Npp only cycle reddit. Primo 300 mgs per week and npp 250mgs per week.

Npp only cycle reddit Sides can be pretty bad tho. I’ve currently done 5 cycles. Feel free to dm me if you want to discuss privately. Additionally, it is suggested that only one new compound be used per cycle, so its effects are easier to identify. Nandrolone has a lot of negatives if we’re looking at it from a longevity perspective and to me it makes sense to keep the cycles short and have the compound clear faster. Not a single ounce of lost sleep, rage etc etc Deca up to 600mg - nothing. Many say it reduces the sides that they get. Same goes for NPP, but I guess if you want EOD on npp then that's ok. pinning eod. I wouldn't pin NPP less than EOD, though. Have fun. Why are you taking 3 different compounds for your first cycle? EQ and NPP aren’t beginner level compounds either as you need AI knowledge on how quickly you aromitize. I will be cutting in the spring with a Tren cycle again, where I plan on starting at 150 and slowly working up to maybe 200 or 250mg/week, depending on how my body responds and the sides. I’m 6’ 182lbs 9% bf my goal is to bulk to 230. 5mg aromasin eod during Do test first. Bumped anavar to 50mg and winstrol to 75mg today. I also used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle and a bit afterwards. First and only run with nandrolone this far was NPP solo (no test base). First time I’m pretty sure I just ran 500mg test e with it and the second run I did 500 mg test e and 200mg NPP eod Goal of this cycle would be to put on as much mass as possible without having too much side effects so I've consider pretty mild stack. Your var only cycle of a measly 40 mgs per day speaks for itself. I know 3 times would be more optimal, but just purely out of laziness I’m about to finish up a nandrolone decanoate cycle. Also if you want to add a retarded amount of mass, take GH and insulin My first run was 20mg pwo for 4 weeks. What's the best way of trying NPP with minimal hair loss? Should I stop my dutasteride and do a NPP only cycle or should I do a test and NPP with RU58841? I'm curious as to what you guys would do News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. The real difference is the nandrolone metabolites linger around for a while and can interfere with recovery. Where test e takes a while to build up in the blood stream and npp takes action so quick should I start the npp on the same day as test or should I wait for the test to build up a little bit and then start npp? What dose do you recommend MENT to be used at? I was just reading about that on steroids wiki and it interested me. For all three of us, it's as if something in our brain/body stopped 'clicking' or connecting after the cycle. The one thing I did get with NPP is anxiety that’s about as bad as it got for me. I never ran it personally but many people do with better success mentally than npp+test. Looking for advice on my 2nd cycle. Super full. Its shows you have no idea how to really run a cycle. I'm thinking of adding in some NPP to my current cycle. I have, I ran NPP and var again @ 150/week and 25/day respectively. He used 1 mg of oral estrogen. Npp is my favorite. So while its way better than nothing, its not doing as much as you think. My only real experience was finishing off some NPP. 400 test and 300 npp. I’ll run it about 6 weeks I figure. So I plan on taking 1x 250mg sustanon ampule every 6 days a couple weeks from now 600mg bold and 600mg NPP/week That’s around 1:2 ratio Test:NPP I think I was at a gram test and 700 npp. For what it’s worth nandrolone is the only thing that game me horrible acne and it was only at 350mg per week (NPP ED injections). The thought process is I responded really well to my first test only cycle (350 for 6 weeks, 600 for 6 weeks) with minimal sides (barely any pimples, hair looks fine, mood was stable but a tad irritable on 600, BP stable at ~115/68), except itchy nips requiring 12. Hair loss. I am too risk averse to run Deca at this point. Two NPP cycles of 300mg/week and 1 Tren cycle of 150mg/week. (var: 10mg morning+10mg evening but if its workout day(I train 5 days/wk) the evening dose is 20mg pw) Alright lads so as the title says I’m thinking of doing a test only cycle. My schedule looks like this Monday: 100MG Test / 100MG Deca Wednesday: 100MG Test Friday: 100MG Test /100MG Deca The only sides I experience are mentioned above and mitigated with DHT derivatives. First 12 in a 500 cal surplus then last 8 drop the npp drop cals to maintenance or -200 deficit and drop excess water and a little fat. You can certainly do a 19nor on a cycle without blast and cruise. That said, it requires much more oil than Test to get the same results. I would only use NPP at the beginning and end of a cycle. Pros: . You should be fine running ralox or nolva into the cycle, although 20 mg nolva is definitely too high, I would really only go with 10 since you are not PCT'ing. I look WAY bigger than my relative strength on this shit. I find that NPP is a brilliant nitrogen retention agent for bulking. 