Atv stator output voltage. Combined around 40 to 45 volts AC .

Atv stator output voltage With such a capability, a defective regulator can easily make the output of the stator look low. 0 Amp current at an 1000 RPM engine idle speed. The dynamic test measures AC voltage from coil to coil — or phase to phase — within the stator. Typically when the battery reaches 14. That is what a voltage regulator rectifier does. Please subscribe and share my work! Tool Links: https://www. 1-0. With the help of a DVA Peak Volt Adaptor, you can get a more accurate reading of your stator’s voltage and improve the likelihood of a correct diagnosis. 2 VDC, but we're nearing the output maximum of the stator. Search child forums as well Aug 11, 2019 · Checked voltage output from the 3 yellow wires that connect to the voltage regulator. My stator checked out, no issues. Someone said in another forum that any detectable voltage between stator lead and ground is bad when doing dynamic test. With the meter set on AC Volts, start your machine and test every combination of 2 wires from the stator’s connector. typically what i have gotten from that is readings like . The stator, an integral part of the ATV's electrical system, is vital in powering the vehicle's ignition and charging systems. Start the engine. Set meter to V AC. 1. Mad May 9, 2023 · Blk/red is the charging coil for the CDI and while the output voltage is not published in the service manual, typically the voltage is in the neighborhood of 45vp I don't have a Sportsman 90 that I can check, but I will gamble either the stator is faulty or the flywheel is not turning as fast as the crankshaft. Under the seat, next to the frame there is a grey 4 wire square plug, only 3 wires going in and coming out. Amps when you have watts and volts {A = W / V} V=14. Jan 26, 2024 · Start the engine and measure the voltage across the battery terminals: It should be around 13. Any decent upgraded stator will have wires to the regulator more than capable of the max current. I get correct voltages per RPM under dynamic testing. 9 Replug connectors properly Aug 22, 2021 · The output from the ECU to the battery should be clean DC - at idle it will usually be battery voltage or less and dropping slowly - increasing engine speed above 2400 RPM will initiate a charging voltage that will raise battery voltage to no more than 14. Feb 5, 2022 · 2/ Checked as per the manual for any earth grounding on the stator coils at the rectifier/regulator plug. 2 volts. At idle, you should see about 20 VAC, about 50 VAC at 3K RPM and 80 VAC at 5K RPM. unplug. 7. 2 VAC or something similar. Start the engine and let it idle. Aug 26, 2020 · The stator has a 3 phase output voltage with about 14 volts @5000rpm at each phase. 8 and then cut off again. Test the condition of the battery as described under Battery Testing in Chapter Three. Dec 5, 2008 · You can check the output from the stator yourself very easy. Check you stator to R/R plug. 5/ Checked the DC output voltage at rectifier/regulator, meter shows a good 14 to 15 volts DC Nov 30, 2018 · A stator with an internal short to ground can back feed AC voltage from ground to the electrical system causing a discharged battery and burned out lights - if the voltage regulator is not functioning and the stator is good, you can get a high DC voltage that will over charge the battery and burn out lights - a bad ground on the battery, from frame to battery, a loose positive cable at the Jun 4, 2020 · Voltage will increase with RPM. As the stator ages and is subject to high loads, the output voltage falls, the amperage increases and heat is the result. I am using the Electronic Specialties DVA-640 on my Fluke meter set to DC. With an Ohm meter check for each wire to ground. This is a free and easy fix so try it out if your battery is still good. If the charging system output is less than specified. After starting, I show 12. Nov 25, 2017 · Open circuit is the AC output of the stator when it is unplugged from the rectifier/regulator Closed circuit is the AC output when it is all connected and trying to charge the battery The output should be checked with the engine running about 2500 RPM Mar 18, 2012 · Therefore, without actually load testing the stator on a Grizzly we can approximate a 7. The dual independent three phase stator win- Apr 22, 2024 · By regulating and limiting the output of the charging system, voltage regulators protect the battery from overcharging and provide stable power for the vehicle's electronics. The reason is the frequency of the AC varies with Sep 20, 2021 · AC voltage allows for a cooling cycle as current reverses direction and passes through ZERO - the typical three phase AC generator used in an ATV has an output of near 100 volts at 5000 RPM - the stated peak watts is at 1200 RPM (idle speed) so the watts fall with increased RPM - this is due to the frequency of the AC cycle increasing as engine Jun 28, 2012 · Stator output is AC and at low speed (cranking speed) you should be checking peak voltage - a Fluke with a peak voltage setting, a std. A new stator will have a higher voltage output lowering amperage and reducing heat. 5 V DC. Then the calculations for the stator will be based on linear approximations at a given load on the alternator, not Ohm's Law. Dec 6, 2023 · All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are beloved for their ability to tackle rugged terrain and provide outdoor enthusiasts with thrilling adventures. 