Tcsvt awaiting recommendation. kz/prifn/dizziness-in-early-pregnancy-4-weeks.

weixin_44162559: 兄弟,为啥会Awaiting Recommendation这么久呀?你最后出结果了吗? Bowen Li, Weixia Zhang, Meng Tian, Guangtao Zhai, and Xianpei Wang. 05. Jul 12, 2024 · tcsvt一审14个月rq,二审1个月ac。. IEEE Xplore, delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology. Also known as: technical check, initial QC (AIP), admin checklist (IEEE), Awaiting Editorial Office Processing (ScholarOne), quality check (NPG) Typical duration: A few workdays. awaiting decision, good luck! - IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Forum. 雪玫瑰2442 次浏览404 赞 2024-07-15 14:28. Once the completed reviews come in, the Associate Editor (AE) evaluates them and gives his recommendation to the EiC. 我刚被接收的一篇就是这样,我几乎 Hashtag is an important advertising tool and a must-have feature for social media nowadays. 8. 赞一下 (1 On July 11th, I received an email asking me to review it. qq_41194995: 您好,我TCSVT投稿两个半月了,昨天看系统是awaiting recommendation,我以为快awaiting desition返一审结果了,但今天一看变成了in peer review,我想问问这是两个半月了才开始送审的意思吗 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I spent over a month making revisions and conducting many experiments. Read 11 answers by scientists with 2 recommendations from their colleagues to the question asked by Mohd Shariq on Jul 23, 2021 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Now it is almost 3 weeks. 20 Awaiting Recommendation Awaiting Recommendation是什么阶段还没有送外审. 05 awaiting recommendation 2023. 07. General, theoretical, and application-oriented papers with a circuits and systems perspective are encouraged for publication in TCSVT on or related to image/video acquisition, representation, presentation and display; processing, filtering and transforms The University of Yulin. 还没有送外审. On July 13th (almost two and a half months after submission), I logged into the system and saw "awaiting recommendation," thinking it was the first review result. 希望能直接送审!. "Awaiting recommendation" means the manuscript's peer review process has been completed, and the handling editor has sent such manuscript to the chief editor to decide [TCSVT23, Highly Cited Paper] Boosting Few-shot Fine-grained Recognition with Background Suppression and Foreground Alignment - CSer-Tang-hao/BSFA-FSFG Sep 10, 2020 · Q: How long should the 'Awaiting EIC Decision' last before a final decision? Detailed Question -. 07 submitted 2023. 如果是这种情况的话,大概半个月吧。. Journal Evaluates the Reviews. 'Awaiting decision' means the required reviews to make a decision were completed. Dec 20, 2023 · 专业: 信息安全. 标签: 论文 顺道 问下 学友 紧张 审稿 EIC 意见 精神恍惚 投稿. IEEE TCSVT 从投稿到接收时间线,以及一些投稿问题。 追逐满岛光: 不是终稿的话tcsvt不要求参考文献格式,用默认的就可以了。 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 过来人给点意见。. I glanced at it and realized it wasn't from my Associate Editor (AE), so I didn't reply in time. Come on, guys. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT). Explore the Zhihu Column for a platform that allows you to write freely and express yourself without limitations. I am very happy that it was accepted. Otherwise, they will read the paper several more times, taking notes to build a detailed point-by-point review. [ 求助] TCSVT awaiting recommendation变成In Peer Review 已有3人参与. 17 Awaiting Recommendation 2022. TCSVT优点:速度快,当然拒稿也快。 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Presents a listing of the editorial board, board of governors, current staff, committee members, and/or society editors for this issue of the publication. 11 awaiting decision 2023. 最后发表. TCSVT的这篇文章是我研二写的第二篇SCI论文,第一篇是研一写 It depends. The handling editor considers all the returned reviews before making a 一个信息安全专业的论文投稿者在小木虫论坛求助,问TCSVT的Awaiting Recommendation状态是什么意思,为什么变成Awaiting Recommendation后AE没有了。其他网友回复说可能是学术编辑没来处理,建议发邮件询问,或者等待一段时间。 Dec 19, 2017 · I submitted a paper to some journal. 配铛隘坝告翼怪古IEEE匿,分樱哺圈钞舍敲郑忆色纲南葬,记瞧彼龄幢龄膏铃,后披瓦…. As part of the production process, all grayscale figures and line art are converted to TIFF format. 共搜索到 573 个相关话题 (最多显示前5000个) 作者. 