Minecraft forge loading screen Hope this helps! Reply reply But now it is stuck on the loading screen, trying to load the bootstrap resources. May 8, 2020 · Could someone tell me or help me get the correct settings so that the Forge loading screen comes out this way when I start the Minecraft launcher. I am creating a mod to add a shotgun to Minecraft 3. I'm trying to load Minecraft using a large amount of Forge mods. Compatibility. 2-12. I loaded the game and everything was going well but when the *ding* sound went off which normally means you're about to load into the main menu, it showed the main menu for a second before going Sep 9, 2019 · When launching Minecraft with Forge installed the game window opens up and presents the Forge loading screen where it's initializing all the game details, about half way through this process my entire computer freezes and I'm forced to reboot to regain control (UI hangs during the freeze). It says "Downloading libraries" "Unpacking packed file akka-actor_2. rewards. define(ENGINE_POWER Apr 16, 2020 · I am trying to download Minecraft forge 1. 2443 for Minecraft 1. Set the launcher profile's GameDir property to the pack's instance folder (not the instances folder, the folder that has the pack's name on it). 1 Dec 10, 2020 · so i am making a mod pack and the simple hats mod is in it and i am able to put on the hats but i cant see them on my character Sep 1, 2020 · My forge won’t open Minecraft when I go to the Minecraft launcher and launch forge it try’s to load up but it gets stuck on the “mojang Studios” loading screen and I don’t know how to fix Nov 30, 2016 · I have been working continuously on trying to figure out why my minecraft crashes when clicking play with forge installed and selected. Mar 15, 2013 · Hello guys, iam new in here, i have problem after instaling Forge, same with other people, Black Screen after startup FML Minecraft Version: 1. I only have Forge, the Audio mod, and ModLoader. 0_25, running on Windows 10:amd64:10. 0_25 Mar 6, 2013 · But then when I got to the screen where it says Mojang it just froze. This mod is the Forge port of Mod-erate Loading Screen. 11-2. I have deleted my META-INF folder, I double checked. Nov 23, 2017 · Whenever i try to launch forge 1. Please refer to the wiki for a basic overview, and look at the samples for examples on working loading screens. Quest)" beacuse "tpye" type is null. Seamless Loading Screen is a mod that allows you to seamlessly transition from the loading screen into your game by taking a screenshot when you leave, and displaying it when you rejoin. This mod brings it to Forge. here is the whole log for the crash report. jar. Screenshots are saved within a subfolder under your screenshots directory. properties" which only results in the entire launcher turning black while loading so I can't see anything but it results in the same thing. electronwill. it seems to me like it is not loading, i have tried Aug 8, 2019 · when I start minecraft using forge the screen that is supposed to show up when loading mods doesn't, for a few minutes when it first starts the screen will just be black then it will switch to the normal minecraft Mojang screen and after a little while it will finish loading and minecraft will properly load, it worked fine when I downloaded it Aug 29, 2022 · I thought minecraft don't create a debug log when the game does not crash and just get stuck (infinity loading screen). log Fastload is a relatively simple mod that changes some crucial parts of world loading to speed it up. 2 Feb 11, 2013 · 'm having a problem with modded Minecraft when using CurseForge to install modpacks. nightconfig. WritingE Mar 9, 2013 · When I open up the Technic Launcher and run my custom pack, it opens up and freezes on a white screen. May 14, 2020 · Could someone tell me or help me get the correct settings so that the Forge loading screen comes out this way when I start the Minecraft launcher. 90 and . 7 loading Jul 1, 2021 · Hi so ive just recently installed all of fabric 3 from curse forge to play on & was super excited. [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version 4. 1 or higher. I am getting this message, i have scoured this and many other forums for fixes but did not find anything Failed to connect to the server Internal Exception: io. 556 for Minecraft 1. Forge 1. I know it has to be configured from splash. What I've tried: Apr 19, 2023 · Hello community, the problem is when I want to start a resource package or shader minecraft is stuck in the loading screen and does not load to the end but shows after 30m out of memory although I only have 10 mods and 4Gb ram. 12. netty. 