3. Thanks again! The output voltage decreases, the amperage rises, and heat is produced when the stator ages and is subjected to heavy loads. 1 wire will show less voltage then the other. Checking for Voltage Output: To evaluate the stator’s performance, check the voltage output. Nov 9, 2015 · The reason the specification for the stator output is 26-30v AC minimum is when the regulator/rectifier assembly converts the voltage from AC to DC, the diodes are cutting sine wave and subsequently the voltage in half, therefore the AC to DC charging conversion is 13-15v DC at engine idle speed. That is the wire harness for the stator. I'm wondering if I should have the battery disconnected when checking continuity between the yellow stator wires and ground. Jun 9, 2010 · Still wondering what voltage readings should be. 5 to 14. 46 VDC at 3000 RPM , increasing to 4000 RPM would bring the voltage up to 14. Load the output below 14V, less output (wattage, although amperage may increase slightly). Apr 16, 2020 · I may be doing something wrong with my peak voltage adapter because I am getting in the 200 volt range on the BLK/RED wire. Feb 22, 2022 · The ATV stator output voltage should be >70 VAC at cruising RPM. 6. Voltage Testing: Use a multimeter to test the voltage output of the stator while the engine is running. When revving, the output voltage on a working ATV stator should be about 20V AC at idle to 40V AC or more. Before it can be used in the vehicles ignition and charging systems, the current must be converted to direct current (DC) and regulated so there is no peak in voltage. Then OHM the white and yellow wires individually to gound, they should not connect. Jan 25, 2024 · When it comes to maintaining an ATV, one key aspect often overlooked is understanding how to test an ATV stator. Both will throw AC voltage and it will increase with rpms. Understanding the Role of Voltage Regulators in ATVs and UTVs. Jun 3, 2019 · The Voltage Regulator is new, MOSFET style, the engine light is still on but the wrench in bottom right is gone. W=published stator or alternator wattage. ATV Stator – AC Output Test. Testing the stator can save riders from Dec 31, 2023 · Deviations from the recommended resistance values could indicate a faulty stator winding. First, the output of the stator varies with RPMs, so one of its job is to smooth out the voltage level over the system from the stator. Check the voltage output: Measure the voltage output of the stator using a multimeter. Ignition Coil – Steps up voltage from the CDI to 20kV+ to fire the spark plugs. At idle the headlight is probably starting to dim and flicker, right? That is the output of the stator not keeping up with just the stock headlight. Sep 28, 2020 · Check the AC output of the stator when connected to the rec/reg at about 2500 to 3000 RPM Note, you can't check the output voltage of the rec/reg when not connected to a battery - battery must be connected to check output voltage and the voltage will dependent on the size and charge state of the battery connected. 8 volts. DC CDI boxes uses 12 volts to run and have no exciter coils. 7vdc at the terminal block and the panel also shows 14. Output from system is 14. May 1, 2016 · With your engine running, put your meter on AC volts and check the AC voltage you have coming OUT of your stator and going TO the reg/rect. Jun 4, 2020 · Voltage will increase with RPM. Replace the stator assembly if the resistance is not as spec ified. Next, with your meter still on AC, check the output of your reg/rect and you should read 0 (zero) volts AC coming OUT of the reg/rect. Oct 23, 2024 · Given that I have no discoloration on the coils, no path to ground, a perfect 0. Visual Inspection: Check the stator for any visible signs of damage, such as burnt wires or corrosion. This means there is little room for adding equipment that requires electricity to your ATV. 5. Stators can be found in many configurations, with single-phase and three-phase being most common, though some (especially on older vehicles) may have separate windings for multiple systems. Feb 18, 2015 · Does anyone know the exact procedures for testing both the Stator and Voltage Regulator or a page that gives the procedures? Also for the sportsman 500 HO do they make a higher output stator? Thank you in advance. The lights stay consistent when I throttle up. You should read around 25 Volts AC. mm with a peak voltage adapter or a calibrated oscilloscope. 