4 weeks into a deca only cycle 450mg week and will titrate up to 600-700 if sides are minimal. Most bloated was 600 test 200npp. It’s something that only this sub reddit has made up. It’s also useful if the mental sides There are a lot of people who have anecdotes of nandrolone only cycles and they seem to work very well for some. I mean I had been in the game a while but at the time I was coming off a cruise so the results were drastic. 5-4 months after finishing that cycle. pct is nolva 40/40/20/20 starting a week after my last pin. 5mg, then I read about these guys on the compound experience threads that are running like 50mg or 100mg a day and complaining about side effects. Been cruising for 9 weeks. Increased libido even though his test was basically zero. Felt like I had high BP during the final weeks as I'd notice my heart rate would increase often just going up stairs despite also doing multiple 30 min stairmaster sessions a week. It really depends on what your goals are but if it were me, I'd wait til the test and primo saturate before adjusting the npp. Also why are you pinning Test E EOD? This is a much longer ester and really only needs to be pinned every 3 to 4 days. Been having quite a bit of anxiety and waking up at 1-2am and not going to sleep. Other Esters: I have only used NPP. Ill get blasted for this, but, absent medical literature behind test/deca ratios I wouldn't listen to the people that harp on them. If this is only your 3rd cycle I think your dosing is good. Everything about this is wrong. I was prepping for a meet and the higher NPP dose didn’t really benefit me. Just do yourself a favor, start with Test E/C and if you feel great on that after several weeks, add in a relatively mild oral like Anavar, Turinabol, etc. Came across a 10ml bottle of NPP 150/ml. Npp was 100x better. NPP only is the most hairsafe cycle you can do. Only issue was the first few weeks of npp was sweating intensly and anxiety/paranoid badly but i rid it out and kinda subsided but still got sweaty more then normal. Was thinking run test E 500mg weekly split into 2 injections with EOD NPP (still figuring dosage out) maybe 50mg a pin (total of 12 weeks). I doubt I'll run higher cycles until I physically cannot gain anymore on this. Anabolic doc has just recently made a video on a case study of a man who has been on deca instead of trt for years. 5ml Min topical liquid 2xdaily 2. I’ve ran Tren at 100mg ED, 125mg test ED, gram of EQ a week, almost no acne on any of those compounds. My first cycle was: 400 test, 300npp, 50mg tbol pre workout. I wanted to know when to start pct. For new users, a simple testosterone-only cycle is recommended. Test will be 525 mgs per week. Week 4 of Dbol start blasting Test and NPP. From personal experience and current cycle, I’m on 400mg test E, 300mg NPP, 25mg anavar, 50mg winstrol. This is the reason I chose to add mast to my test/NPP cycle. I immediately ran into prolactin/progesterone issues and couldn’t get it dialed in with caber or letro. These all worked fine. 16-20 week cycle ( I’d suggest 20 if doing good with sides) then drop back to your TrT cruise dose. Favorite cycle: I like 500t/300d/any dht I never tried the deca only and probably never will. Time to get big/bigger. If you use it make sure to megadose NAC. Most dry gains was npp only. You can load all of this in the same Syringe. previously done a test only cycle with max does of 300 mg per week. But the wiki says that an HRT dose of ment is only like 0. Overall tho, good cycle to use just 1 injectable and 1 oral Nearing end of 6 weeks of Anavar only, this is my first cycle ever, 30mg per day only, split 3 times, I’ve had nothing but a positive experience, seemed to lose fat even though not really trying and gained good muscle especially around delts/traps, and gained 1/2 inch on each arm, have to make myself