Launch screen xcode. plist which is available in SwiftUI 2.

Launch screen xcode Why use LaunchScreen. They set the stage for your application, while allowing time for the app engine to load and your app to initialize. Note. Same issue here, trying to set Launch Screens via Storyboard & Swift UI View method doesn't seem to work, only way I can get a launch screen to appear is setting a Launch Image via the UILaunchScreen method, as you say in the Target > General section, setting a Launch Screen File doesn't save. 打开xcode,新建一个Launch Screen. The UI's property name is: "Launch screen interface file base name", and as it suggests, don't use the full name with the file extension, use the filename as appears in your Project's Navigation view" This should connect everything. Modified 5 years, 10 months ago. Launch Screen in Info. When this key is present, Xcode will prioritize it over any launch images you might have set. As a result, you cannot provide the launch screen programatically. 1) Then I create new Project name… Dec 24, 2024 · 设置启动页面(Launch Screen) 在我当前的 Xcode 版本(13. Make sure to keep the design simple and aligned with your brand. The problem is that when I click on show the assistant editor this is what it looks like with the launch screen:. Now build and run your app and you should see the launch screen! Simulator with launch screen active. 총 2편으로 나누어 각각 LaunchScreen 스토리보드와 커스텀 스토리보드로 적용하는 방법을 포스팅하겠습니다. Oct 10, 2024 · 2. If you want somewhere to display your logos you could make a fancy About screen. Jan 7, 2016 · Execute Code in Launch Screen ORIGINAL. A launch screen’s sole function is to enhance the perception of your experience as quick to launch and immediately ready to use. 简介:本文将详细介绍在Xcode 11. If your launch screen is simple and you can get it using UILabel or other UI objects supported in launch screen xib. It’s best to use an Xcode storyboard for your launch screen, but Nov 6, 2024 · Open TARGETS, select YourAppName, go to General, scroll down to App Icons and Launch Screen; Try to setup Launch Screen File by pressing blue drop down button, select your "LaunchScreen" Switch from the General tab to another tab or file, then return to General; Launch Screen file textfield is empty Apr 23, 2020 · Here are a few recommendations and tips to help you create great launch screens for your app. pbxproj file at all. 0 or iOS 14. Apr 24, 2022 · I know that the launch screen is shown before your app is actually running. 本文将详细介绍如何设置iOS应用的LaunchScreen以及如何调整启动页的停留时间。 首先,我们来了解如何设置启动图片。在iOS项目中,LaunchScreen通常是通过Xcode提供的LaunchScreen. Simply delete the pre-existing labels from the LaunchScreen. storyboard file will show up in Simulator or on devices unless I erase all content and settings first. To add launch screen in Xcode: 1- First add your launch screen image in Xcode by going to Build Phases/ Copy Bundle Resources and your image by clicking on the plus button 2- Now add your launch image by going to LaunchScreen and clicking on the Plus button on the top right corner and searching ImageView 3- Now add your launch image by going to the Image View panel on the right side 4- Click Jan 27, 2016 · That's because the launch screen is not designed to show any content, Apple actually suggests the opposite, for your launch screen to be the main view of your application without content. In Launch Screen File I put as LaunchScreen. To add new launch storyboards to your project, do the following: Open your project in Xcode. plist. Don’t include logos or other branding elements unless they’re a static part of your app’s first screen. How to make an iPhone, iPad or Mac show an updated launch screen Nov 18, 2015 · Launch Image Source: Ignore if you only support iOS 8 and have a Launch Screen File Missing assets in general: If you are sure they are not needed, uncheck them in the Attributes Inspector . Jul 18, 2021 · 10、如果遇到了真机不生效的问题 如果遇到跑到真机上效果不对的问题,记得先删除Xcode的缓存,再clean一下项目,最后卸载手机上的app,重新安装即可(本人就遇到了在iPhoneX上不生效的问题) Aug 20, 2015 · If you want a launch bitmap image you will need to supply all the necessary sizes. Static Launch Screen Images. 5 - Modify index. Jan 20, 2016 · I have an Xcode project with multiple targets. 