General biology ii syllabus BIOL 112 - Syllabus BIOL 112 - Schedule General Biology II (BSC-1011) Syllabus COURSE INFORMATION Course Title General Biology II Course Number BSC-1011 Course Discipline Biology Course Description Note: This course is designed for science and biology majors. • Pronouns: He/ Him/ His . Spring 2013, Section 1. S BIOLOGY PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES • Apply the methods and process of life science, including common laboratory techniques • Demonstrate proficiency in quantitative reasoning as it relates to life science data • Demonstrate an understanding of evolution GENERAL COURSE PURPOSE: This course provides students with an opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of the principles of living systems and their applications to everyday life. Course Info for BIO102 - General Biology II at Clinton Community College in Plattsburgh, NY. Grading f. Course Description in college catalog: Strategy of populations in ecology and evolution; diversity of modern plant and animal life, their adaptations and evolutionary The course may serve as a prerequisite for advanced biology courses, a laboratory science graduation requirement, or as transfer credit for a four-year institution. The syllabus for Bronx Community College's General Biology II (BIO 12), a 4-credit, 6-hour lab science course that fulfills the CUNY Pathways Common Core Flexible E: Scientific World requirement. 10/8/24, 3:42 PM Syllabus for BIO 182: General Biology II (2024 Fall A) Course Syllabus Jump This course syllabus provides an overview of the General Biology 2 course to be offered during the first semester of the 2021-2022 school year. Focuses on biological processes with a chemical foundation, including macromolecules, cellular structure, metabolism, and genetics in an evolutionary context. The course is designed for both science and non-science majors. GENERAL BIOLOGY II, Winter 20xx: Faculty Name: course #xx, MWF 8:00 - 8:55: General Biology Lecture 1 is a prerequisite for this course. The information provided is a summary of topics to be covered in the class. opics. TEXTBOOK: Campbell Biology in Focus. As such, it is intended for students who intend to major in biology and for those who are interested in taking upper level courses in the subject. It will be very • Course Purpose: BSC 2011C (Biology II) is the second of a two-semester general biology sequence and a continuation of BSC 2010C (Biology I). Course and Faculty Information II. 402. 8th Edition. Assess problems in the field of biology and develop solutions or strategies to solve those problems based on logic and the knowledge acquired during this course. Gregg Transue, Director of General Biology; Dr. Apr 13, 2022 · Syllabus. Office Feb 9, 2020 · View Syllabus BIO 182 General Biology II (2020 Spring - A). Course Information 2. General Biology I Lab (BSC-1010L) Manual 2. (Hons) Biological Sciences. Although Course Syllabus Jump to Today Edit To print: MAC users press "⌘" + "P". Email: croberson@jhu Course Name: General Biology II lecture Course Description: This course is the second in a two part series covering a general study of life processes, emphasizing basic concepts of biology suitable for health science majors and as a general education elective for non-science majors. pdf from BIO 182 at Arizona State University. 151, three credits Spring 2019 The Johns Hopkins University. This course does not have specific meeting times or BIO 102: GENERAL BIOLOGY II SYLLABUS LECTURE/LAB HOURS/CREDITS: 3/3/4 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: BIO 101 – General Biology I The origin of new cells and organisms as well as the manner by which genetic material is passed from parent to offspring are investigated in detail through lecture, discussion and lab exercises. The course discusses evolution, phylogeny, biodiversity, and ecology of GENERAL BIOLOGY 01:119:116 Syllabus Spring 2024 Page 1 of 12 General Biology Office - Ms. A. The 3-sentence summary is: The course will cover biological concepts including cell structure and function, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Thomson, Brooks, Cole Publishing. Christov Roberson. Azure Faucette S216. Computer Requirements IV. Date/ Week. These are the lecture materials for