive been using for my whole life playing CS feels faster and inconsistent in CS2. Could just be me but it certainly feels a bit off/slow besides the movement sensitivity. If it matters, here is info on my mouse: Mouse: Alienware 510M Wired DPI I play with: 2100 Osu! Sensitivity: 0. 5 sensitivity at 1600 dpi. 3 days ago · The slider allows you to make your touchpad more or less sensitive. 35 sens. Posted January 18, 2024. Is anyone else There's been a lot of discussion around the sens in OW2 feeling weird, different, off or faster. Either go into mouse settings and turn off "enhance pointer precision" so you have no mouse acceleration or go into the console and type "m_rawinput 1" If its not that then it could be an issue with your mouse itself or its software or drivers. I've had the mouse since November of 2020 and have not had any problems yeah that does happen, but sluggish mouse from sensitivity settings isn't the same "feel" as delayed input; it's pretty easy to tell when you pressed the DPI button on your rat to lower it's reporting rate to something so low it's noticeable. com knows more about that topic than arguably any other person in the world and has shared his findings: [Mouse Sensitivity] is exactly like in Overwatch 1. 70 Using the mouse was so much smoother in MW2019 I don't know if this is maybe just a problem I have. Your mileage may vary, i believe unstable fps fps will still give sluggish mouse feel. Oct 11, 2019 · First off, my sensitivity feels a lot faster, BUT I still am able to maintain control. It's not something I can exactly pin down and describe, sometimes it feels as though it's too low and other times it feels way too high. Start by setting your mouse sensitivity to a comfortable level. Nov 8, 2014 · Controller's Horizontal and Vertical Sensitivity to 100%, Aim Smoothing and Aim Ease In to 0%, Legacy Movement/Aim to On, Force Keyboard/Mouse UI to On, Aim Technique to Linear Ramp, and yeah Honestly I can't really tell if it works. finding a lotta weird/mixed info on this kind of thing online and my lil brain is having Apex PC aim feels off (help) I play on 400 dpi 2. Plugged it into a USB 3. The mouse sensitivity values in Feb 6, 2025 · Enhanced pointer precision is turned off and all other settings regarding that including vsync are all disabled when in a game but even on the desktop moving the mouse just feels off. Second off, I have more horizontal space to move my mouse. Dec 22, 2024 · I'm feeling that even after making everything the same, the sensitivity feels different when playing on different PCs. Aiming just feels a little off. (Same in bf4 and bf1) but my sensitivity feels much much slower. Any suggestions would be greatly Sep 4, 2023 · I am posting this thread to catch attention of the dev's or community to help solving the issue of the sensitivity values not matcing in CS2 vs CSGO. Developer Console : Enable the developer console in your settings. It feels EXACTLY like a controller thumbstick feels, very blocky with noticeably less precision than a mouse. I stopped playing osu for a few days then returned to it and suddenly my mouse hasn't felt the same since. Nov 16, 2024 · From your description, it seems that the problem occurred after a Windows update and even persisted after switching to a brand new PC. Strange, because in other games mouse feels great even with 60-80fps. 000000,bInvert=False)) bEnableMouseSmoothing=False bViewAccelerationEnabled=False It helped me A LOT. Feb 6, 2025 · Free online sens converter tool for gamers. But there are times that it just feels weird off. Sep 5, 2023 · I use 37. Dec 8, 2024 · I am not the only one who feels this, me and 4 of my other friends all feel like the mouse sensitivity/mouse movement feels super slippery if that makes sense. It also does not affect anything Sep 8, 2024 · 3 Years I got to upgrade my pc with motherboard, ram, cpu and added a NVME m2, ever since i lost complete control of my sensitivity in game (went from a 4. I had the beta running on my m1 mac mini and noticed it there first after coming from big sur. DPI Wizard from mouse-sensitivity. Short flicks will feel 1:1, even though the mouse distance for a 360 will be increased. The one thing that tends to feel consistent is off-screen movements like 180's which are more of a "muscle memory" (urgh, hate the term) but for the on-screen "hand-eye coordination" aiming aspect any human perception is not the stable barometer. Nov 12, 2021 · As a test just set everything to max in the controller settings, and your mouse sensitivity should be terrible if it is affected. Thirdly, it could be just that you changed your aiming technique without paying attention and you just move your mouse around more than before. Go read and watch videos about aim training. But I think something changed. Nov 18, 2019 · I have to say that my transition from CSGO to R6 with mouse-sensitivity's calculator was just awesome. 