18 10:22 浏览量:17. All apps submitted to the Apple App Store must provide a launch screen with an Xcode storyboard. Here are some Approaches which are not optimum but works. js to hide the splash screen after the app Feb 17, 2023 · We will go over how to implement it, how to build a custom launch screen, and add in a few useful tips and tricks along the way. This comes under the default file name LaunchScreen. com Aug 3, 2023 · A: Click the main file of the project, the one that has all of the settings. xib file as a launch screen is really intended to replace the need of having to show full screen launch images. Set the Launch Screen in Xcode: In the Project Navigator, go to the root of your project. storyboard + LaunchScreenViewController. Sep 16, 2021 · I am trying to design the Launch screen in XCode but facing one issue where I can't get any hint of how to resolve it. I believe the relevant code is self. xib I still get the same result. xib to . Apr 9, 2020 · Now, with iOS 13, the problem is that I need 2 variants of this launch screen, one for dark mode and another for light mode. Is there any possible way for me to decide on a launch screen image based on a variable in a property list or is there a better approach? Xcode 6 allows use a LaunchScreen. storyboard (in Xcode 7. This option has been available since Xcode 12 and is a great Jun 16, 2021 · xcode; launch-screen; or ask your own question. Check out this SO answer or the following documentation for help with this. storyboard" by default. Jul 31, 2019 · Im new to iOS development coming from an Android background and im looking to set the first screen after the launch screen. Also I know that we cannot add or link code to the launchScreen file because it will give the below error: 🌟BUT!!🌟 My idea is to change the launchScreen given color in the Assets. You create a launch screen for your app in your Xcode project in one of two ways: Information property list. Although people won’t be able to interact with your launch screen, you should always build your screen using an Xcode storyboard. Don’t design an entry experience that looks like a splash screen or an "About" window. Xcode 11. Mar 27, 2018 · Launch Screen Not Updating in Xcode. 01. When we create a new SwiftUI app, this is the new way to make launch screens. 2 ,如设置导航栏背景、工具栏 NavigationBar toolbar 都不支持,或者是达不到预期效果,如果你的启动页比较复杂,还是建议通过老… Jan 28, 2023 · Example Launch Screen for ‘Outrageous Facts: History’ I was working on a basic history facts app and noticed that there were a severe lack of articles on how to add a Launch Screen in Xcode. User interface file Jan 28, 2023 · Example Launch Screen for ‘Outrageous Facts: History’ I was working on a basic history facts app and noticed that there were a severe lack of articles on how to add a Launch Screen in Xcode. plist` 中设置 `Launch Screen File Nov 30, 2020 · When you create a Launch Screen, it should automatically create the view controller for you. Either use existing or add new iOS launch image. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. It the best way to create a launch screen if your app: Support only iOS8+, previous version need a launch image source. Whats the correct way of doing this? You can create either launch PNG image or launch screen as a storyboard. Step Two: Add the Images Follow the tutorials below to learn how to add image view components with images to the launch screen storyboard. 1. Verified as of Xcode 8. storyboard), is it now possible to design the launch screen programmatically if you choose to? Can you write custom code for the launch screen? Sep 20, 2020 · In Xcode 13 launch screen was not displaying rather a black screen was coming. If Edit Launch Screen. Nov 6, 2024 · but it appears to be missing in my Xcode 16, so add it in by hand (via UI or editing file directly). For iOS apps, use the Launch Time pane in the Xcode Organizer to view the number of milliseconds between the user tapping your icon and when your first screen is drawn, after the static splash screen. However, if you really want to use the Launch Image, seems like iOS9 requires different launch images for each device orientation. 7 inch launch image for the 4. Sep 26, 2014 · Removing Launch Screen in Xcode 6. In that file I put my Retina HD 4. rootViewController = rootViewController; [self. However, when I run the app, the launch screen disappears quickly. 