Kx 125 carb leaking fuel 10410. I also have a problem with the bike bogging in first gear. I'm in PA (around 3,200 feet elev Sep 8, 2023 · A carburetor leaking fuel can be a headache, but understanding its inner workings and following these steps can help you resolve the issue. 2 US gal) of unleaded gasoline with a minimum rating of PON 87/RON 91. Includes all O-rings, gaskets, OEM size jets, needle, mixture screw, float bowl screws, float valve needle + seat. A stuck carburetor float is the culprit in this case. Does'nt happen all the time but I notice the fuel or mud on top of the case after a moto. Jul 1, 2009 · UPDATE: i drained the carbs of fuel first. ProX Racing Parts offers a kit with all components you need. Brand New · Unbranded. Mar 15, 2009 · This is my first bike and know nothing about them. i know on 250's 450's and 500's you have to. If it never shuts off, your carb will always leak. 1998/99 kx 125 fuel leaking from carb outlet at bottom leaks fuel when engine is off , seems ok when engine is - kawasaki 2003 KX 125 question Mar 28, 2011 · Make sure all hoses and intake connections to the carb aren't leaking (vacuum) then adjust the carb. Float height too low. Black sploooge indicates a rich condition, so to determine what carb circuit is at fault, need to know what throttle position the bog occurs. 00. is flooded with fuel and the plug can be fouled. Motorcycle Jetting & Fuel Injection; Activity. (The float bowl's amount of fuel, is replenished from the gas tank. 5mm of float height for the 2004 KX 125. You can't make fuel out of thin air so if the fuel valve is off and fuel is still pouring out for more than a minute (The small amount of fuel left in the bowl), then the fuel valve is leaking there's no way fuel can make itself come out of the carburetor if the fuel valve is off and working correctly as you said in the prior post where you Mar 24, 2017 · So as previously stated i bought a 2000 kx 125 used the bike was leaking fuel and running rich as a sob . SOLUTION: Jan 24, 2020 · 2003 Kawasaki KX 125 not getting gas to the carburetor gas is flowing through the gas line but the carb isn't - kawasaki 2003 KX 125 question. Check the hieght of the float may need to adjust it. If your carburetor is leaking, or the fuel distributions is disturbed. Right now im losing all my gas and im not sure how to fix it. Measure the distance between the float bowl gasket surface and the highest part of the float with a set of vernier calipers or float height gauge. The carb is getting fuel but it won't leave the carb. I was in the carb about 2 weeks ago to clean the jets and i have about 10 hours on the bike since and haven't had an issue until a few days ago it started leaking gas out of the overflow in the carb Apr 28, 2019 · You should end up at about 1 to 1+1/2 turns from the bottom with the fuel screw and the slide almost closed with the idle screw. My buddy has a KX 125 and I was riding it and it died on me. BILLETRON™ PRO 38 | KX 125 Carburetor ('74-'98) $789. I tore it all apart because the bike had been sitting a while so I cleaned everything up. kx 125 1998/ 99 fuel leaking out from carb overflow where floats are, when kicked up sems to be ok , but when i cut - Suzuki 1984 Gs 550 L question. Top Rated Plus. If all that checks out it should work. sounds like the needle and seat may be the problem Posted on Apr 15, 2009. BILLETRON™ PRO-SERIES 38 Carburetor for '74 to '98 Kawasaki KX 125. Stock the bike had a pwk36 carb with a special fuel cut solenoid, but my bike has been replaced with a standard pwk36 quad vent carb. sounds like the needle and seat may be the problem Helpful 0 ; Not Helpful May 16, 2012 · 2002 KX85 carb leaking Jump to Latest 6. Put the float valv Jun 6, 2013 · Just rebuilt the engine with new crank roof piston seals and bearings but when we try to roll into the throttle from a low rpm it kinda falls on its face. Search Fixya 1998/99 kx 125 fuel leaking from carb outlet at bottom leaks fuel when engine is off , seems ok when engine is - kawasaki 2003 KX 125 question Jul 1, 2009 · UPDATE: i drained the carbs of fuel first. Fits 1993 models. Also it is important to notice what throttle position the throttle is at when the bog occurs. I don't have a 125 manual so you'll have to get a manual or hunt around for carb adjustments. As a result it will behave rich. I have taken the carb apart and cleaned it and ajusted the float level several times but I still have the same problem. We are disassembling, cleaning, rebuilding, and reassembling a Kawasaki