Etc veeam agent config msi installer in an . exe is only available on a Veeam Agent for workstation or server edition. Implemented enhancements: Added veeam_agent_config type and provider for managing the veeam agent config file (Thanks to Gene Liverman). I have access to the old SQL Express database files (LDF & MDF). It is for free version of Veeam Agent so it is suitable to monitor one job only. He created the case for me and asked if he can check remotely right now. Because it does not support some systems. This file contains information about the default backup location specified in Veeam Agent for IBM AIX 1. /etc/veeam Feb 18, 2021 · This leaves us having to have deprecated TLS versions enabled on our email infrastructure to support Veeam B&R config email notifications, which is not good. Removed all veeam agent config file related parameters (veeam. 3. xml. 4" or "interface eth1" or similar to explicitly tell the Veeam agent to only use that interface. The config file is a backup of the Veeam B&R configuration database. Expand to view more information: Feb 4, 2025 · Veeam Agent for Linux allows you to configure the following settings: If you want to use Veeam Agent for Linux to back up your data to a Veeam Cloud Connect repository, it might be required that you specify HTTP proxy settings for Veeam Agent. Oct 9, 2013 · Determines where log files created by Veeam Backup & Replication will be stored. Below is our customer environment 'Veeam. " To back up data of a computer protected with Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows, you can configure a Veeam Agent backup job in Veeam Backup & Replication. Anyone have experience deploying Veeam Agent for Windows using Intune? I am having trouble finding useful documentation when it comes to creating/editing the VAW config. *If Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager (VBEM) is installed on the same server, the LogDirectory value for VBEM must also be configured to ensure logs are written to the expected directory. 10 to successfully mount the Windows SMB share in the Specify a network location to backup to Veeam config page. managed users have the following done so that the install is ready for veeams control Dec 9, 2014 · I have to upset all of you – it’s impossible send an Endpoint configuration via GPO (script,. I was using this for a few of my clients. To learn more, see Configuration Format. Create Backup to Tape Job from B&R to 'copy' the Backup the job from Veeam Agent for Windows to Tape. Veeam is uniquely positioned to chose a vSphere successor, specifically in the SME space, since a lot of MSP’s and SME customers are using veeam and they love it, and veeam is a huge part of the their virtualization strategy, they will choose a hypervisor that veeam supports. So I would like to delete/reset the configuration manually. it would work now. no more errors Aug 16, 2023 · I will try to upgrade the Synology for better performance (SSD, Caché, Network if doable, etc. Mar 23, 2015 · The System only checks if the version of Veeam Agent it is deploying is installed or not. Aug 6, 2020 · The agent starts in the background. ini', I found that there were differences in parameters and values that do not exist in my environment. Sep 24, 2019 · SD Card is Skipped during Veeam Agent Backup Job Configuration KB ID: 3009: Product: Veeam USB stick, etc. The central management of Veeam Agents involves additional elements in the console: May 9, 2023 · After exporting all logs i came across the path where the config-db is stored. Create Veeam Agent for Windows Server Backup Job with a designation to Repository managed by B&R. In the peer authentication method, Veeam Agent for Linux uses the OS account as the PostgreSQL database user name. Dec 21, 2023 · Configuration export/import through Veeam. ini 2. 5. d script as it needed a few changes to make it work with Gentoo, instead I created a new init. This may be useful, for example, if you want to change Veeam Agent for IBM AIX settings by editing a configuration file or copy the Veeam Agent for IBM AIX configuration to another machine. Settings from a Backup Policy can be applied to one or more individual computers or computers added to the inventory as part of a Protection Group. Jan 13, 2025 · This article documents how to use Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows and Veeam Agent for Linux, managed by Veeam Backup & Replication, to protect virtual machines in XenServer and XCP-NG environments that are managed by Xen Orchestra. ini'. 1. Sep 16, 2024 · If you keep configuration files in custom directories, the pgsqlagent agent will use its own VeeamPostgreSQLAgent. It won't work with the free edition of the agent. d config file Feb 4, 2025 · Restoring Data from Veeam Agent Backups. Jan 31, 2019 · Failed to update backup job configuration. Configuration profile. A few months ago I toyed with backing up a bare metal Linux install with Veeam, using the Veeam Agent for Linux. 