Brian Whites BIO 112 course BIOL 1001 General Biology 1 Lecture (PDF) Laboratory (PDF) BIOL 1002 General Biology 2 Lecture (PDF) Laboratory (PDF) BIOL 1010 Biology: The Study of Life (PDF) BIOL 1531 Introduction to Biostatistics (PDF) BIOL 2001 Organismic Biology II, Zoology (PDF) BIOL 2002 Animal Form and Function Laboratory (PDF) Course, prefix, number, & title: BI-202 General Biology II. Evolutionary . shang@bcc. Credits: 4. Distribution I Area: Natural Sciences. A. Evolutionary BIO 102: GENERAL BIOLOGY II SYLLABUS LECTURE/LAB HOURS/CREDITS: 3/3/4 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: BIO 101 – General Biology I The origin of new cells and organisms as well as the manner by which genetic material is passed from parent to offspring are investigated in detail through lecture, discussion and lab exercises. Division: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics. Biology II (BIO 152E/BIO 152LE) is an online, asynchronous, self-paced course that includes both a 3-credit lecture session and a 1-credit laboratory session. Demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles and core concepts of biology. Office Hours The single biggest problem students have in general biology is solving the kinds or problems presented in homework problems and exams. University, Program, and Course Policies 6. Course Description & Objectives: Biology 101 is an introductory biology course that is ideal for non-majors, and as a pre-requisite for courses in the nursing sequence. edu Syllabus for BIO 182: General Biology II (2024 Summer B) 7/27/24, 4:48 PM https://asu. Utilize evolutionary, taxonomic, and biodiversity concepts in related problem solving 3. Textbooks and Materials 4. Hours (Class, recitation, Laboratory, studio): 3 class hours 3 lab hours. (5th ed. New York: Garland Publishing, 2007. Course Prefix & Number: BIOL1409. Campbell Biology (9th ed. Office/Phone: MEC1208D/856-494-5685 Preferred Contact: Email: khender3@rcsj. Sc. Date May 18th, 2023 Author Clinton Krager Department Science and Technology Course Prefix BIO Course Number 122 Course Title General Biology II . Textbook and Course Materials BIO 102 – GENERAL BIOLOGY II (4 CR. include assignments that require you to either conduct virtual experiments or analyze real data. Class time : Monday 8AM-11AM. View and Download Syllabus from AUB’s BIO 202 - General Biology II during Fall 2013/2014 GENERAL BIOLOGY II (BIO 01400) SYLLABUS . 00 MGH Total Package *If you need to take General Biology I and General Biology II for your major, your best Feb 8, 2024 · 1 BIO 102:51 GENERAL BIOLOGY II SPRING 2024 SYLLABUS INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD: Traditional Online (Asynchronous, not live) Gloucester Campus Prerequisite: BIO 101 15 WEEKS, Semester runs January 16 – May 2 LECTURE/LAB HOURS/CREDITS: 3/3/4 Instructor: Ms. 1. ** BSC 2011: General Biology II Section 0M01 MWF 8:30 - 9:20 am, Classroom Building 2, room 201 Department of Biology, College of Sciences 4 credit hours Instructor Information • Instructor: K. Pre-requisites (if any): BI-201. Spring 2023 . BIO 102: GENERAL BIOLOGY II SYLLABUS LECTURE/LAB HOURS/CREDITS: 3/3/4 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: BIO 101 – General Biology I The origin of new cells and organisms as well as the manner by which genetic material is passed from parent to offspring are investigated in detail through lecture, discussion and lab exercises. It will be suitable to all students to take towards the core module of B. Raven "Biology" 10th edition Textbook 4. This course is required for biology option science majors. The courses use an interdisciplinary approach emphasizing the process of science and includes the relevance of science to society. These are similar to the kinds of questions that biologists ask; many can’t be solved by memorization of facts. Enyuan Shang Course section: E01 & E02 Phone: 718-289-3671 Class meetings: ME603 & 604 Email: Enyuan. Thomas Aquinas College COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the lab component of Bio 173 and is a corequisite for that course. Please visit our Biology I (BIO 151E/BIO 152LE) prerequisite page for more information. BIO 124 serves as the laboratory section for General Biology II. BIO 182 GENERAL BIOLOGY (MAJORS) II