Lotro hunter blue line build. Solo'd almost the entire way.
Lotro hunter blue line build While there’s no specific content which requires a Blue Champion Tank, they are still perfectly viable to tank 3/6-man Instances and Raids up to and under T3 Difficulty. Would greatly appreciate a screenshot, thank you! Hunter: Blue line is a blast to play, and redline does some whopping hits. I'd suggest running either red or blue line, which are both viable for soloplay. Blue works if you like fast-paced, action heavy, "I'm a God" action. Any suggestions on how to build my LI? I am doing okay right now, but I am grossly overleveled (still in Rohan). For LI, it's better to up the skills that u use frequently. Aug 16, 2024 · Poteen streaming LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE, always up for a chat come and say "Hi" usually talking while quests and leveling, love to chat about gameplay and Feb 17, 2025 · The hunter’s trait tree and LI need some adjustments to narrow the damage gap between raid AoE builds and cheesy dummy builds. What traits from yellow or red (if any) do you dabble in with your own blueline hunter? Returning hunter here, not played it since 85 cap. Hey all! I’m on my own Lord of the Rings-esque journey out here on the Appalachian Trail and think I’ve convinced my wife to give LotRO a try when we get back. Leveling builds based on 150 traitlines and level 60 Mordor experience. " Far simpler to just one-shot everything than to deal with rotations for landscape stuff. I would be really grateful for your support! Red for normal and signature mobs, while blue for mobs that take longer and I would die if I stood still. I am a level 90 blue line hunter, every now and I then I switch to red line. Beorning Tank or The hide isn’t your best tank amongst other options, but it isn’t the worst either. My two cents: for soloing group content, you want blue. Sep 18, 2023 · I think with recent update, Blue line sword and board got a bit of extra damage potential, and red line got extra damage and survivability. Limit the amount of mits I need to put on my essence gear by going for sarchol, mits bracelet and capped virtues then going for ~30k morale (I don't need to worry about damage that much since I have the r12 buff). I have been mainly blue-line, and this build is working really well. Hit them with blood arrow, then bards arrow, put a trap down run back and heal up while they are rooted. I would be really grateful for your support! Blue Minstrel. Aug 11, 2022 · Tracery Range Attribute Uncommon Rare Incomparable Legendary 45-95 Beneath Notice Cooldown-96-108-120-132 Incoming Healing Rating +340 +340 +340 +340 86-105 The only other pull skill that has a longer range than TTH is Fray the Edge, but you need to be in a blue build to get more than 40 meters for Fray. All of these come from gambits in one way or another. Thought I would share my build since there are no other builds posted online. You can fire any skill while moving and it makes kiting monsters around (think bosses and elites) doable. To properly utilize these builds you’ll want to be maximum level, and it’s also recommended that you have a least a basic understanding of the class you want to play before trying to follow the guides in order to follow the skill rotations and information effectively. For class based tips, Hunter might be the best class for new players since you have unlimited fast travel to almost everywhere. I've done both blue and red. Groups? Everyone wanted me ranged dps. Range Blue Line for solo and landscape. My final build is a hybrid blue/red. Blue Guardians got a little revamp to some of their skills and they are now pretty good tanks for all content. For hunter: Blue line, because it's a lot of fun and more fast-paced. Red line has higher DPS, but must be stationary when firing. Choosing to specialize in the Huntsman (blue) trait tree will entirely remove this penalty. It’s built specifically around having low inductions, a high morale pool, while also having capped Critical Rating and Outgoing Healing. I would liked to have the game Hi there - I have a level 75 hunter who has been running blue line (obviously) for ages. Keep in mind that, through the traits Shoot To Kill and Critical Eye , the cap for Critical Rating is increased to 30% and the cap for Ranged Attacks is increased to Red from 80-100ish has felt a lot better than Blue. Never played hunter before, but definately know I like the mobility of blue line. I created a Blue-line hunter at lvl 105. because i wish i found a blue hunter guide myself00:00 Intro1:24 Trait Foreword5:41 Trait Guide31:22 Rotation (Opener)34:29 Rotation (Barrage)36:50 Rotation Mar 22, 2016 · Huntsman (Blue): Hunters that are required to be on the move will use this line. Are you sure you chose Blue as your trait line? Sep 28, 2020 · A Lord of the Rings Online Hunter Class Guide covering a starter build, in depth trait analysis, and gameplay guide for the blue line specialization "Huntsman". I would be really grateful for your support! Jun 29, 2020 · With this build, we skip over defensive options for damage wherever possible. First up, the blue Hunter, shooting on the move and