
8 week sarm cycle reddit. No suppression symptoms, full of energy and libido.

The logic behind this is that by taking it during the cycle, you can keep your testosterone levels in normal so problems like low libido, erectile dysfunction and lethargy can be avoided. Make sure the MK677 you’re getting is legit. I've done a few sarm cycles before.     Go to SARMs. My opinion, to each his own. Just wanted to put that out there I'm currently debating on LGD-4033 or RAD140 for my first cycle. An 8 week cycle is good. All those goods slowly fade after week 6 for me into slight acne and lethargy until I'll stop and fully recover. Not everyone is the same. 20mg LGD isn't that strong of a cycle. . Training experience : 3 years on and off. I'm going to start an Ostarine only cycle (Optimised Research Labs) at 15mg per day, for 8 weeks. Kept most of the gains and strength. Depends on what you're running and at what dosage. Example of my First SARM Cycle. 5 EOD endoclomiphene cycle than to run a SARM? A good practice would be to start with 5mg a day for the first 2 weeks and then go to 10mg a day for the rest of the cycle. Which can cause a host of adverse reactions. Don’t exceed 10mg of Rad for your first cycle. Jan 16, 2024 · The user reported cutting the cycle short by 2 weeks on his Reddit thread (SARMs cycles should ideally last 8 weeks) because of suppression symptoms. anastyrash. Rad-140, Enclomiphene, MK-677. if it’s your first time, buy the sarm handbook. (guys I trained for several months also achieved these gains by the 4-7 month mark). Currently on week 9 of my 4th osta cycle @25mg. Natty: 3 years and 5 months. 1 week for the enclo to start working, and 1 I want to run a SARM and a SERM concurrently to reduce the chance of major T suppression along with MK to maintain GH secretion. . So, 8 weeks Ostarine cycle, first week 10mg and after that 7 weeks 20mg, my first cycle ever, 40 years old, lifting for about 6 years. 16 week cycle is the worst idea I have ever heard of, on top of that you choose rad 140 which is very potent. Reply. Remember, no source discussion or even linking to places they discuss sources for this etc. So, the idea is, with any cycle, whether it is SARMs or AAS - you should take for 8 weeks, and then 4 weeks Anyways you really shouldn’t go past 8 weeks for any oral period. Agreed he should have everything on hand before any cycle. Feb 6, 2023 · Week 5: 20 mg/day. This was my first time using PEDs so I was just aiming for a simple body recomp to put some more size in my arms and shoulders without sacrificing the lean and dry look I need to maintain as a LGD (8 week cycle) not sure what to stack with. Lol, of course you CAN do only one cycle, and it'll be fine. 5 mg of each at my max dose during week 6. I’be been looking into S4 for preworkout purposes. This is where antiestrogens can help (you need SERMs, not aromatase inhibitors). Fwiw, I had the same feeling 8 weeks in, went for 12 weeks, got depressed around week 10 but finished anyways. Post-bloodwork MARCH 2Oth (week after ending cycle) Starting weight 182lbs. 1st SARM cycle HELP Hey, guys I'm 19 and starting my first cycle, I've built up a pretty good base currently 6'2 240, I've bought RAD-140 (20 mg ED) I won't change the 20mg bc I've bought enough for the 8-week cycle and gotta finish it, MK677(10-20mg), and Cardarine (20mg) for 8 weeks, and I have enclo as a test base. Those numbers are very much within the expected results from what he did. SARM: I'm looking at doing either 20mg/day of osta for 8 weeks, or 8mg/day of rad of 8 weeks. Week 5 and 6 were brutal with suppression, I felt like dog shit. 10mg tamoxifen ED or 25mg clomiphene every other day The logic A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. From the looks of it he just got his newbie gainz faster thanks to the SARM. 8th Week = 200mg 3-Epi & 200mg 4-Andro. 12 is the MAX that should be done. Overview: Tomorrow I will be starting a 12 week cycle of LGD-4033 and I will be running the cycle for 12 weeks. 