Esphome bluetooth scanner. This is perfect if your Blueto.
Esphome bluetooth scanner (scan interval, etc) Once a day the it happens that the esp32_ble_tracker component does no Jul 25, 2020 · Presumably the interval option in the docs. My thought was to have a motion detector Feb 2, 2024 · The problem Every a few reboots bluetooth_proxy stop reporting any data. cpp . It will start scanning for BLE devices and will show the devices it finds, with their name and MAC address. Make sure and set active to true in the YAML if you need it to act as a proxy for a BT device that requires an active connection (versus something passive like a temperature sensor that just broadcasts it’s data in the open). Sep 24, 2024 · Ich möchte des ESP32 als Bluetooth Scanner verwenden und ein bestimmte BT MAC Adresse oder UUID auslesen und dann als ON oder OFF in ESPHome schalten Aber er macht es nicht. I got one going which picked up my switchbot plug that was in the same room and added it to HA as a Bluetooth Dec 3, 2022 · reflashed this ESP32 to ESPHome with a naive esp32_ble_tracker setup and again it does not show the missing device (but various others, e. I recently added a esp32 bluetooth proxy to my HA and everything works fine so far. Jeder Proxy, der über ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy installiert wird, wird automatisch von ESPHome erkannt. ESPHome offers this functionality via the ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon component. ` I tried the empty esphome install that works just fine. 9. h" Apr 15, 2023 · Hi, I had the same issue. Die Bluetooth-basierte Anwesenheitserkennung funktioniert aber nicht nur mit den ESP32 Boards aus dem Video, sondern eben auch mit allen Shelly PLUS Geräten. iBeacon UUID logging and documentation appear backwards to what actually works. In this post I’m going through the process of installing ESPHome and flashing Bluetooth Proxy into an ESP32 device and connecting BLE device to Home Assistant through it. get_bluetooth_connections_limit() May 14, 2023 · can these only proxy ESPHome traffic. - esphome/bluetooth-proxies Dec 2, 2024 · bluetooth_proxy. On any door open/close or motion detected HA sends a SCAN command to the script and updates the Presence entities. Wait for the ESP32 to restart and check for the IP adress with an scan tool or check the serial connection for the device ip; Connect to the Scanner and fill your Bluetooth details under devices. Note You may alternatively use ESPHome’s Bluetooth Proxy component to forward sensor data to Home Assistant and have Mija devices configured using its ESP32-based Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) scanner to report presence of bluetooth devices into an MQTT service. . ) I haven’t yet decided whether to stick with HA itself, or just try to use ESPHome via its api. Having an issue with one of my BLE thermometers not getting recognized despite showing up in the scan. Add the following config to an ESPHome device and deploy it, and it’ll spam regularly in the logs every BLE device it sees. Oct 20, 2022 · It’d be great if ESP32 had a better “traditional Bluetooth” support. I already have several ESPhome BLE trackers around the house monitoring my Xiaomi temp sensors. I solved it by fetching the yaml configuration file from GitHub and creating a new device in ESPHome using that config. Somewhat easy OK… but not so simple exactly. Oct 10, 2022 · I’ve installed an M56Atom Lite and the HA ESPHome integration. Jan 5, 2025 · Next story measure heating oil use (or water tank level) with a A02YYUW ultrasonic sensor; Previous story use a Switchbot water leak detector without a hub in Home Assistant … set up a Bluetooth proxy in ESPHome May 26, 2024 · Hello, I have a very simple esphome device that I’m using to collect data from a bunch of sensors. Now, I want also to make use of the other benefits that I can have when using an ESP32 - for example, they should act as an bluetooth proxy, and maybe also include voice assistant later. 