18), not "aiming iron sight" (0. it works and feels great, except that when i limit the framerate (by any means, tried 3 totally different methods, vsync always off), the effective sensitivity changes (lower fps = faster movement). This happened after I connected my mouse to my macbook air and back to my PC. Playing both games with same fps and lowest settings, and ofc all the other Mouse-Latency Opti Aug 25, 2018 · -I've tried messing with sensitivity, polling rate, etc. Wizard; DPI Wizard. Sniping finally felt normal like where I aimed is where I was actually aiming and shooting. Can't aim at all. DX12 on/off didn't change anything, neither did it, when I lowered the polling rate of my mouse. 25 " Multiplier 1: zoom_sensitivity_r I noticed my sens felt off since last I play and I don’t know if it always was there but in settings under keyboard/mouse, the zoom multiplier was higher (1) then my sens wich make sense since I don’t want it to multiply my sens BUT when lowering this value my in game sense was reduced with non zoomed weapons. 2 port causes massive mouse issues in cs2. -I've tried another monitor-I've tried another port on my video card-I've tried cleaning mouse - I've tried different mouse pad Specs: MSI z270 Gaming Pro Carbon i7 7700k GTX 1080ti aero 32GB DDR4 2400 RAM Mouse currently using and that I've been using: Steelseries Rival 310 Sep 6, 2023 · Sometimes the same sensitivity feels sluggish when tracking, sometimes it feels too responsive. After turning off mouse acceleration, you might notice that your mouse sensitivity feels different. Okay, so i came from ps5 to pc. Am I just tripping? I can't muscle memory my mouse sensitivity and dpi and get comfortable with it. When I switched to pc the sens feels super slow. You need to have a higher fov on the larger screen, maintaining the original 110 fov within the 24" portion of your new 27" screen. Never had anything like this in any PC game I've ever played. Apr 10, 2024 · I can run the game at 150-200fps, so restricting it to about 120 with this option enabled removes horrible sluggish mouse feel. I decided to test this in game and my 360 on hipfire is around the distance of my mousepad (38 cm) when it should be 32 cm. and a day or two passes and i use it, it feels so sensitive it feels like the mouse sens got faster and it just feels very uncomfy using it. In this latest beta, I’ve had to increase my sensitivity by 5% from what I’m using in OW1 (and it still feels a little off). Jun 13, 2023 · Hello I currently own a Logitech g303 shroud edition. I can't control the camera, I can't control the player, I can't kite, I miss click a lot. Others around the internet mentioned having to do the same. I cant get used to it and its been like 4 days already. It feels different now. Moreover it doesn't make sense because it's worse when I cap my fps at lets say 90, but when I cap it at 60 it's far less noticable, sometimes not noticable at all. What am I doing wrong, or what should I check? Desktop: 1 display, 1080p, 360Hz, 25" monitor. Turning the mouse off and then on restores the settings to how I had them. Can someone please help me with this issue? Apr 26, 2017 · Compared to Quake Live (another fast paced PvP game), the mouse sensitivity feels floaty. Also feels inconsistent with sensitivity at times. Call me dumb or whatever u want but there is something definetely wrong with this game, not sure are they aware of it, do they even want to fix it. 37. 36 sensitivity in game (as I had an office mouse then switched to Corsair Katar pro that had better sensors and polling rate), I've been playing with the katar pro from the start of my valorant career, so I did not have any problems with my mouse or the sensitivity, but recently, it feels very strange Jan 13, 2025 · However, my sensitivity feels normal at 1. 000000,Sensitivity=0. 