1? edit: So I just made a LaunchScreen. D: Once Aug 31, 2023 · In the Project Settings, select the app target and make sure that the Launch Screen File has been set to LaunchScreen. I have added an image view and and an image to that view. For launch image, your project has an assets catalog. Jun 6, 2015 · This is a very basic question but I couldn't find an answer. Aug 2, 2021 · Having a launch screen/ splash screen in ios is a little different than in android. I would like to delay the launch screen for at least 5 seconds or more in order to analyze the graphic rendering on different devices. Because launch screens are static, any displayed text won’t be localised. Is there any way to remove the launch/splash screen in another way in Xcode 7? This is in Objective-C by the way. plist file, under the Launch Screen key, and remove the key of UILaunchScreen (if it is there). swift files and adding a Launch Screen. window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; rootViewController = [UITabBarController new]; self. However, if you are developing an app Dec 29, 2021 · The launch screen is the first screen that appears when the app starts. storyboard”。 打开我们的 storyboard,然后在里面设计即可。 Jan 12, 2024 · When I prove exact fix Launch Screen not display I share it’s can do 2 ways but up to your case you want to use OK first present Xcode Lastest (Version 14. The trick to creating a launch screen animation is: Oct 2, 2015 · The launch screen is shown before your app starts executing in order to provide a transition from the Springboard to your app while it is loading. May 30, 2013 · Xcode 8 lost its mind and no longer lists Expected Size for launch screen images when empty OR full launch image slots are selected. storyboard file in the Xcode. Here's Apple's HIG on launch screens. When your app launches, it will fade from the launch screen to the first view of your app. storyboard > Show the File inspector > Use as Launch Screen Apr 30, 2016 · No Code / No Storyboard Launch Screen Start by going into the Info. In that View is an image and a label. Under User Interface, select Launch Screen, and click Next. The Overflow Blog Shifting left without slowing down: Q&A with Moti Gindi of Apiiro “In the short term, more chaos Oct 25, 2019 · I can find a bunch of answers from pre-2014 about removing the launch/splash screen by removing the line "Launch screen interface file base name", but in this project on Xcode 7, there is no such line in my info tab. May 21, 2024 · Launch screens provide a simple initial experience while your iOS app loads. storyboard for developers to design the launch screen of the app. storyboard,直接從 Info. How to make a screen show only on initial launch. window. plistでのLaunch Screen設定 Dec 9, 2015 · I have created a simple Launch Screen for my app using the LaunchScreen. plist to determine which Launch Screen. xib, add a UIImageView from the Interface Builder. xib file. storyboard文件 Aug 7, 2018 · Under App Icons and Launch Images clear the field Launch Screen File and select your LaunchScreen Asset set that you just created at Launch Images Source You might have to delete the App from the device/simulator that you test it on and the new Launch Image should show up on start Aug 28, 2016 · The document of Launch screen (Launch Screen) suggest using static images: Avoid including text on your launch screen. The launch screen appears instantly when your app starts up and is quickly replaced with the app’s first screen. storyboard or the relevant storyboard file. iOS Launch Screen (Splash Screen) In iOS launch screen or splash screen will appear instantly while launching our app and it will replace immediately with the home screen of our app. In Xcode / iOS you CANNOT animate the launch screen – in fact, you can’t even add any custom views to that storyboard. plist to use custom custom launch screen. Both the image and label May 2, 2015 · The idea of having a . storyboard. Create a file LaunchScreen. 0及更高版本中,如何使用LaunchScreen. Add a Launch Screen resource to your project. Approach #1 Create a Separate ViewController which has Launch logo & create a timer or perform some operation (Like Database/Loads some essential network call) depends on your app type this way you can ready with data before hand & hold the launch screen as well :) Here we will learn iOS launch screen or splash screen in swift with example and how to set or add launch screen to ios swift applications with an example using Xcode. red. This actually works for every ios app (ie. Launch Screenとは? Launch Screenは、アプリがロードされる間に表示される静的な画面です。ユーザーにアプリの初期読み込み時間を知らせる役割を果たします。効果的なLaunch Screenは、ユーザー体験を向上させるための重要な要素です。 info. It’s best to use an Xcode storyboard for your launch screen, but you can provide a set of static images if necessary. Add UIImageName under UILaunchScreen and enter your launch screen's filename. Apr 27, 2021 · Xcode에서 IOS 스플래시 이미지를 적용하는 방법에 대해서 설명드리고자 합니다. After that, the app’s first page appears. Jun 20, 2020 · Launch screen is generated before the app runs, so here is a trick. xcassets 文件夹下的 `LaunchImage` 的基础上,新建一个`Launch Screen`,并命名为`LaunchScreenA. Also remember that you're (unfortunately) not able to tie any code together with your launch screen . xcassets. 