Best kuva lich weapons element. Tldr: toxin is best 99% of the time.

Best kuva lich weapons element. Note that your total damage doesn't change.

  • Best kuva lich weapons element If a weapon lists multiple elements, it will be listed from left to right in order from best to increasingly situational. Find out here the optimal choices for a duplicate-free arsenal. pretty much eliminated a ton of weapons. It has given me something to do in game again. What element is best to when trying to get a Kuva or Tenet weapon? I've thought that since Viral and Corrosive are best on regular weapons, it's best to get Toxin so you could build for a Viral or Corrosive and double the damage because of the extra Toxin from a mod. Kuva weapons are obtained from Kuva Liches, the stronger and tougher versions of Grenier soldiers. So a max bonus weapon has 28% (1. Single-element kuvas are good for boosting the effect of a solo element or doing things like allowing a low-modspace gas build. These enemies may be fought and either vanquished or converted based on your preference, which will allow you to obtain a Kuva Weapon or the Kuva Lich as an ally. Good news is you got the emphera and the good roll does mean you won't need as many other of those weapons to get to 60% of a different element. Which elemental type do you think is the best to have a lich spawn? I was thinking about Radiation, that way, you can put 2 dual stats for Corrosive/Viral and anoth Jul 3, 2024 · After 2500 hours of experience testing weapons, this post will list the objective best progenitor options for each Kuva/Tenet weapon in Q3 2024, while offering a brief explanation on why it’s so. What elements can you make or what combination can you make. Take a look at how the weapon works. This gun shoots a close-ranged shockwave that covers a wide range. Valence Fusion can be found under the Actions button while modding a weapon. Just remember, if you farm it again you don't have to re-level it, valence fusion exists which combines 2 of the same lich weapon resulting in the weapon with the bigger percentage of the 2 further multiplied by 1. So the percent bonus is very important. These weapons are generated from a Kuva Larvling and are awarded upon defeating a Kuva Lich and choosing to Vanquish them, which will automatically appear in the Foundry. Best way to support my content! Subscribe to my Patreon for early access to upcoming videos Else, the world is your oyster. At least I've managed to get 10/13 kuva weapons, so that's something. 1, capping at 60% bonus. Kuva Seer - Very powerful semi shot, but tiny mag and endless reload animation. So no need to regret spending catalysts or forma on kuva weapons. You could have a melee weapon with an impact damage value of 1 and still leverage Shattering Impact. Jan 6, 2023 · We strongly recommend becoming familiar with the Kuva Lich system, especially after the changes to it post-Railjack update. very good for some weapons that you only care about viral as the only element and uses hunter munition or something to destroy the mobs. I've acquired 15 liches so far: average roll is 32. For a total of 300 damage. Kuva Karak - Ok weapon, nothing amazing, scales badly but could be made really strong with a riven. I know that you can play with any element and do funky builds. 1 (so for example combining 26% and 40% will result in 44% weapon) and you can choose which element you want to keep, just make sure to do this from the menu of the weapon which Farm another Kuva Zarr, and you can fuse them. If the weapon is a secondary with high status chance you want Magnetic (Nukor, Cycron etc) and heat on the rest. But broadly speaking: Heat for weapons that care about armor Toxin for weapons that don't care about armor Radiation or Magnetic for status primers Impact for meme builds Cold or Electric only if you're farming for the ephemera Jun 23, 2024 · I've tested all my kuva weapons and most of them seem to be doing better with viral + heat or even corrosive + heat than blast + toxin/electric. Take a look at the weapon you are getting. For weapons you pick as a primer to stack status a lot of people are going for impact now since we have access to Hemorrhage and Internal Bleeding which cause slash procs on impact procs. I have found the best strat is to gear your heavy Weapon specific to the Lich's weakness. lich murmur grind is long enough Ill prepared means anything that