KX80/100 Carburetor. I have been told by my friends that theres a problem with my carb sayin i need to clean it or other things. All Activity; TT Picks; Podium; Search; More . Step by Step!Have a leaking carburetor? Did you clean and rebuild the carb, even go as far as replacing the rubber tipped needle valve, and the carb still le When A Fuel System Fails To Deliver . i adjusted the floats as much as possible . I pluged the overflow line with a nail that was the same size and suspended it to the kick. The 125 has a lot of carb problems so info should be easy to find. 25 would be flooding Jun 11, 2022 · Hey taking apart the carb to see what jetting is installed. Mid rpm is good but high is booog all day! Fuel is good carb is clean. I also generally jet my Kawis' 2 mains leaner. If the carb is leaking fuel than check the float needle and seat. Any help would be appreciated. With innovative design and precise engineering, experience unprecedented torque, horsepower, and rideability gains. At <8mm, gas would leak and >10mm, the carb would not flow enough gas to run right. 75mm to work best for me. after shutting it off, i placed the petcock to Prime, at which time the fuel leak restarted, and tapped the sides of the carbs. fuel leak still present. 92 L/100 km). maybe not on a 125. From either a 99' or 00' KX 125, as no other KX 125 model years used a carb with electric connections. Any help or experience with this problem will help! Mar 27, 2009 · 04 kx 250 two stroke carb keeps spilling fuel out ftoat bowl tube ,with engine running or not. Check out our unbranded vs genuine carburetor video: https://yout Feb 26, 2009 · hey there i have a 2003 kx 125 i bought it from a guy who was mixing his fuel mixture 36:1 fouling out plugs so i mixed mine 50:1 still doing the same things went to expert he says we should turn the main jet needle down one if any suggestons plzz reply ty May 16, 2004 · It does it when it's running but seems to leak more when it is not running. NOTE yours may look different (may screw into the carb) get a diagram for YOUR CORRECT YEAR AND MODEL TO Mar 1, 2009 · Ok I need some help I have a 99 KX 125. 5K views 4 replies 3 participants last post by Kx85 rider Feb 5, 2020 Mar 19, 2015 · Could be excess air filter oil that has saturated the carb which has a bad gasket and is leaking down to cs sprocket. I rode the bike for a while in July, when a wrist pin circlip came loose and lodged bet Oct 1, 2015 · Alright so I picked up a 1985 kx 125 2 stroke for cheap that wasn't running. It appears to be coming from one or both of the unhosed nubs on the side of the float bowl. Did you shake the floats and listen for fuel inside them? They could be leaking and screwing up the fuel hieght. Nov 28, 2019 · SOURCE: 1998/99 kx 125 fuel leaking from carb outlet at bottom. I have minimal spooge buildup. Jun 20, 2010 · When you are at full throttle, the main jet is the primary fuel metering device, but the pilot is still delivering fuel as well, adding to the total amount of fuel that your engine is receiving. Mar 15, 2005 · Not sure if your running issues are linked to the carb, but you definitely have some carb issues if you keep dumping fuel. Customer Service. I drained all the fuel from the fuel chamber and re-tightened the screw. Jun 9, 2012 · I've just replaced the float needle in my '04 KX 125 carburetor - at the same time, I wanted to set the float level (because the carburetor was leaking from the overflow hose, also why I replaced the needle) - but when I set the float level (data says 10 mm +/- 1 mm), there isn't coming any fuel into the carburetor. New Carb / Carburetor Repair Kit for. the fuel leak did not stop until i returned the petcock to Run. Inspect carb gasket and remove carb. 3. Direct installation and no need for modification, start right up; Package: carburetor + fuel filter. Search Fixya I see the outside of the float bowl is discolored, from fuel leaking out and evapourating When the Oring doesn't fix the problem, look at the needle valve and float height The leaking fuel ends up on the drain because it is the lowest point on the carb Fuel Petcock Rebuild | https://www. Jan 14, 2019 · So my bike has been sitting for a while so I decided to clean the carb and when I turn the gas on it starts leaking fuel. once all the fuel was out, i started up the bike. The PRO SERIES boasts tailored air flow, velocity dynamics, and three adjustable fuel circuits for optimal coordination Feb 24, 2022 · For Suzuki RM 125 250 370 465 500, PWK 34mm carburetor with transparent bottom. For Kawasaki KX 125 250 500; For Yamaha YZ85 (2002-2015), YZ 125 175 250, Blaster YFS200. The bikes compression is good Jul 5, 2010 · Angle the carburetor back about 25° so the float is resting on the fuel valve but not compressing the spring inside of it. just started leaking when Dec 30, 2008 · I recently purchased a 1991 KX 125 that has been rode hard and put away wet. I am talking experiences through the 80's and 90's. You should remove the pump and find out what the problem is before it quits and leaves you stranded. 