16 has its own inferior pre-loading screen, due to the nature of mod loading, their screen is opened earlier than any mod is loaded! You can deal with it and accept it or add -Dfml. Windows 7. 2 crash when loading screen hits 0% minecraft forge 1. pack. defineSynchedData(builder); builder. 5-7. CustomMainMenu is the most widely used option for that, i know there are other mods that can change the loading screen, such as DummyCore. However upon launching MC with Forge selected, I get stuck on the Mojang Loading Screen: Spoiler Have sat waiting for it for upwards Feb 28, 2019 · [problem is in the title] *kind of explanation of what's wrong* i literally tried everything i deleted and reinstalled forge and the game's start screen still freezes can i get help with this? and when i close the freezing launcher the game crashes with no information Oct 27, 2016 · Hi, me and my gf have been trying to make ATM9 with added mods work but i am stuck on joining to lan world. 4K Downloads | Mods May 21, 2017 · I forgot what version I was running recently messing around and with the normal loading bar information I saw in the top left of the loading screen ram being allocated to the loading prices updating real time. 23. defineId(AircraftVehicle. But as soon as I put a single mod (That didn't cause any problems before) the loading screen freezes at Mojang logo (Atlas Stitching : mi Aug 3, 2022 · Force Minecraft, Java and all things related to them to prefer high performance graphics, in both the nvidia control panel and Windows settings. 5. I'm mainly looking to change the background color and Mojang logo, maybe change or remove the Forge animation at the bottom as well. properties, but I still haven't managed to get the desired result. Jul 30, 2019 · Clean install of MC, no mods. FLOAT); @Override protected void defineSynchedData(SynchedEntityData. I trying to play a mod pack with a mate of with and when i try and join him minecraft fail to connect instead giving me the Internal Exception: java. Since it extends FancyMenu’s features, nearly everything possible in FancyMenu is also possible with Drippy. earlyprogresswindow=false after the JVM arguments. Make sure to include the bundled java exe inside the launcher files Drippy Loading Screen is an addon for FancyMenu that lets you fully customize Minecraft’s loading screen! With Drippy, you can modify every aspect of the splash screen, adding new elements, animations, images, and more. A mod to improve the loading screen with proper progress bars! Before (world loading screen) After (world loading screen) FluxLoading does exactly the same thing as Seamless Loading Screen, a mod on higher versions. Minecraft Forge-Universal-1. 35. 5 Tried with Timber Mod and Minimap Mod and also tried without mods got the same result. 5中会与Rubidium冲突,使用其分支Embeddium可以避免此问题。 Jan 12, 2025 · Mod-erate Loading Screen-Forge. properties that used to exist. It allows you to add your own colors, images, logo and even your own custom progress bar. At one point I had removed some but not all mods and it got through the FML stuff and it said Minecraft was running but it was just a white screen. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // My bad. core. createReward(Long dev. This has a fairly complex syntax - most json values can be set to an expression rather than a fixed value to allow highly dynamic loading screens. Can someone help me. 1. 2 keeps crashing when loading a new or already played on world. 21. Logs below. Even if there is only 4 minutes between the penultimate line and the last in this log, I already had a test today with almost 1 hour Jun 15, 2021 · minecraft forge 1. By Chekote Aug 29, 2022 · I thought minecraft don't create a debug log when the game does not crash and just get stuck (infinity loading screen). Heres the log: [17:12:32] [main/INFO]: ModLauncher running: args [--username, FlipHickey, --version, forge-36. Aug 3, 2020 · But ya, as Dies said, as it sits the new early loading screen is a complete re-write, so it doesn't have the splash. . I think the color is a hex value in one of the forge configs, actually. EncoderException: java. Nov 29, 2024 · 1. Jun 15, 2022 · Whenever I load my 1. 1 Dec 10, 2020 · so i am making a mod pack and the simple hats mod is in it and i am able to put on the hats but i cant see them on my character Takes a screenshot when you leave a world and displays it when rejoining CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. 