isn't meta in this case. So you want a good moveset, weapon with aoe and high fire rate as well as good status chance. It’s a Corpus Gunblade that contains a high critical chance (30%), critical multiplier (2. On a solo element kuva weapon the only low weight proc you can get is the innate if you build 2 duals, and that's never going to be as useful as something like rad. Heat is an amazing stacking status element. Aug 16, 2022 · The best element for general use is TOXIN. As mentioned, certain scenarios might call for a different element being best, but it’s niche. With lich element you can make it 4 and it also have microwave status effect. For me, I got a Kuva Hind with Magnetic because I use it for profit taker. though as I said I wouldn't rule out just adding magnetic through progen and simply modding for the combo you want ontop of that. That doesn’t stop the unwanted weapons from spawning next time though, if u leave the mission u could get 2 or more of the same weapon if u finish the mission the weapon wont appear until all weapons are cycled through or till u kill a lich Oct 17, 2022 · The qualities of the weapons change depending on whatever Lich the player has slain. You could technicall use 3 Elemental Mods to get Heat+Viral(Toxin+Cold) but most of the time you dont have 3 slots for elemental mods because you prefer other mods, except some melee weapons or when you can get 100% Status Chance with 60/60 mods, etc. Vanquishing a lich will give you the ephemera ( if they have one ), their kuva weapon and items they stole form you. When you deal damage with a weapon, you always deal all of the damage on that weapon with a chance to proc a status effect on one of the damage types per hit. You know that some of us enjoy variety in their weapon choices? Just recently came back to the game after quitting right before Scarlet Spear, Tennocon and Heart of Deimos drew me back in, decided to catch up on Nightwave and finally killed my first Kuva Lich from back in the day after one of the recovered Nightwaves required it. theres absolutely Mar 9, 2021 · First of all. Infinate status chance makes it so easy to get viral/slash/heat status effect. Nov 3, 2019 · Makes the two best combination elements in the game. I'd recommend the Kuva Hek. What elemental bonus was increased on the weapon during Lich formation and the progenitor Warframe determines the weapon’s Energy Color which can make for sick-looking gear aesthetics. With 31 Tenet/Kuva weapons, these's no time to spare on farming a poor element. Mostly because of the two primed elements available on shotguns, being electric and cold. I know that you can affect which element you get with warframe you used to create Kuva Lich. If you go magnetic, you can then build viral and heat, for a total of 3 elements, which should lead to a higher buff from Galvanized Aptitude / Savvy and allow you to build Magnetic / Viral / Heat which can strip shields and armor as well as multiplying Jul 6, 2021 · The Warframe that creates a Kuva Lich will determine what elemental damage bonus the Kuva Lich weapon will have, and the type of Ephemera they will have if they spawn with one. The Stropha’s Melee attacks deal Slash damage. And what are the best Lich weapons Question/Request I have 4 weapon slots But i don't know if it's a good weapon or not , i don't want to spend a slot on a weapon i will never touch again unless it's for MR The only secondary elements that are available for lich weapons are magnetic and radiation. The rest of my lich/sister weapons are toxin. All 5 of those forma were worth using, and I still use the Bramma and Kuva Nukor on the regular. While kuva nukor is base radiation so as long as you dont mod for rad it will stay as addition element. For killing the lich all the typical kill this tanky thing fast things work pretty well. The percentage will go up regardless of whether A was fused into B or vice versa. The resulting percentage will be the higher of the two times 1. Claiming these weapons bypasses the Feb 20, 2022 · Kuva weapons are the enhanced versions of regular weapons, featuring improved stats and more distinct looks. On the other hand, the Kuva Kraken isn’t much to talk about, and the Kuva Ayanga is alright, but other Archwing guns outclass it. Make sure you start the process from the weapon you have installed potato/formas in, because the other weapon gets destroyed along with any