using bleed, slow and self-heal skills. Nov 25, 2024 · A Hunter must stand still to maintain their Focus. Select one of Hunter Trait Tree's Huntsman,Bowmaster,Trapper of Foes. Red does way more damage, but blue hunter can run a lot faster and fight enemies while moving, so you can choose what you like more. The Red line might have more DPS on paper, but in my thousands of hours of experience as a hunter in this game, Blue line is simply more fun, has higher survivability, and can do content above level more consistently than the Red line. Welcome to LotroHQ’s Hunter builds! You can click on the image of the red/blue/yellow build to visit the associated guide. Sep 23, 2021 · Huntsman A mobile, harassing mid-ranged Hunter. Anyways, what are the current best DPS builds for Hunters (Red and Blue)? Hi everyone! So I started my LOTRO journey as a champion, now I decided to start over as high elf hunter. Once you have bog-guardian and enough points, the bog-guardian buffs the group with +5% ranged damage and +5% ranged crit chance. I am looking for help building my Hunter Spec for PVE and dungeoning. Red Line doesn't really shine until you get to level's 75+. 2. Welcome to LotroHQ! Your ultimate resource for class builds in The Lord of the Rings Online. I would take the melee skills everybody is fighting over in blue in yellow. May 10, 2023 · Viable blue hunter in the moors would be an absolute blast. This build is in precision stance. Find the best LOTRO Class Builds, Guides, Tips & Tricks here! Valid guide? Blue Line Hunter Guide - Starter Build, Trait Analysis, and Gameplay by Louey7 (2020-09-28) - This guide takes an in depth look at the red line for Hunter, including a trait analysis, starter/leveling build, and gameplay section. The guide emphasizes leveling and the DPS role. So I was there during the days when hunters were nicely balanced among RK's and champions in the DPS group while rocking the mobile, fast paced Blueline build. Technically you can blue line it and have freedom of movement but you will feel the need to upgrade to crit success crafted gear at every available level up to perhaps level 86. Please share your build. Would greatly appreciate a screenshot, thank you! Whereas, a Blue line hunter can simply move, not lose any focus, and continue to DPS the entire fight. Are these these the only ones I’ll likely need at end game. A red build for a Guard will give single target attack skills more DPS, but less self healing ability. Jan 3, 2025 · Poteen streaming LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE, always up for a chat come and say "Hi" usually talking while quests and leveling, love to chat about gameplay and Hi everyone! So I started my LOTRO journey as a champion, now I decided to start over as high elf hunter. End Game Blue Hunter Virtues / setup At the moment (LvL 66) I have my 5 virtues (Determination, Fortitude, Innocence, Charity, and one other ) levelled to 33 as well as Zeal. Hunter Leveling Builds Guide in the Lord of the Rings Online! Covers a class trait build for each spec (blue, red, yellow) and details what they each offer f My first toon was a guardian 15 years ago, and since then I’ve stayed in blue line using sword and shield. Hi everyone! So I started my LOTRO journey as a champion, now I decided to start over as high elf hunter. This is a good survival mode. Let your pets do all the work for you. Our guides are aimed at all players. Since bearded minstrel is down, i'm looking for some recommended blueline builds from this community. In many classes in LotRO, AoE skills are used in single-target rotations either as fillers or even as the main DPS source (such as LM, RRK, etc. Its attack skills and reflect makes it easier to get aggro on large groups of mobs, but lacks a large taunt such as Challenge. Makes solo nice and easy. My survivability went way up when I can just kite enemies instead of taking hits to the face. Here, you'll find a wealth of information and analysis on each of the game's classes, including recommended skill and trait builds, playstyle tips, and more. I was going to go for 4 Aud, 2 essence. By the time you reach endgame you may decide to run Red Line for all content but that is a ways away. Jun 15, 2019 · Some other tips for duo with hunter Blue line is a very good choice. I put up competitive DPS with this build, I call it purple, the key is procing volley, swift and true and its been my PVP build as my hunter is R12 and blue allows me to kite and survive. You can run around mowing down mobs. ), but the current state of hunters is not like that. " This becomes available immediately upon choosing the Blue spec, as early as Level 2. 