3 knocks at 3am meaning. I got up and checked out the house.
3 knocks at 3am meaning Nov 12, 2024 · The spiritual meaning of hearing three knocks has been a subject of intrigue and speculation among various cultures and belief systems. I do know all of the spirits I've had in my house(s) have only knocked either 2 or 4 times, never three. 3 Knocks In A Dream Meaning. Albert Anderson is a renowned expert in dream interpretation, bringing over twenty years of experience to the field. It can also be a symbol of communication with our own inner selves, or even a call to action from a higher power. I was in my studio when there were three loud knocks, the door was locked, I checked it and shook it like five times, yeah I was that weird and this was before the loud knocks, after the knocks the door slowly opened and the locks were still engaged. This can be a reminder or a warning of a potential problem or challenge. Understand how these knocks Oct 26, 2023 · When you dream of 3 knocks, it’s possible that your subconscious is trying to send you a warning. Perhaps hearing two knocks tells you the message is related to romance. In the book of Jeremiah 33:3, it says: this has been has been hapening for years to me. Don’t be fearful and I would definitely have the house blessed by a priest and saged(but I am definitely not an expert, I would do more research if this does happen to be the case) Dec 4, 2020 · 3 knocks at 3AM. Similarly, five knocks could mean that you should be prepared for change, while six knocks could signify a need for more balance. Sep 13, 2024 · Spiritual awakening: If you keep waking up at 3:33 am, it may be a sign that your spiritual growth is accelerating. Apr 17, 2023 · The number 3 is a combination of the spirit, soul, and body. This auspicious moment of the night calls for immediate spiritual attention. In angel numbers, 3:30 stands for balance, growth, and inspiration. Another Biblical Meaning of Hearing Knocking Apr 30, 2023 · Introduction: Understanding the Power of Dreams. Hearing 3 distinct knocks may relate to communication from the Trinity – God the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Divine Presence: Some interpret three knocks as a sign of divine communication There was a story on Paranormal Witness season 3 episode 1 where a family heard knocks in the middle of the night. Delving into cultural interpretations, emotional responses, and personal anecdotes, it encourages reflection and mindfulness to interpret these experiences. When you hear knocking, pause to pray for discernment about its meaning, pay attention to intuition, and take faithful action by drawing close to God. In this article, we will be covering the process to follow when trying to determine the true meaning of three knocks. Hearing three knocks is to show you that you’ve been estranged from your spiritual Well, in some ancient belief systems 3 represented completion/harmony. It was very deliberate and intelligent. Jan 20, 2025 · Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries, often serving as a gateway to our subconscious thoughts and feelings. 3 Three knocks – Completion and wholeness The 3 righteous patriarchs before the flood were Abel, Enoch and Noah. Apr 12, 2024 · Uncover the diverse interpretations of the meaning behind 3 knocks, from death omens to communication from the spirit world, in different cultures and psychological perspectives. " I my mom and her family were haunted by demonic entities for her entire childhood. Me at 3am. Did you know that the number 3 holds a lot of meaning for spirits? The sound seemed to come from all directions at once. 4 Knocks In A Dream Biblical Meaning. The Enigmatic Three Knocks: A Anything relating to defending your home and family. Lived in a two-story house. These three knocks symbolize the power and protection of God, serving as a divine message of assurance and assistance in times of need. Dreaming of 3 knocks also signals a strong desire for closure in your life. These are rare. This dream of 3 knocks symbolizes a threat to your physical well-being. If nothing else happens then i would say it was a last goodbye from a friend. Went to the bathroom sometime later and had 3 knocks there. But it almost certainly does not mean death is coming. they always happen between midnite and 3am. After the deluge there was the righteous "fathers" Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (later renamed Israel). Delve into historical contexts, personal anecdotes, and spiritual practices that shed light on this phenomenon. Aug 5, 2024 · 3 knocks in a dream meaning biblical can be more than just random sounds. com/ghotter 2 Two knocks – Relationships and love. Jan 28, 2025 · Common Myths vs. It's actually just a time of day. Dec 20, 2024 · The meaning of three knocks is rich and multifaceted, spanning a wide range of spiritual, supernatural, and cultural interpretations. Many scriptures emphasize the importance of prayer during these hours. In this journey through the