Revised: 10/19 Page 1 of 3 . pdf, 90K) Readings Bi 212 General Biology II CRN 40347 (4 credits) Hannah I Bishop e. BSC 2010C Biology I (Yeargain) Click Here; BSC 2010C Biology I (Thomas) Click Here; BSC 2010H Honors Biology I (Bayer) Click Here; BSC 2011C Biology II (Tye) BSC 2011C Biology II (Yeargain) Click Here; BSC 3052 Conservation Biology Click Here; BSC 3312 Principles of Marine Biology Click Here; BSC 3945 Learning Assistants in Biology Click Here Syllabus Download General Biology 2 Syllabus General Biology 2 Syllabus (. It will also be suitable as an elective course for any student in Faculty of Sciences who does not want to complete an NOU qualification but want to learn Biol 142 Course Syllabus. Email: rakhad. Learning Outcomes, Objectives, & Alignment 3. Biology II serves as a pre-requisite for other, upper-level biology courses and/or as an admission requirement for many post-graduate programs. TEXTBOOK: Urry et al. Required Textbook. Connect/Learn Smart ISBN for Package: 9781259897245 $167. edu Time Zone: All due dates are in the mountain BIOLOGY 112, GENERAL BIOLOGY II. Email: azhetigenova@lagcc. BIO 212 GENERAL BIOLOGY II COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2023 Instructor: Sarah Gall, Ph. BIO 182: General Biology II Table of Contents I. Describe evolutionary theory as a unifying concept in biology 2. It is Syllabus BIO116L General Biology II laboratory Current SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Accelerated Sciences Division Syllabus Table of Contents 1. Professor Brian White, Ph. 6 hrs. This course is the second in a two-part series covering a general study of life processes, emphasizing basic concepts of biology suitable as a general education elective for non-science majors. Eva Nyutu Phone: 313-993-1415 Email: nyutuen@udmercy. General Biology II (BSC-2011) Syllabus COURSE INFORMATION Course Title General Biology II Course Number BSC-2011 Course Discipline Biology Course Description Note: This course is designed for science and biology majors. Molecular biology of the cell. While Mayville State University is a fully accredited university and a member of the North Dakota University System, we recommend you submit the course syllabus to your institution to insure the course will be transferred to the specific GENERAL BIOLOGY II SCB 202 (Note: This course was previously known as Fundamentals of Biology II) COURSE SYLLABUS. PC users press "CTRL" + "P". S BIOLOGY PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES • Apply the methods and process of life science, including common laboratory techniques • Demonstrate proficiency in quantitative reasoning as it relates to life science data • Demonstrate an understanding of evolution Visit the Help Center or call 1-855-ASU-5080 (1-855-278-5080) K to 12 Senior High School STEM Specialized Subject – Biology 2 August 2016 Page 4 of 4 *Experiments in Biology may require balance and triple beam equipment. BIOL 111. BIOL-150L. General Biology II SYLLABUS General Course Information Course Title: General Biology II Course Number: BIOL 1111C - 060 (11070) Semester: Spring 2025 Class Location: Online Credit Hours: 4 Corequisite(s): BIOL1111C (11070) Instructor Information Instructor: Brittany Gale Email Address: bgale@nmjc. Credit Hours: 4 Lec 3 Lab 3 SUN# BIO 1182 . Lab Hours: 48. General Education Course: G (Global Awareness) PREREQUISITES: BIO 181, ENG 101 or 107 . General Biology II SYLLABUS General Course Information Course Title: General Biology II Course Number: BIOL 1111C - 002 (11063) Semester: Spring 2025 Days/Time: TR 08:00 AM - 09:15 AM Class Location: WH101 Credit Hours: 4 Instructor Information Instructor: Johnna Wier Office: BUC 243 Email Address: jwier@nmjc. Lecture Hours: 48. Studies of plants BI 102: General Biology II Syllabus Lecture Hours/Lab Hours/Credits: 3/2/4 Catalog Description Prerequisite: BI 101 An integrated course with laboratory exercises closely correlated to the lectures dealing with natural selection, evolution and plants and animals. TEXT SKIMMING LIST with Outcomes – Spring 2022. Course Information . Kimberly Henderson, M. Biology University of Massachusetts - Boston. MCPHS also offers Biology I. General Biology II Lab (BSC-1011L) Manual 3. Exploring Biology in the Laboratory: Core Concepts (2nd ed. Catalog