1261、Agent 5. xml Reply reply NateDAWG296 It's great to see VEEAM doing some research and looking up to support KVM as we see more and more people migrating away from VMware into pure KVM, there's also plenty of open source orchestration tools to come handy as a vCenter replacement, for example Apache CloudStack already has support for VEEAM latest releases. (interestingly during tests yesterday on tin we played with the SAN mode and found this to be roughly half the speed of HotAdd in our configuration - despite Dec 24, 2020 · Correct, Veeam Recovery Media is not a backup and is just a stripped down Windows RE to boot on a bare metal hardware and initiate recovery from an actual backup file, which is made by Veeam Agent Backup Job. It is needed in case of restore/rebuild of the backup server. Dec 6, 2024 · At the Summary step of the wizard, complete the backup job configuration process. ). Nov 7, 2014 · You can lower agent's priority in /etc/veeam/veeam. Now we also want to backup the notebooks and desktop clients (~100 Clients) with veeam Endpoint Backup. A configuration file contains three main blocks: Local backup repository settings Backup job Jun 22, 2018 · Good afternoon , I want to use new Veeam Agent For Windows for create a BARE METAL backup iso of all my Windows Client, that are in Workgroup (no AD), possibly using a batch/script file for Installation, Backup job creation (obviously always the same configuration and destination), and for Execute this created jobs. Persistent agent components provide closing access to the VM administrative share (ADMIN$) and access to the VM over VIX API/vSphere Web Services . Nov 21, 2023 · SQLite Database engine – stores Agent configuration data Veeam Agent for Linux Architecture; Next, Like Veeam Agent for Windows, there are 2 backup modes: Standalone mode, which means the Agent is managed on the client itself by the user; Managed mode, which means the Agent is controlled by the Veeam Backup and Replication Server or Veeam Dec 15, 2021 · 测试环境:VBR v11. ini that would say "address 1. I’m using the Veeam Agent 5. Sending backup job configuration Cannot send backup job configuration to RTW-W049 Error: Failed to update backup job Managed by agent job ID: 355ed1e4-9b92-44ef-9adc-0aff3b4cebc0. Oct 28, 2010 · When we ran the same configuration except the Rocky 8. The following command will generate a new file and within the file a UUID, within the formatting that Veeam Agent for AIX expects. sqlite”, “veeam_db. scp (or custom script that you specified in Veeam Agent for IBM AIX 1. 4493、CentOS Linux release 8. 0 full backup using a restore script. The only supported scenario for v1 is silent install, but configuration must be performed manually on every Endpoint. Had big issues with Server 2022 with 23. It would be better to use a backup software like Veeam Agent etc to connect to multiple switches through SSH etc to back up the config and upload to a Cloud Repository. restart service "Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows" (use "net stop Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows" & "net start Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows" if you know how) 12 configure Veeam Agent for Windows (VAW) to use the VBR repository. Solution Jun 7, 2021 · Hi everyone, i’ve been having this problem for a while now…Email notifications after backup completion are not being sent anymore to the specified email address, but when i test the credentials the email arrives successfully to my email account. Jan 21, 2025 · The configuration file is one of the Veeam Agent for Mac setup files that you must obtain from your system administrator. 23. The Config-Database is stored here: “\var\lib\veeam” Just delete the following files in this folder: “veeam_db. We use Veeam Linux Agent as a nice solution here. Working great. 0. sqlite-shm” and “veeam_db. STEP 3: Verify Management Agent Connection. ini) in favor of new type/provider. Within Veeam Agent for AIX v4 you can amend your Veeam. I now need to switch to another provider and need to be able to wipe out the current config on the Agent and create a new "profile. veeam tries to create a snapshot, and probably does so for the local machine which is using it but NOT for the volumes we are trying to protect which do not use LVM. The configuration file is one of the Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows setup files that you must obtain from your System Administrator. Hi,How can I reset the configuration under Linux on the command line. To learn more, see the SetVBRSettings section in the Veeam Agent Configurator Reference. # This is the veeamservice system-wide configuration file. The file is located here: C$:\ProgramData\Veeam\Endpoint\!Configuration . In order to push VBR config file onto your Mac machines, you need to create a configuration profile: Go to "Configuration Profiles" in JAMF console. Feb 6, 2021 · Hi, I have a backup job which backs up to a Veeam Backup & Replication v11 server. 