world of dreams, we'll explore the multifaceted meaning of Three Knocks in a Dream Meaning, delving into the cultural beliefs that surround this mysterious phenomenon. Edit: Starting at 12 AM and lasting until 4 AM, more or less. Feb 23, 2024 · What significance does the act of three knocks have in the Bible? In the Bible, the act of three knocks symbolizes persistence in prayer and seeking God’s attention. – Virgos are known for their attention to detail and their desire for order. Our home was way out in Nov 7, 2024 · Prepared for 3 Am Meaning. I listen and do hear light knocking. it begins with markings of 3. ” Some people believe that the knocking is the ghost or spirit of the person who’s about to pass away while others believe it’s a warning from the spirit world. Home security system information, CCTV cameras, Outdoor lighting, door & window fortification & locks, No-knock warrant discussion, Panic rooms/Weather shelters, Safes, Utility outages, Firearm selection & safe storage & proper use, Safety plans, tactics, etc. Have you been waking up every 3 am? Then, you need to pay attention. From a biblical perspective, waking up at 3 AM carries special significance. Waking up at 3am is considered a threshold to the divine, a time for spiritual growth, introspection, and communion with the divine. Aug 19, 2022 · When God knocks on your door, do not ignore Him or remain confused about God’s purposes for your life. Three knocks in a dream are a sign of a message or warning. Many believe these knocks serve as spiritual messages, prompting you to explore your intuition and spiritual path. I had been out that night and came back with a nice girl I met. Here are two on my experiences: 1988, 3am, alone except for my dog, and sound asleep. This occurrence is often regarded with a sense of mystery and can carry different connotations, from the herald of supernatural presence to a sign of impending news. It can be related to various risky circumstances such as sickness, robbery, assault, or even natural disasters like floods, fires, or tornados. The spirit world, according to many spiritual traditions, possesses wisdom and foresight beyond our mortal comprehension. I put on a shirt and look through the peephole. Two Knocks On The Door. Something caused me to wake up at 3am last night, and as I lay in the bed with my dog I hear 3 knocks. 2 Two knocks – Relationships and love. tonite it was 4 right at midnite. Dec 16, 2022 · What's the spiritual meaning of waking up at 3:30 am, compared to 3 am? Waking up at precisely 3:30 am could carry additional significance to waking at 3 am. The knocks occurred once every couple of months, with some aggressive events in between times the knocks were heard. Knocking sounds can sound like they have no location in your house. Howeveryou don't open the door, it does invite it in. The number three itself is often associated with completeness and a sense of finality. 1 What does 3 am mean spiritually? 3 am is spiritually called the devil’s hour or the witching hour. No matter the number of knocks heard in your sleep, it’s important to take the time to reflect on their deeper meaning and understand what message they could be conveying. He wants access to me and He wants it right now! 2005, 4am, 22 year old son is home from college, and I am awakened by three loud knocks. Although I didn't participateit immediately piqued my interest and I began my research into why 3am is so widely regarded as the Witching Hour. Jul 10, 2024 · What Are Three Knocks? Three knocks is a popular symbol in various spiritual traditions around the world. Jan 9, 2020 · Superstition says if you hear three knocks and no one is there, it usually means someone close to you has passed away. 3:33am is the alliterative version of that. Apart from the meanings and messages that we’ve already discussed, the number of knocks that you hear could also have a significant meaning. It’s possible that the 3 knocks are, however, the spirit of a recently passed person whom you knew. 3 Knocks – You’re Aligning Parts of Yourself. Then what followed was six knocks. Common Interpretations. Mar 18, 2024 · These knocks can bring solace to those grieving, providing a sense of connection that death has not entirely severed the bonds of love and kinship. Nothing. One was 3 knocks also. Jan 2, 2023 · The Meaning Of Hearing Two Knocks. It’s purely coincidence: While some awakenings are natural, repeated experiences may carry deeper meaning. 3am Water Meaning. It is also said that if you hear three knocks with no explanation behind Nov 23, 2024 · What Are Three Knocks? Three knocks represent one of the most intriguing spiritual signs across various belief systems and cultures. Nov 29, 2023 · According to various interpretations, hearing three knocks in a dream can signify different things. This isn’t not the first time I’ve heard something like this before. If things start going haywire and you get knocking, banging, slamming of doors and scratches all in 3s then it is not your friend! 