Description A study of evolutionary concepts and survey of taxonomic levels of 1. Dr. Section Number: 340. Communicating with the Instructor VII. Course Format. It explores larger-scale processes of biology, with emphasis on evolution, speciation and phylogeny. M, W, F; 12-12:50. docx from BIO 123 at Cochise County Community College District. Studies of plants GENERAL COURSE PURPOSE: This course provides students with an opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of the principles of living systems and their applications to everyday life. Mar 5, 2025 · Biology II Lecture & Lab, BIOL 1011, is a four-credit lecture/lab online biology course incorporating an at-home laboratory component. Additional resources may be posted on via Canvas. Intended for students majoring in biology or for non-majors who wish to take advanced biology courses. Explores the core concepts of evolution; structure and BIOL1409 --- General Biology II Catalog Description: This course will provide a survey of biological principles with an emphasis on humans, including evolution, ecology, plant and animal diversity, and physiology. cuny. 4. BSC 2011C (Biology II) is the second of a two-semester general biology sequence and a continuation of BSC 2010C (Biology I). Formating remains in Webcourses format; links are not active. Distribution II Area: Natural Sciences. 1/16/2020 Syllabus for BIO 182: General Biology II (2020 Spring - AI Chat with PDF Bio 182: General Biology II | Spring 2023 | Page 1 Bio 182: General BIOLOGY II Laboratory Syllabus . Freeman, Program Coordinator Hour Exam II will be comprehensive and have BIO 112 - General Biology II. Students will develop knowledge of the biotic component of the biosphere through active participation in Syllabus for BIO 182: General Biology II (2022 Fall - A) 8/3/22, 1!35 PM https://asu. Co-requisite: None required; CHE* K122 is recommended. Department of Biology and Horticulture General Biology II (BIO-203) General Course Syllabus Course Title: General Biology II (BIO-203) Course Description: This course explores the evolution and biodiversity of representative organisms in the plant and animal kingdoms. 3 Basic Mammalian Anatomy (Pig Dissection) RENAL-REPROD Note that this is cut/paste from the lecture syllabus in Webcourses. Reece, Jane. edu (Best way to reach me) Office: 210 Ford Life Science Online/Virtual Office Hours: (Click on this link) Schedule BIOL 150 General Biology I and lab and BIOL 151 General Biology II and lab are fully transferable courses. Raven "Biology" 10th edition Ebook 5. Michele Yeargain MassBay Community College. S. Biology in focus. ). Jan 21, 2025 · 1 General Biology II Lecture Biology 1220 (Section 05) Winter, Term II, 2025 Weekly Lectures Meeting Time: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM. rutgers Emails to other addresses will be ignored. edu Routine Response Time: Within 24 hrs General Biology II lab syllabus. This course focuses on anatomy and physiology of humans and other animals, and covers some ecological topics and basic plant biology. Onyi Freeman, Program Coordinator (Dr. com/courses/190115/assignments/syllabus Page 4 of 13 Mar 9, 2025 · 4 Credit Hour(s) This course is a continuation of BIO 111 . , (2016). alrawi@asu. Evaluation of Student Learning 5. Arizona State University – West Campus . The emphasis of the course is on providing a conceptual framework for understanding the basics of modern biology, ecology, and biodiversity so that the student will be well equipped to apply this knowledge in Dec 5, 2024 · Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Department of Biological Sciences Common Syllabus General Biology 2 (BIO 12) Instructor: Dr. COURSE DESCRIPTION: BIO 1300, 1400 – GENERAL BIOLOGY I AND II (4 credits. Emphasis is placed on organisms, evolution, biodiversity, plant and animal systems, ecology, and other related topics. General Biology II. Jan 11, 2023 · View BIO 212 2023. Campbell & Reece, 2004, Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Co. Course Number: BI BSC 2011C (Biology II) is the second of a two-semester general biology sequence and a continuation of BSC 2010C (Biology I). Daniel Stern Cardinale, Workshop Coordinator) E-mail address: genbio@dls. Course and Faculty Information . It will be very challenging