从审稿过程来看,一轮审稿结束前都有“Awaiting AE Recommendation”和“Awaiting EIC Decision“两个状态。. Dec 25, 2023 · 以前投过一次CSVT从来没遇到过这种情况,这次一审结果是拒稿重投(其中有两个审稿人没啥意见主要是第三个审稿人有意见),二审先是in peer review二周然后Awaiting Recommendation,Awaiting Recommendation三天变成in peer review,in peer review 2天后又进入Awaiting Recommendation We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Prospective authors should be familiar with the General Information for Authors 分类. B05,俩建议优先 I submit my manuscript to IEEE WCL on 4/14/2019 (Minor revision). Novel transformer-based approaches for low-level video processing tasks such as video deblurring, de-raining, denoising, compression, and so on. 但是看你的情况应该是更乐观的,也就是编辑直接审阅一下你的大修是否合适,然后他来做决定。. Within less than two months it came for minor revision. arXiv. In contrast, if in this journal the peer-review typically takes several months, then it might be long desk-rejection. Still the status is same. org e-Print archive for research papers and articles on open quantum systems, federated learning, planetary transit searches, and quantum state engineering. 过了这关之后应该就是送审了. 精神恍惚间,突然发现整个论文体系还有很多欠缺,论文撰写的时候都没有 Explore the Zhihu column, a platform for sharing insights and knowledge on various topics from experts and enthusiasts. The IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology has been the premier venue for publications in the area of video technology, such as video compression, hardware, and systems, since its inception in 1991. 楼兰一梦3690 次浏览766 赞 2024-07-15 14:19. 6 days ago · 论文小修23天后状态变为Awaiting Recommendation,什么情况. Explore the arXiv. 12 major revision (呜冠坠翩瞳,蔼20区缴释) R12023. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 31 Awaiting decision 2021. 投的IEEE Trans,今天状态变成awaiting 了,那个紧张啊。. I'm considering changing journals. 20 My situation is also awaiting recommendation, and it is painful. 13 Published to IEEE online Translated: 2021. 有时候审稿人给出的意见质量不咋的也是编辑 Jul 18, 2019 · I would like to welcome 22 new outstanding researchers who are joining the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) Editorial Board (EB) as Associate Editors. 5 days ago · IEEE Trans审稿意见变成awaiting recommendation,紧张. 15 resubmitted & in …. iEEE TAP在投稿后在AE手上立刻变成 Awaiting Recommendation. to revise, accept or reject the paper). 9月底提交一篇稿件到一个IEEE期刊上,10月初开始under review,今天一看,状态是Awaiting Decision,这个是什么情况?. After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. Mar 25, 2016 · 1 Answer to this question. Explore Zhihu's column section for insightful articles and discussions on various topics. Answer: The change in status from 'Under review' to 'Pending recommendation' implies that the peer review of your paper is complete and the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief will check the reviews and give his/her recommendation on acceptance, rejection, or further revision. Delivered fast and consistent with journal guidelines. This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submission. I submitted a paper, and it took 10 days to be assigned editors and reviewers. Jul 29, 2021 · 稿件已经显示 Awaiting Decision 了为啥又变成 Under Review?. [arxiv version] [TCSVT version] 小木虫论坛是一个专业的学术交流社区,涵盖了化学、物理、生物、食品等多个领域,提供了论文投稿、催化剂合成、TEM We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Oct 4, 2022 · 鼓励在tcsvt上发表 图像/视频获取、表示、呈现和显示;处理、滤波和变换;分析和合成;学习和理解;压缩、传输、通信和网络;存储、检索、索引和搜索;以及硬件和软件设计与实施相关的一般性、理论性和应用导向,具有电路和系统的视角的论文。 All Answers (5) Ans Al Rashid. 06. Learn how to submit a manuscript to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), a journal covering all aspects of video technologies. 今天收到一个期刊的审稿 Aug 15, 2023 · 从5月份重投之后,前几天才进的awaiting recommendation,用了2个半月,之前的拒稿重投1个月就出了结果,而且这次又变成In Peer Review感觉很慌,这种变化是因为什么呢,是加了审稿人,还是说这两个半月里面有审稿人没有回复. Then I submitted the revised manuscript in 10 days. Grateful. | IEEE Xplore We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The EiC gives the final verdict based on the AE's recommendation. Answer: It is difficult to estimate how much longer you need to wait. 13 Proof 2021. After two and half months the status got changed from awaiting reviewer scores to awaiting recommendation. Based on the topic of the manuscript and suggestions by the authors, an editor is assigned to handle the manuscript. 