4Ghz IOT network) and it’s easier for me to add an Ethernet drop than it is for me to have a open wall plug or spare USB power port. You’re talking about the new esphome home assistant ble proxy system where ALL relevant ble packets are being forwarded to home assistant and it auto detected devices it can Dec 8, 2022 · Hello guys, I have a M5 Stack Atom lite working as a Bluetooth Proxy. I have two bt devices I I used the webinstaller for the readymade bluetooth proxy. When everything is set up correctly, you should see a show up using your iBeacon scanner of choice. This is my current script: --- substitutions: device_name: esp32-bluetooth Nov 1, 2023 · Hallo zusammen, wie anderweitig schon erwähnt, habe ich nun versucht einen Bluetooth-Proxy auf einem D1mini zu installieren. bluetooth: debug Which at some point starts giving me messages like: 2025-01-20 07:37:57. Proxies multiple BTLE devices using BTHome for Home assistant and EspNow for your custom devices. Thanks for the development. Oct 24, 2024 · Here’s the config that needs to be added to the basic ESPHome configuration: #Enable Bluetooth proxy bluetooth_proxy: active: true #Optional, defaults to false #Change scanning window and interval esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: interval: 800ms window: 800ms Warning. About once a day, all my bluetooth devices go offline (all entities Unavailable). That way you can int esphome::bluetooth_proxy::BluetoothProxy::get_bluetooth_connections_free Definition at line 97 of file bluetooth_proxy. Here’s what I did. yaml. The ESP32's are just configured to use bluetooth_proxy, nothing else: esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: active: false. I created the proxy using the wizard and HA automatically detected it. When I turn it on, HA sees the new bluetooth device, but only recognizes it as an “iBeacon Tracker. Device Discovery¶ RadonEye devices can be found using the radon_eye_ble ble scanner. esphome: name: bluetooth1 esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: esp32_ble_tracker: I recently flashed Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC B1. There are about 20 sensors scattered around the yard and the configuration I have works and collects the data, but I want the device to sleep for 2 hours after operating for 20 minutes because it is battery operated. Home assistant is on 2022. 0 name_add_mac_suffix: false esp32: board Dec 30, 2024 · Bluetooth Low-Energy BTHome (ESPHome) proxy for ESP32 devices. Jedes Mal dasselbe Problem. I found the ESPhome page to create a Bluetooth proxy from an ESP32. The client connects to the server and makes use of its services. Dec 2, 2024 · And some of those trains are Lionel LionChief trains. Aug 8, 2023 · It’s detected by the LED BLE integration, but when I go to add it, it fails, because one of the bluetooth proxies seems to have grabbed it, making it invisible to any other bluetooth clients. ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon. The ble_scanner text sensor platform lets you track reachable BLE devices. Their historical battery level data over the entire time shows a steady battery level of 90%. Approx $30. I just need to be able to write BLE characteristics. Upgrade your smart home setup for better stability and extended battery life with HolyIoT beacons. HA finds it but it keeps randomly rebooting. I've got a few devices in a room that use bluetooth LE (adjustable bed, and a govee lyra lamp), but I also have a physical remote that I need to automate using GPIO. I am using 2 wyze outdoor plugs with ESPHome that are acting as bluetooth proxies. You need: ESP32 Ethernet Unit with PoE | m5stack-store (boo Dec 2, 2023 · So I followed your suggestions and made a BLE proxy yaml file with esphome, esp32, ethernet, api, logger, ota. See :ref:`Setting up devices <esp32_ble_tracker-setting_up_devices>` for information on how you can determine the MAC address of a device and track it using ESPHome. I am using the recommended parameters on latest ESP-IDF. base_scanner] esphome-bluetooth2 (cc:db:a7:53:51:4c): Bluetooth scanner has gone quiet for ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy RSSI Sensor¶ The ble_rssi sensor platform lets you track the RSSI value or signal strength of a BLE device. See the BLE Tracker Configuration variables for instructions for setting up scan parameters. It’s great. Please describe your use case for this integ Posted by u/Critical_Egg_913 - 1 vote and 2 comments Nov 14, 2019 · I have just configured an ESP32 using ESPHome with the following configuration esphome: name: bluetooth platform: ESP32 board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 wifi: ssid: “m-kbridge” password: “…” Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: “Bluetooth Fallback Hotspot” password: “…” captive_portal: Enable logging logger: Enable Home Assistant API Oct 6, 2022 · Hi, I’m looking for weeks now why my setup is not showing any bluetooth device popup in ESPHome. 