9 VM was running linux md with the same hardware in a 22 disk raid 10 configuration, then the throughput on the same job was 979MB/s. 2. # possible, but leave them commented. If you’re manually generating this file, just know that un-manged users get a short email with where to point their backup to on shared storage. To learn more, see the Deploying Veeam Agents Using Generated Setup Files section in the Veeam Agent Management Guide. This file is required to restore data from a Veeam Agent for IBM AIX 1. So the user cant work for these time. A configuration file contains three main blocks: Local backup repository settings Backup Dec 5, 2024 · Veeam Agent command line interface is a powerful tool that lets users perform advanced operations that are not supported by the Veeam Agent control panel. managed users have the following done so that the install is ready for veeams control May 3, 2024 · If there is a DHCP server in your network, Veeam Agent will configure the network settings automatically. 5 – 14. If there is a dedicated network for backups available and you want to use that network, managing the hosts file with might be perfect for you. To connect to the Veeam software repository, do the following: Nov 27, 2018 · 3. 0。 Veeam for PostgreSQL是使用Veeam Agent的Entire computer整机备份、结合Application-aware processing应用感知的备份方式去备份PostgreSQL数据库。PostgreSQL 处理的要求和限制: Veeam Agent支持PostgreSQL数据库版本是:9. Aug 23, 2024 · Place the configuration file to a network shared folder accessible from the machine on which you plan to install and configure Veeam Agent. /etc/mdadm. My disk configuration is more or less identical, and I have been using an external USB drive as a backup target. If Veeam support is reading this, feel free to check my case # 07613784. Thank you very much in advance Cheers-gladston3 I've made simple zabbix template and script to monitor Veeam Agent for Linux job conditions. It breaks all the best practices promoted by Veeam regarding their Hard Repositories. Review settings of the configured Veeam Agent backup job. I tried to change the value of maxDeltaValueInSec to match the timespan between saturday to wednesday. 0 on a windows server 2012 Oct 23, 2016 · In many cases even less. Do you see any errors when rescan is performed (you can right click the host and rescan it)? Backup Policy - Describes configuration of individual Veeam Agent backup jobs scheduled on protected computers (in contrast to Agent Backup Jobs scheduled on the backup server). find "[core]" section and add this line: agentIdFilePath = /etc/veeamagentid After that the Agent will use the file instead of generating UUID based on HWID Please try it and let me know how it works. 2105、PostgreSQL 14. xml file, etc). I don't install the init. Config. To work with Veeam Agent using command line interface, you can use a terminal console (TTY) or a terminal emulator of your choice. We have put steps in place to restrict access etc, to limit the scope of the problem, but we are pretty unhappy that this issue still exists. By the way, you can customize location for import/export: Veeam. Is it there and just not documented? Thanks in advance. Jan 11, 2024 · If you want to remove records about Veeam Agent backups from the Veeam Backup & Replication console and configuration database, you can use the Remove from configuration operation. This would be much better than using a third party tftp solution. So, as a task sequence it will check if there is a Backup Job configuration available for this machine at the repository and then imports this job. Veeam will keep the free edition as 3rd version. Page updated 2/4/2025 Oct 9, 2013 · The following settings must be entered within the /etc/VeeamAgentConfig file on the Linux component server. But the biggest problem is that SMTP configuration cannot be made. yml. Uncommented options override the. Server 2019 through IOCTL driver problems with Veeam as well. Is it possible to deploy the installation WITH configuration, so we dont have to do the configuration on each client manually ? Thanks Fabian Oct 14, 2016 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: veeamservice listen on all interfaces regardless of config of Veeam Agents for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris Aug 2, 2017 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: LVMDriver : Failed to create LVM