Jira created date greater than. Condition: if the story Due Date {{triggerIssue.
Jira created date greater than created >= startOfMonth(-1) and resolved <= enOfMonth(-1) Nov 19, 2024 · Unfortunately, JQL does not allow you to compare dates. Performance will be proportional to the number of issues that have both fields in the date comparison set. project = SO and created > startOfDay("-2h") and createdDate < startOfDay("+5h") This will give you night tickets for every day. (Please note, the Date Picker, not the Date Time Picker After additional tests, this affects date time picker as well) On the project workflow, create a Date Compare Validator with a condition > or >= and compare with expression now May 9, 2017 · It's because date and time are stored in, well, date/time format. One option you could consider would be to use automation a company with a custom field. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type Sep 1, 2021 · I am trying to create a query that shows all epics in any status but include only closed epics resolved within the last 45 days. We previously used issueFunction in dateCompare in t May 6, 2019 · Thanks @Merve Nur Bas I have learnt something too. startDate. can someone help? Thank you import com. May 13, 2021 · Automation and Save the results: use an automation for Jira rule and a custom field to save the difference between resolved and created, and then query on that custom field; Automation and JIT: use a scheduled automation rule to compare things resolved in the last N time units, and report on the differences between created and resolved. 4. I've tried the "Advanced compare condition" like this: {now} greater than {{issue. Jan 7, 2020 · I want to filter all the jira tickets which belong to X project and were created Y minutes ago and Can someone please help me with the following query? This is what my query looks like: project = X AND createdDate > '-20m' Questions: 1. Any solution regarding that? Jul 2, 2021 · I have two date fields - Target Date and Due Date. Not the "pretty" format that JIRA displays and accepts input in. I want to omit having users submit a specific date (and delete the "date" field), and perform the same function based on the metadata field "created". Configuration. My only workaround is to look for the created date of IOS-1 When used with the EQUALS, NOT EQUALS, GREATER THAN, GREATER THAN EQUALS, LESS THAN or LESS THAN EQUALS operators, this field supports: currentLogin() lastLogin() now() startOfDay() startOfWeek() startOfMonth() startOfYear() endOfDay() endOfWeek() endOfMonth() endOfYear() Examples: Find all issues created before 12th December 2010: created Jun 8, 2018 · Create . Neither of which are modifiable. Aug 10, 2018 · Solved: I'd like to create a filter to query the issues (bug) which age is more than 10 days in JIRA. Now I tried the jql query {{now. hours is greater than a predefined value (say -5)? Thanks Nov 19, 2024 · Filter issues created more than 30 days ago: created <= -30d. Now the only thing I see is just the date. key, created, summary TST-30002,"30/11/13 00:00",TEST Nov 20, 2024 · Hello! I have two field dates, resolved and due. my-date < +30d. Click on the Basic link in the Jira search page Add "Created Date" from the drop down, then specify the 30 day part Click on Advanced to see the JQL. Date functions and attributes are in the date reference section. This is the jql: project = LJS and ((labels in (Release) and ((fixVersion in releaseDate (“before endOfDay(45d)”) and (fixVersion in releaseDate May 27, 2021 · Regarding "blocked", if you mean the Flag feature for issues, that time cannot easily be found with out-of-the-box features. Jira supports functions like startOfDay(), endOfWeek(), and now() for dynamic date filtering. I prefer just using the "Created" word in my JQL. In this case: /Date(1338336000000)/ May 16, 2018 · For example: created < -1y (issues created more than one year ago) I know Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. Log In. JQL, or Jira Query Language, is a powerful tool that allows users to search and filter issues in Jira. I have Adaptavist Scriptrunner and have used both the date compare and the subtasks function but am struggling. Were created more than 6 months ago, It doesn’t matter the Priority. Hope this helps. (If the number is 10 Jan 17, 2021 · But assuming "date created:" is on a line by itself, you don't need to worry about any of that. When using this query I don`t receive any results: project = Test AND issuetype = Defect AND created >= 2022-08-18 AND created <= 2022-11-02 AND resolved >= 2020-08-18 AND resolved <= 2020-11-02 Oct 24, 2018 · created < startOfMonth(-2) For some reason I had to have the 'greater than' arrow facing this way round < Otherwise it was just displaying every single ticket, even ones that were created today. Atlassian Jira Project Feb 9, 2021 · Hi all, im searching for a method to list all issues where the