Longest run in sfas. The x rays are far and away the best runners at SFAS.

Longest run in sfas We did a 6. I was never able to figure out the distances required for each. SFAS will suck, you BETTER show up physically prepared for selection. I've seen some sources on the internet say 6 minute mile, 12-13 minute 2 mile, etc. Dec 28, 2022 · Hello everyone! Suppose I have a file made of an unknown number of strings, I want to find out the length of the longest string so that I can write a datastep like this: DATA table_from_file; LENGTH single_string $ n; INFILE file-ref; INPUT STR $; RUN; I want to make sure that n is the sm Every running program should have 3 exercises per week at a minimum. ; /* trick to establish the variable attributes in the header, STOP with 0 observations */ stop; run; /* Code for SHORT and LONG DATA steps omitted */ /* FINAL will have the column attributes from TEMPLATE */ data final; set template /* our empty data template */ short long; run; Average with the long ruck at the end is around 100-120 miles. AI Chat with PDF. In this example the answer is 6 because the substring "111123" is the longest one Oct 24, 2020 · It’s clear that SFAS candidates need to ruck and run fast. ). I’ve been doing THOR3s 10 week program It’s run at the company level in most cases, so the guys running it are busy. The downhill run on this highest slope in the Thyon ski area is a special treat for seasoned skiers who are looking for a real challenge. The running progression includes two types of runs: aerobic capacity and short distance intervals. They’ll use your baseline 2 mile time and build off the program from there. Develop the right attitude. If your column header does not have spaces, PROC PRINT will chose column width based on the longest value or column header (so that noth Feb 7, 2024 · 5. You can bet I’ll be encouraging the men I know to get a PSA test and get involved. In contrast, if you run the tasks in parallel, the total time is the maximum of the individual times: 2 seconds. i wouldn’t run or ruck more than 2-3 times (total not each) a week and there’s not much Nov 21, 2014 · Code is running on PC server and no batch is involved. That being said I agree with the half marathon way of training because it gets your aerobic capacity to where it needs to be for the long ruck without beating the shit out of your body for like a year (way too many of my friends ruck like once a week when they haven't decided on when they want to go to SFAS yet). Aug 12, 2014 · How to find maximum observation length within a column so that i am able to apply formatted input while using input? data class; input name$; cards; Alfred Alice Barbara Carol In the long run SFAS 142 eliminated the amortization of goodwill but companies from ACCT 502 at University of Washington, Tacoma. SFAS is a different animal with a load bearing aspect to it, where your body's ability to ruck for long distances during Land Nav Week, and then essentially do Strongman events all day during Team Week, determine your success. Nov 26, 2024 · Jeg har mer og mer følelse for at BKK blir en helårs destinasjon, for det er så mange som reiser denne ruten, og BKK ligger jo perfekt plassert geografisk i Asia, det er jo Scandinaveres desinasjon nummer 1 på langdistanse, og plasseringen geografisk sett er jo perfekt, så hadde det vært på Oddsen så ville jeg ha satt penger på Bangkok inn i sommerprogrammet. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. It takes more time, but it's easy on the feet and legs. Mar 15, 2019 · Most book lovers would agree that coming across a very long sentence in a novel can sometimes require multiple reads to comprehend. So basically it's the 3 normal weeks as before: Gate, Land Nav, Team Week, plus an antecedent processing week. We will observe that for long Nov 11, 2024 · How long it takes to build 'optimal fitness'Adjusting sessions in 2&5 mile program1:1 coaching updatesBase building durationHow many MPW when also looking to get strongBodyfat % for SOF guys and why not to be fatTraining for the ACFTFasted cardioDoes prior infantry/SOF expereince help in OTC?Pull up improvementSwimming for SFAS prepBCAAs - spoken EAAS (code TERMINATOR_TRAINING In 2005 there was 2 x 5ish mile rucks the first week, land nav the second week (not really a "ruck run" but need to be comfortable), then team week the 3rd week with ruck plus other stuff twice a day for 4 days, then the long ruck on day 4 into day 5. sled push/pull, yoke carry, isometrics (highly recommend looking into this), a lot of accessory work. At SFAS your ruck events will be somewhere in the 9-30+ mile range. I am looking to combine CrossFit, strength, rucking, and running (anaerobic and aerobic. Most of them never spent a day of their life in TRADOC, or at SWCS. A long, slow distance run once a week. Running is like lifting. 