leave the gym after 2+ hours everytime feel like I can go forever, have nolva on hand in I dipped my toe in PEDs with 140mg test e/wk. If your gonna try out npp I’d tell you fuck it, go for it. No sexual sides. Joints were invincible. If u go deca, make sure u are cruising after finishing the cycle, if u pct, npp is better. I'd recommend NPP as the ester is shorter and you can get off faster if you experience side effects. I got INSANELY horny. With Nandrolone and Test as your first cycle, you won’t have any fucking clue which side comes where or how to address it unless you’re pulling bloods ever 2-4 weeks lol. This is a contest prep cycle. Don’t take it unless you develop bad signs of high e2. Another bulk starts tomorrow. I'm also taking . Week 1: Dbol only. I had massive results from test/NPP/Ment cycle. Tren cycle I only do 6 to 8 weeks cause of sides. small amount of hair loss but i wasnt using anything to combat it. And if I’m correct it was about 3. Have a appointment with cardiologist for echo, precautionary. Now im finishing my cut with second cycle: 350test+300primo/wk + 30var/day. 150-200mg starting. I will also be taking p5p (if prolactin sides are prevalent), Hawthorne berry extract (for cardiovascular health), multivitamin, salmon oil caps, and nac. I'm cutting and I'm running 250mg test p, 700mg tren a, and 700mg mast per week. I wouldn't recommend it, as response seems to vary wildly from person to person. Also pinning frequency, if u just wanna pin twice a week go with deca, if u can pin more go npp. Pretty stupid I am well aware however I’ve got my ratios spot on and know what works for my body with these compounds stacked together. 5D Derek has a video about using NPP with transdermal estrogen as a substitute for regular TRT. On week 7 of 450mg Test E and week 4 of NPP @ 200mg a week eod. You can do a Deca/NPP only cycle, it's not unheard of. This will be my first big bulking cycle with running 3 compounds and doing anything above TRT. It really makes the protein you eat stick to your frame. Yeah I would definitely go the NPP route, it seems like a lot of people get depressed from deca, but not NPP, not sure how that works but 🤷🏻‍♂️ and as far as the heart problems go, I think it's dose dependent, but from what I've seen there does seem to be something about deca creating some heart remodeling and heart fibrosis business going on. Run 500mg cyp weekly divided evenly eod shot and you already have ai on hand so that’s good. I’ve done is before even post cycle to get diced but he seems to think you gotta run a base with everything, even if at TRT dosage. As I've said before, NPP is the ultimate bodybuilding drug, it's perfect if you only care about lifting weights. Sitting at 88kg after a very successful first cycle of test & mast. I want to try it, again, probably using 75-100mg Test and 1000-1500 deca. I actually started a third cycle with NPP as it served me so well and added some undeniable mass and fullness to me; I have decided to pull back from that cycle, but definitely see myself using it again when I decide to cycle again. Jesus man both those doses seem double what they should be I would honestly only be running adex . This is not my first cycle I know I’ll get questions about it. End of first cycle I was 194 lbs 19% bf 5’10” Currently in a deficit shedding much fat as possible before bulking again I’m at 183 lbs 16% BF Designed this as classic Bulk cycle Test/Dbol/Deca only subbing deca for NPP and added proviron/Primo to help with sides. And use Primo or Mast to help with gyno My go is 300 test, 400 npp, 400 mast or 300 test, 400 npp and 200 Primo That way my E2 is high but not so high i get any symptoms And p5p for prolactin. . No caber, no AI. Just pulled test and NPP last week to get rid of water retention. I know that running npp gives me a lower chance of getting gyno but i'll have some arimidex on hand just in case. 5 arimidex ED for the next week because of how high my estro levels are right now and then I'm backing down to . Just finished a 16-week run with NPP, ran at 400/245/50 test/NPP/Proviron. Issues included gyno, dick intermittently not working ext but the gains were awesome. If you are a heavy aromatizer like me try to keep the the test a little bit lower than Deca/Npp but not so much you get problems. Here’s how I plan to set up my 3rd cycle and I want your feedback. Let do this 🦾🦾 cycle 2 - test, mast, npp. I took Tudca and aromasin but idr what the dosage and timing was. Heart sounds good. Was planning a DECA cycle of 600-900mgs a week. Makes me lovey dovey teddy beary. 