2 volts, the regulator will turn off and the voltage will increase to 14. The stator plays a vital role in an ATV's electrical system, and when it malfunctions, it can lead to a range of May 29, 2018 · I recently bought a 2008 Polaris 90cc outlaw for my daughter it only needed a few things like a carburetor and a transmission shaft which I fixed with ease. These regulators then each operate with only half of the load of the original system, allowing them to maintain a lower temperature and increase reliability. Disconnect the 3-wire stator connector near the voltage rectifier/regulator. Oct 13, 2012 · the voltage regulator/rectifier. Nov 27, 2017 · Normally the stator will produce a minimum 25-30 volts ac phase to phase up 60 volts at higher rpm , but it's only half wave rectified from the ground to pos. reg. Jan 8, 2009 · As the output voltage of the stator charging system increases with engine speed the regulator crowbars the excess energy to ground, putting the charge system into current limit to maintain the 14. The old rectifier has a 6 male pin plug on it. From doing some digging I think these are how I can check the stator output. The dynamic stator test is carried out when the vehicle is switched on. 5, 7 and 8v. Jan 1, 2008 · stator output voltage Jump to Latest 3. 8 volts max - check the AC output of the stator and if it is 35 to 90 volts (or higher) per phase from idle to 4000 rpm and check each stator wire for continuity to ground - if there is no continuity to phase to ground and the output is fine, then replace the rec/reg. If you want to measure your AC voltage, disconnect the stator wire. 3-14. Better yet and more accurate; Jul 29, 2013 · The ATV is not charging, but runs great when the battery is charged, and I'm trying to figure out if it is the Stator or Voltage Regulator. 2 ohms across the stator leads. 8 volts, the regulator will cut the voltage - when the battery discharges to approximately 13. Test #5 - with the stator unplugged from the rec/reg; measure the ACV between each pair of yellow wires - may be as low as 15v at idle and as high as 90v or more at 3000 and above RPM. 12. Depending on the specific model, 60 VAC can be acceptable too. My readings I get are: Pulse Generator: 7 millivolts AC Generator: 40 vac CDI output to coil 12volts My ride red shop manual says the alternator output is 4. The Bottem line An ATV stator has two primary purposes: it charges the battery, and, using a unique coil attached to the stator, it also charges the CDI device. Is this correct? If the diode was bad would i still get voltage at the coil supply wires? Aug 29, 2015 · Stator temp above 20°C, less output. 5/ Checked the DC output voltage at rectifier/regulator, meter shows a good 14 to 15 volts DC Sep 28, 2020 · Check the AC output of the stator when connected to the rec/reg at about 2500 to 3000 RPM Note, you can't check the output voltage of the rec/reg when not connected to a battery - battery must be connected to check output voltage and the voltage will dependent on the size and charge state of the battery connected. the voltage at 3000 rpm is 18. I'm wondering if the 40V is too high, or is that supposed to be the regulated output for the charging system? Oct 4, 2011 · 2011 850 stator output Jump to Latest 4. reverse the leads Using a dual output stator with two completely separate stator windings, this system splits the power generated by the stator into two separate voltage regulators. Also look at all associated wiring for shorts. Dynamic Stator Test. If any leg is grounded, your stator is shorted. A high output stator is wound in such a way that it produces more wattage. Unhook that harness and with a multimeter set to AC voltage, you can check across any of the 3 wires to check the voltage. To test an ATV stator, simply follow these easy diagnosis flowcharts, or you can conduct the 3 following tests. Mine had issues. battery light blinks and speed needle flashes at around 3000 rpm. 26 volts. How Do You Check AC Voltage On A Stator? To check AC voltage on a stator, you turn your meter dial to VAC and use the probes to measure the output from each stator wire when the engine is revved up. 3/ Checked the stator output with the motor running(17 to 18 AC volts across each phase) 4/ Installed a new Rectifier/Regulator, did a diode test. Combined around 40 to 45 volts AC . We specialize in producing affordable and reliable replacement electrical parts and components for any kind of ATV, Snowmobiles, Motorcycles, and more, for manufacturers like Arctic Cat, Polaris, Can-Am, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, and more. Needs to match CDI voltage specs. 