fixVersion Date is smaller than the actual date. compareTo(issue. And if you want to compare to a specific date, have you tried a specific date as a string value, such as "2021-08-26" and compare to the approach date format? Jul 28, 2017 · I need to create a JQL filter that uses the current date and subtracts 2 months from it only using FixVersion (String). jira. Sprint. Let's say you want to find issues more than 3 days old. Or, as others have described, you could try a marketplace addon / app. Aug 26, 2021 · Have you tried to use the exact same date format for the comparison? I note you are formatting one date with jiraDate and allowing the other to use whatever the function selects. Jan 30, 2024 · The first one tests if {{issue. Export. My purpose is to add actions based on the fact that a certain issue type ticket was created within last 5 business days of any month and move it to a higher priority, add labels, etc. When the value is less than zero, the shell will throw the following exception: Jul 9, 2024 · Why are you creating variables and then using the variables in your comparison? You can simply use the smart values you used to create the variables. Attachments Feb 14, 2023 · Resolution date is greater than the created date by more than 1 day? John Norman February 14, 2023 edited Hi, I want to exclude all Jira that were created and resolved the same day. created). Mar 13, 2019 · 1. Turn on suggestions. Feb 16, 2023 · Solution 1: Find all the issues with help of Jira basic or JQL searches. Case #2. Jan 11, 2017 · The created date is the date the issue was put into the system, and the updated date the last time it was updated. If date2 is earlier than date1, the value returned will be negative. isAfter(issue. You may try something following: project = AF AND created >= '2022/09/06' AND created < '2022/09/07' Also, you can use some other advanced JQL operations inside that boundaries: You can use created > "-1d" for the issues created last day. For example, you can use the created after date function with the AND operator to filter your results to include only issues that were created after a specific date and also meet other criteria. Oct 25, 2020 · The JQL you need is based on the relative date selection, so at a glance, you need. The only problem with this is that Now() is time specific so there is no way of getting a particular day's created issues. I would like to compare these to get the issues where resolved > due so that we can track which tickets that are closed are overdue tickets. duedate)}} is greater than -1, meaning the end date is equal to, or greater than, the due date. The concept is to set the custom field if the resolved date is greater than the required date. Apr 21, 2021 · This latter option gives you greater flexibility in terms of checking for a minimum gap between the dates for example or checking for the existence of both fields. Oct 16, 2018 · Hi All, I need help on creating a script that verifies if the end date cannot be selected before start date I have these 2 Date time picker custom field named Start Date and End Date. these working as expected as the current automation. Fix Version examples: A0. Looking at your dateCompare expression: "Prod Accept Stamped Date > Implementation Stamped Date +30d" This would add 30 days to the "Implementation Stamped Date", and then look for issues where the "Prod Accept Stamped Date" is greater than that result. endDate. Click on Edit, look for the Alternate Creation Date field on the Edit Issue screen and set the desired created date on it. For example csv file looks below. tickets created between 10 pm (last day) and 5 am (of current day) Oct 1, 2021 · Action = issues created and linked to current issues and notification are also sent. "Created", "Updated" and so on). Mar 2, 2021 · I am trying to work on an API with my team to pull jira tickets into a Database with an API. If this is a very high number of issues (greater than 50k) you can filter some out: eg: Aug 20, 2024 · You can search for issues where both fields help you narrow down the result set. That will not work as you expect because the values are text (when date formatting is used) and so a value such as "31/12/2023" will be greater than "01/01/2024" with a text comparison: the days are the first, left-to-right. With this you can use {{issue. I need this for running an automation on a set of issues - automations have a limit of 1000 issues. I would like to give message if the close date entered by the user is before the logged date . Thanks! Oct 11, 2020 · I hope you can help - Newbie to Jira Project Automation. I found that mapping a date to the Jira 'Date Created' worked fine. Would appreciate any help, thanks!! May 4, 2023 · Trying to figure out how I can filter for a range of issues based on their key. This is mostly for tracking and dashboard purposes. {{issue. Jan 17, 2023 · Jira does not record the project created date (except in the audit log) Your only option is to look at the creation date of the oldest issue in it, and compare it with the oldest issue creation date in the projects with ids either side of it. cancel. atlassian. my-date < +60d. description. Created and CreateDate are the referring to the same attribute. That's what tripped me up on the initial conversion and lead me to having to update the entries. I'm looking to create a filter to use as a roadmap which can show me all Epics with a fix version within a current (or next) quarter. dueDate}} is greater than the parent Epic Due Date {{issue. Dec 6, 2024 · You are formatting dates for comparisons as "dd/MM/yyyy". Condition: if the story Due Date {{triggerIssue. created Date = 9/26/2022. Jul 31, 2013 · Using Jira Issue Search, I have two custom date fields in my project. There is a feature request you might watch - JRACLOUD-72007 . Jira automation for due dates is a must-have for effective teamwork, as it can help you to control project deadlines and focus on more prioritized tasks. My Date is a custom field. The below example would retrieve all issues that were created after the start of previous month and completed in that same month. My requirement is - I have a Planned End Date is someone enters a date which is greater than 90days from the create date it shouldn't allow user to create a Ticket. Oct 1, 2022 · Also, if you want to find issues that were created more than 90 days ago you need to use < (less than) rather than > (greater than). -3d = 9/27/2022. You must select the two date fields and the comparison function for the check. Oct 13, 2023 · The issue links are in a list, so you need to create a b ranch rule for related issues. I want a filter that returns the issue with the earliest date from field 1. greater than: > The > operator is used to search for issues where the value of a specified field is greater than a specified value. Example Create a custom Date Picker field and configure in a project. I need to put validation using scriptrunner . The only date/time function I can find is Now() and searches relative to that, i. Case #1. Computers tend to think of human date/time as "a count of time fragments (usually milliseconds) since a base date". Issues that were created between two relative dates (1-2 weeks ago) How you filter with basic search: How you filter with advanced search (JQL): created >=-2w AND created <=-1w . But we need to creat autromation if the Exception date is greater than to day. The way we write clear English that sentence above does not quite explain the JQL though, if I were to write the JQL as it looks, it would be more like "show me issues that have a created date less than 90 days ago", and to understand that you have to understand how computers think of dates - they're actually holding Learn how to use JQL date functions to filter your Jira issues by date created, due date, modified date, and more. For example, the closed Epics show 31 but only 9 of Jul 7, 2020 · Moreover you can’t leverage sprint start/end dates which would be able to accomplish your goal. buffer. JQL does not let you compare two date fields, but ScriptRunner add-on does. 2021) Jan 27, 2021 · Hello, I am trying to be able to see the exact time of an issue created. View More Comments Here are a few ways you can use JQL in Jira. Suppose the rule should assign issues to a sprint based on whether the creation date is after June 3, 2024, instead of using direct date comparisons in the automation rule, use JQL to handle the date comparisons. Scriptrunner. Product Q&A Groups Learning Events . Ask a question . The goal is to use this filter as an agent and notify project lead when this case is true. Jun 26, 2023 · Hi, How can I run a JQL in automation that will check if now. 5 (11. createdDate <= -3d TRUE. my-date < +30d Jira smart values - issues; Jira smart values - conditional logic; Jira smart values - users; Jira smart values - text fields; Jira smart values - date and time; Jira smart values - JSON functions; Jira smart values - math expressions; Jira smart values - lists; Find the smart value for a field; Examples of using smart values with dates Oct 29, 2020 · Trigger: Due Date is changed; Condition: related issue, check this issue has an Epic; Branch: on the Epic (Parent) of this issue. Is there a way to basically say (this is pseudocode): fixVersion = "'"+(now(). match("date created: (. created Date = 9/30/2022. Nov 16, 2018 · Create a Date Picker Custom Field called Alternate Creation Date, set it to the project that you need to modify, and apply it to the Default Screen. 9/30/2022 <= 9/27/2022 FALSE Nov 20, 2024 · The Date Compare validator compares the values of two date fields on an issue, for example, one field must be greater than the other. g. 