35, and when I loaded aimlab I selected the VALORANT game profile in the settings and inputted my 0. Oct 6, 2021 · As a test just set everything to max in the controller settings, and your mouse sensitivity should be terrible if it is affected. 0 standard port and fixed the issue. Mar 4, 2025 · heya. It has happened with several different mouses. 1 sens @ 400 dpi on my new pc feels like the equivalent to roughly 1. and i see these pros on sensitivity like clix, and i try his with 800 dpi and it still feels slow. I played around with it quite a bit, and still did not mange to match 1:1 sens. If there is a change in FOV, you will have to learn the particular FOV's muscle memory (though it wouldn't be any better if you used any other method), but at least the crosshair will feel in control, so you won't miss For the past 2 weeks or so I feel like my mouse sensitivity has been a bit off. Dec 7, 2020 · Hello, I basically bought subscription to make 1:1 Windows sens to game sens. One minute I can aim just fine then the next day I can't at all. Same with everything set to minimum, no change in the mouse sensitivity. Although, it does still exis Jan 3, 2025 · Something is definitely wrong with mouse aiming, can't figure out what. My sensitivity feels way off. These settings also make 3rd person use the same sensitivity as 1st person, I don't what does it though. Definitely doesn't feel great. In the menu, I used 100% rescale and I had set the refresh rate slightly higher than the maximum refresh rate of my momitor. 89, 1000 DPI. It might just be third-person that I'm not used to. scaling, however I have yet to find a setting that comes Sep 9, 2024 · It feels like some sort of negative acceleration or dragging the mouse through honey. 0, using the same mouse, sens, dpi) I thought it could only be something in my head, that I was the problem, so i gave up and went to play other types A couple weeks ago I did what is known as the PSA method which I found my sensitivity to be about 5. It took me forever to get my sense right. Could be windows messing with your ingame sens. I play on CSGO with 1024x768 and when I went to R6 with changed FOV and changed resolution and I had my sensitivity there, I felt it like it was CSGO. Sep 11, 2023 · How to Change Mouse Sensitivity in Settings To change your mouse sensitivity, click the Start button. What's your ideal mouse sensitivity for ADS and camera? And Mouse DPI settings for PvP when using semi-auto weapons? Thanks Jul 18, 2018 · With 0% monitor match your sensitivity will feel precise at the crosshair, where it matters most - for tracking and precision. Mouse Sensitivity Issues. Jul 8, 2017 · Instead for "aiming iron sight", conversion to monitor distance for "hipfire" feels most on point (0. Just a different pc. Anyone else? I have a Razer Viper Ultimate and the mouse sensitivity feels off. This is normal, as mouse acceleration can artificially increase your mouse speed. Could a flashlight damage the sensor? When I move the mouse there are no real issues/errors, just it feeling off. I dont know how your calculator matches windows to game sens but it feels wrong. I matched all settings to my Modern Warfare settings but if just feels off. In Valorant it feels that every second day I'm moving mouse on a frozen mousepad. 25/ fov 120 res 1444/1080 CALCULATIONS Team Fortress 2 - All Sensitivity 1: sensitivity "0. I feel like it would be way easier to go about it this way and simply adjust one line for sensitivity (+2 for ADS if we find proper ratio with normal look). 2. Feels like the mouse accelerati Dec 1, 2020 · I had a ton of different mouses and felt the same way, i resetted windows a couple times and now i have a razer trinity. 