10mg tamoxifen ED or 25mg clomiphene every other day. I still have approximately 5 days of the 8-week cycle, so I haven't started PCT yet, but my plan is to do Nolvadex for 3-4 weeks (10mg/5/5. If you have Bad genetics for it you will Never have a visible jawline. 5mg per day to secure the gains from the mild suppression from the ostarine. 5 mg, and you’ll be good. - Have the Enclo on hand, if you get suppression mid cycle start to take it along with your LGD & MK at around 5-6mg daily. My friend I get this about 2 weeks into any sort cycle, its due to receptors taking the sarm over your natural test, this test has to go somewhere and aromatises to eostrogen which in turn causes slight gyno, when this happens I just take 5 - 10mg of nolva for a few days then I'm good for the rest of the cycle, you could take an AI but nolva is better for gyno and won't lower your e2 so much I was wondering if there was something stronger in the sarms but from the feedback I got, I have a pretty good idea now. I have experience with LGD in the past, and while the suppression was manageable and my recovery was adequate, I'd like to avoid it if at all possible and keep my libido and sense of well full pct after an 8 week sarm cycle is not required, 20mg nolva or 25mg clomid and 20mg cardarine every day for 4 weeks is sufficient. I also take 1200mg NAC/day. I take it every single day of the cycle from beginning to end. So following are the questions that u wanted to ask before starting my cycle. 12 weeks. Was feeling very supressed and hit on libido at week 12. (6 week cycle on RAD and then PCT with enclo for 2 weeks after cycle) Week 1: Rad-140: 10mg in the morning Enclomiphene: 6. - Buy some NAC & TUDCA take both daily with your cycle (you can get them off amazon Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now First sarm cycle . Still did a mini PCT with nolva and Clomid. I've gained 3-5 lbs of muscle every cycle minimum. ago. At the 5-8 week you get such a very strong power spike, i could bench 100kg with 6 -8 reps at 80kg body weight and still can do it at 77kg After my 1hour work out i was 1-2hours on the bike losing some extra kcal. I ran rad140 solo without a serm or testosterone for a little over 12 weeks. You’re the last person to give advice. Drop the AI and ralox and use Nolva as needed for gyno since it is very selective to breast tissue. The real question isn't whether you'll do one cycle of SARMS. Some will suppress your natural production of testosterone. Pre pictures+cycle info. Low_Set_1944. Different sarms have different effects. that makes 1. Done 3 lgd 10mg/day cycles this year. Do what your going to do but try to do an it as smart as possible. This passed after 1. Please read the rules before posting and commenting! I lift weights 3 days a week and do High intensity Exercise or cycling 3-4 days a week. But i would also like to take something for the estrogen so they don’t tank as well. Went on pct and took some 6 weeks to feel somewhat on top again, but will take more time off than I initially planned between cycles, definately not going beyond 8 weeks again. 9th Week = Starting PCT (for high E) Pre-bloodwork JAN 9th. Is it too long to run S23 for another 8 weeks so 12 weeks total cycle. Run the sarms from week 4 to 12. First off I will be updating this weekly with lift numbers and progress pics. Previous Experience: My last cycle was a SARM Stack which ended in November and it was a 16 week stack but it was way too extreme in terms of compounds and dosages. It’s not a stupid question bro because I’ve heard higher levels of testosterone (from the enclo)develop the jawline and bone structure. Well worth pushing it if your in good shape and bloods look good. Its not only the liver (and the suppression) its also the lipids and cholesterol. And all you do is 3 x 10 bench press. Lgd and rad are great but you do get huge and stack on a lot of water. This time I ran enclom @12. 