Best tactical webbing reddit ww2 Unlike the old PLCE the pouches are sewn directly onto a wide hippo belt, so it eliminates quite a few things such as slop/flop, bulk and weight that you’d get with molle style webbing but it also allows the pouches to mount much tighter and firmly together whereas modular pouches have that little bit of extra edging material that takes up It's easily my favorite MoW to date and as soon as it gets brits, maybe japanese, I wouldn't doubt saying it's the best WW2 RTS. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. For a soft goods OG, look no further than Tactical Tailor. Oct 6, 2009 路 I am presuming that it is webbing from the post WW2 period, which means that there is an almost two generation gap between the two Swedes . ) at the platoon/company levels. 269K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. . If you play with even a small amount of strategy it's also possible to one-shot an entire squad, one by one. I’m a young aspiring WW2 re-enactor, I’m Italian (though I live in Australia) and I was wondering where I could get the best quality WW2 German Uniforms and Gear for re-enactment? Price doesn’t matter to me, I just want to know where I can get quality items. You might be looking for something more like Mil-w-27265 Type 7 Class 1a Resin Treated webbing, its a scuba type webbing thats stiff, thick and usually use 1. Hello im looking to make a cold war era 80s US woodland m81 uniform and im going to attack it one piece at a time so im going to start with the webbing now my question is will these pictures i linked make the cut or is there something i should change Please let me know (also if there is to of the same thing thats only because i want to know Australian Petty Officer Ray Parkin does much the same, i. Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. I think it's a stretch to call the WW2 kit a sustainment kit. A lot of the reviews can be safely ignored because they are based on false information, like the vehicle HP ones, but some people do have problems with the online. sets M1942 mounted canteen covers, again originally OD3. Whenever a situation demands a higher level of ballistic protection, you can throw a set of plates over your IIIA armor and wear your vest on top of that ánd have your equipment Subreddit for both professional and civilian tactical gear. Just a little rough around the edges in some way, and it is a beta, but it does a lot right. 29 votes, 18 comments. Combat load was light and they carried little more than socks, water, a little clothing, and a day of rations. 75" buckles/fittings. I’ve used Web gear probably about one time, so I’ll admit, I do NOT know everything about it. In addition to the machine gunner with an LMG, the squad leader was issued an MP40 that was used to support advancing infantrymen with bursts as they fired and moved - as I understand it, the goal was more volume of fire; directed, accurate fire could be provided by the standard rifles and the LMG until squad members A subreddit for discussing and posting tactical/combat gear. However, the reverse is also true (IMO) - below certain level of tactical training no amount of technical superiority or strategical insights will save from If you're doing exercises 1 or 2 times a year and require tactical for that, buy appropriately, and put your money in your daily wear shoes. I would argue a better ideology could have crushed both the USSR and the British Empire. The Ambush! heritage is there for sure, and is fully acknowledged by Combat!'s designer Ross Mortell in the design notes page that comes with the game. Using medium bombers as torpedo bombers was an additional way to increase their potency. I have a jayjay’s commanders webbing and a Alice (with medium bag) to confirm it works. To start with, I've talked about the IJA's doctrine here. 1qts is standard, 2 qts are handy. Your Strategic Command take is a bit uncharitable, but each to their own. I'm going to focus on the criticism of Japanese tactics in the defense of Okinawa, as well as a general overview of the doctrine of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) and the general strategy of Japan in World War II for context. Fite scenarios are awesome but iirc they don't give the player control over, for ex You're, like, 1000% wrong about Assault Squad 2, also known as the REAL king of tactical WW2 combat and the Best Game of All Time (TM). OD#3 should better be described as ‘Olive Tan’ and OD#7 as ‘Olive Green’. , focusing on nature, in his Wartime Trilogy. g. A subreddit for discussing and posting tactical/combat gear. com. I believe the webbing was manufactured and issued in tan then Blancoed green. The Ju 88 and the Pe 2 are obviously the best-remembered examples of this, but the Japanese also had twin-engine aircraft capable of dive bombing. And supposing Imperial Japan acted more like a liberation army, it could have been the first domino in a giant colonial revolution t Customized Polish People's Army webbing from 1950s. Look for both physical stores and online retailers in this category. My set of webbing is built around: Issue Osprey belt A JayJays yoke (no idea what they call it, the vest one), 2x 2 magazine pouches (coyote one is apparent US mil surplus) 2x Zip utility pouches 1x Osprey Med Pouch 1x Issue HE grenade pouch. As I’ve used a chest rig/molle for most of my career. 