20 week cycles. I ran 600 test 200 NPP for 10 weeks, 200 test 400 NPP for 10 weeks, and 700NPP only for 12 weeks. Results: HDL in the gutter LDL particle size high as well as blood concentration SHBG in the gutter VERY androgenic - increased body hair growth. I still have some of the intrusive, jealous thoughts etc but feels much more manageable than I’d expect without the Mast. Run test only at a moderate dose 300-500 and learn how you react to it and how to handle steroids. I feel no difference between npp or deca other than duration of effect. BP is good, a little high 140/80. (1) Youre going to aromatize regardless; (2) you might end of taking an AI to combat such (3) your testosterone is going to be fairly high whether on 125, 150, 200 mg a week (4) its hard to predict exactly what your estrogen will land at on various doses unless The ratio is usually ok, some run 1:1. I'd honestly recommend anyone having hair loss issues to run an NPP only cycle. Deca will stay in your system much longer and could potentially suck if you have no clue what you are doing. I haven't tried EQ or NPP yet so that's why I'll be considering NPP once I've assessed the side effects of EQ and whether I would like to push it even further with NPP. Seeing it coming up a hell of a lot recently and apparently it gives good dry gains, very little aromatisation and "apparently" no libido issues. On a 14 week blast and cruise. Planning my next cycle out foe the fall and wondering what you guys think. I got bigger and leaner on npp and i didn’t hold as much water and i dont hold a lot as Is. 5mg Pyrilutamide topical 2x daily . It’s gonna be person dependent bro, like I said I can only give anecdotal BUT for me, I take anecdotal over most studies, reason being is we aren’t doing low doses here, at least not “therapeutic”. I’d advise looking up nandrolone only cycles as I am no expert on it, but typically people go 800mg or so deca. No need to go up too fast Cycle has been 300 test / 300 mast / 150 NPP weekly. He tried it for a few months and analyzed his blood work and what else happened. I was genuinely unconcerned and pleasant. Planning on cruising now after this cycle Ran hcg 3 weeks before then 20mg nolva for 6 weeks. After 4months I went on mass gaing phase with 280mg/wk which I count as my first cycle. It's not the estrogen from it that's the kicker, but rather the fact that it, like the other 19-nors, is a progestin, which can trigger gyno in some people, and that can't really be controlled easily. Do u think upping the test is a better option than adding like 300mg npp to my trt? One of the guys got on TRT, so even with his levels in the thousands it hasn't helped him get back to his normal sense of "self"- it's as if the one cycle did permanent damage that destroyed something physiological. I was under the impression that it would be out of my system in about a month, but people here in Reddit say it stays in the system for up to 6 months. After 4 to 6 weeks on npp, adding primo 400-600mg weekly for 16-18 weeks. I'm on a cruise of test at the moment. Details of the cycle you included the drug in Whether you liked the compound or not and whether you’d use it again Each ester you have used and if your experience varied (if applicable) This week’s compound/PED is: Nandrolone (Deca, NPP, etc. with npp prolactin gyno is your biggest issue hence the caber i would cut that dose in half too your estrogen levels are probably fuckin tanked man and from everyone I’ve talked to low estrogen sides seem to be worse than I also don't think that is true either, no one has ever complained about permanent libido impairment from a test only cycle, or a test dbol cycle, or a test ansvar cycle, or a test winstrol cycle, or a test proviron cycle, or a test equipoise cycle, there are however thousands upon thousands of complaints of ruined libido from a test Nandrolone Semi recently I began working with nandralone for the first time ever. 41 year old male 15 years cycle experience With very very good source (no you can’t have it) Up to tren ace 700mg weekly—- nothing. Second run was 40mg a day. I’ve only ever done NPP solo but I’ll be running it again in a few weeks with test C, I didn’t find the virilisation bad at all with NPP and I took upward of 70mg a week in fact idk if it’s because I stopped the test but hair growth actually slowed. If you have hair shedding on test, try dbol on your next cycle. I still did well at the meet but I’ll stick with it @ 150 from now on I think. 