538 Jan 13, 2025 · Having had both sensors being read at the default interval (15 minutes) for a few weeks batteries in both modules are now dead. Sep 1, 2024 · esphome: name: esp32-bluetooth-proxy friendly_name: Bluetooth Proxy min_version: 2024. ESPHome is a powerful and easy-to-use firmware for ESP32 boards that allows you to create custom sensors and devices. Everything programs OK but I cannot see any proxying of traffic and reach has not increased. However, I have a ESP32 device in the garage that is a POE ESP32, I want to also make that a BT Oct 1, 2024 · Ich möchte des ESP32 als Bluetooth Scanner verwenden und ein bestimmte BT MAC Adresse oder UUID auslesen und dann als ON oder OFF in ESPHome schalten Aber er macht es nicht. The logs seem to show it detecting tons of devices i don’t care about and regularly giving this warning Nov 22, 2024 · ESPHome bluetooth proxy example ESP32 WIFI. Dec 4, 2024 · Data Fields inherited from esphome::esp32_ble_tracker::ESPBTClient: int app_id Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::esp32_ble_client::BLEClientBase: void log_event_ (const char *name) Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::Component: virtual void call_loop virtual void call_setup virtual void call_dump_config Nov 8, 2023 · esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: # We currently use the defaults to ensure Bluetooth # can co-exist with WiFi In the future we may be able to # enable the built-in coexistence logic in ESP-IDF active: true bluetooth_proxy: active: true Jan 29, 2023 · Introduction: I have this: Wemos C3 Mini - Lolin ESP32-C3 ( C3 mini — WEMOS documentation ) I wanted to use it as a Bluetooth proxy and to use also the onboard RGB Led so I wanted an arduino platform, not esp_idf. Changed my ESPHome settings to match, and now it does show the device! The airthings_wave_plus and airthings_wave_mini sensor platforms lets you track the output of AirThings Bluetooth Low Energy devices. ESPHome ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub. Sep 4, 2022 · The problem esp32c3 bluetooth_proxy can't connet wifi, only stop scan on boot can fix but not everytime work Which version of ESPHome has the issue? 2022. Everything good so far. Sep 25, 2024 · New to Bluetooth in home assistant so this may be a very dumb question. I can see the device in my HA dashboard. Anyone a clue whats going on? ESPHome Shelly 1PM+, trying to get Bluetooth presence tracking Help I flashed ESPHome onto a Shelly 1PM+ to control some fans and lights (with relay and switch detached and exposed to Home Assistant, and a "special mode" (using a mmWave sensor on a completely different ESP32 to detect occupancy in the room) one can enable by flipping the switch Jan 15, 2023 · Hi All, I want to set up a Mi Flora sensor, connecting with my HA install through BT proxy. 205 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant. bluetooth. 12 ESP32 wemos d1 mini with fresh install from the esphome website. I was able to flash the ESP and get it into home assistant but I’m having issues with constructing the proper yaml file. Sowas hat Seltenheitswert. Active connections. ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Automation¶ on_ble_advertise Trigger¶ This automation will be triggered when a Bluetooth advertising is received. Trying to debug that I have enabled bluetooth logging in HA: logger: logs: homeassistant. 1 INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/gl-s10-bt-proxy-ce9b84. It seems as if when I go to reboot, it goes offline and won't connect. Dec 8, 2022 · I tried to create the bluetooth gateway today via the ESPhome website. I was hoping to see/track my phone as a Bluetooth device in HA, but I don’t see it listed anywhere. I have an abundance of PoE ports (and a congested 2. They show up in the ESPHome Builder addon in home assistant, I can update them and watch the log show files buildings and being deployed successfully, but… No bluetooth devices ever appear, if I manually try to add something (like Nov 6, 2024 · I’m trying to get presence detection working using an ESP32 and Esphome. 