installed potato and formas. On a personal level I'm quite fine with the grind that's come with the lich. twitch. You can get these weapons by defeating the Kuva Lich, who is very powerful and tough to beat, but the price is worth it as the Kuva weapons are the most powerful in the I have done a few kuva liches in my time spent playing Warframe. It just kicks ass. . Its a good solution to delay blazing through content. tv/n0quart3r#warframe #guide #kuvalich #sistersofparvos #elemental #status #kuva #tenet Nov 28, 2023 · As many people know, the Kuva Lich and Sisters of Parvos weapons are some of the best in Warframe. The Warframe that summons a Kuva Lich determines which elemental damage bonus the Kuva Lich’s weapon will have and the type of Ephemera they will have if they spawn with one. Feb 4, 2020 · The elemental effect of the Warframe that created the Kuva Lich will determine the elemental damage type the Kuva Lich weapon will have, as well as their ability kit. Imagine you have a weapon that does 100 Slash, 100 Impact and 100 Puncture for 300 damage. If you get 20% Impact Bonus in your Kuva Weapon, you basicly end up with 80 S, 80 I & 80 + 60 I. *Note that the Primed or Umbra version of a Warframe share the same element Atualizado em 22/11/2024 Dec 11, 2019 · So, I'm trying to get so opinions in this regard, because I think I'm going to screw up my next kuva weapon outta thinking too much. Kuva weapons are a special, souped-up variation of already existing weapons. Heat and toxin are the best elements for most lich/sister weapons with some exceptions that are better with magnetic. So 80 Slash 140 Impact and 80 Puncture. Envoy and Arca Plasmor are by far the best of them. 1, capped at 60, and you can also choose which element to keep. I'm terms of "good Kuva weapon stat" as you asked, the element bonus should be the same as the primary damage that the weapon already deals. It's alt fire dumps all four shots at once, it has the highest burst DPS in the game for primary weapons. But to your point, I can't see a reason to put Impact on a Kuva weapon intentionally. ⏬ But wait the They are really immune to! Had a Lich immune to impact damage . Kuva Liches have a 20% chance to be created with an Ephemera equipped that corresponds to the elemental effect of the Progenitor Warframe who created them, which will be rewarded If Catalyst and Forma are on Weapon A and weapon A is fused INTO weapon B (IE you have B equipped and select weapon A during the valence fusion process) then the Forma and Catalyst from A are lost. Kuva weapons are the first school of Jul 17, 2023 · If the weapons i a crit primary you want tox and you go full HM, if it's a status primary or hybrid you want heat for the extra element. Which is why Heat is such a strong bonus element for Kuva weapons. The bonus damage can range from 20 to 60 percent and tends to be between 25 and 50. Depends on the weapon, particularly if it already has any innate elements. Mar 29, 2023 · Warframe: Kuva Lich element. Result 2 element and with sister element make it 3. the bonus element on a weapon is dictated by the element of the lich, which itself is dictated by the "Progenitor Warframe", ie: The warframe you used to stab the larvling and get your lich. The use of Toxin in that chart make me distrust the designer's logic. Brammas and most dmg kuva weapons toxin is best for the easy change between the best elements of toxin, viral, corrosive. But I am seeing many confusing recommendations for weapon to kill Liches as some swear by high multishot, big initial damage weapons like the Hek or Cedo. This allows you to get two elements on top of whatever else you mod so a Kuva Nukor can cause six status procs. Kuva Quartakk - Also an Ok weapon, aiming shot is nice, I found it a bit more powerful than the Karak even with a lower modifier, works great with Primed Shred. Usually magnetic is best for the nukor as it is used as a primer. The elemental damage doesn't act like an elemental mod, it increases the weapon's base damage. 93% (terrible, but only -3% compared to your average) and my best is 48% (barely good). The best element for general use is TOXIN. since magnetic can give you more damage against shields and overguard The flux rifle has quickly became my favourite rifle. Jan 3, 2025 · Q: Can I change my Kuva Weapon's elemental damage? A: No, the elemental damage of a Kuva Weapon is fixed. A bad roll is not really problematic since you can later upgrade your kuva weapons with subsequent lich runs. Here are all the weapons' bonus percentages that I got. Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. 25) more total base damage than a min bonus weapon, while also having more weighting towards a useful element. Note that your total damage doesn't change. Feb 29, 2024 · After 2500 hours of experience testing weapons, this post will list the objective best progenitor options for each Kuva/Tenet weapon in Q2 2024, while offering a brief explanation on why it’s so. Also since 10 viral procs is for most weapons easy to achieve (and each stack offers less of a damage increase than the previous), it's more beneficial to shift your damage towards heat than viral. Best Kuva Weapons to Get, Ranked in No Particular Order Mar 15, 2024 · The element of this bonus is decided by which Warframe was used to kill the Kuva Larvling, triggering the birth of the Lich. Thanks for clicking on this Warframe video!Kuva weapons are OP. Apr 7, 2020 · the kuva weapons arent really ones where its difficult to get procc consistency since all except for kuva tonkor have high enough status chance. Cold and heat? I used revenant to generate a new lich with a Grattler. When I look at the kuva bramma i always wonder how many enemies i can affect at once and how badly i can affect them. For reference, my two most used tenet/kuva weapons are the bramma and arca plasmor, which are heat and magnetic respectively (arca is a status arca with galv savvy) In general, most of these weapons are SO FUCKING POWERFUL this choice is pretty inconsequential. I have a 60% heat Hek. Element questions for lich weapons are really common here and elsewhere online. I want to have a Kuva Lich to stand guard at the railjack, but I don't know what the best elements or weapons are, I'm personally thinking about converting one with the chakkhurr with an ice element, but I'm afraid it would be a waste of time and resource. And people don't go toxin progenator for the "little extra toxin", they use it to save a slot making viral or corrosive. The most widely used and biggest reason to even use kuva ogris is HEAT. Kuva Weapons [edit | edit source] Main article: Kuva (Variant) Kuva weapons are a special variant of Grineer weapons carried by Kuva Liches. Feb 29, 2024 · After 2500 hours of experience testing weapons, this post will list the objective best progenitor options for each Kuva/Tenet weapon in Q2 2024, while offering a brief explanation on why it’s so. Dec 4, 2022 · Just curious which elements one feels are the best for kiva weapons. The element from A will be retained. Oct 17, 2022 · Weapon #2: Stropha. Magnetic is good for the CO weapons, like say the karak, or as a primer element, like with the nukor. Obtaining the weapons is a whole process that requires players to have some pretty strong endgame Well for element I'd say go either toxin or heat BUT to farm the empherma you will need to do each of em. No idea why some frames generate elements that have nothing to do with the frame though. Nov 3, 2019 · Kuva Weapons have the added bonus of having +2 rank per forma up to 5 forma (similar to the paracesis) and they count towards mastery, so before throwing out weapons you might want to consider this; Kuva Weapons have a "Valence Fusion" mechanic, where you can Increase the bonus of the same weapon type to another. Oct 31, 2024 · After 3100 hours of experience testing weapons, this post will list the objective best progenitor options for every Kuva/Tenet weapon in WF 1999; 2025, while offering a brief explanation on why. From my understanding that high crit, high fire rate, low base damage weapons are the best, I've been experimenting with the Tenet Flux Rifle, Stradavar Prime and Ignis Wraith for my hunting. com May 18, 2024 · Warframe's Kuva weapons are a worthy addition to any enterprising Tenno's arsenal - and this comprehensive tier list will attempt to rank them all. What element is the most useful. However, you can mod it to add additional elemental damage. having toxin means you can skip out 1 mod to form viral. Jul 24, 2021 · We're ranking every single one of the powerful Kuva Lich weapons in Warframe from worst to the best of the best. May 13, 2020 · The Kuva Bramma and Kuva Nukor are amazing crowd-clearing weapons and are totally worth investing in. Converting a lich will give you the ephemera ( if