2005, 4am, 22 year old son is home from college, and I am awakened by three loud knocks. By reading scripture and praying , we can find insights that clarify our roles. Now imagine this every single night for weeks. SIGH Just because there are 3 knocks doesn't mean it is a mocking of the trinity. I read somewhere that waking up at 3 am can be linked to liver issues. Hearing 3 knocks: Sounds generally are associated with the worship of deities and spiritual beings. if it continues making noise at night, check the time, 3am is another sign. With practical advice on journaling and meditation, embrace this unique time for self-discovery and personal growth. " Dec 24, 2024 · Discover the intriguing spiritual significance behind hearing three knocks. Explore historical references and more. The dream may reflect their need for clarity or understanding. Knocks are usually loud and authoritative like a cop knocking on your door. Are there any specific biblical references to three knocks and their meaning? There are no specific biblical references to three knocks and their meaning. Started upstairs while watching Rosemary's Baby at 3AM one night. Followed by two sounds that sound like just general house creaking noises. My family and our dog have have all heard the knocks and nothing could be observed as a cause. By remaining open to the messages and paying attention to the signs, one can unravel the profound symbolism and insights that this phenomenon may bring. 5) Rest in God’s presence “So I will come to you as a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you. Final Words Mar 11, 2023 · What Three Knocks Mean in a Dream What Three Knocks Symbolize. " Revelation 3 Jan 9, 2018 · This post is the third in a series on doors and promises. Let’s delve into these. ” – Revelations 3:3 Didn’t think much of it until 3 years later back in September I was in my hotel room during a work trip. A group of 3 knocks equally spaced then a paused interval to indicate space and separateness. Revelation 3:20 NASB. Mar 6, 2024 · In any case, if you hear 3 knocks on the door and you believe it is spirit, read the sections above to get some more advice on what it means and how to deal with it. Instead, Christians believe God’s power is greater than any spiritual darkness. 3 knocks on my window. If you hear three knocks, it could be a sign that you are integrating your psyche, spirit, and body. Hearing 3 Knocks at 3am. I’m not kidding you. 3 Three knocks – Completion and wholeness. Spiritually, when you hear knocking on the doors, it is either a warning of 3 knocks meaning It is believed that a triple knock has deep spiritual significance. We had just begun to fool around and BAM three loud ass knocks on the door. Link Link When you wake up at auspicious moments, it is spiritual. Reflecting on biblical stories can enhance your understanding of these Typically around 3am. Your deceased loved one could be telling you they are okay where they are, or God is sending you a message of fulfilled dreams. Me Trying to Sleep at 3am. 4 knocks: A sign to stay balanced. Symbolically, the number two represents balance, harmony, and partnership. Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries; they have been understood as messages from the divine, as warnings of impending doom, as an avenue to connect with ancestors, and as a way to process complex emotions and thoughts. It was coming within the wallsthat was the start of something bad for them. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 2. I get home around 8pm and go to bed. So, whenever you hear 3-knocks, pay close attention to your emotions. A few nights ago my sister told me she heard 3 knocks on her window and asked if I was trying to scare her. This article explores various cultural interpretations, from connections with the spirit realm to personal transformation and messages from guardians. Find out the deeper symbolism and what messages may be trying to reach you! So last night around 3am, I was laying in my bed. Last night at 3am she wakes me up because someone is knocking on the door. Went downstairs to the living room and had 3 knocks there. Three knocks often capture attention, leading to questions about their significance. Interpreting the Symbolism of Triple Taps 2005, 4am, 22 year old son is home from college, and I am awakened by three loud knocks. UK Facebook page/ Limitles As a matter of American tradition, 3am is the soul's midnight, it's when you cross from yesterday to today, the most vulnerable moment at which a demon might try to catch you. First two. Delve into the connection between your dreams Nov 11, 2017 · A few days ago there was an interesting question posted on the Facebook Group about the power of 3 (3 knocks, 3 am is the witching hour, etc) and how it came to be. Moving to the interpretation of three knocks, we encounter the significance of the number three in biblical tradition. 