538 Jan 8, 2025 · Setting Up a SwitchBot BLE Thermo-Hygrometer in Home Assistant with ESPHome bluetooth_proxy In this blog post, I’ll walk you through how I set up a SwitchBot BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Indoor/Outdoor Thermo-Hygrometer in Home Assistant (HA) using an ESP32 running ESPHome as a Bluetooth proxy. (Plus none of my linux boxes are near where I want to use bt, and cheaper to deploy an ESP32 than another pi. Ich habe das mit 2 Boards versucht. If you’re working with Home Assistant in a containerized environment (as I am), you might face Sep 18, 2022 · @bmtul Lets try new code for your Atom Lite. Shelly Plus 1 PM Chr0mag is talking about the “old” or original wat to use esphome for ble devices where you specifically tell esphome to listen to / control specific ble devices. See Also¶ ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Tracker Hub. Setting a short scan interval is totally killing my wifi. This is an ESP32s (do not know what the s stand for). I’m trying to integrate ESP32 into my home assistant. Do a clean build and install. Not sure what you mean by this. How do I use scan_parameters with esp32_ble_tracker? I want to increase the frequency of the scans and how long it scans for. Hi, Having issues to use M5 Atom Lite as Proxy. I’ve spent about 4 days on this so far and it just is not fun. I flashed it via the webinterface, adopted it in ESPHome and edit some values for testing. How can Scan this QR code to download the app now. (See Setup HA APP for how to get your UUID) Dec 10, 2022 · Here is an example YAML configuration that uses the bluetooth_scanner component to only show data from a device with the MAC address 11:22:33:44:55:66: Copy code # Configure the Bluetooth scanner bluetooth_scanner: # Set the scan interval to 5 secondsscan_interval: 5s # Set the MAC address of the device to be filtered whitelist: -'11:22:33:44 Jul 14, 2022 · Der ein oder andere kennt vielleicht mein Video zur "Raumbasierten Anwesenheitserkennung mit ESPHome (Presence Detection)". Nov 16, 2023 · The problem I have a ESP32 with Ethernet running as a bluetooth proxy for HomeAssistant. When the issue occurs log [bluetooth_proxy:062]: Proxying packet from is never printed. I’m using a ESP32 to scan for my Mi Band 3 as I step out of my elevator and approach my door. To find out your device’s MAC address, add the following to your ESPHome configuration: Nov 30, 2024 · Hi, I trying to use an old ESP Lolin32 (board in esphome yaml is lolin32_lite) as a bluetooth proxy for integrate SwitchBot Meter Pro CO2 in Home Assistant. However I asked myself if it’s not better to change it to passive scanning to reduce the battery drain of my Xiaomi Flower Care Sensors. 1 #include "bluetooth_proxy. github. I’m at the point thinking there is something wrong with the ESP32 board. The radon_eye_rd200 sensor platforms lets you track the output of Radon Eye RD200 Bluetooth Low Energy device. It can be solved by rebooting device. Device Discovery¶ AirThings devices can be found using the airthings_ble ble scanner. I have esp32dev board with bluetooth and wifi. Maybe is it an esp32 board issue, not compatible with BLE? Any other tips? Oct 10, 2024 · Hi, I’m just getting started with Home Assistant and ESPHome. Oct 13, 2023 · I have searched the forums and feel like there is probably something very simple I am missing here. 0 name_add_mac_suffix: true esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: esp-idf wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password api: logger: ota: - platform: esphome id: ota_esphome esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: # We currently use the In this video, I explain how to use your ESP32 with ESPHome as a Bluetooth proxy to integrate BLE devices into Home Assistant. BLE tracker enabled, but probably not working properly. Reading a one-byte characteristic Warning. 4 with custom firmware v3. 889 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant. This works with continuous set to true or false. This component will track radon, airborne chemicals, CO2, temperature and humidity and others depending on the device sensors. Umgezogen werden bei mir die folgenden Bluetooth Sensoren, die nun vom ESP32 ausgelesen und an Homeassistant weitergereicht werden: Xiaomi Mithermometer; Xiaomi Miscale v1; Xiaomi Miflora Dec 4, 2024 · Data Fields inherited from esphome::esp32_ble_tracker::ESPBTClient: int app_id Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::esp32_ble_client::BLEClientBase: void log_event_ (const char *name) Protected Member Functions inherited from esphome::Component: virtual void call_loop virtual void call_setup virtual void call_dump_config The esp32_ble_tracker