348 votes, 26 comments. If it was up Sep 4, 2017 路 Order include only net cover, not include helmet WW2 WWII US cotton helmet strap net cover Material: Net cover Color: Green Weight: 90g approx Thick strap This web net helmet cover is being test good quality, and it can fit a reproduction/original m1 helmet, or M35, m40, m42 helmet or fit helmet near these version of helmets size Order: 1x ww2 38 votes, 69 comments. Modularity actually makes for a heavier bulky package vs a web belt that has sewn on pouches, but those lack modularity. Stuff like this demeans what WW2 was and what it represented. Reply Order of Battle is awesome but it's not grand strategy. I think anything you wear is going to be awkward at first. Thank you so much for the prompt and in-depth answer! > Or just compare offensives of 1942-43 with summer offensives of 1944. The best part IMO is after you finish every mission it rewards you with a sketch, a map, or a IRL real photo detailing the mission that you just played. —webbing: generally concept has been updated in materials, closures, attachment styles and comfort. I kept it all in the mixture for about forty five minutes and then rinsed it off and used the Rit Dye color fixative stuff. From what I can gather, the combatants in Europe started WWII as a tactical extension of WWI. Basically Have the Alice pick sit on top of the rear utility pouches of the PLCE webbing. Since you're genre savvy: in addition to that post I am looking for a non-paradox grand strategy game with more tactical combat but the same degree of politics, economy, etc. 261K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. WW2 Canadian webbing and gear? Get original from Canada. Posted by u/blueghostont0ast - 10 votes and 14 comments 19 votes, 92 comments. 33 breadbag and the "cube" polish backpack. Tactical Tailor Fight Light Battle Belt. I’d give doitriteak a visit. The buttpack isn’t something you should be accessing on a whim. Because I really like paradox games but it bothers me that they have close to no tactical combat feedback / experience. The canteen pouch has a max item length of 13 cm, which rules out pretty much any single item of meaningful volume other than the canteen it was designed for. . Does anyone know why this is? If soldiers were required to Blanco why is there tan? Buy WW2 US Army OD#3 tan and OD#7 green webbing online. e. To paraphrase somewhat, he loved Ambush, but was looking for a way to create endless replayablity, whereas scenarios in Ambush trigger events from fixed hexes, becoming predictable if should you wish to play them more than once. Basically it’s got the same stitched rear utility/canteen pouches but the sides are molle, so you can outfit them with admin pouches, or additional utility pouches of choice. I did that when I was stuck in a humvee for 3 years, and at 6’ 3”, minimizing the amount of gear I was wearing inside the truck was crucial for comfort. 47K subscribers in the QualityTacticalGear community. Aug 17, 2016 路 I'm trying to find out if British web gear was predominantly green or tan. Jul 30, 2023 路 6. The graphics somehow make it even better too. Anybody familiar with the British web gear? Seems like a solid alternative to jungle rig or a modern Alice rig The jungle stuff is fine but the Brits have been running webbing since before WW2. The best I can find is TripleA, which is kinda fun for a little while (I played Axis & Allies a lot when I was a kid, so it at least has a lot of nostalgia even if it's kinda simplistic), but it just doesn't have much replay value. I've got a FILBE that I really like, but I'm finding the belt is a serious weak spot. But I'm trying to make a September campaign uniform but I'm having trouble finding some of the webbing components, like the wz. German assault tactics also included an SMG. Tactical Tailor’s Fight Light Battle Belt forms the basis for a very capable and heavy-duty battle belt. oh i live en denmark too! sadly you can only get the MG pouches, afaik the stanag ones havent been sold on auction before, but i got mine on facebook, the G3 pouches pop up a bit more regularly but you just need to be patient, and you can def find the stanag ones. And place the ptt on a loop on the front of the webbing harness. Very light too since it’s a web belt with integrated pouches. The game is still hella realistic compared to most WW2 battlefield shooters and the gameplay is still pretty tactical and has MILSIM influences like Squad. There was a reason the UK webbing has minimal padding; and the USMC Warbelt subliad design uses just flat webbing suspenders with a tiny padded part to prevent hotspotsto wear under the USMC armor. 