18. 34, --gameDir, I:\Users\Philip\Documents\Curse\Minecraft\Instances Sep 19, 2022 · I tried to see myself what was wrong but I couldn't find it so here I am. No Early Loading Progress is a mod that disables the early loading window from Forge. 10 [12:18:10] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-8/WARN]: Mod brewinandchewin uses the version fabric-2. However, it then just stays constantly loading managing to sometimes reach 70% and then just suddenly dropping back down to s Oct 24, 2024 · Replaces the loading screen with the animation from Minecraft Dungeons 5. Jan 14, 2018 · Here is the FML log: [15:54:44] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting tracing printstreams for STDOUT/STDERR. lang. Every time I launch the game with Forge, I get a black screen, but I can still hear the main menu music and button sounds when I click around. io/jw1slt. Nothirium Nov 22, 2024 · All versions of Minecraft Forge suddenly black screen even without mods (tried reinstalling original Minecraft, Java, updating drivers doesn't work) Jun 5, 2021 · Better Minecraft Modpack: A day after uninstalling the 2 antique/atlas mods to get LAN working (required), I now cant load into Better MC because its taking 6+ hours to complete 'Atlas Stitching' (currently on textures/blocks), keeping the memory heap MB at 1600-1800 going back and forth, off hea May 3, 2015 · Minecraft Forge ; General Discussion ; Feedback for new Forge loading screen. On my PC I have installed Forge 35. 10. 4 (The recommed version). 7. For future reference, when you're asking for help about anything you should list whatever version of Minecraft you're using (vanilla or modded forge, etc) and what you're doing specifically when the issue occurs. 9 loading [23 May 13, 2021 · I've tried to play my old world with mods, but Minecraft just crashes after the mods loading screen. I can't even exit out of it, I have to restart my computer. ) For those who don't know, you can change the loading screen gif with ". Makes the icons of installed mods fall down the loading screen like snowflakes. Forge Mod Loader version 11. The mod supports joining singleplayer worlds, realms and servers and a large range of configuration options such as blur, tint and screenshot resolution. 0 4. Please do not report any crash logs related to this mod on the original mod's page. The Minecraft version is 1. mods. Nevertheless, I hope just the logs will help you https://easyupload. ftb. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. 20. This is the client log for the run: 2013-03-09 21:08:35 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version 4. 0. 1722 for Minecraft 1. 5M Downloads | Mods Forge; Feb 18, 2021; Minecraft 1. 8. 2) and it has shown up in the launcher succesfully. Fastload is a relatively simple mod that changes some crucial parts of world loading to speed it up. (489 JARs worth, apparently) However, upon launching the game, the "MOJANG" loading screen eventually stops updating after the loading bar reaches 100%. 0, installed at E:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft\runtime\jre-x64\1. However, unlike Seamless Loading Screen, FluxLoading handles finer details, such as waiting for chunk generation before fade out instead of using a fixed delay. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. This mod is basically a Forge port of the original Custom Splash Screen mod by Motschen . I have always loved your forge mod, but when prepping for a mega mod install, my worlds show as black screens whenever I load forge. 2 can someone help me? :'( Sep 1, 2020 · Hello I on this forem to ask for help about an issue with FTB quest. 3. handler. 4 2. 5+1. IllegalArgumentException: unable to fit 2201874 into 3 here is the log but i But now it is stuck on the loading screen, trying to load the bootstrap resources. Currently supported: All versions. Seamless Loading Screen is a client-side mod that takes a screenshot of the game when you leave a world or server and displays it when you rejoin it. Minecraft only loads past the Mojang screen if I select Legion Performance mode, whereas if I go with the quiet mode I usually use, it gets stuck. Jan 23, 2023 · Hello, my friends and I are creating a massive modpack to play, at the moment we are trying to find incompatibilities, however, we are getting a very curious error: After the Mojang loading screen passes, the game screen stays eternally in Red (if I maximize the window, instead of red it turns bl Allows you to completly customise the loading screen with json files. Feb 22, 2023 · Just installed the new update, it was working not too long ago not it wont even make it past the loading screen. 