'your end date field"}} to set the parent to the correct end date. I want another filter to return issue with latest date from field 2. Fetch issues resolved today: resolved >= startOfDay() Retrieve issues updated this week: updated >= startOfWeek() Find issues due by the end of the month: due <= endOfMonth() Apr 20, 2020 · Hi Joseph, welcome to the Community! When searching through JQL you can select several columns in Issue Navigator to choose which information you want to see (f. Created: 09/Nov/18 21:35 27/Nov/18 23:14. date created: 18/Jan/2021. Assuming your issue description looks something like this: Description of issue. 9/30/2022 <= 9/27/2022 FALSE Jul 12, 2017 · Therefore, the statement that you listed above will find issues that have been created or updated exactly 7 days ago, and anything created in the last 6 days will not be included in the results (because the act of ticket creation also sets the updated field to the date of ticket creation, and that date would be greater than 6 days ago). Example for due dates: Read more about the history of due date changes How to see due date changes in Jira. How do I do this using Behaviors using script runner . For example IOS-1 thru IOS-999, then IOS-1000 thru IOS-1999. So, I am trying to introduce a conditional inside the report I have in the action “send email”. Dec 6, 2017 · I try to create a FIlter where sub task due date are greater than parent due date. Find all high-priority issues assigned to you: priority = High AND assignee = currentUser() List overdue issues in a specific project: project = "Customer Support" AND duedate ; now() AND status != Closed Show recently created issues: created >= -7d ORDER BY created DES Nov 14, 2022 · I would like to have an overview of all issue types defects created in a specific date range and were resolved in a specific date range. Jan 18, 2013 · Store the MAX date into a global variable (looks like this: /Date(1338336000000)/) Hit the OData service on a 30 second interval but this time specify a filter to only return records where the order date is greater than the previous MAX Date. I. We have a new project process that kicks off when a new project ticket is created. Based upon some previous community posts, I've been testing out isAfter and date diff with smart values, using advanced compare, but haven't been successful yet. To exclude overdue issues I would normally use due >= "0" AND due <= 7d but I am not sure if the the "0" means start of the day or the moment the JQL is executed. You can perform an advanced search on your Jira fields to look for issues created on, before, or after a particular date (or date range) and time. 5 years later, but since date field comparison is a pretty common use case and this question is still popping up in search results, here are some workarounds for those who similarly need to compare date fields in Jira: As others have said, date field comparison is not possible as a search query within Jira, but you can make date field Mar 4, 2025 · Ask questions and find answers on Jira. Apr 11, 2019 · Hi, I'm on a project with multiple releases per quarter, and occasionally unknown patch releases which are created as and when they're needed. startDate). So "half an hour ago" is "now - 30 minutes" Your createdDate > -30m is thinking backwards, using "now" as a zero point, but that's wrong, because the zero point is (usually) in 1970. Yes, there is a compromise, because it can only be a date picker there will be no ordering of issues created on the same day. In this case, we can add the Due Date and Created fields, set dates, project, or other filters. What is the condition I must use to complete the above action? Can you provide me with the correct syntax. +)")}} Sep 1, 2021 · I am trying to create a query that shows all epics in any status but include only closed epics resolved within the last 45 days. I need to split the two blocks. XML Word Printable JSON. I want to auto resolve an issue based on a date +5 days . I have created some queues on my project but in the columns, I have to option to add "Created". 2. The current filter will give me all the epics and associated statuses, but the results for those closed are misleading. And you have not told it what your 1d is relative to either. Then you can use the custom field in your JQL, for example… Jan 28, 2022 · I have two date custom Fields : Defect logged date and Defect closed Date . For example, the following JQL query will return all open issues that were created after January 1, 2023 and have a priority of High: Date difference {{[date1]. 