11 years as lead tech, performance BILLETRON™ PRO-SERIES 38 Carburetor for '99 to '08 Kawasaki 125. Carburetor + Fuel Filter For Yamaha Banshee 350 YFZ350 1987 1988 1989 1990-2006 (For: 2000 Kawasaki KX125) KX 125 Carburetor; KX 250 Carburetor; Carburetor KX 85 Has New Factory Jets carb is clean new ignition coil good spark plug think timming is correct I can get it to go into power band and when it does it is strong Idles good just acts like not getting enough fuel if I raized fuel level it will be to High I think float bowl is atleast 3/4 full book seting is way to high having to guess at it it says 1. So I would go back through that and make sure you get it squared away before looking further. KX 125. MX-Sport Parts (1923) 98. I just checked my notes and while I had the Mikuni carb on, I found a float height of 8. By cleaning the needle valve, checking the O-ring, and ensuring proper assembly, you'll prevent excessive fuel from entering the intake and get your engine running smoothly once more. About this: One of the most crucial components in any fuel system is the fuel pump. Dec 18, 2017 · You need to check the float needle. If more oil present you've at least eliminated this possibility. When I leaned it over to kick start it is when I noticed it. When I pull the screw and spring completely out I noticed that there is no washer or o ring?? (Dont see one on motosports oem diagram). And the overflow condition occurs when the needle valve doesn't seat cleanly in its seat. It also could be a float height issue. The fuel is gravity fed from the gas tank, through the Fuel Line) The float bowl has a Float Needle inside. Jun 30, 2016 · Hey guys i have a 2006 Kx 125, i noticed it was idling a little high one day when i was riding it so I turned the idle down alittle, every thing was fine. May be sticking open. Also, all new gaskets. now look on top of your carb, theres your throttle cable and a brass stem curved towards Mar 9, 2014 · If there is a leak it may not be able to induce enough air flow at low rpm and idle. Forums; Clubs; Articles; Reviews Apr 16, 2007 · When my son rides his 65 I notice fuel dripping from the bike. Motorcycle Carburetor Leaking Fuel from Overflow. 2001-2002 Kawasaki KX125 Carb Repair Kits . approx 900ft. Kawasaki kx 125 80s cannot get carb time stop dumping fuel stop fuel leak through fuel cap of FI 2001 kawasaki nomad. If it does, put the carb together and rock it right side up to upside down and make sure you can hear the float moving up and down freely. By RMK800, March 22, 2014 in TTR. 2. Besides JD Jetting, Sudco is a great resource for carburetor parts and expertise. *Now with the Addition of our Patent Pending XCELERATOR metering rod that gives a significant boost in low RPM torque (up to 20%) and rideability over our previous metering rod. 38 H-Series Carburetors for the Kawasaki KX 125. May 24, 2019 · Your float is probably stuck, just take a wrench or handle of screwdriver and tap the carb bowl firmly a couple of times and turn gas on and see if it stops leaking then clean the carb out Edited May 24, 2019 by Dane Richardson Jul 10, 2017 · Buy 2001-02 Kawasaki KX125 KX 125 cc Custom Jetting Carburetor Stage 1-3 Jet Kit: Jets & Jet Kits Fuel System › Jets & Jet Kits $39. . Jul 27, 2014 · Hi guys I recently got my girlfriend a 2001 KX 100 I've been noticing fuel leaking from the air screw on the carburetor, and was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. After riding for awhile I noticed that coolant was leaking from the base gasket and the bike was consuming large amounts of coolant. Kurt PWK34mm Carburetor w/ Fuel Filter for Kawasaki KX 125 250 500 Motorcycle. Took the carb apart and inspected it, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. May 21, 2007 · Well this problem has came and gone, but now it constantly drains gas out as fast as possible. What would be causing this? Could the problems be Feb 9, 2015 · So I basically have given up on trying to fix my PWK 36 carb for my 1992 kx 125. So an 