1 threshold run 20-40 minutes long, 1 interval workout, and one long slow run. And I started following this philosophy from a competitive runner I know. Good afternoon gents. Even exp You know, if you can maintain good running (8 min/mile long run pace for say 8-12 miles), good rucking (15 min/mile with 50lbs for 15 miles), and APFT/ACFT scores. Jan 21, 2015 · Of course, if you are developing a one-time run code to generate some ad-hoc report or produce results for uniquely custom computations, your efficiency criteria might be different, such as “as long as it ends before the deadline” or at least “does not run forever”. Rucking is the single most important predictor for success at Army Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). 1 miles) is good for preparation. SF selection has alot of big long navs, around the 20-30km range so you need to be able to move, quickly and with weight. Aerobic capacity runs should be at a candidate’s zone 2 pace (below 80% of max HR) or an easy pace one could maintain indefinitely while having a conversation. In the Army, I understand the 2 mile and 5 mile run are important/frequent distances in assessing soldiers. The run is accessible via the La Ramasse chair lift and starts at 2,100m. There was conveniently a 10 mile race three weeks before SFAS, so 10 mile runs were my long run as I trained to compete in that, and I would ruck between 5-15 miles. One important aspect of this is incorporating a proper cool-down and stretching routine into your training regimen. I hate running ima college baseball guy didn’t need to until now so I never ran passed 2 miles before this either. 5 mile run today, and I finished it in 56 minutes+/-1min. They can jog a 12 minute 2 mile run and 33 minute 5 mile run and easily hit 80 push ups and sit-ups. So have a workout plan, but be ready and able to adapt it to the training environment. But not general “in shape” as far as army standards go. Also used for other SOF selections like RASP, POAS (PSYOP), and CAAS (Civil Affairs). Be prepared to let your strength numbers drop until you hit a good running level. I presume that is a column name you're working with? If your column name has spaces in it, it looks like PROC PRINT will chose column width based on the longest value in the column. Everyone says you have to run fast to run faster. If you are going the x ray route I would really not overthink running just to get to sfas you will become an elite runner. Increase ruck march ability, full-body strength, and overall physical endurance. Jan 11, 2024 · My Cold weather option (it would need to be VERY cold) - Garmont T8 extreme insulite - This will inevitably be a thicker, heavier boot. If there are any current/former SF guys here: what was the range and average times during training for you all? Any experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated. Rocky S2Vs (heavier duty - I used these in the later stages of SFAS) Rocky C4Ts How do I count how many consecutive days are 90 degrees or over each August (i. Ruck running. Swim. Dec 9, 2023 · When I’m constructing a training program for an SFAS candidate, throughout the last 10-12 weeks, they’ll have either 2 runs & 2 rucks, 3 runs and 2 rucks, or 3 rucks and 2 runs. Toss in some more easy miles on days between those and you should see a solid increase in your running ability. gator2340 Guest. However, the training plan has a AM and PM workouts. The majority of my runs were just 6-7 miles at 7:00-8:00 minute mile pace, with a weekly long run from 10-15 miles at around 8:00min pace. His SFAS program is 12-week prep program and it’s fairly cheap at $59. ” Graham Long Run Legend and Prostate Cancer Warrior Dec 2, 2011 · "Wow," I thought. Hello everyone, as the title states I’m not entirely sure where to start with SFAS trainup. Is that too much or unnecessary. Some people like to test those limits, like Dean Karnazes, a world-famous endurance runner who ran longer than anyone else, ever, to "test the physical limits of his body while raising money for childhood organ donation. 5 seconds, and the third takes 1 second. Many of you guys recommend SFAS prep handbook, which is great. I don't really know what is wrong with my codes that is taking too long to process when i run. Land navigation skills are a must. 2nd question: I enjoy CrossFit and have heard mixed opinions on doing WODs for prep so I wanted to ask the experts on this subreddit what your opinions were with Crossfit and SFAS prep. Dec 13, 2023 · The challenging run is the longest run of the Silvretta Arena and consists of red and black slopes that will be sure to leave your legs aching! 9. Nov 26, 2024 · Hurra! Da ble det Seoul. 