点击运行,直接就可以显示启动页了。 Oct 17, 2016 · I set up a Launch Screen in xcode with Inferred Size, Simulated Size: Fixed. I've tried customizing the Launch Screen File based on user defined fields in each target's build settings and then using that variable in the info. I'll make another SO question for that. Jun 24, 2015 · Yes, you can easily set a UIImageView in the LaunchScreen. But this worked for me Project -> General -> App Icons and Launch Images -> Launch screen file -> change Main to Launchscreen. 2 - Add pictures to Xcode in Images. 0. Apr 17, 2024 · Xcode支持哪些编程语言; Xcode中的模拟器有什么作用; 如何在Xcode中设置断点; Xcode的编译项目时出现了错误如何解决; Xcode中的版本控制系统是如何工作的; Xcode是否支持Git如何设置和使用; Xcode的的项目导航器有什么功能; Xcode的中的自动补全功能如何开启和使用 Apr 3, 2021 · I have added Launch Screen Image as well as background color for launch screen from info. So you have to add it trough library, and edit it. 0之后,使用LaunchScreen. Oct 17, 2015 · So deleting the LaunchScreen. However, my game is played in landscape mode! But when I untick "Portrait" mode, all I get is a black screen for the launch image! I understand that Xcode cannot launch images in landscape mode. Dec 26, 2014 · 好消息是,在Xcode 6 and iOS 8允许使用NIB或storyboard launch screen 文件。 利用auto layout 和size classes的优势,一个单独的NIB或storyboard文件在runtime时可以自动的去创建启动图片集。 Jan 2, 2020 · I'm working on Xcode to develop an iOS App. This is where you configure your launch screen. storyboard in target’s General tab under “App Icons and Launch Images” section. 4, when you use SwiftUI, you don't have file "Launch Screen. It consists of a label containing a title, a UIView (with mode set to 'Aspect Fit') containing an As of today there is no predefine method from Apple to hold launch screen. storyboard`,来制作启动图,并通过约束进行`Safe Area` 适配,勾选 (use as Launch Screen ),并且在`Targets` ---`General` 或 `info. Dec 22, 2014 · Go to your target settings and, on the General tab, select the storyboard as your Launch Screen File. In this storyboard, create a single view controller of type UIViewController. – Alex Zavatone Nov 12, 2020 · 2. This is to give user a smooth transitioning experience from launch screen to your app's first screen. Add a view controller scene to the storyboard. Choose File > New > File. The editor will show you all required sizes. Useful documentation. May 26, 2016 · Update: It is not just the launch screen, it appears that the order of Supported interface orientations plays in here. If your project doesn’t contain a default launch screen file, add a launch screen file and set the launch screen file for the target in the project editor. Instead, consider placing whatever elements your launch image contains in the interface builder instead. storyboard来创建和定制iOS应用的启动页。我们将通过实例和图表,帮助您理解这一过程,并为您提供实用 In the guidelines it is mentioned to make the launch screen look almost the same as the first screen by adding only the static and non interactive components of first screen to the launch screen. The launch screen isn’t a branding opportunity. There is no option in Info. xib for iOS8+. When you create a new Xcode project, you will get a dedicated storyboard named "LaunchScreen". A launch screen storyboard file. g. C: There in the key section click on the Launch Screen dropdown menu. Apr 2, 2015 · You can't specify any class to launch screen and run code there. 2 and swift 2. Is that the only way for a Launch Image to work for iOS 8 in Xcode 6. storyboad. For my iOS app, I have created a xib file for my launch screen. The first one in the list is how the app will launch. You can create a scene here as you normally Oct 23, 2015 · I am using Xamarin Studio and have a Xamarin Forms project for both iOS and Android. I am trying to build Xcode launch screen project but keep getting below error Mar 19, 2017 · The launch screen (whether from a storyboard or static launch images) is displayed before your app begins executing; that is its purpose, to display something while the app is being launched. How do I create a basic launch screen in XCode that shows a customized background color w/ logo image in dark/light modes? I am working with Xcode 7. Xcode will add a corresponding UILaunchStoryboardName key to your app’s Info. However the view is still black after the launch screen. Use the filters to check launch times on different devices and for the typical (50th percentile) and longest (90th