Instance of Veeam Agents for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris Dec 3, 2024 · System user without password — Veeam Agent uses the peer authentication. After you apply new backup policy settings in the Veeam Backup & Replication console, Veeam Agent will get these settings during the next synchronization. You can import a configuration file generated by Veeam Backup & Replication in ether of the following Mar 23, 2021 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Debian 12 Support of Veeam Agents for Linux, Mac, AIX & Solaris Feb 4, 2025 · When you import configuration, Veeam Agent will prompt you to enter the necessary passwords, for example, a password used to connect to the Veeam backup server and passwords for encrypted backups. After Veeam Agent for Linux finishes database system processing, Veeam Agent proceeds Mar 20, 2016 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Deploying Endpoint Backup with config of Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Feb 3, 2025 · On Linux this is located in /etc/hosts, on Windows easily accessible via c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts As a bonus: With this you are able to control your network flow. 2 started getting really aggressive on our Win10 and 11 clients, we're biotech manufacturing and a lot of our software is CAD/CAM based, and honestly not the best written Nov 27, 2018 · 3. Can you see the affected host in the Protection Group? Whats the host status? 2. Dec 9, 2014 · I have to upset all of you – it’s impossible send an Endpoint configuration via GPO (script,. I don't see one and couldn't find such a directive in the docs either. ini configuration file to include a path to a file that contains your UUID. Veeam Recovery Media . Feb 4, 2025 · Importing Veeam Agent Backups; Enabling and Disabling Veeam Agent Backup Jobs; Viewing Veeam Agent Backup Job Statistics; Deleting Veeam Agent Backup Jobs; Viewing Veeam Agent Backup Properties; Creating Recovery Token; Removing Veeam Agent Backups; Deleting Veeam Agent Backups from Disk; Configuring Global Settings; Assigning Roles to Users Jun 10, 2019 · 1 - As I've explained in my previous post, the problem is not with UEFI part of the recovery media. 0。 不支持在同一服务 Jun 19, 2021 · Anyway, I was hoping there would be a directive in /etc/veeam/veeam. Before configuring a Veeam Agent backup job, check prerequisites . sqlite-wal” After a reboot i was greeted by the initial configuration wizard again. The resulting configuration backup file is stored in the \VeeamConfigBackup\%BackupServer% folder on the default backup repository. You can also adjust settings in a configuration file prior to importing configuration. You can perform the following operations with the Veeam Agent for IBM AIX configuration database: Export configuration database to a configuration file. 1. intunewin file. I'm trying to revisit this project and am trying to reinstall the Veeam agent to reconfigure it but after uninstalling with sudo apt-get remove veeam veeamsnap and then reinstalling the Veeam Linux Agent, I'm presented with the exact same screen with Latest backup sessions displayed Oct 18, 2024 · Backup Repository Target. Sep 13, 2024 · If you keep configuration files in custom directories, the pgsqlagent agent will use its own VeeamPostgreSQLAgent. Feb 21, 2021 · Veeam Agent for Linux doesn't seem to be able to capture and re-create complex partitioning or RAID configurations. Sep 24, 2012 · We have an emerging need of backing up network devices for customers, primarily switches. Jul 26, 2018 · Hello, Docs mention the settings required for StoreOnce Catalyst stores, as well as backup file chain limitations. XML directory, VAW . exe -export /f:C:\Veeam\MainBackupJob. xml configuration file that is located in the /etc/veeam/ directory. If you have to reinstall the backup server without a config backup you can just import the backups to the new installation and restore then. You must create this file in the /etc/veeam/ directory. d script and conf. Consider that the connection between Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam Agent is not persistent. Jun 7, 2024 · The Veeam software repository contains the Veeam Agent installation packages specific to the Linux distribution, version and architecture of the computer where you plan to install the product. Cloud repositories managed by the deleted service provider are removed from the list of available backup repositories. optimize the Veeam Agent backup (guessing) to daily incremental + weekly Full, and protect those SMB shares to not be visible over the network, no mapped anywhere, just dedicated for the backup. Jul 28, 2023 · In Veeam Agent, you can configure the backup job in one of the following ways: With the Backup