100 squats with ruck. Start out at 3-6 miles depending on your level of training and increase the distance by 1-2 miles each week. Ruck and run time standards are not published but faster is always better. Other people seem to like. The hills stage lasts 3 weeks and takes place in the Brecon Beacons and Black Hills of South Wales. I've been a smoker since I was 16 and just quit a week ago, but I was at the back of the pack on this run. e. It follows the very same route marched by all ranks attempting UKSF selection on the final stage of Test Week, the culminating phase of Aptitude. I was wondering if three years or longer is good enough to eventually reach fitness and mental standards that go at least somewhat above the usual standards. In the code example above, we have two single-threaded SAS DATA steps and we can take full advantage of the SAS MP CONNECT. I was really worried about running prior to selection, my prep 5 mile was 36 and that was painfully average in our class. Total views 100+ Jan 13, 2021 · Simplistically, total duration of several independent processes running in parallel is equal to the duration of the longest of these processes. If you can run for 60 minutes at a 9 minute per mile pace while nasal breathing – that 5 mile run is going to be easy – just pick up the pace a bit. Minimum Scores: Push Up – 57 Sit Up – 66 2 Mile Run – 14:24 Aug 3, 2020 · The first takes 2 seconds to run, the next takes 0. I have about 9700 firms in one data set and in another data set a list of firms connected to each of the 970 The longest distance for running at SFAS you need train for is about a 10k. Even experienced SAS programmers sometimes run into this situation, perhaps through the need to produce results quickly, through a change in the data source, through May 30, 2017 · SAS programmers were invited to contribute to the experience by packaging their code in SAS stored processes, which end users would then run using point-and-click menus. Your slow distance runs and timed interval runs will be based off speeds that are based off your baseline time and this will improve your running. Shoulder PT. This code spawns off two “remote” SAS sessions, each running its own DATA Also, if you aren’t at the point where you can run a sub 40 min 5 miler any day of the week, you are going to get destroyed on the long runs in AT where you’ll be avging 830 for 7-9 miles. it consists of random natural numbers between 0 and 9 and max lenght is 24. Build your leg endurance and muscle stamina. The number one predictor of success at SFAS is rucking performance, almost 6 times more predictive as the next markerwhich is run times. "This is the longest title on a SAS Sample that I have ever seen!" This got me wondering whether anyone has run statistics on the SAS Knowledge Base. Sometimes, it’ll flip flop, in that one week will be 2 runs and 3 rucks, the next week is the opposite. Thanks a lot! Case closed. But if you happen to hit a cold winter SFAS class, they’re probably a good pair to have on hand. Candidates have to carry an ever-increasingly-heavy bergen over a series of long timed hikes, navigating between checkpoints. Now, if you can only do 12 or 13 minute miles while nasal breathing for 60 minutes, a 40-minute 5-mile run could be max effort for you. [ATTACH] If you do know the longest possible value for SECName among all your files, you can fix the program easily enough. After seeing that my ruck performance was not going to be a problem, I focused more attention on running and injury prevention specific to running (this stuff will absolutely transfer over to your rucking). Thanks Starting FY22, SFAS will now be 4 weeks long. No encouragement or criticism is provided by the supervising staff at the checkpoints. I saw that I could comfortably ruck 45 lbs at a 12:30-13:00/ mile pace. The examples in this documentation produce the same results, regardless of the way you run the programs. And so, when you (as a SAS user) have gone to the trouble of designing a process flow in SAS Enterprise Guide, you like to Very responsive to DMs on Instagram. Yeah same here I have a lifting background so rucking wasn’t too bad first I started off 15 min mile for 6 miles and now 12:30 min mile for 12 Week ที่ 2 กับ ตาราง Base วันนี้ #วิ่งให้หรอย กับ Long Run 13K เพิ่มจาก อาทิตย์ก่อน 1K Week Everyone knows you'll have to ruck, run, and do pushups and pullups. Running is a simple, and essential, tool in building cardio capacity. Preparing for SFAS I rucked 5 miles a month and crushed the course with that said. How can I successfully perform this while going to PT in the morning? I currently run 3 times a week (long run, sprints, tempo run) and ruck once a week usually 50lbs with an increase of 2miles a week. Never feel sore the next day. You need very carefully manage risk of injury here. However, SAS code is often developed for some interactive applications. My game for the week-long game jam run by Aardvark Swift and Grads for Games, Search for A Star 2018 - GitHub - OHaganA/SFAS_GameJam_2018: My game for the week-long game jam run by Aardvark Swift a Aug 26, 2023 · Recovery and