3 knocks therefore means the spirit is evil. . The number two is closely associated with love and relationships, so if you hear two unexplained knocks, it tells you that this is where to seek the answer. Some believe it could be a sign of good luck, while others see it as a warning of impending danger. We have universal time now, I routinely talk to people at 3am in foreign countries. ” Jan 29, 2025 · Waking at 3 AM may be a sign to explore deeper meaning. 3am Cold Water What Then it got me thinking this isn't the first time I've heard these exact knocks. In these times, perhaps the message being delivered to you is waking at 3 AM. While visiting one summer, my Dad took the time to introduce all of us kids and visit with in the backwoods of Cajun country. Every time I hear 3 knocks, death is followed. This is… Read More »7 Spiritual Meaning of Waking Up at 3 AM: Is It God? Ahhh yes, 3 knocks. Libra: The 3 knocks in the dream may represent a message or signal from the subconscious mind. In the spirit world, the number 2 is a symbol of love, marriage and twin flames. What Three Knocks Portend My girlfriend and I are staying in a Doubletree hotel while we visit family for Thanksgiving. Last year when a friend passed away I was laying in bed wanting to get more Z's but knowing I had to get my kiddo up for school. It means that you’re putting different parts of what makes you, you, into alignment. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. This could mean that you’re becoming more aware of your inner self and the world around you. Nov 8, 2024 · Hearing three knocks, especially when there’s no clear source, can carry several interpretations, often rooted in folklore and superstition. The 3:33 could maybe just be a coincidence and has become a type of routine. Part 1 looked at Jesus as the door to the sheep pen or Kingdom of God (John 10: 7 – 10). each experence i was with my grand father. Sep 20, 2023 · Dreams have a language of their own, and one intriguing element that often appears is the sound of three knocks. When you hear 3 knocks on the door, it may be a sign that your number is up. this refers to the 3 knocks of the witchboard in the corn field, this is why people "knock on wood" for good luck, because it's said the spirits of the corn fields will prosper you if you do this, this also refers to 3am the witching hour, it is said if you awake at 3am, knock on wood 3 times and say "bloody Mary possess me" 3 times while looking indirectly into a mirror As I was sitting there smoking a cigarette, I heard some knock on the fence dividing my property. I believe that when I hear these knocks the Lord is speaking to me. Some use the terms “heaven,” “earth,” and “water,” or “mind,” “body,” and “soul” to describe it. then a pause and then a third one was added. If you’re currently single, two knocks can mean a soul mate or twin flame is looking for you. Explore its historical and cultural interpretations across various traditions, from connections with ancestors to messages from the spiritual realm. Only once did we hear it on the front door. It can also be a sign that something important is about to happen, or that something important needs to be addressed. There are 27 books in the New Testament, which is 3 x 3 x 3, or completeness to the third power. It is attracted to someone in the home. These are what is called roaming spirits. Jul 28, 2021 · I will be talking about 3 knocks mentioned in the Bible. Oct 28, 2024 · Biblical Meaning of Waking Up at 3 AM. Biblical Truths This actually was the case with us. They almost always occurred on my bedroom door, which was always closed at that hour. I was alone, no one was around and this was in the daytime. After a 3-4 knocks it starts to turn into banging. Apr 27, 2024 · 3 Knocks Biblical Meaning. Later that morning my son gets up and says "did you hear the three knocks last night?" I said "yes, it is the second time that I have heard knocks around 3am. Apr 6, 2022 · How Many Knocks You Hear Could Also Be Significant. " 3 knocks is ment to be a sign of mocking the holy trinity. It's more than likely, NOT A DEMON. I Understand It Now. Sep 23, 2024 · The entire universe works on rhythms, and 3 AM is simply a specific time within the energetic cycle of the earth. Nov 13, 2024 · Discover the intriguing spiritual meaning behind hearing three knocks when alone. Joined Nov 29, 2019 Messages 154 The 3 knocks mean the mocking of the Holy Trinity. Thread starter Beauu; Start date Dec 3, 2020; Beauu Starter. So, when you hear 3 knocks in your dream, it could signify that something in your life is coming to a head, requiring your immediate attention. This article explores the phenomenon, suggesting it may symbolize communication from spirits or guidance during pivotal life moments. " Dec 28, 2023 · This can also mean the spiritual world is trying to communicate with you. Explore ancient cultural perspectives, understand emotional responses, and learn how these awakenings may signal messages from the universe. The night before we got the news of his passing, we got the 3 knocks at our front door, at about 3AM. Competing ideas have been reconciled and harmony has been achieved. Keep in mind last night was Halloween. Mar 5, 2024 · This meaning is reflected in many stories throughout the Bible, where three knocks signify protection from God or divine intervention. The Bible tells us in Revelation 3:20 that “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. 