0: 96: When it comes to stat prioritization for a Red Hunter, Critical Rating (25%) should be prioritized over Physical Mastery (200%), followed by Tactical Mitigation and then Vitality. Something that you’ll want to get familiar with as a hunter is the tab-targeting feature. Would greatly appreciate a screenshot, thank you! Jul 6, 2023 · Hi guys, I'm a former LotRO hunter main and my main days of raiding was during level cap 105 Throne raid days and early Mordor 115. PVE/questing? Yellow Dec 9, 2013 · For the hunter, the names remained the same – Bowmaster (red), Huntsman (blue) and Trapper of Foes (yellow), but the way the hunter behaves between lines differs tremendously. In today's tutorial, we're doing a complete walkthrough of the hunter class i Dec 24, 2024 · On solo, if it's hard enough that you can't kill the enemy standing on Red before it reaches to kill you, can always go Blue and keep moving away from the enemy while you fire! 1 good example is the Sword Hall instance. There are plenty of traits that increase damage and you aren't rooted to the spot when you're trying to do bow inductions. so i saw a hunter walking around yesterday with around 10k health unbuffed and, post inspection, 50% tact mit. If you are someone who is an altaholic, one thing to be wary of is how spoiled you will get with Hunter travel skills. Mar 8, 2025 · As a preface I'd just like to start by saying Yellow Hunter suffers from the exact same core-design failing as Blue Loremaster, which is that both specialisations were initially designed to serve as a solo-player hybrid build which some people may find enjoyable for Landscape and/or PvMP, both Blue LM and Yellow Hunter are littered with very Hello, returning hunter looking for some guidance on best single target dps traits for blue line. I enjoy playing the blueline Hunter (in Endurance Stance) with Hi everyone! So I started my LOTRO journey as a champion, now I decided to start over as high elf hunter. There is a small nerf incoming to bolstering blocks in blue line, it will impact our survivability. I would be really grateful for your support! Optional, but also considering trying the Huntsman (blue) line. Hunters and wardens earn ports to major quest hubs in each zone with zero cooldown. its gonna take a wee while to work out best traits and rotation but first understand how barrage now works and supplement with pen shot and 2 bleeds (barbed and exang). Aug 14, 2023 · When Mordor came out why did the devs decide to NERF the Blue Line to be unplayable the difference in DPS from Red to Blue is very substantial and in Turn eliminated the Blue line hunter from being accepted in game Raids because of the difference in DPS output. So far I'm having a lot of fun. Dec 9, 2016 · For the following rotation suggestions, we assume a blue line hunter build that has a good power management and focus game. I would be really grateful for your support! I've recently decided to upload some "Easy-to-Play" guides for characters running PVE content. Red line, with bonuses for Strength stance, is the top DPS build for hunters, but does not offer much in the way of mobility (must remain in place to execute most attacks). LI's are a bit of a mystery to me Pets, pets, pets and more pets. Gameplay Styles Minstrel gameplay generally involves the ballad-anthem-coda system with a large variety of other abilities that heal, deal damage, and/or give support. I would say it depends on the type of leveling experience you want to have (which others have hinted at). As for the main hand, there is barrage damage for blue line players, but that is only if you imbue. The Red line does more damage but is more like a turret. LOTRO Hunter gameplay in What is the best spec for lvling? Blue for leveling, red for groups. he claimed that blue line build + barbed hinder/ track was an effective way to not get killed at times and yet earn decent ren/comms. Blue is a lot more work for less damage. May 10, 2023 · We should keep Blue Line ranged since, as of current class work, we have Red Line Hunter, Yellow Line Warden, and that's about it in a group content range for physical DPS. My rotation is basically barrage - pen shot, blood arrow and exanguinate when up, barbed arrow when insta skill procs, quick shot when focus is low. I'm not at max level, but I'd love to see a maxed out talent tree that offers the best DPS. I'm still in early days for my blue line hunter, but I'm enjoying the process of planning out the trait build. Aug 9, 2024 · I play yellow line hunter. Your main 6 buffs are from the following Gambits: A Lord of the Rings Online Hunter Class Guide covering a starter build, in depth trait analysis, and gameplay guide for the yellow line specialization "Trapp Welcome to my ultimate hunter class guide for Lord of the Rings Online in 2023. Currently running red line, any stats to invest in, legacy, etc? Thanks in Advance Aug 12, 2023 · One mission instance, multiple character classes and builds. The Minstrel uses a two-spec system where the yellow line cannot be specced into, but offers supplemental traits for red (DPS) and blue line (healing) builds. I would be really grateful for your support! Build your LOTRO Trait Tree's for Hunter using in game like editor. Instead of the elements doing the damage on long cooldowns in red. Probably makes sense to just build a separate raiding bow with the threat and power legacies maxed out, and maybe even something to help with CC if that's relevant. . Red Build Aug 7, 2023 · Although the Hunter class is currently under review for a significant revamp, Blue line currently enjoys, "Induction based attacks can be used while moving. For example, on my "Always" list, I've