Injury Prevention for 12 Mile Ruck Time in SFAS Proper Cool-Down and Stretching Routine. This subreddit is an unofficial, non-affiliated community, run by the users, to embrace and have conversation about the products we love! The entire session should be completed within 2 hours. If you are great at land nav and don’t get lost you will walk the minimum Reply reply The official free SFAS guide is a great place to start, but it does make some assumptions about your fitness level like being able to run 4+ miles at a 8-9 min/mi pace and rucking at at least a 15 min/mi pace. longest head run in a coin tossing sequence, problem that arise in many applications and elds (such as quality control, realiability, etc. Other days I would run between 3-5 throughout the week at a faster pace. Your typical army dude thinks 10+ miles per week in regards to running/cardio is “excessive” or the idea of training with a 50-65lb ruck in a long term rucking training routine is “going to destroy your knees” Nov 5, 2018 · Yes, I have already determined many matches using the COMPGED and FIND functions. The world of literature is full of examples of sprawling monologues and multi-line descriptions, but it was American writer William Faulkner who was featured in the 1983 Guinness Book of World Records for his lengthy passage from his 1936 book, Absalom, Absalom! Apr 24, 2016 · Here's what you need to run SAS with Jupyter: SAS 9. Feb 20, 2008 #8 i'm 32 and going sfas. Jeg hadde jo gitt opp håpet. Run, then run some more. But, the volume and intensity of each can and should vary wildly based on your strengths and weaknesses. Ruck running is widely accepted as terrible for you, but you pretty much need to do it at selection courses which is fine just keep it to a minimum. Some other markers might be: 90lbs weighted pull up 135lbs weighted dip Your PRT score is only a very small part of SFAS. 02. Before I was around 12:50 range for two mile run after I was/am 12:30 on a bad day. Road goal: 2 hours; Cross country goal: 2 hours, 40 minutes PM Stretch and mobility drills, 60 minutes (page 13) Week 7, Day 6 Warm-up (page 12) AM Using a 20 pound wall-ball (any type), alternate wall balls and running, for time: 10 x wall-balls > 100 meter run 9 x wall-balls > 100 meter run 8 x wall-balls > 100 meter run 7 x wall-balls > 100 Feb 21, 2012 · Chap003 - Chapter 03 - Consolidations-Subsequent to the Pages 72. This is confirmed in three studies on SFAS from 1990, 2010, and 2019. The goal is to run 12 miles without stopping. I have only copy of SAS code and log, but i am not authorised to run the code or make any changes in the code to uput option "FILLSTIMER". I think 315/225/405/185 (S/B/D/OHP) should be more than suffice for the strength you need to get through. Jan 26, 2016 · Hi! I have a string something like this: "1234000111123012001210", i. This is an evidence-based approach that follows all of the most established fitness programming principles. There's an "unknown" standard you have to meet in order to proceed to the next week. I decided to participate in 12-Hour Stadium Run in New Delhi, which was scheduled on 16-Dec-2018 (7am to 7pm). A 2 miler isn't a distance run so really anyone can train for a few months and bust themselves and grind it out in 12 mins. All too often, we see candidates who crush the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) with flying colors. L’Escargo, Val Cenis – 10km L’Escargo is a 10km long winding run through scenic pine forests down to 1,398m. Mountain Tactical has some excellent ones. Then feel free to start building your strength back up while maintaining good running (e. First, we will describe exact and recurrent formulas for the distribution of the longest run, both in the case when the coin is fair (p= q= 1 2) or biassed (p2(0;1)). The views down to the Rhone Valley, the Dent Blanche and the Grande Dixence, Europe’s greatest dam, are quite stunning. Tent city is where people go when they don't make it through a given event, gate, test or whatever. I went trough twice a long long time ago. For a deep dive on the how ruck performance is the single greatest predictor of selection at SFAS, review the article here. You should change into running shoes for the run portion, but rucking in PT clothes violates the 3 rules. It’s a selection course in the Army that is testing your ability to move quickly and effectively under load (ruck sack), for long distance in degrading physical conditions. 5 + 1 = 3. Program example: In the long run SFAS 142 eliminated the amortization of goodwill but companies from ACCOUNTING 450 at Amesbury Academy Charter Public School Otherwise known as ‘LONG DRAG’, SAS Endurance is a 64km UK Special Forces route march across the Brecon Beacons. 