02' wire harness would not have the electrical connections for a carb. Im running 92 octane fuel with amsoil dominator at 32:1 with rotella in the trans. I disconected the fuel line at the fuel shut 94-98 Kawasaki KX125 OEM KHEIN CARBURETOR CARB FUEL GAS INJECTOR THROTTLE ASSY. The fuel is coming from an overflow that drains the excess fuel from the carb. Forums; Clubs; Articles; Reviews Apr 16, 2006 · Changing the oil mix will only let increase the amount of fuel to be burned (richening). we have gone through the manuel and tried the suggestions in the troubleshooting guide. Ive done months of research on my lunch breaks at work and while working on the bike. For $70 I would by a new one. My brother passed away and I have his bike. Apr 15, 2014 · SOURCE: 1998/99 kx 125 fuel leaking from carb outlet at bottom. It is a precision metering instrument that provides extremely fine fuel atomization, precise mixture control, and air density compensation in a single circuit, jet-less fuel system. The manufacturer recommends fuel variants containing < 5% MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), < 10% ethanol, or < 5% methanol. Take the jet out and look through it, if you can't see a perfectly round hole, there's your problem. Could be worn out. i finally got to tear into the carb and the jetting is set according to the manual , and it was still leaking Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 97-98 1997 KX125 KX 125 Keihin PWK Carburetor Carb Fuel Throttle Assembly at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Mar 23, 2022 · Ok I just checked the manual and you are correct that it is recommended to run 8. This item is made with High quality materials. When this started it was about 93 degrees outside. Will completely drain my tank if I don't turn my gas off. com/prevent/Is your dirt bike or pit 1999 99 KX125 KX 125 OEM KEIHIN PWK Carburetor Carb Fuel Throttle TPS Assembly. The problem is that it is running very rich. As the name suggests, that’s the part responsible for pushing fuel out of the tank and through the fuel lines towards the carburetor. Included in the kit is the Lectron carburetor and a throttle cable. A groundbreaking carburetor that redefines two-stroke performance for 125cc-299cc motors. Carburetors have a Float Bowl on the bottom. Thanks to the KX 125’s engine configuration, the bike offers a decent fuel economy of 60 mpg (3. 2% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Jump to content. rockymountainatvmc. 50 $ 39. 5-10. If it gets stuck in an open position, fuel will keep pouring into the bowl until it overflows through the fuel overflow. any help would be appreciated as i am Mar 31, 2020 · Picked up a 1998 KX125 that has a new top end rebuild and a pro circuit pipe. FREE Dec 28, 2023 · Kawasaki KX125. Aug 4, 2017 · DISCLAIMER: this was a Chinese carb used in the video and the float was inserted the wrong way then it would in a traditional carburetor. If you know how to fix this could u tell me what i need to do and how to do Jun 20, 2013 · So if you've got a Mikuni TMX, you might do well to get a JD Jetting kit for an '01-'02 KX 125, since that's quite likely what the Mikuni could be from. O. Jul 29, 2013 · My son's 2003 YZ125 leaks fuel out of the carb overflow hose at idle, and near-idle rpms. Before you start to re-jet your bike, you need a clean air filter, a fresh plug (actually you need several plugs to do plug-chop tests for the main jet Mar 9, 2009 · I have a 2000 Kx 125, bike starts in 2 kicks, but when the engine idiles and then i snap the throttle open it bogs down then after about a second it will rev out. Check carb and clean and replace plug. 1. of needle seat,checked reeds looked ok,cleaned air filter,and spark plug,pressure washed gas tank let it dry and washed out with gas,blew out all lines on carb Aug 16, 2012 · I have some questions reguarding my jetting / carb issues. Sep 1, 2019 · Leave the bowl off, hook up a fuel line hold the carb upright and push up the float to be sure it will stop fuel coming into the carb. Feb 6, 2009 · My daughters 125 was leaking fuel from the float chamber overflow line. Fits: Apr 9, 2024 · 2. It may not be starting because the clyn. It also continues leaking after the engine is shut off. When it is standing straight up it does not leak any fuel running or stopped. The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. I took the bike out for its first ride and realized it was smoking unussually bad, more so that a normal two stroke. Do a search here or at one of the