25 enclo ED from week 2-8, +2 weeks with no rad. Im going to do my best to explain my first SARM cycle and give detailed info about what SARMS I’m taking along with the supporting supplements. Just like my one girlfriend in college wanted me to "just put the tip in, just to see how it feels". Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, like a typical cold. The above dosages are common for beginners during their first SARM cycle. My levels fell all the way to 126 ng/dL at only week 7 of the cycle! Does anyone else’s experience indicate that after each SARM cycle Eventually by week 8 or so, myostatin has somewhat reached high enough to cancel out follistatin - here your gains in LBM will come to a halt. I started with 10 mgs of ac for 4 weeks and 20 mgs for the last 4 weeks. I ate super clean, eggs and veggies for breakfast, chicken, broccoli and rice for lunch, and then whatever my wife made for dinner. I'm doing 10mg a day for 2 months. by LBM i mean actual protein content of muscle cells, and not the water/glycogen retention. 5 mg of each starting out and see how you feel. One bottle of liquid will last 1 month on 10mg a day. It is kind of expensive, but if you can afford it buy n2guard. I have only used prohormones before with minimal positive effect, and have never really had to deal with any HPT shutdown before. My squat went from 285->325. Was thinking 8 weeks of LGD and potentially somthing else and start nolvadex around the 6 and a half week mark whilst still taking LGD. For 8 weeks I hit the gym 6-7 times per week. Started at 5mg week 3 went to 7. Source was Venogen. I'm wondering how a natural estrogen blockers like diindolylmethane would impact results. Jwallace818. S. I've only run mild oral Winstrol cycles in the past with good success, but prone We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Better with a test base, of course. 10mg RAD-140 ed for 8 weeks, lifting 4 days a week, heavy cardio 3 days per week. 25mg in the morning MK-677: 20mg before bed Testosterone rebound post SARM cycle. Increasing that LGD to 10 for one week is pointless. Pay attention to blood pressure and how you feel. I did rad140 with no test base and had to stop at 3 weeks because i felt so bad. It’s used by people who use real gear all the time, so it would be more than adequate for a sarm cycle. 66K subscribers in the sarmssourcetalk community. I've done quite a bit of reading on the matter and have narrowed down the compound choices, dosage, and protocol to this. Sarm + serm: I plan on taking a serm (Nolvadex 20mg) at the 2-4 week mark of my 8 week cycle, and run it alongside my sarm cycle which is; 20mg MK-677 20mg RAD-140 8mg LGD I might start at half these values for the first 2 weeks, before doing full for the next 6. RAD-140 solo. At your experience level, gains are going to be very minimal. There’s a school of thought that since the half life is so short, approx 4 hrs, it’ll be good for once daily dosing around then. Week 1-12 – 20mg/day GW-501516 (Cardarine) 30 minutes before workout. Lots of ppl ask why cardarine, it’s to help suppress cortisol spike and also assist with keeping strength and endurance levels plus it fights muscle catabolism so it’s great to add to pct. For PCT you can continue the enclo for 2 weeks after cycle if you've chosen to add it mid-cycle or if not use nolva 4 weeks 10/10/5/5. Weight: 185 lbs or 84 kg. First 8 week cycle. I went to get my bloods checked as it was advised by many people here. I just ordered sarms for the first time via Venogen and they should be here in about a week. Mk-677 will make you lethargic/ tired all the time with 24 hours of crazy hunger and that will definitely mess with your athletic performance. rad 140 8 weeks 10mg ed first 6 weeks, 15mg ed last 2 weeks. Rad 140 Week 1-2 : 7. So. A 30 month journey of SARMs use (on and off), album in post. I'm going to be taking 15mg Mk throughout the whole cycle and afterwards as well. It cost me $70 for my high dose 10mg/day LGD cycle (8 weeks). 