02 received a Minor Revision 2021. Last updated on May 02, 2024 [2024-05-02] The call for Special Issues proposals for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) is now open. 24 Awaiting Recommendation 2021. 焊跛觅袋例轩认浑谆朱喻筐满崭芯IEEE佳坟SCI贱到 (忠役绸TRANS国桩) 免吹城借芝淋中技亥、捆壮壳鞭酥践省晦湖屉立熄庄轻牌襟。. Since the reviews have come in, the AE should ideally not take Jul 30, 2021 · 3. IEEE TCSVT 寂粉计洗. Dec 7, 2021 · 2021. g. The main goal of the HEVC standardization effort is to enable significantly improved compression performance relative to existing standards-in the range of 50% bit-rate reduction for equal perceptual video Oct 24, 2020 · A direct change after submission (or after the initial admin check) to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation’ typically means that the Associate Editor (AE) has had a look at the paper and decided not to send it for review. But until now, 5/17, the status are still "awaiting decision". But the editor has sent your manuscript to another Apr 17, 2021 · 我的TCSVT投稿经历,共勉!. 02 in peer review 2021. Hamad bin Khalifa University. As of 2021, the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory receives approximately 100 submissions per month. However, most previous works consider neither the mutual influence between multi-modalities, nor the visual similarity between images. 希望速度快点!. 第一次的意见是拒稿重投,第二个审稿人的意见比较激烈,但是基本上都回复了,关于第二个审稿人的reponse单独都有20页。. This is not an unusual process and is encountered with We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Journal Forum. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. Find out the requirements, categories, similarity check, and resubmission policies for TCSVT papers and letters. 5. org e-Print archive Mar 5, 2024 · IEEE TCSVT 从投稿到接收时间线,以及一些投稿问题。 qq_33932050: 麻烦问一下,这个期刊能挂共一吗,如果挂的话怎么挂. A small number of submissions are out-of-scope, and will be rejected immediately by the Area Editor (RE). Detailed instructions are posted on the TCSVT ScholarOne submission site. Editor assignment or invitation. Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. 郁闷的撞墙了: 楼主这篇文章这个状态耗时多久呀,目前我也是你这个状态。 TCSVT小修一个半月了,还没消息,心慌呀. 这几个 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 如果这关没过,稿件会在几天之内被返回,并且说一些简 Jul 7, 2021 · 记录TCSVT的投稿周期. Audio is not supported in your browser. Submission of a Manuscript. | IEEE Xplore 混蚀. Zhihu Zhuanlan is a platform for users to freely express their thoughts through writing. The review is then submitted to the journal, with the reviewer’s recommendation (e. technology, millions of videos are uploaded to the social platform every d. If you know that in this journal (and you discipline) the papers are typically reviewed fast (e. A. They are all respected and well-known experts in TCSVT-related 标签: 过来人 期刊 吉多 SCI 一哈 凶多 稿件 情况 告知 提交. 审稿速度快慢,有运气的成分,也取决于你的论文质量。. Video usage has exploded and is now one of our main communication channels. 小弟今年4月份投到英国机械工程协会主办的Journal of Ae Engineeng杂志上,7月一审完毕,大修,8月3号返回大修稿,9月9日二审完毕,小修,两天后返回修改稿,审稿23天后状态变为Awaiting ,什么情况?. 2023. 感觉会不会是AE拒绝送审啊. High-resolution JPGs are acceptable for author photos only (IEEE also continues to accept Postscript, EPS, and TIFF). 2017. 投了一篇中文EI,2个月了,只回来一个审稿意见,散金求RP. 这个审稿意见帮看看,看了直冒汗. 天哪,马上过年了,刚刚投的PRE两个审稿人的意见已经回来了. , one month), then it indeed likely that your paper is already after peer-review. The special issues should focus on hot and emerging topics in all areas relevant to TCSVT. mczhouwei 2023-07-20 You should be almost stable now. 干什么都没心思了。. 现在的状态意思是等待编辑评价. IEEE Trans审稿意见变成awaiting recommendation,紧张. 02. Dec 7, 2023 · IEEE Xplore, delivering full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology. Taking into account the subject of the paper and the current 网上状态一般也都是awaiting reviewer assignment, under review 等。. The deadline for submission of special issue proposals to Associate EiC is 1 October 2022. 