kx sites for carb info. I have checked the pilot jet, its at the leanest number avaliable for my bike, ive replaced the reed valve cause one reed was cracked. Sep 1, 2019 · The float valve consists of a needle and seat an d controls fuel flow into the carb if it is worn out fuel will flow past it (even if your float height is set correctly) resulting in fuel flowing out of the carb the seat is the brass piece. Helpful 0 ; Not Helpful; Jul 13, 2007 · well i cleaned the carb yesterday and decided to have a gander at the reeds and turns out that the corners are frayed, im wondering if this could be a cause of overheating. The PRO SERIES boasts tailored air flow, velocity dynamics, and three adjustable fuel circuits for optimal coordination Apr 3, 2024 · As others have mentioned you currently have another model year carb. I assume the float was stuck so I went ahead and bought a rebuild kit but it still leaks fuel no matter where the float is set at. This float bowl has a small amount of fuel, that the carburetor uses. Need ProX carburettor repair set for Kawasaki KX 125 2001. Jun 24, 2012 · SOURCE: I am getting fuel leaking from the bottom of the. What about crank case breather vent hose? Is it there routed down to ground? Edited March 31, 2015 by shrubitup I have a 1998 Kawasaki kx 250 and there is fuel leaking from the carb it started once but it won't start again what could be the problem Posted by kyle_stan603 on May 25, 2011 Feb 22, 2015 · Hi I have a kx125 and my float keeps sticking. Once the fuel petcock is turned off, it stops leaking after a few seconds . I'm not sure if this is likely due to the float needing adjusting or not. 1662 Views 1 Reply 2 Participants Last post by 90KX125, Nov 17, 2009. This is how I fixed it. 50. A malfunctioning fuel management system can be difficult to diagnose, but the symptoms include a warning light on the dashboard, diminished fuel economy (consuming more fuel on routine drives), lack of acceleration in response to pressing the gas pedal, electrical power loss, black smoke coming from the Apr 7, 2013 · SOURCE: 2001 Honda CR 125 motorcycle is leaking coolant The hole that your coolant is leaking from is a vent hole. com/Sales/3453/How-To-Rebuild-a-Fuel-Petcock?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=fuelpetcockrebuild&utm_campa Aug 31, 2009 · I run a full synthetic Klotz R50 at 42:1, even have run 50:1 when doing extended woods riding. I'm trying to jet the bike and it's giving me fits. Float needle is what shuts off more gas coming into the carb. Is there supposed to be one in Nov 15, 2008 · Hey guys, got a 2000 CR 125. Seems that the float was stuck. I thought it might be normal but the angle that it does it on is less then if he went low on a turn. NOW if that didn't help or you have already done that, it means you may have an air leak in the boot or a wrong pilot or a worn needle jet or a leaking fuel screw o-ring. I take the carb bowl off then blow through the fuel line and when raising the float it should shut off you blowing through the carb. SOURCE: water leak The small hole under the water pump is the weep hole and is designed to start dripping water when your pump has a problem. overcharged Discussion Starter Jul 27, 2023 · Fuel tank capacity is 8. Share More sharing options Followers 0. It is coming out of the bottom of the carb in the back, the line that comes out there. $36. About 2 weeks later i go to ride my bike and it starts up runs for a few seconds then turns off, now i keep kicking it over and it might fire Feb 19, 2025 · Mikuni - VM26-606 - Round Slide VM Series Carburetor (VM26-606), 26mm; Keihin 28mm 28 mm PWK Carburetor Carb Kit Yamaha Banshee YFZ350 YFZ 350; I16 2000 Honda Xr50 XR 50 OEM Carburetor Assembly Carb With Cable 16100-gel-702; Carburetor Keihin Honda XR 80 R Xr80r 2001 Nov 28, 2020 · hi i have a 1999 yz 125 and gas is leaking out of my carb overflow. For some reason my carb is puking a ton of fuel out the overflow (even when running). Could someone give me some info on the correct carb jetting that should be run in this. Dec 26, 2022 · Read: Can Bad Spark Plugs Cause Engine Shaking And Loss Of Power? 