3, Test bumped to 485, Free Test bumped to 9. Every week you switch your “stack” You also just switched from home workouts to an actual gym. I finished an 8 week Ostarine cycle (25mg/day) at the end of january. Short high dose less risk of being suppressed. horny asf week 3 & 4. You just regurgitate the stuff you read on here and google. I have pics of me on rad/lgd where I'm huge and like a square but m We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So I've been running RAD for 4 weeks and next week I'm switching to S23 since I'm out of RAD. To keep it short i wana do a ostarine only cycle for about 8 weeks with 25mg per day. Also I'm already running HCG as a base of 250 IU/eod. It's an amazing compound. I don't know when the supression sets in with 10mg,but I think starting at week 3 may be better. ru. Extending sarm cycle to 12 weeks. Pumps & muscles rock hard from week 3 onwards. Thanks for sharing your experience with it. SARM cycle for 4+, 8+, 12+ weeks. Ending weight 193lbs. Go for it on a caloric deficit. Present-Medium-6258. Additional supplementation, not omega 3, but lots of healthy fat food, multivitamin, NAC. I finally got over the hump, and am currently sitting at 171lbs. Extend sarms cycle when stacking with serm? Hi y’all. I clearly lost a lot of fat, but all my lifts went up significantly. You can use small dosages of SERMs starting from 3-4 week. Time lifting: 5 years and 10 months. I ordered enough rad140 to last me 8wks at 20mg daily and lgd4033 to last me 8 wks at 10mg daily. After this time i planned to take mk 677 for 8 weeks 12. Went a bit overkill a while back and smashed LGD and rad and mk677. Start with 12. 5mg Enclo EOD and 10 working up to 25mg Osta ED. Excellent results in the gym and in my appearance. Height: 5’8” or 172 cm. If I remember my weight at the beginning of the year well, I am 5kg heavier and sligtly leaner. So maybe do 2. Nolva at 20mg for remainder of 2 weeks (11 Also, it's worth running a test base of course. ). He’ll feel like shit for 3-4 weeks probably. Talking about sources is allowed and welcomed as long as its NOT PROHIBITED. During the first 8 weeks I did notice a considerable amount of gains. I take 7. For SARMs like LGD and RAD I usually run my PCT by week 4 or 2, respectively then maintain for about 2-4 weeks off cycle. If the main concern is pct pct pct then it's best to not even start. Possibly add enclomiphene 6. I had very minimal side effects: zero hair loss, no gyno, slight aggression but totally manageable, hyper libido, no problem with erections, but weak morning The risk is moderate I’d say. Great strength, felt amazing mentally and physically 24/7. 5mg of enclomiphene citrate ED. It’s common sense man. Before starting my cycle i wanted to post it here to get different opinions. I’d never recommend anyone to use sarms, but as a user myself I recovered by the end of a 4 week post cycle. • 2 yr. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. Average weight as a natty: 172 lbs. One bottle might be 10mg another bottle might be 25mg. First time using SARMS at 48 years old - 28 years of experience with training. This will be my first time using any form of peds. • 8 mo. 7th Week = 15mg osta, 200mg 3-Epi. Hello everyone. headturn3r. First 8 week cycle results 3. After a few days of 20mg nolva I felt great again then dropped it to 10mg nolva per day for the rest of the cycle. None, it would be better if you just did a EC stack to lose weight. First off I'm in my late thirties, not one of these 15 year olds that frequent these subreddits. bio. Age : 23. 10 would be the max but even that’s pushing it, it’s simply not worth it to tax your body for 2 more weeks. •. Stick to 8, 5-7. You can use testosterone for 16 weeks at 250/300mg’s. The reason it would be from week 6 is to prevent the suppression, and then weeks 8-10 would solely be PCT. Best cycle to run would be 10mg of Rad and 25mg of Mk 677 for 8 weeks together and personally I recommend running the mk during the pct as well which in my opinion can help you keep a lot of your gains. Sarm only is not 'dumb'. Not really a question for here. And then afterwards Ill take 10mg of Nolva for 2 weeks and 5mg for 2 weeks. One 600mg bottle from Usgains was $75. Question. 