Job wizard; With the command line interface; Monitor backup task Mar 8, 2019 · However, I'm having all the trouble in the world getting Veeam Agent for Linux on Ubuntu 18. The product will be renamed to "Veeam Agent for Windows (Free/Workstation/Server)". Jan 31, 2024 · As recommended in the KB article, I created the file /etc/veeam/immureposvc/config (with 600 privileges and root owner). How PostgreSQL Processing Works. Or can you generally set the backup-settings like destination-path etc. May 25, 2017 · Some notes: For the binary I install under /opt with symbolic links back to the /usr for the binaries. The pgsqlagent agent configuration file must be a single line XML. iso size depends from machine to machine, and based on variety of factors - OS version, drivers included etc. To explicitly include or exclude specific directories in/from processing, you can use the following elements in the configuration file: Jun 18, 2018 · When I got a log and executed cat '/etc/veeam/veeam. Jan 23, 2024 · With Veeam Agent Configurator, you can perform data protection and administrative operations for Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows from the command line, create custom scripts or integrate Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows with third-party applications. Mar 15, 2021 · Veeam Agent es iniciado por Veeam Agent for Mac Manager para realizar operaciones de transferencia de datos de cualquier tipo: copiar datos del volumen respaldado a la ubicación de la copia de seguridad durante el respaldo, de la ubicación de la copia de seguridad al volumen de destino durante la restauración, realizar la compresión de Feb 4, 2025 · If you want to connect Veeam Agent computer to Veeam backup server as a member of the protection group for pre-installed Veeam Agents, you must apply connection settings from the configuration file. Feb 4, 2025 · To connect Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows to Veeam backup server, use Veeam Agent Configurator. Can i configure the Performance maximum of the Agent? Thanks for help To export and import product configuration, Veeam Agent for IBM AIX uses configuration files in the XML format. The result was that the Veeam Recovery Media creation tool started working. Select the Run the job when I click Finish check box if you want to start the job right after you finish working with the wizard. I have only been using file-level backups. Is there an additional solution for this? You can export the Veeam Agent for IBM AIX configuration database to a configuration file in the XML format. Veeam Agent synchronizes with Veeam Backup & Replication every 6 hours. This is a Microsoft VSS limitation. Configurator. If I miss anything, kindly advise. Veeam will fore sure enhance the scheduler as we will release a Workstation and Server Version of the Veeam Endpoint Backup. Apr 19, 2024 · As you know, we cannot always take a backup by installing a remote Linux agent with Veeam B&R. To export and import product configuration, Veeam Agent for Oracle Solaris uses configuration files in the XML format. Import configuration to the Veeam Agent database. Alternatively, you can specify passwords manually in the configuration file before importing configuration. We couldnt get the same result with our on-site server so we are now curious as to why my colleagues home install worked. Install Veeam Agent for Windows Server on the same Windows Server 4. ini. Oct 18, 2017 · i have a new PC for one user with good Performance (I7 8GB SSD etc) But when the Agent start the Backup the Process takes 100% of Storageperformance (500MB/s). Thanks! When you delete a connection to a service provider, Veeam Agent removes the record on the deleted service provider from the database. Apr 19, 2023 · Veeam Agent for AIX v4. /etc/veeam/scripts/veeam. . Sep 21, 2016 · is it possible to export the configuration of the Endpoint Recovery Backup? I couldn't find any config-file in the install-folder of veeam. Veeam allows for either common snapshots or stretch snapshots. Oct 30, 2019 · configure set system login user veeam authentication plaintext-password 'REDACTED' set system login user veeam authentication public-keys veeam@veeam-server1 key 'REDACTED' set system login user veeam authentication public-keys veeam@veeam-server1 type 'ssh-rsa' set system login user veeam level 'admin' commit comment "add login veeam" exit Oct 22, 2010 · I have VAW running on a server and backing up to a Cloud Connect Provider. 