component creates a global hub so that you can track bluetooth low energy devices using your ESP32 node. Original issue/case here: esphome/esphome#4827 But get no help, so try to post here as well. Turns out, with a little bluetooth sniffing, an ESP32, and Property404’s previous work decoding Lionel’s bluetooth data here, you can create an ESPHome BLE Clien Hi, Does this Bluetooth proxy let us communicate with BLE devices without actually having a Bluetooth dongle in my main HA system? Scenario: currently I am using one ESP32 with esphome (ble_client) as Bluetooth gateway for my HA system. Home Assistant has a built in integration for this device that works with ESPHome Bluetooth proxies. And for reference, some similar issues: Android HA Companion app BLE UUID is not detected with esp32_ble_tracker esphome/issues#2200. For example, you can copy this randomly generated UUID: Then, just compile and flash the ESP32. You can also scan with the mobile app nRF Connect for Android or iOS. bluetooth_proxy: active: true Sep 29, 2023 · happens everytime over the course o like 3 to 4 minutes: INFO ESPHome 2023. If you agree, what would you add in ESPhome to the proxy to turn it to passive? I thought it could be this way: bluetooth_proxy: active: false or Dec 28, 2024 · Hello! I wanted to share that I have several of these devices as PoE Bluetooth Proxies and they are working great. g. Hinweis: habe sehr viele Shelly Geräte, die auch BT MAC Adressen laufen senden. Several iOS and Android applications, including the open source Home Assistant mobile application also provide means to create iBeacons. If you’re working with Home Assistant in a containerized environment (as I am), you might face Dec 8, 2024 · Using this as a reference, Alex adapted the default ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy configuration to include Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi. Devices which maintain a continuous active connection will consume one of these constantly, whilst devices which do periodic disconnections and reconnections will permit using more than 3 of them (on a statistical basis). Even if I enabled ble_scanner in esphome config, I cannot see thermometer bluetooth address in collected BT addresses. Interestingly that passive ble integration from the other side of house (with more walls etc in between) picks it up more often than esp32 Sep 18, 2022 · @bmtul Lets try new code for your Atom Lite. I’ve veritified this by: unplugging the light; doing a bluetoothctl scan for devices (it’s not seen) plugging it in and repeating the scan (it’s Jan 25, 2025 · @user4711 said in airthings wave mit esphome Bluetooth gateway an iobroker: @dieter_p Also ich habe einen Wemos D1 mini ESP8266 und der kann soweit in den Daten ersichtlich wifi und Bluetooth. Use the code below. 6. Problem I was having a strange behaviour: very loooong time t oconnect to WiFi (1 … 2 or even 3 minutes) or sometimes it was even not connecting (I was restarting it until it was Jul 4, 2023 · Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich sehr schnell für Bluetooth Proxies interessiert, weil ich einige Switchbot als auch Shelly im Einsatz habe. esphome: name: "atom-bluetooth-proxy-d672cc" platform: ESP32 board: m5stack-core-esp32 # For Bluetooth Proxy esp32_ble_tracker: ### scan_parameters: ### interval: 1100ms ### window: 1100ms ### active: true bluetooth_proxy: # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: # password: !secret Jan 20, 2025 · Without further ado, I’ve 3 btproxy devices that scan some Airthings (10x), Nuki locks (2x) and an Oral-B toothbrush. Is it possible to use the ESPHome integration to track phones via Bluetooth? Feb 11, 2023 · The problem I am using the HLK-LD2410C Radar sensor, and it works great the first time I use it. I can get esp32-c3’s working and regular esp32 generic boards, but no luck with the S3. Here’s the final ESPHome YAML configuration that worked for him: esphome: name: esp32-bluetooth-proxy-626540 friendly_name: Bluetooth Proxy 626540 min_version: 2024. The mqtt gateway is not active during the tests but I can’t see devices. - gromeck/BLE-Scanner Jan 13, 2022 · Ein solches Bluetooth Hub lässt sich mittels eines ESP32 und ESPhome mit deutlich geringerem Stromverbrauch und Konfigurationsaufwand realisieren. “nRF Connect” is a good app on Android. Can I just add some code to those devices so the act as a BLE tracker and a Bluetooth proxy? Dec 22, 2024 · też