86 amp @ 13. Alternatively, you can measure what voltage output you get from the stator. I always just use an ohmmeter to test the stator. Oct 23, 2024 · I am testing OL to ground on the stator leads and a perfect 0. I'm trying to test the stator, I have the 5 pin plug near the rewind apart. com/shop/shaneconleyhow2wrench?ref=ac_inf_hm_vp If I can ever be o Jul 9, 2019 · Check the output voltage with a meter across the battery terminals - the voltage should not exceed 14. Start the ATV’s engine and connect the multimeter to the stator’s output leads. The voltage regulator has a two-fold job. Most Honda atvs with a battery are DC, except for the Recon and i think the TRX90 in current models. When I turned on the lights, the voltage fell to 11. Alternator Test on an ATV: Diagnostic Highlights 09. Also Nov 1, 2014 · test rectifier: you can check the diode bridge (rectifier) with a meter but you have to set it to a "diode" function scale (unless it is an analog meter). what else should i be checking. I let the atv idle for 30 minutes. Check the AC output from the stator: With the stator connected, measure the AC voltage between each pair of the three yellow wires with the engine running. Unplug the three cable connector that goes from the May 21, 2009 · NOTE: Any measurement other than Infinity (open) will indicate a failed or shorted stator leg TEST 3: Measure AC Voltage Output of Each Stator Leg at Charging RPM 1. The TRX manual does not give a voltage output range for the stator or pulse generator. Should be a solid open on all wires. Disconn ect the two indi vidual yellow and the yellow/red electrical connectors from the voltage regulat or (Figure 7). 7v (the reading matches the output on the voltage screen and my meter). Voltage regulators act as crucial moderators for the electrical system in your ATV or UTV. Make sure the ATV is off when you disconnect the Stators play a crucial part in starting and powering your machine, but how can you tell if it is bad or not? In this video we demonstrate how to test to see Jan 5, 2022 · Check your stator output Its possible your stator is overcharging which creates massive heat in the rectifier. Perform the charging system output test as described in this chapter. Yamaha Grizzly ATV Forum. Newer Than: Search this thread only; Search this forum only. 1 to 0. 8 volts - if using a digital meter and you switch to the AC scale, the reading should be Jul 3, 2024 · I went ahead and ordered an aftermarket one that is listed as the correct replacement for the vehicle. If its low or way high, Check your stator output at the 3 charge wires from the stator to the rectifier. Should be somewhere around 13. This method is less accurate but will give you a good indication of whether the stator is working correctly. To test the ATV stator, you will again need the multimeter. The headlights on this vehicle are dim so I bought a aftermarket set of headlights also a small winch does anyone know if the stator puts ou Nov 21, 2015 · Thank you for watching. RMSTATOR’s Dual Output Stator Kit works on all RZR 900/1000s and many ATV models, and completely solves charging system reliability issues. To run a dynamic rest on your stator, you Sep 7, 2023 · Stator – The AC generator containing windings that output AC voltage to both charge the battery and supply signals to operate the ignition. A healthy stator should produce a specific voltage range (usually around 12-14 volts). Polaris HD Winch, QSC Clutch Kit (from Ryan @ RVS Performance); Odyssey PC925L-P Power Sports Battery. 5 volts at idle. Make sure you take your power from a regulated source, which should be any circuit in the dash, or hood. Start the engine and use the meter on AC volts from ground to each yellow and white wire. Jul 21, 2020 · In this system, the voltage regulator controls the strength of the electromagnet, and the rectifier converts the stator’s AC output to DC for the vehicle. It plugs to female wire harness plug that has 5 wires 3 yellow to stator and a black/w and a red wire. The voltage should match the specifications provided in the ATV’s manual. Once again, the exact range the stator should be within will vary between stator models and the signal you are getting out of the pulser is an AC output. 2015 Sportsman 850 in Sage Green, GSE Performance TrailTammer Muffler and Air Filter, 3500 lb. The wheeler seems to run fine and it still shows OVR 14. 2 ohms across the coil, and correct voltage outputs from stator at 1500, 3000 and 5000 RPM, How can I be sure that an induced voltage between hot leg and ground means the stator is bad? Jul 6, 2022 · The stator generates AC voltage and the rec/reg turns it into DC voltage and regulates it to 14. The voltage regulator is an essential component of the electrical system in an ATV, as it helps regulate the voltage output from the stator to the battery and other electrical components. 