and difficult for non-science majors without adequate background to do well in this course. Office Hours: BIO 122 serves as the laboratory section for General Biology I. Utilize basic laboratory techniques to conduct experiments. Prerequisites. General Biology II This course, the second part of a two-semester series, builds upon the foundational knowledge gained in General Biology I. References: Alberts, Bruce et. D. Grading VI. ISBN # 0-495-12574-1 Catalog Description: Prerequisite: BIO* K121 with a "C" grade or better or permission of the instructor. BIO 112 - General Biology II. General Biology II (Bio 174) introduces students to basic techniques and safety practices in the laboratory. instructure. 3 Lecture Hours, 3 Lab Hours, 4 Credits. et. General Biology II SYLLABUS General Course Information Course Title: General Biology II Course Number: BIOL 1111C - 001 (11062) Semester: Spring 2025 Days/Time: MW 08:00 AM - 09:15 AM Class Location: WH101 Credit Hours: 4 Instructor Information Instructor: Heather Davis Office: BUC 214 (Upstairs in the Library) Email Address: hdavis@nmjc. It is assumed BIO 102 GENERAL BIOLOGY II iii GENERAL BIOLOGY II is a one semester, 18 Units course. NOTE: Credit cannot be received in both BIO 100 and the BIO 181-182 sequence. Explores the core concepts of evolution; structure and function; information flow, storage and exchange; pathways and transformations of energy and matter Biology II –BIO 1201 / City Tech –CUNY Biological Sciences Department / SP2022 BIOLOGY II (BIO1201) SPRING 2022 SYLLABUS NEW YORK CITY COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY The City University Of New York School of Arts and Sciences Biological Sciences Department Course Information Course title Biology II (Lecture and Laboratory) Course code BIO1201 Credit General Biology II Lecture General Biology II Lab Title: Biology In Focus Title: General Biology II Lab Manual Authors: Urry, Cain, Wasserman Authors: Kristy Calero, Thomas Pitzer, Jose Alberte Edition: 2nd Edition: 2nd ISBN: 9780134433769 ISBN: 9781259158858 TEXTBOOK BUYING OPTION Textbook Price Click below to purchase packages Package BSC 2011C (Biology II) is the second of a two-semester general biology sequence and a continuation of BSC 2010C (Biology I). Biology. pdf from BIOLOGY 182 at Metropolitan Community College, Penn Valley. BIO 182 GENERAL BIOLOGY (MAJORS) II . Textbook and Course Materials GENERAL COURSE PURPOSE: This course provides students with an opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge of the principles of living systems and their applications to everyday life. Required Materials. edu Office Phone: 575-492-2811 Nov 16, 2023 · Biology document from Arizona State University, 12 pages, *Disclaimer* This syllabus is to be used as a guideline only. COURSE INSTRUCTOR. LECTURE OUTLINE Lecture Textbook: Biological Science (6th edition, 2014) by Scott Freeman and others; Pearson Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco BIO 163 Biology II Course Master Syllabus Last updated Feb-24 CATALOG DESCRIPTION: As a continuation of BIO 162 – General Biology II, this course presents an evolutionary-based, systematic study of the diversity microbes, fungi, plants, animals and animal behavior. edu. This course is a continuation of General Biology I, topics to be covered include General Biology II Lecture General Biology II Lab Title: Biology In Focus Title: General Biology II Lab Manual Authors: Urry, Cain, Wasserman Authors: Kristy Calero, Thomas Pitzer, Jose Alberte Edition: 2nd Edition: 2nd ISBN: 9780134433769 ISBN: 9781259158858 TEXTBOOK BUYING OPTION Textbook Price Click below to purchase packages Package Aug 18, 2024 · SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY GENERAL BIOLOGY II (BIO 123) – COURSE SYLLABUS SPRING 2020 COURSE DESCRIPTION BIO123 – General Biology II, 3 credits The second of a two-course sequence comprising a survey of major biological concepts ranging from the molecular level to global ecology. each semester) A one-year, two-semester course for students who plan to major in biological sciences or prepare for a preprofessional program. Semester Credit Hours: 4. Location: Room: Life Science 113 How to reach me Instructor: Dr. ISBN-10: COURSE DESCRIPTION General Biology II stresses the origins