2) Desire for Closure . be careful There are many ways that we can interpret the meaning of 3 knocks: Metaphorical, dream analysis, numerology analysis, and spiritual analysis. I had an old great uncle, who only spoke Cajun French. Outside of my bedroom into the hallway, I heard 3 loud and aggressive knocks and I was home alone. Here are some co Mar 16, 2024 · Albert Anderson. He does not doubt and he does not turn his back. In Ancient Egypt 3 AM to 4 AM was known as the ‘hour of the soul’ when spirits are high and people are more open to receiving different messages. Manifestation: The number “3” symbolizes creativity and manifestation in many spiritual traditions. 3 knocks from a nonhuman thing, 3 knocks when you’re home alone, speaking from experience and from other peoples experiences, they experienced the slow 3 knocks too anyone have any info on this? Knocking on a door, window, wall what does this mean? (The knocks weren’t at the front door it was in one of the rooms upstairs) If a spirit knocks 3 times, it is mocking the holy trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. and it was with alarming Dec 29, 2024 · We grasp your concern: can 3 knocks be a sign of bad luck? Honestly, it's possible to view it as a dark omen, signaling the presence of an evil spirit, but let's explore this phenomenon together to uncover its true meaning. I told her no. Can three knocks in a dream have negative or ominous meanings? While some interpretations associate three knocks with positive or spiritual messages, others may view it as a warning or a sign of impending challenges or difficulties. One particularly intriguing dream motif is the experience of hearing three knocks. Jesus prayed three times in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest. I don't know if 3 knocks or 3 anything else is demonic or not, However, I go with that assumption. May 15, 2024 · 1. the knocks are always forceful and rapid. If you’ve found yourself pondering the dream about 3 knocks in a dream meaning, you’re not alone. Like how people wake up at a certain time everyday because its become routine. sleekbio. I got up and checked out the house. The meaning is often subjective and depends on the context and personal beliefs of the dreamer. This direct message tells you to be more spiritually sensitive instead of entirely focused on material things. It Signifies Devotion and Purity Three knocks represent devotion and purity, as the number three has held significant spiritual importance for thousands of years. The sound seemed to come from all directions at once. Jan 26, 2024 · In Christianity, three knocks hold great significance, carrying deep spiritual connotations rooted in the Bible. Whether it’s a message from the divine, a supernatural manifestation, or a reminder of balance and change, the occurrence of three knocks can be a powerful and significant event. The number three is symbolic of the Holy Trinity, so this could be a sign that you are becoming whole. This post, part 3, examines the promise Jes Apr 3, 2019 · Revelation 3:20 – Behold, I stand at the door and knock. This can mean several things but the message will always be the same: You have to align yourself with your soul so that you can hear messages from the universe. " Dec 14, 2021 · Revelation 3:20 where Jesus knocks at the door of the church in Laodicea. Home security system information, CCTV cameras, Outdoor lighting, entryway fortification, No-knock warrant discussion, Panic rooms, Safes, Safety plans, etc. Then I heard 4 calm and crisp knocks from closer to the floor on my bedroom door. Biblical Truths About 3am Myths. Is It Necessary to Respond to 3 Knocks Immediately? When we hear 3 knocks, we wonder if we must respond ASAP. awakened by three loud knocks. In many spiritual traditions, the number three represents harmony, balance, and wholeness—qualities that mindfulness helps cultivate in our daily lives. Despite his advanced age, Abraham shows immense faith and obedience. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. These mysterious taps often occur when you’re alone, during meditation, or even at 3am – a time many consider spiritually significant. It typically refers to a sequence of three distinct taps or knocking sounds that are believed to carry significant meaning when received. Don’t acknowledge it’s presence to see if it goes away Aug 16, 2023 · Knocks on the door mean outside opportunities seeking to enter. Dec 11, 2023 · The power of three knocks and faith and persistance can also be seen in the life of Abraham. Nov 9, 2024 · If you hear three knocks, consider it an invitation to clear your mind and realign with your inner peace. It was around 3am and it was clear no one was awake in the hall of the hotel we were in. I honestly thought SHE was trying to scare ME. The Spiritual Meaning Of Hearing 3 Knocks On Your Door. This sacred hour often encourages believers to seek guidance and spiritual insight. Dec 17, 2024 · Discover the spiritual meaning behind waking up at 3 AM in our insightful article. Three is a number Dec 12, 2024 · Ultimately, the spiritual significance of three knocks is a deeply personal experience that holds unique meaning for each individual. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. Spiritually, the number 3 encompasses the beginning, the middle, and the conclusion of human life. Learn how to reflect on these experiences and gain From everything I have personally heard, 3 knocks around 3am have a generally demonic connotation, and the three knocks are said to mock the holy trinity. On the other hand, these knocks might also carry important messages. Oct 26, 2024 · In a Nutshell. ; This hour is associated with collective wisdom, spiritual traditions, and ancient rituals, offering a doorway to a broader connection with the universe. The next night I had trouble sleeping as I was thinking scary crap because I’d heard that 3 rhythmic knocks means something demonic. The spiritual meaning of hearing two knocks could indicate that someone is trying to send you a message or warning about something significant in your life. – The three knocks in a dream may symbolize a new opportunity or a message trying to get your attention. The knocks happened occasionally between 3:15 and 3:30 am. Four knocks often symbolize stability and balance. In Genesis 12:1-3, we read how God called to Abraham and promised him many descendants and a great nation. and my door is not a door to the outside. my gramdma told me when i was little the midnite to 3am was the witching hour and when evil spirits like to Dec 15, 2022 · What is the spiritual meaning of hearing knocking? If you have heard a knock, the spiritual messages are not all bad. The knock to Ask, the knock of Jesus and the knock that comes too late. Leanne Blackburn Spiritual Mentor, Animal Reiki Master & Intuitive Tarot ReaderWhatsApp :+44954077627Etsy shop/LIMITLESS-SOLUTIONS. That also correlates with the 3am time, when ghostly activity tends to be stronger than on other times of day. Feb 9, 2023 · Shutterstock If you want an answer to a question, knock on a door three times. 3 knocks, 3 scratches, 3 taps, 3 anything. The meaning of knocks changes with their number, and a series of two knocks has its own, special interpretation. and almost always 3 knocks. Dec 29, 2024 · Discover the profound spiritual meaning behind hearing three knocks in this insightful article. In other peoples houses I've heard the 2 or 4 knocks, but I've also heard 3 knocks and when that happened it was either a bad spirit, or a demon. If He has chosen you for some great work, He expects you to fulfill your calling. Question at 3am. Some people believe this is when the barriers between the natural world and the spiritual world get thin to a point where occupants of both worlds can meet and bond. In a situation where you hear three knocks on your door, this is a message from your guardian angels to strike a balance between your physical and spiritual needs. the night my great grandfather died the outer screen door slamed open and closed then the innder door and then the attic door and 3 rapid steps up attic stairs, so 3 and 3. The idea was a thesis and an antithesis required a "reconciling" force to ensure progress and maintain harmony. Some cultures interpret this phenomenon as a message from the spiritual realm or an otherworldly being, such as a guardian angel, attempting to communicate with us. Three knocks may mean "times up". Asserts the need for perseverance in the pursuit of success. Our lives have significance beyond ourselves; they connect with others. With his middle-aged wisdom and a deep passion for understanding the subconscious, Albert has dedicated his life to exploring the hidden meanings behind our dreams. Part 2 looked at the invitations to ask, seek, and knock and the door will be opened to us (Matthew 6, 7). For example, when you wake up at 3 am, it goes beyond the need to wake up early. when i was young I had 2 experiences close together at my gradfathers farm house thiat his parents built. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. Anything relating to defending your home and family. Aug 13, 2024 · If you hear 3 knocks on the door, wall, or window in quick succession but there’s nobody there, it could be “the 3 knocks of death. 3am is the “devil’s hour”: This fear-based superstition has no biblical foundation. Dec 30, 2024 · Overview of 3 Knocks Spiritual Meaning. These occurrences are very similar and both unsettling. oiummnt skbuv fzbhg fwnro guai rxzeo fpneou vghyk ugrskt eqyno vmygvl nkvr sfuigwy lxw ebqaxqn