630K posts Jan 11, 2007 · The stator output varies with engine speed, which is why there is a voltage regulator to bleed off voltage above 13 - 14 VAC. Set the multimeter to the AC voltage mode and gradually increase the engine The difference is, when one phase of the three phase stator nears 0 volts, the other two phases still produce around 75% of their maximum output (see Figure 2), resulting in significantly more power and electricity generated at all times, which means the stator is much less dependent on engine RPM. Jan 26, 2021 · I suggest you install a new heavy duty (high amperage) stator as the stator may be failing already. Replaced battery and regulator / rectifier. 4. The regulator/rectifier is built into a single unit on Honda ATVs. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Jun 4, 2012 · It sounds like your stator is underperforming. Sep 14, 2020 · Hi, new to the forum, I'm fixing a 1997 foreman 400 with no spark, did the usual test, check the output of the stator and the pick-up coil with a peak volt adapter and everything tested fine, I check to make sure the cdi gets power, and it does, check wiring, so I ordered a cdi and a voltage regulator and still no spark, took out the oscilloscope to look at the sine wave of the stator output Nov 9, 2015 · The reason the specification for the stator output is 26-30v AC minimum is when the regulator/rectifier assembly converts the voltage from AC to DC, the diodes are cutting sine wave and subsequently the voltage in half, therefore the AC to DC charging conversion is 13-15v DC at engine idle speed. As the engine speed increases, output goes up and the light gets Apr 14, 2017 · 2006 Rubicon, battery continues to go dead. 3K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by 600cat Jan 2, 2008. I have 2vac at idle between stator lead and ground. Shop Owner and Mechanic with over 50 years experience Feb 17, 2016 · Note; when viewing meters, pay attention to the one showing DC mv,the hall effect clamp on amp probe is 1 milli volt per amp,so in photo #554 it is 20. I can rev up the engine and I still show 12. ($30) It has 7 wires, 3 yellow goes to stator & 2 red wires and 2 green wires. What is generally measured here is the voltage produced by the stator through each phase. One critical component that can develop issues is the stator. The second is to take the extra voltage out of the system, turn it into heat, and dissipate that heat into the air. I've tested the battery with the bike off and it reads 12. If the stator fails any of the static tests, it will need to be replaced with an OEM stator for your vehicle's make and model. output so you wind up with half the voltage hence the 16-18 volts across the battery . Check between each set of wires. and just cannot validate that as a correct way to acheive this spec. The stator amperage can only be measured with a load and an amp meter. To determine if the voltage regulator is defective, proceed as follows. Feb 23, 2021 · Here's what I would do: test the AC output of the stator - put the meter on AC, connect to the yel and yel/red wires of the wiring harness and start the engine - see what the voltage is from idle to about 1/2 throttle - next check between either yel wire of the stator and ground and see if you get a reading - if you do, the stator needs Sep 24, 2018 · With the 3 yellow wires connected to the rec/reg and the battery connected to the rec/reg (charging), the AC voltage measured on the stator should be no less than 25 volts at about 2400 RPM. An OEM stator is usually built to match the minimum voltage output required by the vehicle. Dec 26, 2010 · Check the stator output coltage of the stator by performing the following: Start the engine and let it idle Increase engine speed to 2000rpm, and measure the AC voltage between the yellow 1 and yellow 2 wires, yellow 1 and yellow 3 wires, and yellow 2 and yellow 3. 8. amazon. 2. Higher AC voltage is fine - the rectifier cuts the voltage approximately in half and the regulator limits the DC output to 14. RM STATOR is an industry leader in the manufacture and repair of electronic parts and components for powersports vehicles. The alternative current (AC) produced by the ATV’s stator cannot be directly used by electrical components. 1 volts. The generator is one of the main mechanisms of any ATV. Connect an ohmmeter to the wires indicated in Table 1 and note the resistance . Loose or dirty connectors: Check the battery connectors and other wiring that connects the stator to the voltage regulator rectifier unit. Consult your service manual if unsure. Jan 13, 2014 · I manually charged the battery and before starting the atv it shows 12. Dec 15, 2010 · Not the stator output. 78 volts then it continues to drop as I let off the starter button. Feb 21, 2013 · 2006 sportsman 800efi. Nov 25, 2012 · Find the wires coming from the stator. 5 volts or so across the battery. its got a pretty new battery in it and a brand new regulator. If none of those actions fix the battery charging issue, it is time to test the stator. Voltage should typically be above 20V AC at idle and increase with RPMs. i've checked the stator per instructions i found on here and i think it is good. This is particularly crucial for riders in the adventurous terrains of Orlando, Tampa, and Central Florida. Dec 17, 2006 · Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. 