of life, the diversity of viruses, bacteria, protists, and fungi; the diversity of plants, plant structure and function; animal diversity, animal structure and function; as well as evolution, animal behavior, ecology of populations, ecosystems, and environmental concerns. Oct 8, 2024 · View Syllabus for BIO 182_ General Biology II (2024 Fall A). Instructor: Professor Asel Zhetigenova, Ph. Course Title: General Biology II. Emral Devany S217 and Dr. General Biology for Non-Science Majors II. 020. ARIZONA WESTERN COLLEGE SYLLABUS . Semester/Year: SP21 . General Biology II (Science Majors) Instructor: Course Section(s): Office (place): Office Hours: Course Description: This is a lecture course covering general concepts and principles of ecology, evolutionary biology, and the diversity of life on earth. Design laboratory experiments and report on conclusions based on data analysis . T. B. Skimming and General Biology Feb 8, 2023 · Syllabus: General Biology Lab II The School of Arts & Sciences St. Title Description File type General Biology 2 Syllabus Mar 31, 2022 · General Course Purpose. BI 102: General Biology II Syllabus Lecture Hours/Lab Hours/Credits: 3/2/4 Catalog Description Prerequisite: BI 101 An integrated course with laboratory exercises closely correlated to the lectures dealing with natural selection, evolution and plants and animals. Biology 101 and Biology 102 comprise the standard sequence for Introductory Biology for science majors and also serve as a general education science course for non-majors. Location: Theobald Hall, Rm. Outline of Topics Covered . Register today at (518) 562-4200 or clinton. al. ), by Pendarvis & Crawley, Morton. Animal Organization (Histology slides) 2 Basic Mammalian Anatomy (Pig Dissection) DIGESTIVE SYS. Spring 2021. BIOL 112 - Syllabus BIOL 112 - Schedule BIO 102 - General Biology II Focuses on biological processes with a chemical foundation, including macromolecules, cellular structure, metabolism, and genetics in an evolutionary context. Syllabus BIO 122 General Biology II General Information . Course Co-Coordinators . AS. Course Description (NCTC Catalog): Provides a survey of biological principles with an emphasis on humans, including chemistry of life, cells, structure, function, and acquire these skills is to simulate real experiments and examine real data. edu Mon & Wed 6:00 - 8:45 pm Office Hours: Mon & Wed 4:50 - 5:50 pm Office: ME610 BCC Catalog Course Description: 4 credits/ 2 General Biology II SYLLABUS General Course Information Course Title: General Biology II Course Number: BIOL 1111C - 030 (11068) Semester: Spring 2025 Days/Time: T 06:00 PM - 07:59 PM Class Location: MH102 Credit Hours: 4 Corequisite(s): BIOL1111C (11068) Instructor Information Instructor: Johnna Wier Office: BUC 243 Email Address: jwier@nmjc. Catalog Description A study of evolutionary concepts and survey of taxonomic levels of General Biology Office - Ms. Instructor: Rakhad Alrawi • Call me Dr. ) Course Description . Biology II serves as a prerequisite for other, upper-level biology courses and/or as an admission requirement for many post-graduate programs. Text: OpenStax Biology 2e. Office: • Sands room 227 . com/courses/124430/assignments/syllabus Page 1 of 13 Ecology and Behavior, Biology 11th edition. Therefore, each module will. Accessibility, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion V. Course Objective The objective of the course is to provide the student with foundational knowledge in Biology. Campbell, Biology General Biology I and II, Custom Edition for Syracuse University ISBN-978-1- 323-90619-4. Explores the core concepts of evolution; structure and COURSE DESCRIPTION General Biology II stresses the origins of life, the diversity of viruses, bacteria, protists, and fungi; the diversity of plants, plant structure and function; animal diversity, animal structure and function; as well as evolution, animal behavior, ecology of populations, ecosystems, and environmental concerns. Required Materials III. edu The course may serve as a prerequisite for advanced biology courses, a laboratory science graduation requirement, or as transfer credit for a four-year institution. Department: Science. BIO 102 – GENERAL BIOLOGY II (4 CR.
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