4 web utility straps. TBF you can tell 2 and 3 are contemporary - They didn't have tactical webbing and pineapple nades in the Somme. This zooms in to cover the month in which Hitler and Stalin broke their pack and came to blows. Valid points. coh2 has significantly more content, less bugs and most importantly its much cheaper, (Although you do want to purchase the master collection edition from a key reseller for the most bang for your buck) Above certain level, tactical proficiency of small units stops to matter and other parameters matter much more - strategy, logistics, technical superiority - approximately in that order. Crossfire - Written in the 70s? 80s? I don't know. Might help if you get a sternum strap for the Alice pack shoulder straps. Add some comments on why you chose your sling! Edit: Although Vickers are winning in the poll, VTAC has a lot of comments! Hi! I've recently have gotten into reenacting and I have already completed one uniform of the polish army in Britain. His ship was sunk, and he was captured by the Japanese relatively early in the war; so, his books are mostly about his time as a POW held by the Japanese. The people who discuss that stuff see WW2 as some sort of fandom and usually have completely flawed ways of viewing the conflict. Or you can use the dragon supplies custom builder and build a webbing kit specifically for hiking than trying to repurpose the sewn-on pouches on regular webbing. wow Thank you for the input. Strategic Command - WW2: World at War - grand strategy covering the entirety of WW2 My favorite is an old beer'n'pretzel style game called Commander: Europe at War that has it all - Leaders to attach to specific units, Research (V2 rockets!), Economy, wolfpack warfare in the Battle of the Atlantic, Spies, Oil, strategic bombing - all there in a Panzer Corps 2 Unity of Command 2 Panzer Campaigns Close Combat Strategic Command WW2: World at War Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg Gary Grigsby’s… Specialty Stores: Stores that focus on outdoor gear, camping supplies, or tactical equipment often carry high-quality webbing suitable for various purposes. If the Nazis came as liberators into the USSR then there's a very good chance they would just knock the USSR over like a house of cards. Hey everyone! I was wondering if there was a WW2 game (RTS or not) that integrated both the tactical and operational level of combat. That is, it picked up right where the previous war left off with an emphasis on combined arms (especially mechanized and air support), squad and platoon tactics over massed lines, and on intelligence gathering. Quality sewn-in unit, not modular, waterproofing, looks heavy but strong JayJay’s Commander’s Webbing ~$300 all in (if you can find it). I personally would use a MOLLE style “war belt” if I wanted something around my waist, as opposed to Web gear. It is a 50-year-old system with outdated materials, closures, attachments, and comfort. The same thing bothers me about most 4X games. We sell everything from canteens, M1910 entrenching tool sets, M1 Garand belts to full airborne and M. at least, the samples I have gotten that aren't resin coated. Fit wise I would say you’d have to be at least a minimum of 32” (pant size) waist or larger, or else it will rest on your hip flexors and fatigue you when moving. It is mostly centered on the fighting in and around Kharkov and Kiev 1941-1943. You can attach small admin pouches and leave the Minimi for mags only. Looking cool and looking tactical is irrelevant, and if that's all your concerned with, you're in the wrong line of work (i. 35 votes, 11 comments. They found that if you stitch the pouches to the pad they won't be flopping around when you run. Too large and loose to carry sensitive or mission-specific kit —webbing: 3-4GP pouches are large enough for sustainment, but small enough for pyro, STANO, demo, fighting load refit, etc. Just something to keep in mind. Forms a shelf to integrate almost seamlessly with ruck. I’ve had a similar setup for I don’t even know how many years. For some reason there is still a large quantity of WW2 dated original webbing in largely unissued condition available. 250K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. Personally I've played around a dozen different rule books that are related for WW2 and my two favourite have to be: Battlegroup - A lot more tactical planning is needed, and skill wins fights here. Most British soldiers use webbing from either Dixie’s Corner or JayJay’s. Operations were not conducted very far from supply lines. Company of Heroes is a real-time strategy game series developed by Relic Entertainment; it uses tactical gameplay and engaging aesthetics to create dramatic World War II battlefields. I used dark green rit dye in the sink method along with a cup of salt and a teaspoon of dish soap. Same goes for ToaW4, BUT there are a couple scenarios that are more Grand Strategy, with player control on production and such. It has a lot of these unlockables that will connect you to the real events and the people that you are playing as. I recommend them whole heartedly. They got the feel of what games like battlefield used to be correct. Literally the best and most realistic simulator on the market. It always seemed to me--as someone who can only read english sources--that Soviet forces fighting from January to April 1944 had improved from the army that j There is so much depth to the strategic layer in these games and there’s a shit ton of World War 2 tanks, planes, vehicles, etc. but yeah, facebook marketplace, DBA and guloggratis are good places to look at! feel free to DM me for any questions ;) True. Douglas SBD. Haha, I did order 3 more yards of 500D AOR2 off Ebay just so I have plenty for future projects its just these webbing options vs ordering from MOS Tactical which ranges from $5 a yard for grosgrain single side to $7 single side webbing to $25 double side for 1" webbing 馃槓 being that they're currently the only supplier of the stuff that have it in stock. Subreddit for both professional and civilian tactical gear. I personally run a Jayjay’s commanders webbing. Welcome to /r/slackline! Post pictures, stories, new locations, beginner guides, or anything slackline-related. Posted by u/FIRESTOOP - 3 votes and 23 comments. Alice is about outdated as the LBV-88. Looks like you’re looking at the marauder tactical webbing. 