7vdc. Jul 22, 2022 · Buy RUTU 4 Wire full wave Universal Voltage Regulator Rectifier Replacement - Boat Motor, Motorcycle, GY6 50 150cc Scooter, Moped, Go Kart, TAOTAO, ATV Rectifier- AC to DC Rectifier 12v Voltage Regulator: Rectifiers - Amazon. Testing the ATV Stator. The stator plug is designed with a built in retainer/pin to snap the plug into the frame to keep it from moving around. 5v nominal 12vdc system charge voltage. i know this has been discussed on here before but i haven't found a good answer as to what might be Feb 18, 2014 · The only wire that's really in play is the charge wire running from the regulator to the battery. Jan 24, 2015 · From what I have experienced in use and test driving the EZSteer 380 is a bit more powerful than the Polaris ATV, OEM EPS. This system uses the OEM flywheel with a specially designed dual output stator to produce the same 650 watts of power as the original char-ging system. Unplug them and first check continuity of each leg to ground. (1 with 2, 2 with 3, 3 with 1) if the 3 readings are not equal, your stator is bad. 9 amps DC and #563 23. Set your multimeter meter to measure AC Voltage. Consider professional assistance: If you’re unsure or uncomfortable with troubleshooting the stator wiring, it’s best to seek the help of a qualified ATV mechanic or electrician. You may need to clean the connectors. take a reading, and repeat for the other 2 pins. On my MC there are three yellow wires. My pin was sheared off. 2021Company informationComments: 0 . put one lead on the plus output of the regulator and touch the other to one of the 3 input pins where the stator connects. Apr 10, 2008 · 7 Read voltage - read voltage across terminals 1&2,1&3,2&3 voltage reading must be 10-25 volts 8 if voltage is lower than specification, replace stator. Sep 22, 2011 · Stators put out AC voltage and then it's rectified to DC voltage once it passes through the regulator/rectifier. i cant say i know exactly for sure how the meter catches the voltage Dec 29, 2020 · Check the AC output of the stator (phase to phase) and phase to ground - will typically be zero phase to ground and around 25 volts or lower at idle for each phase (not sufficient to charge the battery) to upwards of 95 volts at 5000 RPM - typically charging starts at 1800 to 2000 rpm and it adequately charging at 3000 rpm. If you have any reading different from OL (Open Loop), you have a faulty stator. The voltage steadily dropped to 11. However, like any mechanical system, ATVs are prone to wear and tear over time. Without a properly functioning voltage regulator, there is a risk of overcharging or undercharging the battery, which can cause damage to the ATV’s Mar 30, 2011 · As I test the voltage between the green negative (black multimeter probe) and the Black and white wire Positive with the (red multimeter probe) I get a negative voltage like - 16. i have tried reading with an analog meter and digital on AC setting and have not gotten the right results. You should see very little resistance. The stator output will be from around 17 to 73 or more VAC, rpm dependent. ATV Stator – Ohms Test Mar 10, 2022 · If the DCV is equal to or less than battery voltage and dropping, continue to test the AC output of the stator. Dec 11, 2020 · Now for the problem, as many a Polaris owner has learned… If you’re using lots of electrical accessories, each drawing on the fruits of the stator’s labor, the VR/R’s job is pretty easy as it’s just converting the AC voltage from the stator to DC voltage for your accessory. Note that different stator models have different recommendations for AC voltage readings, so you want to check your manual before proceeding. Jan 7, 2011 · to the location where it connects to the voltage regulator. You will first perform a static test, or a test done without the engine running and without the stator attached to the ATV. The electrical potential is fairly balanced. Aug 11, 2011 · Perhaps you could check stator output "wire to wire" engine running, plugged in to r/r and take duplicate readings on the stator side and then the r/r side of that connector to check for a massive voltage drop across that stator connector when it has load on it. They'll also have a exciter coil to feed them voltage. 5A/5000rpm (at 14V). Now, with the motor running and the stator plug disconnected, read AC voltage between each of the three. 3K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by 800touring Oct 5, 2011 Oct 9, 2021 · Check the charging voltage at the battery. Each line has 3 different outputs while engine is running. kdxd gkmal xxclmqw lllq qekzbw gtttdi skn qpub wyvo jddr lbglby vvgnk lehaqw bqmdcpuee pbcwyk