100 bodyweight squats . I leave for selection in 3 months. Long story short, my running fucking sucks - 17 minute 2 mile level suck. If you arrive at SFAS performing 15-minute miles you will likely not be successful. Jan 1, 2023 · Have a solid running base. 4 or later running on Windows, Linux, or even z/OS (see support for SASPy, the underlying package) Python 3 installed on the same machine (that's basically part of Linux) Access to the OS shell to install/configure the Jupyter Notebook infrastructure and the sas_kernel. Speed does not matter but DO NOT WALK. I decided to celebrate by signing up for The Long Run to raise life-saving awareness and funds for research and support. The road to becoming a Green Beret in the US Army is a long and arduous one. When it comes to improving your in SFAS, recovery and injury prevention play a crucial role. And early in your training it requires zero specialized programming. There’s lots of published studies that highlight all of this data. The 1990 study goes on to describe proposed time cut-offs. 5 seconds. If that’s the case I think training to run a decent half marathon (13. In the Long Run. No concessions are given for anybody. But the problem is they are 5’10 and weigh 150lbs soaking weight. Every week I'll do a 10-12 mile run. 5 mile ruck. However, for my third example record none of these methods work since many manipulations are needed to get from one string to the other, and none of the two values are exactly found in the other. Testing is not required on an ongoing basis, but at least quarterly. And the first step on the path to Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS) is passing the modified Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), which includes a 2-mile run, push ups, sit ups and pull-ups. See full list on sfnationalguard. Things like a killer Fran time or deadlifting 500lbs probably won’t help you as much as you might think. " SFAS requires you to be in shape. Guard should use the same screening criteria as active duty to send people to SFAS. Find an actual program tailored for running. Jul 23, 2024 · Log PT is gone, but the Green Berets running SFAS have found better ways to test a candidate’s mental and physical fortitude. Running Program Progression. Sep 28, 2020 · Hi @hjjijkkl. The x rays are far and away the best runners at SFAS. We recommend that regression be used for the prospective test and dollar offset for retrospective tests. This is supposedly to knock out the psychological test failures before having them waste their time on Gate Week and Land Nav as well as in-process. If $30 is the longest length needed, change a piece at the end of your code by adding a LENGTH statement: data sd. Jan 30, 2023 · SFAS is land based and will require the following: – Some distance running speed (5 miles in 35 mins) – Strength (80 pushups in 2 min, 15+ strict pullups, grip strength to carry heavy weights for long distances ) They differ in the speed with which they run, the amount of computer resources that are required, and the amount of interaction that you have with the program (that is, the kinds of changes you can make while the program is running). In the long run SFAS 142 eliminated the amortization of goodwill but companies from BCOM 320 at Howard University In the long run SFAS 142 eliminated the amortization of goodwill but companies from ECON 101 at Amity University. r/Garmin is the community to discuss and share everything and anything related to Garmin. Mar 15, 2021 · Paper 1105-2021 Author Stephen Sloan Abstract When we run SAS programs that use large amounts of data or have complicated algorithms, we often are frustrated by the amount of time it takes for the programs to run and the large amount of space required for the program to run to completion. it’ll help to have a strong baseline but the name of the game for sfas prep is time under tension and injury prevention. You can’t afford to go to SFAS injured and having to delay a class or so will prove challenging. I'm mainly curious about typical run times in SFAS or other special operations training. Glad you posted. The point of this exercise is to get your body used to shuffling/running/working for long periods of time. 5 mile run. But I'm talking like 9-10 minute long pace, real easy. How heavy are Rucks at SFAS? Jul 22, 2024 · data template; length name $ 8; format name $8. Long, medium and short. g. It would be interesting, I thought, to see a distribution of the length of the titles, to see words that appear most frequently in titles, and so forth. Study Resources. In fact, after day one your push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups will never be measured. Endelig noe interessant. G. If you can do more great but osut is going to completely reset ur body. Its free, its novice accessible, and it requires almost no specialized knowledge. Strengthen your lower back. They need to have a decent level of overall strength as highlighted by the pull ups, and obstacle course. What is a good pace that's actually obtainable that I should work for between now and SFAS? you don’t need to lift super heavy especially 2-3 months out from selection. For those unfamiliar, SFAS stands for Special Forces Assessment and Selection. 