10 mg/day and 15 mg/day for the first two weeks slowly introduce Ostarine to the body, with the dosage increasing to a moderate one of 20 mg/day for the next 6 weeks. The strength gains on it were pretty solid I increased my lifting weight by about 15-20 lbs. Now 8 weeks after an 8 week cycle of LGD at 6mg/day my total Testosterone level is 469 ng/dL. An alternative cycle could be 12 weeks test. 8 week Rad 140 Cycle Transformation : r/SARMs. Any tips/personal experiences would be appreciated. I want this to be my first and only sarm cycle (i know everyone says it wont be the last because its addicting, but i just plan to get some extra and then go from there. Saw some subtle (as expected) but pleasing results after running a solo cycle of mk2866 at 25mg/day for 8 weeks. I've taken every sarm multiple times. 25 Enclo Ed, not writing any of the sides I've expierenced as ivr already made a post just for it, so this post will just be for hormonal sides, first picture was a month before cycle rad 140 8 weeks 10mg ed first 6 weeks, 15mg ed last 2 weeks. No sarm is going to change the "structure" of anything. Could potentially mitigate the vision sides as well. lost fat in the process Short guy here 5'6. I would run ostarine for 8 weeks at roughly 25mg a day. If you want a working cutting stack, then go with this one: Week 1-12 – 30mg/day SR9009 (Stenabolic) Week 1-12 – 50mg/day S4 (Andarine) 25mg in the morning and 25mg 4-6 hours later. 1. Oh! Nailing the "Perfect" SARM + SERM Cycle. You don't want to shut down your natural production completely, or your HGP axis will be out of balance after your cycle. Did 4 lgd and 8 of rad and gained 10 kg. Week 1 and 2: LGD 4033 5mg (dosed once) Week 3 to 8: LGD 4033 10mg (dosed once) Week 4 to 8 : Nolvadex 20 mg (dosed once) For reference on this cycle I’ve put on 4-5kg (8-11lbs) of lean mass. Pre cycle bloods were good. Yes you could be getting suppressed this early on Beginning of the cycle, I feel amazing and energetic, slight aggression increase and huge strength increase. I’m against SARM-only cycles in general. “Other” PEDs I usually start right after or a week after completing a cycle. Bloodwork Before and after 8 week lgd cycle. Furthermore, as more people have been doing recently with SARMs, it seems like you could runs a SERM like endoclomiphene on cycle and mitigate much of the suppression. The problem with long cycle suppressive SARMs is that you will get your natural testosterone suppression from about the 4th week of your cycle. 5mg you might as well get the most out of it. Week 7: 20 mg/day. I use higher sarm dosages though. I am currently on week 8 of my sarm cycle. Couple of pointers from me: - Just stick with the 5mg LGD & 10mg MK from week 1 - 8. 5-2kg (4-ish lb) per a 6 week cycle if you average it. So, 2 and a half months ago, after reading tons on SARMs, I decided screw it: I'll try a 10mg daily RAD-140 8 week cycle. Looking to do somthing a bit more simple. Don’t use SARM’s for 16 weeks lol. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. (before and after pics at the 8 week mark). And 3 x 10 lat pulls. The following side effects have been seen so far, as i'm entering into the 4th week on cycle: - The first week I got the "SARMS flue", basically like a cold, and I think its because my body recognised a foreign chemical and it activated my immunity responses. I'm planning my first SARM cycle of 8 weeks LGD-4033 at 5mg ED. Lifting history and stats: Age: 27. Hey everyone, I'm planning to start an 8 week run of 5mg LGD-4033, along with 12. But his health isn’t at risk. Current BF : 18-20%. Starting without ancillaries is just being impatient. You can talk about sources, side effects, cycles, PCT and post your progress. After week 14 begin a proper pct once the test is You will get results out of 2mg for 4 weeks if you really wanted that but I’d recommend 3. 