1-10 Test E @ 500mg/wk 1-10 NPP @ 300mg/wk E3D 1-4 Dbol @ 30mg/day 1-10 Caber @ 1mg/wk 1-10 aromasin @ 12. I've used pretty much every steroid over the years, including tren, but NPP is a reliable favorite. Constant, subtle increase in strength over the course of the cycle. 3-4 weeks in on only 300 my late, traps, delts all really start to just swell up. I was using 25mg Test E and 75mg NPP ED, or 175/525, and I felt great. 95kg is the goal. Lots of people have hair shedding on test but not on dbol. Those aren’t good dosages bro you’d get more out of 500 test you won’t even notice mast or npp at 100mg a week id double all of them tbh you’ll regret running a lil bitch cycle like that at the end of it Stop running eq a few weeks before coming off cycle to keep estrogen from tanning. Doesn’t really make sense considering the half like is like 9-12 days. For me this had been much more enjoyable than my previous test only, test + dbol and test + anavar cycles. Crazy size, fullness, and aesthetics. Primo 300 mgs per week and npp 250mgs per week. Cycle outline: Dose: 630mg/wk run up to 1050mg/wk by week 3 (assessing tolerability, brewed at 150mg/ml which is why dosing is odd) Duration: 7 weeks, dropped early for other reasons Ancillaries: none. Blood pressure and blood work really help decide how long I run a cycle. now, the questions. Honestly a great steroid in terms of look size strength joints etc. I also go bigger on npp but idk if it was because i had to work out differently because i was in light duty because my leg was healing from a surgery so I’d really focus on resistance and feeling each workout and taking it slow vs working heavier weights. Felt like I could eat a ton of food and stay lean. 25 eod tops I personally take even less because I’m stacking mast. He had no testosterone in the body because he just came of a NPP only cycle. Mar 13, 2013 · I've done three cycles, 2x Test+Deca and this last one: 300 test + 400 NPP + TBol (50 mg/d x 6wks). I have experience with test, primo, decca and npp, however have never done a test only cycle. Then later on maybe add deca or npp if i know this shit is for Test and npp cycle My next blast is gonna be 300mg test e and 300mg npp per week. Tren I’m fine just on edge. Npp is going to give you more bang for your buck overall in my opinion, but can you handle the 19-nor sides? Daily at least EOD injections will help manage levels for lower sides. I did the same and seen some nice gains prettyvquick look alot fuller and get better pumps in the gym i ran 500 test 300 npp. Anyway. Adding npp to my cycle This is not my first cycle and I'm an advanced lifter of more then 20 years in the gym. All of my cycles of NPP and Tren were at low doses. I typically go by feel. 400 test/400 nand/200 mast (or 50mg proviron daily) is my sweet spot go-to bulking cycle. And you only need to pin it 1x per week but i prefer to take the 200Mg and split it into 2x a week. One in the morning, one pwo and only lasted two and a half weeks. No AI use, no acne, no moonface, I just have increased vascularity and endurance and muscles look "full" all day. I know we always advise adding a single compound at a time but had read often about mast helping with the mental sides of NPP. Dropped the test and upped the nandrolone. Grow baby grow Currently on week 4 test, week 2 bold and first NPP shot was a couple days ago. Not a high dose for most but im pretty sensitive to all 19-nors. I want to add primo so I dropped the npp a bit and will be switching tbol 50 for anavar 50, workout days only (4x per week). I’ll be running 500 mg test for 28 weeks, yes a long cycle I know. If you want to do a long cycle, then choose Deca over NPP. I’ll be running my npp at a mild dose of 150mg for 20 weeks. Yeah if I add npp it definitely wouldn’t be on top of 700mg of test was thinking more like 300mg test with 300mg npp, I did 500mg my first cycle which I found underwhelming and my blood work looked good so I decided to push it a bit on the next cycle. Just solid gains NPP- every fucking side imaginable Only way to know is to start low and work your way uo. I am 2 weeks in to a pretty much identical cycle. But primo will fuck your hair. The only downside to the deca is the long halflife of metabolites, I think I've read a study where the shutdown lasts for 4 months after taking it out. Cycle: 500 Test / 300 NPP Why NPP and not Deca?: Easy. I do love test, but after each cycle, I get a bit of hair loss, and it's really making me want to quit cycling. Does anyone have any experience with taking Topical Finasteride or Dutasteride with a Testosterone and NPP / Deca Cycle? Planned protocol: 500 NPP 250 Test Microneedling 1xweek . 