45 Mag pouch, OD3. But I will give you 1 and 4 - indistinguishable from WWI documentary pics. Not a movie, but Band of Brothers is very tactical. Hello so i was searching best ww2 loadouts 2020 on internet but all i found is two videos of 2020 and other posts, videos etc… So webbing starts in the late 1800s and was pretty much all leather till the Americans adopted the m1910 hanger system and cartridge belt a little bit later. Item length and item weight do need to be factored into the PALS analysis for it to be particularly useful in general terms. I remember it being pretty hard. Those honestly look terrible. Web Kit has been making a comeback lately especially for those looking at kit that extends outside of vehicular use. P. Or you could use tape. If you’re planning on using it in the backcountry and hate mosquitos as much as I do, I’ve discovered that my Thermocell (which I also highly recommend) fits perfectly Jun 28, 2022 路 Khaki WAS a US shade ( called OD#9 ) and used for web gear but predated ww2 – and is predominantly beige & tan tones, not green ones. Currently use mines with the surplus DPM yoke (harness) but there’s more modular alternatives like (but not limited to) the one Jayjay’s makes. Better version of Kitpimp w/ same limitations Velocity Systems Jungle Kit ~ $540 all in. Other systems are more user-friendly, depending on ability to shed buttpack for more useful GPs. This is a user-guided community; join the discussions, ask questions, and share your experiences. 259K subscribers in the tacticalgear community. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Quality, High Speed Low Drag, modular. Members Online Being overweight isn’t an excuse why you can’t go out and build these fundamentals. I like Enlisted so far. Any way, it is in unissued, mint condition. It's a very fun tactical simulation. Canteen covers. It is the most impactful human event of all recorded human history, not some video game series to have childish lists and 'best of' discussions about. But before those the standard was to wear LBE over the flack vest/jackets/soft armor. What do you carry mainly, Mags and ammo or just outdoor stuff? If you're a touch handy, you can sew on webbing tape on top of the Minimi pouches to allow MOLLE attachments. From what I remember, A-A 55301 is softer than Mil-W-17337. Come here for the latest news and conversations about ALL games in the series. Very comfortable, fairly breathable mesh, and less floppy than the Alice webbing and the standard issue PLCE webbing. To summarise, the IJA's doctrine was built around overcoming The people on r/airsoft don't have the experience in this area, so sorry that I posted a question about tactical gear on the tactical gear community For clothing I simply run BDUs Last year at that event I actually did use a chest rig and backpack combo, it somewhat worked but I was hot You could choose between axis and allies and the art style was pixelated, the only other thing I remember is when a certain troop died the animation… A subreddit for discussing and posting tactical/combat gear. It outlines the one of the most famous tactics in US military history, the attack and destruction of four heavily defended artillery pieces with a squad of just 12 men, which suffered a single wound in response. Bulldog tactical has molle belts and yokes that might be up your alley. The overworld reminds of Civilization with its hex based designed and it even includes an in game encyclopedia for history geeks. WW2 tactical hex and counter suggestions to play between WitE2 turns I haven't quite scratched my itch in finding a game to play between turns of WitE2, so in the tradition of "I'm looking for" posts, got a few wants below :) After looking around I'm thinking of trying Unity of Command II. There are lots of awesome RTS games that deal with small-unit, ie, "tactical", combat (e. So I have tried to assemble it as best as I could, but now I am lost and really need directions. Main change is that I've replaced the regular AK mag pouch with a reproduction of a Smersh one in MOLLE. I have a 30” waist, so I would know. Pinterest and “British webbing” should return some good results. For all of those times. The FLC was designed to be worn over armor and the Seen a bit of intrest surround British webbing sets so here is mine I use for work. Britain has been using webbing since before WW2 and due to the limitations of issue kit lots of British companies were formed using custom webbing kits as their backbone. Price is comparable or cheaper than reproduction. Anyway: Alice and the British PLCE are cheap surplus options that are tried and true. I recommend more modern webbing systems like the Jayjay’s commanders webbing or the Crossfire DZ-RIG, or the British tactical wide molle hippo belts (3 or 4 row recommended) and your own choice of molle pouches. Authenticity will probably be better too ;) I've made many successful orders from militarytour. I was wondering if there is anything out there that will attach molle webbing to the velcro? Basically a square patch of material that has molle webbing on the front and hook velcro on the back? I used a twin needle harness, and you can run the ptt cable up one of the suspender webbing things, through some of those elastic ring things. It's also fucking gorgeous. Only party pooper was the fact that it came unassembled. 