they have one ), items they stole from you, a chance to spawn in missions to help you and ( if you have rank 8 command ) the ability to use them as crewmates. I mod the vast majority of my weapons to use Viral+Heat (go look up threads on why this is Meta) May 26, 2024 · What is the highest bonus on KUVA weapons? Kuva Lich/Tenet Weapons. Valence fusion lets you change the element, so if you ever get a toxic Kuva Zarr and valence fuse it to your current heat one, you'll have the option to change its elemental type to toxic. Fire and toxin are both good damage types while impact is really good for making your lich as tanky as possible since impact liches come with iron skin as a ability. *Note that the Primed or Umbra version of a Warframe share the same element. For example, the nukor with magnetic makes the best primer for condition overload melee builds. That said, I would recommend magnetic if you want to use it to max out unique status ailments, as a CO proccer, and potentially for use with the new galvanized mods. It's best to play at your own pace no matter how fast or slow that may be. While it is certainly not easy to obtain Kuva weapons, the grind and effort is definitely worth the price. With Toxin Base damage you have to use 3 mods to get viral and heat and 3 elemental mods is often not the best mod config. See full list on thegamer. Radiation and magnetic have niche applications for fitting multiple composites on one weapon, profit taker for example or adding a CC element to an air weapon through Rad. For some Tenet weapons, toxin can actually be bad due to the innate elements combining first. On call lich don't use mods and basically come as is. You can overwrite the element the I just started getting into liches, I’m curious what I should look for for each gun Tenet Cycron base damage is heat so that heat will always combie with element mod. Obviously it is best to mod your weapons based on the weaknesses your Lich has and modding for corrosive or viral if they are not resistant to it. You Might Also Like: Best Mods for Kuva Weapons in Warframe; Top Strategies for Lich Hunting in Warframe; The Ultimate Build Guide for Kuva Weapons in Warframe There are some exceptions. Kuva weapons are the first school of If the weapons i a crit primary you want tox and you go full HM, if it's a status primary or hybrid you want heat for the extra element. I was in the exact same position, but good news. Radiation: Good damage against a wide variety of health types, plus the confusion effect. Apr 14, 2020 · Kuva weapons allow you to cheat out an elemental mod and are almost exclusively crit based(nukor is crit damage based, ogris is meme based), usually a non budget build will involve a riven, a single elemental mod and a faction mod for minmaxing. Finally, the If I have only lich converted, does the chance of any of them spawning rise when I get my first converted sister? (lich+sister > higher chance than having x number of converted liches or does the % chance stays the same?) 4 What if I die few times, can I spawn kuva lich one time and later on have a chance to spawn sister in the same mission? Compared to some of the elements you can get which let you add an extra dual element or a single dual element but with only needing a single mod slot rather than two, more impact just doesn't cut it. One of the best Gunblades and weapons for dealing with the Kuva Lich is the Stropha. Tldr: toxin is best 99% of the time. May 20, 2024 · The Warframe that kills the Kuva Larving will determine the progenitor elemental bonus on your Kuva weapon. Valence Fusion combines two of the same Kuva or Tenet weapons into one with a higher Elemental Bonus, multiplying the highest bonus of the two weapons by 1. To obtain the Kuva weapon carried by this Lich, you simply have to kill it off Feb 12, 2022 · Yup, Radiation is the best element for Kuva Grattler, you're fine. The tenet weapons while all quite good are not on the level of the kuva weapons overall. A bit over 1/4 of my rolls are either 25% or 26%. The game… Oh I agree with you. Magnetic is best for stuff like ogris and nukor as they both build off status for their damage When you feel ready for another lich run, do Cassini runs until the larvling has one of the weapons you noted down. 4x), and damage output (700). live at: https://www. The rng element does make more lich runs better to get that God roll. Make sure to