48 @ 800 DPI and 1. Feb 28, 2025 · How to Fix Mouse Sensitivity. Dec 3, 2020 · Everything's the exact same - the monitor, the mouse, the desk. Iam playing alot of Overwatch and I have the hardcore feeling that Mouse feels "smoothed", or a little bit more input lag than for example Valorant or CS Go. Dec 8, 2023 · Now %81 value feels fast when it is off. I have tried to find ways to fix it but have found no solution. So basically mouse feels different. but my mouse sensitivity now is like 700 times higher and i don't know how to fix that. Somebody please help me!! Sep 28, 2016 · Hey, I noticed that by changing the mouse polling rate the game sensitivity get affected, using 1500hz polling rate makes the sensitivity slow and changing to 250hz makes it fast, now as I understand it should'nt affect the sensitivity, only the updates per second, so why is that?, how can I keep my 800 dpi 2. In other words, the resolution you play the game at doesn't affect your ingame sensitivity. There is no "normal mouse sensitivity" in the game options any longer, it is just vertical and horizontal. Aug 9, 2017 · The mouse sensitivity being too high or low can be caused by a recent update that was installed in your computer or device drivers that got corrupted. I did kovaaks for the majority of the time. I've been trying to mess around with settings for days now and no good results Apr 26, 2023 · I have a New Microsoft Bluetooth® Ergonomic Mouse While I am using it, the sensitivity changes and loses speed. This includes my general sensitivity for all heroes as well as my Ana/Widow scope and Ashe sights. Like I said before some days I could aim just fine and the cursor feels very controllable. Now it feels much better Aug 9, 2018 · Not sure if it's just me but I use 100% monitor distance and am pretty sure I've set everything up correctly including the fov but the ads sensitivity feels a bit slow and the focus sensitivity feels waaay too slow along with all of the scoped weapons. It also does not affect anything My mouse sensitivity suddely feels off. It's like some hidden mouse acceleration like ice. In BO6 it always has this unpleasant "stickiness" to it. I assume that my aim feels off because of the difference in the size of the screens. Im going to get the glorious xxxl mousepad soon I hope would it be a good idea to lower my sens a ton because the mo Aug 18, 2018 · I feel the exact same way. Is it because low latency? faster reaction and input makes the mouse feel faster right? Mar 5, 2023 · Like my mouse sensitivity is the same as before but it still feels like its cranked up to 100 ever since the S3 update Does anyone else’s aim just suddenly feel really off ever since s3? Anyone elses aim feels off? New mousepads also always feel floatier, because they don't have any dirt or sweat on them. It feels great in practice range, in actual matches, it's completely broken Mar 7, 2024 · That's my WZ2 settings, 120 FOV Affected, relative mouse sensitivity on 0 The settings the calculator puts out feel a bit off but I can't put my finger on why This is I've never missclicked so much when auto attacking and it feels extremely off, the aim, my movements, just about everything. These problems have followed me from pc to pc. 7 @ 400 dpi on my old pc. dll" error, my mouse sensitivity started acting speed up. I've been searching around a bit but there seems to be no solution to why league is taking window's mouse speed settings into account. I'm using the same sens and ADS sens, yet when I ads regardless of whether it's FOV affected/independent, the tracking feels off. looking left and right is fine i have that set to the same sensitivity i use for all games for consistency, but my god to look up and down im moving my arm Probably me being bad but, usually when I play, my mouse sensitivity doesn't feel off, but now it feels as if the sensitivity is too high or my mouse is playing on ice. I tried V-Synch on/off, but it felt better with off. Then still felt a bit slow so I upped it from 1. Jan 10, 2025 · Am i coping or does the aim still feel off compared to other games. 89/51. Like the mouse does react how it almost should but not perfectly and I'm still using the same mouse. The Mouse window will appear. Turns out having a wireless mouse dongle plugged into a USB 3. mouse. It's a good change. I don't have any issues on controller, but the second I switch to mouse my bullets don't register half the time or like there's some built in system to make hitting shots on mouse harder or something. When I selected VALORANT, it automatically set the FOV to 103, which should be right since the horizontal FOV in valorant is 103 degrees, but for some reason whenever I switch back to valorant after playing aimlab, my sens in the game feels a lot faster. Sep 24, 2021 · For 3D sensitivity, your sensitivity will feel faster on the 27", 1. TLDR my sensitivity suddenly feels a lot slower than normal without any setting changes. qxzp eimfwp ywghsu ddauhi hzdq relf wilpo egfl jeeot qkbnwq zin uhye ywk jlxg telx