1. In this paper, we devise a novel model We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 是不是要 This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submission. Only electronic submissions will be considered. 3. » 猜你喜欢. In the past, many hashtag recommendation methods have been proposed from different perspectives of images, texts, and users. Professionally designed and impactful journal cover art. Over the past decade, the scope of CSVT has expanded and it is now the premier journal in all areas related to video We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. IEEE accepts Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and PDF files for graphics submission. Novel transformer-based methods for high-level video understanding such as video-based activity recognition, object detection, segmentation, tracking, summarization, localization, and pose estimation. Jun 15, 2023 · TCSVT小修一个半月了,还没消息,心慌呀. Blindly Assess Quality of In-the-Wild Videos via Quality-aware Pre-training and Motion Perception. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) covers the circuits and systems aspects of all video technologies. 论文投稿. 6. scorpiocr 2024-07-14 3680 次 Professional Journal Cover Design. 当前位置 : 论文发表 > 期刊 > 论文投稿. Submissions occur online via the ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M) web site. 04. 回复此楼. y. 凶多还是吉多?. 同一期刊的审稿速度可能也是差异极大。. 狗陡. 投稿TCSVT,发帖祈福,记录状态. 这两个状态持续时间越短,表明审稿人越没有争议,意见一致:收、大修、小修或据。. 2022. 03. s and Systems for Video TechnologySpecial Issue on Video TransformersSummaryWith the development of the Internet an. RT,lz投稿之后由Trackeditor分配AE,然后变成Underreview,之后半天就变成了awaitingrecommendation。. Comment. 07 Submit the Minor revision/in peer review 2021. 08 Awaiting decision 2021. Effective video analysis and processing approaches impose 知乎专栏提供一个平台,让用户随心所欲地进行写作和自由表达。 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 去年11月,我在老师的建议下投了一篇TMECH的文章,中间经过漫长的审稿、拒稿/大修,改稿、润色,最后到今天把大修的论文 Sep 28, 2012 · High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is currently being prepared as the newest video coding standard of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group. 12 in peer review 2023. 5 Accept I think it is a very good journal, with six reviewers who are very responsible. 21中午投稿TCSVT。. Call for Papers. Specifically, a graph attention block is proposed to enhance the representational ability of graph-structured features. 临近毕业,回顾三年的硕士阶段的学习,感慨良多。. 如果是的话,意思就是在等待编辑的处理. tip一审5个月rq,二审6个月aq,三审3个月ac。. 26 Submitted 2021. You need both a ScholarOne account and an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) to submit a manuscript. 标签: 投稿 双栏 页数 送审 希望 祈福 发帖 快点 中午 文章. 实验室中,有人抱怨,有人期待早日离开,进快入职。. 文章双栏14页,刚好满足TCSVT对页数的限制。. This is usually because of a scope mismatch, or in some cases, the novelty and/or quality of the research/paper not being Dec 2, 2023 · 继续修改,一个月重投TCSVT 一审时间仍然为一个月 小修:三个审稿人,三周修改时间 三周后提交, 十天后状态变为:awaiting recommendation 四天后录用. Jun 30, 2024 · 审稿人意见有分歧,很紧张. 每篇稿子一般会给 2-3 个审稿人审,当他们发回的意见严重相左,编辑可能需要额外的意见,这也是多数时候稿件状态已经进入决策期又回到 Under Review 的原因。. 从5月份重投之后,前几天才进的awaiting recommendation,用了2个 A platform for individuals to write and express themselves freely on various topics. 09 Accept 2021. 从“awaiting"的时间判定论文的命运. 我心中充满着感激和充实,这种心情来自于硕士期间的成果。. Mar 21, 2023 · March 13, 2023, awaiting recommendation; March 19, 2023, awaiting decision; March 20, 2023, rejected; Three reviewers, insufficient novelty according to the associate editor; Overall, it feels like the reviewing process has become stricter. Academic Accelerator. ’. . Image quality is very important in how the graphics The forum discusses the IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics submission process and reviewer recommendations. 08. 3 Awaiting Decision 2022. On 4/26, the status on ScholarOne changed to awaiting decision. 最快也得一周,所以现在还不用急,等候好消息吧。. Also, I wish everyone the best! SGA-Net is able to capture rich contextual information of sparse graphs for feature matching task. xh ad pe mr tw gq kz su qu nf