20 votes, 26 comments. The Fire Emblem series is well known for its innovation and for being one of the first Eastern style tactical role-playing games, with a strong emphasis on Western forms of medieval folklore. Yet I've seen colour fotos of men in tan web sets and mixed colored web sets. Both of these items have loop velcro in the fronts. The British have something called a short back Bergen, as an alternative to the Alice pack. Video game, movie, and assorted mall ninja equipment posts will be removed. Just test and adjust your placement with a pack on (with weight, probably 10kg more in the pack than you expect This community is designed for collectors and enthusiasts alike to display their collection, discuss military history, assess if an item is original or a reproduction (a huge part of militaria collecting is authentication). June 1941: Hitler and Stalin by John Lukacs. Possible issue with authentic Z tactical webbing Question As the title says i downloaded authentic z and found the tactical webbing and i’m currently wearing it but the webbing is black where as in pictures and videos it shows that it’s green if that’s an issue are there any fixes to it? @OP: Decisive Campaigns Armored Brigade with 1943 mod Combat Mission games (the best imo) Strategic Command WW2 - Europe at War Graviteam Tactics (wonderful AI) Gates of Hell - Ostfront (probably too demanding for your laptop but has very good AI, too) Can confirm, battlebit remaster is probably the best shooter right now in my opinion. ALICE wouldn’t be my first choice for anything tactical, but they still work great for a lot of things. Hell Let Loose (Sure, the game has introduced some more arcade elements over the years, but it isn't trying to be Post Scriptum V2. More like Operational level. I've read a little about the spring 1944 offensives in Soviet Ukraine that preceded Operation Bagration. Video game, movie, and assorted… First to Fight: The Polish War 1939 by Roger Moorehouse, pretty much covers the opening campaign of WW2 which was the Nazi and Soviet invasions of Poland. Everything is super comfortable and the large pad makes carrying weight nice. But I'd go with 1 qt covers, and get the Pathfinder 1qt canteen cook set, even if its maybe a bit spendy. Kitpimp Commanders Webbing ~ $225 (MTP) all in. This was a system with ammo pouches attached and things like canteen’s , e tool , bayonet , first aid etc etc are attached with 2 metal hooks to the cartridge belt. , CoH, Men of War, etc. Webbing is great for patrols, as the weight is distributed along the shoulders and hips. Edit: there’s also this accessory that lets you hold more things. Hello, everyone. you're a hotdog) I recently purchased a Haley Strategic micro chest rig with a v2 multi mission hanger. I've also added LC-2 First Aid pouch on the belt, and a British Desert DPM 40mm grenade pouch. I just prefer the British designs better. Reply reply I wouldn't recommend someone coh3 in it's current state when it's effectively just a slightly better looking coh2 with less content. 87 votes, 38 comments. Pretty much stitched/“tailored” PLCE webbing. You can absolutely have a "weaker" side win if the commander (that's you) can provide better orders. true. While i enjoy lots of the things they did. British Tactical also made a some nice 3-4 row deep belts in a huge variety of sizes so you can MOLLE whatever you want on. However, if you were stuck in a Vic, you could adjust it to fit over a plate carrier, and throw it on if you have to dismount. This isn’t a low-profile minimalist rig but a behemoth ready for your loadout. I'm treating this as purpose designed dive bombers vs planes that could dive bomb to avoid getting into some weirdness with multi-role capability (P-47 is a better air to air plane than the Stuka!) A tactical vest offers you the option to have all your equipment mounted where you like it to be and when needed you just put in on over your standard soft armor. Budget to best in the biz in my opinion Tasmanian tiger warrior belt lc ( can be worn as a over belt or you can unvelcro the nonslip material and use a regular inner belt) 35-45 +15-50 for a inner belt Aws lab 65 Wtfidea molle outer belt ( best value for a tegris belt ) $90 +15-50 for inner belt Platform(s): PC, I think I played on a Mac but easily could have been Wine or dualbooted Genre: Singleplayer WW2 FPS, more milsim than casual. Relevancy: —beltkit: users, stop pushing ALICE. The waist straps loosen, the padding is meh, and I want to be able to stick a water bottle and GP/snack pouch on the belt itself for easy access on a ruck.
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