15” I have a jql query that brings me two blocks of tickets. another field: bar. [unit]}} Returns the amount of time between date1 and date2, in the unit specified. Problem for swimlanes though is that the +90d line will include the issues in the other two (and the +60d one will include the issues from the +30d) So for swimlanes, you probably need. Jul 14, 2022 · Need to compare the resolution date between parent and child issues to find out when the child issue has a greater date value. I want to create an automation so that any issues where Due Date is after Target Date are flagged into a custom field. duedate}} but this doesn't seem to be working. Date Functions. file. e. 9/26/2022 < 9/27/2022 TRUE. Sep 4, 2014 · When I run the query 'created > '2015-09-03' it is including any JIRAs created on 2015-09-03. Even if it returned a pretty date format, a simple ">" is not going to understand it. component. you might consider looking at an addon, e. 08. diff(issue. Here is an example of the report where you can see the dates when each issue was created, when the due date was added, and when it was changed. If the check fails, no action will be performed. +)")}} Aug 30, 2024 · A field in JQL is a word that represents a Jira field (or a custom field that has already been defined in Jira). Therefore you have to use the ">=" operator. Ask a question A query with "created > 2012-08-01" will also return issues created on 2012-08-01. Sep 8, 2020 · It's 2. If my date = 25 October 2020 then 5 days later it must transition to Resolved. In project TOP you have an issue type Dev Task which has two date-picker fields, My Due Date and Completed On. . my-date < +90d. Jira seems to have a c Mar 7, 2017 · You need to reverse the operator. Hi, I need help in a Validator. Feb 8, 2023 · A date picker, not date and time picker (see: Enable custom fields used in Advanced Roadmaps in Jira | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support ) The get an automation rule to populate it at creation. Then you can perform relative queries against the Due Date rather than trying to compare to another field. Just be careful of the date formatting in the . And the second tests if {{issue. Browse to the issue you want to modify. Can some Oct 22, 2024 · Issue History for Jira provides a separate column that captures the date of change for any field. Nov 14, 2018 · This solution does work for me to populate the date but unfortuantely the date updates to current date in the existing pages even when then page's creation date is not current date. Greater than is acting like greater than or equal to, when it should be excluding the specified date. Comp Nov 20, 2017 · For dynamic dates , you can do something like. I am attempting to accomplish this with scriptrunner's datecompare issuefunction. I cannot find the unique ID for "Created" or "Created Date" or "Created Date Time" Regards, Sidney Jun 21, 2022 · You can manipulate and format created, updated, duedate, resolutiondate dates (as well as the Date Picker custom field) inside fields that support Smart Values. It is a simple yet flexible language that enables users to create complex queries to find the exact information they need. 3. You want to find all issues where the completion date is greater than the due date. Aug 6, 2021 · The JQL clause created < -90d will find all issues created over 90 days ago. You could create an automation rule to detect and record the start of blocked date / time, and then use JQL to to test it (or another rule to report it). "-1d", "-4d" etc. I tried to create a new custom field with Date Time Picker type. Sep 19, 2023 · Adds a bit of clarity to the greater than and less than conditions. Jan 4, 2022 · Hello! I'm trying to create an automation that will run periodically every month to check if a ticket is past it's specified due date. Oct 11, 2021 · Hi @Abhishek Saxena . The operator can only be used with fields that support ordering and can't be used with text fields. created. when the configuration file in the "io. can someone please explain what is the difference between createdDate and created? 2. That means that the query is equivalent to "created >= 2012-08-01". Just a reminder: only change the parent if the end date is greater than the current end date set. Doesn't Jira JQL provides support for periods greater than a week? issueFunction in dateCompare("", "resolutionDate = Delivery Date") Performance. This is affecting all of our reporting that we run in Jira. size" field is set to a value less than or equal to zero, hdfs can start normally, but read and write data will have problems. Issues that were resolved between two specific dates (12th of May – 20th Jul 11, 2018 · Took greater than or equal to 180 days to end, with that value being calculated by comparing the custom fields "Project Closure Date" and "Project Start Date". Automation allows for this comparison. Something like this JQL: “(priority in (Blocker, Critical) OR createdDate < “2021/06/01”)” For this example the date is hardcoded. To check if the issue's created date is greater than a specific date: created > "2024-06-03" May 28, 2017 · I am trying to create some Issue Filters in JIRA based on CreateDate. I want it to have as Oct 3, 2019 · One option for project created is to use the Audit Log, assuming it's activated - to access: Go to Jira Admin (cog in top-right corner) and press System; Under System Support, select Audit Log; You