10mg Ost for 8weeks 12. Question about enclo and sarm cycle So I’m wondering, if you were to take a cycle of Lgd at 4mg and Ostarine at 10mg for 8 weeks, could u run Enclomiphene for the last 2 weeks of the cycle as well as 2 weeks after too act as a PCT. But its not out of the realm of possibility that you could expect to be a longterm semi-permanent resident and Mayor Elect of IfeelslikeShitsVille for a lot longer than 6th Week = 15mg osta, 200mg 3-Epi. I achieved this physique with no calorie and macro counting but with a SL 5x5 when I first started off. 12+ you are going to mess yourself up. Hi. 12 weeks is even better. 5mg tho 10mg won’t help you build any muscle or preserve much it’ll just protect your joints A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) - Including LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, YK-11, S4, S23 and their relatives such as Cardarine, Stenabolic and MK-677. Since my cycle is relatively shorter compared to 8-10 weeks, what would be the best one to take out of the two? I already bought some Nolva — if I do go the RAD140 route — and am expecting to receive it it the next couple weeks; furthermore, I am also considering to buy a natural PCT (Rebirth or 5%), if my suppression isn’t that big of an IMO ALL sarms are around 36 or 48 hour halflife or more depending on the sarm. No suppression symptoms, full of energy and libido. Be prepared for the side effects of low testosterone on 4-6 week. 5 upped it to 10mg week 5. 17. “Dr” Greg may have talking about it. its still a very mild oral cycle like any sarm cycle. Cycle will start on December 18th as follows: 1-12 MK-2866 20mg/day in AM. 17 votes, 40 comments. If you end up running it despite everyone warning you not to, don’t breach 30mg per day and the sides will be manageable. Mk2866 dose 4-6 weeks @10mg 6-12 @20mg Cardarine is roughly the same dose but I'll run that for upto 16 weeks sometimes. r/SARMs. Thank you for the reply. Shutdown is very largely dose dependent, so don’t follow any stupid bullshit posts telling you to take 40mg of rad every day without a pct. So as you can see my test increased almost 100%. Stays sane during cycle; 3β-Hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one 250mg Arimistane 75mg. Recently ran lgd. 5mg Enclom for 8weeks. Best is 5mg tho do for 7-8 weeks depending on how you feel if your completely fine maybe 9. deadlift 315->355 and bench 180->200. P. Shut up Yeah that’s good and plus if you running a serm through they cycle also known as sarm + serm combination you won’t get suppressed just know around the 6 week your body may want more ostarine coz it builds a tolerance to it. You were just running compounds of sarms, and other shit 3 weeks ago. I feel like my results were what I would expect from that type of effort without Ostarine. 5 weeks. You’ll probably experience some mild testosterone suppression though. Not even close to 5 years worth of gains lol. LGD-4033 12 Week Cycle - Log. 8 week ostarine cycle transformation. So is there any major reason I’m missing on why it wouldn’t be better to just run an 8 week Anadrol + 12. I would start 2 weeks before you think supression sets in approximately. I think thats a good dosage, at least what most people do. Without PCT and if you had a great baseline to start with, you most likely wont need a Bra, Bro. I also put mk677 (25mg daily) and cardarine in as well. 5 mg night Week 6-8 15 mg morning 15 mg night. First SARM cycle. 1. Reply reply. You can can run these together for 8 weeks or start the Enclo Halfway through because Ostarine isn't going to immediately suppress you at these dosages. Therefore you would need to 2. 8 week osta and LGD cycle before and after pics : r/SARMs. 