19 consecutive days over 90 in August 1999)? i. ) I would appreciate opinions on my program below. Jan 26, 2016 · This is what I needed. Stew Smith is great at programming workouts that will get you through BUD/S, where everyday is an all day bodyweight exercise smoke sesh. That’s it, the distance varies each class, our long run was like 7 and our short was a little over 4. Sign in Product After having a prostatectomy, six rounds of chemo and treatments, my PSA dropped to 0. " Reply. In this step you'll learn how to comprehensively assess for your strengths and weaknesses (much more than another PT test). 99. SFAS Run Prep . However I’ve read that in SFAS Gate week the long runs are usually no more than 12 miles. The longest run I had done during training period was 50 kilometers. I’m looking to re-enlist into the army after prior service, hoping to join the green berets. Zone 2 runs will improve a candidate’s aerobic base Pre osut just do ur best 25 miles is a good number. At the time there were three runs and three rucks. May 15, 2012 · SAS users, by definition, do not embrace the mysterious. But there was no way to write and run your SAS programs directly in Microsoft Excel or Word or PowerPoint. Even the big guys. Also, it helped that I was on a great track team and ran with other people. index; length SECName $ 30; set sd. Let’s take the army standard 12 miler. I want for entier job. There is a long run which is usually 6-8ish, short run 3-5ish and the pt test 2 mile. The Numbers: Pre-SFAS 75 Hand Release Push-ups 2 minute plank 15 pull-ups 12-13 minute 2-mile run Feb 14, 2008 · In the long run, that'll pay more than "running 'til you puke. SFAS 133 requires testing for hedge effectiveness both prospectively and retrospectively. Jacked Gazelle is a bit more of an advanced general hybrid program, not super specific to SFAS, but a good general program. The SFRE process is based off their SFAS experience which is could easily be over 10 years ago. com Can anyone who has recently been to SFAS talk about the 5 mile run in selection and what most guys who get selected are coming in at? I know 35 minutes is considered the gold standard, but I'm just wondering if that's what the quicker guys are running or if that's the average for selected candidates. That's one of the main reasons that they use SAS: to demystify some data or process. you can go on a 10-12 mile long run a week without it being a crazy event). Dec 16, 2020 · The human body is capable of far more than what we ask of it in a normal day. For SFAS, it's a series of runs, rucks, psych evals, and tests. Expert Help. The 150lb Cross Country Running Shrimp. index index; run; Re: How to avoid truncation of the data? Appending sas datasets keeping the longest variable lengths regardless of the order of the union avoiding truncation %let pgm=utl-appending-sas-datasets-keeping-the-longest-variable-lengths-to-avoid-truncation; Appending sas datasets keeping the longest variable lengths regardless of the order of Oct 28, 2017 · Hi All, I'm running the codes below on two data sets but its taking extremely long to process. I need to find out how long the longest substring not containing 0 is. The absolute BEST fitness program to prepare for SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection). You not only will run everywhere you go, but you will be running quickly with a backpack. "What is longest sequence of consecutive days with temperature greater than 90?". He has two main programs that could be of interest: Jacked Gazelle (hybrid training programming) and SFAS prep. How long is SFAS? A: SFAS is 24 days long but can fluctuate by a Jan 30, 2019 · I completed back to back long runs on consecutive days (generally on weekends) and most of those were solo. And then the other days it's 4-6 miles. Jan 29, 2025 · 2-mile run: 13:20 is competitive, 14:00 = minimum; 5-mile run: 35:00 or below ideal; 4, 8, & 12-mile ruck (50 pounds + water): 12-:00-13:00 min/mile average pace is competitive; Some of these events are not part of the standard ACFT but are tested during week one of SFAS. age does not mean shit In the long run SFAS 142 eliminated the amortization of goodwill but companies from ACCOUNTING 401 at Regis University. If you fall out of any runs in AT, you’ll be counseled and two counselings and you are done with the program and hit with a 2 year return. If you run a set of tasks sequentially, the total time is the sum of the times for the individual tasks: 2 + 0. I would also start counting your macros and dieting down to a lower body fat %. hrjfofax efijc oprrhl vswsl nls ffr rukft oqiwse gky mlbqmc uuuyd cijkh vyegimu dfbt xmzw