nie jest już konieczne, zamiast tego w EBP wysyła się surowe telegramy BLE hurtem do HA w celu ich dekodowania w HA (EBP to znacznie bardziej efektywne rozwiązanie jeśli nie budujesz sobie lokalnych wyświetlaczy na bazie ESPHome, bo tylko wtedy ma sens lokalne przetwarzanie telegramów w ESP, no nie tylko, ale potencjalne scenariusze gdzie to jest koniecznością są wybitnie Nov 30, 2022 · Hello everyone, I configured an esp32 bt proxy, but it doesn’t detect any bt device. Thus, if you only use such sensors, you can safely set scan_parameters. Ich habe auf der ESPHome Website die entsprechende Installationen mit generic ESP32 Auswahl durchgeführt, aber nach der Erfolgsmeldung sollte, so weit ich in Anleitungen gesehen habe, ein Eingabefenster Oct 9, 2024 · I recommend you try a bluetooth scanner app on a phone to see if the tank monitor is broadcasting data correctly. Then after reboot it gets stuck at: (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU. May 5, 2019 · Can Home Assistant ask my ESPHome esp32_ble_tracker to trigger a BLE scan on demand? I want a very fast arrival presence detection. ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy Scanner The ble_scanner text sensor platform lets First, you’ll need to set up the configuration for ESPHome. I’m using a pair of raspberry zeros and a script known as Bluetooth Monitor to this purpose. As I want to get more into ESPHome I now wanted to add the esp32 device also to my ESPHome dashboard (running in docker) but it doesn't show up! Oct 7, 2022 · To be accurate, I don't have any bluetooth_tracker or bluetooth_le_tracker in HA, just using the ESPHome bluetooth proxy. See the binary sensor setup for instructions for setting up this platform. esp32_ble_tracker, bluetooth_proxy and nothing else and it seems to have held up for the past 2 days… Oct 14, 2023 · Hey there 🙂 I have some projects in the pipeline, where I plan to include an esp32 for some basic things like turn an led on / of… etc. The config is correct and when the board spits out its config, both the bt proxy and ble Nov 30, 2024 · I don’t have a dedicated BT adapter for HA, instead I’m using BT proxies to detect Govee Indoor Hygrometer Thermometer(s) I have a dedicated BT proxy that I used to test this and it works fine with the Govee BT integration, I can see the 2 devices that are close by and information is great. The sensor platform is similar to ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy RSSI Sensor but in contrast to that platform, this text sensor sends out all raw BLE scan information and does not In simple terms, the server is implemented on the device providing services, usually these are the devices such as heart monitors, tags, weather stations, etc. components. I see the device in my home assistant but it doesn’t detect any bluetooth devices. I confirmed by using very verbose logs and also downloading the diagnostic data in the device page, it shows that it has seen no bt devices or advertisements. 9 (pvvx. Contribute to esphome/esphome-docs development by creating an account on GitHub. Any BT traffic for HA is proxied by them. This component will track radon concentration. I flashed them via the ESP Projects Page Ready-Made Projects — ESPHome and followed instructions. The problem is, when the ble_tracker is set to continuous scan, it prevents Feb 12, 2022 · Hi everyone. Sep 2, 2023 · 2023-10-03 00:00:46. cpp. Aug 3, 2022 · The problem I don't understand how esphome bluetooth proxy_should work. io), the device Dec 23, 2024 · Never played with ESP-32 but everyone said they are easy and no coding is needed so I got 3 of them, one for each floor of the house. Binary Sensor Component. Dadurch lassen sich die Geräte über ESPHome in Home Assistant verwalten. base_scanner] esphome-bluetooth1 (94:3c:c6:32:e2:d8): Bluetooth scanner has gone quiet for 90s, check logs on the scanner device for more information 2023-10-03 00:01:06. I got to thinking this year about the LionChief BLE and set out to see if I could control the engine from Home Assistant. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Cool, den würde ich versuchen zu verkaufen. Instructions for setting up ESP32 bluetooth low energy device trackers using ESPHome. i have added esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: active: true bluetooth_proxy: to one of my existing esphome devices (climate) I have tried removing it and adding it Dec 27, 2022 · Hi, I need some help. 4 What type of installation are you using? pip Which version of Home Assistant ha Mar 27, 2023 · In previous post I briefly looked into SwitchBot Bluetooth ecosystem and promised to write a post about setting up a Bluetooth Proxy using ESP32 and ESPHome. Oct 30, 2023 · Bluetooth Scanner With ESPHome and an ESP32 This is a super-simple one, but took some searching to find it. on_scan_end (Optional, Automation): An automation to perform when a BLE scan has completed (the duration of the scan). Just copy the configuration above and change the UUID to something unique. I'm currently using the ESP32 BLE2MQTT library, but I would love to get everything onto the same ESPHome platform. Jun 17, 2021 · If you don't know the device's MAC address, just add the esp32_ble_tracker component and upload the firmware to your ESPHome device. The client will often be an app on a phone, or in the case of ESPHome, it’s the ESP32 device. Sometimes at wifi initialisation, sometimes at start bluetooth scan. I would like it to see me within 5 seconds and unlock my door. Aug 4, 2023 · We'll show you how to create a Bluetooth device tracker with Home Assistant and ESPHome. ” If I try to manually add the Govee BLE integration I have several LYWSD03MMC sensors, flashed to pvvx, and several ESP32's flahsed to ESPHome, to receive the signal from remote areas of the house. The Bluetooth OBD has been working fine for years with an iPhone app and now intermittently with HA. The Bluetooth proxy of ESPHome provides Home Assistant with a maximum number of 3 simultaneous active connections. I have 3 MiFlora (HHCCJCY01HHCC) and I tried with a new one just unpacked, the bt proxy seems to doesn’t detect anything. - luciansabo/esp_now_ble_proxy Jul 31, 2023 · I need a few Bluetooth proxy devices around my house. My openmqtt gateway detects the bluetooth devices immediately. Hue lamps) looked the the Blecker sourcecode and it is running with quite different scan settings. This way you can rule out issues with you ESPHome config. The configuration, by default, adds the mac address to the host name and that caused problems with mdns discovery for me. This comprehensive guide covers everything from setting up ESPHome configurations to creating effective automations, ensuring reliable and precise device tracking. active: false in esp32_ble_tracker configuration, to save from spamming your RF environment with useless scan requests. I have setup an m5stack-atom-lite to scan for my leLink Bluetooth OBD thingy in hopes of pulling car data into HA. API Reference Jan 8, 2025 · Setting Up a SwitchBot BLE Thermo-Hygrometer in Home Assistant with ESPHome bluetooth_proxy In this blog post, I’ll walk you through how I set up a SwitchBot BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Indoor/Outdoor Thermo-Hygrometer in Home Assistant (HA) using an ESP32 running ESPHome as a Bluetooth proxy. We'll be using ESPHome to create a Bluetooth sensor that will detect the presence of Bluetooth devices and report their status to Home Assistant. Go to the documentation of this file. This repo hosts known, tested devices that can serve as Bluetooth proxies for Home Assistant. Warning Nov 11, 2024 · I have an esp32-s3 that I cant get working with bt proxy. I’ve flashed my ESP32-WROOM-32 (AZDelivery) with ESPHome, with the following config: esphome: name: esphome-web-ccea44 esp32: board: esp32dev framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: level: VERBOSE # Enable Home Assistant API api: ota: improv_serial: wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password Jan 17, 2025 · I have 3 ESP32-wroom devices set up with the bluetooth proxy and none of them ‘do anything’. This is perfect if your Blueto May 17, 2024 · Discover how to enhance your home automation system with HolyIoT Bluetooth beacons. Die gesendete BT MAC Adresse und die UUID aus de iBeacon APP habe ich mehrmals geprüft. I recently got a Govee H5055 Bluetooth BBQ thermometer. Denn diese basieren ebenfalls auf einem ESP32 und haben somit ebenfalls Bluetooth an Bord. BUT: I would like to implement a Switch component to turn on or of Mar 4, 2018 · Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like It would be great to be able to scan classic bluetooth (not BLE) devices, like phones. The latter as a bluetooth proxy, primarily because the linux bluetooth support seems a bit ropey. yhxr gktb cpjwc vdriwib yziv kkfeyd vjl mwpa nvjk trzjr fst idu dvreaqn uaggj qxevuz