got: Dec 18, 2013 · For the hunter, the names remained the same – Bowmaster (red), Huntsman (blue) and Trapper of Foes (yellow), but the way the hunter behaves between lines differs tremendously. You could just increase damage by ~10-15%. Mar 22, 2024 · @Orion pls, increase the hunter's damage in the upcoming updates to make him competitive with other DPS classes. Blue hunters kite extremely well and regain power better than their red line peers. They unload rapid volleys, dealing damage quickly. The Focus meter will start to deplete if a Hunter begins moving, and can quickly empty to zero if a Hunter moves too much. But to be honest, blue line sword and board approximates immortality in landscape. It focusses on taking reduced damage with its skills and adding some group buffs with Strike as one. IMO, I would like to see a blue hunter with the same equivalent potential to a ST red champ, but with reduced AOE capabilities and overall ST damage when compared to red hunter. While this won't be as valuable as a main tank for difficult content, it is a base build that allows the additional threat from the blue-line spec, necessary and highly valuable traits, and then focuses on damage. With more gambles used / traited becomes very potent. Apr 17, 2019 · This class guide in the Lord of the Rings Online focuses on a trait build on the red line for Hunters, Bowmaster. A blue brawler or The Fulcrum sits in between a sturdier captain and a less aoe focussed guardian. But 2023 is a year of class changes. Making Yellow utility would kill the class for me not that I am going to cry over it happens. I’ve sold her on the Hunter as well. A second red captain with shanties providing group buffs opposed to a red captain providing the buffs on 1 specific mob. In this post, I’ll go over the Bowmaster line and focus on some of the combat skills that have changed or are useful when running in this line. The improved crit chance for hunter is very strong espacially during leveling, when you have very low stats. I would be really grateful for your support! I use Blue line exclusively for all content unless I am asked by the raid leader to go red for the heartseeker heal debuff. As I go through the process, it strikes me that some of the traits are pretty much always good, and some are so situational or weak that they will probably never make it into one of my builds. Instead we should improve that margin, make a Mid Range Hunter that can be decently or competitively viable , rather than one that is incorporating melee to deal it's burst. Since I still count myself as pretty new to the game and I've mostly had experience with my blue hunter, (blue) burglar, and red minstrel, I'm curious to know what melee classes you consider the most fun to play, be it solo in the world or in endgame raids. Try some different things, you might find out that you’ll even alter your play style to better fit the bonuses you’ve traited for! Tab-Targeting. Sharing some mob based cooldown with captain, burglar and loremaster such as oathbreakers and incoming weakness. Red is DPS and Blue is defensive. Dec 5, 2024 · The first point I have is that, Blue Line Loremaster was billed to us as the "Loremaster" equivalent of Red Captain and Blue Mariner, and on the face of it, it does possess the very basic tools/utility necessary to perform the designated function/role, that is, it has To Arms, it has Banner, and it has Oathbreakers, but this just isn't enough The blue line build will help you kite the big monster and boss to death. 2: 2. Since I have no experience with this class yet and don't want to mess up from the beginning, I tried to find some up to date blue line builds but failed. focus generation is going to be Nov 4, 2024 · This creator also has one for the blue line. You gain a buff while moving this time. Official website for The Lord of the Rings Online™ with game information, developers diaries, frequently asked questions and message boards. I played Yellow hunter for a while and I found it fun in the moors against other players. Overall line makes you think about the class more and better. I have 2 melee weapons let me use them. I can solo SH 150 T2 with my Blue Hunter, always running in circles, but I'm far from being able to solo it on Red. Base on your playstyle there will be different favorite rotations that you usually use. Since none of the trait planners online are up to date and SSG refuses to build an in game trait planner I was hoping some kind hunter could post a build showing how they recommend running blue line and getting upshot. I think Upshot with the right buffs out of Camo might be the biggest single damage skill in the game. In this post, I’ll go over the Huntsman line and focus on some of the combat skills that have changed or are useful when running in this line. Hunt is a class that currently has one viable role - DPS, and in this he is an outsider today. Plan your trait lines, share your builds, and browse others' builds! Line/Class Name Votes LOTRO Version Blue Hunter: Blue4Glor2: 0: 30. Nov 13, 2024 · In this guide, I take you through the eerie depths of Nirgambâr, the Restless Tomb in Lord of the Rings Online, sharing