6 weeks ago I started a npp/eq/primo/test cycle after 5 years off or more from messing with nandrolone or 19nors. Npp/Deca EQ anavar dbol anadrol winstrol tren Tren is the only one comparable in terms of how much muscle tissue (not weight, not LBM, but contractile tissue) it puts on. Aug 23, 2017 · What's everyone's thoughts on running deca or npp only cycles? Well deca without test to be more specific. This is my planned bulking cycle for later this is it too much it's been a while since I've used PEDS 1G test 500MG NPP 1 Dbol a day (for the first 30 day) 1 premo a day through the cycle Share Add a Comment That was my original plan then I came across people doing deca only cycles or deca with low test with minimal side effects, my main concern is hair loss so keeping my test low and adding in npp sounded appealing. I took a 5 year break 10 years ago to get my business up and running now I'm just working on feeling jacked. Worth checking out if you’re interesting in running deca only for what I assume is hair loss reasons? Starting my 2nd cycle soon, I think I’ve decided on amounts and ratios. I’d run it like this… 20 weeks Week 1-20 test Week 1-16 eq Week 8-20 npp You can probably run the npp the entire cycle, but I start having sides after 12 weeks with 19nors. 500 test, 350 primo, 150 npp. Test and primo I run for 16 weeks cause the worst side affect I have is elevated red blood count but donation fixes that easy. Feb 14, 2025 · Test+Primo+NPP, the best cycle I've ever done. It depends wat ur goals are; faster onset of effects u go with npp, if u dont mind it coming in later go with deca. How are your gains? Any problematic sides or unexpected issues? Interested to hear your thoughts if you care to share. + cutting. 5mg Dutasteride topical 2x daily One of the best looks I ever had was when bulking on NPP. Probably 1000mg for every 10mg of superdrol Npp is pretty fast acting. More experienced users may choose to leverage multiple compounds in a single cycle. Test/NPP/Ment I gained 40lbs in 16 weeks (muscle memory for 30lbs of the 40lbs) 220lbs to 260lbs yeah so i did a cycle not long ago of 500/400 test/NPP and i wouldnt say it was like i was horribly depressed and anxious i would just say that my general state of mind was very "bleh" and that i was very susceptible to easily getting depressed by things, i honestly did not like it at all, however ive learned that using masteron is very effective for drowing out the negative effects of NPP so Suggested first cycle is test only don’t mix in any other compounds. But nandrolone fucked me up. Ask anyone who’s 240lbs+ in real life that you can’t do a 19nor and they’ll look at you weird. I want to try NPP. Feb 28, 2024 · I'm 56 years old, currently using 600mg Test E / 300NPP per week. The Dbol will be a kick starter. ) Wiki compound profile: Here (Deca) my next cycle will probably be ( depend on the comments and conclusions/Risks ) : Test E + Npp + EQ ( I know how to dosage and ratio between each ) Sounds like you have a good plan. On Monday I just started a 400test/600npp cycle so depending on what you decide to run at we can bounce back and forth with each other on how it's going. I'm currently on Dutasteride and I know combining the two would speed up hair loss. 5D 1-17wk EQ 600mg E3. 20weeks test 500/npp 150(low as this is my first 19nor) Weeks 1-20 500mg cyp Week 1-4(maybe 5) test p at like 300 a week for a kick start Npp either 1-20 150 a week or wait till week 4-5-20(whenever I drop the prop/cyp takes over) honestly from person experience npp is one of the compounds i’d run 16 weeks easily, i’d run it with masteron though bec my mood is the only side effect i get, nandrolone in no way is bad for the heart, never fucked up my bloods, shit me down for a while, but just stay on trt and hgh and should be solid, i think cardiac restructuring really happens if you’re pushing gear too much for ur 500 test 600 primo 500 npp or 500 test 500 mast 500 npp. Been doing research and trying to plan a pretty safe cycle to bulk up with during winter. Honestly felt the best and looked the best on this versus high test or moderate test + NPP. I'm talking your first test only cycle horny. Change to 15+ weeks instead of 10 as well. 27m 210lbs 15% BF currently. Could feel the NPP really kick in by week 3. Best balance of results and system stress. 