can view when one project was created using this - or export the data (button in upper-right) and review it for more than one project. Example created >= "2018-03-21” You could easily use the basic functionality to do this as well then switch to “advanced” to see how the jql would look Nov 13, 2024 · It can be the due date or any other standard/custom field. Jan 17, 2021 · But assuming "date created:" is on a line by itself, you don't need to worry about any of that. CSV. Mar 20, 2023 · JQL for Updated date/time is greater than Resolved date S S March 20, 2023 edited How to write a Query to find the issues which were already resolved but the status is not resolved or completed or resolved? May 20, 2022 · Revisit how you're using Due Date - You could leverage an automation rule that triggers on issue creation and sets the Due Date to 5 days from creation. Created date is automatically added once the issue is created so whenever you have to search issues from created you have to go on past and have to use - sign like created >= -30d this query will fetch the issues which are created in last 30 days. In Summary. dueDate}} Action: set the epic's Due Date to the value from the triggerIssue Due Date Jan 22, 2024 · Example: I used "date:<[date20240102] AND date:>[date20231212]" to only display entries where the user selected a date between December 12, 2023 - January 2, 2024. Then this would work: {{issue. Oct 14, 2019 · Post project creation you can use Importing data from CSV to create issues with old dates. Jun 17, 2024 · "Created" attribute is a Date/Time data type format, so if you use the "=" sign, it is looking for issues that were created with the value of 2024-06-17 00:00 timestamp. I have to provide the Dev Team with the unique ID's for each Field and Project. diff([date2]). sprint. Thanks! M Oct 1, 2022 · Also, if you want to find issues that were created more than 90 days ago you need to use < (less than) rather than > (greater than). Dec 20, 2021 · Hello, I would like to create a filter that shows the issues that: Are Blocer or Ciritical, it doesn’t matter the creation date. Has anybody done a query similar before. other field: foo. Nov 7, 2023 · >= sign will use for dates in the finding of Due Dates, End Dates which you can define yourself. Dec 11, 2024 · Using the relative operators like +30d you can adjust one of the dates as a workaround. Sep 6, 2022 · Equal operator may not work because of the hidden "hours" inside the date in your JQL. Create . project = "DX" and createdDate > '2023-08-03 00:00' This way there's no mistaking that you're including issues that are created on the 3rd of August (after 00:00hrs on the 3rd of August). days}} When you create Variables the values are stored as text. The "diff" function can be used only with smart values that are Date or Date/Time types. we need to create the linked issues and send notifications on the day of excecution day only. I want defect closed date to be greater than Defect logged Date . ! But I dont understand with JQL how to compare issue due date with parent issu Ability to read stripes that are greater than 2GB. With these powerful functions, you can quickly and easily find the information you need to track your projects and stay on top of your work. Jul 27, 2018 · I'm working on a project that requires filtering issues by date, but JIRA has so many possible date fields (Created, Sprint Start Date, and Change Date, just to name a few) that it's really hard to know what is what. The project lead need to take action asap. Nov 14, 2024 · I am trying to build some automation that will update a date field when an action is performed, but only if another date field's value +1w is greater than today's date. For example, the closed Epics show 31 but only 9 of Sep 19, 2023 · created > -2d (created in last 2 days) created > -4w (created in last 4 weeks) Hovewer this one gets a invalid format error: created > -2M * I do know the workaround: putting created AFTER and a date 2 months ago. Example: issuefunction in datecompare("", "Due Date +1w > now()") Feb 17, 2025 · This is the version of Jira I have “Jira v9. As per ScriptRunner documentation, you use the dateCompare() function Sep 19, 2023 · Adds a bit of clarity to the greater than and less than conditions. duedate)}} is less than 1, meaning the start date is before, or equal to, the due date. Here is a list of the date fields that are still frustratingly unfamiliar. View More Comments You must be a registered user to add a comment. duedate)}} but this isn't working greater than: > The > operator is used to search for issues where the value of a specified field is greater than a specified value. Oct 8, 2021 · Hi - Can someone help me with how I can create a automation condition for when the ticket created date is within 5 business days of the end of a month. azzo exfwku ydiqna nuwmm cggv ajgoi ccgtp myfir gwxx guvqco omrtnpx lvrbvw xalshbh pfp zqagbuv