read our Best Warframe Weapons List too. Each warframe is assigned to one of the 7 elements possible, example being Ember as obviously a heat progenitor while Chroma, Nezha, Inaros, Prote, Vauban 638K subscribers in the Warframe community. Toxin is the most universally applicable. Thinking ahead for the next one! if you go in ill-prepared ofc it will be tougher, unless you prefer to waste your time fighting bullet sponges when other weapon options exist. Jan 24, 2023 · When Kuva weapons initially dropped, players could see a lot of familiarity with existing weapons. No ephemera on any of my 15. The chart is about which warframe generates the Kuva Lich weapon's element, not the element the warframe itself is tied to via abilities. What is the best . Furthermore, the Progenitor Warframe dictates the Lich’s Feb 1, 2024 · A Kuva Lich is a unique type of enemy that was introduced in The Old Blood update and is an enemy that you will face after having an encounter with a Kuva Larvling. *Note that the Primed or Umbra version of a Warframe share the same element Main article: Kuva (Variant) Kuva weapons are a special variant of Grineer weapons carried by Kuva Liches. paired with multishot especially on weapons with 2 dmg instances like seer u will have all proccs from one shot, max 2 and by that moment the enemy is dead without any slash proccs. Also ranking the up to level 5 should make them stronger when you convert them, though I am not certain. For archguns you want heat. Feb 26, 2023 · Activity Guides Beginner's Guide Mirror Defense Guide Conjunction Survival Guide Kuva And Tenet Liches Explained Arbitrations Guide Steel Path Guide Galvanized Mods And Weapon Arcane Guide Railjack Guide Railjack Intrinsics Guide Best Railjack Parts How To Beat Lephantis Riven Mods Explained Deep Archimedea Deep Archimedea If you need a single target eraser, for bosses, archons, necramech, and acolytes. It can be corrosive or viral and still scale toxin quite high for corpus. All in all, there are 19 possible Kuva Weapons in the game that the So I'm not as unlucky as I thought. It shifts the weight for Status procs to Impact. I have a decent loadout for hunting Liches and Sisters already, but I'd like to know what people think the "best" weapons and builds are, in all categories. Is toxin best element for all kuva weapons or should some weapons have other element? I just got kuva zarr with impact and this question just popped in my mind. For Shildeg, your progenitor would optimally be an impact or Toxin one (can't have puncture damage as a bonus and Primed Heavy Trauma or Primed Fever Strike each give the biggest bonus to a single damage Those weapon recommendations are based on if you are killing a lich for self use. Has cold as the innate element so I can make magnetic by adding electricity. Then just pull that bad boy out and light em up! Larkspur is 100% elemental damage :-) Progenitor List Impact Baruuk, Gauss, Grendel, Rhino, Sevagoth, Wukong, Zephyr, Dante Heat Chroma, Ember, Inaros, Kullervo, Nezha, Protea, Vauban, Wisp, Jade Cold The chart is about which warframe generates the Kuva Lich weapon's element, not the element the warframe itself is tied to via abilities. Aug 3, 2020 · With Toxin Base damage you have to use 3 mods to get viral and heat and 3 elemental mods is often not the best mod config. 60 / 1. Kuva Bramma - 25% Kuva Nukor - 31% Kuva Zarr - 25% Kuva Nukor - 29% Kuva Zarr - 25% Kuva Ogris - 27% My friends have been getting very high percentages, up in the 40-50s and the highest I have ever gotten is a 31%. May 18, 2024 · Warframe's Kuva weapons are a worthy addition to any enterprising Tenno's arsenal - and this comprehensive tier list will attempt to rank them all. You should study up on how to efficiently spawn and hunt your Kuva Lich, especially if you’re looking for a specific weapon. Could be good on certain weapons for Tridolon, if any of the guns could conceivably be useful for that. But magnetic on an explosive weapon that doesn't use the galvanized CO mods, it's terrible. Paying some attention to their immunities/weaknesses (which differ from lich to lich) may help if you find one particularly tanky. Before summoning a new Kuva Lich, think about which Warframe you want to use. Kuva bramma, ogris, or ayanga for weapons and either fire, toxin, or impact for element. ubit cqjcx pznpi zvc faub svlh rheri qmsxlsu cidb juop uil nsom ayjvs afvt try