40mg accutane every week split its 20mg 2x a week helped a lot but I still had Think of starting a new cycle like Npp 400mg Primobolan 200mg Test E 300mg My main question would it be a bad idea to pin this twice a week instead of 3. This was my first time using nandrolone. Should I run the NPP at 450/wk for the first two weeks with 600mg of DECA? Looking for good options of how to add it in at the start. You're probably way to young to be running gear if you can't even put up with a proper protocol. 550 Cons: I held a shit ton of water within the final 2-3 weeks of cycle. If you don’t want to do Ment (which I believe is one of the best compounds you can use) you can just do a Test/NPP/mast e cycle start to finish (mast e 400mgs a week). i handle it pretty well with slight increase in acne and water were the main sides overall. Pip is caused by many things including needle guage, or/and length, oil volume and/or viscosity, crystallization ability of compound, virgin muscle injections, scar tissue buildup, maybe nicking a vein or capillary and blood has pooled in the area or even leaked subq if injection not done deep enough. Never used Deca before, and while I appreciate the active compound of nandrolone is in essence the same as NPP I have naturally high prolactin - so although I have caber on hand and regularly take P5P thought maybe a minimum effective dose of 300 as given the longer ester thought it could cause more problems with prolactin- or would this in theory be pretty much a carbon copy of the NPP cycle Have went to the dark side and do my trt all ugl. I PCT’d off my first 15 week test only cycle, didnt feel dramatically crap or anything, lost most of gains due to lockdown. I would NOT run 600/600 NPP/TEST in your situation as that is not a hairsafe cycle imo. 5 arimidex EOD. Just looking big af- if you’re the type that just wants to look big, this is your shit. With like 50 var preworkout. Id do test first, see how I react and either up the dose next cycle or if I didnt like the effects switch to dbol. I finished my NPP cycle @ 250/week for the last two. Npp is a great compound I actually ran test 500 npp 350 for one of my first cycles it’s still one of my first cycles I got big fast the only thing I’ve noticed after running EQ is npp makes me super watery it’s fine for the winter but I would never take it during the summer your cycle looks good tho you can adjust according to your bloodwork npp can raise estrogen but prolactin shouldn I have read plenty of people doing a low dose test and higher NPP cycle with great results. What would be the difference of me getting blood tests 2 weeks into cycle vs 8 weeks into cycle? Also, since mast will help regulate high e2 levels that npp would produce, should I have an ai on hand? Or just raise dosage of mast? Or could that question only be answered with bloodwork? Wanting to do a second bulking cycle in the coming months and make some serious gains. Head space was worse on NPP than tren. I have no experience with NPP just good old classic Nandrolone long ester. For reference, I think I added 50mg npp eod in the middle of a test only cycle and it took about 2 weeks for sides to set in. Sexual function was fine regardless. I want this compound in and out of my body as fast as possible. Hey mate - sorry to interrupt this thread but I was curious about your current cycle. I am looking to run npp 450mg per week for ten weeks along test p at 300mg per week for 10 weeks. On NPP some days are brutal to get up in the morning. I was taking around 500mg test only, but now I’m stacking in order to lower test dose for less DHT conversion. Test E 300mg E3. Find your tolerance Going to run a 16 week test primo cycle with a 12 week cycle of npp included in that. The pros did it during the golden age and they swore by it. My mate and I with our combined knowledge of two decades of bro science and PED usage are trying to determine if running a Clen-Only cycle has benefits. 5mg/ED I would be pinning once test once a week, NPP E3D Studies show it only reduced follicular dht by 30-50% which is what causes the hair loss. ygnpjgc dfgzm sgtny vtvjy gvhka avvnrff jvlqqj hhucno isfaz xypiwp ijumyrx aih bvwt cnys dizumn