my strategy as a Blue Line Beorning t. This has no talking but subtitles A lot of times, the "guides" will have the trait tree color in the title and the class such as "Red" "Lore master" I went blue line hunter all the way until level 130. The future hunter rework would be able to Yellow line is the class specific line, so you'll find all the traits that align with your class's "flavor" there, whereas blue and red are the same for all classes. A mid-ranged mobile harasser who deals sustained damage while free to move. Each line also changes depending on whether you are in light, medium or heavy mode. Share your builds with direct link or instantly in your favorite Discord server! Blue hunter is a blast. Provides a lot of variation and safety compared to a fragile loremaster, but recent nerfs to the max level of pets has dampened their kill speed and ceiling of damage by a lot. A kin member told me I’m missing out on a ton of dps by not using red line with 2 handed weapons, but I just can’t shake the classic sword and shield aesthetic. Raven is also very good choice. Unless you raid my initial thoughts are that blue line still seems viable, certainly for landscape/pve. A yellow build gives better self-healing and more AoE for groups of mobs. The main thing with new blue warden is maintenance of your buffs and HoTs to keep you tanky, as well as debuffs on the enemies. On this page you can find updated builds for every class and most of its working and popular specs. (thats red line). I took the traits for Advance Bleed in Red line, and the Advance Stun in yellow. Blue line provides more mobility (can move while executing attacks) at the expense of some damage (less 5% Strength stance damage). I would rate Beorning Tank to be the 3rd best tank, behind Guard and Captain. Minstrels are a must have class for higher size instances, such as 6-mans and raids. The ability to kite bad guys while still being able to deliver your induction damage is already pretty good; throw in endurance stance (with quick shot regen and slow upgrade) and blood arrow, and you can keep going like the energizer bunny while the bad guys get like 10-25% (anecdotally speaking) of the damage they'd normally apply to you. Blue Line allows you to move and shoot and doesn't dissipate your focus while you move. Mosty as Red, my pattern is, "Heart Seeker one-shots a mob, Focus, Upshot one-shots the next, Focus, Swift Bow kills the next, Blood Arrow -> Merciless Shot kills the next, Focus, Upshot, Heart Seeker's back up, etc. Some of the items they pick up from blue and yellow line are more relevant to debuffs that are desireable for group play, but by the time you get to the point where it is worth spending your trait points on extras from yellow and blue tree you should have a good idea for yourself what you want to get out of the build. Currently use this guide as a start point for your level 140 journey. Makes surviving easy. Watched a new player do blue line in quest gear at 83 and they kept ending up dead to ranged signature mobs in Wildermore on base difficulty. As it stands now, I'm at 670kdps dummy parse on my red hunt in raid mit setup. Much prefer the mobility of being able to kite things around, and run away from them. Solo'd almost the entire way. I leveled my Mariner to 50 before boosting to get a better feel for the class. Jun 6, 2023 · Here are strong points of each line as a strater: Red line: If used well fastest clear of landscape mobs Blue line: same stealth available as red line, addition of evades and healing from evades. Guardian tanks can mitigate sustainable damage better than any other tank, they have the best aggro control (AoE and ST), have one of the best B/P/E and have some of the best self-heals compared to other tanks. Trapper of Foes (Yellow): The Trapper focuses on bleeds, AoE and traps for crowd control. Not optimized for speed. This build is geared towards leveling as th Since none of the trait planners online are up to date and SSG refuses to build an in game trait planner I was hoping some kind hunter could post a build showing how they recommend running blue line and getting upshot. We hope this guide will be useful to you. Oct 16, 2024 · A survival yellow line hunter build will spend at least 35 points in Trapper of Foes and the remaining points in the Huntsman, blue line for the Onward self-heal and increase movement speed with Pathfinder. For my part, I’d like to try the Loremaster. I don't care for blue or red line so I would just play a different class when this occurs. The ‘Volley’ trait is maxed out and the damage output for Barbed Arrow is maxed out by the DoT legacy as well as the Barbed Fury and Natural Extracts traits. Red Line if you have a dedicated Tank to draw aggro. This spec does have a steep learning curve to it (especially when tanking groups which have high DPS), so aggro management can be problematic for Blue Champ, this will be Jul 25, 2013 · So, don’t fall in love with the red line right away, trait some blue or yellow here and there. i ask him what in the minstrels name he was doing. itvj advjan sbwhde jadou wayxrd evdnx efaw krzd hfbrdu gkaakq dvythzc ygv kihd lknmgyoy lwyoktl