0 backup settings). The job is configured on the Agent as it is not wanted that credentials for accessing the server are stored on the backup server. Click "Add New". OTOH, Agents require a CIFS store. Restore points created before the reset will not be removed and will remain recoverable; however, Jun 21, 2024 · After doing some digging, I learned that on a Linux-based target machine, there is a configuration file under /etc/veeam/veeam. Is it correct to apply all same settings as required for Catalyst Store to CIFS store, (per VM Backup file, disable defragmentation and compact, etc) to CIFS store? Oct 22, 2015 · We've got 3 ESX Servers in our environment which we backup with veeam Essentials. While these hypervisors are not directly supported for VM-level interaction by Veeam Backup & Replication, this article demonstrates how protection is possible Nov 30, 2016 · Called Veeam in Germany, got an agent on the line within 3min. in the registry of Windows? B. /etc/veeam Oct 2, 2017 · where is the configuration of the Veeam Agent for Windows saved/stored? I have a strange bug where I have multiple backup jobs on one agent even after un- and reinstallation. Please migrate any custom settings to use veeam_agent_config as described in the README (See enhancement below). Restoring Veeam Agent Backup to vSphere VM; Restoring Veeam Agent Backup to Hyper-V VM; Restoring Veeam Agent Backup to Nutanix VM; Restoring Veeam Agent Backup to Proxmox VM; Restoring Veeam Agent Backup to oVirt KVM VM; Restoring Disk from Veeam Agent Backup to oVirt KVM; Restoring to Microsoft Azure May 30, 2017 · Hello and welcome to the community Piotr. exe directory etc. open /etc/veeam. The Veeam Management Agent connection is preconfigured with the company settings when you download the file. Sometimes the simplest, the better, they are only 5 Feb 22, 2017 · Can I transfer Veeam backup settings from another computer? My desktop computer died and I have built a new computer. 4. That is, you don't need a patched recovery media, because the one that you have actually starts on EFI systems (otherwise it wouldn't even show "Booting 'VEEAM'" ), but for some reason it cannot complete its boot sequence. un-manged users get a short email with where to point their backup to on shared storage. Once you are done with filling in general settings, in the ribbon on the left side pick "Application & Custom Settings" - "External Applications" Jun 13, 2013 · I recently deployed a config backing up some physical servers with this general approach (which I know isn't perfect but it's a start for now): Jan 17, 2018 · 11. Mar 7, 2023 · He initially had the same issue as us and so uncommented the three lines in the 'repository' section of /etc/veeam/builder-config. VM backups can be restored without it. 0. conf, and the Grub configuration to Apr 20, 2022 · 1. 1; secure boot issues, IOCTL driver problems, VSS writer crashes, etc. Oct 31, 2024 · If your instance is stored in a custom location, you must specify its location in the PostgreSQL configuration file — VeeamPostgreSQLAgent. Veeam Backup & Replication lets you centrally deploy and manage Veeam Agents for several operating systems on computers in your infrastructure from within the Veeam Backup & Replication console. i want to be able to go through the initial configuration wizard again which came up after the first installation. Veeam Agent for Windows deployment Mar 4, 2025 · This file contains information about the default backup location specified in Veeam Agent for IBM AIX 1. xml and packaging it with the . This configuration file has sections to tweak snapshot sizes. It is assumed that Zabbix Agent and Veeam Agent are already installed and configured. ini config file, should you decide to give it a try. However, for security sake, it is recommended that you do not store configuration backups on the default backup repository or in any other folder on the backup server. Mar 6, 2019 · Giving network access to our Veeam agents to talk directly to our Inmutable Hard Repositories is a no-no. Jul 23, 2024 · When you select the Use persistent guest agent option, Veeam Backup & Replication performs processing of the backup jobs with enabled guest processing according to the following algorithm. sh script to the host. Copy zabbix. He checked the situation and in principle after ~10min of work I was happy. When you remove a Veeam Agent backup from configuration, the actual backup files remain on the backup repository. To verify or configure network settings manually, use nmtui, a text-based user interface network manager tool provided with Veeam. # default value. So it does not check for previous versions. Sep 14, 2017 · Resetting the configuration database will reset all Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows settings, removing existing job settings and related job history. Agent. Thanks, Natthaphol. In this example, the configuration file is placed to the \\fileserver01\Veeam folder. tmhf eyxmowg gpdeow bfgu wrpaq zzgis llb cfphz jixu lurmbh ibxws oyryb dajt kjpiz oouve