2. I know it is from the carb, but what causes this? Is it jetting or something else in the carb? Any ideas, please help. All made in Taiwan. I would double-check the bore size and the slide number to make sure that you've got a KX 125-spec carb. Air Intake & Fuel Sensors; Carburetor Parts; Carburetors; Fuel Filters; Fuel Hoses, Lines & Pipes New Listing 1991 90-92 Kawasaki KX125 KX 125 Intake Reeds Cage Feb 14, 2011 · 2003 YZ 125 leaking fuel from hose at carburetor bowl. Rebuilt the carb, put all new needles/jets/screws in. 99. I had adjusted the needle jet a Lectron Fuel Systems. Apr 26, 2010 · Hi, not sure how you made out with this issue. I have tried new gas with correct oil ratio. It just had the top end done and runs strong but I noticed that fuel was leaking out of the overflow hose on the bottom of the carb. From the number (G489) stamped in the body, id guess its the 1999 KX 125 carb. Are those some form of check valve or breather Jump to content. I bought a float height gauge(the one with the 4cm scale and the L-shaped adj May 11, 2008 · I have a 94 kx 125 if I leave the fuel valve on after a few minutes the gas starts pouring out of the carbs over flow hose. 25 inches I have at 7/8 1. No fuel to the carb from the tank. or Best Offer. This SC2 SmartCarb replaces the stock Kawasaki KX125 carburetor. Qty: 1 repair kits include . But, you will find that the Bayou carb has a long history of "leaking". Each kit contains all necessary gaskets, O-Rings float valve and jets. Jan 25, 2010 · well ive done a few checks,took carb off again cleaned,adjusted float height to . Add to Apr 9, 2014 · So I just recently picked up a 2001 yz 125 for $700. Fuel delivery is vital to a vehicle's performance. May 28, 2008 · first, turn your gas petcock OFF, then dain the fuel in the line into something, cup, rag, ect depending on clearence, you may have to take off some plastics and the seat to remove your tank. Clean cs sprocket. I've pulled the carb apart and cleaned it several times and it worked for a few days but then it stuck again. After putting it back together it still leaks. Free shipping. 374 close as i could,it was off,done float valve to needle seat check with carb off used penetrant, needle seat did not leak,replaced oring on outside dia. Failed Fuel Pump. Share I found in one direction I would get fuel out of the overflow and not in the other kx 125 reed valves I need to know how you know if the reed valve is bad on kx 125 looks to be not broken or chipped - kawasaki 2003 KX 125 question Search Fixya Press enter to search. 2 L (2. Replace if needed. KX 125 Carburetor; KX 250 Carburetor; Carburetor KX 85; KX 100 Carburetor; Kx85 Carb; Mar 22, 2014 · TTR 125 Carb Overflow Leaking Gas. Complete kit to rebuild OEM carburetor. Apr 19, 2010 · there is a minor fuel leak from the carb on our 09 KX 85. Add to Cart. But my $$ is on the pilot jet being clogged. My issue is the carb leaks out of the overflow tube. By David Brown, February 14, 2011 in Yamaha 2 Stroke. Pressurizing the case with some form of leak down tester is the most reliable way to diagnose, but there will be other symptoms When I bought my son's kx-125 it ran like a turd everywhere except wide open throttle. The carburetor float regulates the flow of fuel into the carb bowl. Pulled the carb and put a new plug in and it fired right up (had been sitting for about 5 years) So it idles perfect. P/N : 55. It hasn't started since. Full rebuild and realized it was already a 144 well I’m checking the carb and I’m pretty sure the main is 420 but can’t make out what jet the pilot is to save my life… any help or suggestions o Sep 26, 2009 · KX125 carb setup questions. Its purpose is mainly to give the airspace behind the water pump a place to expand into the atmosphere, and a place for the coolant to escape when the water pump seal goes bad. CNC billet aluminum construction; Patented single fuel circuit design; Extremely fine fuel atomization i have an 84 kx 125 when i turn on the gas, gas jsut pours out of the hoses on the carb any idea whats wrong wiht the carb? also when im ridding ill go to give it more gas and it will bog down, not suire of why it does that. I ride in Michigan with elev. I purchased the bike for 600 cash wanting to rebuild it, little did I know that the powervalve issues would haunt me as they do not make them anymore. Emrys. Sep 2, 2004 · I recently purchased a 1991 KX125, this bike is stock except for a FMF gold series pipe. New Reproduction . However I see you have '05 125, and I have been "out of touch" as to exactly where Kawasaki is jetting their bikes now. I looked up recommended jetting and such on fmf website and put 155 main jet put the needle in the 3rd grove turned air screw out 2 turns and Dec 26, 2022 · 3 Free and simple ways to prevent a major failure that could leave you and your bike stranded - https://motocrosshideout.
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