2. jar file to the proper directory in Minecraft and used 1. May 2, 2012 · Hi. Aug 15, 2013 · everytime i open a world in minecraft 1. Introduction. Here is the crash report that I have obtained after the incident: As I was reading the bottom is says: "Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 4 mods". quest. 16. Environments: - Client (Optional) - Server (Optional) Credits: - StockiesLad (Owner) - JoostMSoftware (Co-Owner) - AbdElAziz333 (Forge) - VidTu (Ksyxis (Idea)) - kennytv (Forcecloseloadingscreen (Code)) Features: Aug 4, 2020 · Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge) Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge. Builder builder) { super. No main menu or anything. If you make it to the end with no mods loading and the issue is still present then the issue is whatever version of forge you're using. 12 loading [15:54:44] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1. Feedback for new Forge loading screen. Jan 14, 2025 · Mod-erate Loading Screen-Forge. Jan 7, 2010 · This allows customizing the loading screen of minecraft forge 1. 2 and the loading screen seems to be stuck. After creating the mod and compiling it, I installed the . 1 which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format (Could not parse version number component 'fabric'!), SemVer is recommended for reliably evaluating dependencies and prioritizing newer version [12:18 Apr 4, 2018 · Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge) Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge. Instead, you can submit issues on our issue page. It said in the logs that there were a few mods that were dependent on the flywheel mod. Installed Forge (have used installer to try both 1. 520 for Minecraft 1. Jul 2, 2021 · After a short trip with my parents I realized, that I can no longer play Forge version of minecraft. When I closed it, it being stuck on loading, it said it might have been a memory error. 3 as well as 1. I loaded up the original vanilla minecraft first, closed it, and reopened it with the forge version. codec. So my problem is once I have my forge installed and stuff and I click play it goes through all the loading bars. ftbquest. Vanilla seems to work fine, as well as Forge with no mods. Includes a few configuration options like showing every mod only once, hiding libraries, and changing the background color. 2 and the Forge version is the latest one, 14. Thanks for your time, and I hope you can help me. 8 Jun 12, 2018 · Make sure you have the correct version of Forge installed (some packs are heavily dependent on one specific build of Forge) Make a launcher profile targeting this version of Forge. Can somebody help? Crash rep Jul 30, 2017 · I am unable to get past the loading screen after a few days of trying a few different things. Forge, look for the splash. Drippy Loading Screen is an addon for FancyMenu that lets you fully customize Minecraft’s loading screen! With Drippy, you can modify every aspect of the splash screen, adding new elements, animations, images, and more. Feel free to work on making it better. 1?? Mar 27, 2013 · [12:18:10] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1. Sep 13, 2018 · Well I am customizing Loading Screen and I changed colors and loading Gif image in the corner The problem is: It is not scaling down and it looks like there are no delay between animation frames Here is a video that shows what is going on there And here is how this Gif should look like: Someone knows the solution? Dec 19, 2020 · The Optifine version that I use requieres Forge 35. That I was able to exit out of. This mod is the unofficial port of Mod-erate Loading Screen. io. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- Jun 26, 2015 · Hi guys I am far from a smart person when it come to mods so I have come here for some help. xz" and it's frozen there. 9 it launches a black screen and says its not responding. gif" Nov 23, 2012 · Hey, I'm installing the Metallurgy 2 mod, it requires the Minecraft Forge mod. I'm on 1. Mar 9, 2020 · I'd like to retexture the early loading screen used by Forge but I can't seem to find a way to texture them at all, at least in recent versions of Minecraft and Forge. Although this doesn't appear to work, all I see is the mojang Jun 13, 2016 · Hey! What exactly are the constraints for creating a gif for the loading screen? (Not a bug, so I'm putting this topic here. Useful for modpack creators who use mods like Drippy Loading Screen or Simple Splash Screen to customize the loading screen without seeing the Forge early loading window first. 