6. Prior to doing any SARM cycles my total Testosterone level was 505 ng/dL. 25/d for the last half of cycle. I've wanted to get started with my 2nd cycle soon… 12 week sarm cycle. Week 6: 20 mg/day. my weight went from 140-148. Week 8: 20 mg/day. My first sarm cycle, 71kg -> 74kg ( 5,9 height). Just a bit risky. Decent amount of muscle gain, and some fat lost, 4 days a week in the gym. I’ve decided I’ll pct before my cut and start a new cycle but am ramping up the dose… a lot. 5 mg morning 7. Add NAC and if you like MK677 and do a light PCT after, like Nolva 10mg for 4 weeks. Yeah if you blast test and other stuff for years maybe. Its whether you're going to end up switching to steroids, and if so how long until you do. Tamoxifen or clomiphene are commonly used. Ran 8 weeks of LGD + Enclo started at 5mg and slowly worked up to 10mg for the last 2 weeks was at 10mg lgd ed and 6. So I will be starting my first cycle with MK2866 Will be cutting for 6-8 weeks with daily dosage of 10mg of ostarine and will end my cycle with 4 Weeks PCT Nolvadex 10mg EOD. 2. These are my recommended sources for the highest-quality goods available: rad 140 8 weeks 10mg ed first 6 weeks, 15mg ed last 2 weeks. You can get a lot more profit in 12 weeks than in 4 weeks. Personally it was about the 6 week mark onwards for me when it really started to shine, I never regretted pushing to 12 weeks and would do so again as I felt these were the best weeks, I ran enclomiphene alongside. It’s this amazing cycle support sup that has over 40 different ingredients that help with everything from cholesterol to organ support. I was lifting heavy and doing cardio. I started 25mgs of clomid in the middle of week 6 once I noticed some suppression. About 3 weeks after cycle LH normalized to 5. Here’s my cutting cycle. I'm currently unsure whether to run nolva at weeks 4-8 (10mg ED?) to counteract low testosterone or to just do a 4 week PCT with nolva and not run during the cycle. This is Max from Brainlabz. This was my first cycle so far so I only ran it for 8 weeks. No side effects feeling during the cycle. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) - Including LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, YK-11, S4, S23 and their relatives such as Cardarine, Stenabolic and MK-677. 8 week Ostarine cycle bloodwork. 8, FSH dipped slightly to 4. Dec 8, 2023 · I don’t recommend pairing Clenbuterol with SARMs. 5 mg night Week 3-5: 15 mg morning 7. 4. I am sligh At your age best oral cycle would be 12. Additional-Fold-1347. ~Sarah (sarmful) You are going to destroy yourself. So I am planning on going on an 8 week cycle of Rad-140 and Mk-677 and starting Rad-140 at 10mg per day for the first 2 weeks and if I'm feeling good up it to 15mg. Previously ran LGD at 15mg for 16 weeks. I said from science. 1-13 SR9009 30mg a day (5mg dosed 6x every 3 hours; sublingually) PCT (didn't do any my first 2 cycles but if I am suppressed I will probably do something small such as): After week 12, take 3 days off after last Ostarine dose. Works great. If, of course, you follow the exercise, diet and sleep regimen. As some people requested here it goes, I started with 5mg ED for the first 10 days, then increased the dosage to 10mg. The entire cycle i was eating the same meals which contain 1300-1500kcal total daily with 170-200g of proteins. But 8 weeks for me in most cycles is just getting to the good part. ) Dude gains were nuts. Sadly I didn't do blood work beforehand, but I'll do it for sure after my cycle ends have you started your cycle bro. In about month I'll be going on cycle with yk-11/ ostarine and rad. No noticeable sides, blood test after enclo is out of system. That’s what I did along side Lgd 5-10mg daily for 8 weeks as well, best cycle of my life. No, RAD is extremely strong. This could have easily been avoided by doing a test base. I'm about to start a 8 week cycle of Ostarine/Enclomiphene. For example 20mg LGD. Look at vendors and see; you can do basic addition. And that was from a good, qualified source. But he’s not gonna die. optionally you can also add an OTC test booster of your choice. 6 months ago I ran my first SARM cycle of LGD 10mg for 8 weeks and got pretty good gains from it. MOD. 5mg from week 4, and basically feel completely transformed in comparison with my previous cycles. oh jj jw ys xn yv bu bi kw gn