percentile) times. storyboard文件,我将其命名为 “Launch Screen. I put a View in it that covers the whole View Controller. Use this key to configure the user interface during app launch in a way that doesn’t rely on storyboards. storyboard and design it using elements like images, labels, and backgrounds. xib或LaunchScreen. But My Launch Image or the background color does not show while launching the app in simulator iphone 12 max pro. In fact, I don't see how it is saved at all - modifying it apparently doesn't change the project. Drag in UI elements like an image or label that represents your app's logo or name. storyboard设置启动页的技巧 作者:404 2024. Is there any way that I can customize Jan 14, 2016 · If I tick "Portrait" in my development info in my Xcode project game, the launch image shows perfectly. Below are the steps which you # iOS开发中的Launch Screen设置指南在iOS开发中,Launch Screen是一个展示应用程序在启动时的界面。这个界面不仅能够提升用户的体验,还可以在应用加载时提供视觉反馈。接下来,我将为刚入行的小白讲解如何在iOS中设置Launch Screen。 Jun 22, 2016 · Well, there are two main possibilities: (1) The image is off the screen because you didn't center it with auto layout constraints. strings localized for spanish. This will conveniently resize for every size and orientation. Then add the name of your launch image, which is launch-logo in this example, as the value. Oct 7, 2022 · Launch ScreenはOSにキャッシュされますので、開発中にLauncn Screenを変更したら端末を再起動することをお薦めします。 (SimulatorはDevice > Restart) 何もしないと、古いLaunch Screenが表示されてしまい、しばらく悩むことになります。 Apr 11, 2023 · 总结 本文介绍的是通过 info. plist 設定開頭畫面。 Jan 27, 2015 · Launch Image. The launch screen in Xcode. 0 Launch Screen only showing once. In your Project's General settings, only check Landscape Left&Right, so it will only generate landscape splash images. just not related to react native only). We can still use the old way with the Storyboard launch screen with our existing apps. "UILaunchStoryboardName" = "Launch_es"; May 28, 2017 · Whenever I try to work with the launch screen and problem ViewController at the same time, I try to modify the custom name but it would not let me. 3. Xcode projects automatically include a default launch storyboard for you to customize, and you can add more launch storyboards as necessary. Try creating a new file and make sure you are selecting a Launch Screen and not a Storyboard (File -> NEW -> File -> Launch Screen). Alternatively, latest xcode versions suggest use of a launch screen storyboard. m to show the splash screen. Otherwise, I can't see in your photo but on the top right there should be a + icon for the Library. plist May 17, 2016 · If not available by default, just create a new image asset with any name and specify this under the Launch Images Source tab in your targets General settings. Now launch the app. Trouble is, none of the changes I make to my Launch Screen. Nov 28, 2022 · 设置启动页面(Launch Screen) 在我当前的 Xcode 版本(13. Dec 9, 2020 · 使用`Xcode 11. storyboard 的文件。 添加 ImageView: 在 Launch Screen Storyboard 中,拖入一个 Image View 组件。 Apr 22, 2024 · This tells Xcode you won’t be configuring the launch screen through the Info. Jul 28, 2015 · Xcode > File > New > File > Storyboard > LaunchScreen. However, it doesn't seem that the launch screen file is saved as a similar attribute. Every iOS app must provide a launch screen, a screen that displays while your app launches. When you create a new project with UIKit, Xcode automatically generates a storyboard file named LaunchScreen. And swizzle the NSBundle's infoDictionary method as follows: Oct 20, 2015 · My recommendation is to not use Launch Image and use the Launch Screen instead, since you can use auto layout and support any screen size, including iPad multitasking, or new devices released in the future. Viewed 27k times Dec 2, 2015 · 1- Design and export splash screen images in various resolutions. 7 inch screen. xib? Nov 9, 2014 · For e. App Icon; Launch Screen; The Xcode images in this post were created You use this key to define the launch screen that the system displays while your app launches. B: Hit info at the bar on the screen. The launch screen can either come from a storyboard, or you can provide launch images. 0. storyboard。 我们在项目中创建 . Every time I change the simulated metrics size (in Xcode) the image repositions itself (same if I run on different sized iDevices). 3. Basically each target is a customized version of my app for different clients. storyboard to configure your launch screen. Although you can use an image for the launch screen, consider using a launch screen storyboard file. Now that the default LaunchScreen file in Xcode projects have been changed from . Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by Launch screens provide a simple initial experience while your iOS app loads. xcassets colors set by doing some trick by changing the actual color of the ((Assets Apple in the last WWDC 2020 introduced a new way how to implement launch screen for SwiftUI apps in iOS 14 using Xcode 12. Anyone have a way around this, seems silly to me that there would be this limitation. iOS app release without launch screens. Assign the following 4 constraints to that UIImageView with respect to the parent These correspond to the Xcode attributes (with the XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ prefix), in the Xcode project. 4 - Install the react-native-splash-screen library and update AppDelegate. 新建的Launch Screen. 0)中,要设置启动页面需要有 Launch Screen File,事实上,这个文件可以使用 . If you need to provide different launch screens in response to being launched by different URL schemes, use UILaunch Screens instead. Launch screens provide a simple initial experience while your iOS app loads. I added a launch screen in the launch story board. . Do you see a red screen momentarily? If so, you're using the launch storyboard. My app has an older launch screen that I want to replace with a new one. storyboard”。 打开我们的 storyboard,然后在里面设计即可。 Oct 6, 2020 · 從 Xcode 12 開始,我們有了新的開頭畫面設定方法。不喜歡 storyboard 的朋友可以甩掉 LaunchScreen. xib file worked in fixing the launch screen. storyboad,默认已经有了app名称和版权消息。也默认自动设置成了启动页。(我的名称改为自己的,背景也改为我的背景了,默认是白色) 4. iOS 7 launch images load but iOS 8 launch images don't load. In your case, you don't need the asset at all, as you have a launch screen file. There is by default a LaunchScreen. Do all the magic your launch screen requires, then follow these steps: LaunchScreen. Or (2) your app doesn't use your launch storyboard. See full list on avanderlee. storyboard and add it to all appropriate targets. Support all device screen sizes by creating launch screen storyboards in Xcode. storyboard files (just like Main. I can't seem to find anything wrong in build settings, but maybe I am missing something. window Aug 31, 2023 · How to stop an App at the Launch Screen in XCode If the updates aren't showing, follow the guide below to resolve the problem. Oct 6, 2017 · IDE: Xcode 9. plist which is available in SwiftUI 2. storyboard to display the splash image. Here you’ll want UIImageName, which Xcode will change to simply Image name. You can use a single storyboard/xib file based launch screen for different iOS platforms and orientations (You can handle that using Auto Layout). Mar 8, 2023 · Before Xcode 12 and iOS 14, the only way to create a Launch screen is by configure a launch screen via a Storyboard. According to Apple interface guidelines, A launch file (or image) provides a simple placeholder image that iOS displays when your app starts up. for the Spanish version, add your launch screen key and name for the Spanish version of your Launch screen in the newly created InfoPlist. First thing to do is color your background view, e. The storyboard file is only an alternative for multiple splash screens (Launch images). 6`,在没有移除原来 . In xCode 12. A launch screen isn’t part of an onboarding experience or a splash screen, and it isn’t an opportunity for artistic expression. Then underneath the Launch Screen key, we will add the following keys “Image Name”, “Background color”, “Image respects safe area insets”. plist 配置 Launch screen,这种方式简单好用但是暂时只适合简单的启动页,能做的功能还非常有限,本文基于 Xcode 14. 3 - Configure the LaunchScreen. A launch screen is the very first screen presented to users when your app starts up. To add launch screen in Xcode: 1- First add your launch screen image in Xcode by going to Build Phases/ Copy Bundle Resources and your image by clicking on the plus button 2- Now add your launch image by going to LaunchScreen and clicking on the Plus button on the top right corner and searching ImageView 3- Now add your launch image by going to the Image View panel on the right side 4- Click I am working with Xcode 7. Dec 2, 2024 · 创建/使用 Storyboard: 在 Xcode 项目中,你可以使用已有的 Launch Screen Storyboard 或创建一个新的。通常,Xcode 项目默认会包含一个名为 LaunchScreen. Then you can set LaunchScreen. Aug 7, 2019 · Removing Launch Screen in Xcode 6. 1). This makes sense to me since the launch screen should be static and not use code. The launch screen is a single flat / static layout. Design the Launch Screen: Open LaunchScreen. ksaio ubxnf immwaed fiem oojizv kvnwzk bfz atlbzji iwmfpr obaiwezi ylntoyz lop gbrg gjjye ahe