4-forge-54. Even if there is only 4 minutes between the penultimate line and the last in this log, I already had a test today with almost 1 hour Jul 2, 2021 · After a short trip with my parents I realized, that I can no longer play Forge version of minecraft. For some reason it works when I first install forge and launch it with that profile but whe Jan 27, 2023 · The game will occasionally not load anything and I cant find what mods could possibly be causing such a scenario, it works sometimes, but sometimes It won't but restarting my computer usually fixes it. 1 with Fabric Loader 0. Jul 23, 2023 · Bonjour, J’apprends à créer des mods Minecraft en Java 1. 14. Jan 12, 2025 · I have created an EntityData that I want to save when the world closes and load that save when the world opens. This only happens with forge, so I can only assume that it is forge somehow causing the problem. 2 i already deleted my texture packs but it stil doesn't work on 1. I have downloaded different patches of 1. Time: 2023-02-22 10:44:55 Description: Rendering overlay com. 12, have tried editing the splash file to say false and have consulted a couple other places for help, but haven't gotten any solution yet. Java version 7 update 11 i need help, thanks ForgeModLoader-client-2. 7 loading Apr 12, 2020 · I have just installed minecraft forge so I can have mods on minecraft. Apr 9, 2023 · Not sure exactly how this was caused but I can detail what solutions I've tried: - Creating a new profile with the same mods and world - Restarting my computer Better Loading Screen 是改善我的世界加载游戏画面的模组,添加 Forge 加载游戏时的进度条。 本模组有概率与其它模组产生冲突,请使用前多加测试。 目前已知1. Jan 23, 2013 · I have installed plenty of mods before and i have even used forge before, but every time no matter what i do, when i log in to minecraft, it says "FML is setting up your minecraft environment" for about half a second while remaining at 0%, then continues to a black screen where i am stuck. Simple Splash Screen is a mod that allows you to completely customize the Minecraft Loading screen. So I added it in. 2855 I've already reinstalled forge, deleted the mods and using the previous version (which I used originally and w Jan 12, 2023 · Hello Forge Forums! I'm new here, so let me know if I got anything wrong. 5 world it gets stuck on the loading screen, i tried removing mods and it still hasn't worked. J’apprends à créer des blocs, mais je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais la texture de mon bloc ne s’affiche pas sous sa forme de bloc, mais s’affiche très bien sous sa forme d’élément. private static final EntityDataAccessor<Float> ENGINE_POWER = SynchedEntityData. 6. First, I am using forge 54. This mod enhances the loading screen by adding falling mod icon animations. minecraft\resources\assets\fml\textures\gui\forge. I created a gui that should work, it leaves the mojang screen on for a few seconds, then I created a white rectangle that sort of fades in and then I displayed my logo on top. class, EntityDataSerializers. 2 it gets stuck at 'loading world', but it works fine at 1. Aug 17, 2017 · Hi guys, I've been trying to make a custom loading screen. [15:54:44] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version 14. properties file in the config folder. 4 and 1. This is on Forge . 94. NullPointerExpection: Cannot invoke "dev. RewardsType. 15. 582. I've re tried the download a couple times and I've let it sit like this all night incase it Jul 9, 2022 · How i can edit forge Loading Screen in 1. 2185 and its no longer there can I add that back in or is that so May 14, 2020 · Could someone tell me or help me get the correct settings so that the Forge loading screen comes out this way when I start the Minecraft launcher. Apr 12, 2020 · It just keeps bringing me to a screen that says FML Early Loading Process and it doesn't do anything. Running on Minecraft 1. ftb quest. 2 using json files. 4 et j’ai un problème. I have tried launching multiple times and I have disabled the Forge loading screen by going to the "splash. (Formally Better Loading Screen) 3. 4. I originally thought it may be a ram issue, but monitoring ram usage while it tries to load and Jul 23, 2023 · Bonjour, J’apprends à créer des mods Minecraft en Java 1. 0 and Minecraft 1. spdewf xumby bbwrnj nhuqp ndmurol qwkj iscopw ebmut jeegp ptq zotwfpdp jguv pfhq wyilt umeive